Val's Cafe
Hi Keef
sorry to hear about your dad.
have a good night take care. x
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Hi Joan
you’re welcome about the birthday wishes etc
how are you both doing today?
im good thanks went on long walk
mum isn’t too bad thanks- she doesn’t think it’s stress - related
hope you have a nice night bye tc xx
ps another funny translation lol xx
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I know Joan 82! Where has all that time gone? Still you have both certainly lived all of those 82 years to the full which has to be the main thing.🤗 I think my neighbour was 77. She did indeed have a lovely day. WE'll see what tales Jacky has to tell you on Saturday then. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
Oh no! How on earth do butterflies charge their mobiles?🤣that did make me laugh.
Though to be fair I am very very concerned about the happy casseroled family😮
How are you today? Well done doing the WR walk even though it was hot yesterday.
Your Mum will find out hopefully in time what is going on🤞 I suppose with us getting stress-bellies I think everyone could.
I loved your poem for Toady. I can see her there hiding under her straw hat, trowel in one hand post in the other.
Aha! I get the 'rough' eyes now! Bless LA. Mine aren't rough at all they are always watering and moisturising themselves. If it had been wrinkles well - say no more
Take care now.
Morning Keef.
I love Warwick Cathedral isn't it spectacular? Of course I would ahve done exactly the same as you and bought a candle. I expect it brought a tear to your eye too ((()))
Sucré is certainly experiencing life isn't he at such a young age! How cute.
I am presuming that today is the day you get your 🎸?
Wishing you lots of luck with it and looking forward to seeing the photos when it's in your posession.
made you a posh coffee.
Morning Toadster how the diddy are you this rather lovely Friday morning?
We must make the most of it as tomorrow the rain is back🙄
I am exactly the same - I find doing art stressful, but luckily my sister loves it she finds it helps her mental health a lot and she is certainly very talented. Yes the Youtube channel shows people how to make stuff arty stuff and it a lot of work, but people then buy some of the stuff she used stencils that sort of thing. She really does have a lot of followers and her algorithm is good so it gets high up if people look for 'junk journals' for instance on youtube.
I did have a quieter day here yes thanks yesterday like you got two loads dry including towels😊
We had a bit of a BBQ last night (well about half 5 6!) using the motorhome cadac it's so quick and uses no smelly charcoal.
Yes I can also make the drinks for Krai not much else.
Yesterday on my walk I saw two black hairy caterpillars and one Doe's head peeping through a hedge, one rabbit and one squirrel! How lucky was I?😊
Take care Toady!
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Sorry for short post we are off to town. I hope everyone has a good day.
Love to everyone
take care
joan xx2 -
Morning all, today is indeed the day Toni. I greeted my 2 this morning with “NEW GUITAR DAY!!!!!!!!” Ha ha.
we off to see the canal locks and Warwick museum first. Cafe at both for them to park me at.
Hi Reshmi, dad died 2007, so it’s a while a go now, he would never talk about his service years apart from showing me one photo of him really ripped on a beach after having been surfing, and confirmed that he had killed several of the ‘enemy’ in Malaya as ir was then. As a child it’s the only thing I could think of wanting to know. Loanda likes visiting religious venues so I’ve lit several over the years, and yes Toni it always does. He was a FANTASTIC musician and could play anything on any instrument. I played in several bands with him but I never really realised how special a thing it was until it was too late as for us it was just the normal thing Hope that makes sense.
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Hatton Locks Warwick. At cafe having a cuppa. Can hardly walk today. Luckily they have disabled car park next to cafe.
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I’ve actually remembered my headfones today so sitting in shade at museum listening to some Bonamassa. Need to get his latest album too. He has kind of taken over from Clapton as my favourite guitarist, although it’s impossible to “replace” Clapton but he hasn’t released much lately.
Incidentally, I bought some £29 headfones from Lidl and they are really great, easily as good as my Beats that cost 10 times as much and fell apart after 18 months of everyday use. If anyone needs some I highly recommend them. They also have the option of plugging them in when the battery dies and they will still work just without noise cancellation and Bluetooth.
painkillers must have kicked in coz i am babbling on, tends to happen, and i end up talking even more than Loanda. She says the stories she tells aren’t long, they just have a lot of words…..
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Got it. 😁
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Hi all 😊
+1 for having made it into a TKMaxx - and managing to avoid the halloween dept - oops not quite 😳 those skulls sneaked in somehow! It must be catching 😉. Haven't been for 3 years I think I can be excused an instagram style look wot I bought post, at least it's not a plate of prawns.
Hope you are having a good day frog, as you see I have been bits & bobs shopping 👍️ a very modest haul just these and soap (I love TK's soap &c dept). As you say, weather probably going to do nasty things to us any minute so I thought I wouldn't waste a nice morning. Glad you had a nice evening yesterday and what a nice walk that was 😊 what will the hairy caterpillars become? 🐛 Not much else happening with me I have fitted in a small wash today too and will knock off now for the rest of the day. Then it will be ebay listing again tomorrow I expect. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hello joan hope you had a nice time in town, it is such a good day lovely sky 🌤️ while it lasts. I only went in 2 shops I still don't have coffee out etc it's rather sad going past all the nice cafes but at least it was a change and I came home and made my own for free 😊 ☕️ . Have a good weekend :) xx
Hi bosh, hope things ok with you 👍️. Went on a v rare quick shopping trip so am tired now, no WR for me unfortunately, I looked into Em & Ess but didn't buy anything. I used to buy their tea just because I liked the packaging so much haha but they then changed it like often happens 😕 in fact one range of theirs now is a virtual direct copy of another brand - design colour everything - I don't know which came first but either way it's a cheek & would make me not want to buy 🙄. Have a good evening see you next visit :) xx
Happy New Guitar Day keef 😀 very good-looking too. I understand what you mean about your Dad's musicality that's what happens when you grow up with something. Glad you had a successful trip and the weather was the right sort for looking at canals (wonders will never cease). Have made note of the headphone recommendation, it doesn't seem to follow these days that expensive is better, so that's my sort of price 👍️. Have a good weekend :) x
Love to all and thinking of @Jewels1973 too 👋 xx
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Hi Keef
Thats sad about your dad but it was nice that you had a good relationship with him.
Nice pictures.
Im glad you had a nice time with your family.
im ok thanks just a bit tired after injecting methotrexate
have a good afternoon take care x
Ps Canada pic.
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Hi Reshmi, is that Lake Louise?
Take care with that methotrexate. Hope u feel less tired tomorrow.
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No way Toady, halloween hunting at tkmaxx???
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Hi Toni, thanks for the exuberant coffee earlier 😁
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Hi Toni
how are you doing today?
I injected mxt a bit early but I’m not feeling too bad at the moment thanks
mums stomach is playing up from time to time, so she’s getting a bit upset understandably, but hopefully the gp will find out what’s going on soon thanks
I’m glad you liked the poem 👍
it was also about me - hiding beneath the sun hat lol
EF are back thanks flight was ok
LA said he saw a cave that looks like an elephant with a big trunk - must be missing ETL baby - aww
ok stopping here just organising some appointments
bye for now Toni tc xx
ps more baked beans - related antics from Bill lol xx
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Just heard from my sister again, mum has had another tumble. Must be something about Friday 🙄
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Hi toady
Is it hot enough for you? Lol
First you spread pollen, then you roast the planet like a Vulcan - oh dear - I will find you - sun hat or not - haha.
Nice bowls.
Will try to post properly later
bfn tc xx
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Sorry keef, hope she is ok 😕
Weather perfect for me bosh thank you for asking 😉 luckily I don't need to leave the house for a while now I've been out, I can go into hiding for the foreseeable, down the bottom of the garden with a suitable disguise.
(Seriously ofc sorry it's horrid for you. Rain tomorrow so it's going to break up a bit maybe 🤔 have a good night x)
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Hi Keef
im not really sure, pic description was v vague, you may well be right
good night tc x
don’t worry toady I know you don’t really control everything- I think that’s LA’s role lol
good night tc xx
ps just don’t attack any more bus drivers please lol xx
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Hi Joan
i hope you both had a nice day in town?
good night tc xx
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@toady hope you aren’t feeling too bad on the meds got my referral to see an NHS Rheumatologist well the doctor has said he’s doing one got to have bloods done on Monday, legs have gone a bit weird I have lymphodema in both legs and for the first time in 5 years somehow my leg started to bleed and now I’ve got spots on both my feet lol it’s not been a great week just hoping it isn’t shingles as I get that a lot never had it in my feet before so going to have to monitor that my immune system is rubbish. Let’s pray 🙏 it isn’t that as it literally wipes me off my feet.
Just a big hello 👋 to everyone has anyone had a link between RA and shingles? Just wondering if anyone has answers gratefully received.
@Joan hope you are ok?
@Keef Really sorry to hear about your mums fall love sent to you and your mum and family x Really lovely photos of the locks at Hatton. Sending love to you about your dad, my mum passed in 2015 when she was only 67 so hugs coming your way.
@bosh Sorry to hear you are very tired after injecting love sent to you too.
Just sending love to everyone. Julie x
P.S. I used to love taking photos this was well over a year ago near Swaledale in Yorkshire sadly whatever I’ve got wrong with me I can’t really use my iPhone camera anymore can’t grip the flipping thing just thought I would share it don’t know why!
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Joan how are you and Sue today? Did you enjoy your day out? I expect you went to the café? All well here a warm night but maybe tain due today ((())) xxx
Well Keef!
That guitar looks just fabulous you must be chuffed to bits with it👍
You've been to Hatton locks! I thought you would be there. We love them too. Did you ear at the pub? And next time you must take Sucre to Hatton Country World. Its fantastic for kids. We were members there fir many years when they were little.
Your Dad died in 2007 my Mum too. Dad in 2001 I have been orphaned for a long time🤭
Your Dad soundes lovely a bit of a hero. You obviously get your love of music from him.
Those headphones sound good. When did you get them? I wonder if they're still available. My old ones don't work now sadly.
Well take care
Julie have you tried one of those circle things you stick to the back of your phone? It helps with grip. I'll see if I can find a picture.
I am so sorry to hear about your legs hope you recover quickly.
I've never had shingles but my youngest did at 11. Nasty very painful.
Hi Reshmi
How is your mtx hangover? I am doing OK.....pretty well anyway.
Is your Mum doing OK?? Hooe the GP shirts her quickly ((()))
What a naughty owl attacking bus driver!!! I expect it was frightened for some reason.
Welcome home EF but BIL can keep his baked bean diffuser 🤢 what a smell!!!!
I think LA really liked Elephant Trunk Lady Baby you know😕
Sounds as though he's has some great experiences.
Have a good day and tc ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you this lovely Saturday morning well so far anyway....
You get a huge pat on the back from me for going to tkmax! Love the little bowls they are adorable!
Soap too? Good on you. I love that shop too and it's sister shop homesense. Not sensible for me though I get carried away.
Apparently black fluffy caterpillars can have Nasty stuff on them like an irritant to deter predators. Fair enough. No idea what they will become I did try to Google.
Let's hope today is better than expected.
Erm enjoy your ebay listing.
Oh yes what about Wilko🙄🙄
Another one bites the dust.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) yes I liked TKM they moved out of town you need a car to get to the places now. Have a good weekend. Good luck with your parcels.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes we went to the cafe. I met Sue in town she said I’ve got your birthday present I said I got yours a tee shirt she said yes I fetched it out of the bag she said that’s like the one I got you. Jacky’s daughter is going to Seattle she’s been there before. Her daughter is given a card with traffic lights on it that’s saying what the place is like green is safe to go out on your own and so on. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia (()) and Lucy (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) love to your mum (()) have a good weekend take care
Keef (()) that’s a nice guitar I don’t think they look nice bashed about. Have a good weekend. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())
Julie (()) I hope you soon find out what’s wrong it helps just knowing sorry I haven’t had Shingles. Have a good weekend
take care
joan xx1
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