Val's Cafe
@Jellybea I think you may have posted in the wrong place, but it's still lovely to meet you.
Most people take anti-inflammatories and painkillers but worth speaking to your Dr as the anti-inflams aren't great for our stomachs long term.
My own sister is an artist it's her profession too and her hands and wrists can be problematic too like yourself. Quite understandable given the use they get. She has some compression gloves to wear if you google it you should find some probably online.
Do please pop into the cafe any time we love a cat talking rubbish and distracting ourselves from pain.
My very best wishes - Toni x
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Morning everyone I do hope that Joan is able to find the cafe today bless her it must be so frustrating for her. She wished us all night last night too. She is expecting a man to check her loft tomorrow if he didn't get to her last evening. He is doing all the bungalows. ((())) xxx
Oh dear Reshmi bets have a steady day a fall is no joke when your bones aren't great like ours (())
I hope your Mum isn't too bad today and maybe can get something fro the chemist to soothe her throat. The last thing she needs is to need to see a Dr this time of year!
Busy again today wreath making and visiting friend in Stoke. The pressure is on everyone needs them this weekend.
I hope you manage your walk if you can (carefully) and maybe get a cup of tea in costa packet
Sending get well soon ((())) for you and your Mum xxx
Morning Toady
I have tried sending the link to Joan maybe it will work for her I do hope so but i think she goes online on her ipad and i am messaging i think on her phone. I think she needs to speak to admin Peter myself.
Busy day again ahead for me in fact i have about had enough!
Wreaths coming out of my ears need more moss and foliage and it's raining again! I also have to visit my friend in stoke and her Christmas present hasn't yet arrived.😣 Still at least if she doesn't come here I don't have to hoover😁
I have done next to no cards and missing final delivery again even the village one as it's tomorrow. No time!!!!
All I want is to have nothing to do😓
Do make an ivy jar!! and I want to see a picture of it too😊 That would be lovely.
Sleek was very pleased to help you sort out your miceland delivery mine is also booked for Friday I thought it was ideal for pretty well everything I am after. She is getting ready in about an hour just having a wash she says ready catsi booked as it's still raining out there🙄
Have a good day if you can ((())) xxx
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone thanks to everyone for your help
It’s nice to be back on here. Thank you for the card. Skinny Keef it’s nice to see you xxI phoned the forum they said they would ring back they haven’t yet.
thank you for caring about me I stayed a wake during the operation it was a lot better you didn’t have the feeling of being as sleep.
have a good day everyone.Toni Toady Reshmi Stuart and Sninny Keef xxxtake care
joan xx4 -
Good to see you back @dachshund glad the operation went OK.
Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
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went for walk up garden to fix a fence & managed to tweak the knee coming back, sat with it on the hot radiator. Shoulder still aching.
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hi Joan!
so lovely to have you back 🤗Really glad the operation went well 👍👍
I’ve had mxt so I’m a bit sleepy but ok
Mums has a throat virus it seems but she’s feeling a bit better
Have a wonderful afternoon and take good care Joan xx
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hi Toni
How are you today?
Mum is feeling a little bit better
Her bs is ok 👍
I’m a lot better but not fully
I’ve got some neck pain from the fall still but other pain almost gone
So I’m trying to have a why? - pad hiatus lol
Bye for now Toni tc
👋toady and everyone else tc xx
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Thank you so much @PeterJ for giving us our Joan back😊
Have you got a microwavable wheatbag Stuartknee? If haet helps mine is fabulous I have 3 and often have all 3 on the the go at any one time😊
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hi Toni
How are you tonight?
I’ve had a really ookey day unfortunately
Upset Stomach plus mxt
Sweaty stuffy exhausted, it was terrible
An email from Wart - rose informed me that it’s Cheese -Thursday lol - well certainly not in Reading, not even the vegan variety- sorry Toni - I can’t vouch for MH however haha
LA said the Cinderella pantomime was mainly for lady babies, but he did grudgingly admit that it was “a little bit fun” - aww ❤️
I actually wrote a poem about you Toni!
