Val's Cafe
Look at those two aren't they adorable. Wish I could sleep like that!
Morning Joan I suppose my homemade tilt test wouldn't really work would it😂Best wait for the appt to come through. Yes the lady apologised for now! Like you I think i'll always have some pain, but we cope don't we? ((())) to you and Sue xxx
Oh Reshmi I loved that pic about the guy being 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's your Dad is it? Brilliant 😂
I'm glad to hear your Mum's b sugar was ok yesterday and hope it's good today too. So very glad that TOTM is here but no scary symptoms yes!!!!👌
I'm sitting here trying to pluck up the courage to take my new meds (dissolved in water) for my lungs. Now they definitely help, but tastes like eggs🤢 I have a decaf coffee here ready to take the taste away but still it lingers....
Happy Birthday LA!!!!
I hope he has a wonderful day. Has your Mum made Kheer? I had it once when I was still only vegetarian it was soooooo rich but yum. Nope BIL none for you!!!
Maybe he will do a dance (Dad or otherwise🤭) today??? hehehe! Shorts they will be on you know be ready for it🙄it's sunny today. I hope you all enjoy the BBQ and the fish stew is better for you and the boys I'm sure it will be.
LA will love his books he always has loved them I bet he reads to BR now?
Well take care and make sure you get some rest in today before you go.
Morning Toady how are you today?
Imagine you selling seeds to a councillor! Oooh! get you hob-nobbing (sp).
I'm so glad your runners will have the red flowers I love those they are so pretty and so do the bees usually.
Right here goes going to take the nacsys need both hands to hold my nose....shudder!!!!🤢there all done and necked back the decaf too to cover the taste up. I do rather dread it, but it works to a large extent so has to be done.
Guess who I heard from yesterday? BARBARA! she must be psychic! Every time we mention her she appears! I told her about your shed painting. All is well with her and hers although her son, with the heart condition, is a bit down not being able to work.
I rather think Paul won't co-operate with my DIY tilt test you know🤔 he can be stubborn like that😉 Oh gosh yes the roundabout that used to make my head spin too! You a whimp? never! Me too though!
I was at the foodbank yesterday and would you believe we got a ton of food altogether from the foodbank! Isn't that fabulous? so supplies are replenished for now at least.
Glad to hear the B's are fine and there is mousie activity, but where is original 🐭?? Oh dear....
Going to be a hot one today indeed hopefully we can all keep our cool😉 then storms yes next week. My grass needs some for definite.
Well you have a good day
Reshmi I hope you ate your non-vegan cheese 🥪 😁
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is has best as can be there (()). Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) good luck with the job you had to do. We have broad beans in our freezer. Have a good day (())
Barbara (()) thinking about you and Mr B (()) I hope is going alright for you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s a pity the see saw wouldn’t work any time Paul had a pain he could go back. I take Alendronic Acid every Friday that dissolves in water I feel please when I’ve done it. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good time of the month has gone (()) Happy Birthday L A that’s good your mum is feeling better (()) take care.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
thanks so much for LA’s cake!
