Val's Cafe
Hi Toni toady and Joan
how are you all?
Toni I’m glad it was just a forgot to post situation
i did get some vaccine side - effects in the end but I’m feeling better today thanks
wppl xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
oh my goodness what a day for me
back pain seems to be more of a factor these days, due to daytime resting / sleeping in the spare room unfortunately
Mum did have a bit low b sugar this morning unfortunately but not quite a hypo
im running on gluco - zade and fish - but not fish fingers - don’t tell LA
some frying is still going on 🥵🥵
LA is coming in about 2 weeks I think
I need to check with mum
BR has learned to count to 10 in a cockney accent!!
undoubtedly clever and “ a bit Eliza Doolittle” lol
Thanks about the poem
thanks for low GI h c buns lol
Yesterday In the afternoon I started feeling mentally and physically restless feverish hot and cold like when having type of arthritic flare up was quite nasty and couldn’t sleep for a long time despite going on a fairly long walk.
Yes maybe N’s parents are hosting his engagement party lol, because they’ve seen how many girlfriends LA has simultaneously 😱😱and and don’t want a 4 / 5 year old “cad” on their hands lol.
I hope you enjoy your holiday- it sounds really nice 👍
when I felt mentally restless due to jab I was worried for a bit that it was onset pm / totm related hyper*****lity type feelings again but luckily I soon realised that wasn’t the case👍👍
No still no cp for the littleys 🙏
I think arm is similar to yesterday thanks but it’s not bothering me really - I try not to carry a lot of heavy things anyway
have you tried the salted caramel Caroboo carob bar? I tried it recently it’s so nice and just as tasty as real choc, they’re quite costly though aren’t they? Also of course not as widely available as choc at all.
I’m not sure if I’ve answered everything I’ve rather lost track lol
btw BR also knows that fires are hot and not safe!
clever boy
but don’t tell that too mr physio when he’s roasting his “through the roof” GI marshmallows on an open fire in the hospital’s back garden lol, otherwise he’ll make you eat so many bananas you’ll turn into a monkey 🙈
and as we know there’s already one cheeky monkey called LA - the NHS back garden isn’t big enough for another one- otherwise there’ll be a duel for dominant monkey which will start at dawn - sugar canes at dawn some call it - naturally high in - ok I really must stop talking about glycemic index - related things lol.
bye Toni tc and have a good holiday xx
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👋 Joan
wppl xx
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Hello all 😊
'Scuse quick post (actually it should make a pleasant change 😂), am sorting ebay things, grocery shop etc, as usual it's a couple of hours later than I could do with. Hello frog, good to see chapters 1 & 2 😀 and hope all's going well with the trip, hadn't taken in that you were so near the off, you will be in or around Maidstone now, hope all on course 🇱🇺 have a lovely time! All quiet here, the arch is up, apart from a couple of crossbars because I've mislaid the bolts 🤨 and I can't fill in one leg hole because I'm too worried about the bees 😂. I have ivy ready to twine over & am pleased with where it is. The private & woodland-y effect only holds good if you don't pan up or out, elsewhere there are bits of fences & houses etc I'd rather block, but one bit at a time. At least yes there is a definite overgrown bit beyond the arch, with my poor fallen apple tree, and undergrowth - I have a lovely elderflower there coming on nicely. The lilac is doing well here too must be a good year for it, yours is lovely 😍. That was a nifty hole punch gadget with your arch, very neat job 😊 and yes it will be nicer with the wire ties instead. Have a good evening and thank you for reminding me to get hot x buns haha :) xx PS I love that little hot dog car!! So simple but effective, I think it's brilliant.
