Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni 🌺 toady Joan SK and C

    how are you feeling today?

    mum is okay thanks, blood pressure, blood sugar wise 👍

    She’s not feeling 100%, but she’s definitely improving thanks

    I’m not feeling too great, really had a very difficult night that seemed to go on forever and also as sometimes happens with us arthritic people I think, legs and joints etc feel a bit tender and nasty but I have survived and the only problem really is that it’s methotrexate Thursday for me, but I’ll brace myself with coconut water or whatever and get through it maybe in a couple of hours time.

    Louisa the bully doesn’t like LA’s haircut apparently lol, my sis said, though the importance of this revelation im a bit unsure of, unless she’s a HD student? Oh dear, that’s a terrifying possibility, I just hope she’s not training with Sweeney toady, otherwise I may have to go to Portugal for a haircut, hopefully the fresh fish will not be used as rather smelly barrette - substitutes, which may also of course cause problems when I try and get through customs 🐠

    BDT / Bernadette - as I call her was also at the group

    she was in good spirits

    its mxt time so I’ll go for now

    bye everyone tc xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 22. Feb 2024, 17:47

    Hi all 👋

    Has stopped raining here frog but it did the same to me as it did to you this a.m. 😣 heavier than forecast, grr, woke me up in fact. Sorry no gardening for us, not fair for you especially, technically it's ok out there now but everything so muddy etc not v nice. I was still not happy with the arch it was more 'off' than I could let pass, so I was out with my trusty auger yesterday as the light was slowly going, like a fool, reseating the not-far-in-enough leg 😂. No, no sign of Mr & Mrs B or any mousies, I feel I do hear blackbirds, just nothing to see. Soon I hope. Indoor jobs today, which meant cleaning the kitchen 😱, checking the loft for drips (no worse), and carrying on the phone research - I was rather hoping Sleek might have efficiently self-catered and brought some sandwiches 😄 in the end I mustered us some myself, with vegan sausage & tomato, not proper cooking exactly but better than something cold. She has been helping me choose new wardrobe knobs/handles 👍️ then set off early to go to Arnty Kari's, her need is greater than mine 😊 V glad little Mabel is ok even if she is trying to do a houdini, hope everything going well. Btw I am progressing with the phone thing, with a bit of luck I will be a dab hand by the time it happens and can help any little ostriches with theirs 😂 you never know. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, ooh your phone system sounds very nifty! Mobiles are better to take around I admit and better than cordless phones too but I find speaking into them hard somehow. I'm convinced people can't hear me and I start talking too loudly. I have been checking my leak in the loft, it seems ok, maybe the rain has been blowing in the right direction not to come in 😄. It is set to go cold again now they say 🤷‍♀️. Have a good Friday especially if you go out :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry to hear you don't feel 100%, funnily enough I felt it was a long odd sort of night too, maybe there was something odd about it 🤔 but not nice to feel that your joints are playing up a bit, do you find your symptoms in general are better after mxt and a bit worse when its nearly time for next dose? Were your joints ok when you were walking yesterday as far as you were conscious of? Glad the blueberry muffin was a good pick-me-up to keep you going, better than the alternative as Toni said. Glad nice M was there and able to set the record straight about bananas, well as straight as possible 🍌😄 generally people seem to think they are some sort of wonder food is the impression I get, so don't know why GI Joe goes quite so against the tide of opinion there. Glad too she gave the internet guy a miss 👍️. I promise not to take on Louisa as an apprentice HD even if she asks, I would probably be scared of her myself anyway 😄 I have not been practising my own skills lately but I fear the secateurs/shears may have to come out again soon 💇‍♀️😱. Very glad to hear your mum is on the mend hopefully. Have a good evening as poss (few too many 'glads' in this post, bet Balzac never used 4 in the same paragraph 😬 ah well). xx