wppl xx
Peppa has also provided a cake, even though name’s wrong lol xx
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Hello all 👋
Early for me 👼 just for once, no doubt will slip back into my old ways dreckly 😉. Lovely that you heard from Barbara frog 😊 thank you for updating us glad to hear things are as well as can be, even though not as well as we'd like hope, & feel for her son, limitations are v frustrating, well we all know that to a degree or other. Well done for persisting with the new med, nacsys by name nasty by nature 😕 good that it's helping just a shame it's not without its downsides, is the 'nose running like tap' effect likely to tail off as you get accustomed? Very quiet day for me today no obligations, so just tinkering and doing a bit to the odd project - currently renovating my bathroom medicine cupboard, I'm not sure if it's going to be a success or if I've given it less of an upcycle and more of an identity crisis 😂 we'll see. Will definitely go & have a proper mousewatch later on and see what I can see. The bees don't seem to be around (the arch hole) but I don't know what that signifies 🤔. Lovely line of washing out, I may throw another or so out while the going's good. I'll have towels & bedding to go when I finish my turnout, must check again what you can put in local textile banks, can never remember what they don't want. And one seems to have gone altogether. Super result for the foodbank 😀 maybe you saw the news article about someone who came up with a handy website to tell people what items are needed, as otherwise they were having shortfalls of certain things and having to buy things in to top up. Have a good afternoon I won't be going to the park sadly but at least I'm in good company staying off the roundabout (let alone the witches hat 😱 worse still!!) Slide for me please, race you there 😊 xx
Hello joan, having a very nice quiet day today, no leftover odd jobs, just everyday ones. Perfect for washing 😀. The broad bean plants are looking good, better than they have other years, I do like them but it's just as much about managing to get them to grow successfully 😄 not as easy as runner beans, for me, anyway. Glad you only have to take your dissolvable med once a week 👍️. Hope you and Sue are well today and the dear dogs :) xx
Hi to bosh thinking of you in MH, well not there yet by your timetable but will be off in due course, hope all goes well 👍️. Here is a v small cake for LA he will hardly need another he has been spoilt for choice in here already, but anyway Happy Birthday littley 😊 xx
(I g**gled 'birthday cake that looks like..' and cheese was the first suggestion! so either this is a madly popular thing or g**gle was reading my thoughts 😮 eek). Btw I didn't have an actual cheese sandwich the other day, you understand, I merely mentioned it as something I could afford, one of those status symbol type boasts, like LV luggage 😄 . Shan't be moving to a french chateau quite yet awhile though 😔 I would probably move next to le DIY Père anyway 😂. Good luck with the party foods sounds like you should be ok with some of the options 👍️, hope LA loves his books they sound cool (no penguin pun intended), and see you next visit 👋 :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi toady and Joan
hope you’re both ok and Sue of course too
thanks for cheese - cake toady
sorry was out at LA’s got a bit of a headache but I survived
got telephone psych assessment booked too
more tomorrow
good night everyone tc xx
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Sleek having a Friday morning dance!
Morning Joan how are you today? Have you done your alendronic acid? I've done my nasty as Toady called it. Do you feel like you could bring it back up? I do mine. It also dissolves in water then smells/tastes eggy🤢with a hint of lemon! I wonder whether I can put it in squash.....🤔 Annie's old family dog had to be 'ket go' yesterday so they are feeling sad ATM. You know what that's like 😓You take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you are ok today and that headache went off while you slept? Is your Mum ok too?
All is well here Lucy is away this weekend so I will be cat sitting, the same for a village neighbour in the close who is going to London for a show.
Didn't LA do well for cake in the cafe? Annoying they put the wrong name and age on his Peppa Pig one, but I'm sure it tasted as good. Bless him did he have a lovely day? I hope he had everything a 5 year old could want and a lovely time with his family💙
Did your stomach survive?
I am so very pleased that you have a Telephone Consultation booked with psych. I hope that it's soon so you will be able to get things a bit better. Have you had your lithium bloods done yet? He/she will probably want those results I should think.
A restful day for you today I hope? ((()))
Morning Toady I am in love with that 'cheese cake'!! Brilliant for LA the little cheese chomper!!!
How are you? How is the bathroom cabinet? I'm sure whatever happens it will enjoy the attention 😁
I didn't see the foodbank article but ours has a facebook page as well as 'lists' we give out to people. We practically wrote off Asda's UHT milk supplies last weekend!
There is a pic with me in it but we'll draw a veil over that🤭
Oh gosh the witches hat!! Nope never could cope with that. I also used to get stuck at the top of the climbing frame and have to be rescued. Slides were ok as were sea-saws as long as Kari didn't 'bump' me when she landed!
I just did a 'nasty' burp it tastes like eggs help!!!! It might actually be worse than MTX...maybe not!🤔
If you can't donate your bedding easily usually animal charities will have it. Better that than landfill. It was perfect clothes washing weather wasn't it? Wow!!!
a bit risky though I remember Barbara's bloomers ending up in the tree a few years back!
