Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    im rather tired and have the mxt grumps tbh lol

    yes poor lost dog in owl country lol

    everyone else is ok thanks

    I need to stop writing otherwise I’ll do some tablet face planting lol

    bye tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233

    Morning Joan how are you today? I'm so glad Sue is over that bug - and you didn't catch it?? Charley is so full of her new job won't stop talking about how lovely everyone is there an how much she is doing😊 The sun's out here so I hope you have a good day both of you ((()) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. How are you today? A bit post MTX-ish I expect😕 Extra rest for us today methinks. You might be even more tired than yesterday.

    Glad your Mum was ok yesterday hope today is a good one for her. No extra cooking if she isn't seeing EF this weekend.

    From now on we will absolutely not behave😃

    BES has an excellent nutritionist advice company! Well I never! I believe it though I can't imagine LA liking it as much as we do😉

    The sun is shining I know it will rain late but lovely just now.

    I hope today is a good one for you ((()))

    Morning Toady I hope you are feeling well this bright sunny morning?

    I do remember is discussing colour and plant combinations last year and you put some into action which is more than I did! I have stuck to the pinks, whites blues and purples mostly. Well and veggies of course! That's lovely chuck those seeds around see what happens! I love it!

    My friend seems ok hopefully we will catch up next week.

    Lucy has light at the end of the tunnel - hopefully knowing she has a job offer there for if or when she needs it😊and that infection needs to go for good😠 different ABs this time.🤞

    Our village 'do' is outdoor although there will be marquees available should the weather turn nasty you would have been happier here. I imagine a lot f back gardens will be full of inebriated people!!

    Tonight there is a comedy show at the village hall. We are going as is Kari her son and his wife. Hopefully be good better than rubbish telly anyway.

    A tiny bit of cart painting happened yesterday a bit more (decoration) tomorrow then the cart can go outside!

    owl breakfast today!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good bank holiday. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Have a good bank holiday. Even birds know what they want and where they want to be. Have a restful weekend (()) we have rain this afternoon.

    Barbara (()) Have a good Bank holiday love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) when Lucy leaves the children will miss her. She deserves a job she’s appreciated for. Not a job she’s unhappy with and up set. Toni (()) how are you feeling today (()) have a good bank holiday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good bank holiday and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I love the pic lol😂

    im not too bad thanks 🙏

    went on an early walk

    mums b sugar is ok thanks 👍


    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    tbh I’ve still v much got the mxt grumps still and general grumps too tbh

    with the volcanic situation here

    mums b sugar is fine though thankfully

    QJL is coming to supper on Monday!

    it’s all I need really 😡😡

    LA cried and had tantrum as he wanted lunch of just bread and potatoes lol

    i didn’t sleep properly and back is aching after attempting spare room - sleep

    and I am not enjoying the weather said Bosh - aka grump extraordinaire 😂- looks like we’ve reversed roles today lol only joking

    did you enjoy being in the garden today?

    bfn toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi again Toni

    how are you this afternoon/ evening?

    im v tired was too hot to sleep properly

    yes def feeling post - mxt - ish - are you as well?

    i wanted to rest but I thought if I walked first thing I’d have enough energy to do it and rest afterwards- which almost worked, but still a lot of cooking going on as QJL is coming to supper / dinner on Monday! Triple ook alert 😱😱😱

    mums doing ok thanks 🙏

    LA is praising his own Lego tower, he called “ex - skept - ional”, or poss even “ex - skip-t-ional” lol - so maybe he’ll be a bin - man after all, as well as a surgeon who works the b holiday weekend shifts lol - don’t tell Leola

    with some good sleep and a bit of luck I’ll be less grumpy tomorrow 👍

    Bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im tired but ok thanks 👍

    mums ok too thank you 🙏

    thanks I hope you both have a good bh weekend too

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 29. Apr 2023, 21:44

    Hi all, just a quick line, I am poised for tea & toast and off to bed. Safe (hopefully) in the knowledge I don't have to get up in the morning & no postmen etc 👍️

