Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Latest news from the hospital: Joan says they have changed her alendronic acid now to an infusion instead as she should not have broken her hip whilst on it. She needs something stronger so that's good. If it's the same as the lady where we keep Paul's cars then I think it may only be annual or at most monthly. She wanted to know whether it's what you have Toady. She must be missing those dogs you know😓 As usual she sends us all her love ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef it's December. Is the tree up yet for Sucré? Hope you are all doing ok and you are coping on the new meds ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum of course? All is well here.

    Those plumbers are multi talented electricians too although I think light fittings and extractor fans do seem to be within their capabilities/remit. At least you had your ablutions yesterday in peace. Is that the last you'll see of them for a bit?

    If they can get rid of rats then yes Joan would probably be very grateful to see them or kitchens??

    Glad you had some 'time off' yesterday you surely needed it. Did you take the opportunity to upgrade while they were away?

    Today the travelling (if you are going to MH? Passports ready and visas please) will be the hardest part seeing EF is usually entertaining at least. Well it is for me I get all the funny nephew tales to read😀

    Only one cup of juice eh? Poor LA I bet he and the rest of the young mafioso run about like mad things probably could have done with a jug each.

    Right my friend have a good day i will leave you to your Mima duties. Good luck on the front-line😉 ((())) xxx

    BTW love my little hat it suits me don't you think?

    Morning Toady hope all is well at yours.

    Milder again yesterday wasn't it? I'm glad you got outside again well done you. Not so me as you can imagine it was just so busy. Yesterday I did cards and met the ladies to help them ticket up the tombola prizes😫 That was fun - not!! Yet again we will be there today to 'set up our stalls' late morning. Talk about taking over my entire Sunday🙄 Meanie Toni!

    This afternoon is the actual Advent market let's hope it makes some money. More to the point that people come and enjoy themselves. Those wreaths yes all the work is done behind. Hope some of them actually sell!

    Right so some small amount of condensation is there but it goes quickly? Hmm🤔 should be ok but you don't want to ruin your frames so yes keep an eye. We need (do we?!!) some snow and ice to test it properly.

    The overspending oracle helped you out there stopping you from buying more stuff well that's probably for the best.

    Sleek was raving about your muffins said they were better than mine!!!! 😂 that's probably because she can't remember the last time I made some😂 Not sure what yo're having today, but she'll probably bring a vegan sausage roll from 'dregs' along with your hot drinks.

    I will definitely mention your lamp to Joan that will make her laugh😁 I wonder whether the rats are sorted now so that she can actually go home she really must be missing her dogs so much😕 She says she is fine pain-wise, but that is typical Joan isn't it?

    Oh well take care ((())) xxx

    Hope all is well with you Stuartknee we haven't heard from you for a bit so I hope that means your flare has settled for now? (())


    southern Indian brunch😋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Nice brunch 👍

    Wppl xx

    ps I found you a badge xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi Toni and everyone

    how are you this afternoon?

    Mum’s ok 👍

    Off to see EF in MH xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Afternoon 👋

    Not much going on today but nice & quiet will do me 👍️ popped in the garden for a spot of weeding frog, not much as it was quite wet overnight so everything very muddy. Weather doesn't look too awful this week so your turn soon I hope 🤞 in amongst all the fayres and markets and whatnot - yes hogging you for good works, how very dare they 😕. But I do hope there is/was a good turnout, and fun to be had (and money), I'm sure people will love the wreaths 😍😊. I have started looking at my xmas list 😣 albeit not very much done but will have to get at it in earnest now, it's December and there's no pretending otherwise. I like the 'overspending oracle' 😂 it did let me buy something else yesterday but a more considered purchase, I think I can be excused. Yes do tell Joan about the lamps, they really are very nifty actually 😀. Also no it's not me on alendronic infusions or anything similar, so it's not me she's thinking of 🤔 I have no idea what my bones are doing but whatever it is they will have to get along without me. Hope the change does help her ofc. Definitely waiting for her to be reunited with the dogs 😟. How is your suspected TMJD atm? I see Zoe Ball was talking about hers in the news. Hope any & all of your twinges & dodgy bits behaving as much as poss 🤞 have a good evening xx

    Best as always to Joan and thank you for the good wishes 😘 xx

    I never made it back to the evening session in the end bosh, thank you for your funny post, love the frog hat 😄 adorable. I actually managed to mildly burn my nonstick frying pan today, so serves me right, the non-stick gods are not mocked apparently 😄 well I'm not putting one of those back on my shopping list, so there. It's not like I fry much. Orange juice rationing, oh are there no ends to the things poor littleys have to put up with 😂 100% bad, that's very dramatic indeed. It always seems too cold to drink juice outside of high summer to me, I suppose it's like fizzy drinks I don't touch those either 'out of season', saves me money so fair enough. Hope life has made it up to LA in some way since. Have you done as the Pear powers that be command and done your updating, lest you are condemned to obsolescence as you say 😂 a mere legacy version of your former self? Ugh horrible things, always wanting this or that (says me, on Android 8, Windows 7, and 2 outdated browsers 😂). Hope the EF visit is enjoyable/tolerable/bearable (delete as applicable) and your mum is ok today 👍️ take care :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    goodnight all

    Fully shattered mima / auntie here

    Take care try not to update yourselves lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I heard from Joan she has been upgraded!! She has a double bed now😯 Good for her too. She also says yes please to Toady's camping lamp😁 Oh and sent us all a Pinch and a punch as yesterday was 1st December ((())) xxx

    No news from Skinny Keef for a few days I do hope that means everything is ok and not that everything is not ok🤨 Sending ((())) xxx

    Morning to a probably very tired Reshmi! (hope you and your Mum are ok)

    I hope the trip to MH went well and that EF are all well.

    I shall (we shall) wait to hear the funny tales from your visit about the boys and possibly BIL's eating habits😉

    Thank you for my Dreggs badge I shall wear it with pride on MTX days I think is best.😁

    Speak soon ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    You really have done well haven't you? Out in the garden again! I bet that has done your spirits the world of good.

    Did you know 'homeplace' is under administration? Yes it is prices not much reduced yet, but I did get some nice bulbs from them erm what were they tulips or hyacinths cannae remember. As long as I find some time just to pop them in….

    I failed to get in my garden yesterday, but that shouldn't be a surprise really with yesterday's commitments I will let you know the outcome, but a fair few came and seemed to enjoy themselves. My sister and niece in law came my friend and her Mum too😊

    I hope the shopping oracle is on the ball. I need Sleek to have one there are parcels arriving here daily from catazon and Petsy🙄 She reckons frost or snow is coming soon she can feel it in her whiskers!

    I had a Christmas card from Bill Aidan's Bill so must really must get on with mine too. Shall we start tonight? Sleek is bringing her stamper so she can add paw prints to yours. Hope you don't mind?

    I'm not sure what Zoe Ball tried for her jaw will help her but maybe it will? I am coping ok just annoyed really with it. Must cancel dentist follow up as i can't get a GPs apt in time.

    Anyway you take care and have a good day. Me? I have craft group am and orthodontist for Lucy in Walsall this afternoon. I'll be lucky to find time to eat again🙄 woe is me!😂

    ((())) xxx

    No news from Stuartknee either for a few days hope all is well there too (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi Toni toady SK and S Knee

    How are you all?

