Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 4. Apr 2024, 17:07

    Hello everyone 👋

    Hello Joan thinking of you today very much. I am going to talk about normal everyday things too on the basis you might not want us tiptoeing around you. Hope everything is is well as it can be. Yes rain as far ahead as the forecast goes, for me, and very strong winds over the weekend. Monty's coats are lovely lots of pockets, I must admit I had not heard of the term 'chore coat' before. It's hard to imagine him in anything except corduroys & wellingtons &c, they are part of him, almost. It always looks so idyllic in his garden but behind the scenes he has the weather to contend with too, I saw a photo in the news of part of the garden underwater from flooding, not the first time apparently. One day it will dry up surely!🤞here are a few tulips not quite out yet, they should be double whites and dark purple; and some of my bluebells. xx

    Hello frog 👋 yes I have been outside today it forecast rain but it kindly didn't come to anything so I had some nature time, as you say 🌱🌼🐦️ weather is going to 'turn' again after this though. I love antirrhinums although any I have are self-sown I think, pretty little things. Definitely yes all the way to the clover meadow lawn, if it would work for you, I'd love that myself especially with the little hedge too 😊. Lovely for the bees which are around now here (ladybirds too). I think I may have spotted my geum having cleared a bit more overgrown things. Will keep an eye. I am so pleased with how my tulip pot is doing - all at the same stage at the same time for once, and sturdy - have let them out of cover now but with bad weather coming will move them into shelter, don't want a disaster at this point. Have not seen about a no Monty week, I will look it up - will be catching up with ep 3 tonight ahead of tomorrow's. Hope you have had a good day yourself, hope Lucy is alright🤞love to all, thank you for contacting a few VC people, hope you are able to. xx

    Hi bosh, yes that is me today, in dire need of grooming 😣😄. I bought new shampoo this week and different conditioner, the HD (he! shocking) would be proud of me. I wouldn't mind a super-plait myself, sorry LA. I dye my eyelashes and eyebrows if anyone's interested, not for a dramatic effect or anything mainly from being pale it saves me looking like this 😑 can't be bothered with eyebrow pencil and having clean to it off or get it on towels etc; mascara very occasionally. Has the delayed toy-purchase crisis been resolved? dare I say hitting your bad leg should incur a yellow card, one more infraction and no toy, but very easy to say as an armchair parent thank goodness. Glad it was so nice at the cafe, the service etc, that sounds very nice especially with not being crowded. Oh the poor Grandads and you all living in the troposphere I hope the lifts are always working 😬. Have a good evening, I may squeak a walk in if it's dry and I will look left and right this time so no ookey people are behind me! Bye for now :) xx edit: sorry I didn't see you there on the previous page, I'm a bit behind the times, will read back & catch up again next time xx

    Hope your day is ok Charlestown, I didn't have any plans just a quiet day really few chores, but it turned out nicer than the forecast so at least some of the chores were outside. Lovely to help the dog rescue people 👍️, I have a charity collection bag now but it's the clothes sort (no books no bric a brac etc) so not too much help. Did you get out to the shops today? Hope not too chilly or nasty where you are, I will be having storm Kathleen at the weekend.. 😬 😣. Take care 👋 :) xx

    Wave to SK, cup of tea with your name on anytime 👋☕️ xx

    Love to everyone 😘

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  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 4. Apr 2024, 17:26

    Hi everyone

    So sorry for being absent,will post when I can but can't really read back but always thinking of you all

    Just to say my heart goes out to our Lovely friend Joan im so very sorry to hear that Sue has died,you have both been such a good friend to me over the years

    Sending love and hugs

    And the same to everyone


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni and toady I need to charge my device so sorry about that

    Just wanted to say LA kicked his own mother!

    He did apologise after a few hours though

    Also toady I do understand about getting eye makeup everywhere- i use facial wipes, but yes, not worth going through a massive eye makeup routine daily without fail I agree 👍

    Ok bye for now

    👍 SK and C by the way

    Bye for now tc xx

    ps lemon chamomile posset xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 4. Apr 2024, 18:22

    Joan none of us think you are 'going on' at all! Quite the opposite this is such desperately sad news.

    I must say like you I had a bad feeling too.

    Right l have spoken to Barbara and she has asked me to pass on her telephone number to you and to tell you to please ring her any time at all. So I have sent you a message.

    As you know she really struggles to see but she will try to get on here if she can.

    I did see Monty's jacket yes. Bless him.

    Take care Joan we are here as Reshmi said we are your friends and you can say anything you want.

    ((())) XXX

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    I think mxt is getting the better of me now, I’ll try to organise stuff and go to bed early

    LA’s chocolate dig was actually more of a fossil drawing session but he likes drawing 👍

    There was chocolate at the end but not enough

    That was soon rectified through as there was a whole factory of it at home

    Have a good night Toni take care xx

    👋 toady

    yes toys were bought later on from al fresco

    LA has learned one phrase of Bengali that he’s teaching his brother- it means - quite ironically, “ Are you listening?”
    oh dear

    Have a good night toady, remember to put a padlock on the chocolate cupboard- you never know where the 5 year old Spock will strike next haha, tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Dachshund, so sorry to hear about Sue.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning Joan Hope you are doing ok and the dogs are coping too they will be a bit confused and pick up on your emotions and feelings. Take care talk as much or as little as you want to about Sue. I must take you a pick of me in my gardening outfit or get Paul to. Monty has a lot of sense really with his gardening clothes. I hope you'll get in touch with Barbara she'd love to hear from you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are not too post MTXy today and that a good sleep has helped? That will be me tomorrow.

    Hope your Mum's bs is better today and your dad does not upset her and put her off eating we do not need that no😠

    I love LA's Bengali phrase. Perfect I think you need to teach it to me too😉

    You must have a word with him about life on level 100 yes get more data specific to what you might need up there oxygen and the like. Also will you be able to reach the sun/moon? Questions for the young scientist to answer for definite.

    So they weren't digging for chocolates rather it was fossils. A little more educational then with a small amount of chocolate at the end. I bet he did need that rectifying at home bless him. I think the title was a tad misleading I am with LA there and would have expected loads of chocolate.

    Still little boys who kick their mummies really don't deserve an awful lot of chocolate do they?

    Hope today is a nice restful day for you.

    Morning Toady hope you are ok today.

    I had a busy day yesterday did a bit of visiting here and there, some housework (I had ☔) including our lovely Church warden who had her trapeziectomy bless her and was in a great deal of pain. To be fair it hadn't been 24 hours so fair do's. Also they don't give out much pain relief these days. I suggested the overlapping of anti-inflams then 2/3 hours later the pain killers then 2/3 hours after that anti-inflams again explaining about getting the right side of pain. She was so pleased with the idea honestly! I was taught that in hospital after I think my back surgery bless her.

    Love the tulips almost ready to open! the bluebells look fabulous as well they ahve clearly loved this wet weather. I must take another of P's honesty as there are many more flowers now.

    I will go for the clover lawn though sadly it may not be until the Autumn as research says not when it's too hot and of course with Paul's van being in the garage for the foreseeable so no trailer to clear up any mess we might make it is likely to be too dry until then yah boo😔

    Have you got a small cat with you? She left here early with her cluedo under her arm. I hope you have time for a game? I messaged Kitty and managed to ring Barbara who is doing really well bless her Jimmy due his 2nd hip op soon. He's had his pre-op. Niamh is taller than Barbara already. All positive news and her GD and her partner getting married in October.

    Well you take care and enjoy your double bill of Monty.

    Morning Skinny K bless you I can tell you must be struggling ATM and hope you are all ok

    ((())) xxx

    Hi Charleston hope you are ok?

    I was busy yesterday visiting people cleaning morning then out and about coffee with one friend then visiting one post op at home. Today I have the hairdressers. I was just thinking how nice it would be if they could do things like lashes/brows etc while we were there having our hair done. So please join our hairdressers I'm sure we can find you space.

    It's definitely windy here.

    I hope you are right and tomorrow will be nice.

    Barbara who just popped in is another longstanding member like myself and Joan from day 1 of the café's inception. Annoyingly for her she has macular degeneration so can't really read our posts now bless her. I had told her about you and Skinny K on the phone but she probably wasn't able to read back. She will either have used her husband to post for her or some app.

    Have a good day!

    posh toast!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Thank you everyone for your kind words

    Toady (()) how are you and the internet doing. I talk to the dog’s tell them what’s going on. Last night I was going to have some semolina I couldn’t open the tin with the electric tin opener. This morning when our neighbour came he went and got is tin opener it’s done. have a good day.

    Toni (()) thank you for thinking about me. I have Barbara’s phone I’ve had it a few years but when she didn’t com on here any more I didn’t like to phone her because of her problems. Good luck to her husband with is new hip. Sue’s carers Jami and Chris came to see me they couldn’t believe it. They left me their phone numbers and said I can phone when I want. Jaki’s dad has got two more Demo’s to go he goes to the hospital on his own now he feels better. Have a good day enjoy the hair dresser’s. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) thank you for your kind words. You are doing well love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) thank you for your kind words love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) thank you for your kind words. And for thinking about me our neighbour comes in every morning he ‘s come since Covid my other friend I can phone any time she would come if I wanted her to. I have the dogs to talk to. Have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Hi all 👋 tea please 😊

    Supposed to be raining out there but actually not bad, and sunny, but you can tell stormy weather is a-coming - keep hoping it will tone down a bit by tomorrow 🤞.

    Have only been in the garden briefly frog, to move a few things, Sleek and I will settle down to out game over tea & buns. I don't think she will have much trouble beating me as I've never played, she will have to teach me the rules first 🤭. Hope your day is going ok and not quite so much housework & visiting. Ouch poor churchwarden, good that you could help her with some advice and that recovery is as swift as possible 🤞. Glad to hear Barbara is doing as well as possible and family 😊 and hope Kitty is ok too. I caught up with Monty in time for tonight, although I will probably end up watching that ep on iplayer too, handy for pausing and going back over a bit etc. I trust that at no point in the future will Paul describe you as 'scratching around in the garden like an old hen', even in jest 🐓😮😄. Lovely irises in that beautiful walled garden 😍. Have a good afternoon love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, glad your neighbour could help you with your tin. I don't have an electric opener I'm not sure I'd get on with one 🤔 even with a manual one I make a bit of a performance of it with my bad hand. Love to dear Lexi & Pepper 😘🐾 and take care if the storm weather comes your way. xx

    Hi to bosh and will see you later no doubt :) the chocolate cupboard is duly padlocked thank you, not that there is a great deal in it at the moment, but you can't be too careful - must remember not to set the combination to something silly like 1234, small Spocks would just laugh at that. xx

    Good idea to move your glass table Charlestown, no sign here of the forecast being for any less strong wind, I will move some things myself 😬. And remember to bring the bin round the back or it will be off up the road. Ooh a qualified beauty therapist, can you be our cafe beautician 😀 you might find it challenging 😄 (speaking for myself only of course). Hope your day is going ok 👋 xx

    Love to SK and anyone not in today 😘 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni toady SK C and Joan

    How are you all today?

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m ok too thanks

    Good morning walk and nap

    Busy day with many little tasks

    Don’t worry C no real reason for my slightly sore leg other than methotrexate dosage needs to be increased

    which it will be very soon.
    cleaners left a little while ago
    just performing ablutions

    Bye for now all tc xx

    PS BR and LA playing peacefully lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi all

    Got an appointment letter through today for an x-ray of neck.

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi C

    They’ve made decision to increase dose but prescription not issued yet

    Good night Toni toady and everyone tired today sorry about that

    Good news about x -ray SK

    Tc all hope to post properly tomorrow xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Hi Joan please please do ring Barbara she would love to hear from you it's texting she has trouble with you know how lovely she is she's so upset for you. Are the dogs coping ok Joan? They must be missing Sue too and of course they don't understand. I am very impressed Jaki's Dad is taking himself for his treatment now. Wow. Take care Joan lots of love as usual ((())) xxx Oh I nearly forgot Bill has bought and new place with his new chap I think Aidan would be really pleased for them both.

    Morning Skinny Keef - what???? Someone is actually going to look at your neck and see how things are? I am so pleased about time. I suspect it's quite bad like Paul's was once they finally looked Take care hope that Loanda and Sucré are doing ok love and ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown. Yup hot flushes (unless you are a funny age like me) there is every chance it's teh steroids. Lucy at 16 was having them every five minutes on chemo and steroids when she was ill. It was (in the car) aircon on, aircon off, aircon on, aircon off!

    Horrible isn't it? Still it should pass.

    We were out last night at a fundraiser for the foodbank it was good, but i ate too many veggie samosas!

    Are you ready to be upset? Poor Penelope would not start😕first time ever! Flat battery I think so Paul put her on charge and my sister fetched me instead so i was ok.

    Hope you have a good day it's very windy out there (walked already!) but mild-ish maybe spud whether maybe not if you don't get blown over!

    Morning Reshmi How are you today? I hope ok and your Mum too with her blood sugar?

    I remember the hospital increasing Lucy's meds and waiting a month for the Drs to get 'the letter' meaning she was still having too many seizures it's just not right is it?🙄

    I loved the plasticine creatures. I thing the blue one needs telling to spit the red one out! Get BB to tell him off quickly🤭

    I see the cleaners have been. All lovely and pristine now all the heavy jobs done I hope? Do they do the windows inside for your Mum? Windows are such hard work along with bed stripping mattress turning and moving furniture to hoover underneath.

    Don't you just love a walled garden Toady? I love my bits of wall and wish it went right round, but I also love my hedges for the rabbits and hopefully hedgehogs to get in and out too. Those irises were lovely I have to agree. I have recorded yesterdays also very good to be able to watch something over again if you need to. No Monty though will we cope?

    Sleek reckons you were rather good at Cluedo she says you got the murderer every time and that even Mabel sort of understood the game. She thought it was fairer on Mabel as her spelling is still in it's infancy.

    I am going to be shattered all day as we were out last night. Yes me - out like a normal person past 7pm. Bizarre I know. So I was in bed late, up as usual and went for a walk first thing to wake me up. Fair enough as it was a fundraiser for the foodbank.

    It's ok out there mild but wild. The wind is very blustery and makes those of us with mad hair (you me and Reshmi) look wilder than usual. Sleek is going to wear her Beanie if we go out in the garden later she says.

    I am going to plant some seeds bedding plants for the village plant sale. The Churchwarden is panning one in spite of her incapacity.

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    The matron from Sue’s ward asked if I was worried about anything I said why was she in so much pain she said we were trying to fit her in. Our friend who comes to vacuum said I should go to the hospital with a placard and complain. She keeps saying I didn’t see her. I said I didn’t see sue go sue told me to go to bed. I said I thought it was the best way for her to go than to be hit by a car.

    Toady (()) have a good day I’m sorry your hands are bad. I talk to the dogs all the time.

    Toni (()) sorry about Penelope. Another one of Sue’s carers came I have so many flowers and not vases some went in a spare kettle. I phone Barbara yesterday it was nice knowing she’s alright. That’s nice for Bill having is new house. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) take care in this weather love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) that’s good you are having your neck ex-rayed good luck love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) yes I’ve been taking the dogs out every day. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) thinking about you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you today?

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m tired after walk but ok too thanks 🙏

    I’m putting a LA true story in the bank as toady might say lol

    Need to rest a bit first

    Bye for now

    More later Toni tc xx

    Ps badam barfi Indian sweets with almond flour - yummy lol xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    No need to thank me🤗

    Mum and I are ok today thanks for asking 🙏

    That was sad about what the carer said.
    You take care of yourself and feel free to say anything you want to to us on here.

    Love Reshmi xx

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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    I hope everyone has had a good day

    I have my appointment for my hip and back the 2 of May

    Take care everyone in the wind

    take care
    joan xx
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