Val's Cafe
Hi toady
how are you?
glad you had a better nights sleep even though you had a weird dream lol
the c pox manifested itself at a birthday party unfortunately but luckily both the boys are ok so far 🤞
ive not really being having a good day, mxt symptoms plus totm still going on, no severe mood swings this time thank cod / haddock/ whatever (I’m being PC) but not really feeling myself, a bit insecure and mentally restless- you know how it can be 😀
when the mood swings happened I guess all I lost was my dignity in a manner of speaking but you’re right of course at least I will know what I’ll be dealing with if it happens again and I should try not to brood but like Toni my natural tendency is to ruminate.
oh well such is life
physio was v patronising btw
he used the word “exponentially” and then proceeded to give me a definition, I almost said, “I’m aware of that but thanks professor “ lol.
I’ve ordered a new ( well used) book Balzac Le Pere Goriot👍
I haven’t read anything classical for a while because sometimes my mood isn’t right for it - I’ll let you know how it goes.
mums ok thanks
bfn toady tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
necks a bit stiff but generally ok thanks
mums ok thanks
dont worry no one has c pox / shingles yet
LA’s friend had the c pox
bfn have a good evening tc xx
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night bosh, thank you for the nice newsy post, hope you have a better night tonight with one thing & another🤞yes do let me know how the Balzac goes, always interested, I seem not to have read anything of his 🤔 that I can remember, or that I thought I had but had mixed up with someone else. In refreshing my memory I read that apparently he wrote from 1 am to 8 am every day 😮 so no wonder I have never written any 19th century masterpieces 😂. Yes, you do have to be in the mood for certain books/genres, agreed. Mind out for any big clever words 😉 (Malthus to you too, mr patronising physio 🙄 oh they do like assumptions). Btw I meant to say no please do not give him my number 😂, I'd have to keep asking him questions for hours to deflect him from finding out what physio I'm not doing 😬. Glad to hear not too many mood swings that's good, hopefully the bit-restless feeling goes too. Also hope not too many of the party goers do come down with the cp, fingers crossed. cheerio for now from the night owl :) xx
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HOW WONDERFUL Barbara has braved speech to text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely to see you Barbara we have missed you so much. Your boy is tough like his mum I think 🤔 Take very good care and please call in whenever you can manage ((()))xxx
Morning Joan I think it does help to share our worries and pain and just have a chat too. The journey today will be about an hour and a half Paul will drive there and back he loves driving! I am at Lucy's feeding the Win and Min they are doing ok but still don't leave them together when one of us isn't here. I will take some pics and post them tomorrow 😊 Take care love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi you do sound better today I am very pleased. You must have needed that rest.
I am very glad to hear your Mum is ok. Hopefully the nut just 'went down the wrong way' and it won't happen again.🤞
I don't think we even get offered the shingles jab before we are 70 do we? Should have had it before we even started our MTX don't you think with it being a live vaccine.
As you say at this point it is just hypothetical and LA might not catch chicken pox. It's airborne chicken box so it's easily passed on, but fingers crossed for you all you'll miss each other.
That is indeed me😁 The cat comes first every time!! and this weekend Lucy's two too.
I hope today is good for you take care ((()))
Morning Toady how are you today?
The sun is out I am at Lucy's all is well with the world except I have to go to Dr Foster instead of in my garden😕 knickers! Paul does a lot for me though - the least I can do is take some pics of him in his car doing a Hill Climb.
No flowers at all on my honesty but I think it's maybe biennial? Yours sounds gorgeous. Next year maybe for me.
I had enough beans for one meal!! Still they do taste fabulous, your own, don't they? ☺️ I didn't do as much as you, but I was outside which really helps my mental health.
Neither beetroot nor radish grow for me either I have no idea why maybe our soil? What is yours like? I will PH test mine at some point and add some of my own compost.
It was the way you walk I think when judging to much standing around discussing a village notice board or war memorial I think that did it. I will take plenty of painkillers with me today.😔
Barbara called in before I had a chance to check in on her! She must have felt her ears burning.
I am so glad all is ready if needs be in the spare room. You'll find something for a bed in there I'm sure.
Right better get back home and ready for the off!
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Hi Toni Joan toady and Barbara!
good morning
wppl xx
ps toady’s neighbour took things too far…xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
I just wanted to say that on Wednesday i went to the chemist the hackers call “super- bug” lol, which isn’t earth - shattering news in itself I know - but around the time of lockdown I developed a great fear of that establishment because this shop, well the one in Reading anyway, is relatively small and lots of people tend to go there so it gets quite congested, but on Wednesday I told myself that I’ve got to get over this now and that I did have the energy to walk there ( as it’s slightly away from the main shops) so I did that and it really made me happy, also of course they’re lots of bargains there and a lots of items are available in “minis” so no need to go lugging great big bottles of things around lol.
Thanks Toni yes I did indeed need the rest, the problem in my house is that dad is shouting almost all the time in the day so resting properly often becomes problematic.
sometimes he’ll shout at night, when he has some stupid cultural society video calls😡
also some of these calls are about v stupidly things, once there was one about whether they should serve fish fries at the next event, lol.
i was thinking of mentioning that of course many people are vegetarian or indeed vegan of course 😀
and don’t eat fish, but I knew if I said that the lava flow would become unstoppable and I would end up decapitated, though not by conventional sword / guillotine method - which was of course favoured by Henry VIII and certain physiotherapists lol.
thanks v much about my mum👍👍
her b sugar is ok today thanks and she also tested negative for covid 🙏
Yes good point we should’ve all had shingles jab before mxt
oh I see, over 70, I must’ve been thinking about something else lol
I like the breakfast 😂
BR said George the pig is doing his toilet training or something like that
A harem of lady babies asked LA at school if he could the ladybug 🐞
as they were scared but former pest exterminator LA sombrely declined- he said he wouldn’t hurt the lady bugs anymore lol
Not sure if Ive already mentioned this but physio said I should look up glycemic index of everything I eat- what?!
he also said if I do online physio combined with aerobics type thing, which I tried once, I should “ power through” even if it gives my agony- causing upper back pain like it did last time?! How can he say that to a patient with arthritis? Doesn’t seem remotely sensible/ logical to me.
maybe he’s had too much of nasty M and Bill’s industrial strength coffee - oh dear.
ok I’ll leave it there for now Toni
good luck with all the cats 🐈⬛
bye tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
Im not too bad atm thanks
mum is ok too today too
I hope you both have a good evening
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
don’t worry I also haven’t written any 19th century masterpieces lol
you're right about mr patronising physio - i should have said “shall we do a vocabulary workshop? Certain physios are both professional and helpful, others should become obsolete, which rhymes with beet, does it have a low glycemic index, I’m not sure, but bananas are not toxic, they’re relatively pure” lol
quiet day here too thank goodness
mums tested negative for covid 👍👍
I was so worried she wouldn’t
LA refuses to kill lady bugs now, despite Galadriel Guinevere and Juliet requesting him to do so, but as for ants, I’m not sure - just keep them away from the cheese sandwiches please
by the way did you hear that a mouse was found in McD cheeseburger? I think it was in uk, oh dear no point telling LA because he’ll think I’m creating my own porky pies lol
bye for now toady tc xx
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Hi toady
I just wanted to mention one more thing
ive recently been reading some song lyrics and poetry extracts by Mary Lambert- not sure if you’ve heard of her?
she’s a gay female singer / songwriter and poet who is also bipolar, I like listening to her songs too
shes a plus size lady too - she’s dealing with prejudice and problems on all sorts of levels, some of which I can relate to
it helped me but when the poems got into subjects like rape I understandably left those ones alone
she makes lots of good points though, like bipolar women - and so on - are living with shame when they in themselves are innocent- I thought it was an interesting point
ok I hope you have a good evening
bye toady tc xx
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Hello all 👋
Slightly grumpy toad alert 🚨 didn't get all I wanted to done today, things went a bit sideways, & just been outbid now on an auction 🙄 no-one else there til the last min, I pushed their bid up to nearly what it had gone round for before (reduced this time round) so they may as well have bought it then, silly fools, saved me the trouble of waiting for it. Now I have to do my research over again too to find something else. Blah. It is much too 'peopley' on nosegay, that's for sure, go buy something else 😂. Ah well. Did get a little bit done in the garden frog (even though it was maximum mower & strimmer day on all sides) but not all I wanted. What pH is my soil, oh dear, search me 😳 mainly because pretty much all the relevant stuff veg &c I grow is in containers anyway. I think technique is what's up with my beets & other 'bulbing' things, spring onions &c, not my soil, but will press on 👍️ must stock up on seaweed fertilizer (ties knot in hanky to remind me). Yes of course the honesty won't make seed pods until after flowering, you didn't hear me say that, Monty 😬. I hope the non-gardening bits of your day were ok - seeing the kitties will have been nice ofc (Minnie, that face! 😍 what a picture 😀) and I'm sure the driving bits were tolerable 😄. It was indeed a good trick to summon up Barbara without even messaging 😀 maybe someone/family volunteers to read her some cafe news? Hope you have a good start to the week and the next leg of best-kept is not too tough on yours🚶♀️🤞. Is Lucy's finger alright now btw? :) xx