    V glad Joan has been upgraded 👍

    Mums ok 👍

    Putting littleys’ stories in the bank please

    Need to relocate rooms and do ablutions

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋 shocking night's sleep just couldn't drop off so excuse if I make no sense today 🙄

    Hope your afternoon went ok with Lucy etc frog assuming you got away from crafting and they did not try to drag you back every time you headed for the exit 😱. Glad family came to the Advent market, that was nice 😊. Yes must start xmassing 😕😕 and yes please to stamped paw prints, they will be the best bit by far 😀🐾. Oh Sleek is in full shopping mode too, oh dear, maybe some of it is for you? 🤭 I see such nice things on Petsy but usually flinch a bit at the prices, I have got some inbuilt restraint myself luckily; I have had catazon here this very day though, probably en route to yours 😄. I have a seed shortlist that I must stick to, I thought about trying everlasting pea, Lathyrus sylvestris, might stand me in good stead (being perennial as I'm sure you know) if my sweet peas don't 'behave'? Also I will I will mark my plants this year, there were still things that slipped through the net even though we all know better 😳 I saw some markers on nosegay 'I don't remember planting this' 😄 (also trespassers will be composted haha). I have been out today but much colder, frost wouldn't surprise me I think I can feel it in my whiskers too 😬 not sure about this wall of snow they keep going on about though 🤨. No I hadn't heard about homeplace! 😮 oh dear. Poor peoples' jobs, if it comes to any losses, near xmas too. (On a selfish note, if they have any reduced things they won't be delivery things I expect from past experience 😒 glad you got some bulbs though 👍️). Also, Try-Broo tea, being taken over by a vape manufacturer 🙄! what is the world coming too, capital letters 😔. Something v odd about that situation it seemed to me. Well back to the letter-writing I should go, glad you heard from Bill 😊 and good show Joan, moving to a better 'billet' 👍️ that pinch had a good bit of strength behind it, btw, ow - that's a good sign 😂. Have a good evening :) xx

    Wave to Joan in your spacious new accom 👋 hope you've had a good day thank you for the pinch & punch 😄 xx

    Hi bosh, hope the fully paid up membership of crackered-ness is slightly more of a guest membership today. Yes good that Joan has been upgraded how very topical 😀. I feel more like I've been backdated today 🙄 not in the financial sense ofc there is nothing fishy of a hogwarts nature going on at Toad Towers I assure you, just the offshore biccie cupboard 🤫. Hope the room relocation going to plan, see you later maybe with or without stories according to whether the deposit has matured, don't take it out early will you, you may get back less words than you put in 😂. Bye for now :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Just a quick message to let everyone know Joan will be leaving the hospital hopefully very soon tonight and staying with her neighbour until her bungalow is sorted out.

    Charlie her neighbour very kindly gave up their bed as the double is a better height for her at the moment.

    Let's hope she's there by now able to watch some telly and have a cuppa in peace with Charlie looking after her.

    ((())) xxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Ooh, hot news 😀 do hope all is going to plan, and gosh Charlie what a super chap 👍️ look forward to more tomorrow and hope Joan has a good night!

    'night to everyone too 😴😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi young at heart toady

    How goes it this night?

    I’m afraid I eventually lost patience with the updater - demanders,

    I’ve deleted some stuff, I really can’t be bothered to delete any more

    So if me and my rather unsavoury tablet become obsolete- so be it 👍

    If I’ve survived the mushroom emoji debacle I can survive this hopefully haha

    Sorry you were backdated lol

    I’ll save story or stories for Toni, purely so I don’t have to repeat

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    ps was just browsing “random” mental health info, thought this was interesting- may send it to nasty M 😂 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi Toni

    How are you doing tonight?

    Great about Joan 👍👍

    Yes tired indeed

    LA has been punished for bad behaviour, basically shouting etc, with a ten - day tv ban but he is actually thriving without tv! He’s behaving pretty well and has been studying a lot of the maths - games on his mummy’s why? - pad, he’s reached level 47 and is becoming a golden robot!
    I’m not sure what the last bit means, I’m only a mima, lol, I think it means he’s won a lot of robot - related awards in the game

    Mum’s birthday on 11 th I’ve got her some earrings, classy ones, not made of saturated bats, sorry toady lol

    But I’m glad you liked the Dreggs badge

    Ok I’m trying to hit the sack early,

    Although I’m more likely to hit BB, metaphorically of course

    No plumbers today, can a I get a hallelujah? Only joking of course, no offence meant

    Good night Toni, SK and everyone on the planet tc xx

    ps some Moroccan tea and snacks for bill 😂 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone😊

    Not heard from Joan since last night so hoping she was transported to Charlie's in good time for a rest maybe even some TV and a cuppa. Hope I hear from her later or maybe even she pops in here herself. ((())) xxx

    Hi Reshmi how are you and your Mum today?

    Lovely earrings for your Mum's birthday I think just perfect. Lucy's is the 9th my brother the 7th honestly they are so rude being born so close to Chrustmas aren't they?!!!

    A TV ban for LA? Wow!! sounds like he is enjoying the maths game on the whypad though so not feeling punished🤭

    Mimas and Toni's know nothing possibly Toads too will join us in the ignorant stakes as far as golden robots are concerned😁

    I loved all the MH bottles they all need to go ito a skip not recycling we don't want anyone else inheriting any of those nasty things do we?

    I loved my Dreggs badge thank you I got you one too from costa packet

    No plumbers is worthy of a standing ovation.

    Well I hope your day is a good one my friend take care and keep warm it's chilly out there ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope you are ok this rather chilly morning?

    I am very much hoping to hear from Joan later that she is doing well and is happy at Charlie's she has had the most awful year hasn't she? I am glad Charlie is putting her up because I have known people including our own @Kitty who had to spend time in a nursing home to finish recovering.

    You are so right about petsy the prices are just too high aren't they and a lot of the stuff sold there is not handmade by small businesses at all unfortunately. Having said that I do love it!

    Has Sleek shown you her stamper? It is rather lovely she reckons she got Re-PET-ative strain injury writing her cards last year🙄 Not sure what you'll be having to drink today, but she reckons she's going to try Nero's. Just be warned Aidan used to say it made his blood sugar go low there…..😥

    You can't be serious?!! Tea and vapes??? This is just dreadful the stains in the bottom of my mug dreadful what on earth is the world coming to? I know I was thinking of the staff at homeplace too bless them a and just before Christmas too 😔

    There is a perennial sweet pea here too but no smell bright pink and pretty though if you don't mind that it's hard to kill!!!! I bought markers a few years ago copper ones they are no illegible🙄 If you do it get it right🙄 I like those ones you found though very funny😁

    Dentist went ok next apt for Lu is Jan.

    There had better not be any of that white stuff I can't cope with it😫

    Take care Toad ((())) xxx

    A quick wave to Stuartknee👋 and a coffee for Skinny Keef

    See you all later I am so cold it has to be porridge today

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113

    Hi everyone

    I am having my injection tomorrow in my knee!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Brilliant Stuartknee I am so very pleased everything crossed for you just remember to rest for a good 48 hours no dancing ok?!

    Good news about Joan She is safely at charlie's and can see her own bungalow next door. The workmen say they need about another week then she'll be home.

    Joan being Joan wishes all of us lot a good day!!!!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mums ok 👍

    Nice badge I too will wear it with pride

    I’m cold but I’m relocating soon

    Oh dear lots of birthdays lots of shopping 🛍️

    BR calls me mima Beamer

    So does that mean I’m a ray of sunshine or a blocked pipe?

    Oh no - no more plumber talk lol

    Pub meal with group tomorrow but my tummy was rather ookey yesterday

    So of course depends on gastric gods oracles etc

    Yes maybe not punishment but LA is being a better little boy - George Pig or whatever he’s called lol all round 🐷

    Poor Joan wished us a good day, bless her

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps vegan date caramels yummy xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 3. Dec 2024, 21:13