    Hi SK how's things with you today? Hope family ok 👍️and your mum as well as possible at the moment. What's going on in the bunker at the moment? I was having tea at 1am ish but didn't see you about. It's going down to -1 here soon so hopefully no worse than that. Hope the head behaving itself today🤞xx

    Hi @Charlestown I love that lamp 😍 isn't that clever how it looks like it is hardly even sitting on a base, just a floating globe almost. (And your tall chest behind is really nice I would like that myself). I impulse-bought a dustbin type metal bin same brand your lamp this week. maybe for potatoes, maybe some sort of floral planting thing, not decided. Cheaper than buying a zinc planter that size and anyway the online shop I used to like to buy that sort of thing from closed down 😔. I have some double hollyhock seeds, 'Chater's White', I didn't get round to them last year hope they'll still come up ok. I grew some foxgloves last year but I found them a bit big and leafy & untidy as a plant even though the colour was lovely, need a bit more room I think for those to look good. That's a handy gardening list, I have started no 1 the tidying, I am terrible at pruning 🙄. Glad you were able to see doc quickly and I hope the bloods are helpful and they get to the bottom of this for you, good luck🤞. Hope you get used to the specs ok too :) have a good evening xx

    Love to anyone passing, kettle on 😊☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni toady C Joan and SK

    how are you all this evening?

    I must admit I’ve had much better days but I did get a significant amount of sleep in the daytime which I really needed

    Yesterday I was so thirsty, but my water bottle isn’t that near my bed. I do have one right next to my bed, but it’s filthy and ancient so basically I was thirsty all night long and only managed to have a drink of water when I woke up in the morning. It’s a bit of a weird thing, but when my nose feels blocked and I feel a bit unwell and panicky I guess the water calms me down but I’ve found a new clean bottle now so hopefully I’ll be prepared if that happens again

    Poor mum isn’t feeling 100% but she’s definitely improving. Dad is feeling okay and is being a selfish and as annoying as possible, no change there Toni I think you’ve got a good theory there about how dad and Bill were spoiled rotten as kids and they’ve retained those attitudes naughty characters indeed.

    👋toady im glad to know that you will not be taking on Louisa as a scary hairdressers apprentice. Very good news indeed at least for me I won’t have to get my passport out every time I need a haircut haha

    👋 Toni, you’re exactly right, nice M is a very nice character indeed - a peaceful, calm and compassionate person. I do feel sad when she’s not that well though I think yesterday she thought I was wearing real gold jewelry from the expression on her face. I didn’t get a chance to say “don’t worry it’s all very much fake haha” but never mind yes you’re right really good that she’s not meeting that dodgy Internet person. She has enough problems with potentially endangering herself like that I agree

    👋toady I see you had nasty weather today, sorry for the very disorganised way in which I’m writing this by the way Im just rather tired and feeling a bit under the weather still

    My joints some were more or less okay yesterday thanks it was just really overnight that they started to feel bad.

    sorry I know this is a not really complete answer to your questions, but just getting a bit too tired

    👋Charlestown methotrexate does make me nauseous, but I still find injecting It suits me much better than the tablet form because the tablets used to make me even more nauseous and would really upset My stomach also in the past I had a gastric ulcer, so I need to be rather careful with my stomach these days.

    Anyway, I hope you all have a nice night including skinny Keef or as nice as possible. Bye for now take care everybody good night xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Hey Toady, all okay in the Bunker thanks. New subwoofer is excellent. Allows me to hear the kick drum so much better, and the bass really needs to be in sync with the kick drum to achieve a nice tight rhythm section in a band.

    I think it’s down to 2 deg here tonight and -1 tomorrow night.

    Hey Charlestown. Motorcycle to answer your question. I have been into bikes since i was 16. I was an instructor for a while part time and then when I joined the police force I went on to the bikes there too. I was just starting my training to be an instructor on the bikes when our force axed them all due to budget cuts. So as you can see motorcycles and music really kind of sum my life up. Trouble is the spine top and bottom takes exception at the bumps now and I end up with excruciating back pain or a migraine depending on which end is worse. Travelling by car is a big no as that is even worse. Lately I have been locking myself away in my music bunker and losing myself in my music playing guitar and bass and a bit of piano. It’s the only thing I’ve got left that arthritis hasn’t completely ruined. Yet.

