Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 27. Oct 2023, 05:57

    Morning everyone


    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are doing ok today? Are you off into town to your café it being a Friday? Thank goodness we are gaining and hour I am pretty shattered. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you? Thank you so much for the porridge it was yum.

    Gosh LA's vibist has caused a lot of trouble this time - not helped by your Dad being unwell of course🙄

    He (I do mean LA not your Dad) is getting to be harder work for your Mum I expect she could have done with your Dad on better form to help keep the young Lord in hand. I do hope he felt remorse hurting your Mum.

    Sounds as though her mood was not improved by having him with you this time. Not good and not nice you being banned from the bed days before his arrival! Ok I exaggerate but you get the idea.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the film (and presumably LA behaved while it was on and during the following MCd's visit) even if it was quite lengthy.

    🐘 trunk girl! gosh she is advanced for her age organising product recalls remotely from Bangalore😁That was brilliant. Ithink you can see where Lorenzo gets his behaviour from judging by your perfectly reasonable request for her to save some food for Sleek. Humph! Yes that cushion is definitely a third cousin of Sleek's.

    Oh no!! That floor I remember it well. Reshmi that must have been so scary for you. I am so glad you didn't actually fall, but I would be surprised if you haven't still pulled muscles trying to stay upright.

    I hope all is settling back down now chez-Bosh after the departure of LA who clearly had a wonderful time. Maybe you should offer to have BR next time instead it might be easier!!!!

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    I hope today is a goodish day for you

    Well it sounds as though, in spite of the accidental jarring of your back, you got quite a bit done in the bunker. How much does Sucré like being with his Daddy though?😊 so cute.

    Poor little soul being poorly I very much hope it's not COVID although that is rife these days.

    Well I am overjoyed for you to read that you got your beloved amp back! Wow what fabulous news for you. By the way there is a familiar theme in your life selling and rebuying items you regretted selling back😉Hang on to it this time and do let us know how it sounds when you get it.

    I can picture your Basil Fawlty temper tantrum😂 now can you get a cover or one of those small plastic sheds for your leccie chair? That might help a little with the 🔋 maybe?

    Hope all is well today

    Morning Toady

    Ah what a shame that you were mostly preparing for the tactless (disrespectful) tiler and not enjoying yourself outside. We had rain all day yesterday. I did manage my walk just about but it was short.

    To true it would be great if you had a shall we say 'larger' twin to answer the door for you (like Joan and Sue are twins although they are almost identical in size) you would have enjoyed watching his face! Cheeky man!

    Exactly people might be thin for very serious and personal matters none of his business. I also think he'd say not a word about a thinner than average man. Oh no what are nosegay thinking😣 Mind you I am lucky my recommendations are usually car parts😊 How is the phone hunt proceeding?

    You reminded me maybe I ought to give Kitty a ring🤔

    I do not want to go pumpkin picking I really don't and neither does my car. I suppose I'll have to though and Paul will not be best pleased. Sleek will enjoy it though

    Lucy's kitten is having her spay today bless her.

    Hope your day is a good one.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you take care

    Reshmi (()) Sorry you nearly fell over it shakes you up. Love to your mum (())

    Toady (()) you are you different conditions cause different problems don’t worry about him.

    Toni (()) Is it Winnie that’s being spayed. Sorry you have to go pumpkin picking.

    Keef (()) I hope you have a good day love to everyone

    Barbara (()) love to you.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    morning all (13:15) 😉

    most of the stuff was done in bunker before Sucré damaged me Toni, but it has definitely eased today, good job coz I was flying solo with the little lad for an hour this morning which is something we try to avoid normally.

    I just asked Loanda to grab something from upstairs that has a long cable. I said be careful because it’s not ravelled up! Is that even a word said Anda. I said well I don’t see why not because it can be unraveled so why not ravelled up? Anyone????