I have a feeling poor Joan will call in tomorrow and find her post still in the box 😔 I did see her online in the morning so no need to worry I'm sure. Hope you have both had a good day 👋 xx
Hi bosh, glad you have had a quiet day, mine too mostly, not doing much. Neighbours out in force, DIY Dad mowing &c and he set everyone else off. V good 'morning post' pic of yours 😄 I don't have any single neighbours, thank haddock - what a horrid thought, that would be an ook too far - they all come in pairs & families, like lego people sets, & definitely no alternative/gothy types (actually I bet there is a lego goth - goes to look 😄). Well done LA 😘 - killing ladybugs, I should think not 😱 - give the boy a lollipop, maybe not, well give him the high order of the honorary toads. Definitely don't mention the mouseburgers 😬 although I shouldn't say that really, might get a little vegetarian convert 🤔. Probably not, and yes he would almost certainly think it was a tall tale/tail. Hope all EF still ok and v glad your mum has tested negative. The latest WHO report stated that the covid emergency is 'over' didn't it, people are definitely behaving as if the threat has receded pretty much altogether, not sure about that but yes it does feel safer going out & about. Well done facing up to 'super-bug', that's brilliant 😀 I love them, nice things, their own stuff is good too. Vocab workshops for physio, there's a plan 😄 a nurse of mine was once most surprised I'd heard of a particular (well-known) singer, so we don't know clever words and we're not cool, us patients apparently. I do think I've come across Mary Lambert btw but not to know much about her, will have a 'gander' as they say 👍️. Have a good night :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Morning evereyone!
How are you today Joan? Is sue ok too? I think your post didn't appear yesterday? It was a good day yesterday lots of sunshine and Paul had a great time which was what it was all about. I'll post a pic in a minute. Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope it's quiet enough for some rest.
Well done braving super-bug! I am very pleased you tackled a fear like that. Actually quite a sensible fear when you think about it if it could be crowded during the pandemic. Things are a lot safer now even if we do catch the dreaded virus. Excellent news that you Mum is negative and her bloods ok.
I see your Dad's shouting is actually meant to be talking! Sounds really annoying I mean who cares about whether they eat fish at the next 'do'😂 as you say some people don't like fish and there are such things as veggies and vegans too. I can't see him getting with the times though can you? Please say nothing I would rather your head remained on your neck😮
I am at Lucy's now with the kitties. thanks for wishing me good luck with them - it's necessary! The kitten kept 'writing' on the key board so I have had to stand up she was typing things like this qw\sly1 I mean what does that mean? You'd all be very worried about me if I typed that!
Crikey the glycaemic index?!!! You aren't diabetic though? Maybe he thinks you could be predisposed with your Mum having diabetes???? As far as 'powering though' there are times and conditions which make that impossible surely a physio should know that? Probably looks at you being young and thinks it's all muscular 🙄
I am very very proud of LA for refusing to harm a ladybird bless him. Silly girls I think really they just wanted LA's attention.
I am very glad to hear from BR that George the pig is potty training😁 It's much more pleasant that way. I rather think maybe BR is potty training too😉
Well you take care and have a lovely day.
Morning 'Grumpy' Toady. Oh dear me that's not good😕
People do have odd ways on nosegay don't they? Very annoying to be outbid by someone at the last minute. What a meanie let's hope the item makes them happier than it would have made you.🙄
Hasn't Minnie got an adorable little face! She is here now after pick-ups bless here heart. Winnie is still overall not impressed, but I think she'll be ok in time with Min.
Paul at the Hill climb yesterday I got a great video for him too on his phone. My back did bear up but gosh mu hips did not like it - it was (oddly🤣) very 'hilly'!!!! Saw my Figgy family and did a video for them too and some photos. Had a vegan sausage butty and a vegan magnum ice cream so thoroughly naughty!
Monty didn't hear the slight gaff about seed pods on honesty no he was out yesterday and he never reads back😉 Yes you do use a lot of pots don't you I forgot....I think our soil is ok very weedy but ok I might plant some green manure this winter in the veggie patch.
Lucy's infection is under control now I am encouraging her to take her vitamins I think that would help.
I know I am so impressive being able to just 'think' Barbara here!!! also wondered whether anyone read her our posts.
Let's hope we both (all) have a good day today.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have you been in your bungalow for a year now. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. There is another bank holiday coming up the end of the month. when are your neighbours moving in. The bungalow next to us is empty see who moves in first.
