Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady and Joan and SK

    how are you all?

    Toni how is your eye today?

    remember to take it easy

    I am feeling better today 👍

    mum is ok at the moment 🙏

    sorry I need inject mxt now for various reasons


    bfn all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋

    Cold today, wasn't expecting it to be quite so nippy. Kettle on & custard creams. Lovely teacosy frog & so were the things in the breakfast eggs pic previous 😊. Very cheering. So glad to hear about the statins! great that you don't have to have them 👍️ one tablet less to take is brilliant in itself, all round it sounded like a really good appt. You are still being good though I'm sure and not taking on too much 🤨 well you are passing the time well at any rate, fancy toilet roll art (can't quite believe you did have a go of that 😄) and hummus making. I will say here & now I've never had it! - chickpeas, yes - so it will be a novelty! It has stopped raining so no damp cats today, & maybe you got a not-horrible walk in, hope so. And Kari well too. Sorry about the ferry nuisance, why has everyone but you got their times? 🤔 Oh my followup parcel story is that the paint was leaking & pooling into its bag, that's a bit of a bridge too far so have complained - made clear it's poor packaging not the driver - paint out of stock now so maybe they'll discount it me a bit or something if I keep it 🙄. Oh and I omitted to say that the local store going has taken my nearest soft plastics recycling point with it, so my beautiful new recycling bin system has also been derailed from the use it was bought for 🤷‍♀️. There is a pattern emerging here 😂 I am off to build a nuclear bunker as it would obviously be the ultimate deterrent 😂😂 (will take my plastics to the further away place where I don't go often, not quite the same though). Hope you have a good afternoon & good luck with your plasterer tomorrow 😬 and may all your paint pots not be leaky. :) xx

    Hello joan, yes it wasn't my week, even my paint delivery was leaking as well 🙄. My neighbour rang me mid-morning about the parcels, probably knowing I'm never up very early, I was very embarassed and cross that they had disturbed her, it was 3 biggish/heavy parcels 😳 she was fine about it but they should have put something a card for me I had no idea what they'd done. All quiet here so far only one spam phone call that's not bad going for me better not speak too soon 😬. Have a good afternoon it's quite bright at the moment 🌞 xx

    Hi bosh see you later, hope not too tired and mxt-y, and glad your mum is ok/had a better night🤞. Nothing interesting going on here but at least it's stopped raining it was a bit annoying in the night. Bye for now 👋

    Yes keef I was trying to lure you in to join in with today's moan, all a ploy, mwahaha 😉. I do feel sorry for delivery drivers (& customer helpline people) because a lot of the time they are getting the stick for stuff that comes from higher up the chain, but then again there are definitely drivers that could do better, yours mostly sound good I've got some ok ones too. Also in general drivers don't think about non-drivers, a lot take it so much for granted; I've occasionally planted the idea in people who live out of the way for example how they'd manage without a car, you can tell they've never given it any thought, & don't like the idea one bit. Public transport is for 'others' I think 🤨. Hope you have a good afternoon xx

    How are you getting on with replacing your tv and specs @Charlestown .. as they're varifocals do you need them for tv so is it pointless replacing one before the other 🤔😄. Have a good day :) x

    Hi @Jewels1973 high inflammation made me feel like grim death, fairly classic symptoms, I don't think I ever caught more stuff colds etc but I wasn't well enough to go anywhere so hard to say if I would have 🤷‍♀️. Hope you haven't got a touch of anything much at the moment I know it can be hard to pick apart what is an ME symptom etc. Not sure about tea I know some herb teas are meant to be anti-anflammatory, I will have to look it up myself 🤔. Nice tea tray thank you 😊. xx

    Love to anyone not in today xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 9. Feb 2024, 18:44

    Bit of a rubbish day today.

    my prescription request from last weekend was bounced. I have been on tram for 3 years. For at least the last year I have taken 6 a day almost everyday. Only sometimes do I drop down to 4. I only take it if I need it. It works out at 100 tablets every 2.5 weeks. No one at the surgery told me my prescription request had been denied. I am down to my last few tablets and Boots said sorry nothing from the docs. So I went to the surgery only to be told I am at least a week early in my request. Somehow they decided after 12 months that my prescription was monthly. I pointed out the maths and asked them to ring me when they’d sorted it out. They did ring (a minor miracle in itself) and i was told they will put it through this time but if I want to carry on with this medication more often than 100 pills a month I have to go in and see a doctor. Even 4 a day works out at 112 tabs a month. It has really rattled my cage today.

    It works so well for me taking tram. Reduces my pain, reduces my depression and sorts out my IBS. I know it’s a strong opioid but I don’t take it unless I need it, I don’t party with it. I wish I didn’t have to take it at all.

    So now I am thinking I meed to write in and put my case about how I’ve been treated and the fact that no one told me they’d bounced my request leaving me to get down to dangerously low level of meds at home before i go into withdrawal which is absolute hell. On the other hand I don’t want to bite the fingers that hold the pen that signs the prescription if you get what I mean. I don’t like the feeling I am being held at ransom to get my medication.

    and I still have a bad head even though I saw my osteo today for treatment.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    mum actually had low bs this morning again unfortunately, I think it was slightly better than yesterday morning but still not a good thing at all of course

    still she’s ok now and that’s the main thing👍

    I don’t think it helped that dad had an especially nasty row with her yesterday, you’re right if he were only 1% like nice M’s dad - oh well we all have our crosses and so on.

    lovely toilet tissue rose! Wow very impressive even though the material used for the artwork was not that “genteel” 😂

    i also liked the tea cosy

    im not too bad thanks post mxt how are you? Or do you have mxt after supper?

    I admit I had a sugary drink but not gluco - zade

    Big rich meal on Sunday 😱

    LA coming then too

    a bit volcanic around here really

    nice M was on strong meds on Wed unfortunately but she still asked if the nephew was coming the one who says “ where’s the cheese??” Lol

    Trying not to exacerbate some minor aches now so I’ll say bye for now

    evening SK and toady too of course

    have a nice evening everyone tc xx

    ps date & walnut cake xx

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    @frogmorton Thanks for being so open and honest with me. That’s good to know that you get not very well when you have a flare up and I’ve had thyroid checks all come back negative you are really helping me so a HUGE thanks from me..

    @dachshund I think it does doesn’t it hope you have a lovely weekend if you can.

    Waves 👋to everyone and I want to thank you ALL for being so brilliant answering my questions this week you’ve brought down my anxiety levels so a HUGE thanks for that ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 10. Feb 2024, 06:35

    Hi Joan yes no statins yet for me. Paul is doing ok ion his though with no issues. The new eye drops seem ok too not sure whether they'll stop the dry eyes or not but fingers crossed. Hope you and Sue are doing ok? It's actually not raining atm although it will later on I think ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    MTX on a Friday? Something delayed you this week. Hope you aren't feeling too rough then. I swear by taking it as late as possible so yes after supper then not long till bed and hopefully sleep off some of the effects.

    Your Mum too is she ok? Two days running I hope your Dad picking a fight with her didn't cause her to eat less than she needed to. Most Dads are lovely we just dropped a bit unlucky.

    At least nice M has him in spite of her other troubles. The poor thing on strong meds, but she is clearly still her checking in on LA and remembering him. I hope next week she will be a little better ((()))

    Thanks for asking they injured eye seems ok I can still see my flash of light but I'm getting used to it. Got new eye drops for my dry eyes too hoping they help at least with that.

    Aww I was going to ask when LA is coming to stay. So he will stay back with you on Sunday? You'll have a very entertaining few days ahead then! I eagerly await the stories😁

    I'm glad you liked the toilet tissue flower! I think I lost it a bit there doing that! maybe I can get a job as a chamber maid?🤭I did use a new roll fresh out of it's packet at least!

    Well you take care today rest as much as possible ready for the big meal and tiny tyrant visitor. ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you this delightful day?

    I'm glad you saw the osteopath this week when was that?

    Right your meds. Go along with it. See the Dr and get the right number on your repeat. See the nicets Dr there is at the practise you should only need to do it once all being well. Mine are monthly too so everything I get comes in boxes of 28's or some 30's.

    Last month I had to go without my nacsys and Lucy nearly had to go without an antiepileptic drug recently too. It's honestly quite scary this isn't it?

    There is a lot in the media about opioid meds which is negative, but only a GP can decide for you not reception. I hope you can get an appointment with a GP. You can do it Keef you can. Just explain calmly how it enables you to survive the pain if possible and, if you are happy to, maybe take Loanda with you for support. You are probably better off telling that GP how low you were with supplies and weren't warned it had been rejected.

    Personally i think they should have called you in rather than just rejecting it, but like you I don't like to rock the boat when they hold all the power.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Guess what? It absolutely chucked it down on me and Kari we got soaked but at least we fed the ducks and our beloved moorhens.

    Then my Windscreen wiper kept 'dislocating so i had to get out every third wipe to reattach when i went to see my friend. It rained up in Stoke too so no chance of walking the yorkies. Had to play squeaky pig instead with them.

    Somehow Sleek dodged the rain yesterday by being with you? Kari told me that Mabel told her all about her visit and that she, Mabel, loves Sleek very much. Sleek is trying to teach her to put her claws in and act like a lady🤭 Sleek?!!!

    I am behaving quite well so much so I made the hummus - you must try it it's yum - just dunk some carrot or cucumber in it or have it on a cracker. It's also so good for you a bit 'vegan' though maybe? The flower! I had to have a go I really did. I think it will have been a one-off though my artistic endeavours are rare.

    Oh no!

    they should at least discount. Is there enough left to do the job?

    Oh no not the end of the soft plastics recycling😣 what on earth can you do? I am gutted for you I take some of ours in the village for people without cars, but it is so much easier to collect at home and take it yourself. Maybe contact the council see if they have any ideas? Or else it's just take a large quantity to the far away shop less often😕

    May your paint pots not leak too and your plastics be recycled. A wonderful blessing for a Saturday morning!

    A quick hi to Julie and Charlestown if they happen by ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry the paint leaked I hope they do something about it for you. Yesterday I saw a post van at the end of our road I asked the lady if people have to go to collect their post she said no but the post is only going to be delivered every three days a week I hope that doesn’t make things too bad for you. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (())and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is your knee now (()) and your head.have a good day. Do you know the Pod is closing ( where you order your tablets) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) have a good day

    Skinny Keef (()) yes I understand about your tablets. I hope they get it sorted for you. love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) It’s only people who have Arthritis know what it’s like. It helps talking about it. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK C etc

    👋Toni how is you eye today?

    mums bs ok today 👍👍

    yes mxt was delayed due to dentist aftermath but should be back to normal next week

    im ok thanks how are you?

    biryani and desert at home tomorrow 🤢

    Yes LA here 11 - 14 👍

    I need to shower before volcanoes explode

    👋 SK how are you? Sorry about your med problems, I would just politely point out to doc or pharmacist what’s happened- it’s not your fault

    ok more later everyone bye tc xx

    ps blueberry panna cotta I think - mama Mia! lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋

    Nice bit of sun today, certainly welcome 🌞 definitely the misty start they forecast though. So sorry you had that deluge frog 😕🌧️ and a dodgy windscreen wiper; has that been taken away & 'dealt with' or can it be fixed in situ. Poor yorkies I would opt for an indoor game of squeaky pig over a wet walk, anyday, in fact it sounds fun full stop 😄. Have had a not unproductive day better than yesterday. Finished my bedside cupboard, bit of garage sorting, got in the garden for a min, paint prep nearly done. Yes there will be plenty paint & as I already had to wait for it to be in stock I don't want to wait for a replacement, a little refund would be nice🤞. I will take my recycling to the further store; it's not miles away or anything, just makes a bit of difference, a less good route as well. Can't believe how many recycling points I've lost recently you wouldn't think they'd be getting less would you 🙄. Anyway mustn't grumble says me 😉, well I am going to try to do a bit less of it, because apart from anything it's a yardstick for how narrow life becomes if you're not careful (letting mundane grown-up grumbles take on too much focus, stuff about the bins/poor bus services/ lack of post offices - that's your parents' business not us young things! 😄). If I moan too much get Mabel to pop her claws back out & give me a little 'reminder' 😸. One good thing, I found an online shop for something I wanted to buy at the closed-down shop, some bamboo-based things, sort of picnicware really but I want them for indoors, I was pleased to get those (& a few bulbs 😉🌷). Did you happen to see Monty last night, & the chap with the plant-filled house/flat in London, talk about er rarefied..! How the other half live. Hope the new eye drops are good, do you expect the 'flash' to noticeably improve, or gradually? How are family at the mo, your bro &c, how is Tia's business? What's the position with the family get-together? Love to all & have a good Sunday 😊 xx

    Hello joan, well fewer post deliveries would affect me in the sense that when I've ordered something online I'm terribly impatient about waiting, ask Toni, so it will be even worse 😬 but for sending it depends on collections, often the same postie that brings things takes my parcels away so if they aren't delivering will they not pick up either 🤔 that won't help. I suppose would have to use other services then like it or not 🤷‍♀️. I will tell you about the paint when the automatic customer service robot or whatever gets around to answering the email 😄. Hope you had a nice Saturday, it has been quite sunny really, have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hi bosh, good luck for EF tomorrow 👍️ and hope your mum is ok sorry she's had a couple of low bs episodes this week. Hope EF all well, how sweet for nice M to mention LA and where's the cheese. Hope the 'menu' is not too bad for you tomorrow oracle-wise I suppose it's slightly better than going out to eat.. maybe.. cream crackers and weak tea available here if required. I got a few things done today but I should have had a walk as well. Maybe it will not rain for 5 mins over the next few days. See you later if in again 👋 :) xx

    Sorry about your meds SK I know what a loop it threw me just to have the wrong brand, which was more of a storm in a teacup; it's just what you don't need, especially when you're not expecting it. I hope you can speak to someone sensible about it but either way they should have tipped you off, that's not well handled at all 🙄. I get mine through an online service which means at least I always know what stage my prescription is at, being checked being packed etc, might be a thought? Hope family well at the moment and your mum ofc 🤞xx

    Glad you are feeling a little less stressed about things Julie 👍️😊 xx

    Hi to Charlestown, MilkyTea and anyone passing 👋 have a good Sunday xx

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    @toady Im so sorry I didn’t see your comment about raised inflammation makes you feel ill and it is hard to work out what is my ME and what’s inflammation let’s hope they can decide at my appt. I know for certain over the last 2 years I’ve felt a lot more rough in myself and that sort of coincides when I thought I had broken my wrists 2 years ago when I started on this journey of oh god every joint hurts. I just woke up one morning and was in enormous pain and it’s just been the same if not worse since then. Let’s hope the doctors work it out.

    Thanks everso much for being brilliant in answering my questions and lord of love to everyone ♥️♥️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Toni

    sorry for late entry

    how are you this night?

    it’s been a very busy day

    yes nice that nice M remembers LA and yes hopefully she’ll be better next time

    I’ve been helping mum a lot today

    big rows going on in the house

    BR said in his drama club that he likes eating and going to Portugal lol

    I hope the eye drops help

    👋 Toni

    How are you?

    weak tea is always welcome thanks 🙏

    glad you enjoyed the sun xx

    👋 C

    how are you doing today?

    sorry everyone I’m going to attempt an early night, I’m very much dairy - free crackered, as it were 😂

    good night all including SK , tc xx

    ps Mardi Gras in New Orleans 13 Feb, toady is buying the tickets apparently lol xx

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Joan How are you and Sue? thank you I am doing very well doing my physio exercises as prescribed for my knee. The new eye drops have really improved my dry eyes! I hadn't heard that the POD is closing but I get my meds direct from the pharmacy what will you do? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you feel up to EF visiting and LA staying today? and your Mum's bs is good too.