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 27. Oct 2023, 15:38

    Hi all 👋

    Am in mid al fresco shop, packing a small nosegay parcel and have had to wash the dreaded hair so I may not be entirely myself 🤪 at least I combed the lugs out of it yesterday so that there would be less hissing and yowling today 😹. Talking of which, hope the kitty op went ok frog, poor little thing, necessary but all the same 😔. Nothing going on with me much apart from the aforementioned chores; the phone hunt is hovering between several days til the auction, am I going to bid and/or do I look around for any others in the meantime. Has Penelope had her present 🎁 (alternator) yet or is it for spares? Yes I expect your recommendations are usually motor based haha, just checked mine on ama*on all the inspired by your browsing history stuff is just lots of variations of the last thing I bought 🤔 I thought they did do a 'you may like' type section. Anyway, there are a couple of different types of fiver off promos on that site at the moment if eligible. Thank you as always for breakfast I am fairly down to the last knockings now before next shop, which will not fatten me up for inspection will it 😉 I shall rise above it. I forgot the other tshirt keef bought apart from the do not disturb one but I'm sure there would be something suitable for thos occasion, unless I just run with it and wear a skellington outfit 😂. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, hope things ok with you both today. I shan't worry about the roof man hopefully he will soon have been & gone 👍️ I'd just rather not know it's the first thing anyone notices about me (even though I know it probably is). Oh well a good excuse to put away a few cakes 🍰 if any one can afford it soon, it is not far off from 'let them eat cake' is it 😱 the prices! Should bake more I suppose. Have a good evening loe to the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi to bosh whom I will probably see later - small nosegay sale today so I am saved at the 11th hour from lobster-infused teabags, phew!! I did not have a good night courtesy of the gastric oracle 🙄 it's all very well making divine utterances about what one is 'in for' in that line, but what would actually be useful is to tell you why 🤔. No unsuitable blood-way sandwiches were consumed, no doubt the oracle would like an even blander diet but man cannot live by rich tea bics alone. Hope your day is ok so far I realize it's mxt Fri but hope as ok as poss xx

    Definitely ravelled keef, on authority of Shakespeare no less - "Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care", not that sleep does much ravelling round here ha flipping ha 😉. That quote came to mind not because I have been reading Macbeth btw, it features in an episode of the old radio serial Journey Into Space that I've been re-listening to 😄. Actually that's the same sense as unravelled, isn't it 🤔 oh well what do I know. Have a good afternoon :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    yesterday was definitely a difficult day for me but today I woke up full of energy, felt well rested and even though the house was stuffy and warm as usual I meant to get I managed to get out of the house perhaps an hour earlier than normal, it really felt good.

    Mum said she’s not feeling too well today but I’m not sure exactly what’s wrong. I know she’s tired with looking after my dad I help as much as I can but my dad is a very difficult person. As you know you’ve got the flu from not dressing properly and lack of proper cleanliness and socialising with too many people in an unsafe way. Obviously no one gets the flu on purpose and then maybe he would’ve got it anyway, but he has a very cavalier attitude about moms health and it really angers me.

    I have a mum is bs was okay this morning as far as I remember

    I actually got it a bit wrong about Shelley. He was having a tantrum because my mum said that BR will soon be better at phonics than him and he was kicking his legs about in a general manner and one leg happened to collide with mum stomach so he didn’t exactly do it on purpose, but he was still being naughty, he seemed sorry afterwards though.

    Glad you liked the porridge lol.

    Yes mum has certain obsessions about preserving the cleanliness and order of little LAs room unfortunately, also I think also maybe she doesn’t quite understand what it’s like for us people with arthritis when pains are made worse by not resting. Anyway everyone has their flaws I guess

    I think the problem was that mum took a lot on as usual. My sister came for a few hours she worked from home well at home I’m not sure I’m not sure why really but there you have it, she was in a terrible mood and my mum did a lot of cooking for EF food parcels as i call it but it wasn’t really necessary. They have a part-time cook and also I’m sure they would’ve managed and to be honest Bill could’ve done something, I don’t like the way that he thinks he’s entitled to everyone helping him out while he does the bare minimum anyway so all these issues were going on, with dad was being lazy as well as ill so nothing was that simple for her unfortunately, I tried to help as much as I could, but when my stomach was really bad, understandably I felt really weak and couldn’t do much, so there were all sorts of problems going on, also with mum not understanding or realising perhaps the state the full state of my stomach issues, but hopefully this won’t happen again for a long time .

