Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    kettles on, early tonight, making up for Toady being late, maybe. Anyway pain woke me up so I’ve made tea, I think we need a coffee machine too.

    oh this just in - I have no headache, I know, amazing right? Almost tempted to stay up and make the most of it.

    and before I forget. My new stool for bunker arrived yesterday. Box was very battered about and the vinyl on the backrest was torn No way I can carry it to post office to return it so awaiting their resolution idea. It is a superb item though. Very comfy and plush. I have already got some use out of it. It spins so i am open to any suggestions as to how I keep Hooli off it.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 28. Feb 2024, 05:53

    Morning Joan I was glad to see two posts from you I see yours didn't 'send' the other day happens a lot. Thanks for asking my knee is the same pretty much but ok and I am getting used to my eye. Hope Jaki's friend is doing ok hopefully not in pain if her hips is done. We haven't really had sunshine for a few days Have you? ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K How are you this morning?

    I see the headache is all better! have a decaff

    21 degrees in the bunker?!😮 move over I'm coming in!

    Maybe you have to tell Hooli that the chair is Daddad's special chair for his back? Or sit in it yourself super quick and get him a little chair of his own to keep in there. Not a spinny one rather one with a fave TV character on it?

    Take care Keef don't overdo it now you feel better.

    Morning Reshmi

    Your mum did the right thing going to the Drs and getting checked out. Hopefully her chest will improve now quickly.

    You are doing well though coping with the virus probably because you are younger and more active.

    Two buses to the hospital? that is a fair way then. I think I'd take a lift if it's available🤔 even if it is with a grumpy Big B.

    Thanks for the matcha pound cake it's lovely and just the right size to take out of my lap top screen and into my mouth!

    That Lorenzo worries me. Punching people is not really a sign of affection is it? Rather a sign of a slightly bullyish and controlling nature. I bet your sister isn't happy about him being friends with LA.

    Hair is cut I can see again so no need to tie it back for a few weeks. I survived wish it wasn't next door to a maccies though. I did control myself but the temptation was there for sure to grab a Mcplant....

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Who had an exceptionally busy day yesterday.

    I do apologise Sleek has added a great deal to your al fresco order. She reckons she's paid for it out of her catbay money. Is she making profits already?🤔

    I got out of the hairdressers with only community service (now called payback is it?) and 'on-tag' until my next appt which is booked for sometime in May I think. It's in my phone I will be reminded.

    It was another grotty day here too cold to venture out and it rained yes it rained here. Just as I came out of the hairdresser's 🙄

    Have undone my crochet back to the mistake and moving forwards now quite well.

    Take care and I hope your shopping (and Sleek's) is all present and correct.

    A quick wave 👋 to Charlestown I hope all is well with you and you have your results from the Drs now? Sending some ((())) and hopes for a good day.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I should have stayed up, headache is back ☹️ obviously pinched the nerve again whilst asleep. I was listening to Owain on R2 as well which I often do, so I didnt fall back asleep, but I obviously did.

    i often text in and have had several mentions on his show including this morning. I know, I am SO vein and all that lol. I don’t think many people tune in as its the early show so he is desperate for stuff to read out ha ha.

    Head is starting to clear now I am sitting up, hopefully I be out in bunker in a bit.

    hope everyone is okay. The weather forecast is teasing me, it keeps changing but I am certain the nice weather is now only a few days away. No frosts and only the odd shower once the few days of rain is gone that we have to endure first. I be dusting off the aircon soon.

    okay I am rambling now. So i will shut up and wppl 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes it’s nice to dream about a place you would like to move to. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (())Jaki hasn’t said anything about her friend today.or her Dad. have a good day. It will be nice to have some sun. I hope everyone is well (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum (()) has a virus i hope she soon feels a bit better (()) you take care (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I’m sorry you have a headache do you think it’s a tension headache. Your chair sounds just right you could say to Sucr’e (()) when you are older you can sit in this chair. Love to Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope all is well there.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'Morning all, thought I'd better pop in for elevenses while the going's good 😬 made a late sale last night so my list of things to do has topped up again. Probably be a 2-part post day.

