Val's Cafe
Hi Reshmi, oooh i can feel the temperature drop as I ride down that road on my bike into the mist. Sends a chill up my spine just looking at the foto 😁
have a good day x
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and the carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I read last night that Mark’s and Spencer’s will close soon. We won’t have any shops to go soon. Have a good day. Sorry about your internet.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Have a good day. It seems a lovely place where you live. Mark’s and Spencer’s in our town centre are closing. We won’t have any shops soon only charity shops. How is Kari (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good your appointment went well (()) perhaps your Dad will be happier when he’s had his tooth out. Love to your mum (()) i hope she gets her results soon (())
Keef (()) Have a good day I’m sorry you had so much trouble with the chemists. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())
Juile (()) have a good day I hope you soon get your results (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hey Dachshund, our town is very much going that way too. We have about 8 charity shops and a similar number of Turkish barbers. We were never big enough for a Marks and Sparks but there were two sisters that ran a department store called Townrow that i can just about remember. Their storage barn came up for sale recently and Loanda and I tried to buy it as it would have made a great space for my music and Loanda to park her beloved car, I think she had ideas about starting a car collection, but it was just too expensive as it already had planning permission for a house, which we weren’t interested in doing.
take care lotsa love to u.
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Hi Toni
how are you?
mum had blood test for kidneys today
i went to group but started too late so it got very hot outside 😱
dad had tooth out and is grumping about now lol
which tooth I’m not sure
mum isn’t in too bad spirits thanks
bye for now bit tired tc xx
ps G is making house calls but what about the doctor? Lol xx
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Got text from docs today saying i had a face to face consultation this afternoon. Explained my suspicions of pelvic enthesitis and doc agreed with me. Got blood tests Friday for inflammation markers.
Also said riding bike was not a great idea now as pain is in pelvis. ☹️
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Might have to get that vintage 911 after all Toni.
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Afternoon 😊
Another nice day I was up early (for me), a line of washing and most of my painting prep by 9 or 10 😀. Just have to run the gamut of people driving in & out & walking their dogs etc to get another coat of primer on this evening. Sleek did offer to help with the paint frog, but I deputed her to peg washing out instead, she is so good at it. And the folding up afterwards, you wouldn't think it would you, but she is. My bite is probably much the same as yours, without graphic descriptions, and yes itchy at night 😣. I have sandpaperer's blisters to go with now, but that's my fault for not wearing gloves. Hope you had a nice walk with Kari (& that she's getting on ok with the 'off her own bat' meds reduction🤞) and a good food bank session. How is Lucy's work these days? Yes I have had a run of lady drivers for things lately, 1 Al Fresco 1 taxi & now HAH 👍️ but not to say there's ever been anything wrong with any males of the above though, at all, nor that I'd prefer a lady in every single situation (for example hurry up, ladies' football, soooo bored 🙄😉). Have a good rest of day 👋 :) xx
Hello joan, no, not M&S 😱😱 don't say such things. I thought I'd read they were doing fairly well 🤔. Even though mine moved out of it's High St spot (same old story 🙄) it's still a nice branch and would leave a huge gap. My internet is behaving today fingers crossed. It's up to me really to get stuff fixed or upgraded instead of letting it slide. Lovely sunshine today but only one more tomorrow, heavy rain Fri 😕 hope you don't have it for going to town. Have a good evening :) xx
Hi bosh, sorry it was too hot for you earlier. Lots going on at once at yours with blood tests & dentists hope you hit a quieter patch soon where no-one has an appt 🤞. What a shame about the 20p choc too, a bargain isn't a bargain at all then is it. No bargains for me until I next go anywhere in person, it'll be middle of the night milkman for me tomorrow so I will be flitting owl-like to the door again, will try not to attack any early bus drivers I happen to see 😄 (have to say I do like this imaginary version of me with interesting abilities & gothic alter egos & shady nosegay careers, so much more interesting than the real thing 😂). Have a good evening :) xx p.s. have pinched the moonlit flower silhouette-y pic you posted for phone wallpaper, ta very much 😊.
Good avatar keef 👍️ glad you got some absorbing/distracting music time yesterday. All the best for the Friday blood tests, it's good (sort of 🤔) that the doc agrees with your suspicions, not good though if it takes you away from the bike, are they likely to bring your scan forward? Glad Sucré got on well yesterday, I want to greet people with Hello Lady 😀 it's only convention & whatnot that stops us... x
Hope @Jewels1973 is as well as poss and ticking off the days on the meds xx
Love to everyone :) xx
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Hey Toady, no point in x-ray now as it won’t pick up enthesitis. Will need MRI depending on blood results. Also will have to pay for private rheumatology appointment or wait 18 months.
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Ah didn't realize it was an xray or didn't take it in probably. May still be worth staying on NHS list as I was going to go private early on (clashed with consultant), in the end someone new joined the team & took on a raft of patients. Probably tougher to get an appt now even than back then I realize but cancellations &c you never know - worked out for me I was lucky got a VG consultant.
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Hi toady
glad you had a nice day
mum is crying at the moment
she said doc said probably she’s got some kind of stomach virus nothing too serious it seems but she also said that she needs a colonoscopy at some point as some blood was found
obviously no one enjoys having a colonoscopy but she’s had 2 before and at least the doc is doing something
she’s not like me she doesn’t bottle things up which is good, but I hate seeing her this way
shes in good spirits at times too though
dad isn’t helping of course
you’re welcome about screensaver
I actually have a blood test at the crack of dawn tomorrow- well 8.30 am lol
but luckily its just at GP’s surgery so I’ll either take the bus or walk.
but toady I’ve always assumed that you have gothic powers lol
after all - who trained the vampire nurse? Only joking haha
i hope you have a good night bye tc xx
ps French Quarters, New Orleans xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
I went to the group which was nice but it was too hot for me
mum is a bit upset as she needs colonoscopy
dad is grumpy all the time unfortunately
I’ve got a blood test tomorrow
have a good night tc xxx
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Hi again Toni
sorry just got so tired that I didn’t send a proper message
group wasn’t too bad thanks
but got there quite late due to all the other stuff going on in house at that time
RR said Alan - another group member - was v slim and someone suggested it’s because he doesn’t eat chocolate for breakfast- oh the audacity! “Off with his head!” as queen toady might say - only joking- lol
i have a b test tomorrow- just rheumo but I need to phone gp surgery too, as psychiatrist was trying to generate electronic b test form but his computer was malfunctioning- it’s full of toady’s fungal spores no doubt lol
have a good night Toni tc xx
hi Keef and Julie
Keef sorry to hear about inflammation markers test etc
Julie - how are the shingles today?
sorry for this inadequate message
have a good night all tc xx
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Ooh 8.30 blood tests bosh, sorry, there's me wishing you a spell without appointments (perhaps I need to cast you a no-appointments spell instead! 🧙♀️ but needs must for us all I suppose). Hope they sort the b test form in good time & vampire nurse is in good practice, or maybe it will not be she with a bit of luck. And no fainters hopefully! So sorry your mum is upset 😔 sending her best wishes & fingers crossed for her. Look after yourself too 😘 goodnight xx
'night everyone xx
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Got up to get a drink as been awake for an hour. Why is it when you creep around to be quiet you end up making more noise than if you just blundered around like the house is empty and there’s no one else to consider???
I accidentally left a slice of fruit loaf out in the worktop. Oh dear, ants were having a party, big time, so I threw it and them straight out the window, then wished I hadn’t as the rats will probably find it, oh well I’m not going outside at 3:30 in the morning, the rats can have it.
then I thought I’ll put my headphones on and listen to some nice relaxing music. Couldn’t get them to connect. Never ever had a problem before, forgot phone was on night time (airport mode) as I don’t like it blasting my head from the bedside table with radiation all night long, and ended up playing about 5 seconds of music at full volume from the fone speaker. So much for not disturbing anyone.
i wonder if they can check my bloods for stupidity as well on Friday??
oh one other thing, I sold a whole job lot of guitar stuff to the second hand shop in the next town about 2 months ago, as most of it I hadn’t used for a while and my bunker is quite small and space is always an issue, anyhow one particular amp I really miss and I happened to ring the shop yesterday expecting them to have sold it but they still have it and he took pity on me and is selling it back to me at virtually cost 😁 getting it later today. I’m not selling anything else as I always regret it after.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Morning Joan how are you and Sue this morning? Are all carers well at the moment too? and Pepper and Lexi? Oh no you're losing your Marks and Sparks! That's terrible. We have a lot of nail bars, hairdressers, tattoo and sunbed places and charity shops too🙄 Hope your day is good ((())) xxx
Reshmi I just love this morning's flowers 😊 How are you feeling?
OMG! that is so funny someone else has sussed that RR talks utter (entertaining though) rubbish at times! Bless him. It was a bit warm at group. I thought yesterday was a muggy day.
I hope your Mum's blood test went well and that yours will too. Gosh getting bloods these days is so difficult. Even Psychs can't do it! To be fair I had my regulars no problem this last time. Pleasant change.
How' is face ache' this morning? I knew he'd be extra grumpy after his extraction.🙄
Of course Vicars must do house calls but those notice boards are so funny! Good to show Churches have a sense of humour might encourage more in.
Take care today ((()))
Morning Keef.
I also remember teaching Lucy how to draw birds in the sky flying like an 'M' and she thought they looked like 'bums'! Children think that sort of word is so funny. Loanda sounds great fun☺️ and playing with language like she did with Sucré is a really really good way to bring his speech along. Hello Lady is so, so cute.
I saw that film too back in the day very very clever i thought Tim Burton is very clever.
Good idea helping Greggs out if it's a nice café to sit in. Hopefully they'll have teabags though.
Oh dear what a noisy early start you had! If you didn't wake Sucré I wouldn't worry Paul always gets off to sleep again if I make a noise which I also did this morning knocking a huge case over pretty close to his head. Not sure they can test your brain with bloods🤔😁
That's a great piece of luck being able to buy back your beloved amp! Go you and what a lovely shop.
Glad the headphones are sorted too now you'll know that for next time won't you?
Have a good day best of luck with your tea at Greggs🤞
Hope the bloods either rule something in or out and you get your MRI in the end I am sure that's the way forwards.
Morning Julie just in case you pop in hope you are doing ok. Hope the leg isn't too bad and the family are ok ((()))
Morning Toady.
How are you?
Sleek is very good at pegging washing out and folding dry washing too she likes to smell it and admire it on the line. Her ironing skills aren't so bad either if she calls in today set her up. Outside though if you have a cable extension?
It has to be the same mystical creature who bit us both then. Super itchy in bed grrrr! and extra ouch if you have blisters now too. Put your gloves on! Sounds as though you are going great guns with the painting though👍️
but Toady!!! England are actually in the final for women's football! Doing far better than the men. I am really glad as my widowed friend has her 50th birthday on Sunday and the final will distract her a bit l think. Hope.
Kari is doing really well with her meds, exercise and weight loss I am very pleased for her. We went twice round the park! Foodbank was good if quiet....but on Saturday we have a collection in Kari's town.
I fully intend to spend as much as possible of the next two hours in the garden😊
Take care
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So how was the garden Toni?
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) yes sandpaper is rough I hope your hand is not too sore. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) we have thunder tomorrow they say. Your friend (()) will have a lot of memories on Sunday (()) love to her. And Kari she’s doing well with her tablets (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) It must be hard for you in your house your mum being so worried (()) and your Dad being so grumpy don’t worry doing everything has best has you can (())
Keef (()) that’s good you got your amp back. Good luck with your blood test.
Julie (()) Have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
Well Keef so far I've done a load of washing and vaxed out my car!
It was too chilly yet to start gardening now I am resting before going finally into the garden!
Typical me best laid plans!
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Vaxed it out? You’re doing it wrong!!!
Roof down, 100mph down the nearest bypass, job done lol.
oh actually i meant 70mph 😉
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Amp safely back in my possession 😁
he still had my speaker cabs, but me and Sucré (my mum would correct me and say I think you mean Sucré and I) have just finished building a new cab with a speaker cone made from hemp. Never heard of that before but sounded great on the demo.
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something nice about preparing nice fresh food for my little family.
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Hi toady
how are you today?
don’t worry I like early mornings, I walked there and it was nice and refreshing 👍
sorry I thought I’d posted this long ago lol
mum isn’t too bad thanks
im tired but ok thanks 👍
bfn tc xx
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Hi all.. Internet has gone to pot again, 2 mins on and 5 off all day. Can't see it being any better for a few gallons of rain tomorrow, will try & at least wave but if it's no go then you'll know what's up 😒. Will post this while the going's good then call it a day, ugh, it's like being sent to bed without any internet 😥. Love to everyone, yours sincerely etc, back soon I hope! xx
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Hi Toni
so sorry had a huge headache that’s only just about gone
how are you?
dad is as grumpy as usual - whole of life is an extraction to him lol
mum seems in better spirits thanks
You’re welcome about the pic
I’ll definitely write more tomorrow unless mother / weather nature gives me another headache of course
good night Toni toady Joan Keef and Julie tc xx
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