Val's Cafe
Hi Toni
how are you?
oh my goodness there’s a bacon 🥓- frying marathon going on downstairs somebody book the ice hotel please!!
more later, bye tc xx
ps LA - type problem lol xx
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Hello all 👋
Well all I had to do all day really was take in my grocery order and I've still only managed to totter into the cafe by this time of day, can't quite explain it 😄 but all done now. Few things missing from my shop but someone bringing your shopping to the door, can't exactly grumble can you. Nothing that Sleek ordered was missing, frog 👍️ that's the main thing 😄 yes she has been for fuss, good as gold, and hardly made any withering remarks about her family 😉 Tia overcompensating with the treats, is she, I see. Hope your own dietary arrangements are working out and that the conveying you are vegan will get simpler as you go along! Lovely photo, and very artistically 'framed' shot - all nice sugared almond colours but no more pink figs, are there any among you? Yes a super fundraising total from the auction, really really good going that was! and sounds like a good night all round. Hope you are having a lovely day and have not been getting ever so slightly lost again 😂. All quiet here, yes lovely weather, sunny & just right 😊. Have been taking the obelisk for a walk round while it decides where it wants to go - nearly there I think. Yes that is my hoover, needs must 😂 & it all adds to the increasing randomness of Toad Towers✌️I was lucky the old handle did not 'go' carrying it upstairs, could have been tricky! I will be careful not to rely on it 100% but it's sturdy enough & will be fine for on the ground, can't drag the poor thing around by its hose. Talking of hoses hope your garden is coping, someone watering it I expect, with a bit of extra prompting remotely, things are ok here give or take and the lettuce/salad leaves have done well for me, 2 or 3 helpings this week and rocket & chard, watercress if it catches up. Have a good evening both :) xx
Hello joan, no more sightings of toad, too hot & sunny in the day now I expect. Would love to know what its 'haunts' are 🤔 under the shed used to be a favourite place for frogs when my neighbour had a pond. Haven't seen the newt again either. I won my auction the first bidder only put on £1 😊 it might be part of a little project one day, but I'll wait & see if it works out. Bidding makes me nervous I don't know how people go to big expensive art auctions etc 😬. Hope you are both having a nice day :) xx
Hi bosh, sorry about the frying marathon 🔥 I was trying to remember a song that I thought was called Ice Hotel but when I finally found it it was Glass Hotel, that's no help to you that's a greenhouse by any other name 😱. I'm sure we can rustle up some iced tea or something instead 🔎🥃. Hope your mum is ok anyway even if she is cooking non stop and that the test went well. Hope things not too bad with yout too in general. Glad you like the hoover 😂 well I don't want to get a new one if I can help it, I've only just stocked up on bags for one thing 😄. I don't suppose it would want to be seen looking like that by other hoovers, but hopefully that won't happen haha. Hope EF all ok and all the little partygoing set. Nothing much else happening, must go for a walk later but it's not as simple as nipping out at 7 or 8 anymore, I have to wait for proper late for it to be dark, or go out in the daylight 😱. Have a good evening 'see' you around :) xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
the problem is that LA recently went to Marco’s party and now Marco has chicken pox!
mums blood test went ok thanks well as far we know of course but the problem was that she had a kind of hypo when she came home luckily I had just come in myself so I helped her and gave her some sugary food etc. she said she’ll phone doc tomorrow and try to book appointment about it, I offered to phone for her but she refused.
she thinks its possible it happened because she hadn’t eaten for a long time as she was organising the b test paperwork etc from early in the morning but she’s not sure 😔
dad is being dad unfortunately he purposely shouted because I was trying having a nap after a long walk and a shower - he is really becoming more and more evil. I went into town but didn’t go to the ghost group as I call it, lol, because I was tired already from the heat so didn’t see the point of hanging around, just bought a few small things and came back.I didn’t even have a tea I stuck with water, bought a dark choc - coated bar and polished my halo 😇 lol.
