Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    good morning Toni

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792

    You're first to start a new page Reshmi @Skinny Keef used to love to do this 😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) sorry about everything going wrong for you. Sorry about your pot he didn’t care.good job it didn’t have anything in it. Have a good day. I hope today is better for you. I forgot the leak has been fixed.

    Toni (()) I remember when you couldn’t buy certain things in the shop you had to ask a lady she would pass it to you in a brown bag. These days there is adverts on tv my mum wouldn’t have liked that. I hope tomorrow is fine for you. That’s nice the workmen like sleeke not all workmen spend time with animals. Good luck on Monday with sleeke (()) Good Lucy is feeling better with the change in her tablet’s. That’s good peanut is well. Your friend is doing well. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day tomorrow I hope it all goes well (()) love to your mum (()) sorry she was not well.

    Sandee (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364

    Hi all 👋

    Not done a lot today so far 😳 I suppose that's slightly the point of weekends but it wasn't really intentional.

    Had a walk to Piddle and dropped off some batteries frog, and established that the charity shop I used to drop textiles off to (for rag/recycling rather than resale) still does it, so that was helpful. All I bought was a lampshade from another shop that I didn't like once I got it home, and that I sort of knew I wouldn't 🤷‍♀️ why does one do that sort of thing. Just looked online for alternatives at a certain shop and checked the search box first for mousetraps, because I always hope they will have repented & stopped selling them, but sadly no 😔 anyway I noticed there was a tick box for did I want to include adult items in my search results 🤨 so yes it's another world now as you say (wouldn't have found any for that search anyway - I assume! 😂😱). No not keen on the ads myself thanks, give me 'Gnomepride' flour any day 😂. Quite nice out today, might try and do some evening bits & pieces in the garden. Doesn't yours look jolly 😊. As Joan says, how nice that the builder is kind to Sleek he sounds a good sort and is doing a lovely job 😊. Oh I have written bosh's note, in my best adulk handwriting, so no-one will think young Reshmi has written it herself 👍️. Have a good evening and best for tomorrow, do check your clothing labels 👕😄. Might be a wardrobe update Monday. xx

    Hello Joan, my troubles were just silly little ones yesterday, I thought it would amuse Reshmi to picture me scowling at people instead of my usual sunny-natured self, ahem 😉🤥😂. I will gently squash the little pot back into shape, being metal, anyway it was only £1. Don't know why it didn't have a bit of packing round it, I bought one before and that did. So partly the shop's fault, it was in a large box with other things the driver wouldn't have known what was at what end, but no they don't treat everything as if it's bone china do they. Mind you I might not after a few weeks in their job. Had to laugh at a 'crumpled effect' lampshade the same people sell, that's one way to help avoid people complaining, it's a bit like the Emperor's new clothes isn't it to say it's meant to be like that. I said I would be more organized today but I started by taking a tablet that's only on my Monday-Friday list, so didn't start well 😂 doesn't matter though 👍️. Pleased to hear about your leak, glad it's sorted, I hope it didn't do any harm while it was going on 🤞. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi bosh, thinking of your mum hope things went as well as possible. Also that she's not too stressed for tomorrow on top of it being a sad time. See you later on I expect. Just saying to Toni, I have written your get out of layers note for Monday, between you you have both got me so jumpy about HDs I crossed the road passing one on my walk in case someone collared me with some sort of newly passed byelaw for compulsory trims 😂. Have a good afternoon 👋 xx

    Kettle on for anyone who calls in ☕️😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Thanks about mum, both mum and dad both went to the lady’s funeral this morning, it is indeed sad.

    The house has been extra warm with all the cooking for my sister’s royal birthday lol

    That’s good that Lucy’s ok so far.

    Great about Kari too, yes I know it’s extremely risky to come completely off MH meds, if not completely inadvisable, that’s great about the running too, one of friends sisters is very overweight, but for other reasons I believe and she suddenly began to run from previously doing no exercise at all, not even walking, needless to say, that didn’t last long or go well, but that’s so impressive about K, it must be stressful for you to keep an eye on her though, but i understand the situation- someone definitely needs to do it. In some ways it’s a bit like me trying to looking after my mum, if I didn’t do it, nobody would do it really.
    What a cute butterfly- strawberry lol.
    You’re welcome about the injection.

