Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364
    edited 18. Jul 2024, 16:34

    Hi all 👋 hope frog is reclining genteelly somewhere with Sleek for therapeutic Thursday 🤭

    Not a good pic but you can see the salvia are out 👍️ and correctly coloured. Also posting the urban industrial whatever you call it wardrobe, for your amusement, and you are spared from comment as well which is probably a good thing 😄 pictured posed by model & all that with new bamboo hangers & whatnot, with reminder of before pic. Haven't made any final decision will just let the idea sit for now. I only gave the centre a light wash to mimic the previous grain but may just go over that solidly. Tempting to leave a door off for a simple hanging compartment, helpful for airing etc, but then you have the hinge recesses to think about 🤔. Hope all's well with you & everyone today, glad it's not Sleek's jab for a little while yet not something you could do right now one-armed really 😬. Lovely day out so have been doing indoor jobs, like a silly person 🙄 must try & get out later. Take care kettle going on 👋☕️ :) xx

    Hello Joan, thank you luckily the blister is right down between thumb & first finger & isn't going to get in the way. Mind you I will bring up another before I'm done if I'm not careful because the paintbrush I'm using has a flat handle with hard square edges 😬. I hope you had a nice look around the town 👍️ the charity people will be glad of Sue's things. I looked them up I hadn't heard of them, something caught my eye in the article it was about a branch at Tadpole Garden Village 😊 it sounds nice you'll know about it. Yes it's very handy having the postman pick things up except the odd time they don't turn up, because you don't know they aren't coming 🤨 it's not often though. I hope they keeep that option after the takeover I don't know what stage that is at. Have a good evening :) xx

    Bosh you're right that is the answer to the hairclips, bookcases! well you've heard of hairpin legs 😂 mystery solved.

    The bookcase is not going so well because I have a horrible feeling I'm going to run out of paint so a) I'm rushing it a bit and b) trying to paint it thinly, which is probably just going to end in a bad job 😬. Oh well it isn't in a very public place, not that anything is but you know what I mean, it's in a corner and will modestly stay in the shadows, I hope. 'You know who' is here mowing on the other side of the garden fortifications 😒 he's the 2nd noisy mower today on top of someone who made so much noise with some ladders this morning I can't imagine what they were doing, putting them down and up again a million times it sounded like 🤷‍♀️. Oh I've found a little vintage-style fabric doll the friend might like she has some collectable things like that, so I thought I could put a simple little bit of jewellery with it then if they don't like it I can say dolly chose it, blame her 😂. I have sent letterbox things that was a good idea thanks 😊 I know they don't drink tea so thought I hadn't better risk something in the consumable line (they are an old and now long-distance friend I'm not very clued up on their likes & dislikes). Sorry the thermostat has gone a bit ott, it will cool off a little again by the weekend - my bloods are next Thurs so you can bet by then it will rain or be too hot for walking 🙄. Hope everyone well have a good evening :) xx

    Love to @sandeelilly , @Arthritic_Adventures and anyone passing 😊 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Did you have a nice time in town?

    Yes I feel a lot better after the trim thanks

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    Have a nice afternoon in these ookey tropical temperatures 😱

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    Don’t be silly- you are not a let - down!

    I’m glad are resting in a sensible manner🤗

    It’s Trials and Tribulations Thursday again isn’t it?

    Also toady’s been fiddling with the thermostat again lol

    I went to the town centre but I have totm so I was fuelled by gluco - zade, almost fell over twice there, but I think it was due to the energy drink and me worrying about wasting time and getting roasted in the sun, but then I slowed down

    Heat got really nasty here around noon though

    Thanks for the yummy scrambled eggs

    LA made strawberry and banana mousse at school today but my sis was meant to buy the banana and forgot bless her - she of course had enough to do, so bill went to WR in the night to buy the fruit and “Broke” of course lol

    The mums on catsnap were nattering about bananas lol, why was the school making last minute - banana - related demands? Is GI Joe a headmaster now? Quite a promotion really 😂

    Keep taking rest Toni and don’t feel guilty about it

    Have a good evening tc xx

    ps vegan banana bread xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi toady

    How are you today?

    I’m aiming to send a proper message soon

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi toady

    How are things going?