I must admit I’ve forgotten exactly what I’ve written already but BR accidentally said that big bro went to Leola’s party not Marco’s and LA really and of course entirely predictably lost the plot and shouted “NOT Leola’s party” - oh dear - time to hide the Brie baguette from him please Toni, poor Leola I don’t know why she’s become a sort of green - faced witch- substitute lol.
I’ve had to relocate and have been disrupted so my train of thought is stuck at the wrong station again 😡
Well I think it was a good day because I did a long walk and then managed some rest despite dads shouting.
A sleazy guy approached me online I told him to eat some bananas because he needs the o**trogen more than my peri menopausal self does, well you know what I’m trying to say lol, which shows how much more in control I am thanks Toni 👍.
Eating for pm that is interesting though- do you have any dietary tips? Sorry if I’ve asked you this before.
in other news, to quote Toady, Bill seems to be photographing every meal he eats now, I keep getting endless texts and pics about how he once ate some fried rice in some posh restaurant in the southeast, my goodness he needs a hobby, maybe he could make tea for us at VC? But the question is has he ever boiled a kettle in his life? Does he know what a tea bag is? These are mysteries he’ll never unravel, so maybe he should just have a lie - down, professional napper lol.
My online barista skills are very good I agree thanks, lol,
in reality I doubt I’m a good coffee - maker and have been known to put the odd drop of cod liver oil in bill’s beverage lol with just a hint of WD 40.
BR is ok as far as I’m aware just quietly enjoying nursery with his little pals bless.
what did you today in Luxembourg?
have a good night Toni
bye tc xx
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Hi Joan
How are you both?
thanks about mums b test
im ok thanks
hope you both have a good night
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
im rather cream crackered at the moment unfortunately
did you encounter any physios gone rogue at the post box by any chance?
one of them is pictured below lol
i had a good walk today 👍
needed it really
Marco has the dreaded c pox unfortunately
any diet tips on improving my ***trogen levels by any chance?
hope you have a good night with / without milky drink
bye tc xx
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Oh dear toady
I just missed your post
sorry about that
you might have to go out in the daylight?!
my goodness I’ll order fake beard wig and glasses from nosegay
will try my best to read and reply properly tomorrow
bye tc xx
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Morning Joan another hot day ahead here but we start to make our way towards England through Belgium and then France towards the tunnel. Sleek is happy with Chraley looking after her and Kari spending time with her too. I am ok although my back was complaining yesterday. Should be back in the UK by this evening then a night in Maidstone before travelling home tomorrow. How are you and Sue doing? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope today will be a good day for you. Do you have the group to go to today?
how is your lovely Mum today? Se's probably right - she would also have been a little stressed about her blood test wouldn't she? there's a chap here who has had two kidney transplants! two! Incredible eh?
Ah I see so a party where chicken pox was unknowingly present😕 Normally I'd say good idea to catch it, but your Mum and you are vulnerable. Baby R is still very small too.
That's a beautiful 'morning' picture you posted yesterday.
Woo-woo get you! Just water and dark chocolate! definitely polish that 😇
Your Dad is really most odd trying to stop you resting. Surely he knows how important it is for you😠
Bil's hobby is food Reshmi! I'm not at all sure we can trust him here in the café I mean we do have food and caffeinated beverages readily available. It's a huge risk to all of us😁
Aww BR! A genuine mistake saying Leolia's party! Oh dear me big brother was clearly not impressed.
Very well done knocking that sleezy guy back👍️I am proud of you. Stay 💪
Today we went to a couple of beautiful viewpoints then lunch. Sadly afterwards one of the cars broke down and it was our favourite couple so we stopped and tried to help. We jump started it but it didn't hold the charge. We think it's teh alternator so sadly break down had to come and so we missed the museum trip in the afternoon. The car will need to be towed home and they will have to stay one more night here. Such a shame. I mean the man of the couple does a brilliant job tending to it's engine - far better than me!
Oh well these things do happen. Even with new cars never mind 32 year old ones.
