Val's Cafe



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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Afternoon all 😊 only quarter past four in old money, so not too late for afternoon tea really, if there are any scones going 👍️.

    Hope all well at yours frog 😊 lovely morning here actually, did some more tidying and repotted some chives, long overdue poor things. Now it's a bit drizzly but I don't mind, that was the best of it quite sunny. Several more hollyhocks up today 👍️ will be interested to see how they come as they were seeds from a self-sown plant growing at a pavement edge outside someone's house. Still trying to get some geum to germinate, no luck as yet, not sure if last year's plant is still ok in the garden it's a bit undergrowthy to see atm. Oh I never thought Sleek would cheat at Jenga, at worst maybe be a very very slightly bad loser 😄 glad she is keeping well away from the glass, hope you are happy that you have got it all up, horrid to deal with 😕. Just about to make a small catazon order now, yes the subscription options are annoying especially when I keep thinking that price is the price for one. There are things where it might be worth it I suppose but they are expensive anyway so you could probably nearly always do better elsewhere - I don't know who pays their prices for some things 🤔 it will say 100+ sold for a box of bics half the price elsewhere, and I think, really, who to?? (to whom?). Nothing much else going on here, have to wash my hair tomorrow really, the shears have been out today 💇‍♀️😂. Have a good evening enjoy Monty 😊🌼 love to all and hope Lucy is ok🤞xx

    Hello joan, I hope Sue's procedure is over now and that it will help as much as possible, then they can say what they will be doing🤞. My interent is fine again now it's better weather only the occasional blip. Yes I was in the garden it was warm in the sun but the second it went in it was a different matter, quite chilly. Love to both best wishes to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh tea & scones how nice 😊 well nice I hope and the oracle is in a good mood. Was that at the museum cafe or elsewhere. Hope LA enjoyed himself too it was a nice day for it, or it was if they've had it like here, bit mixed I expect. "Peak littley time", perfect 😂 hope it all worked out ok 😬. Had a horrid postbox walk last night, someone was behind me all the time I hate it when people neither catch up & overtake or turn off, they had some sort of irritating radio? phone? thing on; sounded like the sort of one way conversation you get on police radio, the occasional beep and someone's voice. They looked more like a child/teenager so I don't think they were with the force haha but you know what it's like when someone unnerves you, I should have just turned off somewhere myself and lost them. And not the best night's sleep (no NF thankfully), but feel better today than yesterday, go figure 🤷‍♀️. Shan't be doing much more today, have a good evening :) xx

    Hi to SK how's things today? It nearly came to tea in the early hours for me but in the end I couldn't muster the effort. Hope everyone ok :) xx

    I think I'd be having little sleeps in the field if I had all that to deal with @Charlestown 😮😄 gosh puts a couple of growbags in the shade doesn't it 😂 never mind we do what we can 👍️. The cottage pie no not Quorn, I don't get on with it (a number of people don't apparently although I used to), it's a soy protein mince from a health food store (** & **, second word rhymes with Carrot 😄). Very plain but people could add stuff to it I guess, it suits me as it is I just chuck some tomato in it bit of salt that's it. I would have taken its pic but by the time I thought of it I'd served my carrots up, bit too late 😂 baking banana muffins again for me today, the ripe bananas are gaining on me again 😱. Weather v mixed yes, cold one min but quite nice at times, raining now 🙄. Hope you get all you want tomorrow 👨‍🌾👍️ :) xx

    Hello to @Netty46 and anyone not in today xx

    Love to all 👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Reshmi are they cheese scones lovely

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Joan

    How are you tonight?
    Any more news about Sue?

    They were currant scones with butter and jam

    Have a nice night tc xx

    Hi SK C Toni and toady

    How are you all?

    We had a nice time with LA thanks

    It was the museum’s cafe - I’d never been there before

    Really nice food and service, also it’s slightly outside town centre so no congestion issues so to speak - there were more than enough seats and tables available

    Toni they also had loads of vegan options that seemed great too

    I’m surviving but I’m not quite sure how lol

    Didn’t manage a proper walk or nap

    McDs it was but mum and had eaten enough beforehand not to mind the wait etc

    Much more to say but if I don’t rest soon I may have to stalk toady on the street with my radio on lol

    Good night everyone tc xx

    Ps matcha strawberry cake xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 3. Apr 2024, 06:15

    Morning Joan I hope you are ok? How is Sue getting on have they drained that abscess yet? You must be missing her a lot sending some ((())) and some flower💐 to both of you take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown how are you doing today? Still improving I see. I see you got a lot done yesterday after the long weekend and with the help of some lovely chai lattes. I had one too lovely! Garden centre today to get some compost so your spuds can go in I see. It's my morning at the foodbank today I am looking forward to it. One Friday we have a skittles night to raise funds for the foodbank.

