Val's Cafe
Morning everyone hoping Joan will have some news today about her bungalow and how soon she can get home. She has fantastic friends (one dog sitting) and Charlie of course. I will pass on Toady's phantom plumber news for her ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I do NOT believe it!!!! Big Bear actually was too busy to spend his wife's birthday with her on some cultural society 'work'?!!!!!
At least you are seeing EF over the weekend and she can be spoilt there. I can see you yourself made her feel special yesterday at least on the actual day with the cupcake was such a lovely small treat for her. Hope her bs is better today.
I also hope you yourself are well? I'm afraid PM symptoms do try to make you eat sugary and carbohydraty foods and keeping your weight under control can be very hard at this time. You are doing well though you know it will end I bet your journal is filling up🙄
The littleys singing to her over the phone will also have picked her up no end won't it? ❤️ She deserved that on the actual day she is a very good Granny, Mum and wife.
Foodbank was busy soooooo busy! £800 worth from our village. It was hard work getting it all labelled and on the shelves which actually look really healthy ATM. Problem is that people are very generous now (and a lot of food will go out before the 25th of course) no-one gives much after Christmas so stocks soon decline. It was our volunteers Christmas meal last night so I am stuffed really stuffed even now🙄
Take care Reshmi please do ask the gastric Gods to be kind to me 😣 ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
No news about the recce from Joan I hope I'll hear more today fingers crossed. Well I will ask her. She has to fit around the friend who works still so it may not have happened yet. I just think Joan herself is desperate to get home. I will definitely tell her about the phantom plumber coming! 10 minutes notice is ok (sort of) at least it's done and he won't expect you to be immaculate.
Sleek was pleased he was there and I believe kindly made him a cuppa with only one hair in it???
She has just left so should be with you anytime soon to see whether the two jobs have held up ok. She is expecting you to make the coffee again but has purchased a syrup to go in it and a whizzy thing to froth it up with. I think she's taken my bra hooks reusable cups too so can pretend the drinks are from there, but safe £4 each!!!
You posted a card😮 where is your loyalty and solidarity????🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though well done! I promise to do some tonight. Paul is onsite so no excuse.
take care Toad ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart hope things are still improving knee wise even if it's made the ankle issue more obvious. As I said yesterday maybe you can have an injection there next time? (())
Morning Skinny K where are you? I do hope you have resolved the MTX issues by now I want you to have a good Christmas ((())) xxx
simple breaky today it will do!
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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hi lovely Toni
How are you today?
I really hope Joan gets some positive news about her bungalow today
Yes Belligerent Bear is really evil these days, poor mum
Yes exactly EF will save the day, well the littleys at least, very true 👍
Mums is ok 👍 so that’s one very good thing at least
Mum also liked the gift I got her, the earrings
BR asked on the phone if he could eat some of the birthday cupcake aww
Yes the journal is filling up, thanks for that info about the food cravings, unfortunately I’m not doing very well with controlling increased appetite for food, but I will try and plan snacks better, the other factor is the eternal stress at home, but never mind I’m slowly “getting there”
I’m just wanted to say thanks for the tip, in my diaries I’m using poetry as code more and more 👍
Ok it’s instalment day so more later
Bye for now Toni tc xx
👋 toady and everyone xx
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Hi all 👋 I am quite a mellow toad this evening, so let's all make the most of it 😄 good job I didn't make a longwinded tale out of yesterday's events as half of it was a false alarm 😳
Yes Sleek & I played a blinder yesterday with the plumber frog, it all went very well & very reasonable 😊 10 minutes notice is rarely if ever ok or even possible 😱😱 but I was up dressed respectable, sort of, and yes he knows this place well enough not to expect immaculate 😂. I only got the short notice slot because something fell through I think so I was lucky. Three drips fixed in the last couple of months! go me 👍️. Yes Joan will be glad for me I've ticked off a successful job, hope to hear good news for her too ✌️. The 'not so good' bit I mentioned last night was me panicking myself into thinking I'd need bloods done before next med delivery (HAH sent me a slightly ambiguous text) but I rang this morning & I'm ok for now they will be here next week. I really could see me having to plead for short notice appts & turn out before xmas 😣 would have been a bit of a blow after a good day. So relieved - it cheered me up so much I even bought a Christmas jumper off nosegay, unheard of behaviour 😂. If I grumble about anything for the rest of the year now, tell me off. Sleek & I were able to enjoy our nice syrup coffees in peace (hazelnut flavour 😀) and get on with our xmas notes & lists in the warm 😊. Sorry about the card 😂 it was a one-off honest the rest will crawl in after the last posting date I'm sure 😬. Do you have a roughly equal amount of postable & local or more one than t'other? You've done some wreaths anyway 👍️ & there should be a couple of decent bright days soon if you have more foraging. Making a little elf in a cold church hall and baking him for hours, now there's one of those things you'd struggle to explain to aliens 😄 I love him, Arya will too 💕. That's a great foodbank effort but I can see that consistency is the difficult bit 😞. Hope you have a good day tomorrow whatever you have on :) xx
