Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Is everyone AWOL????

    oh dear me I hope you are all ok.

    Joan messaged. She got her card from us all this morning it made her cry😢 Bless her.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all ☕️ teabreak time again, it gets no warmer does it

    Dry for the next few days though (they say) frog so will take that for now. Got a bit more tidying done outdoors and will show for doing soon hopefully, I suspect the slight seed buying fervour is creeping up on me any day now 😬 so must go through what I have first. Sorry you had quite so much rain, none really by morning here but certainly did overnight and I was not really expecting it or happy, everything damp again in the garden underfoot etc. 😕 Maybe you got some foraging done unless it was just not possible, if not then soon I hope as you want them for Sunday. Sorry about the afternoon's 'appointment' 😿, Sleek was unavoidably detained from visiting me of course, next time I shall provide the treats and listen to her tale of woe (do hope she's alright, you too). Hope food bank went ok as well, I see they are talking again about bins every 3 weeks - Cheshire in the example I saw - and food waste collections in the next couple of years, some do already of course not us though. No other news, I have put out mini enquiries to plumbers well it's a start 😣. Pleased to hear news of Joan oh the card arrived, gosh I may have to blink a little tear back too, sniff - glad she is keeping you posted, I have mixed feelings about them starting the kitchen without her I must say but maybe she will be as happy it's done in her absence 🤔. Hope have had a good evening & all are well :) xx

    Thinking of Joan hope your day was as well as can be, do they make a decent cup of tea I wonder, hope so 🤞☕️ xx

    Hi bosh, oh no not disappointed littleys, ah well curly straws will have helped, that well-known panacea 😉. I will definitely take the broccoli hat/hairdo/headdress out of the choices available, or broccolini if I'm going to follow the gourmet guidelines of LA, it looks slightly easier to manage then the others 😄. Pub-nay, I like it 😅 yes v appropriate for us non-drinkers, glad the lunch was nice 😊. Hope things going ok with you today, cold again but bright anyway. No news at all nothing is happening, I will have to make something up at this rate I think. Have a good night hope everyone ok :) xx

    Sorry about the flare-up Stuart, ouch 😟 hope it settles and the weather does too, wish you a better night 🤞 xx

    Love to all 😘 keep warm xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    They can't do the kitchen Toady because they found more rat droppings recent too as Joan had already cleaned before the went in.

    Will post properly tomorrow ((())) xxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Oh lumme, well that settles that for now 😬 not nice for her to hear but could hardly be avoided, I suppose 🙄.

    Thanks & 'night again 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312
    edited 27. Nov 2024, 22:25

    hi Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Yes a chilly day by all accounts

    Yes maybe you were walking too fast
    mums ok 👍

    Group was good thanks

    J the leader wasn’t wearing a coat though

    She seldom does you know, a very nice lady of course, but very strange really

    I was sitting a thousand miles away from nasty M 👍

    The cleaners came so unfortunately no ablutions but never mind

    A plumber came the other day I don’t even know why lol,

    He told dad he bought a stone bath for himself for a mere £4000 lol

    That’s the same amount in loose change I found in the biccie cupboard- don’t tell landlord toady 🤐

    Peri menopausal mood has become slightly abnormal again, not extreme like last time thankfully, but you’re right these problems can’t last forever- it just seems like they do sometimes

    I bought a mini journal so I can record my moods briefly- I’m talking more mental health now rather than pm - so that’s a positive thing

    I’m ok right now Toni just tired

    Dad is grumping around

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi young at heart toady

    Yes cold but bright day,

    Well not particularly bright here but never mind haha

    Curly straws can solve all problems I agree lol

    But maybe not curly pipes?

    I will consult the phantom plumbers

    Group was ok thanks 🙏

    J wasn’t wearing a coat - bit ookey

    Glad you’re ok

    Sorry for short post

    It’s approaching the stitching hour

    👋 SK and Stuartknee

    How are you Skinny Keef?

    👋 return to toady

    Sorry for this confusing compound post haha

    I just wanted to say this is your hairstyle for the stitching hour lol

    Goodnight all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I love the mug I love it Reshmi!!!


    How are you and your Mum? A separate journal for PM feelings is a very good idea then you can read back for reassurance that it does stop when you feel like this is it forever.

    Well done getting to the group and sitting miles away from nasty M. I think everyone should sit miles away from nasty M then she might realise that she is not being nice!

    J doesn't wear a coat?😮 she will today it's thick ice here.

    Yes Joan has messaged every day which is good better than when Mike was ill and all we all did was worry about him as you'll remember.

