Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    Morning everyone blimey it's windy out there!!

    I heard from Joan yesterday let me update you: She was telling me all about her operation for which she had spinal block and was awake. Eeek! Sounded good though she has a plate screwed in now. I rather think she is missing home but is very grateful to Charlie for helping her up and out of bed when she needs help. She wishes love to Toady Reshmi Skinny Keef and Stuart bless her. ((())) xxx

    @crinkly I was waiting for your post!!!! I knew it was imminently due😊 So glad to hear from you. What a good thing to do listening in the small hours to people who have no-one they can (or feel they can) share their thoughts and fears with. Thank you for that. Although I do my bit at the foodbank after many years as a social worker my sponge is full, but yours it seems is not. I thank goodness we have people like yourself to help.

    Yes the cafe has got quieter over the years. Some people drift off and use facebook of course and we have lost two @bubbles Aidan and @Mike1 too in reality sadly.

    At the moment you might have seen Joan @dachshund has broken her hip and is currently without her iPAD to communicate with us. She is still able to text me at least.

    Your chair is always here for you and the kettle as you know is permanently boiling so any time at all you feel in need of a cuppa or some silly chat we are here. I hope you have a very very good Christmas ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you are feeling a bit better today less drained? So glad your Mum and Dad were ok yesterday and got home safely after QJL's birthday 'do'. Someone died in the Midlands when a tree landed on their car so i am very very very glad your parents are safe. I hope you made the most of an hour or so to yourself too😉

    Next weekend is your Mum's celebrations for her birthday. Good much safer. Will it be out at a restaurant or at yours or your sister's house?

    I know it is a shame for Joan I wish any of us lived nearer, but her neighbour C sounds lovely as does the one who is looking after the dogs while she can't. At least she is feeling her leg is bearing weight slightly now so progress is being made.

    The poem was incredibly good Reshmi i don't know that you realise how talented you are with words.

    Take care and keep warm ((())) xxx

    Good morning Toady I hope you are feeling well this delightfully ahem breezy day😯 So glad your power and internet hung on just about yesterday and yes I am very grateful for only having yellow warnings not red we have been very lucky indeed.

    Paul will help me tidy up the garden later I am sure but i ahve to tell you i was quite wrong about water coming in! It came in the side patio door (which has happened before as you know) but also the front living room window which is new🙄

    Poor Sleek was a most upset cat though. I was unable to open her favourite door as the wind wouldn't let me, so we checked the side door. That opened, but although she tried all day it was just too awful out there for her. Problem is that, as yet, she will only use her ensuite facilities for a wee not a 💩. Finally at 9pm she braved it and ran out of the side door. She was back pretty quick thank goodness I was so worried. This morning she has already been out and back in although it's still very windy it's nowhere near as bad. Did you hear someone died in Erdington?😒 a tree fell on their car. So sad😔

    I'm glad at least that Sleek managed to keep in touch with you via the CCC. Oh yes cats have meetings a lot they gossip terribly!

    My tree is up. We played Christmassy music while I was doing that and Paul did the works books paid the bills for the business etc. I wonder whether I would bother if he wasn't here he loves it. I think i would while the baby is young they love the lights don't they?😊

    Perched some distance in front of the leaking door🙄 towel on right had side used for mopping up said water.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuart and to Skinny I hope you are both doing ok and survived the dreadful storm yesterday ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    Hi lovely, Toni.

    how are you this afternoon?
    It is windy indeed isn’t it ?
    I did however manage to venture out today for a walk which made all the difference. Thanks

    Mum is okay today as well
    Poor brave Joan, bless her indeed👍👍

    I’m definitely feeling less drained today thank you

    Yes thanks about my parents getting back safely

    that is indeed terrible about the person who died in the Midlands

    Yes I did enjoy some solitude thank you. Actually got a nice takeaway of some evil pizza and ice cream but I don’t do it all the time so don’t call me bill haha

    it will be a meal outside to celebrate mum’s birthday, but unfortunately my cousins father is ill back in India so the cousin and his family won’t be coming
    Yes, it’s a shame we don’t live near Joan but good that she’s getting the support she needs and slowly recovering👍
    So much about the poem Toni

    yes I am keeping warm thanks

    usually I overdress and feel a bit stuffy but today I felt I’ve got the layers right for once lol
    ablutions time have a good afternoon Toni, take care

    👋 greetings also to toady I’m aiming to send a proper message relatively soon xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    hi Stuartknee

    How are you feeling today?

