Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im trying to catch up a bit on writing posts etc

    mum is ok atm thanks

    we had a late night though as mum was in a mood about something and I think also not feeling 100% either, but I’m not going to go into all the details, she’s ok now that’s the main thing 🙏

    a little poem first

    I’ve probably written at least one Ode to VC lol,

    so I’ll just call this Second Ode To VC

    Early in the morning i prowl around, but not in a noisy way

    Glad I woke before the family today

    Concerns and worries are part of family life

    But quite frankly there’s sometimes a little too much strife

    But I visit Val’s Cafe to find some relief from stress

    Even though Toni has eaten the last sandwich - vegan egg replacement and watercress.

    I’m aiming for instalments today

    thanks about the quetiapine, i also hope increased dosage will work

    bye for now Toni tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,205

    My mind boggles as to what Loanda will find next 😳

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    I took the increased dose of tablet yesterday thanks

    I feel ok atm 🙏

    mums ok now thanks

    have a great afternoon bye tc xx

    Ps funny translation again lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hi all 👋 home is the sailor, home from the sea and the toady home from the gp. Whatever else I'm not lucky at I do still seem to have the touch where weather for appts goes 👍️ just as well, it being a bit of a stretch. It can rain next week for me now if it must but I hope it doesn't on anyone else of course. Anyway all went well if you don't count the fact that I was early but the literal very person before me decided to faint apparently (said the nurse, & patient confidentiality be damned 😄) so I lost the time advantage while they sorted that out. Bolted back home via the supermarket and made only my 2nd quick contactless purchase since covid began I think, then kettle on ☕️ limited my tea intake before I went so as not to risk being 'inconvenienced' while out 😉. Shan't be doing much now. Good luck and good weather for your campout thing frog 🏕️ yes there will be bitey things! One or two of mine may have been fleabites but I've had enough to know their sort when I get them, a couple of mine were very un-flea-y so dunno 🤔. Really hope the glass arrived and is ok🤞yes kintsugi no use for shattered glass unless you go the whole acceptance of transience route, try to let go of things &c, but ofc when it's not your thing it's altogether different 😕. No other news here, have a good weekend and when you next speak to Barbara do tell her I'm so so sorry to hear her news 😔. xx

    Hello joan, thank you all went well at my blood test unlike the poor person before me that fainted 😮. I'm just glad I don't have to keep ringing them up and listening to the endless recorded bits about what to do if you have a life-threatening condition &c, you come off the phone feeling worse than you did before 😕. I hope they did fix your heating today epecially as it's the weekend now🤞would he come out on a Saturday? Have a good evening, the wind is picking up now but it's bright 🌞 xx

    Hi bosh, nice to come in from town and read a poem, & last night's news 😊 I got on ok thanks even though it's quite a long walk both ways. I suppose that's 6 half-mile walks I can be excused, having done them all in one go. Swiftqueue doesn't ring a bell we must have something different thanks 🤔 anyway interesting to know. Had to sit & listen to the usual lecture on a screen in the waiting room about not taking antibiotics for colds etc, with animated cartoon germs 🙄 I never understand that, you can't exactly get antibiotics & misuse them yourself, surely the point is that gps won't give them to you for colds so.. 🤷‍♀️. I love 'today is under construction' I think they are behind schedule with mine 😂. I intend to have a rest now, and not go out again, I should be safe from mushroom hunters 🍄 dear oh dear. No WR for me to go in but I did brave a supermarket, sad to see what else has closed down and how ratty everything is looking 😕 used to have half decent shops once. Sorry if day has had too much strife (not just in the poem) and that you were already down some sleep/rest from DV previously but if you are catching up now that's good. Good luck too with the meds change 👍️ have a good Saturday :) xx

    Glad you & family still on the mend keef, hope you had a good visit to see your mum, definitely the best day for it by the looks. Good cushion Loanda 😄 perhaps not the apothecary for the likes of me, toe of frog probably involved, bit too close to home. Have a good weekend :)

    Love to everyone & an extra kiss for Barbara 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329
    edited 28. Jul 2023, 19:42

    Hi toady

    sorry about the fainting debacle, odd things tend to happen at GPs’ surgeries, don’t they?

    Ive probably said this before, but once I heard a nurse asking an elderly male patient if he had fasted for his fasting blood test, it turned out he’d not only had breakfast, but had consumed both milk and sugar, what next, cream?? Trifle for breakfast maybe, what a thought, sounds like LA is still mind - melding then haha.

    Glad you got the appointment over with even though it involved a massive walk and seeing the ratty supermarket.

    The local walkable shops, as I call them, are sort of average I guess, but way too expensive to buy anything very useful really.

    I seem to be feeling a bit more rested today thanks, even though I’ve injected my “friend” mxt, maybe new dosage of MH med is already having an effect, I hope so, thanks for asking about it.

    You know I actually had to tell the GP that my lithium dose was reduced in the first place due to some toxicity symptoms like extremely dry skin etc, so I’m advising the doctor about toxicity now? This world has definitely lost its balance toady, lol, it must be a direct result of LA eating all the cheese in the country haha.

    I did catch up on a lot of sleep in the end thanks, thank goodness

    ok I’ll end it there as had to relocate etc

    have a good night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Good night Keef

    sorry fully shattered from mxt now

    have a good night tc x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 29. Jul 2023, 05:42

    We are in the middle with the pride flag. A bit tighter than normal sites but good.

    Joan that's good I hope thry actually do fix your heating I will have to tell Barbara. Glad you both got into town yesterday too😊 take care xxx(())

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today?

    How would BIL cope with vegan food? There's burgers roti wraps hot dogs pizza, Caribbean Street food, pasta, even vegan fish and chips! Not sure about that myself!!! Paul wants to try it.

    Yesterday I tried vegan kebab roti wrap and pasta. Scared with Paul and was still stuffed.

    It is weird that I can eat anything I want!

    As I said it's a good job you told the GP about the lithium and know your own health! Someone else might have just gone along with it!

    More rested? Good that's a good sign👍

    I'm glad your Mum is OK...hope today is good for her.

    Love the little poem sorry I ate the last vegan butty but you know....😅😅

    I hope you have a good day ((()))

    Morning Keef

    You sound much better now thank goodness.

    I am so glad it wasn't the dreaded 'vid!

    Hope your Mum had a good 🎂

    Get yourself out on that bike between showers if its safe enough. A nice bright start to the day here😊

    Another nice mug thanks for my coffee ☕️

    Loanda found something rather lovely there. I like it!

    Have a good day 😊

    Morning Toady

    Well done getting the blood test done. Oh that poor person. I was a fainter used to faint every time I have blood. Not anymore now I am hardened to it.

    Love your little ditty too. My turn I yjink better start getting the grey matter going.🤔

    Well done 'shopping' I am proud of you.

    You know I drink extra tea before a blood test ot makes taking it easier and I really still want it done super quickly even if I don't show myself up now.

    Has Sleek been? Alleging tales of abandonment?

    The glass arrived and was a set of 2 so an insurance policy for next time I go!!!

    Not flea-y the bites? Hmmm what then????

    Of course I will pass in your wishes to Barbara.

    Take care Toady.

    One rather fat Vegan😂😂😂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,205


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,205

    Good Morning all.

    Lovely good night foto Reshmi.

    Toni, please do NOT encourage her, she needs no encouragement whatsoever. I dread to think what my poor house will have to endure decor wise next, and there’s no room for all this stuff, especially as I’ve seen another guitar that needs rescuing.

    where are you camping?

    Hi Toady, I passed out at my first blood test when I was a teenager. Turns out I am fine doing first aid on anyone but myself, still like it now.

    Hi Dashchund.

    who have I forgotten?

    I’m so tired this morning, my 2 still asleep, think I might just have a bit of a snooze.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) that’s good your blood test is done i hope it has a good result. Yes our heating is fixed it was the sensor that had gone. Have a good day (()) the shops are not like they used to be are they. Our neighbour has not moved in yet.

    Barbara (()) and Mr B (()) I’m so sorry (()) have a nice weekend. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope the night’s are not too uncomfortable for you (()) Our heating is fixed it was the sensor. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how do you feel after the new tablet. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) have a good time with your mum (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni

    Glad you’re having a nice time and enjoying the vegan food

    i doubt Bill would even know what vegan food is lol

    im not feeling too bad thanks

    mum is ok thanks

    back is hurting a bit but will be better after hot shower

    Mum taught LA the song “My old man is a bin man” lol, he’s got obsessed with this song and also thinks BB is bin man because he saw my dad bringing the bins in, he also chose a dumper truck from al fresco for BR - aww. I wonder what snobbish Bill will make of it all? Haha.

    BR did a really amazing painting recently, my mum said it looked Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, I think she’s right! Clever little BR - artistic like his mummy. - bless.

    Ok I’ll stop for now Toni bye tc xx

    Ps a painting of Venice

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 29. Jul 2023, 16:09

    Hello all 😊

    Not a half bad day out there is it, look at that sky of yours frog 😍 a few more like that please! Good start for you at least, is it just the weekend? Not for me for all the tea in China 😬 but enjoy yourselves and the no holds barred food, come in & leave us some critiques or star ratings if you did try the 'fish & chips'. Sleek is fine she has been helping 😊 as is often the case after a day like yesterday I've had a shot of extra energy today (will drop tomorrow..) and have been getting quite a bit done, she has held the peg bag for me and all sorts. Only looking a touch aggrieved about being a temporary orphan 😉 don't worry we had some nice shortbread & cheered up. Yes I felt v sorry for the poor blood test person, the time I was most worried about was when I did have a hospital one - a group of us all in the same room, half of us wanting the curtains round as they didn't want to see anyone's else's procedure, the others not wanting to see someone going pale 😱. Nothing else haappening with me, have seen Mrs B today after not doing for a few days, all fine 😊. Have a good evening will try & keep the rain off. Btw if by ditty you mean me pinching from RLS and not even managing to scan, then yes you can do better, I should hope 😂. This is the woman's hour episode I mentioned with the bit about the woman documenting her possessions. Love to everyone :) xx

    Hello joan, glad you have heating - mine hasn't been on I wouldn't know if it was working or not, except that it is tied to the hot water. Glad yours wasn't a major fix by the sound of it, you didn't have to have everything to bits. Thank you I will only hear about the bloods when I go next to a rheumatology appt, they don't usually ring me (hopefully!). Shops come & go there are certain sites no-one seems to be able to make a go of here, you get left with mobile phone shops etc nothing you'd call a proper shop - not even a greengrocer the old one was here for years. Have a good Sunday, Mrs B was basking in the sunshine today :) xx

    Hi bosh, good choice of song your mum, I will probably be humming that myself for the rest of the day now 😄. I'm sure BRs painting is fab 🌟. I'm not sure I remember hearing your GP surgery tale before, but it is a fabulous one 😂. Oh the things they must have to deal with 😱. Nurse was unruffled by the fainter of course and it only made me a few mins late, wouldn't have been keen to be in the same room though, like I said to Toni. No use in these situations at all. Glad you are feeling ok today that's good, and that between you & the dr, or mostly you in fact, you worked out what's best (they must hate dealing with me it's usually just me saying I'm not taking x and I won't take y etc 😬). I hope the dose is just right for you now 👍️. Can I trade you a couple of your walkable shops for a couple of mine, as I said it's getting to just be mobile phone shops, vape shops & such 🙄 at least I could look in the window at something nice but expensive. Actually the supermarket itself is ok they refitted it a while back new cafe &c, stock always fresh. Did hear rumours it would be closing sometime though 🤷‍♀️ most of the 'big names' here have moved out of town so it wouldn't surprised me. They just cater to drivers grr 😕. I'm sure I've missed a couple of things I was going to reply to, if they come back to me I'll add them later. The sign about being boiled in the pond is the first one I don't understand what they could have been getting at 🤔😂. Have a good evening & Sunday :) xx

    Hi keef, glad you're all feeling better fingers crossed, hope you did fit in an extra snooze, maybe then hanging out more washing like myself to catch the one fine day? Yes the nurse said it's teenagers & men that faint, nice to know there's something I can do better than both those camps of people, heaven knows there aren't many 😂. Also people with tattoos; apparently it's a different matter. Have a good Sunday don't overdo things too soon. x

    Love to everyone 👋 xx.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Keef

    Thanks about the pic

    how are you feeling today?

    im not too bad thanks, don’t really like warm weather though

    have a good evening tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im feeling more rested on new dosage thanks 🙏

    mum is ok today thanks for asking

    I hope you both have a lovely evening bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    Sleek helped you with the peg bag and without demanding a cheese and jelly baby on sourdough bread combination, I see? Very good indeed lol.

    Thanks about my mum and the song, but she actually meant the painting itself, when I looked at little BR’s artwork properly on my phone there was actually an uncanny resemblance, as they say, I’m glad he’s got my sister’s artistic talents, I have great difficulty in drawing something as simple and mundane as a teabag to be honest, lol.

    Thanks about the new dosage, it seems to be working well for me so far 🙏

    You can trade if you really want to lol, but I’m no fan of mobile and vape shops either to be honest lol.

    yes shops keep appearing and disappearing a lot now don’t they?

    like in my town centre, a few well established chains have always been there, but things like cafes keep mutating it seems lol, they grow an extra arm here and there and then when their arthritic fingers get tired of holding the really heavy cups -I know mine do at times at least - there’s a bit more DNA - regeneration, or whatever the BBC sci - fi term currently is, a fresh arm suddenly appears with wonderfully flexible knuckles etc and no methotrexate - or something like that 😂.

    The pond sign, yes, I’m not totally sure either, lol, maybe a pond near a volcano or something similar? Or it could also be some kind of volcanic pond that Bill has created as he’s too lazy to boil a kettle, I wouldn’t be surprised, he’ll throw the tea bags at an immense speed, just like he’s bowling for MH and that will be his exercise for the year, lol, he may even celebrate by burning a pizza 😂

    Have a good night toady tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,205
    edited 29. Jul 2023, 22:43

    Hi Reshmi, I’m a lot better thanks. Both my 2 are good too.

    Funny about the hot weather, I used to LOVE it, spent a lot of time in Spain, and just revelled in it, now, 25 deg c is my maximum I can tolerate, and I’m looking for shade all the time. I’m sure it’s to do with pressure on the nerves that regulate body temperature, as also anything less that 20deg c and I’m reaching for a hoody, actually Loanda has taken over those too with some weird stuff from a gothic clothing brand, I look like a past its sell by date goth wandering around somedays when it’s cold lol.

    managed the job I hate of changing the worn out strings on 2 of my guitars this evening after Sucré went off to sleep. Hopefully I’ll get some guitar playing done, pain levels allowing as Monday Tuesday and Wednesday sposed to be wet so will not be venturing out on bike. TBH pain to bad for that anyhow atm.

    I absolutely love that flower pic too Reshmi.

    thanks to all on here who make this little bit of cyber space so warm and welcoming, it really makes a difference to my wellbeing calling in here. xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 30. Jul 2023, 05:54

    Such a lovely many vegans.....far too much food!!! I'm glad I'm home now though - very full won't need to eat for a week.😯

    Morning Joan that's great the heating fixed easily for once. I'm sure it's warm enough now but won't be soon enough. My back doesn't like queuing well standing around much. We brought some foldout chairs(with backs) so Paul bless him did all the queueing while I sat in the sun. Hope you two are well ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi.

    How are you and your Mum of course? Both well I hope? I'm so glad the tweak of your meds has helped noticeably. Hope your back eases off soon.

    I reckon LA will annoy the family for the whole 6 weeks holiday singing the dustman song! Bless him. Being a bin-man (or refuse collector) is an honorable trade I think, but almost certainly beneath BIL's aspirations. Big Babu is a 'binman' is he!😁

    I see he hasn't done us any cooking lately? Luckily I am not unduly hungry after all the food I ate this weekend, but would he know that beans on toast (no butter) is actually vegan?

    I did laugh at his tea-bag bowing skills! I am impressed he even makes the beverage and the 'tea is the gateway drug to biscuits' bear is right😮 It's how is started for me at any rate....

    I am so touched that LA chose a dumper truck for BR to have. What an artist he is! I love that painting myself, it's just one you can lose yourself in isn't it?

    I hope today is a good day for you.

    Morning Keef Hope you are not too bad today aches-wise. loving the 'mug of the day'!

    This little cafe (once you suss us all out) is a lovely place to pop into. You can almost imagine us in real life catching up😊

    Aha! I see you have heard about a guitar which might need rescuing. I'm sure you can adopt it. Loanda adopts all things Hallowe'en you can adopt a guitar in need. It's only fair!

    Well done restringing yesterday. Not a fun job at all.

    As soon as I got home I was straight out in the car to feed Lucy's cat and kitten for her. . I am yet to take the roof down and it won't be today it's set to rain later. Hopefully as soon as the weather picks up.

    Well take it easy see you later/tomorrow.

    Morning Toady how are you?

    It was a gloriously sunny day yesterday not sure it will be today, but we are home anyway. I honestly can not eat another thing! It was windy though easily solved by facing the other way. Or going into a tent to listen to a talk....

    I didn't do any yoga though I forgot my mat😳

    Ah the vegan 'fish' and chips. Nope. Not nice far too 'fishy' for my liking. The chips were lovely though and the tartare sauce was to die for😋 We also tried the kebab. I have never ever had a real kebab so not sure I can judge 100% but I liked it. Then we had a huge slice of cake - a deliciously creamy gateau type🤢

    I'm glad Sleek was so helpful

    she reckons she also saw Mrs B. There were loads of dogs at the festival no cats though. One lady was there with her vegan rescue from Battersea. He is allergic which is why he is vegan not by choice, but Battersea matched him with her due to her being Vegan. How good is that?

    Yes that was your ditty! I thought it was funny.

    People can be so delicate about bloods can't they? I reckon it's quite reasonable though if you think about it when we were in the jungle (pre-antibiotics) we'd maybe have died it our skin was punctured.

    Right I'd better get something done!

    I hope your day is good and you have more energy than you expected today🤞 Oh and Kari's cat is doing well after her lumpectomy on Friday.

    hogless roast above. Paul LOVED that if you live in London you can have it anytime....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) yes we miss all the shops we did have 3 supermarkets a vets a chemist hairdresser and a wool shop. It was 5 mins walk away from here. Now all we have is the Co-op they have bought the ground to stop any one moving there. Have a good day good you saw Mrs B.

    Barbara (()) thinking of you and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is your lovely neighbour is she feeling a bit better now love to her husband (()) Sorry Paul (()) has had to wait so long for his tilt test. Sorry Kari’s cat had to have an operation (()) Have a good day. Love to Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (())

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day all of you love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) That’s good all of you are feeling better. Yes it’s nice to have somewhere to talk to someone who has Arthritis not everyone understands it.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 30. Jul 2023, 10:55

    Morning all 😊

    Nice out there, for now, not for long sadly black clouds creeping over. Can't believe how lucky you were with that window of opportunity for the festival frog 😀 good for all concerned, the organisers etc. Not that the wind is ideal but the lesser of two evils. Forgot your yoga mat eh 🤔 oh you must have been disappointed 😉. Lovely vegan rescue dog story, how nice when something just works out like that. Did I know Kari's poor cat was going 'in'? Sorry I missed it hope she goes on well now she's home I assume 😽🤞. Btw I hope Sleek didn't come home with the odd paint smudge, I was upcycling again and I may have presumed on her good nature & roped her in 😳 only water-based I promise, I didn't let her anywhere near the gloss 😱. Yes she kept a little sidelong eye on Mrs B I in turn kept a very good eye on them both 😉 little pic of Mrs B sunning herself yesterday, for a brief moment there it was very summery, butterflies & bees everywhere garden looking quite nice. In general though it has definitely been a gardening year from which I will have to come back fighting, will be tidying up my seeds with an apologetic air, sorry you didn't grow.. sorry your seedlings got nommed.. sorry you never even got planted.. sorry sorry 🙄😂. Anything interesting going on in yours how is the veg bed? Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Morning Joan (& Sue of course), I suppose once the internet took a lot of trade from High Streets it makes sense that what's left is things you have to do in person, have a haircut & your eyes tested etc. Sorry you've lost as much as you have it's such a shame 😔. I do have a wool shop not much use to me - none of mine are 5 mins away though, only 1 local shop/PO. Hope things alright with you today, I expect you read about Twiglet the dachshund, so glad the people got her back. Here is Mrs B sunbathing ahe has a new tail feather coming through. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Quick hi to bosh, I love the volcanic teamaking pond 😂, brilliant. I suppose coffee shops regenerating everywhere is slightly better than too few, though I don't really go in them there's things that would be handier. How nice for them to be so flexible, lucky things, and not a biologic in sight 😂 when I was walking home from the drs I passed a very tiny little doll's arm lying in the road, went back & picked it up because it seemed a shame to leave it there haha - dolly has a beautifully flexible wrist joint, very jealous, imagine being outdone in range of movement by a dolly's arm 😂. Hope everyone ok today at yours - raining soon I think, should be better for you than too stuffy. Am only doing indoor jobs & a bit of painting (some old shelves), shows how impatient I've become, you can recoat it in 2 hours and that still seems too long 🙄. Have a good afternoon 👋 xx

    Hope you get some guitar playing in keef, as you say I don't think it's going to be the week for outdoors. Hot weather for me any day, within reason (the cold just makes me crunch up like a very miserable chrysalis), sorry you can't tolerate either extreme though, not fair 😔. Like the image of you in goth hoodies 💀 I was just saying I rescued a severed doll's arm on my way home the other day, I expect Loanda would approve, maybe it will bring me luck haha. Take care :) x

    Love to all have a good afternoon 😘 kettle on xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,205
    edited 30. Jul 2023, 13:15

    Hi Toady, yes I mentioned it to Loanda and she says mannequin collecting is a big thing with her USA goth friends, so you at least half way there with dolls’ arms lol.

    I have a long sleeve heated liner for my bike top that plugs into the bike. A bit like a biker’s electric blanket. I can’t go anywhere without it. As soon as the temperature drops below 20deg and the sun goes in it goes on, biker friends of mine just don’t get it, but it keeps the cold and pain away, so much so that I could not ride with out it now. It goes under my tight fitting body armour which squishes it onto me so I get maximum benefit from the heated bits.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Keef

    how is your pain today?

    that’s interesting about hot temperatures and how they affect you

    im quite allergy- prone so in the summer I often also get heat rash on top of the normal skin problems

    glad your family are ok

    bye for now tc. x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan

    how are you today?

    im not too bad thanks

    walked in morning but taking it easy now just watching tv downstairs while dad goes to his meeting

    mum is ok today thanks for asking

    I hope you both have a nice afternoon bye tc xx

    ps mashed potatoes are not made of meat apparently, don’t tell bill lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Oh toady

    I’m so tired today

    so you found a broken doll’s arm? oh dear

    you’ll be penning your own Toady Allen Poe novel soon lol

    as for the Balzac well LA the adorable but cheeky monkey plus mxt of course got in the way of that reading for quite a while, but I have been reading little bits now and then and it so beautifully written, and in a way more accessible than Flaubert because the appendices are not overwhelming me - at least not at the moment

    Glad you liked the tea making pond lol

    my parents went to an impromptu lunch yesterday in Reading as EF were out clothes shopping and sis and bill invited them to a lunch at a South Indian dosa restaurant, I’m not sure if you’ve had dosa before, but it’s a kind of savoury rice pancake with potato filling usually accompanied by a slightly sour daal and coconut chutney, I was invited too, but I’d just had a low sugar dairy hot choc and I know my stomach’s limits lol, also I was really to tired and warm to rush to the town centre without even having a shower, so I declined.

    It did mean a few hours of peace for me though

    The flexibility of a doll’s arm, very good point there, but can you imagine how painful a blood test would be if we were made of plastic? it would also mean no haemoglobin shots for vampire nurse’s snack break, so she would have to stick to coffee laced with eye of GP and tequila- ookey 😱 - someone pass me the breathalyser lol.

    I also get impatient too these days, even quick drying nail polish frustrates me lol.

    ok toady bye for now, have a nice afternoon/ evening

    hope the rain gets less for you but not necessarily for me lol tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im feeling quite tired today

    mum is ok thanks

    dad went to his society meeting so we’ve had a bit of peace

    Glad you’re enjoying the vegan gathering

    Yes no shame in being a bin man at all, but as for bills snobbish and ignorant mind - well the less said the better.

    Yes BR - Van Gogh is a great painter indeed lol

    Apparently sis and mum were gossiping a lot recently and LA told them to stop talking! He shouted “Don’t say anything now, don’t say anything about anything!!” He’s a braver person than me, lol, if I had lived the dream and expressed my dislike of gossiping let’s just say mum and sis would’ve had to borrow your guillotine 😱

    im feeling ok apart from the fatigue thanks Toni

    how was your mxt Friday?

    ok I’ll leave it there, due to bit of backache, but it normal evening backache, nothing to worry about.

    bye tc xx

    ps I’ve just prepared Bill’s midnight snack lol xx