    Whatever is that plumber doing?! £4000 I mean £4000!!!!!😯 what on earth kind of bath costs that much? They are being paid too much that's for sure or maybe me is a professional footballer on the side?

    I think the loose change you found in the biccie cupboard is Toady's is some she left lying about out of her premium bonds winnings.

    Have a good day my friend and keep warm it's chilly out there brrrrr!!!! ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you.

    I felt the same when Joan messaged about her card. Bless her.

    You won't be outside this morning at least it's 3 inch thick ice out there! Well🤥 ok it's very icy.

    Poor little Sleek my heart went out to her yesterday Mummy catching her and putting her in her new cat box off to the vets. She is so good though please do ask her if her bones feel better on her biologics though so I don't feel so guilty. You know she yowls all the way to the vets in the car silent on the way home. I've given her extra pocket money so the two of you should get a treat today all being well.

    Seed buying! YESSSSS!!!!! I'm in for that. Not so sure about tidying up my existing supply of course but ok I'll do it.

    We could easily do 3 weekly bin collections ours are never full apart from the garden one. We used to be allowed to put food waste in ours until foot and mouth a few years ago. Mind you I am so proud of my tomatoes this year grown with my very own compost I had great results.

    Well done you making plumber enquiries it does have to be done before you end up like me with needing 2/3 bath-towels a day mopping up…. pat on the back👏 Toady.

    No time for much foraging but got enough ivy (nice fat berries) some box some fern and holly. It's the moss i need so really hope I can get onto the chase this afternoon after I visit my friend for some.

    Take care have a good day it's ccccccold!

    Love to Skinny Keef where are you Skinny? I want to know how the meds are going ((())) xxx

    and to Stuartknee I hope you had a half decent night I did husband was working a night shift in Bournemouth. Don't tell him though it might upset him! (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good afternoon Toni toady SK and S Knee

    How are you all?

    👋 Toni

    How are you today?

    Mum is ok 👍

    It’s her birthday soon

    I’m ok thanks

    But it’s mxt day 🤢

    Thanks about the diary - keeping

    Had a good sleep post mxt

    Very much ablutions time

    Bye for now everyone tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312
    edited 28. Nov 2024, 21:40

    hi again Toni

    Glad you like the mug 👍

    I’m actually keeping the mini journal for mental health mood monitoring but in reality I’m writing all sorts of stuff down all the time include pm stuff, but I’ve kept the small journal near my bed so I can at least write the bare minimum about moods or pm what first thing when productivity is optimal lol

    Also that’s the time when I get a bit bored waiting for mum to make up and not making too much noise etc

    Yes nasty M needs to be isolated lol

    Ice, oh dear, very nasty, be very careful please Toni

    Yes nice that Joan is messaging daily bless her, yes I remember about Mike

    Yes indeed, what kind of golden bath is that I wonder? Lol

    Yes what kind of “side - hustle” as the plumber got going on? Haha - I’m also wondering- maybe he found LA’s piggy bank in the pipes? That would certainly boost his financial situation 🐷

    I think I’ll leave it there,

    Have a good night Toni and take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋 late for me but I've been trying to do some good works like online admin type stuff and letter-writing, well it's a start 😬

    Has been a bit of a brute hasn't it frog 😣❄️ but I did get outdoors, go me 😊 with the help of my indispensable fingerless mittens 👍️ in short bursts anyway, while it wasn't too bad, in the sun. Glad you got some things & greenery at least, the ivy is lovely right now. I've just bought some tulip bulbs so that's something and am making a revised toad's garden list, with a smaller achievable amount of stuff on it. I was reading a funny thread on a forum 'what can't you grow (but just won't give up)' haha, and someone quoted a saying something along the lines of you're not a proper gardener til you've killed the same thing 3 times 😂. No seed buying yet but am re-reading bits of bookmarked articles etc. about what to sow when. Btw I hadn't heard til today that Monty had been in hospital over last weekend 😟 haven't read further at the moment but seems to be recuperating. Joan and Monty, this will never do 😔 hope Joan is still making progress with the physio I know she will be doing all she can. Sleek grudgingly had to admit she does feel the benefit of the jabs (we all know that feeling..) and she knows you're only trying to help 😽, it's my turn to spoil her now so I will think of something suitable. No more news from me, no email back from plumber (though I know they've read it) so tomorrow I hope; I know given half a chance people put emails on the 'deal with later' pile because they can, but they should be attended to the same as phone calls in my book. Hmm. Bins tomorrow here so I do hope not so icy 😣 can't really leave them til later as my neighbour will bring both in if I don't get there first, and don't want that. Have a good day yourself take care etc 😘 xx p.s. I have just tried one of those gimcrack window shrink film kit things to see if it helps with all the streams of condensation I get, will report back 😂.

