Val's Cafe
Coffee Please ☕ Keef!
Morning everyone raining still Sleek is soaked and sitting on one of her blankies by the radiator bless her.
Morning Joan they called off the fayre due to the snow on Sunday and have re-arranged it for this Sunday coming. I am hosting our family secret Santa here then though so can't help. Last box of 10 jabs Sue will soon be back at the hospital getting her ankle looked at. Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Keef Raining again yes raining 🙄 Stay off your bike today if it's as bad there. I thought you'd fit the part yourself to be honest did I tell you I got my new coolant hoses? and at the insistence of my brother they are PINK! I probably did tell you that already so ignore me if I did!
Good of you to treat them at the bike shop they deserve it.
I thought you might know Sudbury it was lovely there had a good time no Maccie D's in those days though. Miss all you 'suverners' too😊 Everyone there thought I was from Brum, but I didn't mind too much.
I bet one person you know loves this weather - Sucré! Puddles and small children😁
Morning Reshmi
Sicken not shicken - his pronunciation is far more apt! Bless him. LA is getting better that is good news - has he had any chicken soup?🤭
I hope it' not actually your Mum's hip which is troubling her. So many people on here get lower back pain when it's actually their hip. Starts out occasional then gets more and more frequent until an X-ray shows what it is. Still if she won't let you help with the housework what can she expect? Glad her BS is ok at least.
What a dreadful experience hearing from that person. I hope you have put him firmly behind you the man is an idiot who knows nothing. You don't deserve such treatment and he can stay blocked.😠
My Mum used to love stairs soap! It has a lovely smell doesn't it? Has it helped at all?😉
Kari was very very entertaining to grow up with she really was. Never a dull moment with her around and she really could howl! 3 days solid to get that dog😣. I am going over to see her later and meet her kitten I can't wait. I will take some photos.
My stomach can cope with ready brek too it's great stuff isn't it? glow in the dark is what my joints were when this arthritis business kicked off!
Take care, stay warm, dry if you can and thanks for the pomegranate sweeties😋
Morning Carol
Great photos! Mr T looks to be concentrating very hard and you look rather professional. We do not have the facility for online payments in our Church, but what a great idea!
Did you sell a lot of your knitted items? I bet you did they look lovely.
Cookie is very sensible to stay inside her igloo in this weather why ever would a girl come out other than to eat, wee or worry the Christmas tree?!!😹
Graycie looks adorable! Wow 7. Time does fly doesn't it? Enjoy your singing in Sainsbury's I know you will have a lovely time in Ramsgate I hope the weather is kind to you. Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
Raining again today here😕 and for the foreseeable....hope you got some sleep last night? So far no water ingress to my knowledge lack of wind is helping me I think. Seems to be the direction it rains which causes our leak. Are you still watertight? Aidan would be building his Ark about now if he was here.
I heard about your game of catty families Sleek normally loves that game. Shame I think you both felt a bit flat yesterday. She is having a nap atm in my bedroom on one of her blankies. She says she'll be over again later she has found some jammie dodgers
Yesterday she called in to meet the newcomer (took Winnie with her) and they reckon she will be a good addition to the family. I am going over later so will try to get some pics😊
You'll never guess what I did though! Never not in million years. Well maybe.... I started clearing out my wardrobe one bag rubbish (clothes 4 u) one bag charity (food bank charity shop). Didn't finish of course but will be taking one bag in with me tomorrow to the foodbank and one from someone in the village and a Christmas tree too!
I have to admit I only got as far as topping up the bird food yesterday. Hope the bulbs do go in their pots today fingers crossed.
Gosh how scary an unexploded bomb the owner used for tapping the mud off her trowel😮 One lucky lady😁
They have rearranged the event for this Sunday when I am not available - hosting the family secret santa swap here. What can i say?🙄
Hope you have an ok day.
A quick hello To Emma if you pop in hope you are ok and feeling better now sending ((())) take care and keep warm and dry if you can.