Do you think the bees have already moved on? You would hate to hurt them. Oh what a dilemma😕
Anyway here's to a good Bayleafing day for both of us fingers 🤞
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Good morning everyone
Arthritis is not very great full for all we do to help it. We take things we don’t like has well has things we don’t want to do but it still gives us pain and problems. We all do the best we can to to help us we enjoy our selves has best has we can Arthritis’s won’t stop us.
Thank you everyone for your help (())
Kitty (()) have a good day and weekend (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) you have got great fingers. Have a good day (()) and a good weekend. Watch out for the rain.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day and weekend. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry about Annie’s dog he won’t be in pain anymore (()) my drink is strawberry it’s the taste I don’t like you have to drink water after having it. That’s good it’s helping you (()) you have a busy weekend cat watching. Have a good day and weekend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) good luck with the phone call. Have a good day and weekend (()) love to your mum (()) take care.
take care
joan xx2 -
Good afternoon everyone
LA told me he likes being a nephew- or something like that!
Toni- I ate a cheese sandwich today!
hope you’re all ok?
wppl xx
pic of Riley possibly? Lol xx
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Hi all 😊
Well yesterday was a day of two halves, after it started well - round lunchtime I went out to water a few more things and check the mouse corner again, sadly I found a little mouse bod 😥 I don't know what caused its demise, no marks no clues. Then I looked a few inches along to the right and saw the back end of a hedgehog 😮 absolutely convinced that would be a casualty as well, sitting still & in the daytime, talk about give a person a fright. Mercifully I finally spotted breathing, and by the time I went to put a water dish nearer that corner, it had snuffled off. Went out on watch later and it came right out into view and had a good poke around the border, nearly up to the house, out onto the lawn again, etc. Must check all the routes in & out to see none have got blocked from other people's sides. In the interim had to have a little mouse funeral; Mr B said a few words as he usually does on these occasions. So all in all I was just as late to bed. No drama today so far nor have I got much done. I will remember to add animal places to the list of possibles for towels, thanks frog, I have taken some to vets before, had forgotten. What a super food bank pic, apart from the frog shortage, spoilsport 😄. I do like that ladies' top though 😀. Hope you are having a good gardening day - great for washing again too, can I muster another lineful 🤔 might be worth it before the thundery showers. How is your DIL now? hope everyone else ok and the cat-sitting weekend goes well :) xx
Hello joan, well said ✌️yes arthritis has pinched my bicycle, my energy, and quite a lot more besides 😕 mind you it could argue back that I haven't given it any physio or the right sort of attitude or whatever it would ask me to, so we're even I guess 😄. Seriously though yes, we just do what we can despite it, don't we 👍️. Hope you are having as good a day as possible, mine was not the best yesterday, lost one of the little mice 😔 and gained a hedgehog - something else to worry about 😬. Love to both :) xx
Well done surviving yesterday and getting your appointment set up bosh, hope the headache is better, I will probably catch you later :) xx
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Hi Joan Toni and toady
hope you’re all ok?
yesterday was ok in the end but very tiring indeed 🙏
I was in a lot of pain with totm but really only went for LA’s birthday
there’s another party on Sunday with virus - spreading kiddies- I’m most likely not attending that, but mum is, she said she’ll observe social distancing but may not wear mask - I’m v worried
mums b sugar was a bit low today but I think not near hypo level
I had only tiny bit of choc cake
but today I had vegan apple cake from bakery - yummy
thanks about psych assessment telephone appointment it is on Thursday 29 June
LA got loads of stuff, books, toys a red sports car to impress the ladies (even further lol) - shame it’s only the size of BR’s foot.
so much pollen yesterday Toni - my eyes were stinging all the time- how are your eyes now?