    Most peculiar day frog, sunny this morning and lovely in the garden - neighbour's cat kept me company (ie I watched her like a hawk 🤨), then absolutely bucketed it down with rain later. Of course muggins believed the forecast of 25% chance of light rain, so left various things out/uncovered/half-finished 🙄. Oh well there should be some more dry weather ahead but you have to take it hour by hour really. Hope your day was ok and that the evening comedy show goes well 😊 is it a from script thing or the lots of local reference ad lib type. Yes I think there will be a few drinkies &c but tbh people round here are fairly 'tame' in their habits (even if I have made it sound a noisy and irritating place, that's my jaundiced view 😄 they are mostly v ordinary families) so it will be kids and barbecues etc I imagine. The cart decorating finishing touches will be splendid I'm sure and things will be starting to look almost summery soon won't they. I have been sowing more seeds and I have mustard & cress coming up in the kitchen so there is hope for me yet 😂😂. Btw totally forget to say that the lost nosegay parcel did turn up! bit longwinded but at least no refunding for me, hoorah 😊. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hello joan, yes the birds know the right places for themselves and take no notice of 'property', quite right too really. They were here before us in history after all, weren't they 🐦️. Hope it was not too wet for you, it really 'went for it' here in the late afternoon 😮 at least it isn't going on into the night. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, the garden was nice this morning but it then started chucking it down. For that & other reasons (bit tired and irritable) I am still on the grumpy list too, so between us we probably make a venn diagram type of grumpy overlap 😄. Hope we both feel better tomorrow but sorry you have QJL in the offing 😱😱 oh no, this is shock news 😕. Hope you can get out for your walks etc over the weekend and not get trapped in a cookery vortex 🥘 I made it to the postbox last night but must try & get out bit more over the weekend myself. Poor LA only wanting some simple fare of bread & potatoes, well why not indeed, not the most unreasonable request, depends if it was more like Oliver Twist (sad and pathetic) or more like Henry VIII ('bring forth bread and potatoes'!!) Well I have not done much today but can't be helped, will try & get a decent night's sleep and hope you do too to make up for your other slightly unsatisfactory naps and sleep etc 🤞then hopefully the lemon slice 🌞🍋 will rise tomorrow on a slightly better day for us - 'night 👋 xx

    Love to Kitty and Barbara, thinking of you both 😘 xx

    and to others not in the cafe currently 👋 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233

    It's my birthday so have a slice of cake on me:

    Morning Joan how are you today? Looks dry outside at least for now. We went to the comedy night at the village hall last night so was very late to bed🙄 Still it was lovely to see so many people from the village and nearby. Lucy has a friend staying this weekend with her so is enjoying herself😊 Hope you and Sue are ok and your pain is under control ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I did indeed feel a bit rough yesterday, but like you keep going. I also went for my walk early you feel better I think mentally when you have done it. Hope you're more yourself today🤞

    Oh so Queue Jumping Lady is coming round? 🙄 You never get a minute do you? Nor your Mum a rest from cooking bless her. Does she enjoy looking after people though? Maybe she does some do.

    Aha! I like the sound of LA's tower. I like lego too maybe he will be a construction worker (builder like Bob) they do do well money-wise if they work for themselves....Leolia can do the books???

    The cows scare me never mind and bulls who can cross fields in 10seconds!!! HELP!!!!

    Loved that pic of the man halfway through the wall🤣

    Well you have a good day and take care ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you?

    Stupid weather. Yesterday morning we went to a vegan fayre (small) outside our local plastic free refill shop in the Figaro with the roof down😊 by 3 it was pouring but the Fig was safely back in the garage by then. Had some vegan curry and cake too.

    The comedy night was really good apart from it finished late for me. It was of the 'stand up off the cuff' variety. All three acts very good and for £12 not bad at all. Lovely to see so many people supporting. One 'row' were drinking a bit much and one puffing on a vape inside!

    I suspect it will be family BBQs at yours too and in most of the country I don't think there will be many street parties. I hadn't realised until yesterday that Camilla will actually be 'Queen'. I suppose we must move with the times and lots of us are divorced and remarried myself included.

    I also have cress on my windowsill! I am trying to eat 30 different fruits and veg in a week to improve my gut microbiome? A sprinkle oof that on my salad is an extra one. This week l have achieved well over 30. So far (week 2) I feel the same though 😕

    Here's to a drier day! Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Happy birthday Toni!

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) sorry you had rain yesterday. We had sun the washing dried on the line. Perhaps you will have nice weather today. That’s good you got the parcel (()) have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) 🎂Happy Birthday have a lovely day you can have any thing you like (()) Lucy will enjoy her weekend (()) we are all right thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum it’s good she feels better now (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni 🌺

    how are you this birthday afternoon?