You and your hats to be more specific 😂
But I need to revisit it as it may well be the ravings of an upset bosh with a very poorly stomach lol
If it’s fit for human consumption (unlike cheese at the moment haha) I will put it in the bank
But I need to check that LA hasn’t forged the signature on the cheque and that the ink is official - not the melted jelly baby version that BR is so keen on
I didn’t walk today as the pains haven’t fully gone
But the pains are generally a lot better thanks
Mums having soup, paracetamols etc, she’s a little bit better thanks
The GPS’s surgery has no appointments right now unfortunately
But she is improving 👍👍
I’ve decided next time I need a hair cut I’m not going to the nasty HD anymore, as he’s really quite rude to me and he does a good job, but I don’t like being told off for no reason, so I’ll probably go to the one in the town centre like I used to👍
It’s a little bit more expensive but not that much really and the staff were always polite and nice to me
I think BR had a nightmare where Granny had removed the jelly babies from her handbag and he woke up in a panic saying “ Granny (or Abu as he now calls her), I want the jelly babies!” Oh dear 😂
Hope the wreath - making is going ok?
Have a good night 👋 Toni toady Sk s knee, all newcomers and our lovely Joan! Tc xx
ps wise words haha xx
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Hi folks 👋 so tiring today 😣
..and I'm not doing the half that you're doing frog, so no wonder you are 😟 yes I want nothing to do as well, will we manage it do you think, after this? just for a bit 😬?! Well for now hope the wreath pile is going down and you got to your friends ok but I am cross for you about your present for her, that's so annoying I suppose it'll be bright and early now 😕. I have done what I can do now and any straggler cards will have to go tomorrow & lump it, it's going to rain over the afternoon bit unfortunately or I'd have gone to the later-collection postbox but maybe it won't do much. Not like last night! it was dry here this morning sorry you still had some. The cold was not good though I really felt it. No garden but soon hopefully. I have shoved on my groceries til Sat as there were slots, that will be better tbh. Hope yours works out ok, have a good night and needless to say never bother about posting much to me all over this busy time a wave and a cuppa and a lend of Sleek will always do nicely 👍️ she was a big help today with the sellotaping, and the adding of pawprints to cards and gift tags 😺🐾. Take care love to all 😘 xx
Lovely to see you back Joan 😀 thank you for sending us all your good wishes when you couldn't get in, glad you are here now. It still amazes me to think you were awake for your op 😮 but the main thing is that you thought that was better. Take care and love to the dear dogs they must be so pleased 🐕️ and keep warm, I found it beastly cold today I am off to bed with a flask to keep near at hand! ☕️ have a goodnight 😘 xx
Sorry not the best day for you all round bosh, I'm glad your mum is feeling a little better that's a relief anyway and hope you are too tomorrow. I'm off to bed well I should be there now so I will catch up properly tomorrow, excuse short post 😘 that's such a nice pic to put for Joan btw xx
Night to Stuart too oh no not fences, aren't they a pain 😕 I hope they are all ok now we are in for strong winds again by tomorrow night 🙄 well where I am so probably other places too. Sorry you tweked your knee in the process hope it's easing off, take care keep warm :) xx
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Morning Everyone
Joan wished us all a good night last night bless her isn't it great to have her back😊 She has had such a rough time this year roll on 2025 for Joan. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
How are your aches and stomach today? I hope you can manage your walk maybe. I am sorry your Mum can't get a Dr's appt still she is doing all the right things and may manage to sort it herself.
You have made an excellent decision for 2025 yourself. Ditch anyone who upsets you and your hairdresser does just that!
Oooh a poem just for me pour moi?!! I am so excited. Yes leave it in the bank to be authorised before it goes out. All being well it has been written in the correct pen and will pass 3 step verification😉.
Abu! Granny is now called Abu how cute is BR?!! What a little sweetie he is bless him. Imagine him dreaming the jelly babies were all gone from his Granny's bag😯 that would be a terrible nightmare for any 3 year old surely?
Wreath making was interrupted by visiting my friend, but she needs a visit at this time of year as we buried her wife if you remember just before Christmas.