    Hey Bosh, how are you doing? You haven’t mentioned miss bossy boots at group lately??

    does she still go? Or just been avoiding her?

    hey everyone else. Dachshund, Toni and anyone I’ve forgotten.

    Just about to meander down to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Hungry too, although I must resist the biscuit temptation or I won’t be Skinny Keef anymore. Anyone wanna cuppa??

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 23. Feb 2024, 06:48

    Morning Joan here is Mabel:

    I sat with her while Kari got some jobs done outside the house. She sat on my lap too for a while for a cuddle. I tried to video her walking it is rather cute. She has a check up at the vets later today Mabel not Kari😁£80 not too bad really worth every penny those dogs. It's filthy muddy here in the village unfortunately. Colder today though. Keep warm ((())) xxx

    Hi Reshmi I had to get my American head on then! How angry is she?! brilliant florist shop name😂

    I am glad your Mum is on the mend although she has had a tough time with this virus hasn't she? She is totally impressive I think. Yes I'm sure your Dad won't catch it. If he does you'll know about it anyway! Did you ever see him with his Mum? I bet the sun shone out of his and BIL's rear ends🤭

    I also hope the MTX jab went ok and that you had a better night last night? I hate those kinds of nights they are so frustrating and never ending😕 Sorting out a fresh water container should help a lot. I hate not being able to breathe properly too it's scary isn't it? Well done having a really good rest in the daytime that must have helped a bit.

    How cheeky is Louisa! I am shocked. I am sure LA (ever the gentleman) would not be as rude as to give her his opinion on her had hair days! Gosh maybe she will become a HD😥 Let's hope if that's the case that she remains MH based. I am not going abroad for a haircut and not having fishy hair grips nope😅Not happening.

    It's so unfair that our mental health can do that to us😕 poor Nice M she doesn't deserve it. Mind you no-one does deserve any kind of ill health of course, but really kind compassionate people most of all. I bet she felt good being able to give you that information about bananas. It may have made her feel useful Reshmi so I'm glad you had that conversation with her. Bernadette was at group too? No RR?

    Well fingers crossed you are well and your Mum is much better today ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown. Ok i got stuck at number one of the things to to in the garden.....tidy up! I really must keep on doing that...!

    Sorry i forgot I hope you are doing well?

    I love your lamp I can tell it will be rather atmospheric in real life😊 It looks just right on that table.

    I had a random huge hollyhock last year in the front garden. It was beautiful but there was nothing around it. Like foxgloves it needs to be tucked in amongst other lower ground plants I think.

    Take care

    Morning Skinny K

    Yes please I'll have a cuppa if you're putting the kettle on. I will also have a biccie if we have any vegan ones?

    You will still be skinny it is what it is usually. For some of us pain keeps us thin.

    Hope it's warm enough in the bunker for you? I woke up in the early hours to the TV still on! there was an advert for a back belt which heats up blows up (with air not exploding) and also the wee small hours I was tempted.

    How are the family? Are they ok? Has Sucré been practising his music at all?

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady hope you are doing ok today? The birdies are a-singing here all is quiet otherwise. Hopefully you'll see Mr and Mrs B soon and the mousies I think it's just too wet and mucky for them. Like us they are doing the bare minimum I expect.

    Sleek is popping in to see you later with more colour swatches and some glittery stuff so beware - not just doorknob handles😯She's been to see Mabel and sat with her overnight the last two nights so Kari can sleep a bit. I sat yesterday morning so Kari could get out for an hour. I took my crochet and audiobook with me.

    Sleek was raving about vegan sausage butties and has added them to my online shopping list. A vast quantity of them.

    She is however partial to pancakes and intends to cook that for you today. Watch your ceiling😣

    Well I must say I am most impressed at you tackling the arch avec auger as dusk was falling, mind it was relatively dry at that time, hope it's satisfactory now?

    Well done keeping up the telephone research, us ostriches will need all the help we can get. Or else we have to take a leaf out of Joan's book at ditch landlines altogether? There's a progressive thought.

    Have a good day Toady and look at that adorable pic of Mabel I posted for Joan this is her on my lap feeling uncomfy I think and looking quite an odd shape for a skinny kitten....

    Right breakfast anyone?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni

    how are you this morning?

    I vomited in the night but I felt a lot better after that thanks

    mums bs is ok but she’s still not feeling 100% but she’s definitely getting there 🙏

    LA said to BR that he’s sorry he can’t drive him to nursery but he doesn’t have a driving licence yet, although he does know how to drive!

    My sis asked him how he acquired his driving skills, he answered “By watching you and daddy” lol

    as my mum said, let’s hope he doesn’t choose to practice his newfound skills lol

    yes unqualified five year old drivers and similarly young little hairdressers brandishing scissors without the right certification - what a terrifying world that would be to live in lol

    no I don’t my remember my paternal grandmother very well unfortunately, but I do know that she spoiled dad and also treated my mum very badly, didn’t let her see her own family for quite a while when she was in India

    My maternal grandmother was much nicer, she stayed here for a year when I was young, her personality was a lot like mum’s

    ok I’ll go for now Toni

    have a nice morning take care xx

    ps Look, Riley’s sleeping on his cake and Louisa’s sister is having a tantrum - oh dear someone hide the C**pol lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) the leak is good with all the rain we’ve had. I have not seen any black birds yet. Have a good day and weekend.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I don’t think the vet could help Kari (()) only take money from her. Does Lucy have any problems with her bones. It must be flooded where you are because of the fields. Have a good day and weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you feeling today it will be nice to have it a bit warmer. Love to your mum (()) I hope she’s feeling better (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope today is a bit better for you (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) have a good weekend.

    Charlestown (()) I hope you have a good day and weekend

    love to Julie (()) have a good day and weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋 two teas please ☕️ yes both for me 😄

    Have just put the 2nd coat of paint of the wall, can't say it was my best work & seemed to take ages today for some reason. Picked today because it was bright but didn't seem to have much painting mojo. If it's not super patchy will just have to lump it.

    Sleek told me my painting is 'catisfactory' anyway frog that's good enough for me 👍️ anything to get back to looking at sparkly things and restore order in that room! She is being a little trooper at the moment isn't she, giving styling tips, kitten-minding, pancake-making, you name it - she will deserve a jolly good treat (and some of these 😽). Bright start here but yes started tiddling down with rain not long ago, as you say everything is so mucky and waterlogged, if would be such a help if things just got a chance to dry out for 5 mins. The arch will do thanks 👍️ it's 'good enough' anyway compared to before. If I can get it smothered with something gorgeous this year it will be covered anyway; didn't go quite to plan last year but if I get on with it, & if we get some proper weather, stranger things have happened 😬. Oh little Mabel, a collar as well, I forgot that of course she'd probably have one of those. Always such a lovely moment when you can 'free' them! Isn't she gorgeous on your lap. Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Hello joan, no blackbirds for you either 🤔 at least the sparrows are around, they sit up in the gutters squeaking, nice to hear them 😊 and the pigeons and doves appreciate the food anyway. And robin. Have a good weekend going to turn a bit nippy apparently, then better again hopefully :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad you feel better than you did in the night, hope you're more settled now🤞. And less under the weather in general, joints too. Is LA launching his own uber-style app so we can all book lifts 😀 that would be v handy indeed, I tip well tell him, jelly babies, or cheese vouchers 😄. I was telling Toni I have begrudgingly done some painting didn't feel much like it so I may well be the next one falling asleep in their cake. The tantrum stage will probably come later if it dries patchy and I hate it 😱. Have a good rest of day hope your mum ok today :) xx

    Hope your day is as ok as poss too SK, glad the bunker is all in order and the subwoofer operating as intended 👍️ are you still working on reading bass clef music on & off 🤔. Hope family well at the moment how is Loanda's course going? :) xx

    Love to all, hi to Charlestown if passing, hope Julie is doing ok and hello to anyone else that drops in 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Hi Toady. Uni course all good thanks. Loanda is currently typing up her latest assignment due second week of March so she has plenty of time.

    Reading the bass cleff is easy, it’s translating that to the bass that is the problem lol. The tune a day books are still the best method I know and I am doing a bit each day. I was looking at my bass play list on my computer and Ive got about 30 songs I know on bass that are a gig standard I could go out and play at a gig tonight but I have learnt them by ear which is how most musicians do it.

    I have also ordered a posh new stool with padded back rest and height adjustment via a gas lever thing. Hopefully it will mean less pain and more time spent playing.

    Toni it’s not nice when animals are recovering is it. The times my chihuahuas were ill after ops i made a bed up on the floor and slept with them to ensure they stayed warm and didn’t hurt themselves trying to jump up on to the regular bed. I don’t miss that stress at all. I do miss the company they bring though.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi again Toni

    how are you?

    I’ve sneakily put the thermostat down don’t tell anyone 🤐

    Slight headache brewing I’m afraid but I’m not always sure what the root cause is, I haven’t spent a massive amount of time online, I think partially caused my wrong hairbands sometimes, but my hair grows so fast that’s bound to be a slight problem lol

    generally I’m not feeling so bad right now thanks even though did have a bit of gluco- zade, but don’t worry I don’t think my being sick was related to food probably the combination of mxt plus feeling stuffy and uncomfortable and so on

    The cleaners came today so there was some tidying up I needed to do etc, so no one rested completely unfortunately

    I’m glad you liked the pic

    yes it’s good mums on the mend thanks 👍

    dad is a male stereotype when it comes to illness unfortunately you’re right, once he had a sore throat and said it was probably throat cancer, anyway I won’t think about dad too much, not “onset of headache - friendly” topic.

    sorry I think I’ll leave it there for now Toni

    I could offer you some imaginary vegan pizza made BR but bill has scoffed the lot lol

    bye for now tc xx

    ps Facebook cake if anyone’s on the verge of starvation lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi SK C toady and Joan

    how are you all this evening?

    im afraid I’ve got a full fledged headache now

    but I would like to say I like the cheese vouchers idea toady 😂

    SK I saw the nasty M once or twice, but she’s so rude, if I see her in the street she completely blanks me, but never mind

    👋Joan yes was a bit warmer today wasn’t it? Very cold night ahead though unfortunately

    ok I need to retrieve some paracetamol from the jaws of the shark / aka dad - who is downstairs lol

    have a good night everyone keep warm tc xx

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? It's proper chilly here and icy but not snowy. Hope it dries up some of these flood waters. It's Paul's birthday today. Yes we are very flat here and Stafford is on marshes or something like that too. Lucy does have pains yes her hip and her shoulder we have to keep an eye. Lot's of long term effects due to the cancer treatment, but still we are lucky to have her. Did you get out to town yesterday? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi Oh you poor thing! I hate being sick I am glad you feel better now though. Also your Mum is recovering well that is really good news.

    How sweet is LA thinking he can drive! BR would probably get in the car with him if he offered. Hide the keys Mummy!!! I think they are pretty safe he sounds law-abiding knowing he can't drive as he doesn't have a licence yet🤔

    Just as I expected your paternal Grandmother thought the sun shone out of her son's rear end! That is a huge reason for adult tantrums. Your poor Mum too being controlled by her when they lived in India. I'm glad she is safely here with two supportive daughters now. Your Maternal Grandmother sounded as though she was just lovely. Much as your Mum probably is for the boys now. Just think of the memories you are making for them to tell their own children one day. My Auntie Mima did this, used to tell me stories etc.