Barbara (()) It’s so lovely seeing you on here thank you (()) your son (()) is a fighter like you (()) and he has the strength of his family behind him (()) have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) It was lovely seeing Barbara on here. Thank you for the photo of Minnie I bet Paul (()) is looking forward to the climb. I hope your pains not too bad. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day. Love to your mum (()) take care.
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone
I found yesterday’s post still in the box I always check it’s gone has well
Sue hurt her foot yesterday evening she is up the hospital waiting to have an ex-ray now.
Kitty (()) how are you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) yes my post was still in the box. Sorry about your problems i hope you have a good day
Barbara (()) Have a good day the blackbird’s must trust you they want the raisins. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m pleased you enjoyed yesterday sorry about your hip’s (()) I hope they will soon calm down (()) sue went in to the door post in her electric wheelchair and hurt her ankle she’s up having an ex-ray now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you were good going into the chemist when it’s crowded I know what that’s like I used to be hot and I wanted to rush out. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
I did a longer walk today but I’m ok
wppl xx
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Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
im rather warm but ok thanks
yes those congested warm chemists can be scary
luckily I went there in the morning so there weren’t that many people 👍
Mum is ok thanks, my parents and I went to local cafe today and she enjoyed herself 🙏
hope you are both having a good afternoon
bye tc xx
ps pic of carob bars xx
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Hi all 😊
I have de-grumped somewhat 👍️ but as far as wishing my rival bidder happiness of their item, frog, well that shows you which of us is the more charitable (as if I didn't already know!) 😄 oh go on then, I suppose so. Nice out there today so have poked about a bit, somehow only doing the jobs before the jobs I actually wanted to get to, but it's all things off the list. Potted up mini lavenders that I weed out of the gravel, I would have had thousands if I'd done every one over time, seems a shame to waste them. Oh and I started on the paint for my old obelisk thing which will hopefully be a pea obelisk shortly. Not proper old, just a 'few years / gone rusty' type old. Hope you've had a good day after yesterday - nice day for it - hilly was it, you don't say 😄 you did v well to get pics and videos, I would be scared stiff I'd muck them up, when it's something like this, can't exactly say 'I missed that, can you do it again'. Glad Paul was in his element. Not much else lined up for me at the min, but weather fine for quite a bit ahead, hope we get the benefit of it 😀 have a good evening :) xx
Hello joan, twice 👍️ glad you got in ok, so sorry to hear news about Sue though! I hope the x-ray was quick and will wait & see what the news is tomorrow🤞hopefully the xray's only a precaution. Bit quieter here today, yes we will have to see who's first with new neighbours 😬 I don't have any idea when something will happen - I probably would know if I had got friendly with them (though they have made no effort either really), I'm not very sociable but it would have been worth doing just for 'espionage' purposes I suppose 😄 will just have to put up with the suspense. No problems today thank you no missing parcels no lost auctions, these are only little things anyway it's nice to come in for a little grumble to get it out of your system but I cheer up & move on after that 😊. Love to you both :) xx
Quick hi to bosh who I will probably catch up with later 👋 how is your minute by minute glycemic index logbook coming along 🤔 bees in bonnets, I suppose all med people have them to one degree or other. Hope everyone ok today :) xx
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Hi Toni
im ok thanks
been reading some poetry etc by a bipolar woman and it’s helping me a bit
did a longer walk today which was tiring but refreshing and good too thanks
i think prob physio was going on about g index because he was saying if you’re hungry after exercise and eat some junk food like choc or whatever you’re not doing yourself any favours but my opinion is surely everything - well most things- in moderation - never mind
i don’t think developing GI obsession would be good lol
mums ok today thanks
more later need to do neck physio
bye tc xx
ps beetroot- no real reason why “ just because “ lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
Ive got a bit of back ache but it’s not extreme
what you said about the sets of Lego was so funny
I agree certain people can’t imagine being solitary can’t they?
very odd indeed lol
i think I’ll go for now toady backache is settling in a bit
good night toady tc xx
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Morning Joan. Oh no!! Poor Sue I hope she's ok? (you too of course you must have been so worried about her) Even if it's not actually broken they say soft tissue injuries are as painful and can take as long to recover form sending ((())) to you both
Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? I hope yor Mum is ok too and Dad is not bellowing too much🙄
Well done going for the slightly longer walk it really does do us good physically and mentally doesn't it?
