Val's Cafe
Going for my walk early again today the rain is a-coming!
Morning Joan I am having a little bawl here for Kari's pusskin. She has done a video for her social media and it's broken my heart. Sue is right if only my sister would take the leap. I think maybe a puss in need might just find her... Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi How are you today?
What a big boy our LA is flying solo! I am very impressed indeed. I think maybe the little Romeo collected quite a few numbers when he was out of sight.
I am very glad your Mum is having a blood test and your Dad had jolly well better look after her today and push the buggy if she needs one. You will worry but please try to rest a bit yourself while they are there. It's been a stressful week with your Mum being poorly.
That's awful losing your glasses! Have they turned up? They are too expensive to misplace. I am so sorry. I'd be gutted if mine went AWOL. What was RR doing yesterday? Honestly! He must have depressed everyone there going on like that🙄
Take care and I have my fingers crossed for your Mum.
Morning Keef!
How are you today? Gosh yes that Deer was huge a Stag I think. so beautiful though.
Sorry about the tyre but I have to agree safety first in this weather. Frustrating isn't it? I did take the Fig out yesterday and dried her off as soon as I got home.
You do all the cooking? That's lovely as you say Loanda deserves looking after after work and Sucré is a precious boy. He should grow up knowing Dad's can cook which is good
I do know what you mean about OCD it's easy to let things get out of control. I can be the same but usually only when I am very stressed, during COVID for instance and when my children were babies were the worst times. My world reduced down to what I could control.
Making cakes with Sucré is lovely I used to do that with mine too.
Loved yesterday's mug BTW 😊
Morning Julie I hope you are doing well today?
Don't talk to me about necks🙄 I hit mine with everything at my disposal when mine goes from my microwaved wheatbag to arcoxia. From my tens machine to painkillers.
Our Bosh does neck physio every day (better behaved than me) to try to prevent trouble with hers.
I always think the pain we feel when we lose someone is directly proportionate to the love we gave and received from them ((()))
Take care
Morning Toady🙂
The weather was slightly better yesterday than anticipated wasn't it?
I drove to the foodbank to the warehouse and learned the new (old really precovid) food boxes and packed up about a dozen. Then myself and another volunteer drove over to the next village to drop off supplies to be given out over there.
I know! Seed pods everywhere! What on earth? The birds will struggle this year for food in the Autumn (the real Autumn) We will need to feed them,
Glad to here the Mousie dynasty continues that's great news. We have baby buns here! They are so tiny! I love them. So far Sleek isn't interested. Phew! She is just too old for that malarkey.
Sorry about your ebay purchase I do hope you can find a use for it or resell it maybe?
Take care and I hope your day is a good one.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are has well has can be. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) i hope you have a good day today. Sorry your eBay order was the wrong colour.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) take care love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) love to Kari (()) there is a little **** looking for a loving home. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have lost your glasses (()) I hope your mum gets on all right at the Doctors (())
Keef Sorry about your pain you are coping well with it (()) that’s good you do the cooking a lot of men never try. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())
Julie (()) Have a good day (()) love to Mr Thomas. You are doing well (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Mum and dad both worked full time when I was a kid, dad with his own businesses so it was cook or starve lol.
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Hi Toni toady Joan Keef and @Jewels1973
hope you’re all well?
sorry suffering from some kind of brain fog or something, well just pure tiredness I think really
mum had her blood test this morning
she’s not too bad today thanks
I must admit I went to Cost A Packet just to get a break from the home environment
but my walk there was powered by toady’s gluco - zade unfortunately- thanks toady though, lol
Toni I got some reduced sugar dark chocolate from Netherlands & Claret, or whatever we’re calling it, lol, for only 25p! So now I can afford to buy a house in MH filled with prawns, chicken nuggets and Blearios - the perfect breakfast combination, my goodness that’s going to smell when the temperatures go up though haha.
