Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Sorry your internet is causing you problems. The hospital in the next town to us are charging people £140 pound to see a Doctor for half an hour. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good you have not done anything more serious (()) you take care. I hope you still manage to get where you were going. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you have a busy household. Love to your mum (()) have a good day.

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope you have less pain to day have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day. Every garden looks the same when you have snow.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    yes it’s busy sometimes when the Excess Family come to visit

    my day is going ok thanks

    have a nice evening tc xx

    ps turmeric latte xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 5. Feb 2024, 19:44

    Hi all 👋

    Internet more stable, not sure about me, must say I went into a bit of a Slough of Despond this morning over the weather 🙄 (not the Slough, aka Slug 😉). Up to last night I was forecast rain Tues, dry Wed, light rain Thursday - hoped that if anything that might improve - now they've changed it to heavy rain & strong winds tomorrow, wet the next 2 days. Honestly it's not funny anymore 😕.

    Waves to frog 👋😊 hope all's as well as poss with you today, don't worry you can contract out the jumping up & down we will do some for you, knees permitting 😅. I certainly did see your beautiful snowdrop 😃 here's to many more 👍🌱 and I managed to get the link to play for me too thank you. Perfect wasn't it 😸 & some good comments too. That dear tortie, what a lamb 😍. Take care love to all keep up the good work :) xx

    Hello joan, very cold here today, no I don't seem to have snow forecast as you mentioned yesterday, well there was one of those little twinkly snowflake symbols over one of the days next week, at one point, but they have swapped it for more rain, what else 🙄. What do you get for your £140 at the docs?! 😮 goodness gracious. Hope everything ok with you & Sue today :)

    Hi bosh, I am more than happy to help with all matters postal so young erstwhile Rudolph Valentinos get their ribbon-smothered cards 😂 as to what the PO would advise re sending dates, well, at this rate probably something like 'best to post now for next Feb. 🤔'. Pinching under the blankets, hmm, not so good 😔 did you say there was an RF visit on the cards, sorry, can't find it now. Hope you had a good night mine was not brilliant; ok gastric-wise, just not very restful. I see about the dentist x-ray, thanks, too soon to say what's what then, good luck with it🤞. I am fascinated by the man with the gold! did he mean he found a gold item, or prospected for some, like nuggets 🤔😄 he would have said if he'd been metal detecting, I suppose; yes perhaps he was cutting a deal!! bring your own materials! 😂 very funny. I have a few dental instruments actually (long story) but I imagine you would be even less keen to come to me for your dentistry, than for a haircut.. 😱🤐. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi @Charlestown I think I was in much the same boat as you yesterday, tired from the day before, so have been trying to catch up today never really works out does it.. have just done little bits, & finished nothing 🙄. Sweet peas yes some plugs probably a good idea for me too really, people seem to all have different ideas when they like to sow theirs but I might try a few sowings at different times. Mine struggle to germinate indoors then go leggy but maybe if they went in the cold frame they'd do better 😬 or not. At least I don't have the 🐱 💩 factor to worry about haha. I have grown stocks in the past, but I'm sure I also have some seeds bought not long ago.. but where.. must do a sort out! Have a good evening :) xx

    Glad you had a better night keef, I was on the 2am tea roster instead, just couldn't settle. I was bidding on some trivial ebay stuff to pass the time and managed to outbid myself on something 😂 good trick huh. I was also doing my quiz; first question, which guitarist nearly gave it up aged 13 because it was 'too hard', I'm sure you know the answer to that one 😀. Didn't help me unfortunately I went out on one about yoyos. Hope you had a good bass day and you have an ok night again, family are well as poss too I hope :) xx

    Love to all - I am going to transform my table in the cafe into the Marigold Tea Rooms in spirit for the evening and have a pot of tea & a currant bun with Pikey (Ian Lavender) 😔.

    😘 night folks xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, thanks for the well wishes. I got a little bit of bass done but as always had to keep stopping. Had to resort to hot bath at lunchtime as I was really struggling.

    as for the guitarist, I don’t actually know, but it will be a mainstream name I would have thought if it’s a quiz question so I would guess at Clapton.

    hi everyone. Hope things are improving Toni.

    early night for me. Everything hurts.

    tc see u all tomorrow. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    I am ok thanks

    mxt hangover has gone 👍

    mums bs is ok too thanks

    we’re always thinking of you Toni no need for thanks 🤗

    i went for a bit of a longer walk today, not WR of course, it was good but the house was too hot to rest properly afterwards, so I’m pretty tired now.

    I like the song - avoidance pic lol

    I also hope nice M shows her bills etc to the right people and is well enough to trust them.

    Oh dear all those posties are going to MH! Oh dear! Nosegay and Kangaroo will be affected too no doubt it seems lol

    I’m not sure if I’ve said this already but BR said he will enjoy ginger tea when he’s an adulk and a mummy!

    So as im only an adulk what kind of tea may I drink?

    stinging nettle maybe? I think it’s a query for the vampire nurse

    have a good evening Toni and take care xx

    sorry posted 2 pics and can’t delete, first one is matcha latte xx

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    Hi all sorry for not being on here in ages and I hope you are all well. Don’t know if any of you lovely ladies and gentlemen can help. I’ve posted this in the main forum but me being me cocked it up a bit I’ve copied over what I’ve said just in case any of you can help me as I know you’ve all been great with me before.

    The bit I didn’t insert was that I’ve tried ringing the Rheumatology Department so I have tried that it will make more sense when you read the below.

    Thanks for any help you can give me and sending out love to you all. Sorry it’s a bit of a long one and sorry I went AWOL I’ve been bandaged up with a leaking leg since September still in bandages now it’s just the one leg (I have Lymphodema everything fine for 14 years and then my leg decided to go weird even though I’ve lost weight and I always take care of it) sorry I went off on a tangent then!!

    This is what posted underneath the flowers don’t know how the flowers posted there!!!

    Hi It’s Julie here I have written on here before but I’ve been quite poorly hence the silence.

    Just a quick question well couple of questions really. I saw a Private Rheumatologist in October 2022 I don’t think I’m able to name the person nor the hospital but if I can I will. Anyway this particular Rheumatologist was very short with me she didn’t check any of the places I had pain in which is my hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, ankles, back she just looked at my hands I was in there for maybe 20 mins then she just said go and do wax hand baths and we will take bloods. Anyway she wrote back saying she didn’t think I had Rheumatoid Arthritis even though my doctor has said it was inflammatory arthritis and my markers were high. I religiously did my hand wax baths and I still do but nothing helps. I then got ill with shingles, I have Lymphodema and my legs have to be bandaged every week as they keep weeping that’s been since August 2023. Still ongoing.

    i then asked my GP as I’m in such a lot of pain if he could get me on to the NHS Rheumatology list he did in September of 2023 and last week I’ve received an appointment for the 6th March.

    What I needed help with is firstly I’ve tried to find out who I’m going to see because the Private Rheumatologist who did nothing for me works at the hospital that I’ve been referred to there are only three Rheumatologists that work there and she is one of them and I just can’t go to see her again she led me down a path that eventually left me with the Muscoskeletal Team on my private insurance telling me mine was a chronic condition and they don’t deal with that and I can’t go privately to another Rheumatologist and I know it’s better going through the NHS. I did ask my doctor if he could ask for me not to see her but he didn’t think he could do that.

    The only way I can think of trying to find out who it is is by actually writing to the Rheumatology Department at this particular Hospital, my dads helping me with all this I’m 50 but I have such brain fog and extreme anxiety hence me reaching out to anyone on here. Has anyone had this happen to them? Am I allowed to ask to see another Rheumatologist if I find out it is her I’m seeing? I think I am but I just wanted a bit of confirmation.

    It would be ridiculous me seeing her again as she was very dismissive and didn’t listen to me and didn’t check me properly.

    Also any of you that have Rheumatoid Arthritis or were sent for a diagnosis by the NHS what will they do when I get there is it examining all my joints, should I send them notes beforehand or bring them with me? Will I have x rays and blood tests. Just anything you can say will help me. This all started in March 2022 and it’s now February 2024 and this was an expedited appt as my inflammatory markers were so high again.

    Im in such pain I’m stiff all day, I haven’t been able to work I’m on the highest level of DWP just any help would be so gratefully received. Also having this pain has led me to become extremely anxious as I’m thinking will someone medical help me at all.

    Im sorry this is so long any help any of you could give me would be great and would it help ringing the advice line I’m not great on the phone as my hands are so sore and with my ME brain fog I tend to go off on a tangent but if anyone thinks that might help I would give it a go can I just ring up or do I have to book an appt?

    Really any help would be brilliant.

    Would be lovely to chat to you all again and lots of love ❤️❤️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318

    Hi toady

    sorry your weather isn’t so good

    it’s was relatively ok here thanks, I wore the medium strength coat and just one hat, indeed I took the hat off at intervals because I was so tired and just trying to stay awake and alert I guess but I survived and at least only a tiny bit of rain

    yes the patient at the dentist was droning on and on, I must admit I didn’t pay full attention to his “ almost - monologue”, nuggets - that’s a good one by the way lol - but whether it really was gold, im somewhat sceptical- possibly some low quality gold - plated jewellery at the most I’d imagine - I mean who would bury nasty M’s 22 karat gold tiara in the park? Maybe he just wanted to spin a good yarn or something 😂

    I think it’s the 11 th of this month that LA is coming to visit for a few days.

    sorry very much gluten free crackered now

    so good night Sk, C toady and Jewels tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello @Jewels1973 lovely to see you, sorry things are tough still for you but glad you have at least got an appt in the pipeline, I have had roughly similar experiences and will pop in tomorrow with anything useful I can add when I've had a proper think, hope you get some handy advice from others too🤞x

    'night bosh, see you tomorrow have a good night 😊 x

    yes it was Clapton keef, have a point 😄 x

    'night all & here's to a better less tired less pain day for everyone 😴 xx

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? Is she ready for her appt tomorrow? I am doing ok thanks just behaving I am still allowed to go for walks just nothing strenuous 😊 So I had a cup of tea with my lovely neighbours yesterday instead. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Julie @Jewels1973

    Ok well you could try ringing the secretary of the dept and ask whether they know who's list you will be on?

    At my first rhemuatology apt I had bloods, an examination, a chest X ray and a steroid injection in my rear. My first DMARDs were prescribed too as well as some better anti-inflammatories and amitriptyline. I did not go alone i took my husband and had written very very short and succinct notes with me. Time is limited at these consultations unfortunately so you need to be straight to the point. BTW my bloods are also RF negative, but not everyone has RF in their bloods. Not any other symptoms which may seem irrelevant like a raised temperature for example.

    Best of luck Julie do let us know how you get on. ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you feeling today? I hope well and your Mum's bloods are ok too.

    Awww BR❤️ he is quite right when he grows up he will love ginger tea I think. Not so sure about the Mummy bit, but it is adorable. Charley at a similar age used to want to marry me when she grew up.

    Let's hope nice M is well enough to ask for help and gets it. Good job she has friends like you too even if you only see her at group.

    Oh no! I hadn't thought about the effects of the postal emergency in Maidenhead (PEIM) on other essential services like Nosegay😣 poor Toady and Kari.

    I accompanied Paul for his neck MRI results yesterday severe OA on his neck bless him referred to MSK (eye roll physio) then possibly a surgeon's opinion. Bless him.

    I think you can drink anything you like because you are an adulk. Maybe just dodge the ginger? Shall we try the turmeric tea first?

    Take care and I know you all care, but it's still lovely and appreciated😊((()))) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    How are you today? I do genuinely hope things are aching less after some rest. It is worth remembering (easy not to when all we want is to sleep) that lying down is still resting the body so worth doing. In your case with some music playing in the background.

    I have made you a cup of coffee to keep you going it is caffeinated I hope that's ok?

    Take care and thank you I am doing ok hopefully the eye will be ok in time. Well I'm sure it will be! ((()))

    Morning Charlestown

    How are you today? I hope you have more get up and go today. I often find the same if I do too much I'll need a few slower days to recover. Listen to your body I think. Glad to hear your dad is doing ok with his eye.

    The flagstones do get green and slippery so quickly then all you need is rain snow or ice and you are in real trouble. The consultant at A&E recommended something, but I suspect bleach will be as good. Just keep our cats off it for a day or so.

    Take care and have a good day.

    Morning Toady how be you today? Thank you for the bold writing that's so thoughtful.

    I think the youtube version of cat on my lap is better than the tiktok one to be honest less likely to show a load of rubbish afterwards just adverts.

    I am so pleased with my single snowdrop and am also hoping the numbers will increase and maybe that the honesty from P's house will flower this year fingers crossed.

    Sleek has been extremely dare i say it 'controlling' since Saturday I am very much confined to my chair although i am allowed to prepare food for her😉 of course!

    I am going to have to warn Kari about possible postal delays starting anytime now really due to teh reloaction of our posties to MH😂 Hope you'll cope too.

