Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you had all that rain that’s good you weren’t caught out in it. I hope you have a good day. How are Mr and Mrs B.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (())and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) are your nasty tablets helping you (()) I expect Lucy is very grateful you taking her to the hairdresser (()) Jacky’s daughter has just had a week off at home. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Don’t worry about talking on the phone think you are talking to your mum you are doing it too help you telling him how you feel he does not know till you tell him write it down if that helps then you just read it (()) love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Yes I found yesterday’s post in the box I checked it had gone has well.

    Kitty (()) love to you and the carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Yes it’s too warm for me but it’s nice not being cold I don’t move around quick enough. Sue loves this weather she sits out in it not me that’s boring. I hope you have a good day.

    Barbara (()) Have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) All the gardens you see your’s will be the best. Yes we are in a bungalow. I bet the builder’s were grateful for the iced water and ice lollies. I for got Jacky’s daughter has been to Dubai. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day don’t worry (()) love to your mum (()) that’s good her blood sugar in ok.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Joan

    how are you both?

    thanks that’s good advice about psych assessment phone call

    Thanks about mums bs

    i only went to gp surgery in car today for b test, so wasn’t outside for long

    but was extremely hot out there, I drank a massive bottle of water on return journey

    i hope you both have a good morning

    bye tc. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I read online that you and your fungal spores are on the rampage again today - oh dear

    what an ooky day for a b test!

    oh well at least it was a good nurse today not the vampire one lol

    because the last thing I would’ve needed to worry about was whether vampire had sent paperwork to pathology or whether she’d just decided to drink the blood herself lol, I’ve heard they’re running low on instant coffee at the surgery- so nothing would surprise me 😂

    Bring back the giant leech, that’s what I say lol, before his LV - eating holiday of course, what strange ideas he has toady, how can anyone spend a whole holiday just eating? Also how expensive do those prawns have to be? Fortnum & Masons prawn pate won’t suffice? Very odd

    I told him just to do an online rice land shop like you, but all he said is, “ next thing you’ll be expecting me to eat 70 p biccies” - oh well I can’t win them all and so on, though I’m not sure what I’m winning at the moment, oh yes I’m winning the phlebotomist Russian roulette👍

    sorry I’ve gone on in a bit of self - absorbed manner again, but it’s a good sign that I wrote a substantial post 😄

    its ever so slightly cooler now - well indoors anyway

    what are the temperatures like with you?

    are you in the garden or is it too hot for that?

    bfn toady tc xx

    ps blue rose pic not sure why really, liked the image lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hello all 👋

    Have got myself back in a better sequence so posting at a half-decent time 🕔️ not much to do today. Having said that the doom came upon me this morning in the form of the HD, well in spirit, the dreaded hairwash, got it over with early so at least it didn't hog half the day. Yes I think the hat ought to stay in the hat room for now 😄 at least til my hair settles, or it will be under there plotting against me 😱. Glad the 'men' are getting on ok; it was rather my first thought, how did it come about that they were booked for this weather, and is it conducive to tarmac (maybe you had to take what you could get?). Pleased it's coming along well & hope having been done right it stays right this time. Nice bobcat Lucy 👍️ I was going to say 'go Lucy' etc til I caught myself, because I wouldn't say that about a boy 🙄 SO ingrained isn't it, even among ourselves! Hope the BKV stuff was ok and glad you could drive yourself, I too am loving the weather but that does not extend to wanting to be in a hot car 😱 no thanks. Have been doing a roundup in the garden, see what's doing ok, sort things that aren't going to germinate now, tidy up etc. Have you ever grown tulips from seed? some of mine have made pods, whether to bother 🤔. Spotted 2 mice that was all in the time I was there. Hope you got some time to yourself today, yes the later walk was nice, it's a shame that the quite nice route I took is like a parallel lane behind my road, but the gap widens as you go (so not parallel 😂 more like a rectangle with a wider end) - that means if I walk the loop it's further than doing half and turning back. If you can picture that well done 😄. Still it was a mile & 3/4 which was enough. Definitely flies in little clouds but as you say, they gotta live. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, I can't sit about outdoors either, I think I will, but then I get up & do something. Glad both your posts are here, even though it's annoying, you will have to have tea & biscuits twice for 2 visits 😄. Mr & Mrs B are fine, no sign of them nesting though. The sparrows are being lovely they sit up in the gutters and squeak 😊 I hear robin quite a lot but having seen that much of him actually in 'person'. have a good evening, Friday already 😬. Love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, yes that is a top quality 'classic bosh' post so definitely a good sign 👍️😄 nice to see the leech making a welcome guest appearance 😄. V glad you won at phlebotomist roulette 😂 no-one wants to be a nurse's elevenses 😱😱. Best of luck with the results I'm sure they'll sort things out for the best they sound good at your surgery. Sorry the spores are running amok and the eyedrops aren't that fabulous, if you do get the others that will be one good thing. Not sure what the temp is outside it says it's 27 if you believe the weather websites, the sun moves round in the garden so there are bits you can be in at different times and it's much shadier; but evenings are better & more sensible really, maybe very early morning but I'm not up then haha. I did get my hair washed earlyish though (and conditioner, so my immortal soul should be safe for now from any avenging HDs). Sorry it came to your Dad having to lose a tooth, I assume it's the one that was giving trouble, oh dear enough to make anyone grumpy especially people who don't need any encouragement🙄. Hope everyone else ok and EF, yes the whole eating concept is beyond me too.. maybe if it were some once in a lifetime chance to try really unique cuisines or something (pop tarts in space with Spock?) but even then, last thing I'd be interested in really. It's like Disneyland I guess, horses for courses 🤷‍♀️(I had to g**gle if LV has a disneyland, now g**gle will think I'm interested and make suggestions to me, oh no 😱). Hope you had a good walk yourself depending how you got to the b tests and if you had time. Have a good evening hope you can get cool :) xx

    Love to everyone hope all managing the heat 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Thanks toady

    no no time for walking today unfortunately

    another humid night yuck 🤢

    good night toady and everyone tc xx

    ps appropriate crockery lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 16. Jun 2023, 04:52

    Morning Joan good to see you back and that all is well. We missed your regular post, but it's happened to me many times too. Ooh Dubai Jacky's daughter is getting everywhere! Glad she's at home now for a rest. The villages were lovely really pretty. A lot of walking though ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi - was it a good blood-letter yesterday? I hope so and I also hope we are looking for low female hormones🤞

    Gosh no it won't help using cheaper eye drops, but the pollen count is incredibly high ATM.

    Your Dad has had his tooth out! I am so glad about that. Even though he will moan short term at least it won't be ongoing like it was when he wouldn't go to the dentist🙄

    Glad Mum's Bs is ok hope all is well today too. I wonder whether she has got used to this (normally) colder climate now she's been here a long time.

    Now that Riley has got this cake licking in his head he will try to get in at every available opportunity so that was an excellent save by your Mum there. Forewarned is indeed forearmed😊The cake remained uncontaminated😋

    The builders are outside fixing the driveway which wasn't done right and I ahve been making them iced water and ice lollies too.

    Morning Toady.....phew! It's hot!

    Hope you are coping ok with it? Sleek is doing the best out of all of us finding a cool spot and sleeping!

    The men are doing the drive preparation so far. I hope it's not quite as hot when the tarmac actually goes down. Plenty of iced water and ice lollies for them they don't want tea.

    I need to wash my hair too but in this heat would like (if it was easier) to wash it every day🙄

    There🤢that's the lung medicine drunkended for today....shudder!

    My car is good and has plenty of cold aircon so I was much happier driving myself than being in their car. The other two judges know each other and they are older so I was in the back last time. Not nice - I get travel sick at the best of times.

    The villages were just lovely. It was very very Midsomer though! One villages is in a collective of 4 all ending in teh same name like Midsomer but the other way around! A lot of walking though and met some lovely people. An old bot gave me a lettuce from his allotment😊I want one - an allotment!!

    I haven't ever grown tulips from seed no. If you do I will be very interested. Two mice that's good so all is well. Lots of buns here💓

    Lucy loved the Bobcat, but having epilepsy probably can't really have a proper go anyway female or not female. It is ingrained, but getting better each generation I think.

    I hope you have a lovely day and I did understand your walk sounded lovely😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day and a nice weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Sue and I have different hair so the hairdresser says. I saw some magpies twittering away on a fence. Have a good day and a nice weekend.

    Barbara (()) Thinking about you and your family (()) have a good weekend. love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Do you have to drink a glass of water with your nasty I have about a quarter of a glass with mine. That’s good you are having the driveway fixed after the others messed it up. Have a good day and weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your blood test results are good (()) love to your mum (()) have a good day and weekend.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi everyone xx

    wppl xx

    Ps pic of toady the pumpkin seed - holder lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hi all 😊 Nice to see some nice fat well-fed toads when I came in this morning 😀.

    Hope all's well at frog's and the drive prep is still going ok, yes maybe you will be lucky and have a cooler bit for tarmac. And not a wet bit either. They are cheap workmen to 'run' anyway, on water &c 🥤. Glad the BKV was good and straight out of the textbook so to speak, all the proper village elements present & correct, do any have a quaint horse trough or is that a step too jigsaw-y. I sighed enviously at the allotment bit of your day being given lettuces by old boys with allotments is my heart's desire pretty much haha. There are some not too far away, I can walk past the back gates and look through like the little match girl, I have never got 'in' with anyone there though; I should probably have made the effort before the covid. Having one would be even better of course (I can't believe how cheap they are, pennies practically) but wouldn't be on really, and anyway, waiting lists. The real heartbreaker though is that the new housing they are chucking up (spoiling my peace & quiet day in day out) will completely dwarf and box the allotments in like a little island where now they have nice fields 😩 I could weep and weep thinking of all the destruction and ruination, they must be furious too 🙄. Once again, ugh, people. Oh well potter while we can, eh 😔 glad all your wisteria trailing etc are doing lovely work for you and yes the screening will come on apace now 😀. So glad there are plenty of buns 😍🐰. I will be going out soon for a bit more reorganising and watering (no bans for us - yet, not that I hose anyway), & take some pics maybe. Have a nice afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, how interesting that the hairdresser says both your hair is different 🤔 as well as that have you ever done much different with it to each other, had different styles or perms etc? My mum had hers permed from as early an age she hated it straight, I've left mine alone more or less but I used to have more wave, I can't do a lot of styling if I wanted, brushes and curlers etc would get tangled forever. Lovely to see the magpies I have seen Robin today, just when I said I had missed him lately 😀 he is excellent for warning if a cat's about he does his 'bubbling' alarm call. I have made an order for the milkman tomorrow and was reading reviews other people were complaining theirs was delivering the night before 😮. Have a nice afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, lovely toads, obviously not short of a biscuit 😄. Sorry yes I read back and you did already say you had had a lift to Drs. yesterday. I didn't go for a walk either, or today, maybe later, I will need my hat though as my hair is still in post-wash unruly stage 😱. Will catch you next visit 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all?

    another scorching day isn’t it?

    yucky and ooky to me at least

    I’ve survived mxt injection lol

    procured right eyedrops 🙏

    Everyone is ok thanks including mum 👍👍

    I think it’s cooling down on Sunday - hope so anyway

    was nice and cool on morning walk Toni, but I left super early - well for me anyway

    thanks about mum, Joan, she’s ok today- her bs etc 🙏

    hope you and Sue are ok too?

    bill was pretending to work when I went to MH, he would open his laptop and then watched NF on tv when my sis left the room to cook etc

    what a naughty person 🙄

    ok I know this is somewhat short and sweet

    but will try to post again later

    have a good evening everyone

    bfn tc xx

    ps hope heat doesn’t go on too long otherwise I’ll look like this pic lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi again Toni toady and Joan

    hope you’re all more or less ok this humid ooky night? 😱

    I had a blocked nose last night it was really nasty only good thing about it was that I was able get up and walk really early in the morning

    toady I’ve found out bill will be staying at one of the top LV hotels where the posh celebs go apparently and the price of their seafood, well it would be enough to fund an international Val’s Cafe Empire, let’s just put it that way, lol.

    oh yes, I accidentally came across this very relevant sign relating to the jam sandwich conference, which was apparently started by Marco, who likes dancing, but is otherwise a very quiet chap most of the time, poor Little Ella, there’s only so much jam - oriented conversation a woman can take after all, there’s a reason why JA was around in the time when sandwiches contained cucumber lol, she would never have written anything if she had to waste her feminine energies justifying those high glycemic index treats at least that’s what I read on the elephant trunk lady baby’s FB news haha.

    bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps a second funny sign for good measure lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 17. Jun 2023, 05:01

    Morning Joan how are you this morning? It's very warm in the bungalow here. Yes I am supposed to take the tablet in a glass of water. To be honest I go for about 3/4 of a glass it's so horrible! I am looking forward to the drive being finished, but the tarmackers will be next and it was them who did it wrong. I don't really want to see them 😕 Anyway have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope doing ok and your Mum too🤞

    Oh that was class 🤣Elephant girl's facebook is a hive of information! Her settings clearly aren't on private😁She's giving all Ella's secrets away. Not that I disagree with any of her sentiments who could? apart from people related genetically to BIL perhaps....😉

    Loved the toast and jam Church signs. Someone has a good sense of humour.

    I have a sinex in the bedroom drawer I use if my nose gets too blocked in this heat (or with a cold/hayfever) not too often, but once in a while I am happy to use it.

    My goodness get BIL🤨how lovely for him I hope he won't be spending too much money out there! He is a sneaky one pretending to work but watching Netflix when your sister left the room to prepare food. Tut tut BIL!

    I need to go for a walk I will take a pic there is so much litter which has been dropped in the village! early is best in this weather I agree with you. Sunday it's cooling down? That will not be a bad thing.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady....phew! Hot enough for you?

    Allotments with old boys is also my heart's desire! But i'd have to slow down on lots of other things if I did that really🙄 So would you. It's just a pipe dream maybe for our next lives? None are really close to me sadly how awful those lovely ones you know of will be surrounded by houses. We need to stop having so many children. I can see you looking forlornly through the gates!!!!

    The builders are lovely these ones they are our usual they do the prep and them the rubbish tarmackers come in and trash it! An icelolly and iced water (I put a bottle of squash out too) is all they need.

    Just missed Sleek getting off the bobcat. Can you see here there?

    One village had a pump (a proper one!) and another a well where they do well-dressing😊 Honestly they were proper chocolate box enchanting.

    just look at that! The watering cans....sigh that was in one of the villages.

    My water but is empty (sorry you were talking about potential water bans), the other one still has some I think I need a third one, but where can I put it? I will have a look.... Have you got one - or more? I'd like a dunking one for watering cans, but.....worry someone will fall in. A mouse or a bun I mean anyone😮

    Have a lovely day

    I'm off to litter pick the lane looks like this!

    well ok not quite so bad but I'll get a pic for you all to see...

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you. And Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) We still have not seen our neighbour. Have a good weekend. I saw a fox in the garden yesterday.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) If you had a full glass of water wouldn’t that make the tablet weaker. Yes I could see sleeke walking away. I hope it doesn’t rain when you are picking up the rubbish. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Rushmi (()) have a good weekend (()) love to your mum (()) I hope she is well (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    hope you’re all well?

    I’m not too bad thanks

    Mum is ok thanks🙏

    Toni thanks for the info about the spray

    I use a Vicks inhaler sometimes but I’m not sure what causes my nose problems exactly

    anyway it’s not happening every day so that’s good

    you know I once went to WR cafe with mum and I saw an ex- colleague of mine, he’s really shy even though he’s not really a young person ( though he does have a youthful face) and he was so scared that I’d say “hi”, that he moved to the other end of the cafe, lol, he moved faster than Marco smelling a jam and panna cotta sandwich lol.

    little bit cooler here today - hope it’s the same for all of you.

    bfn everyone tc xx

    ps another toady and a funny sign lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Toni

    I hope the litter - picking goes ok.

    my mum said yesterday she had a big conversation with BR on the phone, he said that it’s hot and that he’s putting sun cream and sunglasses on, bless him. He also said that granny, BB and mima should come to his house and that mummy made some strawberry ice lollies for him - aww. Unfortunately he seems to have eczema or something similar and he scratches a lot in the heat, like I used to, poor thing.

    LA had drama club today, he doesn’t like it though and he said he wished his stomach went “pop pop”, which in his own language means he was wishing a bellyache on himself- oh dear, not a good idea Lord A!

    Ok another funny little story, I think I wrote to toady about running into an extremely introverted ex - colleague in WR cafe once,

    that also reminded me that my mum would sometimes see one of her ex - colleagues there too, he was a very strange man who didn’t like eating in public, I think at work he would probably secretly eat in his car at lunchtime lol, anyway, whenever we saw him at the cafe, he would just order a water and some tea, my mum said he wasn’t too badly off, but was obsessed with “ saving the pennies”, as it were, quite an odd character really.

    ok last tiny story, in one of my former low - level accounts jobs, I had to chase up the directors for cheque- signatures, there were 3 of them and each cheque needed 2 signatures for the bank to declare them valid, so 2 of the bosses were v conscientious, got the job done quickly etc, but the finance director needed a lot of chasing, a bit like a spoilt child, it was v frustrating, so one supplier rang me up, asking about the payment for services from his catering company, I explained I was awaiting another signature and there wasn’t much i could do about it other than keep asking the finance director, he said, “can’t you just forge his signature? No one needs to know.”

    I replied, “ Sorry, no, that would be very much a sackable offence, I could indeed go to jail over it.” Lol, I almost added, but if you’ve got some spare jam and prawn sandwiches, I know that bill will be prepared to give you a great deal of money for them, just don’t mention it to Marco, haha.” Forging cheques indeed, lol, I may have forged the ring of Sauron, Lord of The Rings reference haha, but my forging days are very much behind me 😂!

    nice pic of cemetery btw

    bye for Toni tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    'lo all 👋

    Dribbling with rain on & off today, mostly looking like it will and then not doing, or not looking like it will and doing it anyway 🙄 not a good week ahead either by the looks 😣. Apart from that yes long may it be hot, as far as I'm concerned. Hope things ok with you frog, appalled as always to hear how bad the litter is 🙄🙄. Did you see the news snippet about a chap taking his snakes to sunbathe in the park? 🐍🌞 - as others commented, well it's no worse than dogs if you think about it, who could chase you or be in the care of bad owners, and yes they aren't making a mess or dropping litter I thought! Your pic from the other village is lovely 😍 I suppose there's a waiting list for there too, as well as allotments; I shouldn't mind, should you. Lovely spot. Yes allotments aren't on really but I wish I had had the chance & better health to ingratiate myself with someone 😉 could have sat in a corner and at least had the allotment experience by proxy. Next life definitely 😀 bags I that kitty in your pic then too.. butter wouldn't melt.. a bluetit though, probably 😬. I don't have a water butt, I was looking at some the other day a slim sort of one, I forget where 🤔. I don't have a tap either. They are things on the 'one day' list that don't get ticked off 😳. Anyway no unlidded ones there is enough potential trauma in nature without adding to it, quite agree. Sorry, I was slow on the uptake & didn't catch on that you are having to have the tarmackers, omg, no I don't fancy that sort of a scenario, well I have had similar already and deja vu, not fun. Good luck with it🤞. Yes I spotted Sleek having just made her acquaintance with the bobcat 😄. That just leaves you that hasn't had a go (or does it?) Have a good Sunday I will append a couple of pics tomorrow maybe if I get round to fishing them out & editing :) xx

    Hello joan, I forgot to ask if you have seen your neighbour, they are keeping themselves to themselves by the sound of it then 🤔 better than noisy! or nosey 😱! Nice to see the fox again I wonder how they like the heat. Did you see about the man taking his pet snakes to the park to sunbathe, some people thought they should be banned and the police called but mostly everyone said he was lovely and they didn't mind. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hi bosh, nice use of double sense of forge, I like it 😀. Good anecdotes as well about your various ex colleagues (and your mum's), things like that well people in general remind me of Gerald Durrell calling his book my family & other animals, the more you see of people the more it is like studying the anthropology of strange species & their behaviours 🤨. I wonder if penny pinching man spent money on some things 🤔 not prawns though, I bet, I don't think I even want to know what top LV hotels cost but yes I'm sure we could start a whole chain for less and have money left over for frog teapots 😄. Not so funny that the catering bloke asked you to forge the sig though, good grief, it makes you wonder what else goes on in business (said she sarcastically 🙄) hate all these dodgy doings being ultra goody two shoes myself haha. Sorry to hear little BR is scratchy, it's unfair for him to have that sort of thing 😔 hope his is the sort that maybe grows out of a bit, glad he had some nice ice lollies 🍦why didn't I think ahead and buy icecream from rice land, I suppose I should make my own too. Glad you've got the right eye drops & they're helping. Hope you have an ok night might be a bit cooler if/when the weather breaks, thunder again here they say. Bye for now :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Thanks toady

    have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning Joan 😊 We had rain overnight it's much cooler out there and a bit blowy. Have you had some rain too? It wasn't actually raining when I picked up the litter luckily. I think having a full glass of water means the tablets gets to your stomach quicker where it's digested and starts working, but to me it just tastes yuk for longer! I hope you have a nice day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I am very glad to hear you and your Mum are ok that's good.

    Love those Church noticeboards😊 Ours in the UK look nothing like those do they?!!

    Aww that poor ex colleague! He must be desperately shy. Some people are though almost social phobics. You'd have only said hello! Love your analogy of Marco and a jam and panna cotta buttie!!!!! Gosh though your Mum's old acquaintance was even odder! Mind you one of Paul's nieces won't eat in front of anyone but family.

    Isn't it lovely that BR can have proper conversations now on the phone?❤️I am very impressed but sorry about his itchy skin. Hopefully he'll grow out of it some children do. Fingers crossed for him.