    I hope you’re having a lovely time with your family ❤️

    I took your advice and did a v early morning walk 👍

    and then showered more or less straight after - didn’t give in to pressure to wait for this and that

    and I then had some good quality sleep before “the household noise” as I’m politely calling it, lol, really began

    so thanks for suggesting or rather inspiring that 🙏

    Thanks for the online cake too of course lol

    Sorry you were feeling rough yesterday

    yes early walks are definitely good for the mind

    Yes QJL and her esteemed husband are visiting tomorrow unfortunately

    I’ll be interrogated by her on everything from my employment history to the quality of my DNA no doubt 😡

    she’s also got a v irritating way of speaking sort of high - pitched voice with a complaining kind of tone, I think she exaggerates it on purpose.

    mum is ok today b sugar wise thanks

    but she said in night it was close to being a hypo unfortunately

    she likes keeping busy but sometimes she takes on too much with the cooking but the prob is she won’t let me help and dad v rarely condescends to help 🤷‍♀️

    Leola could be the book keeper yes, just don’t tell LA that her salary slightly exceeds his 🤫

    Are you and your family doing anything special for your birthday today?

    LA and family have gone to P Pig World today , I saw a tiny video of it, BR was v much in love with a 3 dimensional giant PP and said in his awed and shy baby tones “Hello Peppa” - aww bless.

    Ok I’ll go for now,

    bye Toni tc xx

    ps funny pic - I’ll have to remind RR, coffee syrups are not h sanitiser lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    I am ok thanks- a bit of hay fever but not too bad 👍

    Thanks about mum 🙏

    mum is ok atm thanks

    but she was not too well in night unfortunately

    I hope you both have a good day too

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346
    edited 30. Apr 2023, 14:38

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    Are you in the grump overlap today?

    ( predictive text somehow almost wrote “ overlord” how Freudian lol)

    im feeling a lot more like a human being / overlord today thanks 🙏

    V early walk was the key - not preaching of course - just talking about me - and Toni too naturally 😀

    Something’s happened to Pinterest and I can’t download so even though I had some cookery vortex type ideas - thanks - they’ve gone down the rabbit hole it seems to me 🤷‍♀️

    I can’t say I’m feeling 100 % though- still post mxt feelings of course, but this warm hay fever- ish kind of weather just leaves me feeling “unfresh” and ooky unfortunately

    sorry the rain interrupted your time in the garden

    but can you imagine how dry our noses would get without the rain? well my nose at any rate lol

    i shouldn't claim to know the temperament of all our noses or indeed the communal nose who is a close friend of the giant leech lol.

    Yes more a HVIII type attitude to the carbs from LA unfortunately lol, once he had W Bix instead of “Bleary - Os” for breakfast in the MH mansion and sis said he really went into a theatrical tantrum lol - reminds me of the great C***rio famine of 1645, no one got married, shortage of whole grain edible rings you see, so much milk was saved that it was used to make a lake outside the Houses of Parliament and the bored electorate would make paper boats made of ballot papers which they floated in the lake with the help of the sailor- ants all in a hope to placate the giant nose ( No Piri - Sneeze tablets in those days of course).

    I went off on a bit of a tangent there didn’t I really?

    oh well I know you don’t mind 😀

    G Expectations yes I’m slowly watching it but it does have quite a few off putting scenes like horses p** on the street etc , not something to watch when eating really lol

    fish is being cooked as I speak beautifully fragrant lol😂

    bye for now toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi again toady

    I was just trying to fix Pinterest prob

    but was unsuccessful

    so here’s a vortex from another source - not bills hot “source / sauce” sorry bad pun lol, as that would incapacitate the lot of us to be quite frank lol

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi toady

    Pinterest has been restored to its former glory!

    im not sure how call it a bank holiday weekend miracle - bosh snorted sarcastically lol

    so here are some more pics, firstly the Sunday vortex, secondly my summer attire- fashion a La plague doctor and thirdly demons and QJLs in the fish pond apparently lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 30. Apr 2023, 20:32

    Hi people 😊

    Happy Birthday frog 😀 this little bun wanted to help bring you a basket of flowers.. or is that help itself to the flowers 🤔😄.