    Riley was sleeping on the cake in the pic after too much party fun. And regarding Louisa's sister - my Mum used to say - "It'll all end in in tears!"

    Gluco-zade is good for you when you are poorly I think and flat coke used to settle my stomach too (and probably rot my teeth!) so if it helps drink it.

    I hope turning the thermostat down a tiny bit helped your headache. Talking about your Dad would definitely aggravate anyone's headache🤭

    It's lovely when the cleaners have been I bet. Not so good doing the pre-clean tidy up though I imagine?

    Today you must have a rest if you can and take it easy ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef How are you doing?


    A stool with a back rest is exactly what you need otherwise I set off trigger points under my shoulder blades without back support so well done buying that.

    I know exactly what you mean our animals do not know not to jump about after operations and the thought of them damaging their stitches makes your eyes water😣. How sweet of you to lie with your dogs❤️ They certainly had a good life with you!

    Maybe you need a dear older rescue cat who is affectionate, but is already neutered. Less surgeries to deal with.

    How is your Mum doing? Have you been this week?

    Take care out there though it's icy here. ((()))

    Morning Charlestown how are you today? Hopefully the sciatica isn't too bad.

    We had to go to Stoke last night to feed my friend's dogs while she was in Bournemouth buying a car. So I spotted the full moon too. It was beautiful on the way there. It sort of echoes your lamp which is lovely.

    I was called in for non-routine it was a touch of anaemia. Paul was called in non-urgent for higher than desirable cholesterol. My MIL for slightly low thyroid. I have my fingers crossed yours is something similar and am comforted by it being non urgent too.

    The pusscat is my sister's kitten who was spayed the other day. She is called Mabel (the cat not my sister!) I sat with her while my sister went out to do some jobs.

    Take care

    Morning Toady

    I hope you are doing ok sure you are. I also expect the painting is quite catisfactory. It will be it often looks patchy when it's still wet. I haven't started yet. Maybe soon I now need to order 5L of that blue..

    Sleek is keen to sit on the sofa looking at glittery things and eating cake too less painting. She plans to bring Mabel over next week when she is fit to travel. She will definitely order a catsi for that trip. No way Mabel is riding pillion on the bike after her surgery. (For anyone new reading this Sleek is my cat; Mabel is my sisters recently spayed kitten. This is pure fantasy!) The collar is a belt and braces job as she can undress herself and get at her wound🙄

    So much of Stafford is under water I expect the same everywhere. Icy though this morning which will help. We must all be careful and not fall over banging our heads I think🤕

    Paul's birthday today I think he may be 23 this time....(add a good few decades here) so we will be visiting here there and everywhere.

    We both need something fast growing for our arches now don't we? I shall have to do some research.......

    take care Toady!

    A quick 👋 to Julie and anyone else who pops in for a cuppa.

    Some breakfast?

    and tea in the pot

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I read yesterday we are going to have a warm spring and summer. On my walk yesterday I saw me a blackbird walking along. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry Lucy has those problems yes she was strong to win that fight 👏 Happy Birthday to Paul (()) have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you were sick (()) do you feel better now love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) your chair sounds just right for you have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day keep warm

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Hi Toni, no I haven’t been this week due to too much pain.

    I now have the symptoms of a stomach ulcer for goodness sake. I know I burnt my stomach with the Naproxen recently but I thought it was just a one off. Now I have burning pain all the time. I am so miserable, I keep snapping at Sucré who is just being really annoying atm. I have taken an extra gastro pill to try and calm things down but so far it’s not really working.

    Back to docs next week if it doesn’t get better. Might get some anti depressants too if I still feel like this.

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋 just a quick visit while I wait for a 'catazon' delivery, will be glad to lock up after them & knock off for the day.