    Take care

    plenty of tea in the pot for everyone

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day with not too many problems. It’s windy here rain later.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (() and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope reading does not strain your eyes. That was nice seeing your neighbours. Are you allowed to drive. Take care (()) yes Sue is ready for her ex-ray. I have a blood test at 9 00 tomorrow. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi have a good day and your mum (()) take care.

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope your pain has calmed down a bit. Have a good day. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I feel sorry for you I know a lot of people that have that wrong with their legs. You could ring the receptionist and ask if she can check your appointment then ask who you are seeing see what she says good luck.

    Charlestown (()) have a good day .

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Migraine city here again. So FRUSTRATING!

    wppl if poss

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 6. Feb 2024, 16:34

    Hi all 😊 not quite as nasty out there as it might be, not too wet yet because that's still gearing up apparently but at least once it does the wind is decreasing so small mercies 👍️ always hard to credit when it's so rough that tomorrow will be down to wind speeds of 2, from 17 & 18 etc today.

    Afternoon frog 👋 I was going to call in this morning along with a nice early start on various things but was hanging about for postie til well gone half 1 😕 the PEIM effect has started already! 😱😭. I'm convinced we will all end up collecting our post from a 'hub' in the end, not a concept I've ever liked, usually code for a 2nd rate substitute for something, or else just a newfangled re-brand, rather like MSK! 🙄. Sorry to hear about Paul 😔, more appointments, blah, best wishes for those. Glad you saw your neighbours. Hope Sleek is still retaining her firm paw on you (quite right too) and that you are feeling ok, any dramatic bruises coming out? Take care and be good :) xx

    Hello joan, having a quiet day, it might even be nicer tomorrow, dry and a smidge of sun - same here as you today, wind first rain later. Stopping overnight apparently, that's a big help, less noise. Hope you get some brightness tomorrow too 🌞. Thinking of Sue tomorrow we will 'come along' & rustle up tea for afterwards 👍️ hope all goes well not too much waiting :) xx

    Hi bosh, probably see you later on 👋 glad you have had advance notice of the EF visit 11th is not too bad, not like the other impromptu one. Hope you've had a bit more energy today, if you have any spare, I could do with it 😄 just feel sleepy this afternoon, might try a quick nap but would rather be getting on with something 😕. Back later I expect with tea, possibly not nettle, it's very good for something or other I think 🤔 but the lure of normal tea is stronger unfortunately 😳. Safer than ginger anyhow 😬👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👶. Bye for now :) xx

    Hope SK's migraine is abating, does the weather affect you in that way, atmospheric pressure & whatnot? Hope you feel better later 👋 xx

    Hi again @Jewels1973 - my experience was fairly similar to Toni's at early RA appts though I only had x-rays & steroid injections after they'd already seen me once and assessed what they wanted. I think the main thing will be as long as they have up-to-date blood results before you go, have they asked? The routine stuff for me was recent bloods, urine sample, examine joints, any other bloods or tests on request. Does your appointment letter not give a name ie 'clinic lead', it usually says on mine. First time round I knew who I'd see, it was a new consultant to the team who was taking on a chunk of patients off the waiting list, and that's who the appt was with. They were technically in charge of me but usually what happened at future appointments was that their name would be on the letter but on the day you might see one of 2 or 3 doctors who were in clinic. I always asked could I see my usual consultant & they never objected if it was possible. Is there any way to know what days this doctor works, the one you don't want to see? Are they the head of dept or anything like that? I also had a doctor I wouldn't see 😠, I did refuse on a couple of occasions, they seemed to accept that ok but everywhere may be slightly different so this is only my experience of course. If your inflammatory markers are so high they should have plenty to go on, most other information they need should be on your GPs notes so hopefully you'd only need to take a short note of anything you want to add. As far as diagnosis goes I'm RF negative too and to be honest I think inflammatory arthritis is probably still as near a diagnosis as I have, sometimes they can't get any nearer but they can treat you regardless. Best of luck with it let us know if you get anywhere finding out who you'll see, or at least what the possibilities are, someone should know🤞keep us posted. xx

    Hi @Charlestown hope not too tired today, or stiff, yes spring cleaning bug for me too definitely and I've some painting & decorating to finish, never mind 60-minute makeover it's painfully slooow 😣 very frustrating. I grow Garden Pearl trailing toms btw 🍅. never tried taters though that's a thought 🤔. Kettle is going on again 😊 have a good evening :) x

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • MilkyTea
    MilkyTea Member Posts: 8

    @frogmorton I’m a newbie and saw your post about your eye whilst browsing the most recent posts in here. I hope you’re receiving appropriate care but I’d urge you to not treat your eye issue lightly. I had the same problem, called 111who called me an ambulance to rush me to Moorfields eye hospital in London. I had a retinal hole with the missing piece floating in my visual field, a jagged black line in my vision and a cloud of tiny dots (the leaking blood dispersing into the vitreous). They confirmed a hole in my retina and declared I was free to leave and to return if I lost vision. At 2am I was discharged, alone into the streets of London to make my way home to Essex. Luckily reception were sympathetic and rang around local companies for a cabbie able to take me, as I didn’t have a lot of money for a long cab journey. Luckily they found someone who lived in the same town as me and was happy to take me on his way home. Anyway I digress, the next day, rather upset and angry, I complained to my GP who was equally shocked and angry and referred me to my local hospital’s very well equipped eye unit. The referral took 2months. I arrived and was greeted in the corridor by the consultant surgeon holding my file who declared it an emergency that required immediate surgery as he explained, a retinal hole can allow vitreous fluid to leach in behind the edges much like moisture getting behind a wallpaper hole and making the wallpaper peel away, this could cause a serious detachment of the retina. Next morning I was in surgery and it was fixed. That was 15 years ago. I had annual checks to make sure the scar was ok and thankfully I’ve never had any further issues with that eye. Just goes to show we have to remain alert, ask questions and stand up for ourselves if we feel something is off.

    I hope you’re ok and receiving proper medical care. Do please give an update when you’re able.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    sorry a friend phoned and wouldn’t get off the phone lol

    oh dear so I’m behind on everything and am in the tropics too of course 🥵

    how is your eye feeling today?

    Was it windy weather?

    it was windy here but not all that cold

    Mums ok today thanks 🙏

    im tired and too warm but otherwise ok thanks 👍

    mum hasn’t had any bloods recently

    that was sweet about Charley

    Thanks about nice M etc, I saw her at the group meal in December too, I’m sometimes wary of socialising too much with people who aren’t quite stable as I know it can backfire, but yes thanks, it’s nice that we get on well in the group environment 👍

    she did once suggest we go out drinking and clubbing, I politely changed the subject, though I was of course thinking, “ I didn’t really do that even in my twenties and I’m certainly not going to start now” 😂

    Yes the PEIM factor is causing lots of headaches lol

    on the subject of headaches etc here’s a very funny and short true story - I once didn’t have my glasses on and I think more importantly I was not paying attention and I was in the chemists and I saw a medicine packet in the distance, I thought it read “Ibuprofen Salted” lol and I thought “there’s an unusual snack, not necessarily good for us though, savoury anti inflammatories, as I went closer and concentrated I realised it was actually the very boring and prosaic “ Ibuprofen tablets”, not even an ibuprofen vegan hot chocolate available, I’m not impressed with that, I’d write a letter of complaint but what with PEIM I would have to hand - deliver it and I’m too lazy for that lol.

    Sorry to hear about Paul’s results, it’s odd with physios sometimes I’ve found, the first nhs hospital physio I saw about arthritis was absolutely amazing, she was an older lady, I’m not sure what happened to her, I hope she didn’t fall ill, but then some other physios were not great, but I hope Paul gets the help he needs, it’s good that he’s being assessed properly by the surgeon too 👍

    I’m not really a massive fan of ginger, yes I think we try the turmeric lol

    Today I walked and later this gardener that my dad hires sometimes got here early and asked all sorts of nosey questions lol, including my age, I of course avoided answering that properly, so he decided I was 19!! Oh dear, what’s in that tea that toady makes us? The gold from the park that the dental patient found perhaps? Lucky that we can still buy it without prescription

    Nice pics, look at those biscuits, don’t show them to LA though he’ll become your permanent lodger! Forget about rent, he may be accompanied by his favourite green monster who eats people sarnies for breakfast- time to hide the margarine Toni.

    👋 toady SK C Joan and Jewels

    hope you’re all ok?

    sorry to hear about the migraine SK

    the reality is a friend phoned and went on and on so bit behind on stuff

    toady I’m tired but that’s mainly due to the heating

    i like normal tea too 👍

    ok good evening / night everyone tc xx

    ps raw beetroot cake - don’t tell the gastric oracles xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi everyone Hope you all okay. Sorry to hear you’re overheating Reshmi, you can pass some of your excess heat my way please I am FREEZING!