    Sends a good night wave over to Joan and thinking of you 😘 xx

    Hi to bosh, merry mxt day, no it's no good it doesn't make it sound any better does it 😒 well hope it's a gone as well as poss day at any rate. Not impressed with your plumber's lavish lifestyle I must say, when we are all funding it collectively, you me & Toni have had nothing but plumbers etc lately and half the time have trouble even getting them here 🙄. Goes to show as I've said before, should've trained as one in early life, but then again it's not an arthritic profession is it really so that career would have all gone south rather quickly 🤨😄. I will pass on the orange woolly 'look' if it's all the same to you, it's a bit too close to home 😂 well not the face obvs and only a touch of that colour but the tangly woolly bits, definitely 😱. It is a cool pic though 😊. Hope you have a good day tomorrow, must go to bed or I will be sleeping in my clothes at this rate, maybe even a coat if J doesn't want it (well it's cold enough tbh but not that cold, I will just run out of energy to part with my jumper and layers 😬).

    Wishing SK and Stuart a good night will warm up again soon I hope 🤞

    'Night all 😴 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone

    Joan is well enough to be discharged, but I think the staff at the hospital are trying to get the rat issue sorted before sending her home which is a good idea I think we'll all agree.

    She hopes we are all as well as can be.

    I hope her next message is from her own home bless her🤞 ((())) xxx

    Morning @Skinny Keef I do hope you are doing ok after hearing from you recently. How are you getting on on your MTX lower dose? Thinking of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? You Mum too of course.

    I see, you wake earliest in the house bless you for keeping quiet, but good idea to write in your diary then while it's fresh. You'll spot patterns then which is reassuring I think.

    Solid gold bath the plumber's got I should think! You don't think he got his hands on LA's money box though😯 He could retire on the contents of that piggy bank 😁 Or has he got some sort of side hustle maybe he's a social media influencer? #Telstubstapsandtoilets#goldplatedbaths#leakproof#plentyoftea

    Loving the mugs!!! Where on earth are you finding them?

    What have you got in mind to gift your mum for her birthday? Bless her you know what that will mean? Yes another EF gathering a Mammoth one including cake!!! Better start praying to the gastric oracle early….😣

    Take care no ice today so you should be ok on your walk ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you and all the wildlife survived that frost yesterday.

    I foraged yesterday afternoon and have made two wreaths for Sunday's advent market. I'll take a photo in a bit…

    Tulip bulbs yes good call there what colour? Purple/ white/ red??? That online chat about killing the same thing 3x that is us over and over we ARE proper gardeners after all Toady!!! That's made my day😂

    I did hear something about Monty too, but not what was wrong for him to be admitted. Fingers crossed he is still doing well at home eh? We need our Monty!

    No ice roday so perfectly bin safe out there. Well done BTW for going out yesterday I did too twice once with my friend an dher dogs and once to forage for the moss. I am actually rather pleased with my wreaths even though so far I have added no ribbons or titivation stuff just lovely foliage.

    Please do spoil Sleek I think she does feel the benefit of the injections she certainly (bad weather excepting) goes out more and jumps higher again since starting them. I just wish i didn't feel so guilty. She's on her way via bra hooks again for some reason I think because there's a new one opened in a closed down pub near here.

    I would also be happy try the cling film window wraps if it works. Let me know our bay lets in a fearful amount of cold. I usually just shut the curtains if it's too chilly.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    A quick hello to Stuartknee hoping you are doing ok getting 'enough' sleep even if not as much as you'd like and that the flare has settled down for now (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    afternoon Toni toady SK S Knee

    How are you all?

    I’m ok thanks

    Mums ok 👍

    Spoke to the elderly gent friend on the phone

    Extremely long call 🤢

    But he means well bless him

    Waiting for a workman

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps Morocco xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi toady

    How are you?

    No ablutions today due to plumber 😡

    My goodness phantom plumbers are ruling the cosmos!