I will try to write a proper message later.
bye for now and tc everyone xx
ps I don’t think this is what my sis had in mind when she asked bill to duplicate the pasta from the favourite restaurant xx
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@Keef Oh I am sorry that happens to you as well the neck thing sending lots of love your way. Your banana pancakes sound delicious!
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@bosh I’m with you on the brain fog I have ME as well as whatever I have got wrong with me. It’s horrible isn’t it sometimes I have to sit there for a good 5 mins if someone texts me to try and find the words. Glad your mum has had her blood test and things are sort of OK. Good on you going to Cost A Packet you deserve it & tiredness is debilitating sending love your way xxx
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Hi all 👋
Have let today get away from me a bit & now have a time & energy shortfall, which is posibly today's theme going by others' posts, so I'm going to stick at a general wave & quick one-liners - proper post tomorrow. Otherwise I will be here too long, not sleep, and be making tea at 3am like last night 🤨.
Love to frog and family and all the baby buns 😍🐰 I have overpainted my ebay stuff and it will 'do a turn' - someone got one cheaper than me yesterday as well, it's just going that way at the moment 😂 have a good night xx
'night to Joan, I have made do & mend with my item, they have sold another since I wonder if those people will complain or whether they were more on the ball than me and read the details properly 🙄😄. Have a good Friday if you go into town hope it's fine :) xx
Bosh I already owe you a couple of replies so definitely don't worry coming back in tonight, on my account anyway, save your brain 😘 glad there was no drama with the littleys, I had visions of LA trying to sell little BR to random people for a 'fistful of jelly babies' 😱😄. Have a good night and your mum too I hope 👍️ xx
Good mug to finish on keef, if that is the full selection, I will post my skull eggcup as a contribution if I remember. Doesn't exactly go with my Doctor Who teapot and Van Gogh mug, but whatever 😄. I do love that wallpaper. Hope everyone's as well as poss at yours :) x
'night to @Jewels1973 😴 it's just struck me that the @ thing saves scrolling with a bad neck etc as well as being generally a handy notification, I should probably use it more often. Mine (neck) has not much movement but generally doesn't give too much trouble, hope yours is easing. Otherwise you have the backup of mentioning it to doc as you say 👍️. xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi toady
how are you today?
Thanks but I just thought I’d mention the shortbread finger Vulcan salute, now that’s a great idea lol
if only my stomach could tolerate the aforementioned haha
mum isn’t too bad today thanks
l am tired but ok
Littleys are indeed enjoying the holiday
Have a good night tc xx
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Thanks Jewels1973
sorry to hear about your brain fog and ME
I think in my case I was overdoing things earlier in the week due to mum being unwell
but I know what you mean, when the fatigue hits us, it doesn’t hold back does it?
thanks about my mum
have a good night tc. xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum had the blood test today
she seems in better spirits thanks
I’m not too bad thanks
it’s ok I found my glasses eventually 🙏
have a nice night tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
mum had the blood test today thanks
her mood seems fairly good thanks
it’s ok I found my glasses in the end👍
im pretty tired but otherwise ok thank you
EF got to Portugal ok but flight was delayed so the littleys ate massive fry ups in the airport restaurant, I saw the pic they were both eating ecstatically lol.
Yes RR certainly knows how to pic appropriate conversation topics ookey 😱
hope you have a nice night Toni tc xx
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Hi Keef
thats great that you make pancakes with your son
I hope you have a good night tc x
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Morning everyone
It's NOT raining so i am whizzing out now for my walk!!
Morning Joan yes I agree there will be a little pusskin there waiting for Kari who will come along and surprise her. Are you and Sue off to town today? Hope you're both well. ((()))
Morning Keef
Harry Potter Mug yesterday! Very nice indeed.
So it was cook or starve with two busy working parents was it? I get that. My Mum taught us to cook which has stood me in good stead.
Paul's Dad taught him how to burn saucepans!!!
I hope your little family are ok, but suspect you are definitely (or were yesterday) not .