Aha! I get you the physio thinks people overeat after exercise! Well I am with you on the one - a little of what you fancy really does do you good. I have tried to avoid eating (vegan) chocolate and eaten say, an apple instead, but i still fancy the chocolate. So then I tried a yoghurt afterwards and still eat the chocolate anyway so should have had the chocolate in the first place!
I'm not planning on studying the glycaemic index on everything i want to eat either🙄
The poetry sounds very therapeutic I'm glad you found it😊
I made some pickled beetroot the other day so that pic was spot on for me! Can try it in 2 weeks hope it's nice😋
Is everyone still ok - no sign of chicken pox yet? Mind it took the full 12 days with mine to get spots. Charley first then 12 days later my niece and Lucy - Christmas eve it was Lucy was just 12 months old.
Have a good day and take care ((()))
Morning Toady. Lovely day, but not lovely the judges are coming here this afternoon and I have LOADS to do!!!! Good job I managed the front garden front bed yesterday, but my hand is not happy at all.
Paul is going to sweep in front of our wall where I was weeding yesterday.
I know what you mean about doing jobs in the wrong order! At least it's still jobs getting done. The lavender is all potted up that's great every little helps as Al Fresco says!
You started on the obelisk that's good won't the peas look fabulous wound round it?
My hair looks mad it was soooo windy yesterday. See below!
The photos and video were a bit of a responsibility yes😥! Luckily they all turned out ok. Phew!!
Have a good day I am very happy with the weather ATM😊
Better get my litter picking hat on🙄
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Thank you for caring about Sue she has a sprain
Kitty (()) thinking about you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) Sorry you were de-grumped (()) have a good day. The weather man said it will be warm the next couple of days.
Barbara (()) have a good day (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes a sprain is painful. How are your hips today (()) thank you for caring about sue. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you are doing well (()) love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all 😊
Thought I'd get a good start in on my day if poss and get more things done early if poss. Good luck with the last-min tidying frog 😬 hope you are not giving yourself repetitive trowel injury and that everything looks just so, with a bit of extra sweeping from Paul, & any lining up of garden gnomes with a slide rule &c 😉😄. Do hope it goes well! it wasn't windy here yesterday hardly, but what there was instantly turned a niceish day into a chilly one, sorry you got landed with it yourself. If you do pick up litter today try & find a 1970s Smiths Horror Claws crisp bag like the chap on the news, worth 3 figure sum on ebay possibly, at least could turn nasty litter into something for a good cause etc. I will be pottering out shortly for a general round up of jobs and see what needs doing, really is a welcome bit of nice weather finally. Might even get a bit of shed paint on, looking a bit green & algae-y after the winter. Have a good day :) xx
Hello joan, glad to hear Sue's nasty knock did no worse damage 👍️ but hope it is not too painful or uncomfortable. Nice fine day here today 🌞. By the way 'de-grumped' is a good thing not a bad one, it just meant I had got myself out of my grumpy mood from the day before 👍️. I will be going out to see the birdies now, the sparrows are all building nests, I haven't seen Mrs B building hers though, or if she is it's not her old site from last year. Have a good day yourselves :) xx
Hi to bosh, hope your day is a nice cheerful one like Charlie Brown & snoopy & woodstock 👍️ or as good as poss. Hope the backache went off a bit overnight?🤞and things fairly quiet at HV. There is plenty of goth lego btw haha, and there is a halloween owl in a pumpkin patch but I was a bit unimpressed with that as it said it rotated and the wings can flap but I think you have to do those things manually, which isn't that exciting. Though it does have a hidden bat in the base 🦇 (someone thought it was a spider apparently! eek but having seen it I think it's just a slightly spidery looking bat 😄). I love scratchy-bleedy cat 😂 I could do with that as a guard-cat for cold callers. See you anon :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 putting the kettle on shortly for tea ☕️ plenty in the pot if anyone's passing xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan
how are you all?
All is well in the Reading sauna thanks 🙏
Mum is ok
BR is doing some feet - painting
LA blocked the living room doorway with a sofa cushion 😱
someone please don’t hand him a protein shake lol
need to shower before I melt into witch - shaped puddle
bfn tc xx
ps classic quotation time brought to you by an obsolete physio lol xx
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hi Toni
how are you?
Ive got a bit of backache tbh
nothing serious but not the right time for me to send long messages I’m afraid
thanks about the poetry
No kids haven’t got c p yet 🙏
have a good evening Toni tc xx
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Hi Joan
How are you both doing today?
Thanks I’m not too bad thanks
a bit of backache but that should go after overnight sleep 👍
mums ok today thanks 🙏
I hope you both have a good evening/ night
bye tc xx
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