Today we intern (well a man does it for us) Tia's Grandad's ashes in with her Grandmother's and her Mum's all together at last. I hope they don't argue. I have made a small wreath especially for them. You don't get much space at all there.
Take care my friend ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
How the diddly are you? I am feeling a little better as my cards for the village are all done (38) and ready to go in time (closing date today) into the village Christmas postbox. Nearly finished me off yesterday but Paul licked them all shut and helped with the alphabetisation. is that even a word?
I feel the same about straggler cards they will just arrive last I mean Christmas is a season??? Even if it is supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Sleek is getting over-excited about Christmas have you noticed? Have you got an Alexa? Here I walk in the door and what do i get? Maria Carey or Wham's last Christmas….. she's brought nutmeg for your coffees today and more mince pies good job my shop is arriving today isn't it🙄I can't swap now I'd never get one before January. Are you tipping the delivery person? I want to £5 or more?
She is great at holding parcels closed while we get eh sellotape out isn't she bless her. Of course there will be the odd cat hair and paw print, but they are an adorable free addition aren't they?😽
I hope to have most wreaths 'dressed' by the end of today all being well.
Take care Toady have a good day I'll try to be less ratty in 2025 and maybe sit on my rear (you too) a bit more! ((())) xxx
My Elfie is trying to help
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
Ps gothic steps for toady xx
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Good morning everyone
Peter gave me a link to get into Vals cafe thank you Peter
Love to everyone I’m waiting for the man to come to see the loft.
It’s lovely being on here again. I shall read the pots to see what’s happening xx
Have a good day xxxx
take care
joan xx3 -
Morning/afternoon all 😊
Teabreak time, am trying to get on with my stuff early today and knock off for the afternoon - maybe will make it to the postbox before the rain maybe not 😬. I do agree about cards arriving over 'the season' frog 😉 and another thing is I quite like getting late stuff, it's something to look at when otherwise you thought all post was in and things have gone a bit 'flat'. Not that people write many letters, my permanent grumble 🤨. I like the idea of your village post system 😊 maybe not 38 though against a deadline, I didn't realize the postbox would literally lock you out after that 🤐😮 well done you (& Paul). The box here was very empty sounding last night so either they are fitting in the odd extra collection or people aren't sending, it was always full at that hour in the past. No more sellotaping now so Sleek and I are both sitting on our rears 🤭 and enjoying our coffees in the little room with the warmth building up nicely 👍️. She will be returned to you shortly, oh yes there is an air of excitement her whiskers are positively quivering 😄. No xmas music here, no Mariah no Noddy, and absolutely no Alexa 😱 nothing like that at all. I do love your elf though 😂 I would be happy with some 'old school' help like that I do have ironing to do - he looks so real, & so fabulously intent 😄. Brilliant. Hope your shop is all there, I'm not tipping I'm afraid 😳 for one thing I've got about 35p cash in the house having needed my last recently & not been anywhere since. I ought really though considering how vital they all are to me, I used to do the milkman & postie etc when they were very regular people, I suppose that shouldn't matter really. But yes £5 is a gesture & would add up nicely if everyone did it but I don't suppose everyone does. Well sorry there is a sad element to your day with the interment, it is bright hopefully a small mercy for the occasion, your little wreath will be lovely. Good luck with the last of the others, squash a sitdown or two in somewhere if you can 👍️ love to all :) xx
Hello Joan hope the loft man has been and they are happy with everything 👍️ how are the long-awaited cupboards! Better I hope. All quiet here today, I am just finishing a couple of bits of post then all I have left to do is add any last odds & ends to my grocery order. There is never anything in my Christmas shop any different to any other time of year really but it would be nice if not too much is missing. Have a good afternoon glad you are getting in here without problems now 😊😘 xx
Love to everyone else, I will be in again later when I have finished my xmas post ✉️ so bosh here is a definite IOU, and a wave and cup of tea to anyone passing ☕️ - hope Stuart & cats are ok today xx
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Good afternoon Toni toady Joan etc
How are you all?
Mums ok 👍
Sorry if I’m repeating
I think her virus is slowly improving tooSorry was feeling terrible went for a walk but couldn’t rest as docs’ surgery had arranged an afternoon blood test for lithium - very odd time for it - so I had a splitting headache also felt nauseous too
I’m ok now though 👍
Just need to perform ablutions
Ok bye for now all tc xx
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Every time I walk I seam to keep snatching a muscle behind the knee it so annoying. Being cold it takes me longer to warm the muscles up.
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sorry to hear that Stuartknee
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Great to hear from you Joan
I hope the loft problem gets sorted
Bye for now tc xx
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hi Toni
How are you?
I’m looking at your poem, seeing if it’s fit for human eyes 👍
Back soon xx
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Ok Toni
This is a bit of an epic or something like that 😂
It’s how I got myself to switch off my why?- pad yesterday when I was feeling very ookey
It’s about your 7 fictitious hats for 7 moods 🙏
Vc poem by me called “ The Seven Hats Of Toni”
Toni has a hat for every mood
She has a bright red chapeau for when she’s feeling rude
She says “ you silly doctors receptionist I really need to book my blood test it’s mandatory
I don’t care if it’s almost lunchtime and you’re thinking of tender stem broccoli floating in your tea”
The second hat is an irritated hat linked to the hairdresser
He said, “ Toni, why do you you wear that hat? It’s an unflattering locks- presser!”
She replied, “ it’s winter, you silly, hairdresser - man,
To stay warm, I’m not on the summer Paris catwalk just try to understand “
But too much rowing with the stylist can make your stomach churn and grumble
Just like methotrexate, so it’s best to leave those silly scissor- wielders to their business and let them mumble
Hat number three I’d worn when LA comes to her house for tea
It’s an indulgent and amused and pleased kind of hat you see
Sweet but cheeky LA demands a vegan cheese sandwich made just so
With a special vegan cheese brought in from Wart - rose you know - no al fresco dairy substitutes will suffice
And as a sweet treats, Toni needs to supply some soy chocolate mice
Hats four is when toady’s phantom neighbours pay Toni a visit in the morning
It’s a quietly angry type of hat, and Toni struggles to hide the fact that she’s post - MXT and yawning
The Phantom neighbours say, “where is the Earl grey?”
She says “I ran out why not drink some English breakfast anyway?”
The Phantom neighbours replied, “Our breakfast is R Brek”
They’re really not that bright
At least they finally disappeared to post the letters, deep in the dead of night
Hat number five is when she encounters the character we call Bill
Who is obsessed with meat and pastry, regardless of heatwave or chill
It’s a hat whose patience is wearing very thin
It’s a hat, that’s tempted to put my brother in law in the bin
Bill says that a Cornish pasty laden with meat heart is a healthy as well as a tasty treat
Toni says “have you never tried the Folic acid - rich mushrooms? or the tasty beet?”
The seventh hat is a relaxed hat worn when Toni meets up with bosh
But bosh’s boisterous nephews have finished all the R Brek-oh my gosh
So bosh and Toni, partake of some poha on this icy cold day
While discreetly selling some excess air fryers on a site they like to call “nosegay”2 -
Hi again bosh 👋 well I am now well past my xmas sell by date as you can probably tell by the time of writing, but leaving this here anyway as you will get it next visit even though it may be 'second-class post' 😉. I love your poem, gosh if you can write a clever and intricate poem like that under the influence of mxt and what have you then I take my hat off to you 😀 fabulous, Toni will think it's amazing 😊. I have been (hatless) to the postbox round 9pm or so, such a clear night the stars were very impressive, I don't look up and appreciate them as much as I should partly because tilting my head back is difficult and you look a bit conspicuous tilting your whole body instead haha. I painted my nails a cheery festive red I thought the postbox might appreciate the gesture 😂 well really more of an orangey red but as it was dark, would the postbox have noticed the difference 🤔 (no I wasn't wearing gloves either in case you were wondering 😄). I have loved all your pictures today, very pretty and enjoyed imagining myself in the lovely places, and the hat one is gorgeous I do like striking colour combinations. Sorry you were dragged off for a blood test, is that the last 'thing' for you for this year, I hope so. Hope everyone else well today too and you have a good night 😊 xx
Hope you sleep as well as possible too Stuart 🤞 I think I keep telling people it would be strong winds overnight & tomorrow but it's Sat night and Sunday, I got that wrong. At least it is the shortest day tomorrow, finally, lighter every evening from there on 👍️. Annoying about your knee, it is certainly extra hard to warm up at the moment. Take care xx
Love and a good night to everyone, I may well be up making tea I am far too late can't really expect to sleep properly ☕️😘 xx
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Just woke up with a flare up every injured part aching, & Im stiff as a board!
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Morning everyone
I am so happy to see Joan back with us. Thank goodness for that😊 thanks to PeterJ😍 Joan is the man up the loft making sure it's fully insulated to keep the bungalow warm for you or is it anything to do with the cladding? Take care we're so happy to have you here again☕️ ((())) xxx
Morning @Stuartknee Stuart I am so sorry to hear your struggles this morning. When are you due the ankle injection can I ask? (())
Morning Reshmi
I hope you are doing ok and that your Mum is still improving self medicating and resting. Did you cope with that stupidly times blood test?
I'm ok apart from taking that iron and I've added some vegan omega 3 to my diet. Oh my goodness it's dreadful. I am not great with larger tablets so went for the jelly version. Now most people get their omega 3 from fish oils and fish, but us vegans cut out the middle man. So what do the fish eat? algae. Reshmi l have never tasted anything so gross in my life🤢 What with that and the iron I feel quite, quite sorry for myself.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for my fabulous poem!!! It really is wonderful you are just so talented. I do have 5 hats in real life, so not far off, but each of my 7 'fictional' ones has a purpose, a time and place to wear them, and I love them all.❤️ How do you write these masterpieces? Hat number 4 is in fact yellow. MTX yellow my friend😁 I just love it a poem all about me and my hats and the stories we share here. Thank you again🤗
I expect the boys have broken up? Well LA will have not so BR he can probably go until Christmas eve it being a nursery?
What plans have you all to meet up over this festive season?
Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Hope today all is well.
My workhardo order came yesterday it was deficient in two important things. 1 being my vegan brie I am need to get Paul to take me to Brainsbury that is now my only hope…. They also replaced my vegan fake squirty cream (that Sleek loves and can safely eat) with cows milk alternative doh!!!
Don't you just love my poem! Isn't Reshmi clever doing that. Each hat and hat wearing situation is just me/us/PERFECT!!!
Our village Christmas card postbox is managed by the Dr and his wife they took it inside yesterday we just make a 10p donation for each card and they deliver them for us over this weekend. Whatever they make goes to Church funds. Yep 38 and 3 I had to hand deliver because my small brain would not help me out with surnames.🙄 Can you see the pressure i was under?😣 Sleek helped with her stamper. Seriously I am thinking of having something like that made to help my hands. The wreath making pretty well finishes them off.
Nearly done though 9 sold already and I think about 6 are here five ready in the barn for titivation which I will do this afternoon.
Elfie is so chuffed that you like him. He adores Paul. You know he sits with him every night. Yesterday morning was in the hall wearing Paul's work shoes hoping to go into work with him. Bless him.
Woke up to Fairytale of new York full blast here courtesy of Sleek. Honestly Toad you should be grateful you don't have any such catazon devices. She is so over-exited. She is waiting for Paul to bring the TV mag home so she can circle her fave telly progs. I think she's en route and hoping you will both be sitting down eating M&S vegan mince pies watching some TV. Bless her.
Oh i did manage to tip the workhardo man finding £5 notes is really not easy these days and yes having cash even harder so sad isn't it? and wrong plain wrong.
Internment went well. It was close to the foodbank so I popped in to visit everyone which was lovely. Thanks it wasn't too sad we all had some lunch together afterwards.
Take care Toady.
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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