    Thank you for the v. welcome early tea frog 👋 I slept ok, at least; shopping got done and I will let you know if Sleek's page (pages!) of additions are all there 😄. Tbh she's doing well to find enough things worth buying in the supermarket in question, I am finding them a bit uninspiring these days. Hope she has not bought too many tins, unless they have ringpulls, I still have no tin-opener 😂.Yes she does seem to have got 'the touch' when it comes to selling! I think she has picked up a few things from me, mainly the 'how not to's' 😁 .She is stamping her parcels with a rather nice paw-print, have you seen, not sure if it is her own or a custom stamp from Kari, must check her paws for ink 🤔. Glad you were let out of the HDs on licence, but oh why rain on you that minute 🙄. Hope you didn't have to go tooo far back with the crochet, it's always so sad 😪, glad it's coming back together. Poor bloke on the pottery programme dropped his pot last night 😱 I really felt it! Hope it doesn't drizzle all day and we can get outdoors, have been looking at spuds.. Home Guard & Rocket are on my shortlist.. (did you know Tomcats & Morgan and Van Mewing are part of the same firm? I didn't. Whatever happened to competition 🙄). Have a good day, I will be back later with coffee & walnut cake - that's my side of the list & I don't care who knows it 😄. Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you are Sue are having a good morning. I have not even been out with the bird's food yet, I will report back if I see anything interesting. Bit damp looking, hope you have a little bit of sun :) xx

    👋 SK bosh & everyone, back later for part deux, hold that thought 😊 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Both nifnan and Loanda are ill in bed. So guess who is sitting watching tv with Sucré??

    Good job my head not too bad.

    i broke the no tv before 4pm rule but it doesn’t matter coz i am in charge atm so we can do whatever we want. Might go skateboarding down the High Street next.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK and C

    how are you all?

    mum is ok- ish thanks

    I went to group

    it was ok thanks

    I’ve still got the virus but it’s getting better thanks

    LA danced with 2 boys in the school dance, the teacher couldn’t convince him that the whole idea was to dance with girls not fellow mafia members haha

    BR had a nightmare that the angry fox was going to eat him, but LA said it only consumes jelly babies

    or something like that anyway lol

    👋hi SK can I join you and your son in skateboarding along the high street please? Lol.

    bye for now all tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Yes Reshmi, you would be very welcome. I have a spare longboard you can use. The hill is quite steep so be warned 😁

    I used to go out there on a Sunday morning and carve big sweeping turns all the way from the top of the hill. Not quite the same as the mountain roads in Spain though ☹️

    but then again I don’t need any more scars.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I don’t understand the jars - sorry.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi SK

    I will practice my skateboarding skills thanks lol 👍

    the jars image was just something I found on Pinterest- a lot of people these days, especially young people - though of course not all of them- like to say “ It’s a social construct”, like a kind of trendy meaningless statement, but they say it about everything, for example, coffee, supermarkets, even arthritic pain, so it was a kind of sarcastic image, thanks.

    ps St David’s Day in 2 days time, hence the following image x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Dachshund how are you?

    No it’s not a tension headache. It is due to compression of stuff that shouldn’t be compressed in my neck due to bone erosion and spur growth. It’s all mechanical according to my osteo.

    It’s clear at the moment thankfully.

    Sucré just off to bed so i am going to bunker for a bit.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 28. Feb 2024, 21:31

    Hi folks.. famous last words, I was called to the packaging corner again 😬 the nosegayer who asked a question bought their item and I acquired another customer from somewhere on top of the one from last night. Don't these people realize I have other things to do 😂 bit of a coincidence that Sleek has set up shop, either her influence is rubbing off on me instead of the other way around, or she is logging into my shop and running promotions or offering free gifts 😱😂. And it was my day for injecting, it's all go. Oh well first parcel was easy and is ready for the off tomorrow - it was an item of my Dad's and is going to a nice buyer & good home, always very nice when that happens.

    Anyway apologies all no way can do justice to a proper part 2 reply but IOU, and (hopefully!) back tomorrow.