Thinking of Joan it is bright but very cold today, hope all's well and the dear dogs 😘 xx
Hi to bosh, no scone today and no jam either, so that simplified that matter. Though actually there was jam, peach not marrot, with a croissant instead like your lovely pic. Glad your mum had a good day well parts of it 😬 and she liked her present I'm sure she would be bound to, and her much-coveted cupcake 😊. Hope the EF Saturday meals works out to be the best option and your gastric oracle is in a good mood by then. How is your cousin's Dad? Not much news here it has been very quiet after the plumber, even quieter than usual because there are no drips tapping and plinking in the background, hurrah 👍️. Did you see I said to Toni I had bought a christmas jumper, this is very un toadlike, but it will stop there honest I'm not going to start becoming all cheerful and syrupy and Disney-like about xmas 😉. Although who knows perhaps if someone gifts me a giant ball of orange wool I may be excited enough to break into song 😂. I saw a terrible hat-related logic puzzle online today btw it might not have beyond young mathematicians but it was beyond me. Hope I haven't missed anything, have a good evening 👋 :) xx
Wave to Stuart and hope your muscles are behaving not too much cramp, take care :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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JOAN is home 😊
Isn't that great?
Will post properly tomorrow and maybe Joan will too!
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hi toady
No marrot jam, outrageous
No I didn’t notice the non - amphibious jumper, I guess I can forgive thisA virtual pastry may also not upset gastric oracles indeed 👍
a peaceful silence in the house, very civilised, well not quite civilised, as I can still hear your quill scratching on parchment composing “Ode to The Milkman’ and I quote,
‘Dear bringer of the sacred dairy matter
I know you don’t indulge in intrusive phantom - neighbour- like natter
You just silently bring the liquid in which my R Brek can marinate
You bring the delivery at 3.00 am on the dot, you don’t procrastinate
And if the cows are on strike you supply the milk made of soy or oats
Or my favourite, which is almond, which has some cabbage - like notes
Although mainly popular in the midlands and John O’Groats
If the plumbers resign you will hand me the spanner
But please don’t send those plumbers to Reading, despite it being a place frequented by Kenneth Branagh’
Ok that unexpected poetic attempt cheered me up at least lol
👋Goodnight toady Toni and everyone tc xx
ps now the Raven has a why?- phone - Poe is turning in his man - cave, or grave, or whatever lol xx
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^ 😊😂 fabulous thank you, I will do justice to that gem of a post tomorrow, it is very much the stitching hour so I'm not really here 🤫xx
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(Hope there's a good reason why an early bird like @frogmorton is still online too x )
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Back on waiting list for a jab, screwed up my achilies walking turns to hobbling so on painkillers, rest & ice
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Morning everyone
Morning to Joan I hope all is well at home and you and the dogs are fine. I'm off to the hairdressers this morning then a night out in the motorhome tonight 😊 ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart oh dear me I hope you're taking it easy. Maybe your poor ankle is hurt because of taking the pressure of your knee? Not your fault at all. Glad you are having another injection in it (())
Morning Reshmi how are you today I hope not too bad pm symptoms under control and that your Mum is ok too.
I thought your Mum would love her present from you those earrings would be perfect you know her very well😊 Seeing EF, especially the boys, will make her very happy at the weekend too bless her.
That journal is really useful and writing your poetry too exactly what you need to pour it all out safely and privately. I don't have a solution to the eating just do your best and do not be hard on yourself. It's hormones they are very strong not you.
Loved this milk and plumber poem😁 I know what you mean about almond milk too🤣 I usually drink soya or oat coconut goes well in hot chocolates though….
Let's hope we see Joan in here today if her Ipad is charged ready for her.
Take care ((())) xxx
Toady do not fear I was fast asleep I think I just left myself signed in.
I am up as early as usual lots to do this morning as I have to be at the hairdressers for 9😣 help!!!!! Tell Reshmi she can save me!!!!
