Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and the carers (())

    Toady (()) A few years ago I was in the garden I saw a round green thing it was heavy I put it back down. When I went back later. I said to a friend he said that was a toad. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is Tigger today (()) animals give so much they are like a member of the family. I hope you have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your Dad has Covid (()) you and your mum (()) go careful you don’t need that. Is your Dad wearing a mask when you see him. Have a good day take care both of you (())

    Keef (()) we are well thank you. How are you feeling today (()) How is Sucr’e (()). We are just going out on our mobility scooters taking the dogs for a walk. Have a good day (())

    Julie (()) I hope you have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    Thanks for your kind message

    unfortunately mum has got covid now

    but I haven’t yet

    the nurse said they’ll send her the antivirals asap

    im hoping she’ll be ok

    but the situation is heartbreaking


    thanks for the hugs I’ll go for now bye tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all.

    Feel better soon Reshmi x

    Thanks Toni, love the coffee. Wheelchair was okay, a little damp just from condensation. Unfortunately I can’t use it today. Just tried to roll down High Street to go feed the ducks with my two but even the cracks between the paving slabs were jolting me and hurting let alone any serious bump or kerb. I would normally brave it out if it’s anything involving Sucré as I hate to disappoint him but I’m too bad for that.

    Are you still getting lots of globules of water on the new tarmac like a freshly polished car when it rains?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    our posts crossed Reshmi, sorry to hear about your mum now too. Thinking of you.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 29. Oct 2023, 10:12

    Hi Dachshund, yes that was my idea too, out in the chair, feed ducks get some air, but as you see from my earlier post, too much pain even for that today.

    Enjoy your dog roll along. 😁

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello all - just popping in to check on the patients, not so good I see 😔 so so sorry your mum has tested positive bosh, it's the beginning of the week tomorrow bit easier to get hold of & talk to medical people etc, I hope she's alright and the antivirals work really quickly I will keep calling in. Sorry you are not too well either thinking of you all xxx

    Keep the kettle on people I will be in & out today ☕️ love to all xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady. Just doing tea and toast, wanna slice?

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. Oct 2023, 16:07

    Just the ticket keef ta 👍️ can never concentrate on eating when grocery delivery is due, I just wander about the place fidgeting, so that kept me going nicely. They've been & gone now, sounds ungrateful when online shopping is such a huge help but sometimes you just aren't in the zone for anyone coming to the house, even them. Hope your day is going ok, could be better by the sounds, cold symptoms no worse though I guess.

    Hello frog, al fresco gone & everything there, bit of a chatty driver but at least next shop I can alternate with miceland and they just chuck it down & go 👍️. I'm knocking off for the rest of the day I've done some reasonably good chores that will do. I didn't get jammie dodgers either so we will both be in Sleek's bad books 😄 but she was mollified with a custard cream and did indeed help unpack very efficiently. Glad Minnie getting along ok, best she doesn't know she will be going to that place again soon, poor thing, at least they don't dwell on it beforehand like we would but also you can't reassure them either 😔. Went to see the little most regular of the mouses, few sparrows around today too, quite mild really - I potted on my 'christmas box' plant (wrong thing to do at the wrong time say the collective gardeners out there? yes I daresay, that's nothing new 😄). I intend to browse tulips &c 'this afty' 🌷, if you have time for a sit down and a cuppa like bosh's pic I can recommend keef's tea 👌:) xx

    Hope you are both having a good Sunday joan. Oh I'd love to see a toad again, the ones that I came across briefly I never saw more than once, I suppose they will be hibernating now. If anyone ought to have a toad in the garden it's me, you can get toad houses etc but I can't really encourage them with cats in the neighbourhood because a) the cats might bother them and b) if they did toads are poisonous to cats, so not a good idea all round 😔. Have a good week a bit damp looking but could be worse :) I cleaned a couple more windows, do you remember Andy Capp's wife Florrie sitting on the windowsill to clean the outsides 😄 only works with sash windows (and I wouldn't try it anyway!!) xx