    Hope you've had a lovely day, maybe a little bit of sun, and hopefully cake 🍰 somewhere in amongst all those fruits & vegs (carrot cake? 😊). I'm sure the 30 diff things will bear fruit further down the line 👍️. All quiet with me today, bit drizzly, nothing too awful just enough to be damp & uninspiring, but I got on with indoor jobs instead, bit of painting (the bedroom ceiling is finally yielding to my efforts, thank goodness. Any progress on curtains yourself?). Glad the comedy thing was worth the ticket and the late evening & good that there was a decent turnout even there was the odd raffish element (vaping, forsooth! calls for one of bosh's Downton Abbey pics of Maggie Smith looking disapproving) - still up early though - where do you fit in your breakfast &c with your early walk? The vegan fayre sounds nice too and yes good to be able to get the Fig back under cover sharpish out of the wet. I was just talking to someone about the Queen Consort side of things, I suppose one partly is still thinking of the no royal/King title for the Queen's husband etc 🤔. Have a good Bank Hol 😊 glad Lucy is spending it with someone too :) xx

    Hello joan, bit drizzly today but at least quite warm - I could have dried some washing on the line yesterday myself if I had got up and got on with it quickly enough 😳😄 tomorrow looks ok though, just a bit dull. Sorry I managed to miss where you mentioned Sue had not been well, hope she is totally better now, love to you both and have a good Bank Hol :) xx

    Hi bosh, I am borderline grumpy but not so bad as yesterday 😄 certainly not feeling very overlordy though. I did get a few things done, a bit of painting & chores, and dyed my eyelashes (vanity, oh dear, I stand accused 😳 but if I don't, being pale, I look like someone has forgotten to draw eyes in on my face, & when I look tired I look even more tired). I really should be advised by your & Toni's examples to try early walking, as you both feel it's a significant difference to doing it later 🤔 having not done early things for a long time I probably don't consider how I might benefit. Like I asked Toni, where do you fit in your breakfast? I love Bleary-O's as a cereal pseudonym, perfect word for early morning breakfasts 😄 very glad I was not around for the great famine 😱 oh what terrible times, people these days don't know how easy they have it (yes I think we all know the more 'tangents' the merrier, for me 👍️😀). Hope weather not too bad for you, yes we do need rain to damp things down, fair's fair - knowing what to wear is getting a bit borderline isn't it for temperature. Have just bought a couple of tops off nosegay mainly because I felt sorry the seller had not sold anything else they had for auction; then checked my bank and for a minute didn't recognize the last transaction & panicked, but it was money I'd moved myself to a different account only a couple of days ago 😬 think I need Leola to manage my 'books' for me. Have a good night and hope QJL manages to tone down the inquisition to a manageable level tomorrow 🤞xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Thanks toady

    I eat breakfast then after walk I eat something else doesn’t have to be anything that extravagant sometimes just a banana 😀

    bfn toady have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233

    Morning Everyone 😻

    Thanks Joan I had a good day yes had my walk...lots of cards and a beautiful plant from my lovely neighbours 😀 a meal out with Paul and the night in a posh hotel. In the next village so Sleek won't be alone for long. Hope you and Sue are OK? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi hope you are well. Very very pleased to hear the early walk paid off for you 👍 sounds as though everything slotted into place.

    Not so good your Mum came close to a hypo.😕

    Thank you for the lovely birthday cake 🎂

    Yesterday I saw all of the girls except for Charley who finished at the hospital after we had got here to the hotel. She phoned though.

    Lunch out with Lucy today.

    Really excellent meal here last night plenty of vegan choices.

    Aww BR! I think it's a bit tricky for littlest seeing adulk sized representations of their TV characters. They probably imagine them to be tiny! What a great day out though for the boys😊

    Right ready for today? You must go on the attack. Ask QJL about her work history her DNA etc do not allow her to cross examine you the cheeky nosey person!

    Imagine using sticky syrups instead of hand sanitiser☺️☺️☺️

    Well have a lovely May Day.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Thanks for the bun pic! Adorable even if he is probably eating the flowers🤣

    Well done with the ceiling!!! I am impressed👏 it was super rainy here so indoors only for me too after a quick walk of course

    No luck so far with curtains. Dunhelms were too dark.....Next only had a few to look at and are a bit pricey anyway so where to try??

    I did enjoy the comedy show will go again if it comes back later this year.

    Exactly! Why did the Queen's husband not have a title? Ah well as I said we must move with the times 🙄

    I ate about 35 different fruits and veg last week and the week before 30 so soon my stomach will be very happy. Maybe even my inflammatory markers🤞

    How are you doing with your attempts to gain weight?

    I have a passion flower plant from my lovely neighbours so the arch will go up this year without a doubt!