    Love to bosh, & your mum, hope EF and all littleys are well (boys only dancing with girls is a social construct - puts 5p in the jar 🤐). Glad you got to group and it was ok and I hope the last remnants of virus clear up asap. Look forward to a proper chat sooooon 👋 :) xx

    Sorry family are under the weather SK, wish you a good night & a better head (well it seemed to work last night 😬), cool about the phone-in mentions 😊 are you thinking of bidding on Clapton's Rolex or any of the auction items btw (not the letters, not keen on that sort of thing, me 🤨). Take care tea anytime :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, I’d take one of his guitars off his hands, you know, if it was in his way and he asked me nicely. I don’t wear a watch, haven’t done for years. Mind you I already have two of his guitars, although not via him, one of which is in my avatar photo. I don’t seem to be playing guitar too much atm, it’s all bass bass bass. Recovered all the stuff I had forgotten and learnt some new funk stuff and classic motown and soul and even a bit of disco. It all gets the fingers moving and a groovin’! Love it so much, it makes me so happy, more than anything in the world. I love music.

    good luck with the nosegay parcels. I think Sleek is probably a bad influence. I had heard that from a third party, but I am not at liberty to divulge my source.

    off to bed.

    night everyone. Laters….

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady SK C and Joan

    how are you all doing tonight?

    it was indeed a busy day for me today

    I managed to get out a bit earlier than usual so less crowded in the town centre, I got things done etc thanks 🙏

    mum is ok bs - wise 👍

    the virus is bothering her though but she’s taking antibiotics, so hopefully will feel better soon

    I went to the group but I was too early to see Nice M Unfortunately still it was good to get there early and not waste half the day sneaking around adjusting the thermostat and getting caught in the town centre traffic of course

    A friend got in touch recently, he had some distressing news regarding his family, but I’ve decided not to get too involved because I don’t want to upset myself about someone I don’t know extremely well even though that was a hard decision for me because I do instinctively like to help people, but I think I made the right decision in this case because no one can get involved and everybody and his auntie’s lives, it would drive them completely cream crackers to put it in one way lol.

    Hi Toni I’m glad the haircut wasn’t too traumatic 👍

    👋 toady I agree with your opinions on boys dancing with girls and so on but the funny thing was at one point LA was dancing with two boys, It looked very funny indeed lol

    Also, I think he was dressed for Saint David’s day a bit too early with a daffodil pinned to his shirt, to be honest, he looked so smart and imposing, I thought, maybe he was a Member of Parliament, who also perhaps represented the Swansea constituency 😂, at least he hasn’t set fire to the H o P yet 👍

    I read in the time of Balzac that the lady babies of certain Parisian circles were tremendous social climbers and some would eventually achieve the status of owning 160 pieces of Lego, or whatever passed for Lego in the Faubourg Saint - Germain in that era, ok that may not be as factual as a cheese sandwich, let’s just call it a piece of bread with some cheese powder, or maybe even RR’s dandruff- I couldn’t possibly comment.

    ok good night everyone take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan How are you today? and Sue? Is she doing ok? Does Jaki come most days to Sue then? Nothing much doing here although I did dodge the best kept Village meeting last night. I really didn't want to go I wanted to watch coronation street then it wasn't on🙄 Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you? Headache eased off I hope and not yet caught the cold everyone else seems to have.

    Of course your boy can watch TV before 4 on exceptional days like yesterday no worries all parents do it even those who pretend to be perfect. You get a (caffeinated) coffee

    Do I take it Mabel has your telephone number? Hmmmm? She

    is telling tales about Sleek? I rather think so😁

    I don't have a watch but do have my Fitbit. I cleaned out the fish tank yesterday and put it in my pocket and guessed it.....went for a wee and it fell down the lav🙄 Still washed it quickly and it seems to have survived somehow! Lucky me.

    We used to have a caravan at Devon Cliffs when the kids were little and we had a fabulous slope we used to scooter down I loved it! Happy days eh?

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum today? I hope the ABs are starting to help her.

    Very wise not to get too involved in people's troubles I agree. You listened that was enough I'm sure that helped him a lot. Sometimes you can wear yourself out supporting other people and end up exhausted yourself.

    Sorry you missed nice M at the group, but well done for going and going early too that's good. Was RR there? I haven't heard any RR tales for a good while. It's foodbank morning for me on a Wednesday so I was also out. Does us both good doesn't it? Just seeing other people.

    You have got it sussed. LA is now a budding MP as well as Dentist, Nutritionist, Taxi driver etc etc....

    The 'Being British' poster made me laugh thanks for that, but the pic in the supermarket was brilliant😂

    Take care

    Morning Toady

    Hope you got your jab done? I had my bloods yesterday the usual ones and the foodbank which was good as it usually is.

    Sleek is doing well isn't she? Don't worry the stamp is one Kari made for her from her very own paw too so no chance of paw prints on your furniture. Her descriptions says 'From a smoke and dog free house' She mostly sells to other Felines as you know so that works well.

    She seems quite confidant that she'll get everything she needs from the shopping yesterday hope she's right. Sleek can always find something to eat.

    I think undoing two rows of crochet is nowhere near as bad as dropping a whole pot😣 the poor man. Still I am doing ok again now moving forwards.

    I had no idea about Tomcats and Morgan and Van Mewing were one and the same. Makes sense now though their prices are so similar. Two days time my tom seeds are going in. Yesterday I bathed some plant leaves and gave the fish a water change.

    Today I'd better get outside!

    Take care Toady and enjoy your cake😋

    A quick 👋 to Charlestown I hope all is ok with you? ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we have rain today and tomorrow. I hope you have a good day with not too many problems. That’s good you had everything you wanted in your delivery.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Jaki comes most mornings I asked her how her Dad was she said coping with the chemo effects. That’s good your watch survived Sue’s phone fell in a glass of coke the phone died. How is Mable now. Yes we were waiting to see Corrie. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you listen. to other people but would they listen if you wanted to say something to them. Love to your mum (()) I hope she feels a bit better today (())

    Skinny Keef (()) sorry about your neck problems (()) I know you go somewhere is it like osteo for a help. Is that the cause of the headaches. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Love to Charleston (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. Feb 2024, 12:35

    Hi all 👋

    Saved a draft post this morning on mobile which now appears not to have saved 😔 this may have to be the edited highlights 😕.

    Happy Leap Day everyone.

    ..have you seen Google frog 😀? One parcel gone 2 to go, thanks. All shopping there, I was the first slot on list, so jab done in good time & kettle on ☕️. I will be getting on with my packing in good time today so Sleek can borrow any of my stuff if needed 👍️ dog free home, oh most important, imagine the feedback some cats must get.. 'arrived smelling of Great Dane, went straight in the bin, never again!' 😱😄. Sorry about Corrie for you yesterday, football I assume 🙄. Hope the fitbit is still ok & not giving any odd readings today 😄. It was bright for a little while there this morning, hope to get in the garden for a while. Yes not just the firms I mentioned that are all under the same umbrella, there are others too 🙄 it's as bad as going to B&Q, and all the 'marketplace' stuff - you don't go to places just to see the same things as everywhere else. I did see a useful idea whilst browsing though, snail collars - probably have seen them - not little collars and leads to tame them & draw them away from your plants 🐌😂 circular plant surrounds with an angled overhanging lip. I'd seen lipped planters and raised beds but not these. May work may not, worth a go for me when the time comes. 2 days' time for tom seeds, right, I will try and keep up 😊👍️. Have a good day, how long til little Mabel's collar can come off? :) xx

    Hello joan, love to you & Sue, dry here so far🤞 but yes there's never more than one day until the next forecast of a dribble of rain is there, a dry run of a few days together would be so nice. Have a good Friday & hope it's dry at least if you want to go out :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh 2 little boys at the same time, I see, very funny 😄 I like. I expect LA is in hiding today in case of all those Leap Year proposals from lady babies 😱 even if they are prepared to open joint lego accounts. After all he has half of yours already, for nefarious purposes, should be enough to be going on with. Although wasn't there a (modern-day) French lady baby? May have connections in the continental cheeses line, that might be an offer he couldn't refuse - yes definitely better to stay indoors and work on his ministerial portfolio 😄. Glad going to group early worked well mostly, always nice to get an early start on things I think. And you got some things done 😊. Hope your mum is doing well, sorry she has to keep on with the antib's to the bitter end (they can be jolly bitter too, ugh, hope she has some not nasty tasting sort ones). Have a good day :) xx

