Val's Cafe
Morning Joan How are you and Sue this Monday? All is well here I've been making red white and blue bows and the village scarecrow is Up! I will take a pic later. Have a good day ((()))
Morning Reshmi How are you? Recovered from having to be tolerant of QJL? I hope you coped 👌It's not in your nature to retaliate I believe that. Although it's unfair when someone is cross examining you because it's none of her business. Perhaps in future you can just keep offering her more of your mum's lovely cooking when she starts being intrusive😊 Avoidance and evasiveness good plan yes!
Does her 'consort' say much?
I suspected there would be a fair few at LA's birthday bash. I wonder about Naughty Noel though? Maybe his parents are just tardy repliers🤔 I cannot imagine him not wanting a chance to be his usual cheeky self with his cohorts....
Ah BR can drive already?! So maybe he can drive a cab at Leolia's firm? (That girl is going to be busy!) Imagine him doing his letters already. He is a bright one isn't he?😍
D for Daddy eh? doughnuts and double anything food related🤣
Some letters are so difficult to write aren't they? Some easier like 'L' and 'T'.
Stop analysing the difficulty of learning to read and write Toni!!
Have a good day today ((()))
Morning Toady Hope you are well today?
I lost a load of weight when I first started with my Arthritis too, but once it was under control it settled. Are your markers usually ok? Possibly our bodies need energy to fight it??I think as long as you aren't losing it's good, but ideally gaining would be better, but you can only try.
Loved XSS size!!!! Mainly because you said skellington!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that makes me smile! Along with chimley such great words 😃
Oh yes less procrastination least the weather is picking up so soon we can get more done. I think the passion flower will be perfect on an arch don't you?
I do have a list tracking our fruit and veg consumption. Don't need to eat much of each just some. So far for this week which started yesterday we have achieved 13 each😊I bet there's an app, but I really can't be bothered pen and paper will do😉
Hope your day is a good one take care
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Morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you and your carers have a good day (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) does R A affect your weight I’m sorry were you small when you were born. I’m sorry to ask personal questions (()) have a good day.
Barbara (()) I thinking about you and your family (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) haw are you feeling today (()) good luck with your scarecrow in the competition (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day don’t worry (()) love to your mum (()) i hope she has a good day (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
yes I survived QJL visit - just about though lol
went to group today
no one around oh well🤷♀️
still nice to go out and also to walk
mums b sugar is ok thanks👍
she said the cereal at night thing helped her so thanks for that 👍👍
I’m ok too thanks
got to shower etc
wppl xx
bye Toni tc xx
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Hello all 👋
Well the stay off the internet thing did not go well 😳 let's try that again. Not helped today by receiving my order of garden pots &c and having several chipped items & one totally wrong 🙄 does the online query form work? no. can you email them? no, do they want pictures of the items on the webchat? no, what do they want? For you to ring them of course, & do some sort of dumb crambo over the phone about damage no-one can see 🙄. Have had some sort of no-reply email & they'll bring out replacements. So annoying - there is no real customer service anymore. Monty doesn't have all this trouble, eh, frog 😕. My morning started ok because my HAH delivery and this one came early so I was going to be all done for the day. Instead I was so narked with all the online complaint hoohah I went for a too-long walk, which was silly. Anyway, never mind all that, I have another seedling!! Finally 😂 ..a lupin I sowed on the 28th 😮!! One small seedling, one giant leap &c. The passion flower will be super up the arch! tell it to hang on in its pot. Hope your day is going ok, I expect you had it fine, for village scarecrow-ing etc 😊 hope His Majesty is standing or sitting nice and solidly. Have seen a few union jacks today and had another leaflet through the door for a local coronation lunch (bring own food haha). Yes my skellington-ness did used to go up & down early on but now it doesn't seem related to the RA especially 🤷♀️ trouble is, who of us knows what their body would be doing left to itself? Both my grans were only little, for example, so 'skinny old lady' could be my destiny anyway, for all I know 🙄. Hope everyone well :) xx