    I thought so that bloke did still harbour a ludicrous idea that he would be spotted by the England manager!!!! Bless him l would have laughed my head off! Give those balls a good boot over here I'll give them to the twins.

    My sister is very arty she will be able to do a cardy I would think hat and bootees. She might wait though until we get told the gender. The girls are not having a baby shower no gender reveal they actually said it was too American. Good on 'em. My niece did though.

    I hope no-one decided to start ploughing the field Grandpa is sleeping in! Take care😊

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you holding up? Doing ok I hope. Is your Mum managing to loo after herself too?

    How lovely though having time together just to eat a scone. That is nice and saved your stomach from needing to eat at LA's choice - maccies. I doubt that they could have made a cheese scone even if you'd fancied one I heard there was a shortage of cheese in the Reading area….

    The museum have a café that sounds lovely and spot on plenty of space to sit and good food including plenty of vegan options too. Possibly a bit far for me to travel. I'll send Sleek to pick me something up!

    Did LA manage to dig up many eggs? I bet he had a great time did your Dad go in with him?

    Hope you get a more restful day today Reshmi well done finding time to post with all you have going on atm.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    Hoping all is well at Keef's and in teh bunker too. Sending you some ((())) and leaving you a cuppa

    Morning Toady

    Had quite a bit of rain here yesterday in the end. So ended up bobbing in and out.

    Planted some more seeds, antirinnums (sp) and nicotiana ready for some height. Not sure whether to start anything off to the village plant sale if it's happening this year with the Church warden incapacitated. Her trapeziectomy today.

    I feel like i remember those hollyhock seeds you purloined. I think they'll do great you know. Maybe your existing geum will do ok let's hope so.

    Opinion please. We have a small patch of grass at the front. It has been turned mostly to weeds while the garden was done 3 years ago then the last two years due to the drive. They all put their supplies on it and rubble you know. Do you think it would be too 'out there ' to clear it off and plant a clover lawn instead? I could plant a very low hedge so that any nosey opinionated villagers can't see it only us? No-one walks on it and I think it's good for the bees.

    Some people buy almost everything from amazon taken in by the super-fast delivery options. I suspect it's the 'I want it NOW' culture we live in. Mad aren't they? We need to be discerning I think.

    Sleek doesn't really cheat I mean those claws are hers, but gosh yes she is an incredibly sore loser. You have her sussed. Chances are she'll be fine as Mabel is likely to be terrible at Jenga and scrabble for a few years.

    No Monty next week? What😣

    Have a good day!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    I have some bad news Sue passed away this morning.
    Toady (()) that’s good your internet is working. I heard yesterday the postman are going to a 3 day week. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) I used to knit feather and fan baby jackets. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you and your mum (()) you take care

    Skinny Keef (()) how are you feeling today love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) how are you. It will be nice when it’s warmer. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Joan I am so very sad to hear about Sue 😔 sending heartfelt sympathy and love to you & the dear dogs 💗🌷I will get the kettle on for all VC xxx

    Will be back later love to everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Joan

    I am extremely sorry to hear the sad news about Sue,

    Thanks for asking about me and my mum, even though you must have so much on your mind, her blood sugar is okay today, Thanks for asking, I’m also okay too thank you. LA has just left and is going home to his parents so I am a bit sad but also very relieved in a way because it was exhausting having him here. You take care of yourself

    love Reshmi xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Just popping in again quickly to see how everyone is; hello Joan, probably may not be reading, but as Charlestown says I hope a neighbour or friends have been in if wanted, and that you don't have too many phone calls etc to make. Thinking of you xx

    Hello to bosh and Charlestown, glad you are both doing ok today as far as poss, kettle is going on again ☕️ will post later I hope xx

    Love to all 😘

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon/ evening? I hesitated before writing this message as obviously it’s such sad news about Sue but I thought it might make us laugh a little so it can’t do any harm anyway and of course there’s no compulsion for anyone to read this right now.

    if I read back properly I won’t get anything done so I’ll just say what I’ve got to say and use such memory as I
    The cafe yesterday was really great Toni

    They had gourmet hot chocolate which was vegan, vegan shortbread and all sorts of yummy sounding vegan options like various types of jacket potatoes and pies

    it was a really nice place.