    Glad you are v much enjoying your music SK 😊 yes surely EC must have any amount of guitars just cluttering up the place, who better to pass them on to. Hmm there is cat gossip doing the rounds is there, my ears aren't burning I hope 😳 probably there are tales of me being derogatory about buyers when I think no-one can hear me 😄. Well there are some very odd people, sellers too, I once bought something with a piece missing and they made up a long tale claiming to have found it & would send it on - I knew very well they had had to buy it themselves off ebay (so I wouldn't return the whole item I suppose) 🤥. Thanking them with a straight face was hilarious. Sorry about the damage to the chair, can't have been brilliant packaging 🙄 hope you get it sorted. Best wishes to family :) xx

    Hello Charlestown 👋 sorry about the repeat bloods, hope the infection is something & nothing 🤔. Is the rash improving for stopping the hydroxy; what brand were you having out of interest, did it start with Qu or Br by any chance, or maybe Ip (trying not to libel anyone haha although I've seen people talk brands openly on other forums), certain brands do have different side effects. I know what you mean about a week going like a flash, Friday tomorrow already, they just come round every 5 mins. So you have to get another lamp lol, well that's a definite compliment if your son likes something of yours 😊. Hope you feel better soon :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today? That’s a very good point, very few people offer to listen to me if I want to unburden my soul in a crisis 👍👍

    hi Toni

    how are you today?

    im not 100 %, virus is still there, but it’s improving all the time 🙏

    mum is ok in general terms thanks but grumpy due to antibiotics which I fully understand

    Hi toady

    A fiancée in the cheese business - now that’s a great idea 😂

    hi SK and C

    hope your both ok?

    it’s mxt day for me I’m afraid so I’m praying to the nausea - oracles and writing properly later I hope

    good afternoon everyone tc xx

    ps Welshcakes - please consume well in advance of mxt lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    I have emerged from the post - mxt quagmire as it were.

    RR did indeed provide a laugh,

    he said that he had a “slightly indulgent” breakfast of two family packs of giant chocolate buttons instead of one how very ookey indeed😱

    then he said to compensate he is having no sugar in his coffee today and then looked at me for praise as if he were younger than BR, so I had to say, “what a lovely healthy breakfast” or something along those lines lol, I also asked if he’d ever got chocolate from the health food shop as I know he does buy vegan chocolate sometimes- but the problem is the quantity he buys - he said “ no I go to the other healthy chocolate shop next door, in other words “ holiday resort Chocolat”, for want of another way of putting it lol, healthy indeed - and this is the guy who’s so badly off he never puts the heating on apparently- someone is telling massive mud / vegan porky pies.

    He also said putting sugar in coffee or tea is a despicable practice- I almost said that any form sugary tea has got to be a healthier option than George / RR the Pig’s breakfast 🍳

    but instead I smiled like a Cheshire / MH cat - it seemed the best option haha

    ps chocolate Mona Lisa, as painted by RR, no sorry, as eaten by RR more likely lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Bosh, hope MXT day isn’t too bad x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Kettle is on.

    Normal time tonight 🤪

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 1. Mar 2024, 05:33

    Morning Joan how are you? Thanks for asking Mabel got the all clear at the vets yesterday so the cone is off and she is happy. Poor Sue a glass of coke😣 poor phone too. Glad Jaki's Dad is coping ok with his chemo poor man. Lucy had a seizure yesterday only a short one. ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    how are you doing? I hope still ok. Did you get in the bunker to play bass?

    How are the family though how are the colds and are you still needing to be super-Daddad?

    Take care and have a good day.

    Aww Charlestown you are sounding run down by your bloods. I hope you will feel better for when they are repeated.

    I am ok if it helps not ill at all just my usual aches, but it has been a busy busy week for me too.

    Hope you get out today. How old is your son? I hope you can get him a lamp so you can keep yours bless him!

    Have a good day ((()))

    Hi Reshmi hope you are feeling ok today post MTX jab.

    Your Mum too hopefully much better by now.

    Thanks for the RR story I was rather missing them! Bless him what a fabulously 'healthy' breakfast i wonder what GI Joe would make of that! Gosh I know the exact choccy shop you mean😣

    Love the Monalisa in chocolate form very tasty!

    Well done feigning approval for his breaky BTW

    Take care and feel better soon ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady i hate it when my posts go awol!

    Mabel is free!

    Those collars sound a great idea.

    I did see Google yesterday it was our day!!!

    Sleek came home with huge supplies yesterday very happy

    Glad shop cane early so jab done in good time😊

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!