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady! One of the cars has this Reg number - honestly 'O Mr Toad'!
How are you doing today?
I am glad Sleek's shopping is all there. She really wouldn't be happy otherwise would she?! Tia gives her loads of treats Kari went and spent an hour with her too yesterday and sent me a photo❤️I'm glad she's been to see you.
We didn't get lost nor did I take a single 'arty' shot yesterday as one of our number broke down. So upsetting I was just telling Reshmi that car is soooo well looked after, but all of the parts are very elderly.
Didn't mind really once the breakdown were on the scene we left them there as they insisted and we came back here missing the museum afternoon trip.
Vegan food has been great subsequently! The waiter is showing a good sense of humour now!
I am slightly worried about my garden, but hopefully it will be ok fingers 🤞 sounds like your obelisk might have chosen it's place👍️
Better get on I need a walk now before breakfast!
I hope your day is good take care.
This was some of the cars yesterday morning
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I’m pleased you won the auction 👏 your vacuum works that’s the main thing. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) How are you (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day. and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry the couple’s car broke down (()) Sorry you missed the museum trip (()) Sleeke will be pleased to see you tomorrow. Sue is better thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you are doing well (()) sorry your mum had a hypo perhaps she was worried (()) have a good day all.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hello all 😊
Lovely day for driving back to Blighty 🚗🇬🇧 (stage 1, anyway) assuming it's not too hot for comfort; have a good journey frog🤞don't dillydally on the way on account of poorly alternators or anything else of that sort. Sorry about the people's trouble with their car, it would be your favourite people wouldn't it presumably the nicest, I suppose stopping to help is all part & parcel. Nice pic, there are other pink figs 😀 and oh how I love the 'O Mr Toad' reg!! 😍. Why do I love Toad's escapade so much when I don't drive and have no affinity for cars? I suppose it's the freedom & exhilaration side, not having had much of either 😄. Lovely day here too, the obelisk has indeed decided, in fact it fitted into a space like a glove, tall pointy thing next to pointy lupins, spot on. Pic if I can sometime. Not much else going on which is fine by me 👍️ love to all take care :) xx
Hello joan another lovely day, spending it quietly 😊 Mr and Mrs B have been keeping me company outdoors. Thank you about the auction, I always wonder why people put only the minimum on an ebay item & wander off, if you like it you'd put a few more pence on something, you'd think 🤔 the seller isn't much better off getting an extra 20p off me but can't be helped at least I'll be appreciative (hopefully! the item hasn't set off yet). I caught up with the Taylor Swift rain story, a fan has been trying to sell containers of the rainwater they collected 🙄😂. Her piano was damaged they could have tried to protect that you'd think. Have a good day :) xx
Hi bosh, hope things ok with you today & your mum, after yesterday, has she booked an appt do you think she wanted to put if off slightly by saying she would do it herself or just wasn't in the frame of mind to do it there & then. Hope everything else not too bad, not more c pox, oh dear these parties need a bit of a health warning ☠️ I suppose it's true as Toni says kids have to get these things but it's tricky with the poss of complications for anyone else. As far as diet tips go, soya for the natural phytoestrogens is my main thing that I even know much about, otherwise I think it's seeds that are good they say (flaxseeds I think? that kind of thing) but not to directly recommend, just by personal experience & what I've read, 'I am not a dr' &c &c. Might be a matter of things you like & wouldn't mind adding to your diet anyway, and if they help it's a bonus. Hope group was ok if you did get there today - no walks for me yet oops, yes the wig & beard ensemble would be very handy 😂 no doubt someone would still say 'ooh I remember you from somewhere or other decades ago, don't I?' just as if I'd not bothered 😱. Have a good evening I probably have to be on the phone for an hour or two 😬 so might be better doing my goodnights in advance :) see you anon xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady and Joan
how are you all today?