    Yes you have a point, the HD can be a bit scary lol, well more just slightly intimidating, he always says that he layers it ( or “bevels” it or something like that?) so there’s less weight at the back, so I feel less warm and I think he has a point, but as you say, when my hairs too long, it becomes fiddly to pin up, I think the main thing is I just let it grow too long, because I got a bit lazy and because my eczema was so bad before, I never really felt I had the option of growing it long or long - ish because my neck just got so itchy, so I experimented a bit with the hair length to see how long I could stand it lol, so I think I’ll just let the HD do whatever he does, but if he offers to spray toxic hairspray in my tresses, I will indeed bring a note from toady and if all else fails I will bring a mini toady along in my handbag with her “secateurs of vengeance” lol.

    I read this book once by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I can’t remember the title now and he wrote some joke about a politically rebellious man taking some pills, or something like that and he called them ‘the pills of subversion” I thought this was really funny at the time and even phoned my long - suffering sister to tell her a version of this joke, so the secateurs thing was in that vein as it were.

    My sister isn’t known for her sense of humour haha

    My dad is only helping because mum said she was on the brink of collapse with all this cooking, so he grumbled a lot but is at least doing something

    I think my cooking and food prep skills are not sufficient enough for the cousins 😱

    But never mind

    That’s good K and DIL are helping.

    The non - alcoholic punch sounds good.

    That’s true LA needs to eat some humble pie or something like that, but preferably without cheese 🧀

    Glad that he left a little bit of cheese in the shop for you at least 😂

    I’m hungry already so I won’t indulge in any cheese metaphors

    Got a takeaway veggie burger today after a long time, very yummy.

    Have a good evening Toni and tc xx

    Ps Bill’s talking to himself again, he really shouldn’t have had the whole bottle of “Broke” lol.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Joan

    How are you tonight?

    Thanks about mum

    I’m ok thanks

    Thanks about tomorrow

    There will be so many desserts etc I might have to diet for a few decades lol.

    Have a good night Joan tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711
    edited 13. Jul 2024, 21:21

    Hi toady

    How are you?

    So you bought an unsuitable lampshade?

    Not a deadly nightshade?

    Well that’s something at least may be worth putting some in the HD’s coffee though lol

    Enforced trims, what a terrifying thought haha

    Thanks for the note.
    Mum is as ok as she can be thanks, dad’s attitude certainly isn’t helping.

    He’s just been on a nocturnal visit to the Indian dessert- shop!

    In order to show off to cousins of all common garden varieties 😂

    My goodness he does get obsessed with stupid things .

    In theory I still have tidying up to do for the royal visit

    But if I’ve had too many soporific mushrooms (or veggie cottage pies or something like that) - I may have to do it first thing tomorrow morning- what fun.

    ok mum is erupting

    So bye toady goodnight tc xx

    Ps mxt or belladonna lol xx

    👋goodnight sandee and all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792
    edited 14. Jul 2024, 06:15

    T shirt above is for Toady and Sandee😁

    Morning Joan yes you were allowed privacy if you wanted it back in the day. Our parents would be horrified. I also don't understand the incontinence adverts what about men? and not all women over 40 need them!!! In fact we should go to the Dr first in case it's treatable🙄 Oh well.

    My friend is doing well I hope you are too and not just putting on a brave face. ((()))

    The builder has a dog and he loves him more than anything so he understand my bond with Sleekipaws😊

    Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning To Sandee who is hopefully having a good family weekend. Sending some strength to cope with SIL and to care for your daughter.

    Will you be watching the football I wonder?

    My garden is looking pretty ready for the family do this afternoon.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi I hope you and your Mum are ok and Vesuvius is not errupting….

    I am glad your Dad took your Mum to the funeral. That's good.

    Toady has done the note did you see? In her best adulk handwriting🤣 The hairdresser will have to behave or Toady's secateurs, my mower or your 'pills of subversio' (love that!) will be used. I hope you can reach a perfect solution after all it is your hair!

    I love the Indian sweet shop I go too with someone from the foodbank they sell my favourite samosas too. Paul can't cope with them and I promise I do not buy any of the sweets i am not a diet saboteur. I am also not trying to impress anyone I just love them I need to learn how to make them myself really.

    My sister does have a sense of humour and Reshmi has lost over 8 stone. Yes that's true she started with walking and as you know I walked too. Now she has left me behind but still walks some days a week with me. I don't mind keeping an eye (she asked me to) because she is my sister. Like you and yours we do possibly know them better than anyone does - even their own partners. Mine is now divorced. She is incredibly kind and rarely critical bless her like you does not deserve the cards she's been dealt. She tends to absorb nastiness not challenging others.

    Don't worry i got my cheese! Mainly by getting in early before LA realised we were both having events on the same day! Hope yours goes really well ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Please send all sunshine this way as a matter of urgency. I will however share with reshmi if her party is also outside.

    Thanks for doing the note for Bosh. I am sure it will help. LA's note would more likely read: 'Leave my MIma's hair alone or I will set Lorenzo in you'. He does after all have Mafioso connections.

    Sleek helping (supervising) me yesterday:

    Today I must finish off the food🙄

    The builder is lovely and really loves animals just you know he is still in ma hoose!

    I see you got outside yesterday too. It was ok just inside every now and then when it was toooooo wet!

    Remember this wholesome advert?

    For mash get smash🎶 Them were t'days!

    Have a good day Toad look it's brightening up already. Off to finish my vol au vents……

    A very quick wave to Colin 👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I sorry about your pot did he just drive off not carding or knowing what he had done. Have a good day. Any more news on your neighbour.

    Toni (()) I hope you have good weather for your party. You are the waitress don’t forget you have to eat has well. Kari has done well. How is Mabel. I go out every day with the dogs and then sometimes to the shops. I don’t like four walls you get that you don’t want to go out. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope all of you have a good day. Love to your mum (()) happy birthday to your sister (())

    Sandee (()) have a good day is work going better now.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How is the family gathering going?

    Mum is ok thanks

    I managed a walk and a shower before the masses descended 👍

    That’s great about you and K

    As for my mum and I all I meant was that it’s difficult for me too look after mum alone, as sometimes dad doesn’t help, it’s not that I resent it of course, but I know that there’s only so much I can do and I really want her to be as well as possible, but I’m the only person who is actively helping her all the time and dad is mentally torturing her constantly - anyway I know that no family situation is perfect, I’m just being frank on here, as it’s one of the few places I can be frank.

    Well there are some eruptions from time to time lol, the MV is splitting lava, but not constant lava flow yet.

    Yes we all knew the lady who passed away, but you’re right dad doesn’t necessarily comply, but good that he did this time 👍

    Yes I’m very impressed with toady’s calligraphy lol,

    My own handwriting is terrible- though not quite doctor - standard haha

    Yes i understand, it is my hair but sometimes the HD gets bored and “does his own thing” as it were, but on the plus side he’s skilled at his job and the hair salon is very near my house, in my mind, regarding hair, there’s no perfect solution, but that being said, I’m not looking forward to losing it, the main thing for me is that the eczema on my neck has gone, as that made life difficult in so many ways.

    Samosas- well your stomach can obviously deal with the pastry - so that’s good

    That’s really good about Kari, I think she’s made amazing progress and it’s so great that you are there to support her, I know what you mean, we’ve seen our siblings since birth, it’s a different kind of bond.

    You outfoxed the tiny cheese monster!
    Early purchase - a clever move - congratulations 🥂haha

    I also made the clever decision of walking pretty early in the morning- which I hardly ever get to do, as it upsets mum and also the aforementioned problem of dad not usually checking that she’s ok.

    I’ll stop there for now Toni

    I hope you have a nice party

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi everyone

    While I remember, a little poem by me, thanks
    This poem is called Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade
    The Venetian ladies of the medieval court would put belladonna in their eyes
    To dilated their pupils so that when rich men popped the question, they could react with feminine doe - eyed surprise.
    Witches used it with mandrake to give them the power to fly
    So effectively that even when fattened themselves up with creamed eye of newt, they wouldn’t fall off their broomsticks in the night sky
    It is of note that that atropa belladonna distantly related to the humble potato no less
    So be extra careful that in times of stress
    You’re actually feasting on a butter rich - potato mash
    Not a concoction of deadly berries which terrifyingly cause so much more than just a rash.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364

    Hi all 👋

    Calling in with a bit of heartfelt moral support for those currently in the catering corps 😬

    Hope yours is going well frog, Sleek looked to have the supervisory role well in hand, so I'm sure everything is tickety boo 😊. No smash on the menu I'm sure, & hopefully no members of the wrong side of the solanum family for that matter 😱. Love the t shirt 😄 . All quiet here today, it rained yesterday evening after all quite a little downpour so didn't get out then in the end, but dry enough and nice today so I did a bit to the hedge fortifications, one plant still has to go in but it's coming well on now - pic when I get finished 👍️. I sent as much spare sun as I could get my hands on over to you 🌞 hope everyone's well. Yes there's no getting away from it, it's lovely to have nice builders but they are still much much better on the other side of the door 😄 with a few locks and bolts between you. Have a good evening catch up tomorrow 👋 :) xx

    Hello Joan, no the driver wouldn't have known about any damage to one tiny thing in a big box. It's the seller's responsibility really to pack properly, all the major carrier companies have lists of advice about how to pack things safely, they probably get sick of getting all the blame. I get some terribly badly packed things often books, people have no idea how to protect things in the post you only have to look at some parcels and common sense would tell you it's never going to get there in one piece. 🙄 No sign of anyone next door, no. It's a buyer's market at the moment here I think. My hedges are nearly in between us, hoping they grow nice & quickly 😬😄. You do much better getting out than me, I should be having a walk most days in this weather but I've lapsed off a bit. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi bosh, sounds like you're holding up very well if you snuck an early walk in and have had time to nip in and post 👍️. Hope all the guests and the attachments are behaving themselves, did the Indian desserts go down well, seeing as they were the subject of a late-night mission 🌘. Love the nightshade poem, very nice imagery, didn't know about witches flying potions 😮 and the pictures yesterday, those bottles are beautiful so sinister and appealing 💀. Yes perhaps the unsuitable lampshade was the lesser of the two evils 😱 at least I'm still here to tell the tale might be a bit trickier regretting a deadly nightshade purchase afterwards! 😬😮 unless it was a 'gift' for someone else.. At least I had a walk, you may be surprised to hear I didn't glower at everyone yesterday, I even smiled at a gent who was looking out of his ground floor window, he looked like he didn't mind being seen and a wave and a smile but then again he might be have been watching for someone and thinking can't I look out of the window without people goggling in 🤔 these things are very difficult 🤷‍♀️. Have a good evening hope everyone ok and your mum is coping, and the guests don't outstay 🤞xx

    Love to all hope everyone's weekend is as nice as poss 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Mum is ok 👍

    Thanks about my sisters birthday

    I’m not too bad at the moment thanks

    Have a nice evening tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi toady

    Glad you had a nice walk and even smiled at a neighbour!

    My goodness this really must be Sensibility Sunday lol

    Thanks about the poem, yes the lampshade was definitely the safer choice lol.
    A bit of a palaver the whole birthday business really, mum insisted I wear a smart dress with no leggings so I was freezing at certain intervals but never mind.
    The non - harmless cousin and his girlfriend turned up, which is something that didn’t always happen, so that was something I suppose, he’s the one who stayed with us a long time ago when he emigrated in his early twenties, he was ungrateful then and is the same now, I remember my dad bought him this nice costly winter jacket, because he hadn’t quite grasped at that stage that it gets cold in the uk and he didn’t even wear it once - ookey indeed

    Yes the house is awash with desserts, cream and the soft drink known as “ Broke”, I’m not really tempted by that drink, unless I’m feeling extra tired I guess, but toady, cream cake, ice cream and yes the Indian desserts that, yes were a big hit undoubtedly, but are still partially lurking around the house.I would send you some but they are the kind of sweet treats that would spoil easily and become as rancid as the cream in the receptionists’ morning coffee lol.

    You’re welcome about the pics.

    The nice cousin and his family came too, they were perfectly pleasant.

    The nasty cousin’s nasty girlfriend barely spoke to anyone, as predicted, but at least she didn’t ask dad for a bottle of vodka or anything like that this time thank goodness.

    All the guests have gone now apart from EF, so no more cousin - conundrums to deal with, or something of that nature.

    Mum is not in a massive mood right now, but het true feelings may only be revealed after EF have departed carrying torpedoes made of “Broke” and as many chocolate biccies as will fit into LA’s backpack haha.

    Yes, I know what you mean, whether or not to smile, bit of a dilemma, I sometimes alternate, so maybe “Smiling Sunday” followed by “Melancholic Monday”.

    I’m reading a new book now, relatively lowbrow but relaxing in which a young woman took a cleaning job after having some bad luck career -wise and her client’s young daughter said to her, “You’ve got a great figure, do you work out?” To which she replied rather irritably, “ No I work”, I thought that was really cream cake for thought, actually i shouldn’t have mentioned cream, Staffordshire oatcakes for thought in wholesome Toni - style 👍

    Ok thanks for the waffling opportunity

    Have a good evening toady tc xx

    ps came across this online - don’t tell the physio lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi to sandee and Colin

    Hope you’re having a good Sunday evening tc xx

    Ps A message that could easily relate to my bro in law lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792
    edited 15. Jul 2024, 06:00

    Morning Joan hope you are well this morning. You are so right everyone must get out every single day even if it is just a walk or in the garden. If you stay in I think there's a chance you could stay in more and more and become a recluse. Everyone enjoyed the 'do' plenty of laughing not a drop of alcohol yet everyone had a great time. I did remember to eat, but nearly didn't!!! Mabel is almost fully grown now but still very kitten-ish 😻Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandee I hope your weekend has been nice and peaceful no trouble with anyone in the family just you and Den enjoying yourselves🤞Back to another Monday again. Builders will be here soon🙄 Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    We survived as did my stomach - how about yours? Is your Mum ok today too? Absolutely I am like you were care about our family pure and simply because we love them. It's not hard for us.

    We had 16 in total much food much laughter and best of all the weather was good enough to be outside. We played croquet (honestly I bought a cheap set years ago), skipping (not me - bad shoulder) and some played ball and hoola hoop. My little great niece (5) was very much the centre of attention.

    The cheese and pineapple on sticks went down so well! (Only a medium sized pack of mature illegal city LA I promise!) and everyone loved seeing Annie's bump. We sang happy birthday to the birthday girl and of course there was cake and it was VEGAN! so I had a tiny slice.

    I am very glad to hear the nice cousin was there not so sure about the rude one though. Your poor Dad buying a coat for such an ungrateful person😔 For once I feel for him. I just wish he cared a little bit more about how your Mum is on a day to day basis.

    Did your sister enjoy her birthday? Was it a 'special' birthday? I forgot to ask. Did you remember to eat too?

    I absolutely love the belladonna poem! Related to the humble spud eh? I did not know that. I am pretty sure I have none i may garden, but I will check later…..😯

    Well today must be recovery Monday that's for sure. Are you all cleared up?

    Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I noticed Sleek sneaked off to yours when the visitors started to arrive - don't blame her at all. Her supervisory job was done.

    The garden properly tidied up bit of blue sky there too! Thanks for sending yours and hanging on to any rain.

    No members of the solanium family as far as I know…..Although I do have a Daphne which can be poisonous I believe 🤔

    We played croquet! How delightful! Very little pinkie out and Bridgerton-esque! Well our version of it! As far as i know all is cleared up and not much food wasted.

    Your hedge is coming along very nicely indeed I look forward to seeing some before and after pics.

    Builders won't be too long now so I'd better get dressed I suppose. Yes even if they are lovely it's much nicer when they have finished, been paid and gone! Draw-bridge back up.😁

    Take care Toad have a good day. Sleek back at the vets for a check up later.

    A quick wave to Colin in case he happens by👋

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 77

    Morning Guys,

    @frogmorton The lovely weekend went too quickly as usual. I tried to finish my book, but over the last couple of weekends, I've been stuck and unable to get back into it! I hope the builders are not too taxing today, I cannot handle strangers in my house! I have a cleaner starting this week as I can no longer hoover or change my bed! but she is a friend otherwise I would be going up the wall lol It is lovely when they are finished so keep thinking about that lol What's up with Sleek? hopefully not too much!

    @bosh Hows tricks? Love the three-year-old's answer out of the mouths of babes! My partners 7 yr old grandaughter on Saturday did a good one, she is a quiet child head in a book or on her tablet she was sitting with me while granda was putting a camera into his car when he cut his finger and started making a fuss! , without even looking up she says "oh grandad grow up!" wisdom of youth!

    @toady@dachshund Hope you both had a great weekend xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) i hope you have a good day. Do you get days when you fancy things I fancied custard. It’s what to have with it. I hope you don’t have any more trouble with packages.

    Toni (()) yes I remembered you are taking sleeke for her check up good luck. I’m glad you had a good day yesterday. How did your arm do. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m glad you got through yesterday alright sorry you were cold. Love to your mum (())

    Sandee (()) The weekend goes quick. I hope you have a good week.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Glad you enjoyed yesterday

    Mums ok today 👍

    Yesterday could have gone a lot worse for me,

    But the main problem I only realised quite late in the day

    Was I didn’t sleep enough

    But that’s been rectified 👍

    Mxt day for me today though (one -off)

    Have injected it already but main thing is I did sleep 🙏

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364
    edited 15. Jul 2024, 16:41

    Hi all 👋 glad everyone got through their social doings ok and hope having a nice quiet aftermath.

    Yours sounds like a lovely time frog lots of fun 😊 croquet and all! the arch is ideal for the purpose too isn't it, I expect you can't imagine it not there now. Yes I did have Sleek yesterday, I asked wasn't she meant to be keeping Mabel company, she just gave me a sort of a look 🤔😄. (I felt much the same about 'compulsory children' at mixed gatherings when I was little 😉.) I didn't mention today's appt at the time but I hope it went well today 👍️. And the builders, portcullis down again now I hope, much more to go? In terms of number of visits rather than amount of work. Not sure how far I got with before & after hedges so here's some scrappy little pics for now, still very work in progress but will be glad to get the other in (too wet today), then I can make a proper border edge this side where it's untidy and think in terms of a bit of interplanting. All I keep hoping is my bricks won't settle too much & especially not at different levels, it's been a while now though so they seem ok 🤞. Nothing else doing with me, rain but not as heavy as they said, might get a better day Weds maybe. Good luck in advance for Wednesday yourself as I seem to be forgetting things all over the shop at the moment 🙄 I think I alleged Reshmi's HD appt was today at some point 🤔 do excuse. Have a good evening love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, yes I do fancy things at times, it's hard lines if it's something I haven't got though because between main shops I don't really go to the local ones. I will wish I had a chelsea bun sometimes or a decent fruit cake, harder nowadays to get a really nice one from supermarkets. I miss Battenberg as well they tend not to be suitable for vegetarians, if I had one now I expect it wouldn't be as good as I remember, things change. Custard I think it's pretty much apple pie or crumble for me, or stewed fruit, but it's fine on it's own if you ask me 😊. Wet here today hope not too bad with you :) xx

    Hi bosh, well done for coping with all the visitors, the harmless & the non-harmless (not improved with age I see 😬), and even the tidal wave of cake & desserts 🌊 yes I doubt they would travel well 😱. Even if they got past that shark 😬 he looks like he wouldn't turn down a pudding or two. Yes you can keep Broke for me too, never seem to have much of a yen for cold fizzy anything much compared to my youth, which is odd if temps are supposed to be rising. I suppose I was more active, but even then. Shame about the backpack of biccies though, I could have saved LA from himself by sharing, just in the spirit of altruism you understand 😉. Oh it wasn't a neighbour I smiled at, gosh no not one of them 😱😂, that would be one of those things under which the earth would tremble (shakespeare? can't remember), no it was a complete stranger in flats near the town. I like the idea of alternating your smiling though, good plan 👍️😄. Glad you enjoyed calling in for a waffle, likewise always glad of something interesting & funny to read, saved me from random internet stuff or the news (cheery wave to the chap who had their football cupwinning tattoo done ahead of time 👋🤷‍♀️). Hope the mxt goes down as well as poss & enjoy your lowbrow book, we all need mixed reading material, I myself have some ST 'foto-novels' with pictures and speech bubbles 🖖😀. 'Bye for now 👋 :) xx

    Hi to @sandeelilly 😊 hope the cleaner/friend works out well, I wouldn't mind a few little helpers a bit like the seven dwarves or something but I'm not sure about a human being 😂 it would be a start if I did something about the things that make unnecessary effort, like I really need a little hoover upstairs so I could not carry mine up & down all the time, but just don't get on with doing something about it 🤷‍♀️. Have a good week 👋 :) xx

    Hi to Colin too and anyone reading xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    I’m not firing on all cylinders as it’s mxt day

    So I’ll try to be brief - or briefer

    Your gathering sounds lovely

    That naughty LA has stolen most of my hair clips - he was scattering them around downstairs lol

    I’ve however found enough to enable me to see HD looking like a “human bean” not in a subtle colour but fashion be spammed or whatever haha

    Ok so energy levels understandably bad right now

    Good evening tc xx

    Ps some kind of healthy Welsh sweet cake, forgotten the name now lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    goodnight toady and sandee tc xx

    I’m in mxt mode 😱

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792
    edited 16. Jul 2024, 05:36


    Leek making a run for it!

    Morning Joan how are you? Do you have this rain as well? Sleek got on well at her check up Paul came too which did actually stop her yowling in the car! Next appt in 2 weeks for her arthritis jab. Bless her it's all go for her atm🙄 Thanks for asking my arm did ok I think I was glad the jab is this wednesday because you have to rest your arm after a steroid injection and I couldn't have done really. I have found out that I definitely cannot throw a ball left handed!😂Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandee Having some help with changing beds and moving furniture is such a good idea especially as you are also working. I'm glad you have a friend who is also a cleaner because it will make it easier to accept the support.

    I hope you can get back into your book😕what are you reading? Or trying to!

    Only one builder yesterday - two today to lift the bath in, but they are lovely even if they are in my house! They are not at all demanding they never ask for a cuppa not that anyone needs to in this house the kettle is always on😉

    Take care hope your daughter is ok ((())

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? I expect still exhausted bless you after the weekend and now MTX. I hate having to change days too it has a knock-on effect. Hope your Mum is ok at least. Does BB know that COVID is on the rise? I hope he is being careful.

    Not going to be easy for you at the HD tomorrow with minimal hair clips thanks to LA 'playing' with them. Hopefully you'll come out looking and feeling better. Take your note from Toady with you if his artistic flair looks to be getting out of hand.

    It could happen you know😃

    Loved the shark pic hopefully sort of photo shopped and no-one was really in danger.

    Yesterday I used all my soya milk up so feeling a bit miserable this morning on the fruit teas….

    Have a good day rest when you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    It is still raining just now but it is supposed to stop at some point I think this morning 🙏

    The hedge looks pretty good so far how big with they grow do you know? I should think that the bricks ought to remain stable by now paws crossed.

    No gardening for me either yesterday and I need to given the jab is on Wednesday then i have to 'rest' for a few days🙄 Still I do have a good book I am reading although it does seem to send me off to sleep these days reading! Probably as I mostly do it in bed.

    Sleek loves Mabel, but sometimes she hasn't got the energy being an old girl as she is. I mean she is nearly 15 as she tells everyone that's 76 for a hooman. As you say getting stuck with 'other' kids at family gatherings. Our kids had to listen to myself and Sis in law telling them about our births and poverty when they were little. Living on 14 cups of cheap coffee and 2 of their left over smiley faces a day!!! Having said that I'd have those days back.

    Yes I did let the drawbridge down yesterday morning for the builders I'm glad i did because….

    Have a good day Toady if weather permits if not maybe the wardrobe is calling? Or Monty☺️

    A quick wave hello 👋 to Colin

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 77

    Good morning you nutty lot,

    Hope yesterday was a good day for you all. THE WEATHER OMG when did we jump straight to October???


    I have been off my MTX for two weeks as I was not well, I am now back to my old achy tired self I will be glad to get back to it tomorrow lol

    @toady So do I! I feel silly as it won't be for much but I just cannot do it anymore, I tried to change my bed at the weekend and nearly expired! Vic is smaller than me so can I call her my 1 dwarf 7th of the way to being a Disney princess I suppose 🤣

    @frogmorton Morning, I have given in my girls have been bugging me for months so now I have a cleaner only an hour a fortnight but it gets the things done I can no longer do. I finished my book!!! It is one of a six-part series about the wives of Henry the 8th called 6 Tudor Queens, I just finished Anna of Kleeves, I read all the others years ago but she had not written the last two so I am doing those now and maybe reread the others I love is nice when they are no trouble, I always ask if they would like a drink but usually, it is a no, Kayleigh is better thank you, she is working on her marriage but not after she lay down some really tough rules, she surprised me I always thought she was the softer of the Twins as Nikkeh is a "bitch" in a lovely way but she as been stone, marble even I hope she can save it 15 years is a long time (8 mths Married) and it is her only love so fingers crossed

    Love to all I have forgot hope you are all well and not doing too much

    Have a great day

    Sandee xxx