    thanks about trunk girl story lol

    yes BR is quite an easygoing guy as long as chicken isn’t on the menu lol

    thanks about the almost- fall, I don’t I pulled any muscles thanks 👍

    my right knee is hurting though, I may have twisted it earlier on today, but maybe it’ll be better after evening painkillers etc

    i hope you have a good evening Toni bye and take care xx

    ps spooky hot chocolate lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thanks yes I felt a bit shaken, but I’m glad I didn’t fall

    and then I had to climb some steep stairs in the cinema really quickly as mum was panicking, but never mind these things happen

    have a nice evening xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    how are you today?

    Yes ravelled is a word, a word that’s hardly ever used perhaps, but it is a word.

    Glad your pain had eased a bit.

    have a nice evening and tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    can I ask please, what’s a skellington outfit?

    saved from the latest toxic infusion, no tea a La bill? Thank goodness for that lol

    Sorry you’re having gastric oracle issues too, I had the same problem last night, my stomach improved throughout the day then the oracle was displeased, but like you say, no rhyme or reason to it really, today I was able to be a bit more careful with food so maybe the prediction will be more favourable, or maybe it will raw spinach juice laced with T - Rex eggs for us all- I hope not though, after all even ELT lady baby may have trouble organising a Dino - related product recall without access to BR’s Tardis!

    My day was ok thanks

    mum is not too bad right now thanks

    dad is being very difficult

    im injecting mxt tomorrow instead of today as I had such a horrible day yesterday stomach wise and generally I just need a break from the mxt nausea etc

    i hope you have a nice evening toady bye for now tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Bosh, not too bad thanks for asking. Left tram off till just now and was feeling it but it will soon kick in. Sucré’s cold has got hold of me now unfortunately and my back is aching up top like when i had pneumonia and I’ve had it on two separate occasions so hoping it’s not starting again. Still neg for covid.

    Hope the mxt injection is okay tomorrow and you feel okay.

    will check in tomorrow as I am off to bed now. xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Cuppa tea anyone, I have biscuits 😁

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Coffee for me please Keef😊

    Morning Joan. We've all decide against pumpkin picking so as to not leave The kitten for too long and because it's set to really rain today here which will makes the queues muddier and longer🙄The kitten who was spayed is Tigger (AKA Minnie)

    There she is in her veterinary post operative babygro. Bless her. Winnie wasn't happy because she smelt of the vets so kept hissing when we brought her back to Lucy's. Still it's all done and she's chipped safely now too. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef How are you today? I knew that cold would get you. Not a lot you can do about it is there 😕 they just get passed on. Very pleased it is 'only' a nasty cold not COVID.

    Well done flying solo so to speak and coping ok. I'm sure that, when Sucré gets a bit older, you'll be more able to have him on your own which will be lovely for both of you. For now though I can imagine it could be tricky if any 'picking up' is needed.

    There you go:

    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more




    past tense: ravelled; past participle: ravelled

    1. 1.
    2. untangle or unravel something.
    3. "Davy had finished ravelling out his herring net"
    4. 2.
    5. unravelfray.
    6. "a shirt with a ravelled collar"

    Have a good day I hope.

    Morning Reshmi

    How is everything today. Your knee is it ok after you twisted it? I hope your Mum has recovered from LA's visit and your Dad is not being too demanding for her. I know you help but I also know she is too independent for her own good! She isn't going to let you (or anyone help) if she can possibly manage.

    I am pleased to hear that the kick was not deliberate and our young hero was contrite so all is forgiven. Grandma is however absolutely right to say that BR will get better at phonics than LA if LA won't practise....

    Your Dad clearly thinks he is still an invincible 25 year old man like he was when he first met your Mum 🙄 You are right bringing germs into the house is totally not desirable. Nor for you actually.