    Toni, hoping eye is okay. Please take it easy.

    I am still battling the head, although it’s not too bad now but I know from experience that until it’s gone completely it can flare up.

    I am a bit low so don’t worry if I go missing for a few days. I don’t like posting all D& G on here as I don’t think it’s fair.

    night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 6. Feb 2024, 21:54

    'night bosh, 19? gosh I'm brewing my own tea the wrong way apparently or does it only work on the recipients, like not using three wishes on yourself (anyway, nosey parker! 🙄). Hope you have a good night xx

    & 'night to you too SK all the best with the head, will expect you when we see you 👋 (but don't curb the D&G on our behalf (behalves?) if you do feel like a cathartic grumble; I'm a born eeyore I promise you won't bring me any further down 😉😘 xx)

    @dachshund joan, must say good luck with your blood test too as you'll probably have had it by the time I'm in tomorrow🤞xx

    Love to everyone & anyone not here at the mo 😘 see you all anon.

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    Thanks everso much @toady you are a mine of information. No consultant name is on my letter. I know she doesn’t work there on Monday mornings because I took a sneaky peek at what days she works privately at the Spire hospital and she works there every Monday for two hours. She used to work a lot more there perhaps it’s not only me that wasn’t happy with how she was treating me!

    Thanks for the heads up of what to expect on the day and that I can ask to not see the lady rheumatologist I’m trying to do this as we speak through a letter as there’s no way I can get through to the Rheumatology Department by phone you would think they would at least have a number not just a call centre that I’ve rang to try and find out more,

    The last blood test I had to look up was in late November I can access my medical records online that’s what my doctor sent them and I having another HBAC1 test a week today because the dr wanted to know more about my diabetes I will take that too. I’m not sure the Rheumatologidt can access my medical records I would think so hopefully! I’ve also just realised what RF means Rheumatoid Factor (give me a cheer for realising this!) So I know I’m asking loads of questions not having a positive RF means they can still treat us I’m assuming so, it’s just called inflammatory arthritis instead. Honestly today you’ve been ace.

    Sorry another question and this one is open to anyone in the cafe is your pain even worse when the temperature changes it was 12 celcius yesterday and now it’s dropped to 4 celcius with me I’ve noticed when it’s rainy and the temp gets lower my pain is higher does that happen to anyone? Or is it just a weird Julie thing! Or is it a Julie turned 50 in October thing?

    Love sent to everyone and to all your families keep yourself warm it’s supposed to be a cold one tonight (I sound like someone’s mum saying that).

    Lots of love to you all.

    Julie xxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi Julie yes can confirm no RF or being seronegative as they call it they should treat the inflammation, I have had dmards and biologics, the only thing I meant to mention, the options for drug treatment are slightly different - there is quite a bit of crossover but some things don't work well for seronegative people so I wouldn't get offered them. Good thought finding out when the lady has private appointments 👍 I really wouldn't swear exactly how far you can flatly refuse to see someone but I'd hope a polite request isn't unreasonable; assuming you can see a suitable or equally senior person 🤔 (I did once employ the tactic of 'more comfortable with a female doctor'; I'm so sorry that wouldn't be any good for you! 🙄). No rheum helpline as such, oh dear. Mine is answermachine based but they do at least call you back, have had some luck with reception for some things too. If in doubt check with GP what info is shared saves time repeating yourself!

    Sorry the cold affects you it does make me a bit stiffer that's all, I generally hate winter anyway always have - we are well on our way through it at any rate🤞.

    Best wishes 👋 and to family x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello @MilkyTea too, welcome to the cafe, just to say hello and check how many sugars in your tea ☕😊.

    Sorry you had that awful middle of the night experience! And (having had a quick look at your posts) crossed paths with a v unsympathetic physio too 😞. Hope you can get some better help for your current troubles and are as well as possible otherwise at the moment. x

  • MilkyTea
    MilkyTea Member Posts: 8

    Hello there @toady I hope you’re keeping well and thats so nice of you, I usually enjoy a sweetener or two 😊

    This looks a lovely corner to settle into when time allows. I must check back regularly.

    Actually, the whole site is a goldmine of information and support so I have high hopes.

