Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339
    edited 11. Jun 2023, 11:48

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    thats v helpful info about non - live vaccine for shingles - I’ll definitely tell my mum 🙏

    I actually managed a walk today, although wearing a dress and tights, no winter coat, what a strange feeling

    mums bs was ok today thanks 👍

    my parents have gone to LA’s second birthday party- he’s a bit like a royal isn’t he? Lol, one party is for ordinary littleys, not royals, Lords and superheroes, you know 😂.

    I’m feeling a lot better after my walk thanks.

    my stomach has also settled down too it seems 🤞

    You know almost every time I go to the hairdresser, he says “ my goodness, you’ve got freakish hair, fine and thick, yet so stubborn and unruly” lol

    I almost said, “not my fault, it’s just typical Asian hair really’ haha

    Similarly each time I go to the optician, he says, “oh look, you’ve got a myelination in one eye, a nice benign congenital anomaly, how lovelily freakish, can I show my student please?”

    so I reply, “ of course, please make the most of the freak show” 😂

    of course I don’t mind too much really lol, just exaggerating a bit for poetic license haha

    obviously I’m no expert on optometry and myelinations,

    but the hair issue is still a bit odd,

    hair that’s fine and yet thick and so on, I can’t be the only woman in the south - east with that hair - type surely?

    The bad news is I’ve given HD toady’s address, so he’s coming round tomorrow to cut her hair whether she likes it or not ookey 😱

    sorry about that toady haha

    ok I’ll go for now

    more later need to do neck physio etc

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps nice informative elephant pic xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hi all, hope your Sundays are going well 👍️

    Weather looking all deceptively quiet & benign out there but I don't trust it an inch 🙄 go out in it yesterday frog, I should say not 😱 we had the works here - absolute deluge, sky black as your hat, lightning - short shower it was not 😬. Horrible! Garden seems to have survived I think, give or take, mashed a trough of lettuce flat, bent a few lupins - I cloched a few things over in the 2 mins notice I had, it came in so quickly. Annoyingly the worst casualty was a side-effect, the snails must have come out in force overnight, which I could have foreseen 🙄 decimated 3 whole pots of marigolds that were coming on nicely, eaten to nothing. Should've just brought them in 😔. Hope you don't get a heavy burst next round of storms, whenever that is, I had 2 weather tabs open yesterday as it was all going on, and they could not have been more contradictory - can understand them not predicting it right, but surely they know what's going on then & there 🤷‍♀️. Yes I feel a touch of the same about Mousie, you can't help it can you, it's what comes into your mind, you're torn between sad & relieved. Oh the yappy dogs, yes how very dare they, barking at you - the cheek - mere outsiders. I do wonder why some people want dogs 🤔 is that just uncharitable. All fine here otherwise; I presume my parcel caught yesterday's collection, anyway it's gone from me - good job I remembered at all, it would not be unheard of for me to sit here Monday, thinking it was just that they didn't come Sat, not that I never booked it. Cake is vegetarian I fear, vegan may be a bit beyond my local shop, then again they are quite good; I just saw the words suitable for vegetarians and grabbed it, no browsing - still wary of shops - no-one else in there though. Ooh, don't we have some nice things in the cafe fridge 😍 I had no idea. I may have to put something on my tab, I spent my change yesterday 😉. Talking of tabs, 30 open at once? those were the days 😬😳 mine are out of all control now 😱. Hope you're having a good day and if you are to & fro to Lucy's love to kitties etc :) xx

    Hello joan, the cake has gone in the larder for stores it was well ahead for date 😊👍️. If I don't need something straight away I still tend to put them aside for a bit it's habit since covid now to not handle things til they've been here a while, maybe unnecesstily cautious but it doesn't hurt I suppose. It was much hotter later than when I went I wouldn't have fancied a three quarter mile walk then. Sorry I forgot Sue's hernia when talking about scones, well I don't forget she has it, just to think of it in terms of what I'm typing about. All quiet here today we certainly had lightning! 🌩️ don't want any more thanks but it's likely we will. Hope no extreme weather for you in next couple of days, it should settle after that hopefully 🤞xx