    Your Mum seems to care a bit more than her health allows too doing all that cooking for your sister and EF. They do have help as you said, but I suspect she (your Mum) needs to still feel needed. Having said that my mum was the best cook ever and I bet yours is too😋

    Let is hope the gastric oracle issues are better for us all today🤞

    Thank you for my adorable halloween hot chocolate marshmallows!

    Morning Toady how are you today? Stomach ok - got any fatter? Nope I thought not maybe add three jumpers when our cheeky tiler arrives? I am aware 'fat suits' are considered offensive so I didn't order you one as Sleek had suggested.

    I think Noesgay, Al Fresco and hair washing are enough for any Toad to cope with in one day. This Frog is about to wash hers after her walk in a minute. Well done de-lugging first - it always helps reduce the hissing spitting and appearance of claws.....😸

    As you can see from the above photo kitty is safely home now although keeping her calm as per veterinary instructions is proving somewhat challenging. Winnie is also scared of her 'veterinary' smell so hissing a lot. Fun times ahead for Lucy for a day or so. Check up on Thursday.

    Your catazon recommendations do rather sound a bit rubbish - my suggestion is to let Sleek loose on your account. That should do it. The alternator is probably for spares I am thinking a radiator next? What do you think? Probably will change the hoses anyway as they are over 30 years old and looking more than a bit iffy.

    Right less engine talk!

    Have a good day I hope it stays drier than we are expecting.

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    New Feline Toni?

    Anda has allergies. I said we could get a sphinx cat, hairless and we could call it Immac. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Good Morning Reshmi x

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend. Love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) I hope you don’t have too many problems today (()) have a good weekend.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend.

    love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I expect Minnie was pleased to have Lucy (()) have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) How do you feel today. Love to your mum (()) have a good weekend

    Keef (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) have a good weekend

    Julie (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all today?

    I am not too bad thanks

    mum is feeling a bit unwell but not bs - related

    but the bad news is that dad has covid

    mum has tested negative so far

    nurse said that if mum does get covid, they’ll send her medicines immediately

    but it’s still quite scary

    I’m feeling a bit flu - ish but mum said not to due vid test till tomorrow

    bye for now all tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Reshmi, oh dear poor dad!

    hope he okay and doesn’t get too bad.

    we are all having a lazy day here. Bunker this morning whilst Anda had a tutorial, then me and Sucré went back to bed and he fell asleep virtually on top of me, he couldn’t have got any closer, its dad dad dad atm

    now we watching vintage Disney Dumbo from 1960 ish.

    are going out for fresh air after as it sunny, if i don’t fall asleep again. I hate having a cold, fortunately doesn’t happen very often.

    Toni, you have me seriously considering getting a cat!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Oh no no no!! Reshmi you and your Mum do not need this.

    Surely that 10 day event was a huge risk. I hope your Dad recovers well and is isolating from you or you from him as best you can.

    Sending huge ((()))

    Keef cats are great they are fabulous company and don't need much bless them.

    I think it's rather lovely how much Sucré loves his Daddy.

    Joan you are quite right little Minnie (AKA Tigger) is very sweet and loves Lucy. Winnie is not so keen on Minnie/Tigger though 😕 ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    thanks, you’re absolutely right, the event went on for too long and was too big a risk, we told him this so many times, the thing is even now he’s not repentant.

    Mum isn’t feeling too well but she had some sleep which helped her a little bit, I am helping as much as I can of course, I also injected mxt today ( instead of yesterday, as a one - off).

