Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 14. Mar 2024, 06:13

    Morning Joan It was quite a nice day in the end Joan, but no fog here today so we'll see. My knee is the same, but I've got used to it I suppose. How about you though? How are you? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef. Well I know that feeling! When I worked nights my MIL aways got Charley to sleep through. They are just different for Grandies so much better because Grandies spoil them and us parents can't. Roll on us being able to do that to our kids🤭

    Of course Sucré loves his Daddad very very much I hope you'll be able to reserve enough energy to get over there to see him this week. Well I'm sure you won't break your promise I really mean I hope it won't hurt you too much


    Morning Charlestown

    The 'tulips' are very clever indeed! I wonder whether the stalks are spring onions, so also edible🤔

    I'm so glad to hear how upbeat you are😊 See? All we need is to know what is wrong and what, if anything, can be done about it.

    I think the reason it's so wet is that warm front pushing rain through. Get me TV weather presenter!

    Have a good day.

    Morning Reshmi how are you this(maybe) dry day?

    Well done getting to the group hope everyone was ok and you didn't see nasty M.

    Glad to hear your Mum was ok yesterday hope the same today. Has she has the results from her blood test yet?

    Sounds as though your day was quiet and peaceful mine was too really I did get outside for a bit did a couple of loads of washing that sort of thing.

    Those pancakes remind me of 'little moons' if you haven't had them you really must get some for LA's next visit he and BR will love them. some of them are even vegan so i can indulge and for one very few calories. Not sure about glycaemic index though🤔

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady I hope you are ok today.

    I'm so glad you saw a Mr B maybe it is your Mr B I do hope so.

    Collecting all the recycling is no trouble really given what good we are trying to do for the future of this planet. Well done passing on more soft plastics and not buying the see trays. I wanted them too. I have my bamboo ones which I think are far better for the environment and my purse too.

    A mirror? A mirror why on earth would they want to do that in Piddle to their customers? How very rude!

    Yes you must keep up your reading for the book club. Anyway it's a good excuse to sit down with a biccy and a cuppa isn't it? Kitten heels for sure and maybe give the p****bow a miss if you really (and I doubt it) look 100. they are for the likes of Lucy not us lot I'm afraid. Whatever you choose wear it with catittude☺️

    Yes the crocheting is coming along nicely. Easy enough to do watching TV or listening to an audiobook.

    Imagine you getting censored for using such language😂😳

    Off for my 🚶

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps matcha green tea ice cream xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope you are feeling well. We had our delivery yesterday I said to the man who brought it in for us do you go to people’s homes and they are not in he said yes a lot of times. I don’t understand people being out. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) have a good day. Do you like peanut butter it’s vegan. Sue is well. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Imglad you enjoyed your club love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) little children have to be good for their grannie’s. have a good day I hope you can manage a ride on your bike and it’s not too painful love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day I hope with less pain

    love to Barbara Kitty and Mig (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    im a bit tired

    bye for now tc xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 14. Mar 2024, 20:23

    Hi all 👋 tea please 😊

    Bit drizzly on and off today frog but not as much as they said. Have started playing the what should I put in what pot outdoors game, this usually involves me getting in a bit of a twist, & saying things like 'oh go on use that nice new pot you've been saving, you can always get another the same, they still do them (checks - no they don't. Everything but...)'. I will get there in the end 🤪. No birdies today to report on. A few interesting things growing will do a proper check tomorrow. Hope it was fine for your walk and anything else. I will definitely work on my outfit for the bookclub tea and will try not to use any more unsuitable language in the process 😄🤐. I've seen those little moons (can say 'moon', at any rate 😉..); I think I recoiled at the price a bit, but they do look nice I'd still like to try them. Have a good Friday when is it food bank next? and do you have to do any compulsory BKV things, after whatever it was you got out of last time? Hope Paul well and have a good night :) xx

    Hello joan, that many people are out for their deliveries? 😮 you expect just a handful, called away or forgot, not that easy to forget though if it's your food or meds or something you are waiting for. Annoying for the drivers. All quiet here today thanks, no walk for me after yesterday but have still managed quite a few handy chores 👍️. Have a good day if you go to town :) xx

    Hope you i bosh, hope your tiredness lifts, that's a lovely refreshing looking cup of tea perhaps it will do the trick. See you next visit, was it mxt day for you already? already? 😣. Hope you at least haven't have to do much. Nothing much going on with me either, so will just wish you a good night. Oh I saw some shoe inserts yesterday described as being in 4D, very clever, Spock would be impressed they exist in time as well as the other 3 dimensions 😄 :) xx

    Hi @Charlestown glad to hear things are going ok even if you are still resting up for now. No swelling jolly good, hope tapering the steroids is ok. Strawberry plants sprouting, oh lovely 😊 I did manage some spring onions last year yes, quite spindly though, but better than I have done some years. Find them a bit tricky 🤔 mind you anything meant to be easy like things for kids to grow, radishes etc, I seem to have trouble with 🤷‍♀️. Yes I should have thought before posting yesterday, I was trying to post about those big floppy bows that were popular once you got them on blouses, no idea if they still are, anyway think of the rhyme about 'the Owl and the P****cat went to sea', that's the word I was after 😄. Hope your own kitties are well. Have a good night :) xx

    Hope things are going as ok as poss at yours SK🤞.

    Thinking of Julie and love to everyone not in at the moment 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni toady SK Joan and C

    how are you all today?

    mxt day for me so I’m very tired despite eating sensible protein and so on, house is a sauna again which doesn’t help but never mind

    👋 toady 4d - I like it lol

    👋Toni those pancakes look great, I think LA is overdoing the naughty sweet stuff but I will definitely investigate thanks 🙏

    I overheard LA asking his mummy if he could have a whole block of cheese for supper - what a naughty cheese monster haha!

    👋C I think I meant that I was sorry that toady didn’t have a good walk actually but thanks, are your feet and legs still hurting a lot now?

    👋SK how are you and your family doing today?

    👋thanks Joan hope you both had a nice day?

    another shamefully short entry I’m afraid, have as good a night as possible everyone, take care xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi everyone, had an early night so early awake with the pain tonight. Just having a brew.

    Hey Reshmi, well Sucré been kite flying with nannie. He got the string tangled around his feet and he really didn’t like that. He did it again when I was there and the panic in his eyes was terrible to see but daddad sorted it. Anda on a mental health awareness course hence the different days at work this week. I gave her a quick run down of my experiences and she said well basically I could be the tutor. It’s good that they are putting measures in place to spot the early signs finally. Other than that it’s just been normal stuff here. Music and a bit of biking for me, although the road to the town where mum is is currently closed for the week for resurfacing with the diversion via one of the bumpiest roads I know so I turned around and came home Wednesday after starting out to go visit.

    See above Toady and Charlestown, music and bikes. Hope you both well as can be expected.

    weather is forecast 17deg and dry dry dry next week. It does make me worry that summer is going to be 30deg+ I think they have drastically and dangerously under estimated the global warming, or at least if they know they aren’t telling the peasants. When did we last have 17deg in March other that the odd day here or there, not a whole week of it. Year before last we were still having frosts in April, coz I was moaning about all the salt on the road and that we would only get 6 months salt free roads. I wrote in my music diary that may 12th was first day I needed aircon on. It will be April this year I think.

    Good for all you gardeners.

    talking of gardens, we got new bins. I must be getting old and boring but I got excited coz it really tidied the garden up as the old one was really ratty.

    Hey Toni and Dachshund and everyone else, how are you?

    nothing else to post really so back to my brew then 😁

    Toni, I just read back a bit before posting this, the thought of my first son who is 27 this year having offspring scares me stupid. I guess though with grand kids if you have them for a day, you do get to hand them back to their parents at some point lol.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? Does Sue feel fully back to normal and well enough to go into town? I do hope so it's Friday. Everyone is well here Kari's friend is visiting this week so she will be very busy here there and everywhere. She's going to an art or crafty thing at the NEC today. We love peanut better do you? Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    I could tell how much better you felt just knowing what was wrong. I am exactly the same. It's me who was anaemic as indicated by recent blood tests. Quite a bit too. I tried taking the normal iron tablets but they upset my stomach so am now taking spatone which is much gentler. I also drink a glass of fresh orange after each meal.

    I do indeed have a Charley she is Charlotte really of course, but I shortened her name straight away when I was coming round after giving birth. Yours is a Charlie! It's a lovely name my Dad was a Charles.

    You take care of yourself rest up you'll soon be outside.

    Oh Toady said p***y-cat bow (as favoured by Princess Diana if you remember) of course the first word could be used in a different way. Poor Toad it was innocently done.

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you aren't too MTX hangovery (new word) today. I also hope your Mum is well did you report back on her recent bloods? Maybe i missed it?

    Sneak that thermostat down just a bit when no-one is looking...

    A whole block of cheese for one small boy?😮he certainly is a little cheese monster. Did I read somewhere that cheese can be addictive it sets off endorphins in the brain or something. Better read up on that Toni before spouting possible rubbish!

    Not sure I'd want Sleek next to the towels they'd all be floofy and then when you dried yourself you'd be floofy too not at all comfortable, but a very cute pic😻

    Are there any family plans for the weekend?

    Do try the little moons they are lovely very small and quite low in calories. You take them out of the freezer and leave them to 'warm up' for maybe 10-15 mins then eat them. Not too bad a treat for the boys, but only one each!

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Hi Skinny K I love the new bins! Did you buy them or the council they are so smart☺️

    I have to agree with you I am quite quite worried about this global warming. I am sure it's the cause of all the rain we've had and these weirdly high temperatures too all very odd. I am also certain it's going to be a super hot summer over dry and hot. If we are suffering in the notoriously chilly UK what on earth is it like in hotter climes? Scary.

    Probably won't be that good for us gardeners as likely too hot for the plants😕

    Glad you got to see Sucré I hope it hasn't caused you too much extra pain. How good that you were able to 'save' him from the kite string. I wonder whether he thought he might fly off up high? Very sensible dodging the very bumpy roads though going to your Mum's. When will you be able to get through easier?

    Glad you could be of assistance to Anda with her training😉

    Your eldest is a similar age to Charley and Tia then. Sorry to say it but you could be a Grandy before you know it!! Yes we could give them back at the end of the day that's true after we've fed them all sorts of yummy rubbish🤭

    Take care Keef.

    Morning Toady

    No more rude words naughty Toad🤣 as if! Funnily enough the spam filters have let people say words I would consider swearing cr*p for instance I think - and something else i can't remember and it penalised innocent little Toady! Looks like we can say 'moon'😁

    The little moons are expensive but there are 6 small desserts in that box and one is definitely enough. Give it a go as a one off if you don't like them not too much lost. We love them but only have desserts maybe once in 2 weeks. Paul's diet you know🙄

    I get my pots and (while talking to the plants I imagine you do this too?) move them up in size rehoming as I go and usually only the largest one or two get a brand new pot. Meany Toni. Of course the very pots you want will have sold out. What did you expect?😒

    I think we are only sweeping the Church steps as our contribution to Best kept village this year. But someone wants me to help with a craft group and I am rubbish at crafts. I need to move house ASAP I can't cope with it all. I just want to be a quiet selfish Frog in my own little Froggy garden....with my Sleekipuss. Risky nickname there - did I get away with it?

    Take care!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps sweet pea flower tea or something like that xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Have a good day take care we are going into town.

    Yes Toni sue is well we like peanut butter

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Bins are from nosegay Toni.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Very frustrated, today has become a bad head day, tried everything can’t shift it ☹️☹️☹️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I hope you have a nice trip into town

    mum and I are ok today 🙏

    I like peanut butter too but I find it addictive and it also upsets my stomach so I don’t keep it in the house lol

    ps ube and coconut cream pie xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni,

    how are you today?

    Mums braces okay thanks and I’m not feeling too bad at all and I smile stay here at least and managed to walk without a massive coat on. Also seem to be having a bit more energy moment

    just wanted to say yes, you are right about mums blood test results. I was going to post something yesterday but got too tired. Basically they’re all okay as far as my mum can tell they are all okay from blood sugar level.

    I think she said that she thinks that all she needs to do is take a bit better care of her diet and it should be fine, but the reassuring thing is that she has a potential telephone appointment with the consultant on Thursday of next week. Basically it’s one of those ones where they phone you if there’s an issue and they don’t if everything is fine but they’re looking after her well, the hospital doctors and I’m glad that nothing worse was found

    while I’ve got a bit of energy I’m going to get on with a few tasks now at least that’s my goal haha so I’ll post properly later.

    Bye for now Toni take care xx

    Ps toast art xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi toady

    How are you today?

    Not a great deal to report here in the sauna. I’m rather tired but it’s mainly post - shower tiredness, so not so bad a situation thanks.

    one thing I did forget to tell you was about the group, like I said not really that eventful unfortunately, but it was one of those days when I had a blueberry muffin there in the café, because I was feeling a bit weak, but RR told me off a lot saying it was extremely bad for health and that I should only have them once a month. It’s much safer and healthier to eat a whole chocolate factory for breakfast as he does.

    Yes it was a bit early for a Cheshire cat smile, but I had to do my best impersonation haha

    What are you up to today? How’s the nosegay situation? I am not really doing so much went for a walk and Had a shower before the old shower altercations could begin.

    Might be going out for a meal on Sunday not EF just immediate family, IF, but not IV, sorry I’ll stop writing rubbish now lol.

    It’s still hasn’t been confirmed though, it depends on how everyone feels etc, possibly the Japanese place again, so I have to really brace my stomach or something like that. Not sure how to achieve that. Oh well I’ll take it as it comes I guess

    bye for now toady tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Sucré and Anda on way home and I am still feeling rough. i hate it when he comes home and I am laying down and can’t meet him from the car. Plus my tinnitis is so bad atm. Obviously had the volume up too loud in bunker, which may also be why I feel rough. Had that once before when I was with the band.

    your photos of food are making me HUNGRY, but i don’t fee like eating lol.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋

    Drizzling on & off, not too bad, just got in the garden for a bit - did nothing too exciting but took a couple of pics. The pot of last year's pansies surprised me because on close inspection they were harbouring several little violets too! 😀 Self-sown, or did I tip a pot of little Vi's seeds - that I thought weren't going to grow - into this pot, and can't remember. Anyway lovely to see them. And a few tulips; those Purple Prince seem to be as reliable as any for coming up successive years. You have your pot system off to a proper rota frog, mine revolves around things like having rashly given my 'usual' broad bean pot over to bulbs, and am sorry now, etc. Some will have to have a bigger pot from somewhere, my agapanthus for a start, didn't flower last year. Yes there is a bit of talking to the plants involved, and to myself. Including tutting at background noises because like you I want to be left alone, to think my own thoughts. Sorry about the crafting thing 😣 don't suppose you can trade someone. Have a good weekend it may be dry in places 🤔 love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you had a good trip to town and it was fine. Do you like the chunky peanut butter or the smooth. It's quite good for you, I should have some for the calories too help fatten me up, but I tend to buy a jar and then it's open for too long while I eat other things first. Have a good weekend love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad to hear group was ok apart from a telling off by the muffin monitor 🙄 so perhaps uneventful is the lesser of too eventful, hard to say sometimes. I sold a little item last night on nosegay thanks for asking so I am multi-tasking here on various tabs and booking it in for the post. This sounds more efficient than it is but has been known to involve me booking it but not for collection, so that some poor parcel sits in the porch little knowing that no postman is ever coming 😳. Not this time 👍️. Ooh a possible IF meal, but unconfirmed, I await news of which ifs are which. I do like that little breakfast, very appealing. Have a good Saturday :) xx

    Sorry you are being poked at my the tinnitus and general roughness SK 😣 hope things pick up a bit and you don't have to feel too unequal to things while family there. I do like your bins, they are v nice, rather a beehive-y look to them. Do you not have to put out wheelies then? Hope you settle enough for some bunker time.. maybe don't turn things up to 11 for now :) xx

    Hi to @Charlestown , have taken a couple of quick garden snaps see above, nothing much else going on yet. One gardening website that I just bought something from sent me a free post no minimum order offer so I will have to watch myself 😬 so easy to find something you want probably best not look. You'd probably be fine with onions I think it's something about me 😄 especially if you can grow carrots, I never have. Have a good Saturday and go easy on the ankles etc :) xx

    Kettle is going on 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi C

    how are you today?

    im feeling a lot more energetic today thanks

    I see sinus problems are nasty, my mum had one for a long time, I think she had some surgery on the inside of her nose to stop it eventually, if I remember correctly, but it was very painful and a last resort, I think that’s what she told me, it was quite a few years ago now

    I’m only feeling slightly nauseous thanks but sometimes I just feel nauseous anyway I would say the mxt lurgey has gone lol 🙏

    yes hot houses are horrible I agree

    have a nice evening take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 15. Mar 2024, 20:56

    No we don’t have to put the bins out. The high street does it the old fashioned way lol.

    Sucré home and running riot. He takes 24 hours to adjust to being back here. It’s like he thinks he doesn’t have to behave coz he not at nans any more.

    just went out to bunker to switch everything off and its raining lots. Hope i can get in there tomorrow but no chance this evening, head still bad. I have a new item to try out.

    night everyone x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi SK

    sorry that your tinnitus has returned

    I like the bins 👍

    Sucre is running riot is he? Oh dear. LA does that quite a lot of the time unfortunately, I’m not sure what sets him off, his mother thinks it’s because at any given opportunity he’ll eat too many sugary treats, but I’ve seen him act like that without sugar so I’m not sure what’s going on in his particular case.

    I hope the pains settle down a bit overnight.

    good night and take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi again Toni

    how are you this evening?

    I am feeling a lot more energetic today thanks 🙏

    slightly nauseous from time to time but that can be due to totm

    mxt hangover - y state - nice word by the way 👍 - has definitely gone thanks

    I will definitely try the little moon pancakes thanks

    LA got the “scientist of the week” certificate at school because some famous tv female weather presenter visited his school - I don’t know the name unfortunately- and he asked her how clouds were formed - what an impressive question I think, especially for a junior mafia member lol.

    I think scientific skills definitely come from my sis, definitely not from me and certainly not from bill, don’t tell him that please - Velcro fastenings or zips on mouths time please 🤐 lol

    My mum said LA can’t wait to be a grandfather as then he can tell everyone off, but he’s doing that anyway - oh dear 😱

    BR requested a special supper from his mummy yesterday- porridge flavoured with biscuit crumbs and cheese!

    My goodness what an odd potential diet, cheesy crumb - laden porridge 🥣

    that’s almost enough to start the nausea up all over again haha

    have a good night Toni and tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Reshmi, I LOVE that tea cup storm foto. I think that is my favourite of all your fotos so far.

    glad your mum’s bt all okay

    wppl just up for 4am pills, i slept right through from 8pm woohoo !!!!!