    Hi bosh, hope things quiet with you and the pollen not too bad, well that's not v realistic but hoping for the best anyway maybe the rain damp it down a bit 🤞 didn't get out before the heat today, will I get a walk in later or are donner and blitzen going to come back for another go at me 😬. See you later 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im feeling better than yesterday thanks as I walked in the morning

    Yes I’m glad she enjoyed herself too thanks🙏

    She’s helping organise party bags etc for LA’s second party today

    I hope you both have a nice afternoon

    bye tc xx

    ps pic of bill after his “healthy deep fried - burger fest”…oh dear 😂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    I lost a whole post due to some iPad/ website malfunctioning,

    oh dear

    so I’ll just say sorry about your gothic weather

    mum and I are ok thanks

    have a good walk

    bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607
    edited 11. Jun 2023, 15:54

    Quick hi again bosh, sorry about your post, never mind (apart from your time spent on it &c), and I didn't see your post-before-mine as you could prob tell, one of those days. Oh noes not the hairdresser 😱 help! Although they would probably be the one in tears at the end of it after wrestling with my not fine but thin hair, especially after yours, good luck to them. Also I wouldn't make personal remarks to me in this hot irritable type weather, if I were you Mr HD, 'you wouldn't like me when I'm angry', I might turn green. Oh I'm already green, I'm a toad 🐸😂. Glad your mum is enjoying seeing all the littleys, even the hoi polloi, and that 2nd party means you having time on your own today, good-oh 👍️. What a beautiful baby elephant pic, courtesy of elephant trunk lady baby's store of knowledge I expect, and it is informative, I didn't know that 😀. And an equally profound thought from Captain James Tiberius, we probably are all just someone or something's ant farm, wouldn't surprise me a bit. Ttfn :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi toady

    thanks don’t worry about the post situation it happens

    I meant to see in the post that the Internet swallowed,

    that for some reason my hay fever isn’t too bad today

    but I’ve just used up the last of the optician- recommended drops and will soon have to break into the cheap stuff - which will work fairly well - bosh said sceptically lol

    ok I’ll warn the HD to be on his best behaviour- as long as you prepare your conditioner usage pie chart - vegan or otherwise lol.

    bye tc xx

    ps i may have discovered cause of internet issues lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 12. Jun 2023, 05:59

    Morning Joan Oooh no not a stuck tablet that is terrifying. In water is better in that case. I will find out whether I am allowed to have a drop of squash in mine. I'll ask the pharmacist when I see him next. Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Sounds as though a restful day just a walk did you good.

    We had a great storm yesterday when I was out picking Lucy up from the station sooooo much rain. It was quite scary, but at least no watering needed today.

    Captain Kirk I hope not!!! We wouldn't make great pets would we?

    God mum's bs was ok I hope she enjoyed the party (helping your sis I expect) and stayed safe. Lets hope she can have the new shingles jab then she is relatively safe from children with chicken pox bless her.

    LA is indeed a Royal his Lordship!! One 'public' celebration 🎉 one private one. Quite as it should be for the young overlord!! Anyone lick any cake?

    You are special having that eye myelination! It's safe and good that you are happy to let the students have a look. Would be funny to actually say 'come and watch the freak show' but you are far too polite for that!

    I think maybe your hair is fine, but there's loads of it? The hairdresser is only jealous

    Yes!!!!! Send him round to Toady's😁

    I love the baby elephant drinking. Elephant girl would of course know this fact already.....don't tell LA!

    I hope your day is a good one ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you today (not saying this morning just in case it's not)?

    Any more rain? slugs? Snails? Do they really come back if you pop them next door? I'd like to🤭 We had your storm yesterday as I was picking Lucy up from the station 🚉 my goodness it was awful driving in it. Wipers double speed and down to 20mph. Much to the annoyance of the boy racer behind. Also instant flash floods in the village.

    BUT on the upside, no watering today!

    Delphiniums are a bit flat😕 I hope your Lupins perk up no chance for the marigolds though.

    Why do people want three 🐶 that's the problem next door! They are now a pack and the owners are not the pack leaders as they should be. My friend with the two yorkies brings her two inside if they kick off. Paul moans audibly. I just ignore them and put my headphones and audiobook on.

    Yesterday I went to Leamington classic car show with my bro which was great although rather hot. I drove there the scenic route (no M6 toll, M40/42) through Coleshill, Balsall Common, Solihull, and Kenilworth. He drove back on all the motorways and LOVES my car!

    Good job the parcel has left you now it is not your problem! I would probably have been sat there wondering too🤔

    Don't worry the 30 tabs was reduced from a tad (tab) more earlier in the day. I am no better behaved than you😂

    Help yourself to anything you can find in the fridge i do all the time if I run out of something! Any idea what today's weather is bringing? No breeze already that's a worry..

    Have a good day😊

    More cool food....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is alright there love to your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope you don’t get wet today. Looking on my iPad I saw some body ran over some Canada geese babies killing two has they crossed the road. Sue has toasted currant buns with margarine. Sorry about your plants.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that seemed lovely going to the classic car show. How is your brother (()) i hope you can have a drop of squash with your tablet. Have a good day. I was saying to Toady I read on my iPad where some Canada geese were crossing the road with their babies a car drove through them killing two of the babies. Love to Paul (()) Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Perhaps no other person goes in that hairdresser’s that are Asian. You are definitely not a freak (()) you are a kind helpful person (()) Love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    don’t worry I was only joking I didn’t really say “ welcome to the freak show” to the optician lol

    mums bs is ok today thanks 🙏

    I think it’s slightly cooler than yesterday at least over here

    how are your temperatures today?

    I wore a v light jumper on morning walk today

    it only seems it was a few days ago that I did the 3 - jumper plus coat walk though!

    add a fourth jumper and i would’ve become a toady lol

    im not too bad today thanks

    Mum told me that LA, little Ella and a male gentleman baby, I think he was called Adeek or something like that, had a long and detailed discussion about the nature of the perfect sandwich 🥪

    they argued about whether the filling should be cheese, ham, jam or all three lol.

    LA said all three - oh dear🤢🤢

    not sure about Adeek

    but Little Ella had had enough, all she said in the end was, “I don’t like jam, but I don’t care”, good for her - a strong woman in the making - lol.

    LA got 36 gifts- can you imagine that?

    Toni I think we need to go into the birthday party business lol.

    I asked my mum -you’re right the rice pudding type dish is also called Kheer 👍

    yes I’ve warned toady that the HD is dropping in today 😂

    Yes my hair is fine but there’s a lot of it, even when it’s almost short, yes maybe HD is jealous lol

    bfn Toni tc xx

    Ps a bit of an unhealthy late breakfast on Star Trek xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hi all 😊

    V muggy & heavy feeling out there but whether it will come to anything 🤔 raining late into yesterday evening but not as heavy as Sun, and nothing like you had, frog 😱 oh awful driving in that, no thanks. Glad you & Lucy picked your way through it ok, & that it improved I assume for the car show. All reasonably familiar places to me but no doubt all changed too. Are the motorway tolls all no-cash now I think? or not yet. I have only popped outside briefly so far to check things, hoping it won't rain later so I can have a walk after the heat, it has foiled me 2 nights in a row - and even if it had stopped, there would be snails all up the street which is too much of a risk for me. There was a v large one strolling across the paving when I went out to the birds this morning, I had to remember to watch my step every time, the very thought 😱. Do they come back if evicted? 🤔 will have to google that one but the problem is can you see me staying up collecting them in the twilight & the pouring rain 🤨 . Yes that's the sort of thing I meant about the dogs, there are ways to have 3 dogs and not affect others, I would not thank anyone for making me have to wear headphones 🙄 just have 3 kitties instead, or 6 or 7 like your pic 😍 omg just imagine, then again there's the 'adorable pretty picture' side of having them at the end of your bed, and then there's the actual reality of it 😬. Maybe not. Hope you're having a good day all :) xx