full disclosure hot weather def means backache time for me
so I’m trying not to jabber on too much today
Mum is ok thanks
she decided she didn’t need to phone the doctor after all👍
She thinks it was mainly because she didn’t eat for a long time and feels better now 🙏
toady so the hoovers get jealous of each other and worry about social conformity? I see, do they also have a degree of social anxiety too? I think I may have been a hoover in a previous incarnation lol.
im ok thanks toady and Toni I had a rest in cold -well less warm - room.
like I say back is aching but I can’t do much about that - it’ll get better overnight- well temporarily anyway
went to group RR said he felt the presence of a ghost in the Oxfam bookshop lol
not too much more to say really as I can feel my back complaining like a difficult nosegay customer as I write this message toady
everyone else is ok I think
Hi again Joan
hope you and Sue are ok?
thanks about mum
she’s ok today 👍👍
dads not worried about anything new, he’s just become a very cruel person
sorry about this communal posting style lol but better than not posting at all 😀
Toni I’m glad you’re enjoying your holiday nice car pic 👍
bye everyone tc xx
ps nosegay semi - gothic earrings I’ve just ordered xx
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Good night everyone
beware of the toady floating and eerily shining around in the woods she may repair your socially anxious hoover - how ooky 😱lol
tc xx
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'night all 🦇
No time for any eerie floating this evening - as was foretold, I was on the phone for well over an hour & a half 😱 and followed that up by checking into what the situation with my prescription is (having not liked the look of the 'we're trying to get your medication' status on my online pharmacy). Turns out there is a 'situation' with my brand, which I had no idea of.. but others have, and now the curse has come upon me too, cried the Lady of Shalott. Being late to the party I don't fancy my chances getting any, nor do I fancy a day ringing round when I was having a quiet day tomorrow 🙄. Bosh you understand the curse of the receptionist/pharmacist phone call only too well, wish me luck 😬. Good composite post earlier 😀👍️ but sorry about the backache and hope you get a reasonable night's sleep. The hoover will be fine, its ego is fairly robust as luckily for it I like good honest old tech so have always assured it that I wouldn't have one of them newfangled Dys*ons in the house for example, but as to being seen with plaits, who knows, might be a bridge too far. Nice earrings 😊 more chat tomorrow but sufficient unto the day &c & must go to bed 👋 xx
Safe journey frog 😊
'night all xx
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Morning Joan there are indeed other pink cars. There was that one on the rally she even called hers Penelope! The Figaro owners club has adopted pink as one of it's colours even though it isn't an original colour. How are you and Sue doing? I can't wait to see my pusskin later😻 ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope your back has eased a bit today😕 You are back in the cool(er) room now for your rests I see. Probably a good idea it is most definitely getting hotter.
I'm glad your Mum feels safe enough not to need the Dr. Hopefully it was just the stress and maybe lack of food.
O....k🤨RR felt a ghostly presence in Oxfam did he? I will be aware and extra careful in case it applies to all Oxfam shops👻 with or without 📚
Love those earrings I can see you wearing them and looking lovely.
I am happily closer to home which is good today I will sleep in my own bed.
BTW I also use flax and chia seeds advised by Aidan who used to come in the café. I just put them on anything sloppy I eat a sprinkle. Like curries vegan bolognaise etc. They are best slightly ground first so we absorb their goodness.
Take care ((())
Morning Toady the car with the fabulous number plate has arrived home and is a green Fig 👌
Today we will travel north via the Figaro shop (maybe to price up alternators!!!) before arriving at home. The car with the poorly one might be fixed today or tomorrow morning if the part has arrived. They were still waiting at the Fig shop for DPD to arrive at 3pm when they were supposed to pick it up at 10.20am yesterday🙄Still what's new?
I'm very pleased that you have located the right spot for your obelisk - yes that sounds perfect.
Well done for braving the long phone call.
Aha I see you are in teh same position as i was with Lucy's epilepsy meds last week😠 not right is it?
Well better get my walk done so I can come home hug my cat and water my garden I filled teh watering cans before I left from the butt in the hope maybe that someone will check on my plants.
Take care
some Luxembourgish food to try.....
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Thinking of you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) Do you think anyone would buy that rain water you could not post that could you. Sorry you were on the phone that long with no results. That was nice having Mr and Mrs B with you. We have another bank holiday coming up. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) Thinking of you and your family (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good journey back home to sleeke I hope the couple didn’t have to wait too long for the part (()) how is your back and hips (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) sorry your Dad’s not happy (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan
how are you both today?
Thanks about mum she’s doing ok today thank you.
thanks about dad I don’t think he’s ever been that happy but now it’s worse but what really bothers me is how he treats my mum
i’m not too bad at the moment, thank you. I have a bit of back pain but it is less than yesterday
I hope you both have a good afternoon. Take care xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
im glad that you will be back in your own bed soon
thanks about mum. Yes I think it was not eating at regular intervals that day and so on which caused the prob but she feels okay now
my back is a bit better at the moment thanks but the problem is the mattress in the spare room, when it is too hot I can’t even go in my room until the night time but that’s where the best mattress is, anyway I am coping at the moment thanks as I walked earlier than yesterday as I didn’t have to be anywhere special in the morning.
thanks for your advice about oestrogen. Unfortunately most seeds tend to upset my stomach, but I can have sesame seeds to a certain extent and inspired by what you said, I looked online and found out some other useful tips for oestrogen rich food consumption I like eating strawberries for example, so if I eat more of those that can only be a good thing for my pm etc problems 👍
RR also said that he is a very poor man with hardly any money in the bank, but he says that he sees a private physio which costs him £80 per week. Per week? what?! he said that he’s on the breadline just like nice M - my goodness he really is a braised tofu short of a Chinese takeaway short isn’t he? Sorry that was another oestrogen reference haha - this is the same person who of course can apparently never afford to put the heating on - very odd indeed.
I temporarily forgot that EF are coming on bank holiday Monday 😱
Oh my goodness me. My stomach isn’t 100% so goodness knows what I’ll be eating on that day. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s fishfingers and custard with a side dressing of WD-40. I must also inform you that Bill has stolen all the drinks from Val’s café, caffeinated and decaffeinated, so we will just probably have to drink water and eat whatever we can find a toady’s cupboard, so defective hoovers and a few flies I guess 🤷♀️
still better than no protein at all 😂
I’m in the cold (er) room at the moment, but one issue is that there’s not much lighting here so there’s problems on all sides really not major ones I know but still irritating to me
I’m running out of energy I’m not sure why I guess it’s the heat of the day. Hope you’re having a good time. Is this your last day in Luxembourg?
sorry I haven’t been keeping track properly. Been having some mood swings but I think there starting to get better now yesterday I walked and then was shattered and sluggish, but it was much better than being on an emotional high, which wasn’t good for me.
I may have walked too much yesterday today, today I took it relatively easy.
thanks about the earrings LA and BR are okay as far as I’m aware🙏
yes, bills hobby is food, but it’s not mine so maybe he could send all his millions of photos of junk food to somebody else? I nominate toady lol
LA is staying here over on BHM and also staying here on Tuesday - I must buy cheese slices for him lol and practice playing football underwater with the trout in R Thames, I know I should really practice on the sea bed but I haven’t got the money for Leola’s taxi to the ferry 😱
oh well, such are the trials and tribulations of mima - hood lol.
hope you’re having a nice day in Luxembourg
take care Toni xx
ps pic of football stadium apparently lol xx
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👋 toady
How are you?
I looked up hoover on Pinterest but it read it as hover and this was the result ooks 😱
I don’t even think Spock has one of those 😂
bfn xx
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Hello all 😊
Funny old day but I think I have sorted my prescription out, simpler than I thought (really did seem to be a lot of problems out there but now I know, I can be more alert to it next time). Found an alternative pharmacy but in that time, my online one updated to say they are checking & preparing so I should be ok & no need to go anywhere 😀👍️. Yes very reminiscent of Lucy's prescription frog, couldn't be helped in this case; except that if they had not brought in this ever-increasing system where chemists get what they're given, it would help a lot. Keep reading that independent chemists are always your best bet but how many of those will be left long term 🤔. Anyway still did not do much today and hope it will be a better gardening day tomorrow, hope yours is fine🤞and Sleek is still on 'sleeking terms', & all else well too. Hope it was a good trip and that something did eventually happen for the poorly-fig people 😕 if only they'd had a little premonition, such a shame for them. Kettle on for weary travellers ☕️ and have a good night :) xx
Hello Joan, my phone call last night was ok, to a friend (just on the long side 🕣️) - today was where I thought I'd have more trouble maybe, trying to get a prescription, but it has resolved itself 😀. Yes you imagine the water from the concert arriving as a very soggy envelope don't you 😂😂 - they were selling it in little pots, what I want to know is, how you could prove you hadn't just gone out in any old rain & stood on your back filling them up 🤔😄. Have a good day, yes Bank Hol, must not forget Bank Hol thank you! :) xx
Hi bosh, hovering cats!! 😮 gosh who thinks these things up. Do I want one 🤔 probably 😂. Sorry your day is a bit of a mixed bag of better bits and annoying bits, stomach etc, hope that settles and especially before any EF visit 😱 Toady's cupboard is actually not that badly stocked atm as I shopped on Tues, I have suitably plain foods, inc cream crackers if all else fails 👍️. Do hope all EF and littleys are germ free before exiting MH and crossing the border🤞. Also good luck with the underwater practice, hope that the visit does not clash with any crucial fish football fixtures 😂 I'm assuming that fish handling the ball with their little hands/fins/whatever does not constitute a foul? 🤔 we don't want your promising career blighted 😄. No news from me & no interesting shopping except I have just bought a couple of pairs of trousers that don't fit 😕 so I will have to start again or I will be running out of something respectable, I may not be upper class but 'sans-culottes' is going too far. I too am intrigued by RR's ghost, wonder whose ghost - maybe someone who regretted giving away a sentimental item. (Or also on an eternal search for properly fitting clothes, good luck to it). Have a good evening :) xx
Love to all 👋 xx
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Hi toady
RR said it was the ghost of his friend who said to buy the book or something like that, not funny if he were mentally ill, but I don’t think he was, as everything else he said to me sounded quite sane, it was just his eccentricity lol.
im very glad the pharmacy business got sorted out eventually 👍
Yes well I’m far from being a sportswoman, I’ve got the belly fat to prove it tbh lol, so this whole sports- superstar of the high seas is all new territory to me - I’m sure you know more about it than I do,😂
Clothes that fit - yes I know that struggle - I’m on the short side but for a long time was too large for petite dresses etc, thats not so bad now though, but trousers have to be from Cinnamon Barks for me - unless Leola has had a mad hatter - type shopping spree and there’s nothing left online, in store, or indeed anywhere in the space - time continuum ook 😱
the kids are germ - free I believe- I tried to ask mum about it properly- but it caused a volcanic eruption 🤷♀️
just wanted to say there was a time when my sister would steal things from the house when she lived in London and came here for weekend, once I was trying to bake a cake but failed as mum said she’d stolen the mechanical whisk and the mixing bowl! Who steals a mixing bowl?! The thing was she wasn’t into baking back then so goodness only knows why she misappropriated them lol. She was a high - earning lawyer even back then so what motivated her kleptomania I have no idea, maybe it’s a case for GI Joe, he knows everything- or certainly thinks he does lol.
ok toady I hope you have a good night, tc xx
Ps ghost on bookshop stairs apparently lol xx
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I'm home 🏡
and it's lovely to be back😊
Morning Joan how are you today? Another gorgeous day here I am so happy to be here with Sleekipaws😻that's the only bad thing about going away I miss her. My back and hips are very happy to be in our own bed again too thanks. How is your leg? Remind me what is the date for your scan? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. How are you? I hope still doing ok. I can see the issue with teh warm and cooler rooms , but think you are right to keep the best mattress for night times as you are there longer.
I'm home. Would you believe my eyes hardly ran at all over there? No idea why - it's very lush and green you'd think full to the brim with pollen🤨
We saw the sign again for you and your sis on the way home I waved but not sure you saw me😁
Well done looking into more oestrogen rich foods which your stomach can cope with. It's all we can do isn't it? Hopefully it will help. Let's hope your stomach has settled before the bank holiday.🤞
WHAT??!!! BIL broke in here and stole everything? That boy (yes boy!) must be hungry!! I will nip down to the warehouse later and restock, but someone needs to do something about security
would that be enough or do we need to sort out some security staff too?
Toady needs pics of food she is trying to gain weight after all. Shall you ask BIL?
Aha! LA will be staying after the family leave! That will be fun - just watch out for trip hazards ok? Be extra vigilant. Yes practice your underwater footie in the R Thames that will do for now. I can pic up cheese slices at cost price when I go to the warehouse?
Well I am very sorry to hear RR is 'on the breadline'. As if! How many people in the position would have private physio at £80 a throw! He really is a one! He has to 'know' about everything I think bless him.
Have a good day walking is good just not tooooooo much☺️ ((()))
Morning Toady. Hope you are well?
All good here i am home and my plants are alive😊I should have known really after all Kari has been coming as well as Tia. Sleek 'cut me dead' for a while, but gave in as slept on the bed last night bless her😻 That cuppa you left was just what I needed when I got home last night.
We went via the Figaro shop who had shipped the part over to Luxembourg for the poor Figgy owners still stranded there. All being well it will be fitted today and they will be on their way. Another broke down an hour from the crossing they came home without their's as foot passengers it will be repatriated once fixed. Our radio died on the way home too sadly so I had to do the singing myself.
Paul is complaining of earache no idea why?🤔
This shortage of meds really is quite terrible really I mean some are essential! Some are ok to go without for short periods, but honestly some are vital! I'm so glad you are ok and have yours. It was al Fresco who saved the day with Lucy's not my usual independent one who was really trying to help. Though it was still only half of the order.
Well you have a good day and enjoy the garden I hope.
Take care
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
ps Toni I looked up hoover on Pinterest, but it read it as hover and this was search result 😱
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good Bank holiday. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) That’s good you have your prescription’s all worked out (()) I would not want to waist money on rain water even if it was from King Charles. Have a good Bank Holiday. It might not be long before our neighbour moves in yesterday morning new carpets arrived there.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) Have a good Bank holiday. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your Brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry your radio stopped working. Did you have a sore throat singing all the way back. How is Paul’s earache (())I bet you had a good night’s sleep (()) Thank you for thinking about me my appointment is the 5 June. Have a good Bank Holiday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) Sorry you have back ache (()) Is your Dad worried about something it’s not nice him shouting at your mum all the time. Have a good Bank Holiday (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan Toni and toady
how are you all today?
mum is ok today thanks apart from blocked nose which may be side effect of new b pressure med - she said she’ll contact nurse
Hi again Joan
thanks about my back it’s not too bad today thanks will be better after hot shower 🙏
im not sure what’s going on with dad - but thanks for asking about it
Yes poor mum - I agree- she hasn’t harmed anybody
hi Toni
sorry I may well have missed the wave
just trying to control my moods really 😀
I think the longer walks are helping me Toni also I wore wrong shoes the other time today I wore ankle boots- no slipping etc- no feet - related problems basically 👍
hi toady
I agree sans - culottes is never wise lol
only BR can get away with that 😂
ok another a amalgamated post unfortunately
but at least I posted 😀
see you all other side of mxt injection 😱
have a nice Friday everyone tc xx
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Hi toady and everyone
there’s a monster called mumo it seems
has someone taken my job?
am I soon to become obsolete?
(thats right student GI Joe - it rhymes with beet 👍)
good night from the sauna
but don’t worry the ice - shark is coming - but he only plays rugby 🤷♀️
bye tc xx
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