What a cake toady! Very funny lol
Headache is better now thanks
thanks Joan I hope you and Sue have a great day too
bfn everyone tc xx
ps vegan apple cake xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
Thanks about the phone call
I’m not too worried about that it’ll be a bit embarrassing to talk about all my symptoms to a male psychiatric nurse, but I’ve done it before, it’s worse talking to the male psychiatrists, in a way, as they tend to be more stuffy, but of course there are exceptions.
mum is ok at the moment thanks 👍
LA had a great time yesterday but my stomach isn’t too good
it was nice to see LA BR etc but the whole thing went on too long and was v tiring
i hope you both have a good evening
bye tc xx
Ps pic of toady spreading birds or possibly just fungal spores lol xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
that’s a nice photo of you
mums ok atm thanks
sorry in a bit of stomach pain with totm so trying not to digress too much lol
there seemed to be more pollen in MH for some reason Toni - it was a case of all the eyedrops in Arabia, well you know what I mean lol
tbh my stomach is pretty bad atm , I had the runs, also vomiting so I’m very tired now sorry
have a good evening bye tc xx
👋 toady xx
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Had to quote this as your introductory paragraph is just sooooo spot on Joan! HERE HERE!!!! well said and that you for your support too.
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Morning Joan how are you today? I hope doing ok. Sue too? Strawberry flavoured - even if it was nice you'd go off it in the end wouldn't you? Then water afterwards and sitting up for half an hour? ((())) Yes Annie's old family dog was having seizures the vet suspected a brain tumour so he is best off asleep now. Sad for her and her brothers. Take care and have a nice day I hope not too hot. ((())) xxx ok here goes...
Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today?
Hope the TOTM has eased of a bit well done for braving the trip for LA's birthday.
Maidenhead is even worse for pollen?! Oh no just what you didn't need🙄
Did you manage ok with the food? I have a friend who always had the two-bob-bits at that TOTM, but in your case it will be doubly bad as your stomach is never 100% happy is it? 😕 ((()))
How did LA enjoy his big day? Was he loud and happy? I bet he was and if they did do a barbecue what did BIL wear? Me suspecting that he did the 'cooking' after your sister spent all morning doing all the prep!
I hope your Mum is ok and managed her BS ok yesterday with all that was going on. Low with all that food? I bet she didn't eat herself?
You had vegan apple cake? Yes please!!!
That pic with the asda haul isn't me it's another lady. I look far more gorgeous - not!!!!
A quiet day at home i hope for you today TC ((()))
Morning Toady, Mrs and Mr B and Mousie's family
RIP original mousie (expected lifespan is only about 18months so original mousie did very very well) Thank you Mr B for your eulogy. Sleek says she laid some 💐
The upset was, I hope, mitigated by the discovery of a hedgehog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooh! lovely lucky lucky you😊 He was clearly just chilling for abit. Your garden looks very hedgehog friendly to me😊
Are you melting yet? as Aidan used to say? Today is going to be HOT!!!!! Then maybe some showers (thundery even) tomorrow followed by more sunshine! Yippee! No watering soon for a day or so.
I'm not going to complain. Well yet anyway. I will open and close windows/curtains and keep the house temp right in between feeding various pusskins....
DIL is very quiet but Charley is off this weekend and will do her best to cheer her up. That's why they got their own puppy in preparation for the imminent demise of the family dog. He was very poorly Dr suspected a brain tumour.
Let's hope we both have a great day gardening today! Much Bayleafing ahead!