Gosh that text was scary inagine having to beg for short-notice bloods!!! That is just terrifying Toady. I'm so glad you can book (get it done if you haven't already!) for January. Honestly too scary for words!
Sleek was very chuffed and reckons she quite likes the 'plummer' apparently he is nice and knows his stuff all those leaks/drips sorted too. Sometimes short notice is actually good less time to stress. As long as you have clothes on that's all that matters.😉 Sleek is en route as i type planning on making you tea and toast in bed?
I foraged yesterday in the mizzle not to worry I actually parked up reasonably close and have added the following to my wreaths; bay (smells heavenly) yew, leylandii, ivy and of course some vicious holly. Then some quick totivation all done😉 job's a good un. Well ok not many done but loads started. I got lots and lots of moss from the chase and have 4/5 mossed up ready
Right better get ready one order is gong out today! Why? Oh well I'not worry just get it done!
Take care Toady ((())) xxx
vegan option available and a coffee for Skinny K
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morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Oh yes Reshmi warm socks😊
Joan messaged me to say she was going to post but she's in her recliner (just got commfortable I expect) and the iPad is over the other side of the room. So she says Morning Toady, Reshmi, Stuart and Skinny Keef. Have a good day everyone xxxx
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Morning all 👋 just popping in for some early elevenses and to see if Joan had managed to get in by any chance. Mostly just revelling in not having to go out today 👍️ bins back in birds fed that's it, unless I get into the garden later.
I did rather panic first & ask questions later over the bloods frog because sense says HAH wouldn't cut these things fine, that would be silly but I had also let the text sit there for a while so it was a borderline case 😳. Not the end of the world ofc if I had had to go (tbh I'd choose bloods over the hairdresser at this stage! poor you 😱) but it's less contact with any germs, & more time to revel in my plumbing success, very welcome indeed. Yes Sleek is right he is a good egg the plummer, a genuine chap. I even get bonus points for having, and being able to lend him, something plumber-y related, so that's him and the time I had to supply bricks and string to 2 others, starting to wonder if it is a workman's initiative test sort of thing 🤔😄. Good luck with the wreaths and glad you got plenty of lovely supplies. Was Kari checking up on you again for safe foraging - btw there's no use getting us to buy the image of you as 'old crone collecting twigs', we've all seen you remember 😉 (small jealous hiss, I'm turning into both my grandmothers it seems 😬). Hope Kari and all family well today and sorting their xmases, how long does Lucy work til? I will creep up on a few cards today, the rather late cards purchase I made might be here tomorrow by some miracle instead of Mon as I expected, so at least I can do the 'what card for who' thing over the weekend. Royal Mail have been fined £10.5 mil for missed delivery targets, it's downhill all the way for the service really isn't it 😔. Have a good day, yes I thought you were probably not actually here last night, I don't log out when I go, but have never been sure if you can seem in when you aren't or not. The tea and toast with Sleek was perfect set me up nicely 😊 and it's such a mercy to have wind speeds of 1mph for her to come out in, unbelievable when you think back. Love to all take care :) xx edit just seen your post about Joan thanks 👍️
Will leave a hello here for Joan in case 😘 xx
Morning bosh, re-reading Ode to the Milkman 😄 I'm glad I'm such a rich source of random topics and inspiration 😂that cheered me up last night too, thanks again. Said milkman has not been called upon much lately because of the weather, 3am is one thing but 3am in a gale maybe not, it wouldn't be the first time my crate lid had set off up the street by itself 😱. But it is good actually that he will bring the soy the oat and the almond (at a price 😬 but so it is most places), though if you want jam, it's strawberry or strawberry 🤷♀️ and as for marmalade, "0 items found for keyword marmalade. Don't give up - try again"!! 🤨. Love the raven too, Poe turning in his man-cave 😂. Still very happy not to be going for bloods today because well Friday 13th, how could I not have had the vampire nurse 😱😱. Hope you are having a good day so far, will probably call in again later 👋 :) xx
Thank you for the bulletin Stuart but sorry it isn't better news, oh dear achilles, ouch, I expect the waiting list is a bit iffy owing to the time of year but hope not too long, rest up & take care xx
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hi Toni toady SK and Stuartknee
How are you all?
bit of a stressful day really
Mums bs is ok 👍
But the arguments between my parents are getting worse
Dad left the front door open when he was roaming around in the garden, simply because he couldn’t be bothered to close it, when I started closing it he opened it back up again, so basically the house was freezing cold for ages
Plus my stomach is not ok at all but I’m being forced to go to the meal tomorrow
Sorry I started this message a long time ago but I haven’t had a minute to myself
Now I’m exhausted
👋Toni and toady thanks about the poem
Have a good night everyone tc xx
Ps another toady xx
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Sorry not the best of days bosh 😔 hope things are better tomorrow and the meal goes ok for everyone 🤞 xx
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Still doing a little as possible left ankle still giving me grief, cold & damp conditions not helping, just waiting for something else to fall off.