    I have no idea why people drop litter. I was actually after a whole load of papers which turned out to be Fedex delivery notes Luckily someone had gathered them up so i just got everything else:

    Poor LA doesn't like drama club? Maybe your sister likes him going to drama club😁Poor boy should ask if they can find a different club instead.

    My goodness me! Someone actually wanted you to forge someones signature on a cheque😮shocking! I think you could actually do time for that. No it's not worth it not even for one of Marco's jam and prawn sandwiches. Nope definitely not you were right. Sounds like that's what he's done in the past though....

    I'm impressed with your ring of Sauron. 😉

    I hope your day is good yes go to MH as BR wants and have a strawberry ice 🍭

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady I hope you are well today? still a nice day even though it has rained overnight the sun is already here. A bit blowy though so I have all the windows (with fly screens) open😊

    No I have not braved the Bobcat not at all I wouldn't get up there! unfortunately 'those' men should be coming back to actually lay the new tarmac😣 I know I am 😰 Paul had better show his face. If it wasn't that I'd hate Sleek's paws to get hurt, I would run away in the motorhome when they turn up. The overall builder who contracted it out he says we have to give them a chance to put it right, but if they fail to turn up he will claim on his insurance and get someone else.

    I don't expect it to be finished anytime soon.🙄

    We can't manage an allotment can we? It's a very very big commitment sadly and we aren't up to it physically or time wise. In another life definitely. We would be so happy.....sigh. We need an allotment friend yes! That's it!!

    Get a water butt they are fabulous. I love mine, but need more to be totally independent of the water board. It's rain water just lovely for our plants no chlorine or whatever gets added.

    A snake in teh park? Hmmmm....I would be nervous I think. More the thought of it getting lost and growing and growing until it could eat a cat or a small child even😯Just like dogs though, it's down to good owners so could be ok.


    maybe not!

    Well have a good day and I look forward to maybe seeing some pics later.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you i hope you are has well as you can be. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) i hope you have a good day. We have a hose but it won’t fit on our tap we have a water butt if we put it to catch the rain water it’s in the way. No we haven’t seen our neighbour it’s a one bedroom bungalow carpet’s have gone in but not a person yet the grass is nearly up to the fence the fox lies in it. I hope everything is going alright for you.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) have a good day enjoy your favourite coffee. If you got on the bob cat you might not be able to get off the men would come back and find you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day and your mum (()) she’s doing well (())

    A photo of the mock orange

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247
    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi everyone

    good afternoon

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Joan

    How are you both doing today?

    Thanks about mum, she’s ok today 🙏

    That’s a nice pic

    It’s a bit cooler here today but still stuffy

    hope you’re having a good evening

    bye tc xx

    ps wise words from bill - or someone like that lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mums bs is ok today thanks 🙏

    Maybe the ex - colleague had some phobias, it’s definitely possible, but I wouldn’t have said “hi” and he knew that, I may have just accidentally smiled as a greeting as sometimes I forget just how sensitive he is lol.

    Anyway we were both made redundant from that workplace and I know he wasn’t that well off, so glad he was doing ok financially ultimately, or maybe he’s having WR fry - ups on credit, I don’t know, but at least he’s enjoying himself lol

    another back - breaking journey to MH, no I’m not volunteering lol, but poor little BR indeed, I also think sis doesn’t realise, the shorter his nails are the less damage he’ll do when he scratches, but I know when my interference isn’t welcome.

    Well LA says he dislikes D Club, but he says a lot of untrue things really, lol, I think DC gets in the way of his playing with his neighbour, a v cute little Pakistani- origin boy who I’ll call Adeek, who is a grown man of 7, lol, but the problem is they get up to a lot of naughtiness together running around outside when they’re not allowed to, sometimes my sis manages to catch LA and bring him back, sometimes not -poor sis - ooky 😱

    there’s a play area in their street you see

    Little Adeek asked me if the “kheer” was halal, I said most definitely yes, it was even vegetarian, but he understandably ran back home to check with his dad, but he got so excited by playing with LA’s football that he forgot and had to run back and check again, bless.

    ok I’ll stop for now, as haven’t done physio etc

    bfn Toni tc xx

    ps toady this is not how to deal with problematic neighbours lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,337

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I used the peppermint foot cream today

    and have done neck physio but have spent too long abusing my neck with bad posture today

    so will stop for now

    poss more later

    bye tc xx