    Very Happy Birthday to Paul frog 🎂 😊 hope you are both having a nice day, the sun is shining, for you too hopefully! And no ice touch wood🤞hope everything else well with you today too. Bit busy here, early up for the milkman, couple of longish phone calls, & 2 parcels to pack - glad I've got Sunday for those. The painting is ok frog certainly good enough for me 😊 yes you have to catch up now and buy your paint (but I've got ceilings to do so you will probably still cross the finish line first 😣). Sleek and I have been looking at all sorts of things, for some reason she thought I might like these.. 🤭

    ..(I do actually, not sure for where though!!) There are so many lovely ceramic handles these days aren't there, I could happily buy those just for their own sake 😍. Managed a little while outdoors, jolly cold though 😬. I will probably try the cup & saucer vine again for the arch but it's only an annual, no good long term. Have a lovely evening look forward to Mabel updates too :) xx

    Hello joan, oh a warm spring & summer, that would be lovely 😊 I do hope we do get them, we deserve it after all this. Glad you saw a blackbird, too cold to think about nesting yet, I hope not too many birds have made an early start while it was warmer because then this cold spell would be bad timing, but most probably aren't ready. Hope you & Sue well today, love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope things ok with you today. Pearl with a Girl Earring is so clever 😀. Do hope your headache is gone today or much better, probably see you if you call in later 👋 :) x

    Hope you get the new stool nice & promptly SK, gas lift is definitely a good idea, very handy feature that. Thanks for explaining what you're doing and about the bass cleff, I know what one looks like, that's it for me & musical notation 😳 I must have been able to read music once I guess as I did music at school briefly, apparently it's all gone again. Glad Loanda is getting on ok with her course 👍️ sorry to hear your stomach is playing you up though, do hope it's not an ulcer 😕 good luck seeing the doc (if & when). xx

    Hi @Charlestown have been on the phone &c and was up early too, bit tired from the painting (at least it's ok, don't have to do a 3rd coat hurrah 😄). Now I have to pack a couple of things I sold on ebay, could do it tomorrow, hopefully nothing will crop up so I wish I'd done it now. Hollyhocks are lovely 😍 will fish out a pic of some I have in the garden. Yes grow from seed, they make a lot in circular pods & will scatter themselves, & self-sow. Still looking at new ideas what to grow & must get on with seeds I already have, I make lists etc but they never seem to work well I still get muddled 🤷‍♀️ probably I should do less, then I could just remember! Hope you find you have a suitable tater container without 'forking' out haha 👩‍🌾. Yes I do like your room style & way you've put things together, hope the lamp bulbs last a nice long time. Good luck for when you ring the docs 👍️ have a good evening & Sunday :) x

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK and C

    how are you all today?

    sorry been having a miserable kind of day really

    headache seems to be a permanent feature at the moment

    plus dad’s tantrums - he said “ don’t heat up some fish for lunch - it’s unhealthy” 🤷‍♀️

    unlike his lunch of a sausage roll Mountain of course

    mum isn’t too well but still improving thanks

    her bs is ok 👍

    👋hi Charlestown I go to a mental health coffee group type thing on Wednesdays

    👋SK I hope you don’t have a stomach ulcer I had one once it was horrible I was also in India so the healthcare was not so good, I hope you get on ok at the doctors

    Toni you’re right, mum and I are making nice memories for LA ❤️

    toady don’t worry if Balzac had had to deal with vampire nurses nasty Ms and nosegay intricacies I’m sure his writing skills would have suffered too lol

    Sorry there is more I want to say but it’s been a bit of a Mama Mia of a day already as Lorenzo would say haha

    have a nice evening everyone

    hopefully I’ll give a proper “report” tomorrow tc xx

    ps maybe the vampire nurse is least of our worries lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Hey Reshmi, I think you and I are having the same kind of day. The extra pain has me really in grumpy territory, although i took some tram earlier and i do feel slightly better now.

    i get very down very quickly when the tram goes completely out of my system. Bit better atm.