    Hello joan, thank you about my plants, I will mumble for a bit about gardening being a mug's game and then move on I expect 😄👍️. The broad beans are still alright and should soon see if they are going to do ok. As soon as I read what you said about Sue and the toasted buns I remembered a whole section of last night's dream, I was buying currant buns myself & other things from an odd sort of stall (3 for the price of 2 😄), but then next thing I was at a train station and had to look after someone's dog; as always happens in dreams, within minutes I had lost it and didn't know where to look, or know what its name was to call it 😱. So glad when you know it's not true, but I don't think I would have remembered, then it came back so clearly! It was a lovely white woolly dog too. The story about the geese is terrible, animal cruelty is unspeakable 😠 I always worry when the news posts about a bird nesting somewhere unusual or a rare bird, & wish they wouldn't say where it is, because of awful types of people. Hope you are both as well as possible today xx

    Hi bosh, oh dear, the hairdresser cometh 😱 have I got time to change my name & disappear 😬. My pie chart is all ready, it is not as complicated as the one you posted about students 😄 I will be fine if he asks me do I condition every time I wash, I will just have to distract him from asking how often that is, I think I would be in trouble, with you and any fellow hair conditioner mutineers. Glad your light-jumper walk was ok today, I didn't get out yesterday too wet, maybe tonight. I stayed in and watched a Doctor Who set in a huge library, and looked wistfully at all the miles of bookshelves 😄 there were monsters in there somewhere of course, but what really took the edge off it was Steve Pemberton being in it, I'd take my chance with the monsters 😄. (I didn't like the league of gentlemen tv show so all those involved are kind of on my blacklist, no invites to parties etc, sorry chaps). That is a lot of presents young LA 😮 I was going to say that life can only be downhill from that sort of peak, but that's very cynical, glad it was all good fun and jam sandwich conferences 😊. How are the cheap eye drops, doing a good enough job I hope.🤞I'm just browsing al fresco on one of my many other tabs; 70p for a packet of rich tea bics, good grief 🙄 that's since last shop, didn't pay that last time. Hope your day is ok and no squirrels have gnawed your internet :) xx

    Love to Kitty, Barbara & all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    thanks about mum, she’s feeling ok today thanks 🙏

    im not too bad thanks 👍

    yes you may well be right, maybe no other Asian women go to the HD.

    Thanks for saying I’m kind and helpful etc 🙏

    I hope you both have a nice evening

    bye tc xx

    ps posh jam sandwiches in honour of LA’s second party lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I read a bit of your post to Joan, you had a dream where you didn’t know the name of the dog you had to call, that was funny, lol.

    im not too bad thanks

    apparently LA gave little Ella a big lecture on the different jam types, lol, he was wagging his finger at her too, he’s learned that from my dad - ookey 😱

    The Dr Who and SP watching sounds good 👍

    I know what you mean about the 36 - gift - peak, lol, but at the moment anyway, LA is full of enthusiasm and he managed to get so many Lego sets and dinosaur - cars! One of the techniques he used was bullying his auntie in India- Bills sister- into buying him a massive set of Dino - cars! He showed her the catalogue and shouted “ Get this!” possibly on the video call - oh dear - 5 years old and already a master manipulator, maybe even a Dr Who villain - who knows? I’ll have to buy a cabinet from nosegay for the future Oscars I guess, lol, unless I freeze HD’s assets and use them for a posh cabinet from L***s of the J**ns, or Truest of the Cons, or whatever the technical term is according to the Trade Descriptions Act 😂

    don't worry I don’t think anyone’s chewed any Internet cables today lol

    have a good evening toady bye and tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 13. Jun 2023, 05:28

    Morning everyone

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing? No more driving into things by Sue? 🤭 How awful killing baby geese that's dreadful I had to dodge two separate young squirrels in the last week. I'd never forgive myself if I hit anything.😕 Where has Sue's carer's daughter flown off to this week? anywhere exciting? Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are feeling ok today?and your Mum too is she well?

    HD is definitely coveting your hair! Fine, but plenty of it is the best kind. Wavy hair also looks thicker I think that's why older ladies often perm theirs. Hehehe! poor Toady she will try to hide in the garden maybe when HD arrives!