Hello joan, no sign of toads since, but as they're mostly nocturnal I would have to go on toad watch in the gloaming 🌚 I suppose I could but in the dark you aren't sure what's rustling and moths will fly at you etc, you have to not mind that sort of thing! Lovely weather, hope you are having a good day. I have not been back to Wales either haven't really had the chance, but no family is from there so no real ties. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Hi bosh, lovely pocket watches 😊 did you know that Ethiopia is 7 or 8 years behind us/the world, so that it is 2015 now - also the day is divided into two 12 hour shifts starting from 6 am making both midday and midnight six o’clock in Ethiopian time 😮. I didn't, anyway, til today. Hope you are having an ok day and a better-from-jab day, & definitely that the hot & cold was just part of that, it sounds like it was. Hope your mum is ok since the low blood sugar🤞. Have to go and pack a very small nosegay sale, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift don't need to worry about me edging them off the millionaire list, although I'm sure we all agree that I work harder than they do and am almost as talented 😉 😂. May see you later :) xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im not too bad thanks
just a bit tired and hot as mum has been frying all day 🥵
but I glad it keeps her occupied 👍
mums ok atm thanks but her b sugar wasn’t too good in morning
hope you both enjoy the evening
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
sorry I’m completely frazzled today
and I’m planning to walk early morning tomorrow
so have a good night and tc xx
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Just getting in the tunnel! Found another Fig😊
Will post later all being well xxx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) what plants have you planted. Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I’m sure you are more intelligent than Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift and you have your real name I’m not sure their names are real. Have a good day good luck with eBay.
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope the journey is going along smoothly. Thank you for the photo (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) i hope your mum does not have another hypo I know you keep an eye on her (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi toady Toni Joan
how are you all?
hi Joan
how are you and Sue?
my mums b sugar was ok today thank you 👍
but dad is bullying her a lot and she was crying
so mum and I are ignoring him as much as poss
i am ok thanks xx
hi toady 🐸
how are things?
thats interesting about Ethiopian time
im not sure if T Swift is talented but I see your point lol
tc xx
hi Toni
i hope you enjoy the holiday
more later
bfn all tc xx
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Hi again toady
how are you?
this is definitely re - grumping weather for me unfortunately
plus have a slight sprain in my left hand not sure why exactly
I think it might be as I was stressed when walking this morning and may have been gripping too hard on my phone without realising it
stress has so many manifestations doesn’t it?
therein lies the problem
dad has some kind of cultural society event today so he has been even more difficult than usual and he tried to bully mum into attending but of course she’s not going due to covid, neither am I of course, she stood strong but he really insulted her and she was crying, I felt very sad.
So basically stress levels are up around here plus the hot and cold etc vaccine side effect symptoms yesterday of course, you were right
cold/ hot sensation was thankfully just the side effect and nothing else 🙏
Sorry had to re- locate so my train of thought was de- railed due to leaves cabbages, cheese sandwiches and all manner of family - related debris on the track, as it were.
have a good afternoon/ evening toady tc xx
ps intrusive “waiter” pic or maybe a v young DIY dad? lol xx
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Nice coffee you made here Reshmi.
I am so sorry your Mum was so upset by your Dad the meanie😕
We are finally in Luxembourg I have just had a mocktail and Paul a beer we have to eat far too late for me 7pm.
It is really beautiful here but very very hot.
Kari sent me a photo of My little pusskin who I miss very much.
I will post some more pics later.
Went past two houses with Frog/toad ornaments outside will sneak a pic for us all. I think Toady will like it especially.