    Hi all 👋 tiring sort of a day for no real good reason, weather maybe 😕

    Definitely colder & so dull with it frog, hope a bit better for you maybe 🤞. Glad to hear Lucy got on ok but sorry about the mismatch with your own appts GP etc re the annoying jaw, as you mentioned, hope you can get them in sequence sometime. Family birthdays for you yes that is not on at all, xmas is quite bad enough 😬 I have got out my list today 🤥 well I will be doing in a minute, I meant to pick up the dreaded boxfile in question on my way to my laptop and didn't quite get there. Couple of letters done anyway. Yes Sleek has probably got a more extensive list of contacts than me, can't be expected to do all those cards with her own little paws, naturally. She did indeed make a detour to Nero's today and brought some very nice apricot croissants, we made our own coffees to save money and so it would stay piping hot, so we were quite good & economical 😺. It truly is cold I did a very measly bit in the garden indeed. Collected some more hollyhock seeds & cut a couple back. Hmm maybe not everlasting sweet pea then maybe, I will have a look at 'latifolius' - described as being 'better behaved' 🤔 but still a bit too invasive maybe, so will think on & do some more looking around. Have just had a salvia delivered 😊 and a couple of other little things on the way, no bulbs here yet. Blah to your plant markers, not easy is it 🙄 tried wooden ones last year they weren't brilliant either. Not sure what to try this year, have come across a couple of quite interesting videos will post tomorrow (have some more garden odds to post too so will make a little gardening supplement 😄). Yes much too much of the wrong stuff on petsy and you see it all on nosegay &c anyway, hardly fair 😒. Hurrah to Joan being straight home (yes unlike Kitty 😔) with the dogs 😀 and the builders are getting on ok well I hope they are and it all goes to plan. Maybe we will see her here soon 😊 have a good evening keep warm, no snow forecast here just a bit mixed next few days but some sun 🤞 xx

    Leaving a cup of tea here for Joan who is nearer the cafe now 😀☕️ everything going well I hope thank you for asking after us 😘 love to the dear dogs xx

    Hi to bosh, those caramels look super 😀 do like the look of those. I will pitch in a plea for you to the gastric oracles for tomorrow and hope the lunch is nice, at the least you should be able to pick & choose I'm sure 😊. Good story of LA and the surprise twist to the tv ban, a sort of classic reformation tale 😂 I wish I was good enough to have some golden robots! Yes stories in just one post oh course makes sense, easy enough to pick up on anything like that in passing even I don't read your posts to others word for word 👍️. Mima Beamer, do you think it means you are in fact a fashionable luxury car? 🤔😀. Hope your evening is going ok, certainly cold here, I have broken out one of my multiple cardigans I bought as a bulk purchase 😄 hoping I won't need them all by springtime. Have a good night and a nice day tomorrow 👋 :) xx

    Injection day tomorrow then Stuart 😀 that's good news, all the best for it do hope it really helps. Have you got far to go to the appointment? Hope you get some sleep beforehand too 🤞 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    greetings to toady SK and S knee

    How are you all tonight?

    👋 toady

    Yes maybe I’m a car, I can’t even drive so I’m not sure about littley BR’s logic there lol

    Shame it was a tiring day for you

    At least no rogue thermostat to deal with

    Thanks for your efforts to placate the stomach gods

    LA said if BR eats enough biccies, he will become a dragon- master

    Oh dear I feel I’ve become a full - blown dragon myself who is chauffeured around in a BMW by a young mathematician and aristocrat, stranger things have happened lol

    ok have a good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227


    Morning everyone I am very much hoping Joan will be able to go home next week I'm sure the workmen will work extra hard for her she's such a nice person. In the meantime Charlie sounds lovely too and much better than being trapped in hospital or even a dreaded nursing home.

    She wishes Stuartknee all the best for his steroid injection.

    and all the best to the rest of us ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    how are you this morning and your Mum? I hope you are well enough( and the gastric oracles have been kind) so you can go to the Christmas meal with the group today🤞

    Mima Beamer😊 my first thought was the same as Toady's you are possibly a beautiful rather posh car! That is a huge compliment. What is also incredible is how bright LA is. He can already pop a rhyming word after your name like that!

    I hope BR doesn't eat too many biscuits though I quite like him as he is not a dragon. Same goes for you Reshmi and anyway you couldn't eat too many biscuits if you tried. Either the gastric oracle or GI Joe would get you long before you blew any fire out of your mouth.

    I'm so glad you love your badge here's another for you

    Thanks for the date sweet treats they were lovely and reasonably healthy unless you are diabetic of course.

    Take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady it's not so bad out there! Honestly it's not it's warmer than yesterday and so far no rain either😊 I have a very busy morning at the foodbank today as our wonderful leader has an appt first thing and a few of our satellite fbs are collecting supplies from us. I don't mind though best to be busy, but when I get home - if I achieve nothing else - my bulbs are going in!!!

    You did so well Toady collecting seeds I have mine ready. Don't you just love hollyhock flowers? Even if their bottoms can be a bit big and straggly the flowers are just - well - how flowers should be! Keep trying those everlasting sweet peas are a fabulous pink and maybe they did smell originally? They are old they were here long before me.

    Sleek says she is only getting apricot croissants again today as you reckoned it was better for you both to save your pennies for Christmas and anyway your blood sugar will stay stable with your own coffee. She remembered what Aidan used to say about Nero's. I mean Hero's. Have you got your list out yet?

    I am looking for my missing address book again - every year this happens!! I did do one good thing though yesterday. I cleaned the rug that the Christmas tree goes on ready. It had a couple (more than a couple actually) of little marks on it now they are all gone😊Looks a bit wobbly now though maybe it's still wet🤔

    I'd enjoy a little gardening supplement please thank you. Still no idea what was wrong with Monty although I think he was in hospital for a day or two….

    Would be lovely to hear from Kitty we do miss her. Ah well. Have a good day Toady ((())) xxx

    Thinking of Stuartknee today hoping the Drs do a great job with his steroid injection. The cats will be all over him!

    and always thinking of and hoping Skinny Keef is doing well along with the family.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Update from Joan for the day. She said (after i asked) that her hip is healing nicely, buts wishes us all a pain free day sending her love and hope Stuartknee's injection goes well ((())) xxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋 well don't know about you lot but I've got virtually nothing done today 😬

    Mostly just losing things and getting annoyed, any sign of your address book frog?! where do these things go 🤷‍♀️ also I think I write good clear notes about what card people had last year and what I wrote etc, but somehow there are always gaps & confused bits when I come back. Yes I have my list 👍️ and will pick up a couple of spare cards, I have enough really but always like some new ones esp as for charity etc. and because, well, shopping 😉). I do try and get some letters off about now too so I don't have to do it all together. Haven't done much else useful nothing like rug cleaning, ooh that is a 'good thing' 😊😇 hope it settles! How did all the fb things go I wonder, good I hope, and you had some time spare. You are finding time to eat as well aren't you otherwise we will have to sort some cafe 🥪 for you. Me and Sleek got on nicely this morning, and as I am doing my next grocery shop I will remember the cat-friendly squirty cream 😺 we will still have some fancy 'bought' coffees over the season as well, we deserve them. Mince pies this shop or no? 🤔 Hope everything else going well as poss with you today & any birthday present choosing etc. Thank you for Joan's 'bulletin' 😊 lovely to hear, and especially that things are healing well 😀. Yes have heard nothing about Monty's hosp visit so you assume he is just keeping it to himself. Gardening chat to follow below, possibly after next teabreak ☕️👋 xx

    Love to Joan and keep up the good work 😊😘 xx

    Hi to bosh and will probably see you later too 👋 not that warm here at all but yes no troublesome thermostats, no smaty ones either, it just has to do what it's told by me occasionally when I can be bothered 😄 (I did get told off by CH man last time for clicking the up/down buttons instead of holding them down 🙄 far be it from me to break with thermostat conventions). I am having to invoke the plumber however so wish me luck with that 😱 hope you have had a good day this far look forward to hearing about it :) xx

    Thinking of Stuart and hope all's well 🤞 Toni mentioned your cats would be looking after you, I had almost forgotten when I had my knees injected years ago the neighbour's cat sat on my knee all evening and made me sit still & behave 😺 he was a nice boy. Take care :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx