Val's Cafe
good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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good afternoon Toni toady SK and Stuartknee
How are you all?
Mums ok 👍
EF visit cancelled due to storm
Very windy on my walk but not as much rain as yesterday
I was almost blown all the way to the nursery but not Portugal lol
Ok this is my checking in post
More later
Time for lunch, fish in my case, a naughty green monster ate all the cheese sandwiches
Bye for now all tc xx
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Evening everyone - gosh that was some rain that was, and 10 times worse for lots of people of course but very unwelcome. It was relentless here overnight I don't know what gutter etc could cope with that, I think it's less a question today of did any come in, and more a case of where didn't it 😱 - can't face looking, in most cases.
Going out in this frog, and for fun, well it takes all sorts😬 - nothing short of a mercy dash would have got me out and even that's a bit dubious. I was running through all the miserable days rain has spoiled for me over the years, while awake in the night with the noise 😄. What an uphill struggle for the positivity gurus I am, oh dear really have become the ultimate whiner. Anyway hope you enjoyed the trip and came away with what you wanted - I remember Leamington but doubt it's any more the place of memory than anywhere else these days. Lángos sounds very nice, can it be a hot or cold sort of thing 🤔? Sleek and I did rather well for ourselves today with what she kindly brought thank you. They are plying Joan with lots of food then, I'm glad it's at least ok, and await hearing what's next for her - the possible affected nerve is something the physios must be looking at I guess - hope they can reassure her what's what. Nothing doing with me will be glad when it's Monday and at least a bit of post etc to amuse oneself with, no Lottery win I fear 😒 and I was coincidentally reading how 'money saving martin' says holding premium bonds under a certain amount is pretty much useless, well I think I gathered that 😔😅. Have a good new week yourself, love to all 👋 how is your neighbour? xx
The days are passing now for Joan's hospital stay even though I expect it doesn't seem they are passing very quickly, thinking of you Joan hope all's as well as possible 😘
Hello bosh, 'every cabbage for herself', I love that 😄 and thank you for the near-poem I'm v glad the al fresco man is excused from being pelted I have enough troubles without being cut off from supplies, I would be reduced to asking for cafe leftovers or even bits of spare sibling 😱 gosh no, even with custard thank you. Hope everything is going as well as can be and your mum is not in cookery and hostessing overdrive, tell us all on the other side 👍️. No news here just waiting for the rain to stop and passing the time online, also trying to square a 4p anomaly in a bank account, which was right last time I checked so something very odd is going on there, 4p's don't just slip into alternate universes, or do they 🤨 . Oh well as the 4p is in my favour can't grumble I suppose. Take care see you anon :) xx
Hope Stuart and SK doing ok 👋 xx
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Hi everyone still suffering not getting much sleep weather not helping.
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sorry to hear that Stuartknee
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hi young at heart toady
4pm anomaly outrageous lol
Yes cold if not freezing rain is indeed a nasty thing
The EF lunch experience was cancelled due to the storm
Yes siblings with custard may be a bit much lol
Siblings with syrup and sultanas? Oh no, not even in Dr Chew lol
It actually reminded me of when I was in school we had to read a satirical essay called ‘A Modest Proposal’ by Jonathan Swift which featured the idea of poor babies being fattened up and eaten, obviously it was all political satire, but the way it was written was quite graphic and decidedly ookey
What kind of imagery is that my goodness?
Eating a GI Joe physio, well I must admit that was my lunch lol
Thanks, I thought you might appreciate the cabbagery, sorry imagery haha
Have a good night toady tc xx
Ps some nice virtual gingerbread from Switzerland not Portugal haha xx
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Hi Toni
how are you tonight?
Sibling - scoffing Sunday. That’s a great one. I’ll have to remember that
Im very glad that Joan is doing as well as can be expected. 👍
Yes, hope she has a decent physio. Unlike my one wasyes you’re a vegan and therefore not a sibling eater or a sibling meal or something that like - sounds logical to me but what LA will make of this, I dread to think
yes I got a reprieve from the excess family situation today. Thank goodness
tomorrow is meant to be milder at least down here in the corrupt south
hope it’s the same for you as well. Have a good night Toni
bye and take care xx
Goodnight Skinny Keef and Stuartknee tc xx
Ps sorry LA has invaded Bin - terest 🤷♀️haha xx
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Woken up at 4 by idiot neighbour cos its bin day today all the recycling bìns going out. 2 liagments/muscles behind knee still giving me grief.
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Morning Joan sent her love again to us all early on and hoping we all had a good day. I did send her a message (a bit late on to be fair) asking whether a discharge on Monday (today) was still on the cards, but no reply as yet. Hopefully I'll hear later on ((())) xxx
Morning to Skinny Keef if you pop by how did you get on with your MTX this week? Hoping no major issues for you on the lower dose ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi How are you today and your Mum too?
A temporary reprieve from EF visit then for you.Rain stopped play did it? Perhaps no bad thing.
We went out in that weather for some Hungarian food at the Leamington Christmas market it had been cancelled due to the weather. I don't blame them at all. It would have been a washout. We went to a well-known toy store and got Arya and my niece's Chrimbo pressies instead. That was fun I enjoyed it although there were loads of children in there so over-excited! Shop called (orange) piths you know the one.
I was hoping Joan has a kind physio too who is helping her get beck on her feet gently. Not a certain GI Joe type.
Sibling scoffing Sunday, Dr Chew and that horrible satirical piece you had to read😮 Decidedly ookey indeed! Poor small children must beware.😁 Best to have protective Aunties or vegan Grannies to look after them.
Definitely cheese LA you know even if it has to be vegan for me. I love the stuff.
I'd say the weather is significantly better today here too. No rain today so far it rained solidly for about 3 days and nights here after 2 days of snow. Hope I'm not exaggerating. Glad it's so much better for you as well as Toady said we have been lucky compared to some areas.
Take care my friend ((())) xxx
Morning Stuartknee bin day is it then? I was hoping that your neighbour could put mine out, but it would be a day too early. Did he wake the baby? I hope not. Have you tried the gentle stretches they have on the main versus arthritis site? They might help those tendons a bit and heat too - a hot water bottle or a microwaveable wheatbag?? (())
Morning Toady hope all is watertight with you. Nothing seemed to get inside ours here most unusual….but welcome!
You didn't win then?🙄 Ah well I am glad to read that you'd been keeping your table in the café even if you did become a secret 'multi'😉 So can you cash your bonds in? I trust Spartan Truest you know he knows his stuff.
We did indeed head off to Leamington (beautiful Georgian houses) but of course rain had stopped play and the market was cancelled so no lángos for me😒 It is usually eaten hot like almost a flat bread or yorkshire, but with some garlicky spread on it. Heaven. I'll just have to make my own I suppose…. they were only there this Sunday gone.
I am glad you and Sleek stayed in the warm and dry eating plenty of goodies did she bring the no chicken fiery wrap? Very tasty. Not sure what her plans are today she is in her ickle house packing stuff into her rucksack. I think it might be a game or two to play…..
My lovely neighbour has bounced right back and is doing so well now honestly she is amazing. Home with her smile back on her face😊
I was quite worried about Joan's leg I mean a spinal block is normally max 12 hours. As you say the physio will be communicating with the consultant so i'm sure all is in hand. No news about her discharge yet, but i do hope it's soon for her sake.
Take care Toady ((())) xxx
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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hi Toni toady SK and S knee?
How are you all this afternoon?
Mums ok 👍
I went to the town centre today to buy some Christmas gifts for the littleys
Got a cuddly toy for BR and book for LA
More later
Ablutions time
Bye for now tc xx
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Sorry Toni toady etc
Eyes are a bit dry so I’m calling it a night
Keep warm everyone tc xx
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Hi all - just a quick wave for me too today, have been online too long so mustn't linger now.