We've been up since 3.30am so shattered😴
Take care everyone
The river opposite the hotel
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Hello all 😊
and afternoon young frogmorton, lovely to see pictures thank you 👍️😊 that water looks so nice 😍 hope there's a just-nice breeze off that, if it's hot as you say. Very pretty 🏞️ and socialising with other Figs en route, good stuff 😀. Hope there is a nice light meal option for you - I have had homegrown salad with mine today, and have been generally poking about and not much else. Probably ought to make a phone call this evening so am going to have a quiet bit now and see how that goes. Next door have just been to mow their other half of lawn, no idea why they left it the other day, either the mower ran out of steam up or maybe they did 🤨 so tempting to say 'oh I thought you were leaving it for 'No Mow May' 🌱 but one never does these things (mainly because he would have looked at me like I was an alien, the very idea of not wielding a motor mower 😱🙄). Have a lovely evening and look forward to itinerary updates 😀 I will give Sleek some extra fuss if she pops round 😘 (hug for you too for missing her) take care both of you :) xx
Joan 😂 kind of you to be on 'team Toady' the proof is perhaps in the pudding for high-paid stars' intelligence, even if you don't necessarily think much of their talents there's a skill in marketing yourself & making money I suppose - though maybe you have people to do that for you 🤔. I really would change my name to Toad or something else unusual if I had the nerve, just for the fun of Drs having to call you in by that etc 😂 also I have never liked mine that much. But there are too many hoops to go through and I'm not enough of an extrovert to draw attention to myself. Ebay is quiet at the moment but it's only for fun really thanks and I enjoy it - when there aren't too many irritating customers. I want to bid on something tomorrow I will probably be outbid though as it's only a 99p start. Such a lovely day today hope you are both well & enjoying the warm :) xx
Hi bosh, sorry there have been volcanic uprisings today 😕 of course your mum shouldn't have to go to something if she doesn't want & she was brave to stand her ground but sorry DV upset her. I hope if he is out at the event for a while you & she will have some quiet time. Can understand you gripping your phone, you don't realize what you're doing sometime, stress comes out in ways like that, it's true. Hope you get a chance to relax a bit and clear your train lines of all that extra debris, and pull into a siding maybe 🚉. Not much happening with me, I made banana muffins again don't tell 'GI Joe' 😳😄 I had to do it, the bananas were going black and I couldn't waste them. Yes I may have had my tongue in cheek a bit about Taylor Swift et al 🤐, but I suppose the fact is I haven't heard anything of theirs and almost nothing of Mr Ed S., so to be fair, I ought to first 🤔 is life too short to bother though 🤨 there is just so much stuff out there you have to be a bit selective. Pop in general is perhaps not my top fave, Eurovision and all that (didn't do very well did we 😬). Will just potter this evening, hope yours is ok as poss & you have a better week 👋 :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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"When your hoover handle snaps" 😂😂😂
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Hi Toni
glad you like the coffee ☕️
that’s a lovely pic of Luxembourg 👍
oh dear shame they won’t serve you something light before 7 pm
yes dad is being more mean than normal
mum walked in the garden today 👍
oh no shame it’s v hot there
LA told BR that fish don’t have feet but they do have hands lol
so now I suppose I have to learn how to play underwater football with my hands in the company of fish 😱😱
I think that may be too steep a learning curve for tired old mima lol
BR had a v long phone chat with granny today mostly in baby language but he did say he had mushrooms for lunch which wasn’t quite true but never mind - better than an iron tablet sandwich though don’t you think? 🤢
its too hot for me already, but at least the nights are more or less ok - so far
i hope you have a good day tomorrow and restful night
bye tc xx
ps badge on subject of Noel’s guide to alternative uses for fruit lol xx
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Good night Toady 🐸 tc xx
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Good morning Joan I hope you are well? How is Sue's ankle is it feeling any better at all? It's so very warm here, but maybe a little rain is due later. Today we are driving out in a convoy to visit no less than 7 chateaux. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. How are you?
We had to sleep with a fan on all night it was so hot, but it is a bit cooler this morning and apparently some rain (probably a tiny shower) is due this afternoon. Was it still cool enough for you to sleep?
Well done getting your Mum outside for a walk. I bet she enjoyed it and it did her good too.
Well LA is kind of right🤔 I mean wish do have 'sort of' hands but i think Mimo will struggle to play football well with those. Unless she is a cartoon maybe?
How sweet BR telling his Granny all his gobbledygook and especially that he had eaten mushrooms for dinner!!! Even though it was actually something else!!
Had some trouble convincing the staff that I am definitely Vegan! there was far too much to eat but it was nice so I just ate what I could manage.
I will wear my vegan T shirt tonight!!!
Love the badges BTW they are fabulous really 👌
Morning Toady
I hope you are well and enjoyed your salad leaves yesterday?
I had so so so much salad it was lovely I have had about 20 of the weeks fruit and veg! but it was late so stomach is a bit cross today.
I do however have a fridge in the room for my soya milk 😊 and there was indeed a cool breeze coming off of the river😊
No-one does no mow May nope no-one. Your neighbours probably couldn't be bothered to finish the lawn last week so came back to mow the other half yesterday. I bet it looks odd though!
Is that your hoover? Well done all hoover handles should look like that!!!
