Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. Yes it will be nice to get in the garden. I hope you have a good week next week.
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s good your friend is a nurse and she could check you over (()) I thought the Doctor had sent you for an e-X-ray on your knee. They say the snow is coming. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good you got on alright at the dentist (()) love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef sorry you have so much pain. I have where your body aches just like tooth ache. When I sit in the recliner the ache goes a bit from my legs then we can take the dogs for a walk. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) you did well doing all that work you need a rest after that (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Oh crikey, one of my teeth started to disintegrate last night whilst i was brushing. Can osteoporosis affect teeth anyone know???
feel like I am falling apart.
head a little better today thanks.
Toni, glad you okay, kind of. So long as the egg lump on a head is firm you okay. If it’s soft then urgent medical help is needed. I still remember most of my medical training thank goodness, i have used it on my amil, she stood on broken glass, and a colleague. He told me after that I was brilliant and he felt really safe, which was a nice compliment, not to mention numerous unknown people. Sorry to be blowing my own trumpet but I don’t get to do it anymore which is both a good and a bad thing lol.
Toni, I forgot about the nail bars and vaping shops. Yes we have those too. We did have a nice green grocer open last year but he didn’t last long, and we used to have a twice weekly market, but that’s gone too. What we really need is a nice music store doing hi end hifi and musical instruments or a motorcycle dealership but that’s never gonna happen. Local council is taking about making all the on street parking pay only so that will kill off the passing trade. At least I won’t have to weave my way through the cars to get to my alleyway.
hi to everyone.
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hi Toni toady SK, C and Joan
how are you all today?
sorry about your fall Toni - no need to apologise
sounds nasty but glad nurse checked you over
mum is ok thanks
BR said he was drawing “fathead LA” lol
fathead now there’s a great expression lol
im ok too thanks but due to dentist palaver etc injected mxt today 🤢🤢
im not too worried about next dentist appointment thanks, obviously possible extraction will be painful but she’s a good dentist- it shouldn’t take too long 👍
temp filling was no prob thanks 🙏
I need to have a shower otherwise my mima -the-mongoose powers may temporarily vanish and an alarming plague of cobra monster Lego snakes may roam the earth, product recall not in place, that ELTB - she’s slacking off now you’ve made her look “ultra glam” Toni
ok bfn Toni and all tc xx
ps Japanese toast art xx
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That story about Colchester Railway Station Toni, give you something to read whilst you recover and anyone else that wants a laugh, although it’s not actually that funny.
police officers used to get free travel on the trains on the proviso that if there was anything that needed police attention happening they dealt with it until British Transport Police (BTP) arrived. During my last couple of years I worked in an office and used to get the train to HQ for free. Obviously the ticket guys at the station got to know me and would open the barriers for me. One particular day there was an oik on the train that I could just tell was going to be trouble. He just had that look about him and got my hackles up. I was surprised when we rolled into Colchester after a half hour and all he’d done was put his feet on the seats. Then I noticed a BTP car parked up in the no waiting area close to the exit from the station. The oik obviously didn’t see it as he headed towards that exit, there are two exits, and I followed. He jumped the barrier right in front of the staff and just ambled away like it was normal. The staff then opened the barrier for me and pointed at him and started shouting no ticket no ticket. Then said oh it’s okay one of your lot is out there anyway. As i rounded the corner out of the station there was indeed a single officer about to confront the oik, who at this stage wasn’t aware of me. I quickly got myself between him and his direction of travel, and waited to see what the BTP officer did next. Obviously I was in ordinary clothes not uniform. The BTP officer had a utility belt on, and wasn’t the most athletic of shapes. He also had just about every accessory he could possibly have either fixed to or dangling from his belt including at least two mobile phones, handcuffs, cs spray etc etc. anyway, I thought if this starts to kick off he will definitely need my help. He did no more than start to talk to the oik and got a shove for his trouble. I made myself known saying for him to calm down and not to be stupid over just a missing rail ticket but he did not want to listen and the BTP officer got another shove at which point he fell over and his well accessorised utility belt kind of exploded and his stuff went flying in all directions, phones, cuffs, radio etc etc.
as the oik turned towards me his arm and hand appeared in front of my face as he was regaining his balance after what was quite a shove. I didn’t need a second invitation and I grabbed him by his hand and wrist and executed a text book control lock took him off his feet down to the ground and held him there and shouted for mr accessory to find his cuffs, which he did quite swiftly and he cuffed him with a good swift technique. I asked him if he was okay to wait with the oik until his back up arrived and left with his thanks tailing off behind me. I think from the way he managed to cuff him he was probably quite a competent officer and was just having a bad day and was caught off guard. Whatever it was he was kind enough to find out who i was and write to my boss saying if I hadn’t have been there he would have no doubt been injured.
all over a failure to buy a ticket.
anyway that’s what i always remember about Colchester station.
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Afternoon 😊
Ah, the prodigal frog, oh good 👍️ (I did poke my head round the door earlier, as you might imagine 😉). Hope things going ok with you this afternoon and that your egg lump is definitely the 'right sort' as defined by SK 🤕. As everyone has said glad your friend could give you a looking-over. Imagine, having to go out to a 'thing' last night 😬 not the best timing but well done. I bet Sleek confined you to base again after that. Assorted cats sitting firmly on your chest is the best thing, no question about it, especially if there is still any ice at all about. Fine here today, even got a bit of washing out for a bit of a flap around; and a bit more energy to spare too, I hope Paul had a better day as well today. I do love the toad-cosy! 😀 kettle will be on later for when Sleek arrives with the chips pasty & mushy peas, I am most definitely up for it, she is a genius tell her, what a brilliant idea 👍️ I will warm the plates and cue up a nice mug of tea. Will come back to any other odd chat next visit so you don't have too much trivia to wade through - do hope your poor sore muscles are easing up slowly and look after those knees :) 😘 p.s. did you see this? keef's neck of the woods. Good story :)
Hello joan, all quiet here today thank you, managed to fit in a walk while it was sunny even though it did try to drizzle not long after. Might get in the garden tomorrow I still need to mend the garden arch that the wind had a go at. Have a good Sunday - is it half term soon, someone mentioned, not quite yet surely 🤔. Love to Sue :) xx
Hi bosh, sorry your treatment may or probably will come to an extraction, was that their final opinion, no option of a crown or anything; glad they are nice anyway, that's a big help 👍️. Got a bit more done today thanks and got a walk, v mixed weather ahead though, warmer/colder/wet/sunny/freezing again next week, 9 degrees at night one minute and minus 2 the next 🤷♀️. I love the 'fathead' story, it is a great expression, I wasn't sure people even say it much those days, bit like clothhead 😂 glad to hear it's alive & well and being passed down the next generation 😄. Hope everyone well today have a good Sunday, hope less tired today 👍️ :) xx
Hi @Charlestown , I usually grow (or try to) runner beans and broad beans, few beetroot, tomatoes including cherry 👍️, and salad stuff - I really want to do well at sweet peas myself this year 😣, I haven't had any luck much the last couple 😕. When do you sow yours and do you have somewhere warm for them, I think part of my problem is not managing to get things going early enough, too cold. I do have a small cold frame but it hasn't really come into its own yet. The other problem is I buy too many seeds &c I would be better learning to do a few things well. Yes there are eggshell type tips for slugs etc aren't there but I have given up for now and will admit defeat on some of their favourites. I always put in tulips etc too. Generally though everything rather tatty at the moment and needs a good rework really. Creme eggs, there's an idea, I must get some in 😊. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Great story SK 😀👨✈️ I bet your oik radar gets to be very good indeed. mr accessory was lucky you were there 😄 yep, good of him to give you due credit & thanks. I daresay you have had a fair few other experiences of being out of uniform when trouble arises, and some other oik hasn't known who they're dealing with (what authority have you got in those off-duty situations exactly? 🤔). I think I remember you said that your local station had been turned into flats 😕 I would be very upset, it's the powerlessness too isn't it, these things are just steamrollered through. Anyhow blow your own trumpet as much as you like for using your first aid training 👍️ because without people like you there would just be useless articles like me who'd run a mile in those situations, where would we all be then 😳. Eek, sorry about your tooth, not a wisdom tooth is it, my dentists always said they were made of inferior stuff but can't find anything online to back that up actually. Hope family all ok today :) xx
Have a good night everyone xx
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OMG my little son just came out with a classic. I put new strings on my bass today coz the tone was way off. Anyway I was just saying to Anda that killer tone has been restored and I can plinkyplonk on my bass to my heart’s content and Sucré piped up daddad you’re being silly the pinkyponk is in the night garden not in your bunker!!
anyone that has watched kids tv will understand.
still laughing
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Followed by do u need a tissue Sucré?
no daddad it’s only snot!!
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Hello Skinny Keef (()) yes I have Osteoporosis and it does affect your teeth I take Alendronic acid once a week. Sorry
take care
joan xx1 -
Hey Toady, there weren’t that many things that stipulated an officer had to be in uniform and powers don’t vary from off duty to on duty it’s all the same. Only difference is identifying yourself as an officer which obviously I can no longer do.
I loved my time on the bikes and on traffic but as I said before unfortunately things went slightly skew wiff towards the end. Took a big toll on me mentally and later I found out from one of my docs that was particularly on the ball physically too.
I don’t very often tell my stories, but was having a good day today so you might get an occasional story now and again if you want, I have loads, some of which are truly scary and amazing in equal measures. Anyway, for another time maybe, I feel like it’s a positive contribution here, and probably helps me too. 😁
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Hi Toni
how are you doing today?
vegan gram flour omelette, That sounds great.👍
I can’t take anti-inflammatories either
How are your pains tonight? Are they easing slightly?
I just wanted to say I love that phrase of yours very diplomatic - “the stronger male influences in the household” lol Please can I quote you? haha
I have been busy with little things all day today, but not got anything very constructive done
LA is coming here on holiday 11th to 14th of this month I believe, his mummy said that he’s getting very excited about Valentine’s Day, so will have to buy him some heart-shaped chocolates or something like that I think haha, though whether he will share them with his brother or bevy of lady friends, no one really knows maybe I’ll make some marmalade sandwiches in case of fraternal and unhappy bevy emergencies, what do you think?
mum is okay today, sorry I think I’m repeating again it’s just a bit of a chaos here, things are getting a bit volcanic basically
I agree Lego was a very innocent thing in our days. I’m glad you didn’t see those snake monster creations they are really quite nasty. massive python like tails and cobra like hoods.
It’s like all the most evil snakes put together in a kind of snake hybrid that will definitely scare littleys late in the night if not fully grown Mimas and all manner of auntie types in one fell swoop as it were.
unfortunately nice M’s financial issues are far from over it seems but her dad helps her out as much as he can so she’s lucky in that way
but she also showed J the organiser, some kind of invoice she received
I’ve got a very quick look as well.
It really seems like some kind of fraud to me, it said something like private health assessment, £1400 or something ridiculous but she hasn’t had any private health assessment.
I think it’s just someone trying to get money off her, but the thing is J the organiser and I, we can’t really do that much we can just give our opinion,
because of course we aren’t really qualified experts in finance or in mental health unlike nurses etc
so that’s the problem there
sis is doing ok 👍
I’m running out of steam so have as good night as possible tc xx
👋 C
glad you enjoyed the takeaway although very few people can cook chick byriani like my mum 😂
Hi Joan
how are you both today?
thanks about dentist, mum is ok 🙏
Hi toady
glad you got a bit more done today
I need to wait for dentist to see x ray
have a good night
good night to Skinny Latte , oh sorry Skinny Keef
im getting tired now so sorry for the brevity but not the levity
bonne nuit as they don’t say in Italy - don’t tell LA lol xx
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Can’t sleep again. Been awake since midnight. Sucré had a meltdown then as his cold is really bothering him and I got up to get his calpol. Pain has kept me awake since. Feel a bit ☹️
anyway kettle is on if anyone pops in.
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Everyone (so i don't have to repeat myself too much sorry) Yesterday early evening i started to see some strange visual disturbance in my left eye. A streak of thin light and a circular patch of blankness. Now I have migraines as you all know have for 40 years but this was nothing like that. Nor like my friendly floater which I have also had for a long time. Unlike a migraine aura which is visible in both eyes even if much more so in one this is one eye only. and quite eye-larming! Phoned 111 who wanted me to go by ambulance (honestly?) to A&E. Instead Paul took me. Saturday night? Please no🙄 Anyway ended up having a CT to check for head injury that bit was all clear. The Dr thought he could see a bleed or possibly a tear (detached retina?) so I have an appt at 10 am today and Stoke with the emergency eye clinic.
Good morning Joan. How are you and Sue? All is well here. You were kind of right about being checked over, but it was my eye, not my knee, as you can see above. We were supposed to be in Warwickshire for the 3 monthly get together with Paul's siblings and their spouses. We might make it who knows? Take care Joan love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K how are you did you get back off in the end? Did Sucré get any sleep after his calpol? I hope he did.
Well you can see (above) the real outcome so far of my fall. You were probably right to be concerned the lump was definitely hard. Luckily no skill fracture or brain bleed is now officially confirmed but possibly an eye injury.
Thanks for the Colchester train station story. I really enjoyed reading it. You did a good job. Honestly what a lot of fuss over not buying a ticket some people! When you feel up to it i would like to hear more tales.
I bet in some ways you do miss it. I miss my old career too as a Social worker. We had some status and it was a part of our identities we were probably not ready to let go. To be fair it's good not to be under that level of stress as well though i expect you agree.
Take care Keef ((()))
Morning Reshmi
How are you today do you still have an MTX hangover? Glad to hear your Mum is well.
Loved the toast art - I mean honestly so pretty on toast of all things! I thought
whatever next? Japanese loo roll art? turns out it really is a thing!
Oh no poor nice M someone is conning her big time. Does she have a community nurse you cansuggest she speaks to do you think? It's just so wrong😠
You have a special boy to stay for valentine's day?! How lovely. I wonder how many cards our young Romeo will receive 🤔 or send for that matter. I suspect more of the former than the latter.
Imagine BR standing up for himself and calling LA 'fathead of all things🤭
Please do feel free to quote me. Of course at times we do have somewhat dubious male role-models too.....say no more🤐
Terrifying Lego snake hybrids - no thank you😮
Have a good day and please be careful especially of falling! It's dangerous!
Morning Toady how are you - you rarely say I hope ok?
Did Sleek come and tell you about the emergency dash off to A&E last night? I bet she did. She is coming to yours later today after we leave for outpatients (on a Sunday?) at 9.15. I expect she brought the chips and mushy peas? The chips from our chippy are really lovely aren't they? the win awards every year and I am so not surprised. Nice warmed plates perfect.
There was me thinking I'd got away with it. Hopefully I still have. They were all so nice at the hospital to be fair just lovely.
I hope the above link worked.
The car in your link is just lovely isn't it? I'd have it if I had £9,000 to spare. Mind if I had that I'd have the roof done probably first sadly😕
BTW the spatone is not causing any problems at all so far lets hope it's helping!
take care out there!
more tea?
vegan option available maybe Keef will do us some fried bread😊
A quick woo-oooo! To Charlestown if you get it 👋I very much hope all is well.
Oh Toady look finally my first actual snowdrop flower!
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Hi Toni
good luck at the eye clinic
you rest your eye please
no need to post too much right now
bfn tc xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day. I read there is snow in the midlands from the 10 of Feb. Is that near you.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry that happened to you (()) frightening. Thinking of you take care. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) i hope she is well.
Skinny Keef (()) thank you for your story interesting I’m grateful we have the police. You did a worth while job. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Quite so (what bosh said), honestly frogmorton, what are you even doing in here except to write us a 2-line update max.? 🤨🙄 So sorry you had this delayed reaction 😟 best of luck at this morning's appt!🤞🤞🤞and do behave yourself 😘 xx
Kettle on folks, see you all later 👋 x
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I have
Posterior vitreous detachment and a slight bleed. The detachment is pulling the retina but has not torn it so all good👍🥰👍
Thanks everyone
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Oh crikey Toni. I had tears in my eyes after reading your first post, and then I read the one above this and I hope that is good news. Will it heal itself? I know it is not uncommon after a blow to the head, but must have really scared you when your vision started to be affected. I really hope it calms down on its own.
Keep us updated please.
in answer to your question, although it does seem to be insignificant now, yes I did get a couple of hours from 4 till 6 but my naproxen burnt my stomach and i had to go rummaging through the fridge for my stomach protector pills that i don’t take (yes i know naughty, but they make me feel weird). It wasn’t till 4 that my stomach calmed down and stopped burning and then at 6 I woke up with excruciating back pain and could hardly move, so took some tram which knocked me out until Sucré and Anda came in with tea. So a bit tired today. I am on my own for a while as they have all gone off to Winchester to see the moon exhibition that Loanda, Sucré and I saw about a year ago. I couldn’t face a car journey all that way. I did toy with the idea of going on my bike but preferred to stay home and get some music done. Just taking a break whilst pills kick in.
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Oh well done frog that sounds like a narrow squeak I do hope so! Thank you for letting us know, take care, do rest up - no handstands no games of Twister no reading the complete works of Shakespeare in small print! Sleek, you know what to do, keep the patient under observation 😽 love to Paul too 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
lm really glad your retina is not fully detached, that happened to my dad and he needed emergency eye surgery, so thank goodness that wasn’t the case with you 👍
toady is absolutely right, you need to take it easy with your eyes right now, even though it’s frustrating
If you really feel like posting maybe use voice control? Or maybe Paul can type the posts up for you?
we’re all concerned here of course but you need to concentrate on your own welfare now
on a lighter note, BR told his mummy that he doesn’t like ginger tea now, but he’ll like it when he’s an “adulk” and when he’s a mummy!😂
im not sure how to break it to him that only one of those things will actually take place lol.
I’m ok Toni thanks for asking
just a bit of a low energy day as I injected mxt yesterday due to dentist etc
mums bs is ok too thanks 🙏
I love the loo roll art lol
yes I love “fathead” too haha
My sis made chocolate yoghurt cake and LA was standing next to it in the pic looking like he’d been starving all day and just needed a taste of the cake to survive- what a silly Romeo lol
yes female under 6 population of Reading and MH are buying stamps and booking couriers as we speak , shall we irritate toady and ask her for courier - related advice?? Only joking lol
There are some nurses where nice M lives and also healthcare workers but they’re not with her all the time, lack of resources, I of course understand, but the way it works is quite odd I find, because once I saw her with a healthcare worker in “Brains - berry’s” - to quote you again lol- but she goes to group and a lot of other places alone- which isn’t really always a good idea. You’re right though, anyone could email or post her fake bills and in her unwell state she could try to pay them all, I hope she listened to J the organiser this time anyway.
Don’t worry I didn’t go out today, but it’s much milder here in mima the mongoose land thankfully 👍
you remember to take lots of rest and not to strain your eyes - otherwise I’m sending LA and BR to your house to sing The Scrambled Egg Song at full volume and repeatedly, I requested the aristocrat for the vegan version, but I’m just a commoner so 🤷♀️
bye for now Toni take care xx
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
Hi toady SK Joan and C
how are you all this evening/ night?
hi Charlestown
I too am somewhat cream crackered
glad that your dentist experience went well
my dentist has two flights of really steep stairs my leg was hurting after walking all those stairs but i couldn’t even sit down as I needed to book another appointment but the receptionist was nattering for ages with a couple of patients, the male patient said he’d found some gold in the park, which seems very unlikely to me but there you have it lol, yes weather is cold and nasty isn’t it? I agree.
👋 toady how are you today my amphibian friend?
LA or the MH Romeo or whatever he’s called now lol, was pinching his brother under the blanket- he can be quite nasty to his little brother sometimes still.
i was saying to C that one patient at the dentists said he found gold in the park apparently- sounds very odd to me lol, does that mean his gold filings are done at a reduced rate then? As he’s providing the materials haha.
I hope you have a good night tc xx
hi Skinny Jeans/ sorry Skinny Keef
how is Sucre doing now?
how are your pains?
sorry I may not have read all the posts properly, I’ve got a bit of a headache.
have a good night everyone take care xx
ps Rajasthan India xx
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Hi all, internet has been a bit iffy with the weather again this evening so it's just a quick wave as I'm now off to bed, rather tired today (whether I'll get off to sleep is another thing, wind v noisy 🙄 was hoping it would have blown itself out by now).
Proper replies tomorrow thanks everyone for your hellos and chat 😊 hope everyone has a decent night.
Thinking of frog 😘 (..if she is away from the cafe on & off recuperating decide among yourself who is going to be in loco parentis, not me I'm afraid wrong credentials 😉 will stick to dishwashing).
Kettle on at any time I can see me being glad of a midnight tea ☕ xx
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Made it till 4am before waking up. Result!!!
morning everyone.
R2 on, chill out time now, might manage another hour if i am lucky. On my own today so it’s bass bass bass if my head stays clear.
Nice photos as always Bish. 😁
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Morning Joan hopefully you've seen that I am ok. Luckily not a detached retina although that had been the fear. I am so relieved. I'm allowed to read but will keep my messages shorter for a few days and be good as instructed by Bosh and Toady. Take care love to you both. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi hope you are well no MTX hangover and your Mum's blood sugar is good.
Thank you for thinking of me yesterday. Gosh I was lucky I think it could have been far worse. The Dr at A&E suspected a retinal tear this is much better. I believe retinal surgery like your Dad had isn't nice.
I promise faithfully to behave myself and do as you all (and Sleek) want for a few days. On pain of the boys coming to sing me the scrambled egg song on repeat😣
I can picture LA waiting for some of your sister's chocolate cake😁
I think I just hope nice M will show all her bills to the community nurse or a carer or her Dad after that experience. Fingers crossed.
Oh BTW I heard that about 30 of our posties are being temporarily relocated to Maidenhead to deal with some sort of postal rush expected mid month🤔
Take care of yourself. ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown I am so pleased you are going to make sure your slabs are free of algae before the snow. We can all learn something from my slip can't we?
You can tell your dad I also have a stick. Well mine is more of a streak of light left hand side of my left eye but he will understand how it moves about.
Take care
Morning Skinny K I am impressed that you slept so well. So did I actually 6 hours and 58 mins! Wahay that's a miracle for me. Note to Keef: Take stomach protectors before naproxen.
You are so kind worrying about me. Honestly the worst thing that could have happened is an op or loss of sight in one eye. I would have been walking round in circles!!!🤣 I am feeling quite ok in myself honestly just so so so relieved that it hadn't torn my retina. How lucky am I?!
You were wise not to go with Anda and Sucré you need to be just a bit careful - do some stuff not all of it. That way you'll be able to keep going more.
Morning Toady I am a very happy bunny honestly! In fact if I thought it sensible I would be jumping up and down!
Nurse or Dr Sleek is not allowing that though.
I promise to keep my chatting on here down to a minimum for a bit.
and my reading I have audible so will listen instead like Skinny.
Did you see my snowdrop?! Finally!
Take care and thanks to you for being so kind
tea is on!
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
ps jodhpur India xx
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