    Have a wonderful evening/ morning/ day x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 7. Feb 2024, 07:29

    Morning Joan best of luck to you with your bloods this morning and to Sue for her X-ray as well. Hope both of you get the results you need🤞 Yes I was given permission to drive thanks for asking ((())) xxx

    Morning @MilkyTea how lovely to see you over here! Please do call in whenever you fancy and don't worry about spending hours reading back days just join in😊 The kettle is always on just pop in for a chat/a moan if you need to.

    Thanks do much for your story luckily for me I was treated really well. 111 did want to send an ambulance, but my husband took me so I had a lift home. It was treated as a potential medical emergency straight away, I had a CT at A&E and was referred to the emergency eye hospital for the following morning, a Sunday I was so impressed. I was given a very thorough eye examination and all is well it's only the vitreous membrane which had detached and it has not torn the retina at all.

    I'm so glad you kept your sight. That is such a relief.

    Thanks again. Oh by the way we have our own little made up abbreviations just ask if you're confused by anything D&G for instance is not Dolce and Gabbana but doom and gloom! Oh and Sleek is my cat obviously she can visit anyone on her motorbike anytime she likes🤭Think we might all be slightly odd here!!!

    Morning Skinny K how is your head? I do hope the migraine is easing off now it ought to be soon. I am fine don't worry about me.

    I hope you have been able to get warm - the temps have certainly dropped again haven't they?

    Don't worry and feeling a bit D&G you know we always want to pick each other up if we can.

    Good news it's Wednesday the family will be home before you know it ((())) xxx

    Morning Julie @Jewels1973

    I hope you are feeling ok today? Thank you I did keep warm Keef was feeling cold wasn't he though?

    Yes RF is rheumatoid factor not present in some inflammatory arthritises, including Psoriatic and Seronegative RA. Yes if they find evidence it's a form of inflammatory arthritis they can still treat you. There are other things evident in bloods to help them and also some scans can help like ultrasounds (I think) if hands are affected.

    When my youngest had leukaemia we always asked for her favourite Dr if she had a clinic appointment and were never refused although we did sometimes wait longer.

    I find my osteoarthritisy (new word!) joints dislike the cold very much and damp too. Like many of us here I have both an inflammatory and osteoarthritis is some joints too now.

    take care.

    Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum today?

    Funny you should say that about socialising with people who are not yet that well. I was thinking the same. I would hate it if being supportive to nice M had any sort of negative effect on you. You are our main concern. Still I think you have a lot of insight and anything untoward you are on it straight away.

    Oh dear your Mum had the heating on sky high did she🙄Nice you had a phone-call with a friend. Just made me think of your 'Old man' have you heard from him lately?

    No post for me yesterday I think the PEIM phenomenon has started! I love your salted ibuprofen packet😂 brilliant! I one put sinex in my eyes instead of y eye drops😣ouch!

    19? that's actually rather lovely Reshmi you do look young though I would have said 30's. LA is very welcome to come and stay anytime, he can have the biccies. I only want the vegan ones anyway. No monsters though just him, well and BR if he wants to bring him.

    Thanks I am hopeful Paul will see someone nice bless him he copes ok but gets dizzy so nerves need releasing i think if possible. Maybe that older lady physio moved to this area you never know!

    Hope all is well at the group today take care it's colder outside today not windy though((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you doing?

    Gosh you might be right about a future without posties😮 a hub with probably a water pump next to it😕I had no post yesterday either I think you are right about the PEIM starting already. All the vans are in Maidenhead already possibly filling up as we type....

    Oh yes I have a fabulous bruise upon my rear😦 Sleek was most impressed with that and took a photo and put it on Catbook the cheeky girl! She does indeed have a firm paw on me although I am allowed to volunteer at the foodbank if I promise to be careful.

    I know poor Paul his age is catching up with him now.

    It's cooler but so much calmer here today. Did I say I have ordered the algae stuff the consultant at A&E recommended,

    Take care Toady tea's in the pot

    boiled eggs for breakfast anyone?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,318
    edited 7. Feb 2024, 07:36

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps Indian river pic xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you for thinking about me

    Toady I’ve read you have to go to the post office to collect your post. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I sorry Paul (()) has got Arthritis now he has an idea how you feel. I had a phone call from sue her foot is alright now more visits up the hospital. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) take care

    Skinny Keef I hope you have a good day sorry about your migraine love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day

    Hello Milky Tea it’s nice to meet you

    take care
    joan xx