Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,712

    good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,793
    edited 6:20AM

    Thanks Joan for caring enough to worry yes all is definitely well now that the diabetes got under control. Date for induction is 12th Oct so she'll be here soon😊 I don't think you have ever said anything to me to make me cross - ever! You are far to polite and nice for that. It's definitely been better this week but it's still been chilly hasn't it? Are you going into town today?

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? That wasn't a cold starting was it? Was it just hay-fevery blocked nose causing you to breathe with your mouth open? I do hope so everything crossed🤞

    Very glad to hear your Mum's meds are suitably tweaked (we understand 'tweaking' don't we?) of course she will worry but the Drs sound on the case. Your dad has an apt booked good. I hope he only has one piece of turkish delight no more🙄

    Yes it's amazing how small children can eat and burn it all off playing - make hay while the sun shines BR😉 Soon enough the likes of GI Joe and the Dentist will give you their unsolicited opinions….

    So the party was a sensible one then? Nothing no cake licking dramas? Oh no😕 I am most disappointed🤭 Honestly are the children growing up? Surely not yet? Maybe each mafioso member had a warning from their respective Mummies to jolly well behave!! ELTB has noticed something very important if LA is getting a squash addiction he may need early intervention😁

    The PE teacher certainly has a point, but maybe self harm is not the way forward LA. Use the power of your language skills instead☺️ Oh but not swearing that can get you into trouble to.

    Good luck with your bloods very wise to kills two birds with one stone (though do please try not to actually do that!) and get lithium and MTX done in one fell swoop. Sorry two bird analogies in one sentence there!

    Take care have a good day. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Sleek read your warning (or you told her yesterday) and her mackintosh and sou-wester (galoshes too) are ready by the door.😦

    We were the same our old neighbour had hardly ever been here a couple in their 60's they had a place in Cornwall I think spent lots of time there. Then they sold to a couple in their 50s who had 5 offspring one of whom was pregnant with twins and had a 7 year old already! That was the one who moved in with them and then there was that trampoline. Well is that trampoline. Now the daughter has been given a house and moved out with twins and her daughter. The twins visit once a week while Mum works overnight. Much better. Having said that they certainly do have their parties - remember his 50th during COVID? Basically things have improved a lot and as you said they are entitled to live there.

    Always best to fear the worst then hopefully things will turn out better. Your miserable neighbour will maybe get the neighbour from hell and then you will so be appreciated! hah! Sleek will continue to use indoor facilities until required she promises!

    Your lime petunias look fabulous, they really do is that a current photo?! Wow! Your toms are still turning so that's good I am planning on changing my 'brand' next year any recommendations for small toms with lots of fruit?

    Dry today I am off to the dentist with Lucy then taking bro's old car to the garage to be checked over - it might do for Charley and Annie as it's got room for the dogs in the back being an estate. Hope I get a minute to get outside. The garden is my happy place.

    Better get on have a good day Toad ((())) xx