    I’m almost as grumpy as an amphibian lol

    Good night toady and everybody tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 😊

    Cold but once again ok enough for a bit of outdoors frog, have been border clearing & tidying the cold frame corner, cut back my scabious &c (wrong time probably, when isn't it 😬). Tulips, well the one lot are a coppery shade like I've had before, but I also may have just acquired a bulk lot of tulips daffodils & alliums courtesy of a 'can't turn it down' black friday deal, so I think I'm sorted for bulbs 😬 well it allows for a decent failure rate, which we all need, us proper gardeners 😄. I certainly do with alliums they don't seem to like me much. Is it acceptable to start them off in pots and move? might try that. I'm sure the wreaths are indeed lovely with just foliage, greenery is so nice 😊 hope the fancy bits go ok when you add them without being fiddly. Glad you saw your friend too. Well so far the window film did seem to work, one night isn't a final verdict but there was no condensation like there was on the 'non done' panes; not as much as it has been some days so that will be the real test. Don't know that I'd try it on a large pane, or in a living area unless you made an exquisitely tidy job of it (didn't fuss with mine but doesn't look too bad actually), and not sure if it does much for warmth but logically it ought 🤔 was worth trying for a couple of quid. My main worry was if it did condense behind like some people said, because then of course you can't get at it so are worse off than before. The acrylic magnetic stuff in the little room is more sensible really but much more outlay. Well Sleek turned up with lemon & poppyseed muffins so yes had definitely been to bra hooks 😄👍️ very nice too with a latte. Have a good weekend, will listen out for news of Joan, yes it absolutely needs to be ok for her to come out 😕. Take care love to all :) xx

    Pleased to hear that they are least talking about home for you Joan fingers crossed 🤞😘 thanks for the good wishes xx

    Hi bosh, hope your evening is going ok and the workman turned up earlier, did he have diamond earrings and a rolex by any chance 🤔. Hope whatever needed doing didn't inconvenience you too much. Oh a long phone call 😬 well done you, I have some I am putting off & off, no good will come of it they will all need doing at once at xmas 😱. Not much happening here, just shopping for hot water bottles and a nonstick pan, that sort of level of excitement 😄. Hope everyone well and you have a quiet weekend. Love the pic, if life does give me lemons, then I'd like it to give them to me there please 😊. Take care 👋 :) xx

    Hope Stuart and SK doing ok too, and anyone else not in at the moment xx

    Night all keep warm 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi toady

    Oh dear the excitement of the non - stick pans lol

    I had a similar day waiting for the plumber, yes he must’ve had luxe accessories haha

    He took four and a half hours to get here on his chartered plane?

    What is the world coming to?

    I found a mug for us 😂

    Have a good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Oh sorry I missed you by a whisker before bosh, well it was more than a whisker, posting without refreshing in other words. No ablutions and grumpiness etc today, almost as grumpy as a midwinter toad?! oh no, wouldn't wish that on anyone 😉four and a half hour wait though, that's cause enough 🙄. Better day tomorrow I hope, thank you for the good night wish (I stand a better chance if I get off the internet, don't I 😳 right, off it goes). 👋 :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I heard from Joan yesterday she made me laugh she said she was going to stay in her neighbour's shed with a candle😁 I said I'd ask in here see if I could have a whip round for spare candles. Anyone????!!!!

    Joan being Joan she also was more concerned about us all "I hope everyone in the cafe has a happy and problem free day love to all." Bless her ((())) xxx

    A quick good morning to Keef I hope you are doing ok Keef that the meds are working, but no scary side effects. Have you started (or has Loanda started) Christmas decorations yet? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum today?

    What on earth are the phantom plumbers still doing in your house? You do not deserve this at all. That's twice this week your ablutions were prevented😠 I hope you are not having a solid gold bath installed? You must be heartily sick of them. When will it end for you?

    I am loving these mugs you have found they are brilliant😁

    That was very kind of you to speak to the old gentleman so patiently for such a long time yesterday. You know that will have made his week not just his day.

    That photo of Morocco is so pretty - imagine having oranges outside of your own door.

    My day was ok in Tesco aksing people to donate a tin of something to the foodbank and well honestly doing quite well. Wearing an elf hat😣 not one I wear in public on a regular basis as you can imagine😀

    Have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Those muffins Sleek brought yesterday sounded lovely yes always a latte she was wondering last night whether you have tried a white hot chocolate. She plans on getting you one of those today apparently so let me know….

    What a good idea a black Friday bulb deal I never thought of that! Good idea and some tidying again well done you it was an ideal day wasn't it? I really do need to get cracking now honestly what is the matter with me?

    I know I was collecting for the foodbank am then visiting the babies pm then my own Grandbaby came round. So rather a busy day for me. I really must seek out my splinted gloves as my hands are saying too much crafting lately Toni we need a rest.

    just added some biodegradable bows what do you think?

    This is one of the artificial ones I do so hate plastic though some people love them🙄

    To be fair that one is mostly wool….

    This one is out of focus though

    and the burlap ones there are two like this

    You can see why my hands are protesting….

    I tend to think in your shoes I would be testing the window insulation for the whole winter. If it looks like getting wet inside you can soon whip it off can't you and dry it out? Is it still possible to open your windows for ventilation?

    The posher stuff though is not cheap, but might be worth buying a bit at a time?

    Shall we start our Christmas cards then?😥

    Sorry Toady that was cruel wasn't it, but needs doing! Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuartknee I do hope you are ok and you being quiet means you have actually been doing a bit better? How are the cats too? (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi Toni toady SK S knee etc

    How are you all?

    👋 Toni

    The plumber was fixing the light switch apparently

    Mums ok 👍

    Parents have gone out

    I’ve got a tiny bit of solitude

    Visiting EF tomorrow most likely

    Bless Joan glad she’s still got her sense of humour- does she need a plumber? Only joking 😂

    Ablutions time

    more later

    Bye all tc xx

    Ps I’m saving power lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov 2024, 17:15

    Hi all 👋 early for me to ensure I'm not in the cafe at midnight tonight, when we're locked up and with the lights out 😬 very bad.

    Have had a better day than I deserved from too much internet yesterday, I deserve crossed eyes and a headache, so was v grateful. Popped in the garden frog and edged my border whilst I plot & plan about planting 👍️. Yes a very good selection of bulbs I will do my best for them, and good value. I did nearly impulse-buy some plants last night on another place 😳 but my laptop froze at the checkout and I gave up for the night, probably did me a favour as I had a slight rethink this morning. Hope you can get in the garden too but you were busy I quite see that you can't be everywhere (hope all babies bonny 😊 did you pop the elf hat on to show them?). Gosh your wreaths, look how many!! Ooh, fab 😊 yes I love the natural but the others are very arty I must say, don't know how you would do some of those twisty bits, it's all in the base I suppose 🤔 I like the silver bells, well they are all very jolly 🎄🎇. The burlap ones are super never seen any like that. Yes your hands will be unhappy no wonder at all 😣 lots of work. Christmas things, oh no, must we 😱 well I can't start cards I haven't bought any (and I really must because I have stocks of 2nd class stamps, it would be just silly to end up having to send 1st), but I can write lists I suppose and letters 😣. Tomorrow maybe? Oh the window was a little foggy this morning, but it does seem to clear, we'll see - yes I will give it a good run, the only thing to watch is I don't want damp trapped behind as my wooden frames will go downhill, well more downhill. If you whip the film off you'd probably have to start from scratch. I can open the window itself ok 👍️ I do like the acrylic it does work well but it was mainly needed in the little room, I probably wouldn't bother elsewhere and on bigger windows it would be quite wieldy to deal with too 🤔. Thinking of Joan so kind to think of us, and funny about the shed 😄🕯️, tell her she wants a nice rechargeable camping lamp like mine they are super I use one instead of a bedside lamp, no plug required 😀. Oh the white hot choc was very nice, and I had baked, so we had banana & oats/seeds muffins 😺. Right must stop rattling on, you'd think I was trying to reach a word count for an essay some days, sorry 😳 take care love to all, hope the football was good for Paul :) xx

    Kettle on for me and anyone else that wants, I think I will do a part 2 so wave to bosh for now 👋 enjoy the little bit of solitude, catch you later :) xx

    Love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi toady

    The non - stick pans

    Oh the excitement

    It’s more than I can stand

    “Pear” the IT giant tells me I need an update

    I know one or two of my winter hats are getting a bit tatty

    But that’s downright rude lol

    I haven’t updated myself for at least twenty years but Im not obsolete yet apparently lol

    Nice few hours of solitude 👍

    EF tomorrow it looks like

    LA said his day was 100% bad because in the school disco he was only allowed one cup of orange juice

    but we all know what it’s like to fail the fruit juice breathalyser test 😂😂

    Wise authorities (and prospective dentists) to limit citrus acid intake

    I suppose the bad day was also due to lady babies chasing him around requesting a dance, or at least some black market “pear juice” - is that the ultimate update I wonder? Free root canal with every partially - function irritating Why? - pad and illegal fruit juice? One Rolex per blocked pipe too maybe? Oh no I’m mixing my phantoms up again

    Ok toady and everyone please consume fruit juice responsibly and have a good night, tc

    Ps a pic from bin - terest of “ the common frog “ I said that’s no way to address lovely Toni and this is not the correct hat - type haha xx