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Morning Everyone Joan wished everyone a good night last night to but guess who was Zzzzzing away🥱
Morning Stuart at least you know that steroid injections work well for you so you can have one in that ankle soon I hope. Yes there is evidence that the weather affects OA badly. Have you read Cloudy with a chance of pain?
Morning Reshmi I do hope your stomach is a little easier. Arguments will not help in fact will definitely worsen pain.
I am so sorry about your poor Mum having BB upsetting her. It's not right is it. As for leaving the door open how childish was that sort of behaviour. Worthy of LA not a grown man and Grandfather at that!
If you are eating put today sit with the litteys (less stress )and find the plainest food on the menu that's my advice.
Take care our friend we hate to see you upset. ((())) xxx
Morning Toady.
The weather is less windy but still catsi needed its raining again. Skeek will be at yours cussing us for abandoning her again! We'll be home about 2 and Charley has called in anyway!
Tea and toast again today i believe although she is keen to get porridge on? Could you put her step conveniently fir her please.
Yes Kari worried about me foraging on my own bless her but I love it!!! It was moss on the Chase the ivy yew etc were elsewhere. A lay by and the Church Yard to be specific.
HAH aren't known for hassling too soon but I get it if you ignored it for a bit like I do. How many tabs have you got open on your laptop atm? I only have a mere 20 or so!
Perhaps you were yourself a plummer or workman of some sort in a previous life?🤔 are you able to convincingly such air between your teeth? Thats the test.
Well have a good day. This campsite is lovely Chester always is. Going to Cheshire Oaks before going home.
I have no idea how long our icons stay visible maybe a couple of hours?
TaKe care ((())) xxx
LoVe to Skinny Keef if he pops by ((()))
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hi lovely Toni
How are you today?
Mums asleep
Mum said to LA that if he continues with the maths game he will become a maths genius, to which he replied in his most patronising tones, “ I already am”
Oh dear - what are they putting in the R Brek in MH?
I’m not feeling too bad at the moment thanks 🙏
Bye for now tc xx
Ps another toady xx
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Just a quick message from Joan. She's struggling to find the cafe.
Sge sends her love hopes we all have a good day xxx
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hi Toni
How are you tonight?
Mums ok 👍
Cream crackered doesn’t begin to cover it lol
BR sat in my lap and imprisoned me with his long legs so i couldn’t move for a while lol
Food was a bit rich, I’ve survived so far though, but as we know the gastric oracles mainly speak later in the night
great that Joan is getting better - bless her
Normal service will be resumed tomorrow I promise
Good night Toni tc xx
👋 good night toady SK S knee and maybe even our brave Joan tc xx
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Hi all 👋 running a bit late owing to mucking about on the internet 😬
How many tabs have I got open frog, well I daren't even admit 😳 let's just say they have totally got away from me 😱 I will get my comeuppance though, fire🦊 put up a nasty little tab this evening saying I will have problems in January, I thought because my version is out of date (I've stopped it updating for various reasons), but no, win7 won't be supported full stop apparently so I will have to 'do something', mostly stick my head in the sand for now a la toad I expect. There were a few mutterings from Sleek today, yes, sorry 😼 but we cheered ourselves up, she helped me paint my nails in christmassy red and green colours after our tea & toast. Luckily in my luxuriously appointed kitchen the 2-ring elec mini hob is on a low worksurface already so practically at cat height anyway, so she only needed the little stool for porridge 😄. Hope you had a lovely time and a safe trip back, any shopping? 😊 Lovely tree, I do like those 'berries'. After Sleek left I went outside and cut back some old dead crispy stuff with the secateurs then came in and gave my hair an xmas chop, so practically the same thing 😂. Oh I saw two robins in the garden 😍 and I got in the rest of the tulips & daffs, and 3 sorts of allium, 3 to go. Did you manage to get your birdie food? All my cards are here now, so just have to get on with them tomorrow 😣. Yes I may well be a reincarnated plummer, who knows 😄 if so I never mastered the low slung trousers thankfully.. 😬 (they must know they aren't adequately covered.. honestly chaps, longer t shirts!). Sunday tomorrow already, eek, have a good day - thanks for passing on Joan's message :) xx
Hope you can get in soon Joan, Toni has kept you updated hasn't she and I'm sure you've got more sense than to read back, nothing has happened of any interest with me apart from the plumber having been & gone. Love to you & the dogs 😘 xx
All the best with the rich food bosh I'm sure the gastric oracle will be lenient, will be manning the kettle anyhow at most hours, just give us a shout 👍️. Nothing much doing here only bits of gardening and xmas prep blah blah, so will try & come in earlier tomorrow with a proper post 👋 xx
I know what you mean Stuart does feel like you're dropping to bits sometimes 😬 try not to have anything else this side of xmas anyway 🤞. Few bright days ahead here but yes it's a bit mixed and the damp can definitely go away for me 🙄 still, shortest day soon, uphill all the way then xx
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I hope Joan manages to get online today if not maybe our admin will be able to help her. Me less so not really knowing iPads every well I suggested finding 'recent discussions' and teh cafe would be near there.((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
How did you get on overnight? Were the gastric oracles good to you? I do hope so 🤞
Of course young Mr LA is a mathematical genius! How foolish of your Mum to not know this already😂 He is a member of your family after all! He also lives in MH and eats MH fortified ready brek.😉
Seriously though I do hope your Mum had a lovely time she deserved to feel spoiled after your Dad delayed her birthday celebrations and has been a miserable BB ever since.
I really hope Joan can get on today I can't help much I am not an i anything person I am android. Yes i actually probably am!
That Toady owl is very pretty indeed she is.
I hope you don't spend the day nursing a sore tum ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
hope all is well with you. My darling Sleek was here waiting for me and purring like a trouper. She reckons I should try her porridge so letting her make me some before she leaves for yours. She is praising your kick chen set up highly.
That tree was lovely wasn't it? We had our dinner in there it wasn't mine. What do you think of this one at Cheshire oaks I hope you can imagine the height?
at Cheshire Oaks yesterday. The site was within walking distance!
2 robins?! Lovely what a gorgeous sight extra food needed at yours to prevent fighting. My food is due to arrive I hope today/tomorrow no rush I have plenty for now.
Well done finishing your bulb planting I didn't think you'd manage to do them all especially the alliums. Still only 3 left is a really good job Toady.
I am afeared for the life of your laptop. Of course there will be no immediate issues it will be much later on before things might go wrong. Wish my bro lived nearer to you he'd sort it out for you. And probably close some of your tabs like he does mine 😀 I have counted mine there are about 80 open…..
I think plummerz (plural note spelling) have large bellies which push their trousers down. They also have large belies which push their t shirts up. That is the issue from my own (unfortunate) observations😁
Have a good day! ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart knee and Skinny Keef hope you are both doing ok today ((())) I wanna see Skinny's tree and yours too Stuart if it's up and looking good????
Take care everyone
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Morning Reshmi 😊
Looks like Joan is still struggling to get online so:
Good morning Toni and Reshmi Toady Stuart and Skinny Keef have a good day everyone (())xx
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Good afternoon Toni
How are you?
Poor Joan - struggling to get online
Mums ok 👍
and she had a great time yesterday thanks
The gastric gods were kind almost unbelievably 👍
I think it’s maybe as I was so scared I didn’t eat that much
Ok just a little poem I wrote, digital pick’n’ mix wasn’t working properly or something like that, so LA got in a big strop and BR was a little bored but not too much so we played the umbrella game. Basically are used my umbrella as a prop in a game - it was a nice brightly coloured one from the shop known as “ where those healthy vegan, roasted fries?”- rhyming slang for a well-known high street jewellery and accessories shop.
I Mention those nice healthy fries, because yesterday, despite my stomach issues, I was forced to have deep, fried potato fries and a load of deep-fried stuff or so it seemed so really, I think the gastric oracles blessed me by sparing me a night without tummy issues, Toni, thankfully
Ok sorry for that distracting reference haha here’s the poem, it’s written from the perspective of BR by the way 🙏
👋 I’d also of course like to say greetings to toady, skinny, Keith and Stuartknee Hope you’re all well? Bye for now everyone take care xx
VC poem called “Fun with an umbrella, with BR - friend of Little Ella)
Oh, the life of the brolly!
It’s such fun, better than TV, oh golly!
When I’m hungry and the weather’s bad,
I go out with my Brains - berry bag and brightly coloured brolly, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had!
If I’m lucky, I’ll get to buy a sandwich made of a certain Lord ,
What Mima and I play together, we never get bored!2
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