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
welcome to the Saturday Vortex
1 -
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is alright there. Take care (()). Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I’m sorry would the hedgehog have killed the mouse if it was a cat it would have eaten it. Have a good day no more murders. Try not to get wet (())
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Thank you I got mixed up what I had thought came out different. Do you have to take your nasty everyday (()) That’s nice Charley and Annie got a puppy before (()) have a good day try not to get wet. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good you got your appointment don’t be worried about talking to him just tell him how you feel (()) love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all 👋
Some silly fool booked their nosegay parcel in last night but not the collection (some services have collection already included some you have to go to RM site to do, which tends to catch me out), so some silly fool had to take ther parcel to the shop, which is why I'm early. Lovely day though and not too hot when I went - also if I'd had the parcel picked up I wouldn't now have a fruit cake, would I 😄 swings & roundabouts. Swings anyway! Also would have popped in earlyish anyway to tell frog that it wasn't original mousie I found, they have distinguishing features, I know it wasn't them. It was quite a little one. Thank Sleek for the flowers 😽 and there is a dwarf lupin marking the spot now. I am a bit concerned about the hedgehog factor as joan mentioned, they will opportunistically have an egg etc or small rodents, but it's uncommon apparently; & again, I would think it would only do so for food not to just toy with it like a cat might 🤔 not a nice thought though. No sign of hedgehog yesterday, there were at least 2 or 3 mice out & about so I can only keep an eye. Hope Charley & Annie are doing ok, so sad, I couldn't have a dog for this reason 😔. Talking of which I passed a house on my walk yesterday with 2 large ones behind a chain fence in their front garden, including a growling Alsatian, would not have got on its side of the fence for all the tea in China, please don't let me have 2 like that next door 😱. And talking of tea (neat link) have you seen the Devon & Cornish scones on g**gle today 😍 and teapot & teacup wallpaper, lovely. I hoped there might be something to 'do' like there is sometime but no, just the click to read. Luckily I do have scones already, no cream though 🤔 I can haz borrow some from the cafe 😸? Hope all's well in your garden, keep watering, no rain for me til tomorrow and Sun, same as you. And yes it's HOT! but lovely 🌞. Have a good day :)
Hello joan, yes I was a bit worried that the hedgehog being there was not a coincidence, but I looked it up and it's rare for them to attack mice etc so am just hoping. Unless it frightened it even, you never know. Shouldn't be any rain for me til tomorrow so I am thinking through what best chores to do as it's hot out til later for gardening, more washing maybe 🤔. Did you see the story about the 4 children who survived in the Amazon for 40 days after a plane crash, miraculous they all were found, then I read the youngest were 1 & 4 😮 you can't believe they did it. Have a good day yourselves - do you have your scones jam then cream or the other way. :) xx
Wave to bosh, hope you are feeling better today, totm and the heat and a long day is a lot to deal with at once. Hope you can have some quiet time. I love 'me' sitting in that quiet place by the rocks, don't I look peaceful 🕊️. Glad the littleys had a good day anyway and hope your mum and everyone else alright today. Sorry I didn't make it back in last night I went for a quite nice late walk and also I missed your little post where LA said he likes being a nephew, I should think so too. My Dad was one of six and there was quite a gap between the oldest & youngest, that means some of my cousin's children are older than me etc, v confusing. Have a good afternoon keep cool if poss :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
0 -
Hi Toni
how are you today?
Nettle- related pollen today apparently- super ooky - I blame that toady lol.
I am feeling a lot better today thanks 🙏
but yesterday was really nasty
I think even though the shop - bought vegan apple cake was delicious it maybe didn’t suit my stomach 🤢🤢
but that phase of vomiting and intense acute stomach pain is over now thankfully 👍
I see the pic was of someone else, she looks a bit like you though 😀
Mums b sugar was ok today thankfully
Yes MH pollen was worse
The food was more or less ok thanks, I ate fish stew unlike everyone else, who had burgers and so on, but oven - cooked, no bbq in the end, I think it was yesterday’s food which was the problem, at least some of it like the cake.
My stomach is ok sometimes, but it can be quite delicate, a bit like yours.
LA was loud and happy, he made an enormous mess on the floor with Dino toys etc
i read him a story, BR was also happy and was eating salad ecstatically lol
LA had to be stopped from overdoing burgers / sausages- oh dear
Bill sat back watching rubbish on tv and asked sis if burgers can be cooked in the oven- what?!
you’re right, he then proceeded to laze about while sis got the food ready 🙄
I think bill wore t shirt and shorts
Mum was ok thanks her b sugar was a bit low in the morning, the main time she tests it is in the morning
she was ok there she helped my sis, no one let me help, so she got a bit tired, but she was so happy to see the boys of course- bless her.