I hope Sleek has been and had some attention from you? Kari gave her some yesterday too. Tia just gave her too may treats I think!!!
I will try to get some pics today of all the other Figgys.
Take care everyone
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I saw Taylor Swift in the news yesterday singing in the rain and she said to the audience we are all has wet has one another (()) good luck with your bidding tomorrow (())
Barbara (()) have a good day take care. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) thank you Sue’s ankle is a lot better. Enjoy your time looking at the Chateaux ‘s. I expect sleeke misses you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your Dad is so difficult is he worried about something. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
I struggle with hot weather but managed some good sleep this evening thanks 🙏
mum is ok thanks but she has kidney blood test tomorrow so she’s understandably a bit nervous
everyone else is ok thanks
enjoy the evening
bye tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
glad you had enough food
the fish memo thing yes maybe - who knows the inner workings of LA’s little mind? Lol
sorry had a bit of a tough day but eventually got a bit of sleep, also these p menopause feelings have started again to some extent, but I’m so glad you told me about this because I’m more in control of it now, even if it just means having a lie - down and crying alone, it’s def better than how I felt and dealt with it last time. 👍
bipolar and p menopause I would wish it on no one.
mum is ok thanks but has kidney b test tomorrow so she’s a bit nervous of course
thanks about badges
I’ll go now as need to get up early
bye Toni tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
I like the hoover handle lol
LA went to Marco the mafia member’s birthday soirée- ooky
he got a giant - sized takeaway popcorn from there - just the thing with fish fingers and custard
GI Joe i like it lol
im tired but ok thanks
good night toady tc xx
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Hello all -
Have not organized myself well today and my odd jobs ebay grocery shop &c got pushed on late so I dare not start dozing off in here over a cup of tea in my corner, much as I'd like to - so it's a very quick wave to wish frog a good night and a lovely time tomorrow (how many chateaux today? 😮 asleep long since I expect!)
and a hello to Joan and Sue - my auction is in a little while, someone has placed the opening bid 😬 - we shall see. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx
and a goodnight to bosh 👋, a tired day for me too but my grocery shop is not til the afternoon so if I get a half decent sleep I will be able to come in earlyish tomorrow I hope - sorry you have an early start yourself and v good luck to your mum for her test 🤞- all other chat will be dealt with properly tomorrow or it will come out like something an actual toad has produced by randomly hopping over the keyboard. Hope you get some sleep too :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Morning Joan I am very pleased to see that Sue is in much less pain with her ankle now👍️Kari will be spoiling Sleekipuss today for me, but I really miss her😕 Have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. How are you today? and your Mum I hope you are both not suffering and DV🤞
Best of luck to your Mum for her kidneys tests today hope all is well. It usually is she looks after herself as well as she can.
I rather like your badge😁and gosh your barrister skills are getting better and better!
Of course you are coming around to that TOTM again soon so the hormones could be kicking off once more. You'll get there you will you are strong and you have many skills now to deal with such an awful experience ((()))
LA is very bright boy his imagination is incredible so who knows what he is thinking, but thinking he certainly is! Bless him. I take it so far no sign of chicken pox? Has it been the 12 days yet?
Have a good day and look after yourself ((()))
Morning Toady. How are you today?
Is it still sunny?
Overcast here today so hopefully cooler that yesterday which was way too hot for comfort.
Yesterday we (and about 8 other cars) got lost on the rally!! It didn't matter Luxembourg is small. the car in front of the car in front took a wrong turn!
Then in the evening we had a charity fundraiser making over £2000 for a cancer charity which helped one of our members' wife who died in October. It was a really good if very late night.
It included an auction too! Hope yours goes ok. I opened two bids to get things started last night gosh we did well raising all that with only 41 people there!
Hope today is a good one.
What do you all think of my photo?
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Enjoy the sun. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) good luck with the auction. Have you seen mr toad again have a good day (())
Barbara (()) thinking about you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s a lovely photo. That’s good raising that much money for Cancer (()) how are your pains (()) I’m sure sleeke is happy with Charley keeping her busy. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) good luck with your mums blood test (()) have a good day take care.
take care
joan xx0 -
Good afternoon everyone
wppl xx
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