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    She had the diabetic blood test today

    Sorry should have mentioned that before

    I’m just a bit roasted really lol

    The nurse bruised her arm though - but she said it’s not painful at least

    Hairpin legs- mystery solved lol

    I mentioned Banana - Gate to Toni - that was funny lol

    Ok neck is on the verge of sending me unwanted tea - gifts or something like that 😂

    Have a good evening tc xx

    PS word of the day haha xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan hope you're ok are you going into town today? It's going to be lovely. I am sure. I am behaving and really want the jab to work. Hoping it will I think the referred pain in the forearm is already improving 😊 Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandee hope you are all well especially your daughter. Hope Nikkeh has not taken matters into her own hands yet!

    I am sure she wanted to remove parts of SIL's anatomy and serve them up to him on a plate.

    I think I'd have been Ann Boleyn too given that I am Antoinette really anyway one way or another my head would be off!!!

    Take care enjoy this weather. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi How are you and your mum? I bet she loved shopping with you😊

    I did hoover left handed sorry😔 But that was all I promise still behaving very well for me. I have a sling which I am using to remind me to behave myself.

    Thank you for the banana bread and I am glad you liked the scrambled eggs🥚

    Wasn't it hot last night?🔥 Hard to sleep I struggled as I have a lot of pillows to get comfy and they get hot. Oh well….

    I am very sorry you almost fell twice though glad you didn't and yes if you need to have some glucozade. Hope TOTM isn't troubling you too much. ((()))

    My friend came over yesterday with her dogs we took them for a short walk (they are yorkies so left handed lead holding was ok.) before it got too hot. it was nice having female company being surrounded by workmen all day.

    Schools do that. Suddenly expect you all to get something or worse still make something at short notice.🙄 Was the mousse nice though?

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toad

    Well I think that's a good idea what you've done yes Definitely more 21st century! Put the door back on it keeps (some of) the dust out! and small cats who love hiding in wardrobes.

    Oh the salvia are lovely! I love the bit of pink at the base🙂

    I picked lavender for the craft group (left handed) and hung it to dry in the basement 10 small bunches finally the weather was right.

    Today I think I will sit outside and enjoy looking at the garden instead of doing anything.

    Erm can't shrink that today….???? Well just sealing and cleaning to do and of course the latter must wait for a while.

    Take care Toady😊

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 77

    Morning You lovely lot!

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!! Sorry, I was working from home yesterday for blood and such ergh!

    @frogmorton She did!! took a lot of talking off the ledge lol but she will have words at some point and I would LOVE to be a fly that day!

    I seem to do everything wrong so yes my head would have been on a platter lol I love visiting his castles especially Leeds the grounds are so pretty, although after finishing Anna of Kleeves part she got it well I could quite happilly come back as her lol

    I hope you have a great weekend relax and enjoy, Im off to in laws birthday party I can feel a flare coming on lol xxxx

    @toady PLEASE take care of yourself hunni, blisters are nasty things esp for us at times you are a busy bee and I love that you are so handy, but try and take time for yourself, again another beautiful flower

    Have a great weekend xxxx

    To all the rest of the gang have a wonderful weekend I hope you are all keeping well in the heat

    Big hugs and Luv


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) How do you manage to get on here I’m finding it hard you press community and it doesn’t always work. I hope you don’t get anymore blisters. They say rain on Saturday. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good your arm is feeling a bit better. Nice your friend came to see you with her Yorkie’s have a good day. Your bathroom looks good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your mum’s blood test goes alright (()) have a good day

    Sandee (()) have a good day I hope everything goes alright with your family (())

    Colin (()) love to your wife (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Glad your being careful

    I had a very bad time with totm

    Mums ok 👍

    I’ll go for now as I’m in Lorenzo’s inferno

    Relocating to cooler room

    More later

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi toady

    How are you?

    I’m feeling rather nauseous 🤢

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Joan

    How are you doing today?