there was a choc cake, not homemade this time, I just had a small bit
LA’s little male friend was also there too, they were both running around everywhere being naughty lol
mum promised me she’ll wear a mask at LA’s second party which is tomorrow
ive still got totm but just feeling weak really - so not too bad
good that you help out at food bank 👍
not done neck physio yet
So bfn Toni tc xx
ps some well - behaved kids 😂
0 -
wppl xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im rather warm to put it mildly lol
otherwise ok thanks 🙏
mums ok atm thanks
thanks about the appointment
I showed LA a pic of a sausage dog in a storybook
I had a hard time convincing him the dog wasn’t a food lol
hope you both have a good afternoon
bye tc xx
ps pic of bill helping in the kitchen lol xx
0 -
sorry toady
meant to send a proper message but I’m so tired now
so have a good night tc xx
ps so physics humour now, definitely not my area of expertise but I have an uncle - type who is a physics professor- but his son is one of the most stupid people I’ve ever met, he once asked my sis how to put salmon in the oven lol and his dad did his dissertation for him - double ooks 😱😱 xx
1 -
No worries bosh, rest>toady as the mathematical people say (and the physics people as well for all I know) 😉😄 have a good night 👋 :) xx
and good night sleep well everyone 😘 xx
p.s. wasn't due thunder & lightning today, said I - boy did it thunder!!! 😮
0 -
Morning Joan. Hope you and Sue are well. Although Annie and Charley have their own home Annie still loved the family dog ( he lived with her brothers) and walked him when she could, contributed to vet bills etc. They all had bought him together when their Mum died. The puppy is a real help and lives at Charley and Annie's.
Your post was good I thought worthy of reading again. My yukky tablet is a daily one 🙄 Lucy used to take her meds in a flavoured liquid form. When she was tiny when she got a bit older just the sight of it used to make her feel queasy so she went on to tablets.
Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. You did do well to just eat the fish and avoid anything barbecued. Rather sounds as though BIL couldn't be bothered in the end🙄watching TV in his shorts. Good job your Mum helped your sister. You did too, a lot, just by reading to LA and occupying the children.
How adorable is BR enjoying his salad so much!
Glad your Mum is doing ok BS wise and that she will take sensible precautions today at the children's party. After all chicken pox is going round and it's airborne. Did I ask before has she been vaccinated? Did you know there is a vaccine which is not 'live' now available for for shingles????
Just in case It's any help to your Mum.
I'm glad you're not going to party number 2. You can have a quiet day avoiding MH pollen and nettle pollen and rest.
I'm so glad that awful vomiting has stopped - dreadful😕 Our stomachs are so annoying. I hope it wasn't the vegan apple cake because you enjoyed it a lot.
How on earth did someone make that bubble tower for those children?!!! Wow!!
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady. How are you today? Did you get a short but heavy shower yesterday? I did it was lovely I stood outside in it under my brolley. Hot again pretty quickly afterwards. Ah I see your addendum - you did!
I feel bad that I was relieved that the mousie wasn't 'Mousie' if you know what I mean! I doubt it was the hedgehog given that insects are everywhere atm🤔Sleek was telling me about the lupin I thought she said 'looping'😳
Oh dear the nosegay parcel is now sorted and luckily fruitcake obtained so all is good. Is it vegan? Can I have a slice please?
No please no! No dogs next door to you. Our new neighbours have 3 yappy very small white ones who bark at ME!!! The nerve of them! I lived here way before they came to live in the village.
You can haz some cream, plenty at the back of the café fridge:
I missed the google scones though 😕 it's what comes of having 30 open tabs.....
Breakfast anyone?
cool and summery...
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) we had thunder and rain yesterday didn’t see any lightning. Sorry about your parcel was the fruit cake worth it. We don’t have cream very often sue has an hiatus hernia. Have a good day I hope it’s a quiet day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry you have to take the tablet everyday the main thing is I hope it helps you (()) I have tried the A Acid in tablet form but it stopped in my throat and it has to go straight down. Have a good day try to miss the rain love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m pleased your mum enjoyed herself (()) have a good day (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone xx
wppl xx
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