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,568

    Hi folks 👋 well the wind is finally dying down.. I think.. but it didn't give up easily did it.

    Yes so very very 'breezy' here frog, I had a few very short stints outside propping up or rescuing or shoring up stuff, nothing too bad but not for want of trying, it had a jolly good go of trying to 'do' for one of my arches and generally chucked stuff around. I hoped it would be that bit better out there but the force of the wind was every bit as strong, just impossible. Hope no damage for you upon inspection. As for your leak at the new window, well I 'can't even' as the young people say, I'm mortified for you I read that with horror 😣 not more towels! And the return leak lulled you into a false sense of security as well which is a dirty trick 😕. Well the tree looks lovely and I spy your picture bauble 😊. I will do some festive stuff again one day 😄🎄 I haven't quite given up the ghost, probably on the other side of the roof fix, which had better stay fixed. I hadn't heard about the 2nd storm death til I read yours have seen it since, so awful that there always seem to be 1 or 2 it seems it could so easily be none in that case 😔. I do worry if we are going to be in for one of these every 5 mins in future we really are up the creek if so. Poor Sleek being kept from your rightful facilities is awful, hope she managed to find a lull in things today. Will be so glad of a sleep without the noise it has been so tiring but there was tea and heat throughout so very fortunate. Lovely buttered toast btw 👍️. Hope you have a good week and everyone else fine too 🤞 thank you for news of Joan and the surgical proceedings, oh gosh, I think I hoped it would be more in the line of a replacement than a fix and as such bring forward something she may have been in line for in future but I guess not 🤔 glad everyone got through the weather ok and the dogs are fine xx

    Glad things are as well as possible with you Joan, it was cup a soup for me today for sure no cooking in this, just glad to have power for a kettle! Have a good quieter night 😘 xx

    Hello @crinkly lovely to see you call in before your super volunteering and I hope neither journey was too hairy for you. I hope you do find something to read in here even though mine is a good impression of E. L. Wisty (if you're a Peter Cook fan), well I do try and keep it from veering into total poor me and at least I make a decent tea ☕️☺️ yes do come in and tell us a story if ever you have time. Thank you for the Christmas wishes and hope your own pains stay as far in the background as poss over the festive season 👋 xx

    Hi bosh and hope things going ok with you this evening, I had ice-cream today too no idea it was a 'thing' in the middle of winter 😄 never fear it will be tea next normal toad habits will be resumed, it was a one-off. See you at whatever hour the 'post to follow' hour may be 😊👋xx

    Take care all hope Stuart has weathered the storm as well as poss 🤞 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    greetings toady

    Non - seasonal ice cream consumption - outrageous- I will not inform the physios though lol

    Glad to hear the amphibious habits will be resumed 😂

    Today was better than yesterday thanks, as I managed a non - nocturnal walk to the postbox of life - also known as the local cucumber sandwich- selling establishment- ok the local shop, which of course sells cucumbers and sandwiches but not together of course- sorry JA.

    Unfortunately LA has got so addicted to the robot maths games on the Why?- pad that yesterday he refused to bathe or to have supper and when his mother said that he should eat supper he got extremely angry and tried to trip her up on the stairs, also hit his daddy and he chased BR around the house trying to hit him as well

    this morning. He said sorry to everyone and said that he was badly behaved because he was angry and he wanted to do the maths game. Well maths games are as addictive as television. This is something I never knew, but then again I’m only a humble mima who has more of a languages and literature background, than the glorious scientific and mathematical LA I just thought I’d alert the Cafe of this news haha

    Ok have a good and ice cream - free night toady tc xx
    Goodnight everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    Joan had the nurse visiting yesterday which was reassuring she reckoned she should be able to bear weight within the week now. Charlie's bungalow is smaller than Joan's and the bedroom is smaller which is where she is. Reading between the lines she is fitting in with Charlie's TV viewing and would love to be home soon. Anyway she sends us all her love naming us all individually as Joan does.and wishing us a good day and at night a good night. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? well done managing a walk

    I still didn't dare due to the fact branches were still coming off trees here in the winds so exercised indoors. 😕

    Oooh Pizza and ice cream what a treat! I love pizza I really do but like you it's very much a rare treat. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Did I read in your message to Toady that LA is now addicted to the robot maths game? Oh dear me I can imagine that could happen. Still at least his maths has got better.