    Dad has retreated into the spare room and is meant to be resting but mum heard him making cultural society phone calls 🤷‍♀️

    he is feeling better than yesterday though so that’s something

    he’s not a hygienic person at all though, so we have to remind him to dispose of tissues, this and that, it’s very exhausting

    I like Keef’s coffee by the way👍

    you’re welcome about the marshmallows

    Yes mum is an amazing cook too 🙏

    you have a point there, the cooking and helping makes her feel happy and needed in way, but also, it sounds bad but bill needs to realise he’s an adult and a dad, he needs to be responsible, sis is much more responsible of course, but when she disturbs mum about really silly problems, often she’s not feeling well in essence.

    anyway I’ll stop for now, I’m getting a bit tired

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Toni

    sorry forgot to mention that my knee improved with the walk thanks

    stomach is better at the moment, don’t know if it will last

    how’s your stomach?

    ok bye Toni tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Dachshund, how are you? How is your weekend going?

    I think we set for a night of rain here. Honestly it’s as if the weather wants to test out my new wheelchair cover now that it lives outside. 🙄

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋

    Just a quick visit, mostly to say oh dear with everyone else, poor bosh wish you didn't have this to worry about 😕 I can totally imagine your dad is still making cultural society calls all I can say is if that's a sign he doesn't feel too bad then that's something.. really have my fingers crossed you & your mum are ok 🤞🤞I will be checking in to keep an eye on things, take care 😘 xx

    Won't be up late myself, have been slogging through a few put off chores and I moved my al fresco shop to tomorrow in the end, so I mainly popped in in the hope of a nice strong tea and any biscuit more interesting than a ginger nut, which is my last knockings. Love to everyone frog glad you didn't have to go pumpkin picking and hope little Minnie/🐯 is going on ok, poor little kitty cat. She looks sorry for herself. Proper post next time; have a good Sunday, I look forward to seeing Sleek's catazon recommendations 😺😘 xx

    'Night to joan, I had a quiet day thanks, there was a welcome little sunny spell so I cleaned a couple of windows outdoors (ground floor!) and had a nice chat to a little mouse over some Wensleydale 🧀😄. Have a good Sunday I am all set now for the clocks 🕘️ xx

    Raining on your wheelchair cover is precisely what the weather would find a great laugh 🙄 would it like its own little hut 🏛️ - nothing fancy 😄. Have a good night I hope, and all the best getting shot of the cold/thing quickly. xx

    Love to everyone 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi everyone

    im not feeling well I was sick in the night

    bfn tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan hope you are ok and I'm sure remembered to put your clocks back. Luckily most of them (phones and TV set boxes) seem to manage on their own now.

    Morning Keef how are you all today? Still coughing and spluttering I expect, but maybe on the mend at least for the little one.

    I hope your nights aren't too disturbed and coughing and sneezing doesn't hurt your neck/back too much.

    Fingers crossed for the wheelchair it did nothing but rain here too last night.

    for you.

    Morning Reshmi I am so glad to hear the leg and stomach were ok yesterday. I hope today is the same.

    Before I ask after your Dad I wanted to check that you and your Mum have not caught COVID? Are you both still ok? Particularly your Mum as she will have been sharing a room with your Dad.

    I can fully imagine he was making calls in his new room. Honestly some people, although at least it does at least mean he is ok. Oh dear me he needs to be extra hygienic now😣 If they both catch it at least you can put them both in the same room and your Mum should get the antivirals if she wants them.

    I think you've said before that your sister is very responsible, but does still ring your Mum with trivial questions when your Mum is actually tired/not feeling 100%.

    All I can say is you look after you and take extra care I am sending you some extra ((()))

    That was a beautiful autumnal, rainy day pic with the hot drink and books. Makes you want to do just that - get a book and a cuppa and sit by the window thank you.

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you and all wildlife.

    What a pickle eh? Poor Reshmi I do hope she and her Mum stay well. If they do catch it that they recover quickly.

    Ah Sleek's catazon recommendations consist of mostly treats including jammie dodgers (obviously I don't buy adequate supplies) cat trees, tins of sardines, and the like she'll show you😻 I am going to check in with Lucy today that Minnie/Tiggy 🐯 is doing ok still. She has her check up on Thursday.

    Fingers crossed for all your Al Fresco order to be present, correct and arrive at a convenient time. Sleek will of course be with you to help unpack - and have a nose!

    I am very worried for our Bosh I do hope she and her Mum stay well. Take care yourself of course.