Val's Cafe
Had my first osteo appointment for about 6 weeks due to holiday - illness etc. OMG do I know it. My poor body is SORE!! I had her work on my hip pain too and that feels a bit better.
Plugged guitar in and played it for a bit before taking the back cover off and setting it all up to my preference with string height etc. I’m pleased to say it’s all genuine Fender and not a rip off. (I got caught out a few years back with a 1984 Gibson that turned out to be fake). This one sounds better than the other Clapton one I have so I am very pleased and it will be my main guitar now. Sucré couldn’t wait to get his hands on it yesterday but I told him it was still in quarantine, but I’ll have to let him have a strum when he back home or he wont understand.
Hey Reshmi how are you and how is your mum today?
Hey Dachshund how do you remember all those names. It must have taken me a week or more of posting on here to remember who the main characters were lol. Even then I still spelt your avatar wrong a lot. 🙄
hey Toady , Toni and Jewels.
off to bunker. Post again later 😁
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
im not too bad thanks
mum is not that great tbh but I think the blood test results should be coming soon
thanks about mum
I’ve got psychiatrist appointment tomorrow
I need to make notes soon for that
bye for now tc xx
👋 Toni toady Keef toady Julie
hope you’re all ok?
Im a bit busy right now but will try to send proper posts later
this is just in case I forget! Lol
i saw the QJL on my walk, by the way, she thought I’d been to “Text” I explained it was a just a Text bag with a brolly etc in it - my goodness she’s nosey lol.
ok bye for now everyone tc xx
ps more goth pumpkin art - I blame toady lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
I had an early morning encounter with queue jumper lady this morning - distinctly ookey!
She was convinced I’d bought some diamond- studded evening dresses and put them in my Text bag, lol, when it really just contained an umbrella and a spare jumper - I almost said I don’t have toady’s millions generated by selling fungal spores on nosegay, lol.
I noticed you’ve decided to lower the pollen count today - thanks for that, much appreciated.
Mum is ok sometimes thanks, but her stomach isn’t 100%.
Ive got a nice and awkward psych appointment coming up, oh well it should be over by about 10.30 am and plenty of much worse things have happened.
LA dressed his brother up as George Pig, bless him.
my eyes are still a bit ookey actually, but I think I’m just tired.
how is nosegay doing?
bye for now toady tc xx
ps Bern, Switzerland xx
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Hi all 👋
Rain for me too 😕 buckets of the stuff overnight, cleared up in the daytime which is something I suppose, but the double whammy was it banjaxed my internet in the middle of the night when I was trying to block out the noise by listening to something online 🙄. Been a bit dodgy today on & off but at least I wasn't in mid-bid for anything haha. No I'm not caught up frog 😱 in fact it's tick a thing off the list day and add 2 more on. Never mind it will calm down tomorrow, well unless people start madly buying. Hope everything ok with you, sorry you couldn't post us a pic this morning I daresay it was a jolly nice breakfast 🍴, but at least the safe instalment approach worked for posting. Have a good day tomorrow, HAH delivery for me, not at the crack of dawn I hope. When are you next at food bank? Love to all 👋 :) xx
Hello joan, yes I really do think shops as we know them are on the way out unless something changes 😕. Maybe we could go back to something more like the Co-op style where people own the business, not that I'm very business-minded so don't ask me how that would work 😳. But we could all make a stand like you say and Lexi & Pepper can see off anyone trying to make a hostile takeover 😄. Have a good day tomorrow it has felt like Sunday all day to me. xx
Hi bosh, the answer to the question how is nosegay, is I have been running against the clock trying to do too many listings in too short a time 🤪. But if I don't list on the weekend I have to pay full fees which is 12.8% (don't ask me why that figure, it all used to be so much simpler 🙄) and that's £1.28 on a £10 sale which as we all know will buy you at least 2 packs of rich tea bics 😄. Ooh, nosey QJL 😱 imagine commenting on people's shopping, or supposed shopping. I do that too use bags from various shops, probably some shops that don't exist now even. I also carry a cotton bag sometimes that came from 'Berlin Quarterly' magazine, I expect people think the BQ is B&Q so QJL would probably expect me to have a bagful of nuts & bolts and paint rollers 😄. I like the gluten free property that would definitely be a selling point and it does say I'm Gorgeous Inside, something gluten intolerant people would aspire to (and us here too). Glad the lower pollen count is helping, we aim to please 😀 and hope it is mostly tired eyes not irritated. Well tired isn't good either obvs but you know what I mean. Hope you have all your notes straight for the appt and very very good luck with it 👍️. LA dressing up BR is very sweet 🐷 hope everyone ok. See you tomorrow sometime. xx
Hope you have a better night keef I was up at much the same time as you in the early hours, didn't have the energy to post sorry, just tottered off for tea. Fingers crossed the osteo's good work will help too. Glad the guitar is doing all the right things 😊 best to family x
Hello to Julie and so sorry you do suspect it's the shingles, I do hope it hasn't messed up things for you re the blood tests & getting on with things, that would be most unfair 😕 and of course hope it doesn't affect you too badly. If the GP has spoken to you and okayed the aciclovir then best of luck for it shortening things as you say, hope you get back on track with everything asap. Take care xx
Love to everyone tea anytime ☕️😘 xx
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Hi Toni
sorry for the scandalously late post
dad had a filling done at the dentists early morning so no one got enough sleep
I did go on a walk but was really tired and ended up eating a rather greedy amount of chicken at lunchtime, I did feel a lot better after that though and managed without the toxic gluco - zade.
mum is ok sometimes but her stomach hasn’t settled properly
she said gp will phone her with results but not sure when
dads taking me to the psych appointment tomorrow
which is kind of him of course, otherwise it would have been 2 buses, but I really hope he’s not in extra “rough” driving mode, I don’t want to feel too nauseous before appointment, chewing gum is running out - ookey 😱.
you know a funny thing happened in WR recently I was looking at some kind of snack and I picked it up to read ingredients, but I had used the extra strong hand cream, Nuclear - gena I’ll call it lol, and my hand was so slippery that the snack flew out of my hand and shot onto the floor just under part of the refrigerated section basically- luckily no one noticed - who is eating the food off hidden part of WR floor though? it made me wonder about it - probably QJL - good job it contained pastry- hope she gets a tummy ache 😂
EF are well thanks
i think I’ll stop there for now
have a nice night Toni tc xx
ps another funny sign - what do women use though? Staple - guns maybe? Insufficient info lol xx
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Hi Keef and Julie
How are you both feeling now?
im not too bad thanks just tired
mum is ok at times not feeling too good at others but hopefully her blood test results will come in soon
I’ve got a psych appointment tomorrow morning so I need to prepare
I hope you both have a good night and aren’t in too much pain
bye tc x
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@bosh Im a worrier to so you are in good company I always think the worst case scenario, I’m going to say a prayer for your Mum tonight I’m really hoping it’s something less serious and you have all my love ❤️ Hugely good luck with the psych appointment ❤️
Hello everyone 👋👋 well I got it confirmed today I have shingles of the feet I know only I could get them on my feet so the doctor was everso nice (think she was a locum) so they’ve upped my acliovir from 1200mg a day to 4000mg I’m like a spaced out person on them I had one and immediately fell asleep but I’m glad I got it quickly so now for the 7 days of weird dreams, not remembering things, feeling queasy and other weirdness!
i was supposed to be getting my blood test done today (I think someone is not wanting me to have it done) that’s the second time I can’t have it done but this time apparently my viral load is off the scale and I’ve got to wait two to three weeks for my body to get back to normal so the Rheumatology Department can see my weirdness!! Such is life. Can’t do anything about it and there’s a lot of people worse off than me.
@dachshund Thinking of you.
Hope I’m allowed to do this thought it might make a few people laugh this photo always makes me smile it was taken in 1985 yes that’s me and my brother I was 12 and he was 10 it’s such a ridiculous photo that I thought you lovely people might appreciate it. I think I was playing Zorro and I was forcing my brother to play and yes it is a toy gun. Makes me laugh because I have a plaster on my leg now due to nicking my leg somehow (not great with lymphodema) and I have one in the photo!!
Hope it gives a few people a chuckle and love to every single one of you ❤️❤️❤️
about you ❤️
@bosh @frogmorton Giving you a big wave ❤️👋
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Well it feels like someone is poking my hip/pelvis with a red hot poker. Can’t sleep too much pain. I’ve tried stretching and cracking it but it won’t crack and even if it did it would probably be worser. I just don’t understand what it is that’s hurting. It’s not my spine coz pain is off to one side. Osteo said it isn’t my hip coz it too high so why would my pelvis be hurting when it isn’t a joint just bone??? I hope my referral comes through soon coz I’m getting so little sleep and I’m in too much pain to do anything when I’m awake. What a stupid way to live.
and the emergency services seem intent on waking up anyone that is asleep. Four different lots of two tone sirens since 9:30 pm. Why do they need sirens on in the dark when what little traffic there is on the road can clearly see the flashing lights coz it’s DARK. Stresses me out when i hear them coz it brings back stuff I don’t want to think about, especially when I just nodding off.
I never used mine after dark. and neither did anyone I worked with. In fact I hated having them on full stop.
right extreme measures are called for. Cuppa tea i think.
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Morning everyone
The view from the window last night...the squares are the insect screen!
Morning Joan so it's not your that case I hope they will now look at your back because i can get pain in my legs when it's actually my back. Take care Joan and give my love to Sue ((())) xxx
Morning we8 That was Reshmi until Sleek stood on the keyboard! How are you doing today?
Your Mum too of course. I hope the GP rings her soon to let her know what's happening. Glad EF are 👌
I am very much thinking of you today and wishing you the best of luck and hopes that your Dad is a calm driver just for today. I also hope his mouth isn't too sore so the journey is harmonious ((()))
Loved the Gluten free house especially when it says 'I'm gorgeous inside' awwww
OMG! I will remember never to use ultra strong hand cream before entering WR! It could be QJL who has the 'free' goodies but maybe there are tiny 'borrowers' WR borrowers who are fed with accidentally dropped goodies🤔 I could imagine them tiny people living underneath the shelves. It wouldn't be a bad place at all to live would it?
Hmmm what do we fix things with? we try kindness I think - at least in general.
Take care now everything is crossed for you🤞
Morning Keef
How are you doing today after your osteopath visit 😣are you recovered? I think you needed to go you have been struggling lately. Do you think that made the pelvic pain worse? Maybe you need an MRI of the whole area? I think maybe you'll have to be a little assertive with your Dr and push for further tests.
I'm so pleased that the guitar is a genuine Clapton sounding Fender! That's great and it's all set up for you personally now. Of course you want Sucré to have a strum. If not how is he to develop an interest in music? He may have inherited the talent from you and your dad.
I have no idea whatsoever why they need sirens on in the night perhaps to ensure they don't cause any further casualties??? Maybe? I suppose a blind pedestrian wouldn't 'see' the lights? They make me feel sick too though when I hear them and see the lights.
Here's hoping today is a better day for you ((()))
Morning Julie Hope you are feeling ok today.
That's a brilliant photo! Great acting face there girl! Zorro it has to be☺️ wonderful and of course you can post the photo. We love them here in the café.
I am so sorry about the shingles that's awful, but at least your GP was on it quickly and you are on the right meds. 7 days will soon pass see? It's already day two ((())) Get well soon.
The bloods will wait this needs getting under control although I do think Rheumatology will need and be interested to know.
Morning Toady How are you this sunny morning? Yes sunny. I speak the absolute truth! I think it links with that red sky we had yesterday.
Hope HAH arrive at a sensible time. Foodbank is tomorrow for me looking forward to it and on Saturday (I think) we are doing a collection at a One Stop shop.
Oh dear the rain stopped play for you😕 It can do here too but although it was noisy it didn't cause any trouble nor roof leaks here. I have been bitten too. What is it? I hope we haven't got any 'proper mossies' now in this country'😯 I'll have to be more careful.
Look I'm doing a post in one go - well editing to be fair in case Bosh gets in early i want her to know I am thinking of her today.
Here are some ✅ ✅ s for your list hope it helps. Sleek will be over later to erm dare I say it....'help' out!!
Take care Toady and have a good day.
Vegan option available....