    Spock seems to be enjoying his pop tarts. Brilliant😂

    Gosh it's hot isn't it? How are you coping?

    Putting this in the corner of the café for us all....

    It really was only a week ago that we were needing coats to go outside!

    36 gifts? Wow!!! and 'ordering' what he wants via facetime with extended family oh LA!!! he is so cheeky! We definitely need to go into the children's party business to sweep up all the goodies.

    I bet your sister had to spend a small fortune too on party bags🙄

    Good on Ella ignoring LA's finger wagging (Big Baba-style) lecture on sandwiches. Mind i think she's like those jam ones you posted on Joan's message. Strong woman in the making - might be a suitable future wife for LA 😉

    What would we all do without LA to entertain us?

    Well have a good day and stay cool ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you? All well I hope?

    There is air here today after the second storm yesterday so all my windows are open until it hots up. (We do have fly screens though because there are plenty of those about being in a farming village). Again I was out driving in the storm. Lucy and I had to drive through 4 huge flash floods😮

    Don't worry it was sunny (bloomin hot!)for the car show. So far all rain has been late on which is what I asked for if you remember so fair enough.

    Erm maybe 7 kitties might be too much? They would pounce on you in the night while you were trying to sleep!!!! Some kittens even like playing with your toes😣

    Of course you can have 🐶 and not annoy anyone else we have several people in the village whose dogs are so well behaved, an absolute credit to their owners, but since lockdown a lot of spoilt ones too. One in the village (adorable though) jumps up and has actually bruised my legs in the past she's so solid. Nope it's naughty really forcing me to wear headphones just because you can't control your dogs🙄

    It is dreadful if you tread on a snail isn't it? Goes right through you. I used to think they became slugs then when I was little. If you google it the answer might upset you Toady😥

    Well we'd better get on hadn't we? Take care!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    hi everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Thinking of you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Have you seen your little mouse i hope he is alright. Our weather for today from the weather man A dry day with rain this afternoon. You could hide behind the chair when Reshmi’s hair dresser comes. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) How are you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That must have been difficult because you can have difficulty seeing where you are going (()) Jacky’ daughter is in Greece. We often watch the geese crossing the road by us and all the car’s are waiting the driver’s looking out of their windows laughing. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) How are you feeling today (()) love to your mum (()) have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hello folks 👋

    Well it jolly did thunder & lightning and rain again yesterday evening despite no forecast admitting there was even a drop of rain 🙄 how are you meant to cheer yourself up checking when it's due to stop when it's allegedly not even doing anything 😕. No more hopefully! and no more scary flash flooding for you. Snails still out in force (I won't google anything unsuitable frog, learnt my lesson there from some past nasties, they stick with you for all time too unfortunately 😕). Garden not looking too bad, hope yours has perked up from the rain and got the benefit. So so humid still isn't it, I'm not touching my hair til this leftover thundery bit passes over in a day or two, hard lines HD 😄 I'm fairly legendary for giving terrible looks, not quite the full turn to stone sort (if only!) , but enough that HD would be more frightened of me than I am of them haha. Not doing much today although the temptation is to get on with every chore that needs dry weather, ironic that it's too hot to do most of them, but will give it a shot. The gratification of making visible strides on stuff that's been on hold for months over winter is enormous✌️. Hope having a good day yourselves :) xx

    Hello joan, I don't think I'm due rain today but really you just have to look out of the window and not rely on the forecast. I was surprised there weren't rainbows with all the storms and sun too but didn't see one 🤔. I haven't seen much of the mice, they are still around somewhere, but I will have to pick a good time to go and watch to see which ones come out and if I can spot the little recognizable one. No more hedgehog sightings either. I'm glad the nice people slow down for the geese 👍️. Hope you both have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, no more dreams for me none I can remember. It's typical that I hadn't asked the dog's name I was always known for that in real life, eg I might tell my mum I'd seen a certain person and they said they had a new dog cat grandchild, and she'd say what's their name but I hadn't asked 🤷‍♀️- 'away with the fairies' I'm afraid haha. I wonder if there's anyone I could try the 'get this' trick with at birthdays etc - don't think so 😂. Will have to rely on nosegay but that would not get me many dino cars at the moment, so better list some new things this weekend 🙄. Hope things not too bad at HV today, no ghost group maybe? have a good afternoon anyway :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all today?