    Well done getting your layers right I don't often achieve that either. Cardy-on cardy-off that's me, but today I must wrap up super super warm as it's the craft group in the Church and Churches are well-known for being freezing. That should change when the work is done there. Starting next Easter probably architects etc you know.

    I am very sorry to hear about your Mum's cousin not being able to attend her birthday meal, but gosh no if his father is ill in India that must take priority ((())) to your Mum he is her family too. Her Uncle even?

    Lucy's birthday today and gosh Reshmi did I have an annoying dream last night!!!!! Lucy had something to tell me everyone else knew but me. They wouldn't tell me. In the end after much drama Lucy said her name 'didn't feel right' and she wanted to be known as 'Yesterday' from now on😁 My brain is just not normal to come up with something like that. We are having a meal at Zizzi's lunchtime today. Wait till I tell her!

    Anyway you have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope all is well with you. Nope nothing to be done outside yesterday was there? Paul put everything safe in the garden (as I had suggested before the storm, but no matter) I didn't even risk a walk in-case any branches bopped me on the head! The noise yes! Wasn't it noisy!

    I did ironing instead. Yes Honestly ironing. The tree looks ok I think yes that was indeed the ornament Charley and Annie had made for me Charley knows I add a new ornament for everyone on the tree. I do hope post roof fix you will summon up the energy to have a small tree maybe yourself. Sleek will help she has a Chrsitmas mood board as you can imagine no doubt.

    Yes Joan actually broke her hip straight across at the groin. That's why they want her on these new osteoporosis infusions now. I think she said they are annual so that's not too bad.

    Do read my post to Reshmi the bit about Lucy it's quite funny. It's Lucy's birthday today I think i feel safe to drive as we are having lunch out me, Tia, her and her flatmate. Paul is working so can't come and Charley and Annie don't want to bring the baby out to a crowded place. They are worried about germs.

    I know! leaks springing up all over a new one in the front window and the 'old' one on the patio door. It looked like there is a groove that the door slides along? That filled up and overflowed into the house can it be solved?. Two towels again and Christmas tree moved forwards by a few feet to keep the electrics safe.

    Yesterday morning and this morning Sleek was able to do her early morning 💩 dash out and then back in the warm so all good☺️ the poor dignified little soul. She is desperate to visit you though, so don't be surprised if she books a catsi while I am out with Lucy or the craft group this morning.

    The fact that we regularly lose two people per storm does make me think maybe we just need to all stay inside when they happen. Very often it is trees on cars i think. Bad luck but if you avoid driving….🤔

    Another hot breakfast l think for us today

    A final quick wave to Stuart and Keef hoping all is reasonably well for both of you ((())) 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    Heard from Joan again she hopes we've all had a good day and wished Lucy a happy birthday. I do hope she can get home soon I'm sure she'd be happier at home no matter how nice Charley is ((())) xxx

    What do you think of this little chap I made at the craft group?

    I love the owl Reshmi!! He is so sweet 😍

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,568

    Hi all 👋 very glad to get back to the cafe for a hot coffee, it's cold out there 😬