    I really didn’t expect it to be that good.

    Remind me a bit of John Lewis but much better

    than J*** Lewis but fresher and better quality

    There was also table service so no struggling with heavy tea pots etcMum thoroughly enjoyed it too 👍

    LA loves saying “car park level one” and so on copying the lift voice when he’s in the lift with us in the shopping centre

    so recently he told me that the car park goes up to level hundred and a certain people live in live on this level

    level and these people are mainly grandfathers, but not the 19-year-old grandfathers like himself, but grandfathers of a more conventional age range however I also live on this level. Yes Apparently Mima is present among the grandfathers and is the youngest person on this car park level 100.
    He also said that the car park level 100 is in outer space

    which is news to me but never mind 😂

    So it seems LA is apparently it looks like he’s right writing “Star Trek strange new worlds” or his alternative version at least lol and why not, I just hope he demands paying in actual money, not blearios and chicken/vegan nuggets

    Group was okay, thanks Toni.
    Nice M was there she was in good spirits, unfortunately her dad couldn’t make it today

    Heavy kind of rain but luckily umbrella dealt with most of it didn’t get soaked to the bone or anything like a few days ago

    Another subject now, Toni do you wear mascara? I’m just asking because I never have as I’m worried about my sensitive eyes, however I bought some today, fairly standard stuff I guess but not waterproof, do you use an eyelash primer to keep mascara on in the rain? I was just wondering if you have any recommendations

    Did you get caught in the rain?

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Just a goodnight wave to everyone 👋

    Love to frogmorton I will catch up with you tomorrow 😘

    Thank you for the cheery stories bosh, glad everything went well with the visit & outings and also that you can have a rest now hopefully 😴 see you soon xx

    Hi to SK and anyone not in, sleep well xx

    Love to Joan 😘 (()) xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Have a good night everyone

    Toady (()) and Charlestown (()) yes our friend is helping me she’s been up the hospital to collect Sue’s things as well. And our neighbour who comes every morning said I can ring anytime. Toady I’ve just seen Monty Don has a chore jacket it’s green.

    take care
    joan xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 3. Apr 2024, 20:18
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi again Toni

    I forgot to mention that mums bs was ok today thanks for asking

    I’m ok thanks I survived the LA - tornado as mum called him lol!

    Very tired though no doubt, LA was very naughty I just about managed to stop him from deleting all the apps on BB’s ipad!

    LA also had a tantrum because BB delayed toy - purchase from al fresco due to rain, I was trying to console him, but he got so angry he hit my bad leg! My goodness, a rugby player /scientist/ doctor- a very odd and worrying job combination I agree lol

    Ok have a good night Toni tc xx


    How are you today?

    The radio person walking behind you that must have been disconcerting indeed

    I survived the LA - tornado as mum called him lol

    My stomach is just about ok right now thanks but mum made mini fish pastries, I ate a T rex - sized scone yesterday and various naughty foodstuffs, so my stomach may “turn” any moment now really, but such is life

    How is your own stomach these days?

    LA’s favourite storybook now is “Superbat”, so I was playing a rhyming game with him, saying Louisa has a super - plait made by her mummy etc, he didn’t like this at all he looked at me with pure disdain, as if saying, “how dare you talk to me about ladies’ hairstyles!!”, I almost mentioned that we live in enlightened times and that the HD is a male, but my poor leg didn’t need another punch by the old - fashioned somewhat prejudiced aristocrat, so I kept silent lol

    Have a nice night Toni tc xx

    👋SK and C have a good night xx

    Ps toady after her haircut lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Oh Joan😓

    Joan l am so very very very sorry to hear the news about Sue.

    She was such a lovely lady and really much more than a sister to you. There is nothing like the bond of twins is there? So very special.

    Too early to be asking all this, but I hope the carers will all be keeping in touch even perhaps supporting you a little if they are allowed. Maybe you could have them even if only for a short period.

    Pepper and Lexi will stay close to you and be a comfort to you and force you to keep going though I know you are a strong person it will help.

    I am glad to see you have a friend supporting you and hope you believe your dear dear Sister is now safely with your Mum and Dad not having that awful pain now.

    Please take very good care and talk to us any

    time we are all here for each other ((()))

    Toni xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone.

    Thinking of Joan very much today 😓

    Morning Reshmi

    I am so glad your Mum's bs was ok yesterday I hope today will be the same. I also hope your leg survived getting kicked. This reminds me of a little boy accidentally kicking my mid flare once in 'Why-here' oh I could ahve cried, but had to pretend i was ok. Nightmare.

    Are you ok up there on the 100th floor? Do you get nose-bleeds with the altitude and is it cold? Shall l shout a bit louder?😁 LA has such an imagination!

    What a cheeky boy he is nearly deleting BB's apps and throwing a hissy fit because it was to rainy to fetch a new toy immediately! Tornado indeed!

    That food in the museum sounded really lovely and the service excellent too. If I lived nearer I would definitely pop in.

    After that desperately sad news from Joan I did need to have a cheeky LA tale or two to cheer me up so thank you for that. I am sure it helped Joan too.

    I used to wear mascara every day and a layer of foundation you know, but my eyes do not seem to like it so it tends to be more for special occasions now for me. If you try the primer do tell me if it's any better than without. As I've got older my lashes are definitely not what they used to be it would be nice to define them again.

    Well done going to the group I am glad you went and saw nice M she will have been pleased to see you.

    Take care.

    Morning Charlestown hope you are ok today?

    Maybe it will be a nicer day today it was chilly yesterday luckily for me i was at the foodbank and cheered up by so many lovely volunteers.

    Well done donating to the dog rescue.

    I will have my chai latte soon too. I really am enjoying them just one a day it's enough but a real treat😊

    take care.

    Skinny Keef I do hope you are all ok yourself Loanda and Sucré too. I am missing hearing your news.

    Toady we'll catch up later.

    take care we are all feeling desperately for Joan l know because we are like a little family in here and Joan is so important and loved by us all.

    Get outside if you can and breathe in some nature and hear some wildlife it does help. I will try to contact Barbara and Kitty if i can ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 4. Apr 2024, 08:11
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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    thank you for your kind words. I’m so grateful I’m so pleased to have this lovely forum you are so kind and understanding thank you.
    Toady (()) have a good day. The weather man said the week was going to be warm now he’s said it will rain.

    Toni (()) thank you. When the carers came I said wii she be alright they said yes. But all the time I kept thinking I Don’t know. The hospital are thinking of doing a ortopsy ( that’s not spelt right) I have not cried yet. Sorry to go on. Did you see Monty Don has a chore jacket it’s green. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how is your mum (()) have a good day

    Charlestown (()) thank you for your kind words. Have a good day I hope your pain is not too bad.

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope everything is alright with you and Sucr’e and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    You should never say sorry for going on, we are your friends and you can say anything you want.

    I think maybe you haven’t cried yet because of the shock

    Mums bs was borderline this morning but she is fine now thanks so much for asking

    I’ve had the mxt but otherwise I am ok too

    Love, Reshmi xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mum had borderline bs this morning and dad upset her at the same time so she delayed finishing her breakfast preparation so I finished making her breakfast for her and made sure she had it before responding to dad’s accusations, he has become so nasty these days Toni, it’s really a big problem.
    I did manage a walk thanks and tea at Cost A Packet, which was nice, it looked like lots of kids had brought grandparents along so that they didn’t have to steal their adulk relatives’ bank cards lol

    I’m post mxt of course today but not feeling too bad at the moment, I must admit I ate a bit of naughty food so whether mxt nausea will be worse later on I don’t know yet, oh well I don’t do it every week at least

    A friend texted saying he was in hospital so I got a bit alarmed but he’s just pulled a back muscle and doc said he can recuperate at home so that’s not too bad 👍

    yes my leg survived thanks, but if mischievous LA had hit my leg a little bit higher up that would’ve been more of a problem, I remember you told me about the child in “why - here?” - good Staffordshire rhyming slang incidentally - yes that must have been a nightmare, also I hate it when the parents don’t take any action in these situations, they could have at least apologised to you on behalf of the child- not good at all.

    Good point about the car park level 100 - nosebleeds, altitude, volume, temperature- LA - or the five year old Spock maybe - needs to provide us with much more information- or data - as all the Spock’s and scientists probably say.

    I’ll stop for now as feeling a bit groggy- but there will be another instalment.

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps toady’s postbox walk attire lol xx