Sending ((()))
Morning to Julie
I hope all is well with you, your Dad and brother.
We were all shattered yesterday one way or another weren't we, but I hope you are ok in general.
Horrible not being able to work out what to text due to brain fog ((()))
Will post again after my walk - going now in case it rains!!!
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Morning again.
Managed a quick walk...
Morning Reshmi
How are you today? Ok just yet I expect it being pre-MTX ah well we'll all cope. Your Mum? I hope she's feeling even better than yesterday. Good job getting the bloods done.
Well done finding your glasses. Hopefully they were in your bag all along. I get flustered sometimes and think I've lost things but all is well when I have time to look properly later.
Loved the purple kettle BTW is so pretty, but the pasta....perhaps not BIL!
I can actually picture the boys myself chomping on a lovely fry up at the airport😋I know Paul loves that part of travelling too. He likes eggs benedict. I have to have smashed avocado on toast usually and fresh orange.
Do you think RR pics those types of subject matter deliberately or do you think it shows what state of mind he's in??
Have a good day if you can ((()))
Hi Toady
A hectic day for you I can see and no wonder you were exhausted! Making tea at 3am is not ideal at all....
I did a little more Swedish death cleaning yesterday! Yes I did!!!!! Honestly not a fib😊 Quite pleased with myself although there is a really long way to go. Like a mountain yet to climb🙄
Well done making something of your ebay purchase that's great. Annoying someone else got the same cheaper that's life I suppose.
All are well here baby-buns, Sleek and even my sister is coping pretty well. I am meeting her at 9 at Al Fresco.
Take care everyone
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Toni, please enlighten me, what is Swedish Death Cleaning. My mind boggles.
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I got a slightly panicky call from my sister yesterday to say the care home had rung to say mum had fallen again and could i go. As it happens we were all going anyway and were just about to leave. Sucré likes it there because they have lots of toys. Mum was fine but i could have done without another journey in ‘that’ car.
i went to bed straight after doing dinner last night, which was the worst spagbol I’ve ever cooked. Pain was just too much and I had to give in.
That MMS is a bit blurred. 🙄 but is the spitting image of our late chihuahua Diego.
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Hey Toady, I doubt it’s the last mug with it being Halloween decor hunting time of year. We were sposed to be off to Cambridge today but it’s raining so I can’t go on bike and I’m not going in that car again today.
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Hi Reshmi, love that photo. I have a liking for oriental things. I did Kung fu for over ten years as I needed to be proficient at looking after myself when I was working, and I delved deeper into oriental life back then. Philosophy, life style, meditation and all that stuff.
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Ended up going Halloween decor hunting after all. The flask has Sucré’s emergency top up drink and the Harley tshirt is from Austria 2016 when I was a little more able.
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The rain is absolutely biblical.
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Good morning everyone
We haven’t gone into town Sue has got a sickness bug she’s in bed.
What do you think of Willkinson’s going in to administration.
Kitty (() love to you and your carers (()) have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) It makes you wonder how many people buy things and wish they had not. Have a good weekend.
Barbara (()) and Mr B (()) love to you both. Have a good weekend. and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brothers girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How is your friend with the yorkie’s (()) love to Kari (()) When a pet dies it’s like a member of your family has gone. Have a good weekend all of you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) That’s good you found your glasses (()) love to your mum (()) have a good weekend.
Keef (()) you have a good collection of mugs. Sorry you are in so much pain (()) love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (()) Have a good weekend.
Julie (()) when will you know which Arthritis you have so you can have the right medication (()) have a good weekend love to your family (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
hope you’re all ok today?
mum isn’t too bad thanks
yes you’re right Toni mxt day for us both 🤢
did WR walk thanks t and T - to abbreviate lol 👍
hi Joan thanks about the specs
hi Keef and Julie
sorry about this tiny post
need to shower and inject that “lovely” med
bye for now all tc xx
Ps does even food have to feature MZ? Xx
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