    I expect your Mum really appreciated the help yesterday getting ready for it all and especially appreciated the support if BB was starting HV 🌋 again🙄 What time are you expecting them all? Selfishly i am looking forwad to them coming for all the cute and funny nephew stories! BR like Portugal? I think so, but absolutely not chicken!

    I do hope nice M will be much better this week bless her if she was on new meds it sounds as though someone is trying to help her at least.

    Thanks for asking i am feeling fine again it will be 6-8 weeks before the eye is healed, but one week has already gone hasn't it? So that's good.

    We had a book and jigsaw sale in the Church yesterday raising money for the loo to be put in there. I bought 6 books and two puzzles. Kari came over and must have bought about 12 books!

    Have a good day and try to look after yourself a little bit if you can ((()))

    Thanks Charlestown my eye is recovering slowly. I hope you are doing ok?

    It was colder you are right, but we saw some sunshine too so that's good. I only went over the road (literally) to the Church to the book and jigsaw sale

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Skinny K how are you doing? I am a tiny bit worried but thinking maybe you were busy with the family and perhaps needed to visit your Mum yesterday at the nursing home too. I am leaving you some extra ((())) and a cuppa

    Hope Sucré and Loanda are well ((()))

    Morning Julie we all look after each other in the café Very supportive.

    How are you doing today? Yes I think it is the inflammation which wipes us out. The wrists that must go on your list to tell the rheumatologist. I hope you've started your list ready? We will all go with you in spirit at least.

    Have a good Sunday ((()))

    Morning Toady!

    Thanks for taking us all to Mardi gras! I am so excited 😊

    How are you today? You never say you just keep on plodding along.

    I am very happy for the first time since Harry and Meghan married my eyes are not running all day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hylo eye drops I love my GP😁

    Next time i see the dogs (Friday) I will take a pic of squeaky Pig for you. I bought it for them it makes a great proper Piggy snorting sound. You'd love it! The sun was out a lot today so much so that I even saw some flies outside. Normal in this lovely smelly farming village.

    We have also lost a lot of recycling points here too, but while I drive (wiper seems to be fixed thanks c/o Paul) I will keep doing mine when I am out anyway. Our refill Eco shop recycles loads i love going there I can recycle rubber gloves, toothpaste tubes (though I use a glass jar - carefully!), tetra packs, almost 'you name it they recycle it'. It is driving distance though.

    We also had sun yesterday wasn't it fabulous?! But Kari was here for the Church book and jigsaw sale so we didn't get out Mabel told her she'd been to yours did I say? Am I repeating myself like those who complain about bus stops, post office closures and their bowels? Not us the 'older' generation 😥 I do hope we keep our posties at least for our lifetimes.

    I have a bit of bamboo stuff too Sleeks bowls are - she has just read this over my shoulder as usual and has put one in her rucksack for later. She is scooping Mabel up to bring over again her nails are pretty sharp so beware!

    Bedside cabinet painted! Go you. I hope the 'bot' refunds you some money did you send a pic with the email?

    I have recorded Monty - was it a posh house then? Eye roll....

    Take care and here's to a nice day for both of us 😊

    and a pot of tea!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    hi Toni

    how are you?

    EF are landing at about 11.30 am xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) how is your internet. I hope you have a good day. We must cover the map everyone on here all the different places we live.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s good your eye drops are working well. In our local paper a kitten is going to hydrotherapy before he has two new hips. It’s one of those stories you can’t read unless you buy the paper. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your mum is well (()) have a good day keep smiling

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope everything is alright there. Take care love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I hope things are all right for you today.

    Charleston (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Morning all 😊

    One of my rare attempts to get on & get ahead of myself 😂 frog I have reverted to long posts & small print, what am I thinking 😳 do let me know if bold helps! So glad the eye drops are great what a difference these things make 😀. I am ok thanks I am much too superstitious to ever be more precise than that 😱 if I'm posting & doing usual stuff then assume I'm alright give or take 😉. I didn't paint the bedside cabinet I just put it together but I did add a nifty little extra shelf. I have however bought a pot of paint with a view to painting a double wardrobe.. 😬 I may regret this but it's nothing I can really spoil & probably won't even be staying long term, what's the worst that can happen. Yes I sent them a pic of the leaky paint 👍️. Glad you had a good church sale (I love them 😍), how far away a prospect is the loo now? Sleek & Mabel are here we will be having twelveses in a min, quite sunshiney here 😊 I have lots of tulips coming up I hadn't noticed, they will really have enjoyed all this rain 😕 shan't expect miracles of them, I should have sheltered them really. Yes will be interested to hear what you think of the Monty ep shan't say any more (apart from, far too much work for me! 😮). Look out for a lovely bit with Monty & a bench & some potted shrubs (drool). Oh repeating oneself is acceptable 😄, I just personally need to shift my focus to a slightly different more fun less workaday outlook I think. The covid & going out less has not had the best effect you're bound to get a bit stale & 'small world' ish. Have a lovely Sunday afternoon & enjoy the mardi gras tomorrow, it was nice of me to surprise us all, I was quite surprised myself 😂. xx

    Hello joan, hope you are having a nice Sunday 😊. The internet is behaving itself well at the moment 👍️ hopefully shouldn't have too many problems there is no awful weather up ahead at the moment. Is there anything coming up in your garden I think you have tulips in your raised beds? Love to Sue and the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh hope all is going well now the EF will have disembarked now 😬 probably see you later on for a 2nd visit 👋 :) xx

    @Charlestown Sorry about the tv is it bigger or smaller than you meant or just wrong in some other way. I'd probably still have a non digital set if they hadn't turned the analogue off 😂 mine is fairly basic & even then I don't know all its functions. Sorry you are having possibly meds related problems, if its hydroxychloroquine it's possible it's brand related 🤔 not sure if we can name names but I did wonder if you've had a different brand lately or always have the same one (often chemists just give you what they've got, usually the cheapest 🤨). Everyone's different but some brands do seem to crop up on complaints about side effects more than others. Hope you get it sorted. I've finished prepping my wall so I'll start painting when I get up the energy and when I hear back about the leaky pot of paint I got sent, don't like to open it until it's officially mine in case they want it sent back or something.

    Hi to SK, MilkyTea, Julie and anyone who drops in 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    How are you?

    ive got biryani and cheesecake lying heavy in my stomach already 🤢

    Also kiddies’ film at the cinema and another unforgiving meal tomorrow probably Italian or even McDs oh dear

    EF landed a bit later than expected thank goodness, so I could at least walk and rest 👍

    nice cat tea cosy

    mums bs was a bit low today my dad said but not as low as recently- she didn’t want to talk about it to me, but that’s understandable she was stressed about cooking for EF etc

    LA said he had a nightmare where he was on the train eating some raisin - bread and a new boy at school- name unknown- stole and devoured the aforementioned snack! Outrageous behaviour indeed - I would have woken up in a cold sweat lol.

    BR did a fantastic impression of BB saying the Bengali version of “oh dear!” but in an exaggerated version with arms swaying about in an appropriately clownish manner, possibly one of the “you had to be there” type funny moments but we were in hysterics, even my sister- who is a fairly humourless individual.

    BR also said - or tried to say - that he’s been bitten once too often - and that ETB has fallen out of favour! Good attitude, but wait a minute, so has Celeste! New best friend is Aidan, but he’s far too young to have a potentially “macho daddo LA” attitude to little female friends surely? Ah well, maybe a new female friend will soon appear centre stage Andromeda / Gemini or some other constellation I guess haha.

    Yes you’re right about BR - he may become a fish eating gourmet- such a gourmet that only fresh Mediterranean fish in Portugal will suffice for lunch - or even breakfast lol - fish porridge - how distinctly ookey 😱

    I’m glad the church sale went well and that your eye will be better in 6 -8 weeks and of course that your retina wasn’t fully detached like my dads was that time, i shouldn’t say it, but an you imagine how difficult he was to live with then? I’d take him for small walks and kept telling him where to stand in the shop so no one bumped into him, but would he listen? Would Riley pass up the opportunity to lick a birthday cake? 🎂That Big Babu - in a league of his own - I’m sure you’ll deal with the eye problem with good grace and patience and as you said it’s not that long really - I’ve stood in the queue at the chemist’s for longer just to purchase my teatime snacks of “Ibuprofen Salted - Low Sodium Version” 🤗

    bfn tc Toni xx

    ps purple sweet potato buttermilk biscuits xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    so you’re afraid of “jinxing” things then? Well I can’t say I blame you lol.

    im not too bad thanks 🙏

    pretty tired but it’s relatively late for non - nocturnal types

    I’ve been progressing with the Balzac slower than the most beautiful of snails, as LA might put it, but I came across a character in the book, a gentleman from Alsace - Lorraine, who spoke heavily accented French and was mocked by the others for it, I found this quite interesting- what if Lorenzo’s granny comes to stay and says, “ LA, you call this an Italian accent?!” What will become the next “langage de la mode” Oh sorry, wrong language lol, maybe Portuguese? The plot it most definitely thickens- as long as it doesn’t become to lumpy like an inexpertly made cinnamon porridge.

    I was just called on for a shift of emergency storytelling which was rather demanding so have a good night tc xx

    👋Charlestown I’m ok thanks, there’s always rowing in my home unfortunately. My 5 year old nephew has come to stay for a few days and is already being naughty lol, how are you?

    👋 Joan mum is not too bad at the moment thanks, how are you both tonight?

    👋 SK how has your day been?

    have a good night everyone tc xx

    ps toady getting ready for her nocturnal postbox walk lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'night all, 'night bosh 👋 may the gastric oracle be kind to you in your hour of need & for tomorrow's meal, and may St Blaise too, the patron saint of storytelling (according to some) - also of wool combers, and throat ailments and a few other things. Lived in a cave and was kind to all animals✌️not that you are obligated to accept the protection of catholic saints any more than I am, but it's the thought that counts. Another thing I just read was this quote from Einstein: "if you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales". So there we are I'm sure that includes whatever the littleys current favourites are. Oh yes a definite believer in the jinxing of things 😬 of some things, not classic superstitiousness though, black cats all welcome 😊 black bats too. More chat tomorrow also a bit tired tonight so ought to stop googling things and go to bed 👋 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi all. Yes Toni, went on bike to see mum Friday afternoon. Met up with my sister and she got to see Sucré.

    Sucré’s cold is a lot worse. He hasn’t been up to much today. Very sorry for himself. Very teary and miserable. I dosed him up with calpol and also ibuprofen as the paracetamol on its own wasn’t enough. Loanda has stayed here and not gone off to work he is so bad. Although he wants me all the time and even sat on my lap at the dinner table which I never allow. He needed pampering though poor little guy.

    so didn’t really get chance to post on here so sorry for that.

    i feel a bit weird at the moment. Just really grumpy and agro, like I wanna scream. Have no idea why, unless it’s just that I am fed up with the pain.

    don’t worry if I go awol Toni. How is the eye healing. All good I hope.

    laters everyone.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Joan a kitten in the pool! Tia would love that. She has one regular cat ATM but had one before him too both for their health. Some go in just for the fun of it the dogs or because they are overweight. I hope you have a good day both you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K Don't you be worrying about me I'm fine I'll say if I'm not. Thanks the eye is hopefully quietly healing I am just avoiding driving in the dark for now.

    Just look after yourselves and especially little Sucré😕 He's clearly caught a nasty virus this time the poor boy! Yes sit him on your lap if he needs it. He is probably so ill he won't expect it all the time.

    It won't be easy for you with you struggling yourself, but it may just take the edge off your pain like most parents when their child is ill you sort of cope somehow. When Lucy was in hospital for 10 months I slept on a pull out next to her for 10 months solid Paul did one night for me that's all she wanted me.

    When he is a little better you need to see your GP to get your prescription adjusted I suggest you take Loanda with you for support.

    Glad you saw your Mum and sister too I knew you would. Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum today? I wonder if the stress of EF coming with all the preparations can affect her bs?🤔

    Well done getting your walk in that's good I bet you didn't think you'd manage that yesterday.

    Thanks for asking about my eye gosh you made me laugh about standing in the queue at Loots for longer than 6-8 weeks waiting for your low sodium ibuprofen😂 I am of course taking the eye issue with good grace and would ahve if the retina had torn or been detached unlike Big B honestly that must have been a real challenge.🙄

    Oh dear too much food yesterday and the cinema plus another meal your poor stomach is not used to today! Ouch😣poor you I hope that it's at least early enough to digest. Paul often goes for the fillet of fish if he has to eat and Maccies.

    OMG! BR is such a brave boy! Imagine him doing an impersonation of BB and getting away with it! Brilliant i bet you wish you'd filmed it. I wasn't there but am smiling at the thought. Knowing the personalities involved like I feel I do. He is right to dump ELB enough biting Ellie! She needs to learn to stop it. Celeste though is also history and his new bestie is called Aidan? Let's hope Aidan is a nice boy and worthy of BR's friendship.

    Poor LA what a terrifying dream for a small boy who so loves his food. How long is he staying for now? I bet he loves being the centre of attention.

    Do you think LA would like some purple biccies?

    Take care and don't fall asleep in the cinema. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady I am glad to hear you are usually pretty much ok if nothing is said. I will assume as much and not tempt fate either. All is well here too I love the bold writing I bet everyone does, but can manage with normal to be honest so don't be worrying about me. Kari is coming over for a bike ride later if the weather keeps nice which it should. Probably actually good for that knee.

    How lovely some tulips popping up wow! I saw some blossom yesterday when Paul and I were out in the van Kari and I saw catkins a good week or so back. We are getting there. I do need this knee to stop being a pain so i can crack on in the garden if the weather is going to improve🙄

    Painting a whole wardrobe? Get you! What gave me the idea you had painted the cabinet though😳 us all talking about painting maybe...? An extra little shelf in it though was a very good idea.

    As far as the loo and little kitchen in the Church goes we are a long long way off really but we have enough money for moving the organ and the font. That frees up the area which has access for water. A huge amount of money is needed unfortunately, but then the Church will become a useable space for other activities for the community like book clubs, knitting in groups and the like. The sale was fun as usual. Always a bit mad with the personalities involved.

    Well the mardi gras was fun wasn't it? I rather thought it surprised even you!

    did you like my outfit.

    The 'girls' Sleek and Mabel will be over later I think they are hoping to help with painting tasks😦?

    Have a good day!

    Love to Julie and Charlestown if they happen by.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day painting the wardrobe or anything else you think needs doing.we have sun today

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) sorry about your knee when do you start the physio. When you cried was it for the love of Meghan or not. She likes her own way. I remember those days you slept by Lucy’s bed when she had cancer (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good time at the cinema. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) poor Sucr’e (()) I hope he soon feels better. Love to Loanda (())

    Love to Julie and Charlestown and milky tea.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady SK C and Joan

    How are you all?

    mums ok 👍

    look at all these lady babies having a party -but where is LA? He’s in McDs - again!!

    Im ok but I need to have a shower bfn tc xx