    Thinking of you bosh hope you're all managing as well as you possibly can 😘 xx

    Love to all will call in later xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Loanda’s work.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Toni toady Joan and Keef

    sorry for my relative silence

    mum spoke to the nurse on the phone and she said they’re monitoring her, at the moment the infection seems relatively mild, but if it worsens they’ll send her the antivirals, I’m feeling a lot better than I was this morning thanks, I’ve got backache and my forehead is feeling very warm at regular intervals, i had a temperature before, not sure about now, but did test negative, though it’s likely I’ll test positive tomorrow, but of course I can’t be 100% sure. Pain from my slightly twisted knee seems to be magnified

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    You’re right, it would make sense for mum and dad to inhabit the same room, but dad is still being difficult, he goes to sleep later than everyone else and disturbs us, oh well at least mum is getting more rest this way

    When LA was here he became scared of me if I wore my purple leather gloves and called myself a “purple - handed mima”, I was able to scare him into good behaviour like saving some sweets for BR, but the cheeky Lord lied to his mummy saying he wasn’t scared of the PHM because mima had made the whole thing up!! However when mummy’s back was turned he was so scared of the PHM that he had to turn to the dinosaur in residence (in the dining room) a toy dinosaur - well according to some sources- to protect him lol.

    Hi toady

    no jammy dodgers? Oh dear, you might need an extra hat to compensate, a 5 hat day maybe?

    ok I’ll leave it there, I’m getting a bit tired

    have a nice evening everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. Oct 2023, 20:41

    Hi bosh :) glad to see you feel well enough (ish) to update us 👍️ take care of that temp and do hope to hear things as well as poss overnight, good to hear your mum's symptoms are mild at the moment. Right, a 5th hat it is, appropriate for your good self - no idea there was such a thing but never underestimate the world of commerce 💵 😉.

    All the v best see you soon tc :) xx

    Love to everyone, smashing pumpkin Loanda 🎃 (groan) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Oct 2023, 05:48

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? Well I really do hope. All is well here apart from yesterday we were at the emergency vets with Tigger. She was shivering with pain and listless. We were worried she might be really ill infection or something. She seems ok now after bloods were taken and a stronger painkilling injection. You picked up a toad?!!! Brave. Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef how is your cold? I hope a bit better. That won't have helped your aches at all.

    Although I am pleased your wheelchair survived the rain I am sorry you couldn't manage a trip to the ducks.

    Yes the tarmac does exactly that! Looks lovely☺️

    As you can see from my message to Joan, yesterday i spent the whole morning at the emergency vet's in Stoke luckily my friend's vets so I knew exactly where I was going.

    Loanda's pumpkin carving is excellent do tell her I said so.

    Take care take advantage of being on your own to rest ((()))

    Morning Reshmi I am very worried about you.

    You are the only 'healthy' person in the house and I am very worried in case you test positive today or tomorrow😕What can we do to help? Only be here for you if you feel up to posting.

    Your poor Mum I hope she is isolating and resting. All you can do is take drinks and small amounts of food to them and wear a mask if you have some. I know Lucy had it once here, but we didn't catch it then Paul did and neither of us caught it (they both isolated). Then I caught it after Lucy had moved out and Paul caught it from me. It wasn't too bad at all (took paxlovid) I coped. Very tired lots of sleeping and rest. Some coughing not as bad as when it first came to the world in 2020. Managed ok with mostly just paracetamol and rest I think. So many hugs coming your way ((()))

    On a more cheerful note I think the purple handed Mima was the only thing able to control our tiny tyrant this visit!! Shame she doesn't scare your Dad into behaving.

    Morning Toady

    Joan's story of the toad she picked up reminded me of that elephant hawk moth caterpiller whose head i saw popping out of the earth once!!!!!!!!! Ohhhh! That was scary 😣 Have you seen one?