    Thanks about mum’s blood test

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    Have a good afternoon tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    Sorry been struggling with heat plus totm

    Slept in afternoon but I think that was due to paracetamol I had for totm stomach pain

    Yes a horrendous night for heat - I didn’t sleep enough either but then went to the cold room and got some more sleep - but yes was really feeling ookey - i understand

    The sling is a good idea

    We didn’t actually go shopping together we just both had blood tests but mum’s was at the hospital

    I got it wrong smoothie - not mousse, but LA found it yummy even though his friend said it looked like vomit and was scolded by the teacher lol

    I’m not sure which young gentleman it was - but it wasn’t the dreaded Lorenzo at least

    I do occasionally go clothes shops with mum but she tends to get a bit irritable during these shopping trips lol, but that’s understandable really, I wouldn’t be surprised if the irritability is really to with dad but we can only communicate with dad for so long, because he ignores almost everything we say really to be honest.

    Nice that you walked with a female.

    I used a posh skin cream recently as I’d run out of the normal one but the problem it was slippery like N*****gena hand cream and I almost dropped a packet of sandwiches in the cafe - I think the young girl serving me thought I was as unbalanced as a hatter lol, never mind.

    Enjoy the rest of this sweaty tropical day if you can - I think it’s a bit cooler tomorrow 👍

    And keep resting otherwise hairdresser sweeney toady and her secateurs are heading your way - I won’t be able to stop her 😱😱

    Have a good evening Toni tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364
    edited 19. Jul 2024, 17:52

    Hi all 👋

    Didn't expect more than a small hello from you today frog, I trust you dictated your post and Sleek keyed it in for you 😉 and that you have been sitting in the garden like wot you said, daisy grubber safely out of reach. Lovely day for the lavender. The bathroom looks so nice 😊 really well done to your chap/s, a lovely job 👍. Peace and quiet now too hurrah. Not much doing with me, I did some watering & feeding, saw one small butterfly 😬 it's a start anyway! I'm still on the fence (not the garden one!) about the wardrobe tbh, it is a darker grey than in the pic (that makes it look a chalky white almost), but if I'd thought I was going to leave some woodwork I'd have gone darker more like the sideboard I posted. It's very little paint to do over, so maybe one day, in the meantime I have now matching shelving haha so will leave it be for now, it's clean & tidy anyway 👍. Have a good night yes very warm for sleeping for people and small hot cats 😴 xx

    Joan I tend not to clear my browsing history so I usually just come in here by clicking the last page visit from there. I don't navigate from the forum, you could always set a bookmark straight here? I have had a few error messages coming here recently something with a picture of a cog I can't remember the actual wording. My blister is healing it will be fine now thanks 😊. Easy to do one before you realize, you feel it afterwards more than at the time. No more projects for me, for now anyway 👍. Have a good Saturday very warm today 😮 xx

    Thanks @sandeelilly I admit I'm not the best at health & safety 😬 yes do have to watch anything that breaks the skin, I try not to be too silly, I've looked after the blister it's healing fine 👍. Have a good weekend yourself, the heat suits me but you are limited to what you can do at what time of day aren't you. Must make the most of the washing weather! Take care & hope you played a 'get out of inlaws party early' card, if needs be 😉 xx

    Sorry you're not feeling too good bosh, it is really hot & sticky, not the best for people like yourselves 😔 it is hot upstairs here now I'm going in the garden in a min where it'll be much cooler now that side, should feel less sloomy! The more cool rooms the merrier in this case glad it helped a bit for you. Sounded too warm for going to town too I wouldn't fancy it myself even, not enough shade anywhere on the way, glad you weren't too woozy even if you did need a bit of liquid help. Hope your mum's tests come back ok 🤞& yours if you haven't had them yet. I settled on earrings for the friend following your suitable-present example (for sis), hope mine get here alright in the post 😬. I saw about the bananas, no wonder that wasn't popular with the poor mums, late night missions to shops lately has been quite the vogue in your family this week, your turn to buy some midnight cream crackers next maybe 😄. I love the cat tea parties, that little tabby yesterday looks like he's there not quite of his own free will, doesn't he, been made to put his sunday best on & behave I think. Hope you can have an ok night 👋 :) xx

    Love to all tea or even 'pokey-pola' if needs be 🥤😄 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792
    edited 20. Jul 2024, 06:26

    Morning Joan Hope you are doing ok today blimey it was a hot night wasn't it. Paul has been in London all week and has come home with COVID. So i am still on my own😓 Bless him lucky the weather is so good we did eat our dinner together outside with the old 2m between us🙄 We watched Coronation street in two separate rooms texting each other!! Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandee

    Oh gosh I wouldn't want to be there when Nikkeh says her piece to SIL.😣 Still he deserves whatever he gets the idiot the absolute idiot.

    As you can see from my post to Joan Paul has come home with covid. Lucky the bathroom is finished we are back in separate rooms again😕 I was so looking forward to time togeter after his week working in London too.

    I am not surprised a flare might be coming if you've been off your MTX for 2 weeks. Take it easy if you can ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope your Mum's bloods are ok and that TOTM is retreating for you ((())) In this heat it must be insufferable.

    The cold room comes into it's own in this weather doesn't it?

    As you can see from my post to Joan, Paul has brought COVID home with him so I am in hiding again. We did have dinner together outside last night at least that was something. Bless him he is quite rough, but a hot lemon drink and a brandy helped. Today he has gone into work as the staff aren't there.

    I am going to drive in a bit like it or not to restock my antibac wipes🙄

    I think your Mum and you probably do struggle shopping. I expect your Dad is there wanting you to hurry up making it not such a pleasant experience. Mr Grumpy pants.

    Oh dear me so the mousse looked like vomit did it? (I bet the boy was right🤭🤫 don't tell the teacher!) but hopefully it tasted ok.

    Oh dear posh cream too slippery making you look like you were unbalanced as a hatter! Like it! I stick to my boring creams E45 cetraben etc… Not delightful smells but I know where I am with them.

    Take care and enjoy the cooling rain when it comes later.

    Morning Toady how are you this delightful sunny morning…..not! It's still hot yet so I have every window open for now. I have to anyway because as you can see Paul has brought us COVID back from London. I rather hoped for maybe some vegan fudge, but no COVID.🙄

    He's gone into work as he will be alone there. Bless him he is a bit rough though.

    Sleek doesn't get it. Why are we not sitting together?

    She had a lovely day though with Mummy sitting down doing nothing she lay in the shade or inside when she came in and slept almost all day. Apart from when she came to yours while the shower was sealed. I can see the colour grey it's on her right paw! and on her overalls I take it she was 'touching up'?

    I think yes leave the wardrobe for now time will tell you what to do.

    I saw several butterflies! I'm so relieved I think all that wet weather didn't help them.

    Kari reckoned they have a few little sayings:

    'If it's wet

    don't fly yet'

    and 'when its dry

    you can fly' I think my sister needs some help!

    Have a good morning Toady this afternoon/evening it rains. ((())) but next week isn't so bad early 20's some rain but not in any way every day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    The end of the month I have to go to the Doctors and have a M O T Blood pressure blood test and be weighed and measured that will be fun.
    Toady (()) I have the forum in favourites it comes on the main page. I haven’t seen any butterflies yet. Try not to get another blister (()) have a good weekend.

    Toni (()) I’m sorry Paul has COVID i hope it’s not too bad. I hope you don’t get it (()) your bathroom looks so relaxing. How does your arm feel now (()) have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck with your mums blood results (()) have a good weekend

    Sandee (()) have a good weekend thinking of you and your family (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mum had an almost hypo but she’s ok now

    A bit of waist muscular pain

    Sorry trying to limit tablet use due to pain

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    👋 toady sandee Joan

    Bit of muscular pain so not posting properly

    Bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364
    edited 20. Jul 2024, 17:46

    Afternoon all 👋

    Oh no frog not the dreaded covid 😟 curse the wretched thing it really has been the last turn of the screw in any small enjoyment for so many 🙄. Poor Paul, and you 😣 tiny bits of comfort having the bathroom, and that you were forewarned & able to segregate, but it's not much. I hope he will feel less rough soon and has only gone into work to do light duties & will give himself time to recuperate. So sorry your weekend has been derailed take care yourself if doing extras driving etc. Sleek doesn't think much of this, that's for sure 🙁 she kindly helped me with some washing today early she's very good as you know, then nipped back to yours to keep an eye on everything. Sorry about the painty little paw 🤭 at least it would not have hurt your grey upholstery - that is the sweetest sweetest picture it really is 😽. I rescued my washing from this afternoon's quite heavy thundery shower, v overcast still. Not too bad this week I hope as you say 🤞. Here's a little butterfly that definitely mustn't fly yet 😮 (of course they have sayings 😊) - amazing paper art, and the cup, seems like the sort of thing Reshmi may well have posted at some point but if not it's one little one from me for all the lovely cups and tea parties. Have as good an evening & Sunday as poss 😘 xx

    Hello Joan, I have so many bookmarks and tabs open it's a wonder I can find anything at all 😬 hope you don't have any more trouble with the cafe maybe we need a little side door too, one of those ones with a nice little checked curtain 🤭. Good luck with the MOT (one careful owner 😉) I've got bloods this week they won't want to weigh me for that, only when I go to consultant sometime after. Toni can advise us how to put our foot down and say no to anything we don't want 😉. Have a good Sunday it's not very nice here this evening very heavy and overcast indeed 😬 xx

    Hi bosh a paper teacup for you, definitely not for use with Broke! You may have come across the artist (cecilia levy), I hadn't. Sorry you are having a twinge-y musucular pain day, hope resting in a good position sorts it out. Some disastrous hairclip news, one of the claws on my favourite one has broken off, that's worse than 7 years' bad luck for me 😱 I only have one more like it and that's not even as good, you can't seem to get these 😣. Nothing much happening here, it's very 'close' and humid doesn't suit me either. I 'jilted' the milkman overnight as I didn't really want to disturb myself if I happened to be sleeping well, so now I have to do a miceland shop instead 🙄 can't really be bothered with that either but biccies are running perilously low. Btw pic 2 for the giraffe because your shirt collar would sit there (in my opinion) 😄🦒. Hope everyone well and your mum is steady 🤞:) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    good morning Toni

    How are you?
    mum is asleep

    I’m feeling a lot better 🙏

    Bfn tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792

    Morning Joan after the rain we have sunshine again☺️ Oh an MOT at the Drs eh? Still it's good to be checked over I think. My arm isn't much better yet the referred pain down the forearm seemed better but maybe not 😕 Still there is time yet fingers crosse🤞 Have a good Sunday ((())) xxx

    Morning to Sandee who is I hope having a nice weekend with the family. All being well the potential flare has not happened? Hopefully you have had your MTX and it will be back in your system by now helping keep things under control.

    I have a wobbly cucumber to eat later on no idea why it's quite so wobbly, but I'm sure it will taste YUM!

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    I am so glad your Mum is ok that sounded like a close shave there😮

    What on earth have you done to pull a muscle like that? I hope it's a little easier today but it may take a few days longer to heal I think🤔

    Don't worry too much about us if you are struggling just as long as you are ok that's the main thing,

    Sending some get well flower💐 and some healing ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    That rain was about perfect especially as we both got our washing in in time. I put mine on the airer anyway and popped it outside. Not pegging up ATM with this silly shoulder. Not really better😔 please Toad I don't want to be one of the unlucky ones who it doesn't work for….

    Lovely butterfly pic - you are as bad as Kari (who tells me those little butterfly aphorisms in a tiny squeaky voice!) I saw 7 butterflies yesterday on my walk before the rain.

    Sleek really is the most adorable little girl (apart from at 4am when she wants to wake me up!!!!) I must have a million photos of her. She didn't leave any grey pawprints no. I have got the paint for the walls in the bathroom. I tried the bath but really you do need two sort of usable arms won't risk it again with Paul and I avoiding each other. I really hurt the shoulder getting out so will stick to my lovely new shower.

    She loves doing washing does Sleekipaws.😁

    She's most concerned that we are not in the same room, me her and Paul. Luckily we have done a good job of segregating, but she keeps trying to get us in the same room see the confused face. He will test again today and see how he is. He is only doing light duties he just doesn't want to give COVID to the lads at work and it is his business so understandable he wants to go in.

    We have a plan though for later. We are going to 'meet' outside 🌟bucks for a posh coffee and do the distancing thing. He is going to watch the racing up the road this afternoon but can watch it from inside his van. I do hope the test is at the very least a paler pink so we know he is on the mend.🤞

    Take care and have a good day Toady.

    A quick wave to Colin if he happens by👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,094

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you Toady (()) when the gardener came yesterday he said he hadn’t seen any butterflies. He thinks it’s because of the rain. How is your hand. Have a good day. I’ve got nice and malted milk biscuits. I’ve had them a week I haven’t opened them yet.

    Toni (()) sorry you are still having problems with your arm it must be difficult if you’re right handed. Yes sleeks face looks good. I hope Paul feels a bit better today (()) yes it would have been difficult getting into the bath one handed you were brave to do it. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how is your mum (()) today (()) sorry you pulled a muscle (()) have a good day take care

    Colin (()) love to your wife (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    How is your shoulder today?
    Thanks for your kind wishes, but there’s no need to worry, I didn’t pull a muscle exactly, maybe I spent too much time on the tablet, was leaning forward too much, but the result was a sharp pain in my waist that didn’t really go away for a long time.

    I’m feeling a lot better now though thanks, even went for a walk, which I was feeling too ill to do for two days.

    Thanks about mum, she had another hypo - type situation today unfortunately, she said it was an “almost - hypo”, but my understanding is that it was slightly worse than yesterday unfortunately.

    The stress dad is putting on her isn’t helping at all, well at least the weather is a cooling down a little bit, maybe that’ll help her a bit, I hope so.

    Mum and dad have gone to see EF just to give the kids some little gifts as they are all going on holiday soon, end of next week I think, to Portugal again lol, BR asked why and mum replied that it’s because BR has been good boy at nursery etc, BR said that was good, but he also said, “LA is not a good boy though, he cried and he made his skin wet and then he pushed BR” - bless him - pushing BR is definitely not good - boy behaviour- as for crying and skin - wetting- I will reserve judgement lol.

    Thanks for the flowers 🤗
    ps “random” word definition I found online - don’t tell sandee 😂xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,364
    edited 21. Jul 2024, 15:34

    Afternoon all 🌞

    Lovely here again which meant I had better look to my fine-weather chores (of which there are more than will get done, as usual) including more laundry (that washing line cat 😂) oh and hairwashing 😣. I may have to give you a slightly stern look for having tried the bath frog, mustn't imperil yourself, we will not have you being an unlucky one 😔 fingers crossed it's working at its own pace 🤞but sorry nothing much so far 🙁. Hope the 'bucks plan works/worked nicely and Paul feels up to the racing too, good luck for next test. Poor Sleek yes that's a mystifed kitty alright, plenty of fuss from you but very confusing 😔. She can help with my miceland shop which I'm not having til Tues, between us we'll keep her occupied 👍. 7 butterflies is great 😊 what sort mostly? I didn't get close enough to my little one to tell. They do the Big Butterfly Count like the garden birdwatch, from 12 Jul to 4 Aug, I didn't know that. Have a good evening hope everyone else well :) xx

    Hello Joan my hand is fine thank you, the leftover blister is very pale and well healed up, I won't post a photo 😂. I will know who to come to for biscuits 👍️ I have put some 'nice' in my basket too, and shortbread fingers. I mentioned battenberg cakes, I read the (poor) reviews for one sort and they said there was no almond at all in them 😮 no almond in battenberg, where will it all end 🤨. Nice weather this week the only day of rain in the 10 day forecast is my day for blood tests 🙄 hopefully that will change as it gets nearer, it usually does. I read an article today it said yes 'spring and summer washout delivers fewer butterflies' 😔. I was telling Toni you can choose any day up to 4th August to spend 15 mins in your garden and record what you see online, I don't think we would see much in that time. Have a good evening love to Lexi & Pepper 🐾 :) xx

    Hi bosh glad the painful bit has eased up and you had a walk as well 👍️ EF are leaving these shores for a bit then, well there will be messages and pics on screen etc I expect, hope they don't get disrupted by all this IT stuff 🙄 has it affected your Drs, I will have to make sure mine are back to normal before I go next. Not to mention the lottery site was down last night just imagine if you had numbers to put on that won and you couldn't get in 😱. All this IT over-reliance is something that I'm sure isn't being dealt with carefully enough yet they keep pushing ever more smart tech on us 🤷‍♀️. Will have to give in to the forces of afternoon rest today I think, have a good evening yourself, sorry your mum has been up & down lately 😧 take care xx

    Love to all 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,711

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Mum and I are ok right now thanks

    Malted biscuits, those sound yummy lol,

    I would’ve opened those before the doughnuts haha

    Don’t worry I had some muscular pain but luckily didn’t pull a muscle 👍

    Have a nice afternoon Joan tc xx