    Take care!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone happy bank holiday

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going on well there (()). Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Sue had a bug she could not keep anything down it left her dehydrated and worn out. Thank you for thinking about her. That was hard work doing the painting. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) Have a good day (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you feel better today (()) that was nice spending the night in an hotel 🏨 no cooking or washing up (()). Enjoy your lunch with Lucy (()) that was nice getting a passion flower plant from your lovely neighbours (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum (()) nearly had a hypo (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 1. May 2023, 10:26

    Hi all 😊 in the interest of being good ie not too much internet today am popping in early for a coffee before chores &c. Looks like it's about the only fine day til whitsun anyway 🙄 well Wednesday might, grudgingly, be dry.

    Glad you had a nice day yesterdy frog 😊 (and yes the arch will have to go up now won't it, no more sitting on the list of jobs 😄. Wouldn't mind ticking a few of mine off today but it's not all that nice). Isn't it good that places have plenty of vegan options not like the old days. How are you tracking your 30+ food items, do you have a list? I expect there's a smart fruit & veg-ometer app somewhere, there is for everything else. I'm just plodding on with the weight gain attempt thanks, just seem to be stabilising off at the moment rather than gaining but at least not going the other way; I'll either plateau off & then take a while to slowly creep up, or will hit a brick wall 🤷‍♀️ at which point it's good money/food after bad and I'll have to settle for what I can get. No idea why RA affects me this way and not other people 🤔 but it doesn't half scotch one's fun, clothes shopping for XSS (extra small skellington) sizes 😂 . Shops for curtains, hmm, actually yes, where is there to look in person after the ones you mention? Shows how little choice in physical shops there is. I would probably be running through the 'mail order & return if wrong' options, but it's no substitute I agree. Will let you know if anything comes to me. Have a good Mon :) xx

    Hello joan glad Sue is much better and that you are alright yourself 👍️. I was reading about 2 little cats today who thieve lots of stuff from the owner's neighbours, she is having to post the things on Facebook to try and reunite them. One thing was an empty purse, the kitties had already probably had the money and spent it on fish & chips 😂. Have a good Bank Holiday too thank you :) xx

    Hi bosh just a quick line til later if I'm in, thinking of you on QJL day and hope you are bearing up 😬 not too much cooking of fish going on or even of minor demons, don't ask me what the best way of preparing those is, the wings might be a bit tough for one thing 😄. Glad you got the Pinterest prob sorted 👍️ I've seen those plague doctor masks somewhere and they are really are super ooky aren't they, bad enough having the plague without seeing someone done up like that looming up on you I should think 😱 I haven't put my imaginary plague distancing stick down since the pandemic, mind you 6 foot is close enough at any time for me thank you very much 😄. Forgot to mention G Expectations, yes I haven't seen any yet but not too surprised they've filmed it in that way, everything seems to have to be 'gritty' these days doesn't it 🙄 I suppose there's also no point glossing over grim old times but doesn't really suit those of a 'nervous disposition' as they say 😬. Thanks for the walk+breakfast info I will bear it in mind 😀. Have as good a day as poss🤞& hope your mum is ok today no near-miss hypos xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all?

    I’m ok so far thanks 🙏

    mums b sugar is ok and was in night too 👍

    wppl xx

    ps bills in the kitchen again lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im awaiting QJL and consort, sorry husband lol

    a bit of a stuffy day - here at least

    whole of 4- 5 year old boy - international - mafia will be going to LA’s party including hygiene- king Riley - oh dear!

    Oh I almost forgot, Noels parents haven’t confirmed yet, so possibly the ringleader won’t be present- in some ways I hope that’s the case!

    BR drove an automated dragon with his mummy in PP world and he wasn’t scared - he and his sturdy dragon - steed were chasing one of the naughty pigs lol.

    he’s also learning some letters like d for dog ❤️

    or d for dosa / danish pastry / decaf ( ok that was a joke lol) - no wait a min that’s how bill learned how to read 😂

    I’m glad you had a nice meal and night at posh hotel 👍👍

    its not in my nature to go on attack with QJL but I wish I could 👍

    Because I don’t want to risk upsetting mum you see, but thanks 🙏

    so my plan is hiding as much as is decently possible and when in her glorious presence I will be evasive

    ill leave it there for now

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im not too bad thanks 🙏

    thanks about mum she had a better night last night thankfully 👍

    happy b holiday to you both too

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613

    Just a quick goodnight to everyone and to bosh (who I spotted online & hope won't worry to post at this hour if tired, and will go to bed instead without a backward glance 😉 😊) see you all soon 👋 xx