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Good morning everyone
from Monet and his cat
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope it’s stopped raining there. Love to everyone (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a better sleep tonight (()) have a good day today with your parcels.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a nice day on Sunday with your secret Santa. Jacky said her daughter is going to the Maldives today for four days. When I was a baby I used to throw my milk bottle on the floor it smashed my uncle who was ten years older than us had to go to the shop to get another one. I hope Kari and Meg had a good night. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) i hope your mum (()) is not in too much pain (()) take care.
Keef (()) I hope you have a good day today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Emma (()) thinking about you take care.
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Joan
how are you today?
it’s a little bit warmer today here at least
how is your weather?
it’s difficult with mum sometimes as she understates things
so how bad her backache is I don’t really know for certain but thanks 🙏
her blood sugar is ok though and I’m not too bad 👍
have a nice afternoon bye tc xx
ps just a random nature pic xx
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Hi all 👋
Well it deigned to brighten up a bit today, and I had a better night too 👍️ so at least I was able to get back to the tick mini tasks or parts of tasks thereof off my list. Sleek and I had a much better day of it today frog 😊 yes, yesterday we were just flat, one of those days. Sleek had dried out nicely before setting off and didn't get damp again on the way thankfully, I had 2 parcels to pack so she helped me with the sellotaping, and we had our well-earned teabreak and jammie dodgers after that 😄. I have heard all about the new kitty in town from her so just pics to go. Poor Kari howling, how very heart-rending, I am picturing that wailing pendelfin rabbit, if you know the one I mean. I bet it was along those lines. Shame you will miss the fayre because of 'fambly', what a nuisance they are 😉🙄 is it traditional for you to do secret santa this early or is just the best time this year. Clearing out your closet, ooh, get you, yes I would never have believed it 🤭 sounds like things have divided down nicely into suitable 'lots'. You can buy again soon but I know you won't be haring off to the shops like a trolley dash even when you can. Hope you reorganize things just nicely I like it when I've made some decisions, it's just making them that is hard work. I didn't get to the bulbs today but I have made inroads, sorting things, and I did get my salvia plugs potted up. Glad the wind was in the wrong direction for your leak, hope the rain holds off from being as heavy, or at least we can have a dry bit most days it makes so much difference. Have a good evening :) xx
Hello joan, I have had 2 parcels to pack today 😀 I was good and got on with them as soon as possible, from this point in the day onward you fancy it less & less in the dark &c. I slep much better too, I know I could put in earphones or earplugs overnight when it's heavy rain but I don't like them that much and anyway if you can't hear, you think that's just when a new leak will spring up & you won't know 😬. It won't be as heavy again according to the forecast. Sue is down to single figures for injections now, that's brilliant 👍️ you'll both be glad! Have a good evening, are you managing about the washing machine by the way? I did one lot at the weekend it's the first time I've used the tumble drying so far this winter so that's not bad going. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, hope your day has been ok so far, hope your mum is not overdoing things too but as you say, you can't do anything more than you have. Glad LA is on the mend and has been cast in the nativity play, although not typecast apparently, I don't remember shopkeeper being one of his possible future careers so far - it will be another string to his bow though 😄. Thank you I made 2 nosegay sales one after the other after I posted yesterday, so for once my fairy (scary?) godmother was listening & relented into answering my pitiful plea for a customer haha. I will not be too reliant on festive salon bookings now which is just as well. I haven't got round to my own barnet yet but I did fit myself in so to speak for an eyelash tint, which at least saves me from looking like this 😑 and my eyes disappearing into my face altogether, pesky pale colouring. I see, the HD has a million suggestions for occasions when a hair cut is called for 😂 very funny. Good luck with the oracle tonight, I had a better night thanks, hopefully we'll both get an ok one & if not keef will pass the tea ☕️ :) oh and hope it's a good day for group if you go. xx
Hope the bit from 2am on was a better night for you keef and you got enough sleep to be going on with. Especially as you have visitors hope that's going ok too. Got the odd job done today, nothing to write home about, but as long as it's something; better than just straining at the leash, as you know yourself 🙄 have the migraines been a bit worse generally? do you just have ups & downs with them without knowing why necessarily 🤔. Hope bunker all as you would like it or will be soon, have a good evening :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
it’s a bit warmer here, rain but not heavy
Mums bs is ok thanks
her backache, she says it’s a nighttime thing, yes I’ll bear that in mind could be her hip but she won’t see the doc right now, so you’re right, not much I can do right now unfortunately
LA isn’t getting any worse last I’ve heard, need to try and check the “deets” as young people say, a bit later 😂
check the “deets” indeed haha, checking the beets im all for that, love beetroot, yummy
Dad hasn’t even opened the soap packet yet, no surprise there really
That’s great about the kitten, it will be nice to see the pics
Thanks about the person
I just about remember stairs soap
yes nice smell, was there a famous stairs soap advert with a little girl with curly hair? Or is that my imagination working overtime perhaps?
Were there baby beauty contests too for the aforementioned soap? I can’t quite remember now
you know when my sister was a little girl, say about 5, she was very cute and plump and and QJL lady, who has 2 sons, said at a gathering of “aunties” and my mum, that she wished she had a pretty daughter like that and a straight talking “Auntie S” said,” if you want a daughter who looks like a flower, the mother can’t look like a camel, it’s not physically possible” - or something like that lol, she said it in Bengali, so what I’m trying to say is getting a little bit lost in translation here, but that was the gist of it and it was really funny, not because appearance matters, of course it doesn’t, but it was funny as it was about that infamous immoral NHS queue jumper lady!
Yes I love R Brek I could happily live on the stuff lol
ive managed to stay dry thanks, I hope you don’t get soaked outside
bye for now Toni you take care too xx
ps found an appropriate beetroot recipe 👍xx
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Hi again Toni
I just wanted to say that I wrote a poem when the “person” was hassling me , before I blocked him,
it was a bit of stress relief really, I guess it was about G*d really, but it could be about any number of comforting things like vegan beetroot lebkuchen brownies maybe, thanks
poem called Morning Thoughts
I look at my breakfast, mundane taste of cereal
I tried to create new jokes to make me laugh, but I come out with the same old material
I look through my messages I check the emails and phone
I keep up to date with social media, but Ive never been so alone
But then I feel a calming presence by my side
A holy entity, who could be a doctor Jekyll to my evil Mr. Hyde
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Hi toady
glad you had a better night and day and got some mini jobs done
yes LA is becoming a sort of divine entity who does all the jobs and is also all the customers, he supplies sells and eats all the advent calendar choccies apparently- not a bad life really lol.
thanks about LA he hasn’t deteriorated which is definitely positive I think mum is texting my sis right now, I do occasionally text my own sis but the thing is she’s an active volcano in her own right so things can be tricky lol
Good about nosegay sales and the hairy godmother- one of your potential clients perhaps?
I’ve given up on the Tue group for the moment, not particularly friendly and not worth braving nasty weather for
im planning to go tomorrow though, but mum has an early blood test (kidney - routine) so sleep will be disrupted, no one’s fault of course, but it might be a late visit or if it gets really late, I might just show my mima - face quickly and do some minor shopping, something like that 👍
According to my snail’s pace Balzac - reading, the way for a man / toddler to attract the perfect wife is to scribble soppy love letters and sprinkle water ( or squash of course) on them and claim these are tears wept for the beloved! I could mention that to poor old / young bachelor BR, but I think as long as any young lady promises him a tuna casserole for dinner, he’s happy lol.
hope you have a good evening toady tc xx
ps some appropriate earrings lol xx
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👋Greetings to Keef and Emma
hope your both ok this evening?
Have a nice evening/ night tc xx
ps Galaxy Mocktail apparently - made with blue curaçao orange syrup, grenadine etc -non -alcoholic of course so all VC members can enjoy
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Seems to be a bit of a routine developing with me since having the inflammatory as well as the osteo. Gets to just after cooking and eating dinner and I feel absolutely shattered, which also coincides with my last pills of the day. I have no choice but to go lay down for an hour or more. If I try to do any music I can’t concentrate due to the pain and if I sit with my two and watch TV with Sucré (he only allowed tv after 4pm and mainly after dinner coz I have the radio on whilst I’m cooking) I just fall asleep or I’m really grumpy.
anyone else have to have a late siesta?
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Hi Keef
sometimes, the way my arthritis affects me is that I need to sleep at some point during the daytime, sometimes it’s at a similar time to you.
if I’m not allowed to sleep due to a noisy atmosphere for example I feel on the murderous side
Bye for now Reshmi. x
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There's the new baby now called Mabel. Isn't she adorable? She played with me for ages yesterday till she fell asleep. She is actually tiny she's on the settee next to me that's my sister's friend's leg behind her.
Morning Joan Kari decided to call the new kitten Mabel instead of the name the lady had already given her. So we will have to get used to that. She has a little diamond on her forehead and is very funny and lively. The Maldives?! Wow that is a fabulous opportunity! It's fabulous there white sand small islands....she'll love it. Oh dear me you broke your bottle did you?! They were glass back in the day weren't they? Although plastic isn't so breakable I am sure it's bad for us. Have a good day both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
I am so sorry to hear how shattered you get towards the end of the day. Hmmmm.... do you think it's the tablets (which you need) or just that your batteries have run low? If it's the batteries you could try (it might not work of course) a nap earlier at a time to suit you better. When I am flaring I absolutely have no choice but to sleep so totally understand ((())) I was in bed for 8pm yesterday for instance.
How very wise of you both to restrict Sucré's TV viewing. Kids can get addicted to telly.
This coffee is caffeinated to help you stay awake!
Morning Reshmi I hope you are well?
I love the poem I think it's spot on and can see exactly why it would have helped in the circumstances. Poetry really helps you I just enjoy it. Whatever was/is with us we are grateful for it.
Your Mum's back pain? no there's nothing you can do to help her yet. If it carries on though time will force her to get it looked into. In the meantime it's just good that her bs remains stable.
I love the idea of those beetroot gingerbread brownies (going for English translation here!) and yes please to the mocktail😋
Like you I managed to stay dry yesterday although today it's icy very icy again🙄 so you have group? Take care walking in this.
Oh my goodness those aunties! That was great so funny they do rather say it as it is though🤭 QJL is I presume not the most attractive of ladies as well as being an NHS queue jumper🤣
So the stairs soap remains in it's packet?🙄 yup no surprise there! Yes they used to have the pears baby
and a bonnie baby competition too your memory is spot on.
I await the deets on LA's health!
Take care and have a good day.((())) xxx
Morning Toady
How are you - it's icy outside! Does that mean we may yet see sunshine? Today I am at the foodbank and have clothes and a Christmas tree to donate to their charity shop. Some from me some from villagers.
this was indeed exactly my sister!!
I have posted the only pic i could of Mabel (formerly Meg) because she just did not keep still! She is adorable Sleek was quite right and very sweet natured too.
Sleek said she helped selloptaping and as far as she knows left no cat hairs to prove yours is a non-smoking pet-free home. She seemed a lot brighter yesterday I am glad you were too. I was after my visit to Kari's prior to that? Still miserable😳 Well done potting your salvia plugs on.
I am hoping that there really will be very little left in my drawers and wardrobe by the time I am done and yes i will need to run to 'barks and parks' the second the 1st January is here😁 at least for new undies.
Our family secret Santa is usually on boxing day, but this year we decided to go early due to so many of the 'young-uns' and my bro working in hospitality (or casino management) being at work then.
There she is! My own gorgeous puss on her blankie by the radiator as per a real-time photo. She'll be over later.
Take care Toad.
love to Emma and Carol if they pop by hoping all is well ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to your carers.
Toady (()) have a good day. How is your broadband. I haven’t seen any little animals around.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I have the Dentist tomorrow at 10. Mabel is lovely jacky has a dog called Mabel. How old is she. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) Sorry your mum has pain (()) have a good day.
Keef (()) Arthritis wears you out. Take care love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good afternoon everyone
wppl xx
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hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
hope you’re all ok this evening?
hi again Toni
thanks about the poem
mums bs is ok thanks
she had kidney blood test today so hopefully results will be ok, we’re a bit nervous about that
not sure about her backache she’s in a bit of a mood
LA is improving thanks, no temperature today 👍👍
But he will not follow Kenneth B’s footsteps by becoming a thespian, his school play role has been given to another - how outrageous lol
one of the nice ladies in the group offered my two mini feline choc treats bless her, you know “take a break, have a beetroot” well you know what I mean lol, but I politely declined this time.
you were spot on about Lebkuchen, literal translation could be favourite cake or something like that, but I hadn’t really thought of till now, insufficient R Brek affecting my Vulcan brain power maybe lol
BR thought Santa would put him on the naughty list, bless him, the only naughty thing he does is occasionally punching big bro the teddy - stealer, which is quite understandable
more to say but I’m a bit cream crackered really
bfn tc xx
ps HD’s tea cup arrangement- faux pearls, don’t tell everyone lol xx
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Crikey, wot a day. Bunker ceiling in the messy side is now lined thanks to Wilson. I helped a bit and paying the price. I just did dinner for five as well. Absolutely knackered and more pain than normal too. It’s very hard to even walk now.
Toni my bike isn’t coming out again till the weather warms up. Pink hoses hey, very nice. My bike is old skool and it’s oil cooled so no pink hoses for me ☹️
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Hi all 👋
Bit cold & tiring today but again there was a decent bright bit to aid with birdy feeding & birdbath defrosting, and a very small spell of poking about outdoors. Won't be one in the daytime tomorrow by the looks, and a nasty lump of heavy rain too 🙄 at least not at night, small mercies. Hope your day's activities went well frog 👍️ donations & so forth, you could do that in the dry weather too hopefully. Mabel! 😍 oh what a little beauty. Dear little face. Cat's feet are of course always gorgeous. I can just imagine she doesn't hold still being such a littley, has she been up the curtains yet? 😄. I love the name (I had a great-aunt Mabel once upon a time I think) not so different either from her 'own'. Portrait of Sleek On Pink Blankie is lovely too of course 😽 . I see what you mean about the secret santa, there is plenty enough xmas atmosphere around by now in any case, it won't exactly feel like you're doing it in midsummer. Don't know how much good & bad xmas stuff there is in the shops tbh 🤔 grim gift sets etc, the few ads I've seen aren't inspiring. Good luck when you do get to barks & parks, I must say I don't find they do me much good these days, and the reviews are often a bit predictable ('I used to love this these but you've changed them and they're worse bring back the old ones!' 🙄). But just shopping at all will be a change won't it 😊 I must start on the grand make-up bag rework. Have a good evening :) xx
Hello joan, mostly pigeons around at the moment, few sparrows, and robin - not much else to be seen. My broadband is working fine thanks but I suppose I really will have to get on to them about the price, or change, don't want to do either 🙄. Have not done much today but it was sunny for a while. Keep thinking it's Friday tomorrow 🤔 have a good Thursday. Only recycling bins I won't bother after last week 😬 better bring my neighbour's in though! xx
Hi bosh, oh no, poor LA, fancy being ousted from his role 😱 hope he doesn't mind too much these things are a bit crushing when you're a littley. Have they given him anything else? a sheep or a shepherd? 🐏. I suppose his advent calender monopoly will be a small consolation anyway, yes he really is onto a rather good thing there 😄. Hope everyone else ok atm and your mum's test is fine. 🤞Glad there were some nice people at group too today, did you get any of the minor shopping done in the end? Any snail earrings? Perhaps if I wore those in the garden the snail population would fear me and leave my marigolds alone. Haven't done much today had my first xmas card in the post now I will have to start writing some I suppose 😱😱. Could be worse could be a tearstained letter from the postman 😄 they are having enough trouble just coping with delivering everyone else's post let alone adding to it. Interesting bits of Balzac thank you for the education at second-hand 😊. Have a good evening, I have to finish a small parcel (hairy godmother 😂 I should have thought, yes very suitable!), then it's bed for me I think :) xx
I slump after lunch type time if at all keef and if I nap it's probably round 4 5 6, then I get a bit of energy for the evening with a bit of luck, unless I have one of those sleeps where you wake up feeling worse because it was too short or long to divide into proper cycles (I think that's the technical cause). It doesn't seem to pay me to eat late either or sleep after food so I stick to afternoon rest if poss. Hope you've had an ok day and bunker order is restored✌️and family all ok. xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Thanks to all that answered the nap question.
Bunker is finished apart from sound proofing the new ceiling Toady. I will try it first and see what if any sound leakage to outside I get first. If I’m just using my small studio monitors it is almost 100% sound proof now, but if I really wanna blast out through a guitar speaker (they are in the bit with the new ceiling) the sound leakage from there was quite a lot. All the sound proofing I did have up got ruined by the condensation, i was going to try and save it, but I don’t think it is possible. I’ll find out tomorrow. Right now I just wanna sleep, such a busy day. Hopefully no migraine like this morning.
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Good night toady Keef and everyone tc xx
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Toni, Mabel looks lovely, as does Sleek. Nice photos.
i would get zero guitar playing done if they were mine. Especially if Mabel like to play games.
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Tea anyone??
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Coffee Keef?
Morning Joan Mabel is a cute name I have to agree Jacky has good taste. Kari's puss answers to anything at the moment and is 11 weeks. Did you know there is a shortage of cat vaccines at the moment? She never stops apart from like in the photo collapsing asleep. Hope you are both well ((())) xxx
Morning Keef I do hope you are feeling ok today. My neck cannot cope with me painting ceilings under any circumstances it's too painful so I am quite worried about yours.
I hope it is sound leak proofed enough when you test it fingers crossed.
The bike is away for the duration? Oh poor you. I took Penelope out yesterday to meet an old friend for a coffee and it had been cold and icy and sunny but a horrible mucky lorry splattered muck all over us so as soon as I can she needs a quick bath.
Take care and have a good day😊 ((()))
Morning Reshmi
Good luck to your mum for her bloods I hope (my theory anyway) that because she keeps her bs so mice and steady her kidneys will be happy.
Good to hear LA is on the mend. I am slightly devastated to hear he has not been given a major part in the school play. I hate the way schools give those parts to the 'popular' kids grrrrrr!
As for BR being on the naughty list well never! Not in a million years what he puts up with (with very little retaliation) from his big brother! Then there's how sweet he is to ETB I mean only a 'good' boy would be prepared to hold hands with a biter😊
How nice being offered a mini erm 'chocolate bar' I knew exactly what you meant. I get the vegan ones of those sometimes. Not very often, but sometimes, because I can rather than because they ever were my favourite confectionary.
Will you be seeing the EF this weekend?
Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Toady how are you this rainy Thursday?🙄
Bird bath defrosting was tough yesterday two kettles full, but not necessary at all today it's mild but persisting down here😕
Sleek must already be at yours her blankie is empty and her mackintosh and sou'wester are missing too. Of course she looks adorable she always does. I loves her. I have to agree about 'toe-beans' as they call them these days so cute!
Kari's curtains have survived ok (so far) but really she is just adorable and into everything😻 Sleek had the entire rail down when she was a kitten and broke a branch on a brand new Christmas tree on it's first outing😣 Not so now. These days she just passes the baubles up to me and adjusts beads and bows etc....
I don't mind our secret Santa being early it's the first time we've tried it and hope it works. It's all been a bit upside down the last few years with COVID and whatnot, but fingers crossed for this year eh?
It's just chundies from barks and parks I need - and I do need! I've put a nail through a few pairs of britches and holes in my socks too this year. their clothing is extremely dated don't you think? Mind they do do vegan shoes for those whose feet can cope.
Oh it's my bro's birthday today must drop his card off.
Do not talk to me about makeup bags😳 🤭 Hope you have a good day
Ready Eddie is there with Reshmi's ready brek! Plenty for all of us though.
Love to Carol and Emma if they pop in today ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
ps Himalayas Nepal xx
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Good morning everyone
I’m off to the Dentist in a while.
Toady’s doing her makeup bag
Reshmi is knackered
Toni’s Penelope was splashed
Keef is going to do the ceiling
have a good day everyone
take care
joan xx1
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