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A bleary eye good morning all.
finally got some sleep after 2am, but played some guitar and tidied up the bunker as I couldn’t get to sleep before that.
have had a migraine threatening to develop last two mornings which is worrying because I thought i had sorted that by going to only one pillow etc as Osteo had said it was all mechanical causes in my neck.
I got to see some of the meteors streaking across the nite sky from the current shower. Maybe it was looking up for an extended period that has caused my bad head. Who knows.
think i have pelvic enthesitis after consulting various medical websites last night. Will wait for my scan but that will probably be next year 🙄
hey frog, long post for an early morning. 😁
morning everyone. Wppl. Gonna have lay in after I finish my cuppa (run out of decent mugs for mms) hopefully my head will clear. x
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I read yesterday that Wilco have got till Wednesday to find a buyer. I have not got enough of the money in my purse to buy them. Have a good day sorry about the rain you had. (())
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope you have a good day today (()) my appointment with the doctor is the 7 September. Wilco has till Wednesday to find a buyer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) when you go to your appointment tell him about you being worried about your mum (()) I hope she gets her results soon (())
Keef (()) I write on my iPad the names come up. Have a good day I hope your pain has calmed down.
Julie (()) my name is Joan. Sorry all you have wrong (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Toni, that screen makes that photo look like it’s on an American tv lol.
I was gonna take similar pic here until i got to my normal window for such fotos and remembered the aircon is there now. 🙄doh!!!
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rolled down town in my chair to get prescription from boots. Only the door with steps was open. The ramp access door was still closed with the shutters half across. I looked after some random lady’s baby daughter whilst she went in to find out what was going on. Turns out the sensor had gone. I despatched some advice about leaving them open rather than shut, then when i got to the pharmacy counter it’s all been redeveloped and the new counter is about 5.5 feet high definitely not wheelchair friendly. I gave them some advice about that too. Ha ha, grumpy old man. 😁
thought I’d pop in greggs for a cuppa on way home. He made me something that was almost, but not completely unlike tea! When I complained he sed he’d run out of proper tea bags. The lady queuing behind me also wanted to complain. I left her to despatch the advice that time as i was fresh out.
all that and it wasn’t even 9am.
back horizontal again now as pain is unbearable.
Sucré has his developmental assessment today. I hope it’s with someone who has half a brain or they gonna get some advice as well. Man, i am in a BAD mood today.
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Hi Toni and toady
how are you both?
im tired but ok thanks 🙏
pysch appt went well I am feeling relieved
mum isn’t too bad thanks
v tired need to rest
bye for now tc xx
ps bills lunchtime snack lol xx
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Hi all 😊
Sunny it is frog, you are quite right, no word of a lie 😄 and please let it stay dry, for the next couple of days even like it's claiming, but you know what forecasts are 🤥. Hoping to go and go a bit of outdoor painting in a couple of stages so wish me luck ta. That breakfast made up for yesterday's I could eat that now, with a bit of switching of ingredients, as you say (& that reminds me, must grow some parsley). As for that sky omg 😍 beautiful, didn't see anything like that here, was I just not looking.. quite possible, a lot of stuff gets past me while I'm not paying attention. Glad no leaks etc for you. HAH were fine thanks, not too early nor late, nice lady driver. Thanks so much for lending Sleek, as she is in typing mood today she can do some admin for me that would be brilliant 😀 couple of emails etc, I have total faith they would be word perfect. (Was just going to say that the internet was off again this a.m. but seems ok now, and it flicked off in my face that very minute 🙄 ugh. Will get this into draft and hope for the best). Will potter into the garden now for a bit and hope no more bites, I got another yesterday too 😱 they are not nice ones, hope yours isn't too vicious. Haven't caught anything in the act and it seems to be legs mostly, whether through trousers or up trousers, who knows 🤷♀️. Hope you have a good food bank day, love to all :) xx
Hello joan, only tomorrow for Wilkos, well it's not looking good 😕 even if we club together, no I don't think we can do it. So sad. No harm done with the rain (that I know of 😬) except the internet is still playing up, but that should settle now it's fine. Should be nice for you taking the dogs out too hopefully 👍️ have a good day :) xx