Thank you frog the fiery wrap was indeed quite fiery 😮 and very nice now the temps are dropping again sharpish. Sleek did indeed bring us a little selection of games including one I'd never come across, 'Fish Club' 🤭 thankfully not chess though, the subject of today's g**gle doodle, she may be a master at it but I'm rubbish sadly. Hope your day has been ok, I got into the garden for a little while the sun was quite nice, then it rained out of nowhere and I had to go grab my broom and weed bucket in. Anything happening in yours, have you put any bulbs in or will be doing? 🤔 Bright again tomorrow maybe. Ah yes I hadn't even thought that the market people themselves might think it was a no go in the rain yesterday, but stands to reason, shame for them and you but glad you got to some nice shops 😊. Oh I'll hang onto my bonds, you never know, & I don't think the tuppence interest if I took them out would be life-changing either so what the heck. Awful isn't it how scammers try using 'Spartan's' name 🙄. Nothing else going on here, your neighbour is home & in good spirits? Brilliant 👍️. Just Joan to go then hope you have heard something today maybe 🤞. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx
Thinking of you Joan, thanks for the good wishes passed on by Toni and look forward to news :) xx
Hi bosh, yes I did appreciate the cabbagery, very much 😅 great stuff. I have heard of the the Jonathan Swift tale you mention but probably couldn't have brought the ookey subject to mind without prompting, but yes satire or no it's not a bedtime story is it 😬. I'm undecided as to whether exposing children to difficult non fairytale stuff is better for them or not, & when, I certainly wasn't the type to tackle gritty writing early (or now for that matter, some of it 😱). You & Toni both buying xmas presents, oh dear, look who hasn't done anything. I tried to spend some non-festive vouchers in 'mazda' but am failing to find something else to make a nice round number of my shopping basket total (what's the big deal with guinea pigs at the moment? they seem to be on everything 🤔). I have accounted for the mystery 4p at any rate, so order is restored, or as much order as there ever is with a toad's finances. Lovely tea tables there very tempting biccies but I think I might sit at that nice table with the apple & cinnamon tea 😍. Hope you have a good less tired day tomorrow, take care of your eyes and sleep well I hope :) xx
Sorry about next door Stuart, why you to get the early hours silly person, go & live next to someone it doesn't affect 🙄. Hope you've made up for it a bit today. I've got a mystery squeaky noise outside somewhere, didn't help last night in all that wind, must try to get to the bottom of that tomorrow! Seems a quieter night so far, hope yours is ok as poss :) xx
Night again all and to SK etc 😴 xx
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Head from Joan yesterday she is still doing well having physio every day (working on getting in and out of the bed I think she said) and sending us all her love as Joan always does ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi Hope your Mum is well.
I hope you are doing better today too and your eyes aren't too dry. Did I tell you about Hylo? My latest eye drops? Recommended by a friend and now it's on my prescription. It helps a lot. Just for dry eyes not for allergies though.
I also enjoyed some Christmas shopping for children it's fun isn't it? My two are girls though! Lot's of stimulating noisy lighting up stuff for my Grandaughter and for my Gt niece some Sylvanian families furniture for her house.
Books have always been LA's thing haven't they the real connection between you his Auntie and him😊 As for BR he loves his cuddlies too so that's perfect. Is he still managing to stay in his own bed at night? I do hope so.
Take care Reshmi keep warm if h=feels colder today ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef how are you Loanda and Sucré doing? I hope all well and that you coped with the MTX at the lower dose better. I just made me one so I am leaving you a coffee nice and hot ((())) xxx
Morning Toady well done getting outside yesterday. It was a lovely day. It was Tia's Grandad's funeral yesterday as you know Paul's ex FIL from his first marriage. He used to always come to us for Christmas so this year will be very different.
I was glad of the sunshine though for his send off bless him. All went well some old friends and neighbours came too which was lovely. I had ordered flowers for us and separately for Tia too they were lovely. We took them to his nursing home for the people there to enjoy. They were carefully chosen to be usable that way. After all he had been there for over 6 years and those people staff and residents were almost his family too.
I will do some bulb planting yes I think so what have you popped in? You even did some weeding yesterday?!! Well done you👍️
Oh yes the fiery no chicken wrap!!! Well it's very useful for a cold day maybe😁 Warms you up no end! Hope no gastric issues as a result though.
No idea what her plans are for the day today so you'll have to wait and see I know for sure though that it won't be an iced anything like Lucy has😯
Yes keep the bonds they are doing no harm and anyway who knows as they say 'you've got to be in it to win it'!
take care Toady ((())) xxx
Morning Stuartknee hope you had a better night last night. I put my own bin out yesterday evening ready for thsi morning just like your neighbour could. Hope you're not in too much pain too. Take Care (()) xx
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Very best wishes to Joan @dachshund from me I was sorry to hear about her broken hip and wish her a very speedy recovery.
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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hi Toni toady SK and S knee
How are you all doing this afternoon?
Mums ok 👍
I’m putting a poem in the bank
my goodness this morning was cold wasn’t it?I almost aborted my walk mission lol,
Instead I just shortened it a bit
That’s nice you got some gifts for your littleys too 👍
BR wasn’t scared of being “eaten” he was actually asleep aww ❤️
BR called my sis by her Christian name, he said, “Smita can you give me some juice please?”
She said, “ Did you just call me Smita?”,
He replied very solemnly, “Yes, Smita” - oh dear - such disobedience lol
ok more later
Bye for now all tc
Ps funny pic from Bin - terest that someone had named “ Casual Uk” 😂xx
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Hi Toni
The poem payment has cleared already
What productivity haha
Another hat - related one from me
Thanks xx
Vc poem called “Ode to the hat / chapeau”
When my hat is so big
It is larger than the tummy of the mighty grandad Pig
It is a quiet refuge for me when I’m outside of my home
If I touch it, once it becomes invisible and unselfconsciously, I like to roam
It’s a psychic hat, so I can be builder, bin lady or nurse - any profession I can choose
But like toady, I drank too much coffee with my biscuits, so when the alarm went just hid under my hat and grumpily hit “snooze”💤Ps 👋 hi toady
How are you?
I know your coffee consumption is exemplary haha - I was only joking xx
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Hi all 👋 cold indeed 😬 well you pays your money and you takes your neither-very-nice choice at the moment. Bright so still marginally better than wet.
Hello frog, glad to hear you had sun yesterday and everything went as well as could be, and people were able to be there. Yes v near Christmas so the first absence will be a tough one 😔. Hope Tia ok and all concerned. Quiet here today I did get out for a while but tidying mainly, hard to make plans for the garden now under the circs, I mainly need to just streamline things - no bulbs in yet but I will, in pots probably, though I should dot some about in borders really. I keep finding out that things that I thought were not doing well are just doing what they should, for the time of year 😳 which is good but I must resit my easy gardening levels I think. Sleek brought us a festive spice latte and a mince pie, it's no good my ignoring xmas any longer apparently, so may as well just go with it. Definitely nothing iced! the idea 😱. (Btw I can make no sense of cost-a's vegetarian and vegan indicators so don't know how anyone else manages 🤷♀️). Hope things in general ok with you all today, and thanks ofc for updating us on Joan 👍️😘 xx
Hello to Joan, the physios are flocking around you and being very hot at their job I see, keep up the good work 😊👍️ xx
Hi bosh, love the poem 😊 did you see the teenager who wears his grandad's bowler hat and likes past times and old things etc, - ''I think a lot of people would be a lot more happy if they dressed up every once in a while," Charlie told BBC Scotland News" and I totally agree, after a couple of weeks no-one would bat an eyelid at anyone, it would be so nice. I haven't mastered the invisibility hat thing though, wrong hat? 🤔. Yes my coffee consumption is moderation itself 2 cups a day and one of those is frothy shopbought stuff so probably not much coffee content, unhealthy chemicals & additives instead I expect, ah well. Nothing happening here yes it was v cold first thing, hope if you get to group tomorrow it's neither freezing nor too wet or windy but just bright & sunny, that'll be the day 😬. Have a good evening hope everyone ok :) xx
Wave to everyone 👋😘 xx
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hi toady
Thanks about the cabbagery and the poem
Yes hat - selection can be difficult lol
Today I wore two hats and a hood and it still didn’t feel like enough
No I didn’t see that about the little boy, sounds interesting though
Today I had a slightly naughty takeaway lunch from pub - nay in rhyming slang as the non - drinkers like myself call it I guess, lol, Italian meatball - roll - so it did give me lots of energy
It was indeed dreadfully cold this morning, even with 4 layers, one of which was a thermal vest I was still really feeling the chill
Yes J Swift, very ookey indeed
I know what you mean I often don’t bother looking at tomorrows weather forecast either , too depressing
Have a good evening toady tc xx
Ps ok I couldn’t find a cabbage- appropriate image lol, this must suffice xx
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sorry to hear that Stuartknee x
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hi Toni
How are you this evening?
