Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan thank you so much for still caring about Lucy. I personally would not have got through those dreadful years of treatment without this forum and the support I got. Hope you have a nice sunday and see some sunshine today fingers crossed ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    Oh dear me Sucré is challenging you all atm. It is his age unfortunately, but you yourself were the same so you told us and you know he will grow out of it.

    When you are in pain it's best for you (and probably him too) if you try to be away from him maybe? Hide in the bunker with your 🎶 perhaps? Better than shouting at him and then feeling guilty later. You can still do what you feel you can manage - bedtime stories for example. When I had to tell mine off when they were little I used to cry my eyes out later.

    Sorry you couldn't get to your Mum this week - hopefully your sister has been and updated you how she is though?

    I am 100% behind you going to the Drs about your health overall. A lot of us here do take a low-dose antidepressant living with a long term condition is really hard work as you know. You have yet to have a referral about the suspected enthesitis and now you are getting quite worrying stomach pains.

    Take care Keef ((()))

    A decaff coffee for you

    Morning Reshmi

    I am sorry you had a headache yesterday I hope it's eased off overnight. Not surprised with Big B being a Big pain in the neck though.

    Glad to hear your Mum is on the mend and her BS is ok too.

    Don't you think it's just lovely how the boys will remember their own Granny's cooking and their Auntie Mima and her stories? They will be better people for your care and the time you give to them now and you should be proud of your input in their lives.

    Don't worry about feeling your post wasn't a long one as long as we know you are ok then we won't worry too much.

    Oh no Please be careful that shark is pretty close to you😮

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown I hope you are doing ok today.

    My sister's kitten does look so cute doesn't she? Bless her. Mind she is doing a Houdini now and somehow escaping it then she could lick her wound which isn't good. Hence the need for the 'collar of shame' too.

    If it's cholesterol that's high losing weight will certainly help, but so might statins. Joan takes them with no problems. If it's anaemia then it's iron tablets. Infortunately they did upset my stomach so I am taking it in liquid form now and with food which helps a lot.

    Hope you get your results soon - you can't help but worry can you?

    Take care

    Morning Toady I hope you are doing ok.

    Thank you so much Paul had a good day. He had plenty of cards and saw all the girls. I made him breakfast in bed (crumpet and fresh orange juice) and he had some good pressies and cards including one from Sleek. We went out to eat too which he always loves. The only downside was that the village is still too wet (in spite of loads of sun and thick ice first thing) and mucky for him to drive his precious classic cars which he loves doing.

    Sleek loves the knobs and was telling me all about them. She really thinks you should get them (me too!) and replace all our knobs all of them!

    I do have a ceiling to do as well unfortunately and am very reluctant to attempt it as it sets off my neck - yours too? The room is quite small so no way you can avoid looking up. I am in no rush to be honest.

    Guess what? I managed 3ft of border weeding yesterday! Bad news though is that a tree (quite a good size too🙄) has self seeded right in the centre of a peony! No way I can dig it out it's a job for Paul. I suspect it was there last year but too small for me to see. I might just rehome it elsewhere though.

    Well done you getting outside too yes it was very cold - nose runny weather! I was thinking maybe the cup and saucer this year with something else started underneath? As for trying passion flower again....maybe, but how to protect it in bad weather😕 How much growth do you get on your cup and saucer vine?

    Sleek is en route ready to wrap parcels.....

    Take care Toady.

    Now what shall we have for breakfast?

    It's Sunday has to be a cooked one

    this one is Bosh's BIL sized!

    Vegan/veggie options available

    and some tea

    A quick 👋 to anyone who fancies popping by for a cuppa and natter

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138
    edited 25. Feb 2024, 08:38

    Migraine city again ☹️☹️☹️

    wppl if poss

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) good luck with the parcels and the sellotape a very sticky job. Do you still have the glass milk bottles. Have a good day what is the difference between a blackbird and a crow.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (())How is your eye (()) I care about Lucy because she was so young when she had the cancer and she is your daughter. Sorry I was saying to Jaki ( I spelt her name wrong before) about Lucy Jaki said her friend has an unopperable brain tumour she has to have two new hips. Have a good day I read we are going to have a warm spring and summer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you take care love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) try not to worry it makes things worse it’s hard. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) we go walks every day on our scooters with the dogs. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    it’s cleared enough to get up. Loanda and Sucré are making cheese scones. We made mini vicki sponges yesterday with raspberry jam and buttercream.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni and the rest of the the Vampire Cafe members - well you know what I mean lol

    how are you all today?

    at the moment I’m not feeling too bad thanks

    mums bs is ok thanks

    but she’s still coughing a lot

    👋 SK sorry about your migraine and bad day yesterday I don’t think I felt quite as bad as you but I guess I haven’t bad days for quite a while and wasn’t used to it lol, I hope you feel better in a few hours perhaps, take rest

    👋Joan toady and C

    I need to have a shower before dad explodes again

    LA went to Louisa’s soirée but wasn’t that naughty - boring - I’ll have to embroider later for our entertainment lol - just don’t ask me to do needlework in real life - unless you want me to become the vampire seamstress lol

    bye for now all tc xx

    ps look LA has infiltrated my tablet 😱 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 25. Feb 2024, 17:29

    Hi all 👋

    Hope you are having a good day frog, sorry Paul couldn't get out in the car yesterday 😕 silly mud. Glad it was a good day otherwise. How is the Scargo btw? Also confined to quarters I expect but ok in general I hope. Any garden time for you today? 3 foot of border weeding, ooh, nice work. Sorry about your little invader tree 🤔. Haven't been outdoors much but there might be a dry bit tomorrow, they have sneaked in more rain than when I last looked ugh, and -2 tomorrow night. Cup & saucer vine is vigorous to the point of rampant I believe, mine put on a good bit last year & only didn't do better because it was late getting going. The sort of thing people say they grew and it took off up the wall up the roof & out of sight so definitely enough for an arch in a season 😬. My new bin I mentioned is very nice v pleased with it, so it should be spuds all systems go if that's what I decide 😊. Rabbit handles all around the house, well it's a concept 🐰😂 I like it. I'm nearly through the packaging, thanks to Sleek, so if anyone wants to buy something this evening they can feel free now that I have spaces 👍️ have a good evening & Monday :) xx

    Hello joan, hope all's well with you. I have done most of my packing I use boxes that have those tuck-in flap type things to close them up, so there's not too much taping up needed 👍️ Crows are a different species they're part of the Corvus family with things like rooks. Unlike blackbirds they will scavenge for things like eggs and carrion, they're bigger as well of course - I do see them round here sometimes but I can't tell them very well from rooks & jackdaws. Rooks have more raggedy 'trouser' feathers than crows but I'm never near enough to check birds' trousers especially without my glasses 😂. Have a good new week, love to Sue. Sorry to hear about Jaki's friends troubles 😕.

    Hi bosh, sorry the headache was a bit persistent but glad you are feeling better today or at least not too bad, we take what we can get don't we 😬. I like the idea of you embroidering any party stories for our benefit 😄 well you know your subjects well enough to make a convincing story that's for sure. Hope you got on ok with any shower wars. Those french fries do look nice, it's very lucky I have not long had homemade vegan cottage pie (or tumbledown shed, or whatever is suitable in the context 🏚️). Hope your mum's cough improves more very soon 🤞have a good evening :) xx

    Glad you felt better enough to do some baking SK, even if you have made me want cake 😫. Minus 2 here tomorrow night so the cold weekend is not giving up just yet. Trying to find a dry day to get down to GPs sometime but there is no such dry spell coming up 🙄 had fun even booking the appt, the small child on the phone aka receptionist told me the tests weren't on the system so no they couldn't book me in, even 10 days ahead, in case they still weren't there on the day. As if I'd let it get that far & turn up for an appt in those circs 😒. Ever since they changed the surgery the system has gone to pot surprise surprise. Have a good start to the week love to all 👋 :) xx

    Hope your Sunday is ok @Charlestown yes that's definitely the right emoji for today 🥶 and just as cold tomorrow esp at night. At least it's dry for 5 minutes. I was just looking at 'Penstemon' seeds never grown them before, not too leafy and fairly slug resistant (well so they say), might be worth a go. Not sure if you sow them in spring or autumn though 🤔. More to look at first and must do a good check of what seeds I've already got so I don't buy anything twice. Have a good evening 👋 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Went on bike to see mum this afternoon. Last minute decision but Sucré made the call. Said he wanted to go. Bit chilly on bike but still fun. Back and neck sore now. Hope it doesn’t cause migraine tomorrow. Mum was pleased to see us all.

    Toni my gp asked for a referral to specialist for my enthesitis diagnosis but it was refused on the grounds that a) gp had probably got it right and b) a definitive diagnosis wouldn’t change the treatment plan gp had in place. So basically they told me to go away.

    I am down to 4 tram some days now which is what the gp wanted but it does leave me feeing a bit low and very emotional.

    anyway soon be spring and most of you will be out in the garden along with Loanda doing whatever it is that you gardeners do. I have absolutely no clue but it does make it all look lovely and colourful. I will try to get some miles under my wheels when the weather warms up. Loanda has said keep the bike even if I can’t ride as it is a limited edition and will soon be going up in value. I finish paying for it next month. Like I say I enjoyed the ride today even if it was cold. Keeping warm burns a lot of calories so that’s probably why I am still skinny 😁

    it’s nice to post something on here a bit more upbeat. Stomach feels slightly better this evening.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni 🌺

    sorry I seemed to be being pulled in a thousand different directions today

    im still not feeling 100% but definitely better than yesterday thanks

    sorry I only just picked up on the fact that it was Paul’s birthday today - did you both have a nice day? Did you do anything special?

    mum is much the same as this morning thanks

    but dad is being a massive pain more than “big” lol

    i have a hospital blood test tomorrow- just standard rheumo one though - nothing to worry about 👍

    stomach is not quite okay- but that’s pretty normal for us unfortunately isn’t it? I’m not feeling nauseous though- so that’s a good sign for me

    how’s your stomach today Toni?

    ok I’ve composed a little tale about Louisa’s birthday party some of it is true, other elements may be the side effect of too much bedtime - story composing lol, I blame that littley LA lol.

    It turns out that Louisa the bully is a cousin of Lorenzo the Great Mafia boss and warlord of the 5 year old variety, so L the Great, drunk on power and chocolate cake triumphed in maintaining the integrity of the little boy mafia / elitist MH brotherhood by pushing a new boy, let’s call him Tiny Tim, because TT hugged LA and that went against their code of conduct, unfortunately the shove was so great that Master Tim fell on the ground and grazed his leg, poor thing, LA was fairly complacent because he was being followed by a new Indian origin lady baby, who sat next to him uninvited for the birthday cake eating ritual - what audacity! He did however answer her questions, but adopted a “silly voice” - the voice of the cheese - monster no less, so a cheese - monster who eats a cake made with jam and cream! Oh my goodness! That’s like eating one of his relatives! Who will he eat next? Mima? or even Granny? What a terrifying thought. 

    ok bye for now Toni have a good night tc xx

    ps a pancake - baking bear, I could find a cake -baking one lol xx

    👋good night also to SK C and Joan tc xx

    👋hi toady 🐸I did win the shower wars thanks, I like any variety of cottage pie too, nice and filling, im getting the nighttime virus ooks now but never mind, have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni🌺

    sorry the bear went missing lol

    good night xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Another cold dry start I do hope it stays dry just for a bit.

    Morning Joan that's lovely yes poor lucy was far too young to be so ill. I often wonder how Mike1's nephew is doing after he recovered from his cancer. Gosh poor Jaki's friend. Will they do her hip surgery if she has a brain tumour though? Love to you and Sue and the dogs((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    Lovely to hear your happier voice. I am sorry that you are not going to 'see someone' maybe there is actual treatment apart from just pain relief they could have given you. Have you ever been to a pain clinic at all? (I haven't but I did do one of the old Versus Arthritis 'how to manage your long-term condition' courses which helped a lot oddly.) It's just that pain clinics sometimes come up with ideas GPs just don't have.

    Well done getting down to 4 tramadols, but you can always up if needs be and there is always the idea of maybe low dose anti-d's if it gets too much, too often.

    Lot's of baking was done in the Skinny Keef household this weekend hopefully keeping Sucré on the straight and narrow?

    Loanda is 100% right keep the bike. There will be days you can ride it and it is rather special.

    Yes I was outside yesterday managed another bit of border so getting there. I bet Loanda is the same as us can't wait for the better weather.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? Is your Mum doing ok too?

    Good luck for your bloods - should be fine if it's a proper blood-letter and not a vampire nurse.

    Naughty BB playing up yesterday. I hope he behaves better today fingers crossed. Will you go to the hospital under your own steam or will you go in BB's car....😕

    Well indeed I wonder how much of the tale about Lorenzo and Louisa the bully true?😮 I believed it all, but gosh that would explain a lot if they did have a biological connection. Throw in BR's ETB and you have a totally dangerous mafioso clan. MH (and particularly MH's constabulary) had better watch out.

    I can actually imagine LA entertaining his friends female, particularly he being a magnet to them all, with his cheese monster voice at parties.

    I couldn't find your bear flipping pancakes but I found you some bear pancakes instead:

    Hope they won't upset your stomach. Mine is 'under control' shall we say - how about you? Is the gastric oracle being benevolent towards Mima?

    Thank you for asking Paul had a lovely birthday. He had lost of time to drive his cars and a run out with a good meal at the end. Food (rather like BIL) makes Paul happy!

    Morning Charlestown

    I hope all is well with you.

    Is it today you will get your results from the Drs? If it is good luck and I am sure all will be well for you. Just maybe need yet more medication🙄 I found this for you following on from Reshmi's Chips pic above:

    Take care

    Morning Toady

    Hope you're ok? All is good here a bit chilly but fine. Extra aches, but all my own fault for getting in the garden again two days running! I feel so much better mentally though for it.

    Maybe a cup and saucer vine is the way to go then? I could start something else off too for next year🤔at the same time.....

    I would keep the tree if it wasn't in the middle of a narrow raised bed (one of the brick ones) and I know it would in time break the walls down and lift the patio too probably so rehoming is for the best. Not even sure what it is yet. Anyway it's a Job for Paul not me.

    Oooh the bin might become a home for spuds then? Good idea.

    I filled two 'propagators' with compost yesterday and brought them inside to warm up. Tomato seed packet is sat on top ready to plant next bad bit of weather we get....exciting eh? Look it's February March very soon we must get our seeds out. We could be ahead of the game for once. Imagine that!

    Sleek has been packaging stuff here all night it seems she is now selling stuff on cat-bay herself. She must have got the idea from you and is hoping there will be more to do at yours. She likes to keep busy She will be over any minute the catsi is outside I can hear the engine ticking, just doing her teeth🙀she's in her teddy bear onesie and will be bringing Mabel with her so watch she doesn't get her babygro off.

    The Scargo is tucked up nice and warm at the garage where Paul's mechanic is giving him a good looking over. All is well though.

    Take care and have a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    I found the bear pic Toni 🌺 lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    nice pancakes 👍

    mums not too bad thanks

    b test was ok too 🙏

    but no ablutions done yet

    also back is aching

    so bye for now- just wanted to quickly “check in” tc xx

    ps bills healthy snack lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 26. Feb 2024, 17:36

    Hi all 👋 hope everyone well today.

    Oh no I've given Sleek the selling bug frog 😱 I just hope most of her customers aren't pains in the 'catside', there are always a few 😄 also make sure she has set up her postage services & not put collection only, you don't want a stream of buyers coming to pick things up in person 😬 😂. She arrived bright & early in her onesie, we had tea & a good chat but didn't talk 'shop' as we had little Mabel to look after so mostly just talked kitten-talk to her. Hope you are having a good day, it has been sunny on & off but such a cold wind, I did some clipping but it was a bit too chilly to be fun. Didn't help that I kept nearly getting my hoodie toggle in the secateurs 😂. I have just bought a sink filter to stop me swilling earth & grit down it like usual when I start seed sowing. Yes I can't wait to get started properly too 😊 oh I'd love to get ahead! I'm sure we can. I was not full-on enough with my sowing last year, I needed to allow for no-shows, try more propagating methods etc. Hope your little tree will survive if moved, I know what you mean about an unsuitable position. I have a little oak sapling in a pot, checked it over a while ago & it had managed to grow its root down through a crack in the paving 🙄 had a job to get it to ease out, but ok I think. No idea where it's going in the end, but I have a little apple too off my own tree, they can both come with me when I move to my lovely new house & garden 😉👍️. Enjoy anything you're doing, don't overdo it (er toads in glass houses...). Love to all :) xx

    No joan, hope all's well, and your post just didn't post or disappeared, hope to see you soon🤞love to Sue xx

    Hi bosh, love your LA & Lorenzo &Louisa tale, the unholy trinity, "drunk on power and chocolate cake" 😂 inspired. Btw I have just read a bit of trivia, if all the lego pieces in the world were divided between everyone we would all have 80 pieces. Couldn't make anything terribly exciting out of that could you, but something tells me the little boy mafia would mysteriously end up with 160, or 240, and so on 🤔. Hope your day is ok so far and glad your hosp bloods were ok, & all fine I expect, hope you have been pulled in less directions today too. Nothing much going on here quite cold really, but if it warms up it'll rain, so I'll put up with cold at the moment 😕. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Glad your mum is as well as possible SK 👍️ and you are feeling more 'chipper' in general. Yes hang on to the nearly-paid-for bike I would, mind you I hang onto everything, my old bicycle in the garage won't be ridden again I doubt, but it's not going anywhere 😉. Glad your stomach's feeling better too 😊 love to all xx

    Kettle on, love to everyone not in yet today ☕️😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 26. Feb 2024, 22:09

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    I know it’s almost midnight lol

    I’ve still got the virus tiredness going on unfortunately

    “drunk with power” was actually my little act of plagiarism lol, well not quite but almost 😂

    similar line was originally in a Dermot Kennedy song but I can’t remember the exact name - I’ll look it up👍

    glad you enjoyed the story though thanks

    So Sleek is a nosegay seller now? But what happens if I want dog food? A woman can only consume so much cinnamon porridge 🥣 haha

    ok the evil headache has returned to a certain extent so have a good night toady tc xx

    👋 SK Joan and C - hope you’re all doing ok or ok - ish? Good night tc xx

    👋good night Toni my back ache is a lot better after I won the shower wars lol

    BB is tantrumming in style as ever I’m afraid, he’s out - toddlering them all

    glad you and Paul had a good time on his birthday 🎂

    Riley wasn’t in town I take it lol?

    ok have a good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    'night bosh hope the virus is well on its way tomorrow 😘 see you anon xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan I do hope everything is ok with you and Sue. Your post didn't post yesterday, but hopefully that was just a techie glitch and not that you or Sue are poorly. Or one of the dogs? Fingers crossed all is well ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef

    Where or where is our friend? Again I hope just a glitch in the software and not you feeling too rough to post.

    Cup of coffee here for you

    It's really cold this morning. How is it in the bunker? Or are you staying in the warm house listening to music instead?

    Take care Keef ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Glad you managed the 'blood letting' nice and easily and that your Mum was fine yesterday that's good.

    Sorry about the evil headache I hope it has gone off now? and your back is it any better?

    Well done finding the pancake bear - he's lovely HUGE but lovely and even better he eats like BIL😁 They'd get on so well I'm sure. What would LA make of it? Terrified maybe, but it would give him some kudos with the Mafioso boys....🤔

    A quick chat to Sleek revealed that she is happy to sell you dog food if you get sick of your cinnamon porridge. However she reckons she has better options available like herrings in jars and some gross little dried fish also in jars...🤢Perhaps dodge that shop?

    A terrible day ahead for me. Yes you guessed it horror of all horrors, not GI Joe the Physio, not the vampire nurse, not the dental hygienist, but...... the hairdressers😣

    Take care and have a good day if you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown. I hope you are doing ok and nothing is wrong.

    It's cold but bright here and the wind has finally dropped.

    Hopefully you've got your blood results properly by now and you are getting it sorted.

    Take care

    Morning Toady how are you?

    It was too cold for the garden yesterday I have to agree. Really not nice at all. All i did was wheel my bin down to the road side for collection today. Gratifyingly though it is full of weeds I have dug up so i am proud of that😊 I bet it's lovely this afternoon when I am trapped at the hairdressers. I am only going to start off the tomatoes just now - the rest are more April than March.

    Of course your little apple tree and acorn will go with you if you ever get your little cottage. They can grow very fast when still in pots or in the wrong place. The two trees I bought and planted out 2/3 years ago are still pretty small. Why is that? A sink filter! I will get me on I will for definite. Good plan that. Glove bucket for soaking ready too.

    I have been crocheting. It was going very well, but now I see and error so have to go back and remedy it🙄 very dispiriting isn't it when that sort of thing happens.

    Sleek is being very professional with her selling - did she learn that from you? She sorted out her selling (postage only) and said she will post within 2 days. Not every 5 minutes she reckons she has too much on for that bless her. Catazon have delivered supplies of brown paper and packaging materials which are in her new house. Apparently Winnie is going to help when Sleek has the day off.

    Toads in glass houses indeed!

    Oh hang on the catsi has arrived Mabel is being collected en route. Feel free to take her cone off if you are all sitting together. She loves kitten talk and when Sleek tells her tales of Aidan's old cats Sleeks love Pepe etc....

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady. (()) Have a good day. I hope you sell your parcels today. Thank you for explaining about the crows. We have sun but it’s still cold.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Jaki said her friend has had one new hip she’s in a wheelchair. Have a good day we have the sun I hope you have. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope your mums cough soon goes. Good luck with the blood test.

    Skinny Keef (()) cheese scones lovely have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown good luck with your results

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    I just found yesterday post had not gone.

    Toady (()) have a good day good I hope you find the right home for you.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you have a good day. How is your knee (()) and eye (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day I hope your pain’s not to bad love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    Hi everyone.

    Toni, it’s 21 deg in bunker. Ive been out there on and off but i am still battling this headache. Just wont go.

    I am temped to ride over to see Sucré and nan this afternoon but it very cold out.

    just going for a quick half hour rest as back bad and was nodding off over lunch.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mum had a doctors appointment just now and the gp gave her antibiotics for her chesty cough

    the doc said it’s just a virus

    her bs is ok 👍

    im a bit tired but ok thanks

    the virus is slowly getting better 🙏

    I went for a walk today in the fresh air after a few days it was a bit tiring but felt good

    LA says Lorenzo The Great punches his friends both male and female and implied that the punch is a sign of affection - pretty ookey 😱

    grumpy dad lift to the hospital yesterday unfortunately

    As far as I remember its two buses to the hospital for me also traffic can be an issue but when the weather’s better I may attempt public transport one way at least

    good luck at the hairdressers

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps vegan matcha pound cake - sorry it’s huge lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    pain in the “catside” I like that one lol

    im a bit tired but not too bad thanks

    mum went to the GP who gave her antibiotics for chesty cough and virus

    The D Kennedy song was called “The Killer was a Coward” by the way

    I see unfair Lego - distribution- wars have been started over less lol

    LA has started saying “BR needs some jelly babies now otherwise you never know he might have a tantrum, BR needs you to buy a new toy for him right now otherwise “and repeat” basically, how very naughty of him getting his treat’s through poor innocent BR, who said recently something like “ men with bulging eyes look like daddy” after his mummy read him a relevant storybook, as for the men with bulging stomachs, well my lips are sealed until I receive legal advice or a vegan cottage pie whatever I can purchase with 40 pieces of Lego - I know LA has taken half of my building supplies for gangster -related business- I’d better make a mental note not to put that on my tax return lol.

    have a good night toady tc xx

    👋Charlestown how are you today?

    👋Joan how are you both doing today? Mum has a virus and is having medicine thanks

    👋 SK sorry you’re feeling bad today

    Have a good night everyone tc xx

    ps my goodness what is bill feeding his kids? Lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 27. Feb 2024, 22:38

    Hi all 👋

    A very late and inadequate hello, running a bit late all day but also I had an al fresco slot that I booked with a view to moving it onwards, then decided I hadn't better move it on, I really ought have it tomorrow after all 😬 ..still chucking things in the basket now lol, any requests. Luckily not coming too early.

    Hope you were let out from the hairdresser's with a caution frog & not a custodial sentence 😱 love to all family & kitties :) xx

    Glad all's well joan, no parcels to pack today but I do have questions to answer.. 😣 too late tonight. My 'new home' is only a pipe dream at the moment but who knows, if my premium bonds come up. I think Ernie has fallen asleep on the job 😉 xx

    Oh dear sorry your mum is on antib's bosh, hope she gets on alright with them & wishing her a speedy recovery🤞sorry short reply 😔 xx

    Hope the headache has pushed off SK and you have an ok night (yes very cold, really felt it today 😕).

    Wave to everyone not in today, have a good night 😴 xx