Hi bosh, I wanted to post this morning in good time, like Toni, but the stupid internet was off til gone your appt time 😕 blah. V glad to hear it went well that's great to have it done & behind you 👍️😀. Hope having the filling done will take the edge of DV's mood.. maybe.. too much to ask? but at least he went I suppose. Glad it didn't clash with the day to give you a lift. Hope your mum will keep a bit better like she is at the moment. Nothing much going on with me today might have a walk later, expect you might go to the Weds group if all's well. Didn't sleep too badly for a change, I was listening to a fan-made Doctor Who that featured a sad Dalek who was technically a ghost so couldn't exterminate anybody 😂 I wonder why I never dream of Daleks, only of having to answer the door in my dressing gown. I don't even have a dressing gown of the type in my dreams 🙄. Have a good day :) xx
Sorry your (hip?spine?pelvic) pain is so bad keef, wonder if you are right in your homemade diagnosis 🤔 had never heard of that condition, had to look it up. Hope the migraine does not materialize. You and Toni have been seeing lovely sunsets and cool meteors & stuff, I never seem to see these things. Mind you some of that is neck-based too, when I go out I look down mostly - if I'm with anyone they always go 'look at the full moon/hot air balloons/flock of swallows' & god knows what other stuff I've been oblivious to. Sorry about your annoying time in town 🙄 . x
Hi Julie, so sorry life is stopping you getting to this blood test 😫 and that the meds will knock you out a bit. All the best with them working quickly. I love your picture, it's just brilliant 😀 ah, the 1980s, happy days 😄. Best to family :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi toady
don’t worry about the stupid internet lol, it happens all the time, that was funny about the dressing gowns lol.
I’ll leave it there but my cunning plan is to send another message later on
dad is grumpy because he also needs a tooth extraction which is happening tomorrow
ok bye for now toady tc. xx
Ps another funny sign
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Hi Joan
how are you both?
my appointment went surprisingly well actually thanks for asking
the male psychiatrist was sympathetic and not arrogant or judgemental, which isn’t always the case
it seems one of the gps made an error of judgement and reduced my lithium without consulting a psychiatrist- she just asked a nurse, at least that was my understanding, but he’s arranging a lithium blood test that I need to talk to gp about and then dosage will probably be increased and Quetiapine- which is a kind of supplementary medicine- will probably be reduced 👍
i did mention about mum thank you 🙏
Mum isn’t too bad at the moment thanks, I think she said it’s waiting for her results that’s the nerve- wracking thing in a way.
I hope you both have a good evening bye and tc xx
Ps Zurich Switzerland xx
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Hi Keef
sorry to hear you had such a bad day pain wise
no proper tea bags that’s not good either
my appointment was much better than I thought it would be thanks
mum isn’t too bad right at the moment thank you
I hope Sucre’s assessment went ok?
have a good or at least tolerable night I hope bye tc. x
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Hi Julie
Thanks so much for your good wishes
the psych appointment went much better than I had expected thanks
it seems the gp had made a mistake and my recent problems could have been avoided, so to summarise it seems he will increase dosage soon 🙏
mum isn’t too bad right now thanks, but the sooner doc phones her with b test results the better
sorry about the shingles that must be so difficult
Toni will correct me if I’m wrong but as for pics, I think we can put anything on here, as long it’s not inappropriate in any way of course, or a picture of your debit card cvs code or something like that lol, so as long as it’s decent and you don’t feel it’s compromising your safety, should be fine 👍
sweet pic by the way
Hope you have an ok night, bye and take care Julie xx
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Hi toady
i am practically messaged out - but
can I borrow a dressing gown and a hat please?
I figure that if both items are large enough I can hide from the world eating darleks and cyber - men, if I run out of those, it’s 10 p bagels, I must admit the 20 p choc wasn’t liked by my stomach 🤢
have a good night toady tc xx
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'night back to you too bosh 😊 dressing gown and hat are at your disposal, hopefully I can have a night off from that particular dream & it'll be 'lost bus fare's turn instead. Sorry about your dad's tooth, him especially ofc but you & your mum too if he's had to be nagged into going (is it the one that's been a problem all along that he was treating with clove remedies etc) teeth are just nuisances 🙄 we should all continually wear them down & renew them like rabbits 🐰.
Wishing everyone else a good night too 😴 xx
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hey Reshmi, thanks for asking, yes Sucré’s assessment went very well. The lady that did it, Ruth, was really nice, obviously very intelligent, polite and professional. Sucré hit it off with her almost straight away with a ‘Hello Lady!’ But she is still very slightly concerned about his speech which is a bit behind schedule but everything else is well ahead, and I understand his somewhat confused language even if sometimes it takes me a moment to translate i to English in my mind.
It does sound like you might have had a breakthrough with your meds today, well done and lets hope they get it right now.
hey Toady, the head didn’t get any worse, or better, I’ve just had an hour in bunker playing some SRV tunes (Stevie Ray Vaughan) and it is just starting to get worse now. Obviously looking down at the guitar putting strain on my neck.
sorry if i missed some posts but I can’t type/read anymore as it gonna make head worser.
hi Toni, Dachshund, Jewels.
today in bunker I got that feeling of I really LOVE playing music. I haven’t had that for ages because of battling against the pain, but not long popped 2 tram and I just absolutely loved it in bunker this evening. Music is my therapy these days.
Good Night everyone. Sleep well. Catcha all tomorrow. xx
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Looking good out there so far.
Hi Joan 7th Sept? I'll remember that😊Poor Wilko has anything happened or does it have to go? All those people loosing their jobs. It's because of the other cheap shops selling the same stuff 😞 Take care have a good day both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I'm so very glad all went well yesterday that's great I hope you have had some useful advice and he is pleased with you. You sounded very upbeat so I know it went well.
Mum doing ok? I hope her tum isn't too bad today and her results come very soon.
All the luck in the world for a certain somebody's tooth extraction😣
BIL's breakfast well part thereof....🤣
Oh dear me you are right! Adam and Eve did not read the apple terms and conditions!!!
I wonder whether you'll be seeing the EF this weekend? it's been a while since any of you have seen them.
I am going for a walk with Kari this morning then off to volunteer at the foodbank.
Take care ((()))
Morning Keef
I'm so glad you can still lose yourself in music even if for shorter periods than you'd like.....and maybe a couple of painkillers.
Well done little Sucré doing well at his developmental check-up. Boys often 'appear' slower with speech, but soon catch up. Did he not hour the lady with his special word? bum?😁
What on earth was that about chemist?!!! Totally inaccessible! That's bad I bet it's a reasonably modern building too🙄Good of you to watch a lady baby for someone! The teabag issue though....that might just have been a step too far for me. I can cope with most things but never ever a rubbish cuppa😠
cuppa for you decent teabag used.
Let's hope today is a good one for us all.
Morning Julie
I hope you are doing ok the family too.
yes Bosh is bang of about photos post anything you like as long as it's not advertising her advice about protecting yourself is such good too. She's wise.
have a good day😊
Morning Toady how are you today?
It's easy to miss the red skies I got up at the right time to make my last cuppa (decaf of course).
Did Sleek sort out your admin? She did ours here as you saw yesterday quite well🤣 She is coming over later to help with the painting
The bites are still super itchy how are yours? I am going to keep spraying the green stuff outside vile though it might be. The bites are intolerable in bed at night. Not scratching them is a big challenge l could so without!
Well done HAH actually employing a nice woman driver!
Should be good at the foodbank after a walk round the park with Kari😊
Yuuuuum! Think it's eggy bread vegan option also available of course.
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Morning Bosh and ToniFrog, this cafe always makes me smile in the morning.
Sunday I think I left my 2 in Costa or they left me can’t remember which or why, but Loanda said Sucré said bum bum bum all the way home, it’s only a 2 minute walk for a normal person but all the way. Thankfully he seemed to have forgotten it yesterday. He likes saying Hello Lady if we out and he interacts with…… well u get the idea lol.
bad head again this morning. Had a long time without a single one , now it’s every day again ☹️
oh Toni, Loanda will LOVE that mug. She loves Tim Burton stuff. We went to see Corpse Bride very early in our relationship. Thats from Nightmares at Christmas or something like that isn’t it ???
i will pop into Greggs again and if they still haven’t got any tea bags i will go and buy some in Sainsbos next door for them.
morning Toady Jewels and Dachshund and anyone else I’ve forgotten or that drops in.
bye for now x
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