    Have just been to the postbox and then a bit further with some cards for another house as the traditional misaddressed ones have started turning up. Well it's a walk 🤨 sorry you've had to miss yours with the weather frog but much safer, no real signs of damage up the road here just a lot of little twiggy debris off trees couldn't see anything more. Yes driving in predicted storms well I can never see why you would if avoidable, especially near trees, but then the one that came down in Leamington narrowly missed houses and other incidents in gardens so you're not 100% safe anywhere 😔 haven't heard an update on the first man but oh gosh how near to the woman & child. Glad Paul secured things at yours.. in the end 🤐.. nothing worse here, I wouldn't say it was calm out today by any means but such a relief to be past the worst. Well done dear Sleek 👍️ oh I'm to be styled for Christmas too am I 😄 in that case I'd better keep my dreadfully tasteless lurid bird (that sits on a plastic perch in a santa hat & flaps its wings & tweets xmas carols) out of sight, I feel somehow it wouldn't fit at all with what she'd have in mind 😂. I love your craft group bauble 😍 he's adorable, how was he done? I don't like the sound of your overflowing groove at all, yes how would you stop that? definitely don't want it anywhere near your xmas wiring, good grief 😕. Not the season for more workmen either is it 🙄 still waiting to hear from plumbers, they must think everyone stupidly leaves their stuff til this time of year, but it's not my fault, says she, defensively. Well belated Happy Birthday to Lucy 🎂 or Yesterday as we must call her now 😮😄, what a fascinating dream I bet that seemed so so real! probably half thought it was true even when you were awake. Hope you had a nice time 😊. Thanks for passing on Joan's greeting and yes do hope she can go home soon sounds like she is progressing well, glad the infusions are annual that's good 👍️xx

    Glad to hear news of you from Toni Joan and that all's well where you are after the storm (I realize you aren't reading cafe posts right now but I'm just leaving my hellos here to keep your usual place ☕️😘xx

    Hi bosh, ah the postbox of life 😂 glad you got a walk in and it was possible to get out of the house safely, so different to yesterday, even I got to the postbox. Cold though 😬 didn't hang about. I still keep thinking 'oh look people have started with their xmas lights etc already', well it's not early now is it, oh help. Glad you're sorted ahead of your mum's birthday, at least one of us can organize themselves properly. Oh dear there was another twist in the reformation of LA then, the robot maths game had an addictive sting in the tail 😱 well the apology sounded genuine to me so maybe all hope of rehabilitation is not lost 😂 good story. I expect that expression on the owl's face was not unlike that of a young scientist who has been staring at a whypad just that bit too long 😄. Have a good night, no ice cream today still not sure what came over me 🤨 frothy coffee and a scone if I can interest you. Take care :) xx

    Wave to Stuart, SK and anyone passing 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    I’m not too bad thanks, just a bit tired.

    Happy birthday to Lucy 🎉

    Hope she’s having a great day 👍

    I love the little chap you made

    Thanks the owl is one of toady’s pals I think lol

    Good that the nurse visited poor brave Joan, yes she will feel more comfortable in her own home, that’s very true

    Mums ok at the moment 👍

    But she had very low blood sugar early this morning unfortunately, the patch alerted her but she said she didn’t need any help and got the gluco - zade etc herself this time

    Thats good that you were careful, but that’s a shame that the branches are still hazards at the moment

    Yes I did enjoy the pizza and ice cream, Thanks, I agree though, too much of it could really earn us a telling off from the gastric oracles

    Yes LA is the maths game addict I’m afraid lol, yes good about his maths skills improving👍

    He also told me that BR played the game when he was a baby and won a prize for the nursery- he certainly has

    quite the imagination haha

    Hope you didn’t get too cold at the crafts group

    I just wanted to say the pm feelings are there currently but it’s not extreme, so I’m just waiting for them to end basically 👍

    Thanks, the cousin is actually on dads side, so I think the gentleman who is unwell is my dads cousin

    That’s funny, L’s name was “yesterday” lol

    Is she a Beatles’ fan by any chance? Haha

    I hope you all had a nice birthday meal?

    LA is seeing the pantomime Cinderella in Reading this week!

    Probably Thursday but I’ll check

    But it’s a school outing so unfortunately he won’t be able to sample the best choccies in the world, which do not come from Belgium apparently, but from granny aww - bless

    Ok I’m yawning into my why? - pad

    So goodnight Toni tc xx

    👋 toady how are you? Goodnight tc xx

    👋 goodnight SK S knee and all the Esses lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    Morning everyone!

    I haven't heard from Joan yet today hopefully she's still in a good healing sleep🤞((())) xxx

    Morning to Skinny Keef I do hope all is well with you Skinny. Have you persevered with the MTX or are you trying something else? What part is Sucré playing in his nursery nativity I wonder🤔 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I will be sending some strength to you while these Pm symptoms are with you hope they go away again soon. I hope otherwise you are well.

    Isn't it great that the patch alerted your Mum and she was able to sort out her own bs herself? Such a good medical advance that, honestly I think everyone should have them.

    Well I never what an imagination that boy has!!! So BR is also a mathematical genius winning prizes for his nursery. Of course it was also LA's old nursery does he remember it much now he is a big school boy?

    Thank you so much for Lucy's cake or should I say 'Yesterday'😂Mind you I wouldn't put it past her to choose a weird name if she could. I did check in with her at lunch and she said she really likes her name so not to worry. Funnily enough I was singing that Beatles song all day yesterday!

    the little elf was made with a polymer modelling clay which you cook after you've made it into what you want. I bet LA and BR (when he is a little older) would love it. Mummy can cook it for them. You can buy it on catazon. It was very cold in the Church l wore a normal vest and then a long sleeved thermal one then long johns then clothes on top and was still not that warm.

    I think Joan is amazing don't you I mean what she's been through this year losing her twin sister now this.

    So it was your Dad's cousin right families are complicated. I do hope that their Dad in India does ok.

    Let's hope it's ok to walk out there today I need some exercise for mind and body. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Well done you reposting cards. I made a step in the right direction yesterday - I put the cards to write next to my chair ready. No pen yet nor address book, but well….

    I think Sleek might rather like your bird in a Santa hat! She does sing along to all carols so let her see it. As long as your tree is tasteful I think she'll be happy enough. Did you like my little elf? Bless him he is rather sweet he is holding a present for Arya☺️ Had a spot of bother with his nose keep dropping off but he's ok now. It were right cold in that there Church yesterday. Oops sorry lucy I used your name there in vain🤣 Bless her she assures me that she likes the name I gave her, but it was one of those dreams which sticks with you.

    I have sussed out the reason for the water ingress. It has to do with a sliding insect screen which prevents the water from exiting outwards. A couple of drill holes ought to (maybe?) sort that out paws crossed.

    Today I shall go for a walk it's getting near foraging time here so I'd like to get out and see what's out there. There's bay in the Church yard and yew I might have me a bit of that and yes some gorgeous twiggy bits I collected a pile yesterday I must have looked like an old crone with a bundle or twigs for her fire😁

    So scary the way trees can just come down isn't it? I hope the man in Leamington is ok now I know the Mum and child are, but he was quite badly trapped wasn't he?. I saw a fair few on the Chase yesterday as i drove through I felt really sorry for them poor trees😕

    Hoping you hear from the plumbers today Toady fingers crossed 🤞 for you. have a good day😊 ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuartknee I am hoping your injection is starting to work now? Take care (())

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    I've heard from Joan now she's doing ok and wishes each of us by name a good day. She is doing ok but has to ask Charlie to help her out of bed at night when she needs the loo so not ideal. His bed which he kindly gave up for her is a bit 'spongy'. Still at least we've heard from her which is the main thing ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    hi Toni

    I couldn’t post in morning

    Tech issues

    Wppl xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 90

    Hi everyone

    Cold start stiff joints, left ankle swollen. Injection starting working on knee, but muscles are tensing & cramping got to learn to walk again so I do not hobble but it's not easy when ankle is painful. Side effects of trips were getting annoying so gone back ibuprofens.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,568

    Hi all 👋 is it me or is it bitterly cold 😬

    Doesn't seem to be lower forecast temps on the face of it but really hit me this morning. Better for foraging than the wind & rain frog but I bet it wasn't 'cardy off' much today! Hope you got some nice things and yes some lovely yew 😊. I am plodding through the xmas stuff, still can't decide whether I've got enough cards and one of my online shopping baskets won't 'work out' so that's not helping. Otherwise I'm about where you are, get out a pen and call it progress 😄 vaguely comforting to know other people carry on in this way. Can't find my notes from last year and there must be some 🤔. Oh well. No wrongly posted cards today in fact no post so I haven't shifted from the house apart from bird feeding. I did think of re-posting the peoples' cards in the box but then you think maybe there is news in them they might be glad to hear sooner; also it only struck me yesterday, would they be charged as technically it's not misdelivered but misaddressed? Though postie ought to know the postcode is wrong I suppose. Right, tasteful little tree it is Sleek, we shall see to it together 👍️. I did admire your elf and said what was involved, I thought that type of clay probably, but your explanation to Reshmi covers that, love his little face 😊 very neat I did wonder if it was all your own work or assembled from bits supplied like a kit so I'm very impressed and rather want to do one now 😄. Glad you have a theory and likely cure for your fly screen water trap hope that sorts it. No news here glad you did hear from Joan later, we are all impatient for her to get home aren't we as long as she's ok to do so, pros and cons of being where she is 😬. Have a good night love to all :) xx

    Wave to Joan hope you are warm enough there is such a nip in the air today ❄️ and not much change the next few days by the looks. Kettle on day & night ☕️ xx

    Quick hi to bosh, I am off to put the aforementioned kettle on and will nip back in again later, hope your mum has been ok today after yesterday 🤞 xx

    Glad the injection is showing signs of working Stuart but a nuisance about the trips it is always about playing the benefit off against the side effects in this game isn't it, hope the ibuprofens are enough at the moment. xx

    Tea it is 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    sorry to hear about muscles etc

    Have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    hi toady Toni etc

    Permission problem in the morning

    V frustrating

    Mums ok now

    Sorry it’s her birthday tomorrow and I haven’t even wrapped her gift

    Good night all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,568

    Have a good night and best wishes and a Happy Birthday to your Mum 💐😘 hope she has a lovely day xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186
    edited 11. Dec 2024, 07:44

    Morning everyone

    Joan doesn't quite know what's going on as far as getting home is concerned. I can tell she really wants to go home as she doesn't like asking for help from Charlie. She is going to go to hers (kitchen almost done) with her friend to suss out her own bed height etc. She sends her love to all of us by name Stuart she'll be pleased to hear the injection is starting to work for you ((())) xxx

    Been up all night icing this cake for Reshmi's Mum😉 Seriously Reshmi I hope she has a lovely day and feels spoilt rotten.

    I hope you are doing ok too PM symptoms under some control as it's your Mum's special day.

    I very occasionally have had 'permission' problems not sure what it means though really usually if l open another tab sign in again and try again it's ok.

    I don't need inlaw soap anymore at least not with Paul's family they were always nice, but my first g=husband's Mother gosh no she did not like me! Great pic thanks😁

    Take care Reshmi enjoy the day! ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart I am very glad indeed to hear your knee is improving that's good now that the injections work for you maybe they will let you have one for your ankle too🤔 (())

    Morning Toady

    Cardy on.

    You were right and I managed some small bit of foraging yesterday on the Chase wrapped up very well. Kari dropped me off there and worried until I got home, but I know that part really well it's the closest part of the Chase to me. Mossed up 4 wreaths. A good start. I'm pleased with that.

    Also got to the foodbank with a neighbour who had 3 working TVs to donate and will be back there this morning again for my actual session.

    My little Elf took some doing! Yes you had to mould it yourself the stuff is like plasticine (without the smell) and you cook it for HOURS! Another person did the cooking at least not me. Sorry I missed your comment about him. I did him for Arya she can have him when she's a bit older on their tree.

    I am exactly the same as you as far as cards are concerned we are a step closer pen and cards next to our seats🤭. Although i still cannot find my address book so need to contact Bill for his address. Kari and I rang our half Aunt and asked for hers yesterday before foraging. That was a long chat as you can imagine!

    At least Joan is safe where she is but the dogs are with another friend so the sooner she gets home the better really she is missing them. Charlie's is a one bed and much much smaller she knows she is putting him out sleeping on the sofa for her, but she is grateful. She has got the phone alarm system at home too already so that's good as back up. Her main problem would be the loo in the night and I wondered whether putting the dog's food down too unless he already has a solution for that🤔

    I think it's lovely that you redelivered the letters for people you are right they will be glad to get them asap. At least it's a reminder to get their's done if they are like us two!!! Anyway any excuse for a walk eh?

    I have ordered more food for my birdies I am running low already.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    A quick wave to our friend Skinny Keef 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    thanks Toni 👍

    How are you?

    Great cake

    Yeah the pm symptoms aren’t as bad as before

    I’ll elaborate later

    Birthday lunch outside

    Bye for now tc xx

    Ps term to describe toady’s neighbours lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,186

    Hope Lunch went very well Reshmi and your Mum is having a lovely day☺️

    The neighbours - verbal handcuffs🤣 brilliant!

    Joan sent this message but it's late sorry I was at the foodbank….😳

    Good morning Toni, Reshmi, Toady Stuart and Skinny Keef.

    Have a good day everyone

    Keep warm ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236
    edited 11. Dec 2024, 21:40

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Poor Joan, so nice if her to ask after us like that

    Dad was in a big mood about something he had some stupid deadline for cultural society “work”

    So we didn’t go out for lunch after all, but we are going out for a meal with EF on Saturday in or near MH👍

    Poor mum also had low bs early this morning too

    So it was probably good for her that she could rest at home

    I got her a little cupcake from the bakery which she had without icing

    The littleys also sang her some Christmas songs and carols later on the phone

    The pm symptoms are not good of course, but I'm more calm than that horrific mood swings I told you about, I’m just waiting for it all to end really. I’ve also noticed that sometimes I’m kind of compelled to eat or drink unhealthy junk food or drinks, I think this could be a pm symptom too, it’s not happening constantly and now I’m aware of it I’m trying to control it more when it does happen, but it’s all part and parcel of feeling emotional, though at least it’s not all the time basically

    Thanks about in law soap, verbal handcuffs and the tech issues’ tip

    How was the food bank?

    Good night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,236

    hi young at heart toady

    How are you tonight?

    Yes not exactly a tropical climate is it?
    Not even in Reading lol

    I’m not a coffee drinker- not even a secret one haha - but scones are lovely creations indeed - thanks

    I have noticed that the town centre scone place has been closed recently

    Did a post - mxt nap get out of control?

    Or is a giant Christmas scone being lovingly and painstakingly prepared in the oven that once housed Bill’s oversized Cornish pasty?

    The mind indeed boggles

    Will the scone be flavoured with maths addict - robot parts? Or maybe tender-stem broccoli? Rather an unusual flavour for a sweet scone accompanied by jam, but I am no algebraic gourmet, that is most definitely LA’s territory

    My gastric oracles weren’t happy today but then again dad very grudgingly and reluctantly cooked today so that’s not surprising

    Yes either a giant scone or a giant phone is being prepared, the phone never runs out of charge because it runs on marrot - juice, infused with frothy coffee and - yes, I must admit it - R Brek - so a kind of breakfast phone that you can use all day long, well all year long really, provided you feed it the correct nutrients - no ice cream needless to say, don’t worry I myself have thrown out some of calorifically “not so nice cream” recently - no one needs to know 🤐

    Our transgressions have ceased 👍

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    Goodnight to SK and S knee too tc xx

    Ps Sleek in human form lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,568

    Hi all, just a late hello, it has been a mixed sort of day put it that way 🎭️ some good some not so good 👍️👎️ nothing bad just irritating, will be in tomorrow with the full story) the short version, fear not 😄

    Thank Joan very much for her good wishes and you can tell her I have had the plumber in, successfully, she will be pleased for me (so will you, I know - like yourself two things fixed in one trip, even better) - sorry so short, more tomorrow 👋 one Christmas card posted btw 😄 xx

    Look forward to more news Joan and hoping it went well going for a 'recce' of things at yours 🤞😘 xx

    See you tomorrow bosh, the 'breakfast phone' did indeed go off at breakfast time 😮, 'twas the phantom plumber, giving me about 10 mins notice 😱 all done now touch wood. More scone chat tomorrow but is it jam today 🤔 we shall see. Hope you have a good night and your mum is ok & all the better for a quiet day 🤞:) xx

    Night Stuart, SK and uncle Tom Cobbley and all 😉 tea will be very much required tomorrow if not sooner. Take care people xx