    Al Fresco drivers are usually rather friendly😁 not so miceland. Yes order from them next time maybe? and fairly soon I think. Christmas is getting closer by the minute.

    I expect you are also very concerned for our Bosh at home looking after two COVID patients and at risk herself😕 I wish there was something we could do. Sleek is happy to go and check on them of course she never catches anything she still has her cats-mat suit

    She has started her own order so we'll all have jammie dodgers again soon I think. You just don't get many in a packet do you? She has been to check on Tiggy and reckons she'll be ok after yesterday's trip to the emergency vets. Do not ask how much that cost! Yes she's back on Thursday but won't know and won't worry. She is an excellent passenger in a car though - not a peep - unlike Sleek who shrieks and yowls. Singing she insists when we are back home😉I pretend I believe her. Surely my driving isn't that bad!

    Good news all wildlife are in order and you are looking at bulbs too😊 love it! I helped Paul cover the garden furniture yesterday not fun.🙄

    I hope your day is a good one. I am seeing Kari for a walk later.

    Did some eggy bread for us. I used to love love love eggy bread when I was veggie not vegan😋

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all. Bleary eyed this morning.

    Hi Toni, I hope Tigger is okay. I hate it when small children or animals are ill coz they can’t explain what is wrong and are 100% reliant on you for their care. It affects my emotional condition I posted about recently. Can just imaging the poor little thing shivering like you said. ☹️☹️

    off to bunker today. Just having a cuppa. Bit miserable on my own but not gonna waste the day feeling down. That guitar isn’t gonna play itself. !!!

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Oh almost forgot, my eBay amp should be here today 😁

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) you feel like someone is invading your property and you can’t wait for them to go. Have a good day. Yes I remember Florrie.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m pleased Tigger is alright. ( they are not worried about money) I didn’t know it was a toad till someone said I didn’t want it in the garden. Have a good walk with Kari (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum (()) has caught it has well. You go careful you don’t want it (()) I hope it doesn’t last long.

    Keef (()) have a good day. I hope your pain calms down soon. Loanda did a good job with the pumpkin’s love to Sucr’e (())

    Julie (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Oct 2023, 10:19

    Morning all ☕️ just popping in for elevenses (well it's quarter to 11 in old money, so near enough) & to check for any updates, hope bosh coping as well as poss will call in later too xx

    Not poor Tigger on the poorly list too, never rains but it pours 😥 oh what a nasty worry for you all yesterday (and of course it would be Sunday 😕) glad they don't think it's an infection. Just as well she isn't a yowler on the way to the vets. Yes I'm sure Sleek is just giving you a rendition of Bohemian Catsody 😸 very good of her to provide in-car entertainment. All quiet here today, that's plenty of shopping for me to be going on with, and I am not thinking about xmas slots yet 😬 well I suppose I have to keep an eye on how they are booking up but in terms of an actual xmas shop it's the same stuff I buy all year, so there's no odds. Maybe a sprout, definitely no overpriced 'party food', no Finest Coquilles St Jacques (4 for £15), sorry Sleek. Have never seen an elephant hawk moth caterpillar, sounded not so very scary, until I googled 😮 ooh they are! Yes that would give you a turn for sure. Will pop in the garden and see what's what in a min, as usual have a list of things I wish I'd planted ahead for winter flowering & haven't 🤔 might have to buy the odd garden ready thing & make do. Boring job covering your furniture but it's done now in good time. Do I revamp my old bench or buy another, I ask myself every year. Hmm. It's my phone auction later, will keep you posted 😄. Bosh will let us know how things are if she can, even when you see she's been online has thanked a post etc at least you know she's about. Have a good day :) xx

    Morning joan, I thought you would remember Florrie, I also always remember Andy complaining his teacup was passed to him with the handle facing away from him ☕️😄. Don't have to have any deliveries now for a while hopefully but it will be roof man next I suppose, I can just about cope with that because of the incentive of having a xmas without any leaks and crises. I hope! That will definitely be it for jobs til New Year, I'm not taking on anything except things I can do myself. Have a good day quite bright at the moment :) xx

    Wave to keef, hope the amp arrives promptly and you can drag it into your lair and test it out. Hope it's aok working order🤞 x

  • Mellman
    Mellman Member Posts: 6

    I've not been on the forum for it must be at least 7 years and I've only just found its still going but I remember Val Harris from the old forum days and I know she'd be amazed and humbled to see her cafe is still open all these years since she sadly passed away.

  • Mellman
    Mellman Member Posts: 6

    I've not been on the forum for it must be at least 7 years and I've only just found its still going but I remember Val Harris from the old forum days and I know she'd be amazed and humbled to see her cafe is still open all these years since she sadly passed away.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317
    edited 30. Oct 2023, 11:16

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all today?

    hi Toni

    I’ve tested positive today

    just seeing the nice kind posts from the people here is help enough

    wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all, just popping in again to return the favour of a hot drink of something suitably remedial for bosh & family, having had the benefit of that nice cat teapot (kettle? 🤔) myself. Sorry you have now tested pos 😔 hope the symptoms are mild and good to see you call in, all the best to family hope EF are well too 😘 xx

    Hello @Mellman I recognise the name, terrible memory so other than that I can't place your MO exactly although humorous posting springs to mind, also that you were then Mellman01, unless that isn't/wasn't you. Hope things as well as possible with you 👍️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Toni toady Joan and Keef

    im not too bad at the moment thanks

    mum said she’s feeling slightly better 👍

    Dad - well I’m not quite sure - he’s still being as nasty as ever though

    my sis phoned my mum in a tremendous panic, she said, “I made chicken stew but I forgot the tomato, what do I do?” Mum replied that she could add tomato purée, what a thing to panic about though lol.

    bye for now everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'night all 😴 good to read you're as well as can be expected, and your mum too bosh, keep up the good work 😊👍️ xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Oh dear me Reshmi

    I knew it I just knew you couldn't escape it🙄 My only advice is to rest plenty drink plenty and eat as healthily as you can. At least you can all move through the house freely now.

    Imagine your sister ringing for something so trivial when you are all ill!!!

    Thinking of you ((()))

    Hi Keef perfect attitude exactly no matter how rubbish we feel there is no point wasting teh day - taht guitar will not play itself.

    What's the amp like?

    Good news little Tigger is way better now her pain is under control. She takes her meds like a trouper and is eating again now. She is also chatty again. Like you i think it's awful when small children and animals are suffering.

    Bless her she keeps getting that baby gro off though!!

    Take care ((()))

    @Mellman what a lovely sight your name in the café!! There aren't many of the old gang still around. Barbara12 is struggling with macular degeneration. Mig pops in from time to time and Stickywicket is still active. Lindalegs was on teh forum last week too. Airwave is still active too.

    Anyway hope you are still doing well?

    Toady I had to pop in to see how Reshmi is I knew it that darn virus😠

    That elephant hawk moth scared the life out of me! I had no idea what it was I thought a snake as not all of it was overground.

    Sleek is after plenty of expensive fishy christmassy food. I have a Christmas slot with 'Bravado'. I will have loads of sprouts I love 'em!

    Good luck with the phone auction fingers are crossed for you.

    Yes Mell was naughty alongside a few other funny old members you are right that's him.

    Will catch up properly tomorrow just wanted to see how our Bosh was.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 31. Oct 2023, 05:54

    Morning everyone

    The kettle is on!

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? Are the dogs both well? Lucy's kitten is way happier now she's not in pain she's chatting away like she normally does. ((())) xxx

    Coffee for Keef

    Care package for Reshmi

    and some doughnuts for Toady to share with Sleek...

    Take care everyone

    Toni x

    PS Reshmi have you contacted Rheumatology nurses? To ask about taking your MTX this week. I was advised not to when I caught it ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx