Val's Cafe
good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I had an Aunty Kathleen has well yes I read we are having rain this week. Have a good week.
Toni (()) Penelope is a good car she expects the best. Thank you for all you’ve done (()) I told Barbara about Crinkly. The Coroner is coming to see me today so my friend will be here as well. They are doing a postmortem. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) that’s a good photo I haven’t got any jeans.
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day you are doing well love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day I have a friend I can phone anytime and a neighbour.
take care
joan xx1 -
i have a ticket to the pirate pantomime this afternoon. Sucré so wants me to go but it means riding over there and then a short car journey into the city. I don’t wanna let him down but it’s wet and cold here today atm.
Due to feeling low I have spent a lot more time with him lately, playing with his cars and making up stories of needing police and air support to catch the baddies. We even had a court room with judge and jury made up of Silvanian Family characters. (All defendants were immediately found guilty lol).1 -
Also, since having this inflammatory problem i have noticed if i knock myself by accident say on the table when walking by or on Loanda’s enormous chair the pain is ten times what it used to be. Is that normal??
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Afternoon 👋 blowing a gale out there for sure but I was first on the shopping delivery route so thankfully have been able to firmly shut & lock up behind them.
Jam doughnuts instead of just sugar frog, Sleek won't mind I'm sure 😄 I'll keep hers for tomorrow, far too nasty for her to set out today. No other subs 😀. Hope weather not too awful with you, good few hours of this yet, did I see we are having the Sahara dust again too 🤔. Anyway no gardening but I do have compost so I could fill pots in theory I suppose. I could pot my toms on too like you, but no sign of my Garden Pearl at all yet 😕. No idea why the wallflowers keep going, but like we say, I can't see the point of pulling up a plant that is happy 🤷♀️ don't know if to a practised eye it looks past its best but it's not doing any harm! My green gingers are all fine thank you including the snipped one 😄 ah I was ahead of my jobs there, that explains it, that made me laugh. (Your dear ginger cat though 😥). Yes Sleek was on hand with her first aid kit 👍️ it was a tiny neat slice like a paper cut, no bits missing, healing nicely. Glad to hear Pen is recovering too, having also been charging stuff to your credit card (or Paul's) 😬 good to know that's what it was. Oh good timing there will be no fees for selling Charley's dress, that's cool 😊. Friday!! gosh are you really, oh exciting, best to everyone 😘. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hello Joan, thinking of you today with the coroner coming (()). Kettle will be on here for tea. I looked up the named storms list and funnily enough we are due Storm Lilian, another aunt! 😮 Some of the older names have come back in fashion haven't they like Edith and Ivy (and Mabel, Toni's sister's kitten 😺), you wonder if there are some that never will. Take care xx
Wave to bosh and hope your day is going ok 👋 meant to say I like the sound of your new shoes 😊 great that they were comfortable, was that the first or the longest walk you had done in them? I'm not sure my stitching would quite come up to standard today 😳 I was doing some sandpapering and what JA would think of my hands, they aren't needlepointers fingers for sure (that's when I'm not snipping bits off them with the secateurs 😄). Must try harder! see you later I expect! :) xx
'Lo SK, ooer a panto, I hope if you do go the trip is not too bad 🤞🤞. Silvanian family offenders 😄 very good. Do you mean if you knock a joint it's much more painful or just anywhere on your body, certain joints of mine are more sensitive even when they aren't inflammatory (lightest knock to a kneecap, ow! 😱) but not the rest of me I wouldn't say. Good luck with your afternoon xx
Random question for @Charlestown , have you ever bought a Baldi reed diffuser in Lime Basil & Mandarin, and if so are they horrible 😂 it's a copy of a more expensive thing apparently, lots of versions out there, some people find it quite after-shavey 🤔. Rhubarb, good thought, I'm sure there is some neglected in the garden already 😬 must go check, I do like it a lot (and goes well with the Sweet Cicely it said 😊😄). Won't get much done today I don't think. I have bought toiletries off pamazon too yes not bad prices. 3 weeks of prime to go, I will probably find I don't buy much and then think of things I need after it ends. Hope your day is going ok and weather not too awful :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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yes i mean a knock anywhere seems incredibly painful. And a trip or stumble jars my body so much more now. A feel like i am made of glass.
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Yes Charlestown, I have already contacted a private hospital for a consultation price. I did the same back in 2013 when I ruptured a disc and was told it was 6 weeks wait for an MRI Scan, I paid £550 to go the next day as I was convinced due to the amount of pain I was in I had done something more serious. Mind you getting there was fun. My MIL took me and i had to lay across the back seat I was in so much pain.
hopefully I will get to see a specialist and they will know exactly the course of action to be taken. I just hope they can prescribe on the NHS.0 -
what you said about flare up makes sense. I am so scared of hurting myself I am moving about at a snail’s pace. Very frustrating.
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hi Toni
How are you today?
Sorry for the late entry
today has been quite difficult for me.
I am really tired with totm
Mums blood sugar was okay today thankfully
yes she knows what to do 👍
but I find it really sad that my dad doesn’t help her if he’s even just slightly tired in the night
The walk did help me thank you to a large extent,
but I still really was feeling in a bad mood.
I think that it was mainly totm which affects me like that sometimes, but not all the time
I had a bit of an argument with an online friend, but It’s not really a massive deal
and I was feeling pretty tearful yesterday too
Today It’s just tiredness which is less disconcerting isn’t it really?
but thanks so much for asking about it
tomorrow I’m hoping to go to the group if I feel vaguely human haha.
If I’m too tired I may get a grumpy dad lift one way, I’ll have to see what happensAlso what made me very stressed yesterday was the fact that the previous evening my dad was really bullying My mum even more than usual in an extremely cruel kind of way,it’s not physical violence, It’s more emotional and mental violence but as we all know it’s still abuse however she won’t do anything about it
and if I go on about it too much it makes things worse.
I really hope that he gets some medical help one day for whatever is going on there or at least some kind of assessment, but the problem is as I know he will not see the doctor.Anyway he does seem to be a little bit calmer today which is a good thing, Thank mother nature to put it politely in a pc manner lol.
That’s nice that you saw K, is your car okay now?
I arranged some blood tests test today on the phone because the hospital nurse said I have to have two weekly blood tests again for six weeks due to methotrexate dose increase
Luckily I got the nice receptionist which was very rare and she let me book 2 blood tests which was very kind of her and then she said to come into reception After the second one tonbook the next two, so that was good.
LA was quite naughty he told poor innocent BR that he doesn’t know anything and BR went crying to mummy saying “I don’t know anything” of course mummy sorted everything out and said that he knows lots of things and told off our Favourite aristocrat hahaSorry hear about your sore elbows I hope they get better soon
I can’t remember if you have told me before but do use an inhaler for hayfever?
I use the the wonderful V**k’s Impaler as they call it lol who is, of course, a close cousin of Vlad, the Impaler, V*** started a impaling noses in his 40s apparently haha
I was just asking, because I was wondering if you have any advice about inhaler types of any chance?
because I use the V**k’s one sometimes, but I have a feeling it kind of increases blood inside my nose.
I’m not sure of course but it seems to have that kind of affect, possibly a bit drying too.
I’ve got lots of Blood inside my nose I know this is a bit a gross subject so won’t go into details of course but I’m not really sure what the best thing to do is just curious that’s all. Thanks ToniMy sister showed me LA’s passport photo. It’s really funny he’s wearing a kind of grown-up jumper and he looks just like an adulk.
Don’t tell him that though he won’t let you have jelly babies for at least two weeks Ha ha
the photo of him and his brother eating ice cream was really funny, BR was eating it like a gentleman LA however had stuffed the ice cream in his cheeks like some kind of camel just in case daddy decided that he was hungry I guess it was very funny indeed
that’s nice that you saw the lambs
okay I’ll leave it there for now Toni have a nice evening and take care xx
Ps bill bought the wrong eyebrow pencil lol xx
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hi Joan
How are you feeling today?
I’m glad you liked the pic, I have some jeans but I don’t wear them as often as I used to do.
Have a nice evening tc xx
hi C
How are you?
I wore the new shoes in the rain but not mascara yet lol
How are you today?
Yes I looked up the stitching hour details but like you I didn’t know about it for a long time
Yesterday was the second walk in new shoes thanks, it was one of the longer walks, but I didn’t walk today because I was too tired from the totm
LA pretended to be a Lego witch at Legoland - it was one of the “put your face inside the Lego witch”s hat etc” type situations, so he was in theory cross - dressing and there’s nothing wrong with that obviously lol, but best not to tell our very conventional aristocrat.
have a nice evening Toni and everyone take care xx
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Getting to the end of another sunny day in France after a local train trip to Marseille where there was lots to interest our three generations. Now winding down with some lazy minutes online and I am amused to read that I'm considered to be "our Crinkly" and also an independent character - perhaps an enigma to all you chattier folk!.
I may not often post but have read this thread in detail for many years. I don't find it helpful to off-load my personal woes on a regular basis and having OA means I'm not knowledgeable enough to contribute often but I do take heed of the wise and sensible advice shared so generously. Thank you for that.
Basking in the warm, dry Mediterranean climate is giving me a real boost after the British Winter and I'm hoping for a place on the Nuffield Pain Programme soon after our return. I am fortunate indeed and wish I could send you all - especially Skinny Keefe - a few hours of soothing sunshine! 😎😎
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made it to 2am before resorting to the night time beverage. Hot milk this morning.
hi Crinkly, I used to winter in Spain when I could ride my bike from Santander down to Alicanti after taking the ferry from Portsmouth but I sometimes got very homesick and I now definitely could not leave Sucré behind. Although my body would definitely appreciate the sunshine. Last time I went away for winter I stayed in my best mate’s apartment in Portugal and I left my bike at Faro airport and flew back for Loanda’s birthday for 2 or 3 days. I can remember walking the short distance from the airport to the hotel once I was back in Portugal as it was a late return flight and I don’t ride in the dark abroad unless it is unavoidable, and as I crossed the road I suddenly realised I had no pain anywhere, maybe it was due to pressure changes on the aircraft or the climate but I certainly do miss 3 months of 20deg c or more when the UK is more like 2 deg c.
Enjoy your time away.0 -
Morning Joan hope you are doing ok today? I hope the coroner was as lovely as they were with me when my mum had a postmortem. Not a nice thought, but at least you will know what was wrong. Oh yes you have Penelope sussed! She is only happy with the best. The battery has stayed charged so luckily it was only that not the alternator. I have PM'd you about DD as it's quite private her being poorly. I have messaged Cris (sheep Cris - Skezier as was?) too. Glad Barbara and you are now back in touch ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K gosh yes if I am flaring it really hurts if someone or something bashes me even quite slightly. Flares have lasted as little as 2 weeks as long as 6 for me. I think I am very lucky.
What sort of private consultant have you got in mind? A few people on here have used them just for diagnosis and then gone back with the NHS for follow up treatment. I am not against it - these days you have to wait such a long time for help.
What is it about abroad heat which helps us? I wish l knew! All I can say is I am way better in France than here rarely needing to use any walking aids or anything like that there. If you went you'd have to take Sucré with you you'd miss him too much.
BTW I was once transported on the floor in the back of a van so I know the feeling!
Take care Keef and look after yourself. ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown no planting for you just yet until the rain eases off I see? Fair enough unless you are planning to plant rice maybe🤣
I am a fool who walked yesterday🙄 it was dry but very very blustery when i set off then a few spits…..then i got well and truly soaked. Jeans off clean trews on. saw another hardy (or foolhardy) person out walking too. My sister apparently also got soaked. It's dry today I hear but colder.
You were busy yesterday hope the bloods were ok.
the rally is just for us Figaros
Something along those lines annoying the poor people living whewherever we descend!
Take care have a good day.
Crinkly you are definitely 'our Crinkly' having been popping in for a good few years now albeit as you said not frequently. You are definitely one of us. A private person that's fine everyone is whoever they are and this little café is friendly and accepting I think. People can share whatever they wish or just chat rubbish like me😉
I'm so glad your trip has been so good and hope you have a safe journey home. Hear from you again.
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi
I do hope you are feeing ok today? Have you tried either vaseline or a saline nose spray for your poor sore nose? I avoid sinexy type sprays as they do have a sort of rebound affect after a few days of use. I will use them from time to time though.
Your poor Mum does your Dad not realise that diabetes is a life threatening illness? What kind of a person won't help someone? Honestly the silly man would be devastated if anything was to happen to her. Shame he won't see the Dr himself and very frustrating. Still at least your Mum has you.
Well done booking the bloods in and getting the nice receptionist too. That was lucky. Honestly though it really should be easy to get these tests when they are essential. I had a right game getting my last and had to go to the hospital phlebotomy.
I hope you get to the group today. Its drier and less windy here, but definitely colder layers today I think. Hope you don't have to resort to a lift from grumpy pants.
Oh dear me bossy big brother LA. BR knows a lot and as Mummy no doubt told him will learn more and more as he grows up.
I bet that passport pic is wonderful a proper glimpse of the future LA when he really is an adulk. I suppose LA knows BIL better than BR, being much older and wiser, so he knows to eat quickly if BIL is anywhere in the vicinity🤭
Like the eyebrow pencil😮
Penelope is all good now it was just the battery had reached the end of it's life as they do. Thanks for asking🙂
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady hope all is well with you.
The wind had dropped so Sleek is coming over. She does very much like jam doughnuts I hope you have some wipes or a warm wet flannel to clean her up afterwards though? Glad no real subs for you. Neither did I have any now you mention it….have the distribution issues been resolved I wonder🤨
I braved a walk. It stopped raining in the afternoon (very briefly as it turned out) so off i went. I had to bring the bins in anyway and well it looked ok (ish). Got soaked, but I felt quite smug once I'd dried off🤭
Pen is just fine now her new battery is holding perfectly. Paul paid on his debit card (hah!) as he is using the juke while his van is in the garage indefinitely…. I was worried in case it was the inverter although I do have a spare. She has her service and MOT on Friday all being well she will be totally ready for the rally.
I see another bean trying to emerge the initial one looks like a proper beanstalk! Love it!
Did you pot your toms on? I did nothing garden-wise used the opportunity to check some car tax is up to date (hate doing that) and do some ironing (hate that too). Tried to solve the greenhouse glass issue and wasted too much time online. No offers on the prom dress either at least it was free to list.
You are, like me, always wanting to give plants a chance even if technically they should be dead by now.☺️ Did you see Adam hinted that he might be presenting again in a few weeks on GW? maybe it's when GW live is on?🤔
Well have a good day l hope you can get outside I am off to the foodbank this morning☺️
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good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
It was not the coroner that came yesterday she was the lady to do with the funeral. The coroner is going to phone.
Toady (()) my first name is Edith Sue’s was Henrietta. Have a good day how are your parcels doing.
Toni (()) that’s good Penelope is happy (()) have a good day (()) thank you for getting in touch with Cris I often wonder how she is. If she found her dog. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry about your Dad he’s not thinking about your mum (()) he would be lost without her. Love to your mum (()) you are doing well (())
Skinny Keef (()) I’m sorry you have so much pain it wears you down try and stay happy it helps (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day (()) things are sent to try us
take care
joan xx0 -
well i rode over to nifnan’s to meet up with my lot and went to the panto. It was excellent. Not really my thing but it was an excellent production. Today i am paying the price with a bad head and neck. Was to be expected but doesn’t make it any less annoying. Just having a cuppa in bunker hoping it will go. I’ve put new strings on my fave bass as well in case the head eases. They don’t last long unfortunately.
i hope everything is going a well as can be expected atm Dachshund. I know it’s not an easy time. Sending you lots of love.1 -
Afternoon all ☕️ quite chilly! wasn't really expecting that, I suppose the fact there's not a ray of sunlight doesn't help..
Haven't been out much today frog, I got called away to the nosegay packing dept, Sleek lent me a paw before she left. The jam doughnuts were very jammy, we both needed the warm damp flannel 🤭. Sorry no dress offers yet but no fees when you list or sell is good isn't it 👍️ I only have til the 15th now for the other no-fee offer (the not just for clothes one) so today's sale fitted in nicely. I was hoping to get a few things potted on but it's going to be one of those very short days somehow I think 😔 haven't even got round to GW yet maybe later, I'll take notice what they say about who's presenting. Glad another bean is up, I do love bean seedlings 😊, and not just because they are such gratifyingly quick growers. Talking of quick growers I have lupins that were off almost as soon as they touch compost, they were one of the worst last year for snail damage so I shall be forearmed. Hope food bank was good, sorry you got soaked yesterday 😣 I don't think we had any hardly in the day, but overnight so the tail end was probably the bit that got you early birds. Good luck to Pen for Friday 👍️ have a good evening :) xx
Hello Joan I hope everything went as well as possible today. I had a very kind man when my Mum passed I always remember certain things he said. Edith for your first name, isn't it funny that I was saying 😊 and Henrietta is nice, quite unusual choice was she named for a Henry in the family. My package to Mexico is on the way, I have had to pack a parcel today to go to California. Thinking of you (()) xx
Wave to bosh, sorry things have been a bit iffy at yours and hope they are a bit calmer still today, like they were yesterday🤞. You asked me recently how my stomach is these days thanks, I forgot to answer, not too bad actually I must be doing something right or have managed to appease the oracle in some other mysterious way. Gosh how nice to let you make 2 appts like that, jolly good work. I absolutely love V*** the Impaler, that is so so clever 😂 I remember the Vlad pic well. Brilliant. Hope EF all ok including lego witches who know when it's wise to eat icecream while you can, and littleys who hardly know anything (so not true). That's good that the shoes were comfortable from new, good choice 😀. I must get some new boots, my favourites are I don't know how old 🤔. Hope group was ok if you managed to go 👍️ :) xx
Hi SK, I keep missing the early hours drinks, was up just too late the night before and not late enough last night. Third night lucky 🤔. Hope cuppa plus bunker were as good as poss. What did Sucré make of the panto, is there a bit of yo-ho-ho-ing going on since 🏴☠️ ? Hope everyone well and your mum too xx
Hello to @crinkly and will be very predictable and ask if you can send some of that sunshine our way. Poor you if you have been wading through lots of cafe chat of the sort I drivel on about, mostly leaky roofs and neighbourhood trivia (I do find that side of woe-sharing handy, if they have a slightly funny side, the rest I keep to myself like you, I get enough of that the other 24 hours so to speak!) Have a lovely day and very good luck with the Pain Clinic :) xx
Well that definitely answers my question about the diffusers @Charlestown 🤣 that bad, eh 😄. Might give them a miss then thank you haha. One thing the internet is absolutely no use for, except other people's descriptions. No taters in for me today, not exactly going to be 'earlies' are they 😬 has been really cold. The Sweet Cicely, it was in the buy plants pic you posted I was noseying at what else was in the photo haha, said it went well with sharp fruits like rhubarb. I didn't know that about the stalks. I think mine has had it, not much sign of life 🤔. Not a snapped fence panel, noooo 😣 oh aren't they a pain. Hope weather less nasty today for you 🤞:) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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The private hospital rang me today. They said I can have an appointment next week and they do zero rate finance if I need follow up diagnostic stuff and then they will give me a treatment plan to take back to my gp to access on NHS. They were very helpful on phone. Could do without the expense but if i get desperate I can always sell a guitar 😳😳😳
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Sucré enjoyed the panto thanks Toady, although I did complain (when don’t I?) as the swivel lights were shining straight into our eyes on the balcony. No way I would have set the lighting like that when I was with the band, numpties !!!
I would like to go back to that theatre as it is easy parking and very short walk. Would like to see a band there, better still I’d like to be in a band there.
I have put out a few feelers with the music crowd asking about loading my gear on and off stage for me and playing sitting down. So far only had positive replies back. I would so love to be back in a band.
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Would be brilliant if you could🤞. That was very interesting about the pain-free spell abroad, that's the sort of thing you want someone or something to extract useful stuff from, remedial-wise 🤔.
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hi Toni
how are you today?
I am okay thanks a bit tired
mums BS is okay thank you
but she has a bit of a stomachache unfortunately
Dad is not feeling too well he was feeling a bit dizzy before and was sitting down before
It might be low blood sugar but he’s not eating much
Maybe he’ll feel better after rest
Mum said there’s no need to call the doctor
group was okay thanks
I also went to the scone place afterwards
There were so many nice Easter - style chocolate cakes there
But I avoided them, I didn’t want to become RR lol
RR said the doctor said a healthy diet should be “chocolate- heavy” apparently haha
Next thing he’ll say the vampire nurse recommends cream cakes for breakfast lol
I Walked after the group
there was a bit of rain at the end and but my sturdy umbrella helped me out
I had a little bit of gluco - zade but it’s totm after all and
I’m in much better mood than yesterday thanks
Yes you’re right about dad he can be really selfish these days unfortunately
Did you mean V*seline on the outside of the nostrils? I haven’t tried it properly to be honest, but I was also worried that would make me feel to warm on the mild days?
Saline nose spray that’s a good idea thanks
Yes LA is practically a true adulk lol
Glad your car is ok
Eyelash primer was ok thanks, but you’re right too much mascara can irritate the eyes unfortunately
Ok bye for now Toni take care xx
Ps toady’s changed species again and neglected her makeup too lol xx
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