I almost forgot to say thanks for the eyedrops- tip, I’ll buy some of those when my current ones run out 👍
LA and BR got in a big mood when the storm prevented a trip to Reading, they kept saying, “Granny, BB, Mima, Reading”, so their parents had to take them out for pizza in the storm and buy them curly straws from the pound shop, oh dear 😂
Have a good night Toni and tc xx
Ps remember if life gives you “marrots” - style your hair, or something like that haha xx
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good morning in advance Toni
Just in case I don’t have time to greet you before I fly out the door tomorrow morning rushing to the group on the wings of the winged plumber, they call him the bald eagle of the pipes, or is that partly my dad? I’m getting confused now lol
Bye for now Toni tc xx
Ps when life gives you lemons…well you’ve got the idea haha xx
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Just had another painful flare up night everything is aching could not find a position to lay, now the weathers turned windy again
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Latest update on Joan: she is still sounding her usual upbeat self (but gosh she really must be missing Sue) wishing us all a good day. Apparently she has tension in her shoulders I think the physio must have found that out. Her kitchen gets started today too I expect the neighbours will be allowing access maybe. ((())) xxx
Morning Stuartknee I hope last night was a little easier. Do you find your pain worse when the weather is as old as it is at the moment? (())
Morning Reshmi
How are you and your Mum this delightfully rainy day? I am cold the wet out of the window (walk with sis in a mo) is making me feel chillier!
I also reduced my walk time yesterday BTW what else can we do? At least we got out even if not for as long as usual. I found my breathing harder work too probably was walking faster maybe?
Oh my what a cheeky chicken is our little BR!!!! Calling his Mummy by her first name I think that is normal as some point in all children's lives but i hope he doesn't keep it up😥
Bless him and LA being so upset about the cancelled family meet-up last weekend. Hopefuly you'll manage to see them this weekend instead?
Loving the hat pics I will indeed make a lemon hat/hairdo if I get thrown a load of lemons!!
But the hat poem is by far the best thank you so much🙂 that deposit cleared quickly the cashier (me) was so cold she was able to get on to it faster than usual. I think I am invisible under my hat, but that actually suits me. Remember when I lost my favourite and 2nd favourite ones last year? Well I have been collecting them since I now have 5😁
Hope you enjoy the group today and manage your ablutions in good time. I also hope nasty M is nowhere near you😠
take care now ((())) xxx
Morning Toady hope all is well with you?
Sleek asks the staff as costa packet which items are veggie and which are vegan so never worry she will not get you anything you can't eat. I do the same on my occasional visits there. She is trying to get the Christmassy drinks as they are only out until Christmas. She wanted the winter spice from last year, but she tells me they aren't doing it this year. We'll see what she appears with today. Nope no icing it's cold enough without looking at that😉
I was thinking bulbs in pots too not much else glad to read your plants are doing what they should be and not dying off as you had feared.
Today is the foodbank followed by Sleeks arthritis jab this afternoon so very little time. I also need to do a little foraging ready for Christmas wreaths I need to make two for Sunday's advent market. Tomorrow I visit my friend and then on Friday it's food bank collection locally. Help!!! Saturday Paul is at football watching the local team so I can do the wreaths then.
We have rain rain and more rain here so i will take a spare pair of keks with me for after my walk with Kari. Take care ((())) xxx
A quick hello to Skinny Keef I hope all is well the lower dose meds is agreeing with you? Also hope that Sucré and Loanda are doing ok. Take care leaving you a coffee in your mug ((())) xxx
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