Hello joan, yes I think it's the RA and maybe even the meds that affect my weight, plus how well you absorb your food maybe 🤔. Drs have said it makes your system run a bit fast (not like thyroid &c though, I was checked for that). I was never much above 7½ or 8 stone before & 5 ft 6 so didn't have much room to lose any. But I wasn't a small baby or child especially no. I don't mind personal questions 😊 unless they are purely nosey ones, from strangers, like a volunteer driver once asked all the way to a hospital appointment - I was too taken aback to just tell them to mind their own business! Hope you are having a good day, sunny tomorrow apparently 🌞 xx
Will see you later bosh 👋 glad you got through yesterday's social minefield and even made it out of doors today, shame no-one about at the group though. Will catch up next time :) xx
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Hi Toni
another tiny “instalment” here
I’m generally not too bad thanks
but I’m having a hard time with some of these peri menopausal symptoms, not all of which it would be decent to mention in this public forum of course
also of course it’s not something I can freely talk about with mum either
at least I feel I know what the matter is and that it’s not related to my mental health👍
poor nice M they gave her such strong tranquillisers that she hit her head on a vase when her phone beeped unexpectedly luckily she didn’t get hurt too badly
i had v similar experience in the hospital but I hit my head on a radiator
sorry to mention these negative things
but not feeling too bad atm thanks just a bit tired
not sure if ive mentioned this, but LA told his mummy that I play with my fish friend “mimo” and sometimes we play football together in the sea!
so I’m a football player now! I wasn’t aware of that lol
so I just need to fold QJL into a sphere and kick her about 😱😱
oh dear I think I’ll stick with supplying orange wedges and “bleary - o”s
ok bfn Toni tc xx
ps bills healthy recipe lol xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im not too bad atm thanks
mum is too thank you
i hope you both have a good night
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
had some bad experiences today but not too bad now thanks
mainly just hot and tired
I don’t know if you’ve heard but LA thinks I’m a footballer now!!
i play football with fish apparently lol
I also had a nasty hot flash in the group which no one attended apart from me, well I did cross paths with someone but it was way too late by then
how has your day been so far?
bye tc xx
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'night to you too bosh, glad your day was not too bad but some bits of it could have been better I see, sorry about those and about feeling hot etc. Will you go to Wednesday group? If so hope it's not too warm even I found it too warm out today because I did a longer walk than I should have 😬. The rest of my day was fairly irritating tbh, just been trying to book in a nosegay parcel and RM 'book a collection from your house' thing is down 🙄 so it wasn't worth my packing it tonight. Spent the morning complaining about 🐝&Q (not Q as in Queue, anyone would have been welcome to jump past me I was in no hurry to talk to any more silly customer services people today 😄). Oh well all trivial stuff and tomorrow is another day as Miss O'Hara would say, or there will perchance be a more propitious day on the morrow, as Miss Austen might. I hope you will be able to command footballer's wages in your new career, do underwater footballers get extra and who would referee I wonder 🤔😄. What a lovely peaceful path into the woods I will potter off down that in my mind's eye and get myself off to bed before I start any extra-curricular browsing 😳 have a good night I hope :) xx
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Happy Koala Day!
Morning Joan 😊This is the scarecrow we did for Church
I am well thank you although I did have a migraine yesterday so had to wait in the carpark before driving🙄How are you? Where is the carer's daughter off to this week I wonder? we put the village cart out yesterday all dressed up for the Coronation ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today?
Well done getting to the group even if you were the only one there (did that include the organiser?) you are right it's always worth getting out. How awful for M that her meds did that and you! Hitting your head on a radiator! That's bad😮I am so sorry about the peri-men symptoms it is really tough. I don't know whether you would be allowed any HRT with your existing meds? Some of them are just a tiny bit of gel you wipe on your arm!
I am sure all of us currently in here know exactly what you mean though ((())) Your Mum would too, but it's tricky talking about such matters.
I am glad your Mum's sugar was better in the morning for having a little cereal before bed. Sounds as though she can be like my MIL was and goes a bit low overnight.
OMG!!! look at BIL's healthy eating plan😁 sooooo much lettuce there! I rather think Paul would 'follow' him😁
Well done surviving QJL also known as The great inquisitor's visit. TGI same as the well known American food 'Thank God it's Friday' eatery.
I had no idea at all you could even play football let alone under water. Reshmi I am so impressed😉Bless LA and his imagination!
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady are you ready for this?
Oh dear....pot trouble at Toad's. No Monty does not have this trouble, but no doubt his pots cost a lot more than ours🙄 also they would want his endorsement. Who cares about what a Frog and a Toad think?😕 us that's who!
Our coronation 'do' is a bring plate event too. Of course I will take vegan sausage rolls I thought and maybe some vegan butties too🤔so I don't starve! I won't partake of the fizz though I'm not over keen to be fair so will take something flatter and less alcoholic.
Aha you may well be destined to be a skinny old lady when the time comes to be an old lady in some 30/40 years time. Just watched Sleek weeing next to my lupins or is it my delphiniums...🤭good job I always wear gloves eh?
Hoorah a Lupin seedling! Well done you 🙂and well done seedling being so quick off the mark!
have a very good day
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Good Morning Everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day I hope everything is alright there. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) Did you see Alan Titchmarsh last night he went to a lady who looked after hedgehogs so she did not have time to see to her garden. I was 1 pound 14 ounces when I was born I’m 8 stone now. Sue was a bit heavier. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) Thinking about you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry you had a migraine yesterday I hope you feel better today ((()) Did you see Alan Titchmarsh last night he went to see a lady who looked after hedgehogs so she didn’t have time for her garden. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi I hope you feel better today (()) I’m glad your mum is feeling better (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all 😊
Yes an actual morning post. I thought that the earlier today, the least chance that anything has happened to annoy me by now and no cause for me to start whining again 😂 must stop grumbling I say to myself, but it just seems to go on the list of 'musts' that I don't act on, like must write shorter more readable posts. Oh well, try try again. Hope everyone is ok today so far. Lovely weather frog 😊 I love Charles & all his regalia, super job 😀 and I must say I really like his 'minimalist' style face, it really suits. How long will he be outdoors for? will be sad to see him get damp in the rain. I was reading a news snippet, cross-section sample of '4 people who won't be watching the coronation', I was expecting a couple of half-decent arguments but it was mostly can't be bothered, don't like him, I'm off on holiday 🙄. The cart looks fab too 👍️ and I spy your nicely tied bows behind, I assume. Are most village things on the day or spread over the weekend? Not prepared for another Bank Hol I must say. More seedlings today 😊 will be going outside shortly for a potter and get some things done, might test my arch in place too, line of washing if I get on. So sorry you had a migraine yesterday, was there any reason you could pinpoint, or can't you usually. Hope you feel ok today🤞. Right, I will stop while the going is good, bye for now :) xx
Hello joan, what a nice day 😊 hope you are both well today. You both did so well having a tough start in life you must have been little fighters, 1lb 14 is just so tiny 😯. Looking back I have pictures where I was reasonably chubby for a year or two but I never was again, but I suppose I'm glad the RA or meds have not made me gain a lot I am used to being lighter. I didn't see the Alan Titchmarsh thing, I will look it up. People who look after hedgehogs are marvellous 👍️🦔. I saw this clip of foxes playing in someone's garden 😊. Have a good day :) xx
Waves to bosh 👋 see you later :) xx
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Hi everyone
welcome to the Wednesday afternoon vortex
wppl xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
thanks for the hrt suggestion I’ll have a think about it and research into it 👍
this relatively hot weather isn’t suiting me no doubt there
plus had a monster- sized stomach problem yesterday whole stomach issue left me feeling v weak really
hows your stomach today?
A new meaning for TGI acronym I love it lol
the P Menopause is affecting me a bit like a bipolar high of the bad old days sometimes unfortunately, I have to keep reminding myself that this will pass and that I’m not mentally ill as I’m sleeping fairly normally and I haven’t lost all control
ive been looking for summer dresses but they’re mostly buried somewhere deep in the centre of the earth - sorry wardrobe which is dominated by dads dusty blazers etc 😡
thanks about mum, she was feeling well this morning too👍
Nice M talked more than RR at group today
unfortunately nice M got told off for giving some cash to another resident
and she was understandably upset about it
Yes I’d hardly call myself a sportswoman lol, but in LA’s loving and v imaginative eyes I seem to have become one lol
and of course underwater too haha
I’ve got b test at hospital tomorrow - I almost forgot about it lol
no doubt it’ll be at least 50 degrees in there lol
ok I’ll go for now
hope you’re having a nice afternoon
bye Toni tc xx
ps this is an as*xual cat apparently lol xx
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wppl. xx
sorry meant good evening- couldn’t delete for some reason lol xx
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Hi bosh 👋 good afternoon will do nicely thanks, wish it still was, I could do with a couple of hours back 😬 have got caught up in a few jobs this evening and am putting a grocery shop through at short notice so best get on with that. Had to go to the PO too earlier because royal mail still weren't collecting, only about the 2nd time I've been in the post office since 2020 😮. Sorry your day was a bit mixed but glad you got to group (shame about nice M and the cash, is that some sort of ethical infraction then 🤔 sorry she was upset, & just trying to help presumably. Good luck for the bloods, shouldn't be as warm as today I don't think 🤞 bye for now more chat next time :) xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
im not too bad in general thanks but I’ve got a headache
mum is ok today thanks
i hope you both have a good night
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you today?
Ive got a nasty headache I’m afraid
went to group
b test at hospital tomorrow
Was today more propitious?
ive bought a pink sun hat RR liked it - I may need to get a refund then lol
I hope you have a headache -free night 😂
bye tc xx
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Morning Joan I haven't watched Alan Titchmarsh but how wonderful lat lady putting the hedgies first😊Hope you and Sue are doing ok? Did I tell you that Bill's new BF is fighting leukaemia? He is doing ok finished first round of chemo. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you today?
I expect very up and down. I hope you don't have panic attacks I did for no apparent reason too it was so scary. I did think I was 'losing it' but things are way better now. You are so right it will pass it is not forever and it's not anything you have done. Huge ((())) for you. The walking is considered good as avoiding caffeine so you are doing the right things.
I'm so glad your Mum is doing well. Long may it continue.
In spite of my efforts to eat better my stomach is still quite sore atm so you have my sympathy😕
Oh dear poor M getting told off for helping someone. I expect it's a danger in case they keep asking for money. After all no-one has loads to spare do they? Shame she was upset though good to hear she did talk a fair bit. I hope RR was supportive in his own inimitable way?
Yes you are a super sports woman!🏋️♀️ go you! LA just adores his Auntie Goddess Mima!🏊♀️
I was thinking the same time to look for summer clothes. Shove the dusty blazers out of the way and find your dresses! cough cough!
Best of luck with your bloods 🤞
Interesting an asexual 🙀
Morning Toadster! Morning!!! get you!
You don't moan any more than any of us do. Anyway a good moan does you good👍️
I'm glad you like Charles 😊 P used to prefer their faces plain. If I add a face it will just end up looking like a clown anyway. They are up now probably till early September. I do get upset the first time it rains but not after that. What do you think of his medals? they were my lovely neighbour's idea.
People just can't be bothered can they? Well I will watch at least the main part not the whole pomp and pageantry but the main part. Gosh we are lucky to be alive to see it! Some people never saw a coronation ever.
We have the village 'party' on Sunday and Monday supposed to be doing a clearup followed by cake I might swerve that.....too many bank holidays eating into my time!
Those were indeed my very own bows on the cart handles. Not much for sale yet although there will be more coming including rhubarb😋
You have more seedlings coming up? Brilliant I am definitely getting outside today whatever happens I think it might rain tomorrow.
Take care and have a good day
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is going alright for you and your family. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day today (()) does it have something to do with the genes in people’s families what size they are.
Barbara (()) have a good day and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry you’ve had panic attacks I know how they can bad they get (()) sorry about Bill’s boy friend has leukaemia I wish him all the best (()) we will watch the main bit of the coronation see if Harry turns up. It’s the election’s today. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) good luck with your blood test tomorrow try to drink plenty of water before going (()) sorry you feel bad today. Love to your mum (()) take care
take care
joan xx0 -
Hello folks 👋
Not good morning, as the sun's over the yardarm (what there is of it), but not bad for me 😄. Hope we're all ok today. I've had a grocery delivery, evri driver, yodel driver, and postperson so far, it's like the court of king caractacus 😮 if anyone knocks at the cafe door for me, get rid of them 😄. Mini grumble today frog; I tried to order something from Work Hardo, and even though they had my address &c, waited til I booked a slot to tell me something was out of stock after all (you probably know this). Even humble al fresco or miceland, once you're logged in, only show you stuff you can have. I was a little miffed. Not much else happening, lots of building noise nearby (oh for that little prayer of yours to be answered!!!) it is quite blustery too, but I might get 'out there'. Charles is staying out for the duration then! I thought he might be a 'special', just for now. P was quite right about the faces 😊 I remember the medals you posted them at the assembly stage, v inventive use of materials I thought 👍️ even better than Granville's cocoa tin lid 😄. Rhubarb will be great for the cart, gosh I can't remember when I last even had any 🤔 there was some in the garden once, must check if it is still aliveish. I was watching a few gardening videos idly, and came across one where a chap was doing the 'sow in a plastic cup with holes within another one', like you do, but making the holes in the inner one with a heated nail held in a pair of pliers 😬 have done this for years with a pointy tool, or just a plant pot in a yogurt pot.. never once felt the need to wave nails over naked gas cooker flames.. but people seemed to find it a handy tip🤷♀️. Here's a little snippet for you purely because I thought of this when you mentioned Sleek 'watering' the garden 😂 Have a good day, I was so sorry to read about Bill's BF; unfair, unfair, unfair 😕 do wish them both the best🤞. xx
Hello joan, it was been a bit busy so far but nothing else should happen today now. I know I am going to forget the bank holiday and not allow for no post etc. I'm not sure about the science of things running in families, tallness does surely, and maybe body type does? sometimes people take after a grandparent more etc they say things skip a generation etc. Hope you are both having a good day :) xx
Hi to bosh too, will catch up with you later 👋 :) xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
sorry for late reply
had hospital blood test then felt v shattered
Mum is ok today thanks for asking 👍👍
I won’t go into unseemly details of course, but as you know I’m as*xual, but this peri menopause is making me “think uncharacteristically” to put in politely, but I’ve found a way coming to terms with this, which basically centres on me reminding myself that this is a temporary thing👍
I know you’ve already told me this at some point - but how many years did you have the pm symptoms for? Was it about 7 years?
the “extra” alarming thing of course for me is that it reminds me of when I was mentally ill, it was so terrifying not being in control of my own mind and what was worse is that after that relapse the medication I was given didn’t fix the whole problem for about a year, so my parents thought I was fully ok but I wasn’t at all, lithium works so well for me but I know it can affect kidneys for some people, but they’re monitoring the situation with blood tests so maybe i shouldn’t worry too much, even though it’s hard to do because we’re both worriers 🤗
Yes nice M was trying to help someone, you’re right she doesn’t have loads of cash at all, but she doesn’t realise that at the moment - which in itself is a sign she’s not well, bless her 😔.
RR was helpful for once and carried a chair over for her👍
ill stop here but will try and do another “instalment” soon.
bye for now Toni tc xx
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wppl xx
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Quick hi again to bosh, as I didn't reply to your last night's post even though I half thought I had 🤔 but anyway glad you got the blood test done even though it was tiring and I hope your headache stayed away today. Did you need the pink sun hat for today or was it bit more overcast, it has been here. (I'm sure RR would think his approval was of the highest artistic sort 😊) - summer dresses, there's a thought. I meant to ask Toni how she is finding the 'not buying new clothes' thing at this point. My day was not too propitious yesterday in the end, well the first half was, it sort of went downhill 😄 and I have just received another damaged item in the post so I am writing yet more complaint emails. Not in a literary style, at least that would add a bit of variety to the proceedings, but customer service probably doesn't stretch to email pastiches of high literature, heaven knows their job can't be much fun as it is. I spent half an hour this morning trying to usher my other other neighbour's cat out of the garden, had got itself in apparently couldn't get out - I took it a stepladder - wasn't interested 😂. Hope you don't have any more errands or appointments and can just go for walks &c 👍️ and hope everyone well, EF &c xx PS what a beautiful toad 😍 well frog probably, but one can aspire.
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