    im ok thanks but tired as I did a longer walk

    Toni I don’t cope well in the heat

    its too hot to go to groups at the moment

    im just waiting for hot weather to pass

    mum is ok thanks

    bfn bit tired

    bye tc xx

    Ps pic is more of LA’s sandwiches - oh dear

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi again Toni toady and Joan

    sorry I haven’t been properly present today

    to be honest I’m worried about the blood tests on Thursday and the psych assessment that’s near the end of the month

    and even if I pretend I’m not worried my stomach knows otherwise

    its playing up again Toni - which isn’t helping matters

    toady this morning my dad shoved my trainers right at back of shoe cupboard, so I had to do a long walk in ankle boots, stopping from time to time to temporarily remove a boot to get the stones out😡

    luckily there was no broken glass on the road like there often is here

    mums ok atm thanks Joan - thanks for asking 🙏

    Toni the way things are going I fear LA will be a bigamist, lol, one wife definitely not enough for him at seems lol

    Toni I like the VC fan - v good idea👍

    Bfn hope you all have a good night bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Wishing you a good night too bosh, I know the heat's being a trial for you, hope the VC fan conjures you up a bit of coolness and we're all thinking of you for your tests 👍️ you did so well having a long walk in your not proper shoes so have a little medal 🏅and will see you next visit but also don't expect you to post in the heat obvs, bye for now :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Morning Joan. How lovely everyone (nice people) sitting laughing and watching the babies cross the road 💕So we should really they have every right to be there. Roads and cars were built by us. Here goes yukky medicine time🤢ok I did it....shudder. Greece? How lovely! did Jacky's daughter get any time there? I hope you have a good day((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? and your Mum is she well too?

    Oh gosh well your stomach will respond to your anxiety mine certainly does. Not your fault it's quite understandable to me at least. Any upset and mine is off. ((())) for you The blood test is tomorrow that's good the sooner the better.

    Will you go to the group today? Is it cool there would be my first thought! It's lovely and cool outside just now at 6am, but later on I bet it's not. Although the forecast did say 26 instead of 28 here it was definitely 29 yesterday...phew!!!!

    Bungalows are HOT!!!!! I bet the warm room at yours must be stifling? I will leave the café fan switched on and the windows open in the café we never have flies 😊

    Have you rescued your trainers? You need them for walking! Gosh no! I am glad there was no broken glass on the ground too😮

    Oh dear me LA!! A bigamist? He seems to enjoy the company of females a lot I had noticed that. I think we just have to hope he falls in love one day 'hook-line-and -sinker' so he is far too besotted to talk to another woman for life. Seems a bit optimistic Toni!! The ladies like him too!

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you this lovely morning. Might not be saying that when it's too hot later, but I LOVE it atm!!

    I was catching and releasing flies again yesterday from inside the house not sure how they sneaked in - we have fly blinds! I blame it on the below...

    Did I tell you we have men? Yes men! two of them.....outside digging the drive back up and repairing the dry stone wall at the front. These are 'our' men not the ones who tarmacked the drive so badly that it still melts in the sun. So it has to be redone. Now these might be 'our' men but they are still in my space🙄 Did that actually make any sense at all?

    I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to get outside yes it is lovely achieving stuff after a long winter. The peonies survived the rain and the garden is far happier as I hope is yours. I just need to tie up the Wisteria over the pergola better than I have done so far. The trellis is filling in with it so I can see a good bit less of next door. When the arch gets covered in that lovely passion flower I will see even less🤞 Still hear the dogs though.

    Foodbank this morning for me then I have to take Lucy to the hairdresser's. She loves it though - I don't it's miles away and a waste of my time. Still she can't drive having epilepsy so I shan't complain too much.

    I am glad to see that you will scare the HD more than he will scare you😂 I very much doubt you have looks to turn anyone to stone. Nice people (and you are because you love animals and nature) always look nice. It shows.

    Let's just hope the snails will be ok and not think about it too much. No googling and never ever watch the news. Look at at least 3 different weather apps on your phone/lap-top and choose the one you like best😊Rules according to 🐸

    Take care and have a good day.

    Love of course to Kitty and Barbara ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all today?

    happy - or at least tolerable - Wednesday to you

    I’m feeling a bit tired but ok thanks

    mums bs was ok today thanks

    pollen is really ooky today😱😱

    I’ve bought toady a new major hat lol - this will replace previous dose of four minor hats 🎩

    LA said the rule in his house is to try to do a wee - wee just before leaving the house, not half an hour before

    he told this to BB with a very ferocious and aristocratic, haughty expression, so my dad stood corrected 😱

    well at least someone can boss him around

    bfn all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hello all 👋

    Just a quick line - I was coming in this morning & didn't, & then the afternoon & didn't, & by the evening I went for a too-long walk for some air and then in the garden for a bit as it was the only time it was cool enough. So too late to bed for me again really at this rate 😬 but just popped in so you know I'm ok 👍️.

    Thinking of everyone, frog with invading workmen 😱 (more on that tomorrow), joan whose post is still in the posting box I assume 😔, and bosh having to deal with ooky pollen - thank you for the hat btw, I shall wear it always 😂.

    I shall mop around the cafe a bit before I lock up as we're so quiet today, it may be a bit sketchy, but it's a gesture 😄

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Where are we all?

    Not like us U think the heat has been a bit too much maybe?

    Morning Joan I think (and hope all is well) that your post didn't post yesterday. It's very hot again another hot night trying to sleep. I think you are in a bungalow? How are you coping in this heat? I was at the foodbank yesterday morning it was even warm in there and it's usually chilly! Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. How are you managing in this heat? Your Mum too is it a bit much for her. Your Dad is he being contrary and wearing a coat??🤭Seriously it is a bit much here I'm sure it is with you too, but hope you're ok.

    I expect you are extra tired due to the heat I am definitely flagging here.🙄Pollen count is higher than ever here it's all a bit much, but we'll manage. Somehow. Extra showers would be good for pollen - not so for skin so we can't win can we?

    LA is quite right always try to do a wee just before leaving the house on trips out. BB is going tooo soon if he's going half an hour before😂he may well need another whilst still in the car. Does he not realise a 5 year old has far more life experience than he does??!!

    I love the hat!!!! Might be a bit much in this heat though. I think maybe it doesn't need a hat box - rather a hat room of it's own. Toady has a spare room though🤔

    I hope you have a good day ((()))

    Morning Toady. How are you today? I think it will be cooler to walk later on. Hadn't thought of that, but knowing us we'll will get bitten then🙄Horse flies everywhere down the lane later on you know and midges. Grrr! mind they have to live too.

    I am BKV judging today 3 lovely villages and am quite looking forward to it. Best thing is I am driving myself not going in the back of someone else's car which can make me a tad queasy.🤢

    I have been making the builders a large supply of iced water and ice lollies to keep them cool in this heat. Not been good for them to be fair bless them, but it's coming along well.

    with some help from Lucy!

    Hope all is well with your wildlife all is ok here

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all today?

    Toni apparently Riley almost licked the cake, but mum managed to get him an early access freebie of a cake slice, or whatever LA’s marketing team call it lol so narrowly avoided high contamination index haha

    dad isn’t wearing a coat but had a tooth out so is even more grumpy than usual

    double blood test time for me today - I hope diagnosis will not be something too scary, like just low oestrogen level or something like that 🤞

    Have a good day everyone

    will try to write more later depending on heat etc

    bfn tc xx

    ps female bill is dieting lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,339

    Hi again Toni

    Sorry forgot to mention mums bs is ok today thanks

    she’s a very strong - minded person and of course the fact that she grew up in a tropical country makes her more used to the heat than I am, but I don’t think she enjoys dealing with the heat really.

    Yes the pollen count is horrible, I’m also using the cheap eyedrops which aren’t v effective, but I’m going to re - purchase the better ones v soon.

    Bfn tc xx