Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Toni (()) Barbara said her son is not very well is that the one that has Cancer. Take care I bet doing the wreaths make your arms and shoulders ache. Have a good day
Toady have you got new neighbours. Thank you for the photo of the plants.
Reshmi (()) sorry your mum’s not very well I hope she feels better soon.Skinny Keef (()) it’s nice to see you back on here we have missed you. How is Sucre I bet he’s grown.
Stuart (()) sorry you have so much pain it’s nice to talk to someone.
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni
How are you?
it’s a pity you have to take those supplements sounds yucky
Mum is okay 👍thanks very much about the poem. You’re very welcome.
I did actually remember the five hats, but I employed my poetic license to make seven hats and keep me occupied when I was feeling ookey lolI think mum’s virus is slowly getting better
her blood test results have come in and they’re pretty good and the result for diabetes is a lot better than it used to be thank goodness for that
I’m feeling Significantly less sore, bruised feeling almost gone👍
Sorry about Punctuation, using voice control from time to time
Yes LA’s last school day was yesterday - I think he enjoyed it
I think you’re probably right about BR I’ll try and check at some point
Unfortunately, my sister is not well, she’s feeling kind of flu - ish but I think she’s feeling better than the morning at least
LA has a dry throat and is in a big mood and he moved to the coffee table from one end of the room to the other - also partly to annoy his mummyWhat is it a mild isn’t it today? At least it was over here
My stomach seems to have settled, thanks but I’m still being very careful and not eating any demonic cheese of any variety and so on and so forthokay ablutions time
👋 greetings also to Toady and Joan. I’ll probably I’ll try and send a proper message later, bye for now everybody tc xx
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hi toady
How are you?
Sorry you’re passed your Christmas sell by date
I know the feeling
I’m ok thanks
Mums slowly improving 👍
I hope it’s the last thing before Christmas i need to check EF - related calendar lol
Thanks about the poem 🙏
Does the postbox notice nail polish colour?
Now there’s a question, let’s ask Spock,
My nail polish is dark blue, so he’ll approve of that at least
Ok the ablutions are calling
Bye for now toady tc xx
Ps These are the phantom toadys😂, no more like the phantom boshes haha xx
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hi Joan
How are you?
So nice to hear from you 🤗
Thanks about mum, she’s slowly getting better thanks
I’m not too bad thanks my stomach is ok again
Have a nice evening bye for now tc xx
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I finally put some heat patches on so I can one night of pain free sleep even put my knee brace on. Lets see if I can sleep for longer than 5 hours!
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goodnight everyone tc xx
👋 Toni yes methotrexate hat is definitely yellow 👍
Ps yellow pasta hat for Toni and a spooky pic for toady xx
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Hi all 👋 'morning I should say 😬
Just a quick wave, has been a total shambles here today - I've had a bag of someone else's grocery shopping, someone's catazon package, and one of mine isn't here at all but was 'delivered, handed to resident' as they say 🤨 (so were the last two, translation: one on the doorstep one behind the bin), god knows where that one is 🤪.
"Alexa, how do I get my act together?" 😂. So disorganised, never again (I say every year). Hope your day has been ok frog & maybe you got your extra shopping, and that you are on the downhill with the wreaths now. I have a quick omega 3 recommendation will pm with a brand tomorrow, probably have seen it while researching but you never know. Will catch up properly tomorrow I hope, if it turns into the quiet day that today was supposed to be 🙄😘 careful if you have these nasty winds xx
Joan so sorry to hear about Barbara I was hoping to hear better news of her & family 😔. Hope you are ok as poss today and don't get any trouble from these high winds on the way. No more news about next door, no - there is still just the rental situation so there will only be anyone permanent if the house goes up for sale again. I haven't seen anyone to speak to. Love to you & the dogs 😘 xx
Bosh that is indeed about as jolly as I feel 😂 oh what a picture that is. So glad to hear your mum's tests were good that's such super news 😊👍️. Hope she continues improving steadily from the virus now and that whatever your sis has picked up is mild-ish 🤞. Proper post tomorrow I hope, have a good night :) xx
Hope the heat patches and knee brace help Stuart, would be lovely to hear you got a decent amount of sleep thanks to them 🤞 xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Morning Everyone
Joan sent her love to us all last night. Joan yes my hands and shoulders it's been a tough few weeks really difficult to keep up with everything I normally do too. I must give Barbara a ring. Hope everything is going on ok with that hip of yours? Is it healing ok? ((())) xxx
I very much hope this is the last of the wreaths.
Morning Reshmi
How are you doing? I'm very glad to hear much less battered and bruised than you were. How amazing is it that your Mum's patch has helped her bs so much 😊 I expect she has that test that can see how stable her bloods have been over a period of time.
Don't worry if your punctuation looks odd I know you do sometimes do voice text.
I love my poem complete with my two extra hats🤗 - poetic licence as they say. Isn't it good that writing can take your mind off feeling ookey?
I do hope your sister is feeling a bit better sounds as though maybe LA is starting with it too if his throat is dry. Bless him. A bit cheeky though furniture moving just to annoy your poorly Mummy she'll be glad when he goes back to school if he's not careful!!!!. She'll be ok for the 'big day' all being well. BR will know about Christmas this year won't he?😊
It was mild yesterday here and the day before too. Hoping it's the same today I really don't like m=being cold. Neither do i want to live in a sauna though😉
Have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Toady Oh gosh what a day for you🙄 Sleek has her Purrlock Holmes outfit on to help locate your missing parcel
She also plans to go a walk and redeliver other people's stuff sent to yours by mistake. A tad dramatic perhaps…anyone would think she was in the Alps!
I think I may be at the end of my wreath making for 2025 hopefully anyway.
Thank you if your omega 3 recommendation helps I will try it. Not good you see with those gel capsule sthey are too big to swallow unfortunately. I do add some ground flax chia seeds plus 3 or 4 other things supposed to be rich in omega 3 sprinkled on my food every day.
Next year we must start our cards earlier we really, really must. I'm sure it woudl help. What do you think about getting a stamper made for signature? Might save some time. Letters and photos would be all we would need to add afterwards where needed. Ok to be fair nothing is likely to help people as disorganised as us!!!!
It was windy in fact we put the wreaths inside the Church porch in the end to protect them.
Take care Toady have a good day ((())) xxx
Hi Stuart how did the heat patches go? I really hope they helped your pain a little not getting enough sleep (says I up at 3.25!) isn't good for us at all is it? (())
Sending ((())) xxx to Skinny Keef and Loanda and Sucre.
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The heat patches worked slept to 5.30 now comes the fun bit warm up other muscles.
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toni the man came to look in the loft he said it can be covered over (rat droppings) why did the lady next door have her droppings taken away. The man only stood on the ladder and looked in. Have a good day.
Toady sorry you have a problem with your shopping you don’t need someone else’s shopping. You have enough problems you don’t need more.
Reshmi I’m sorry your mum is so bad (()) you don’t need that have a good day love to you mum (())
Stuart I’m so pleased you had a good night sleep. What is the name of your lovely cat.
Skinny Keef how are you all doing is Sucre any taller have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon 😊 all quiet here today, well apart from out there, which is a bit grim and wet and wild 🙄 hope everyone's day is going well.
Look I have 'decorated' frog 😂 Sleek is faintly disgusted with my efforts 😄 (no tinsel, no fairy lights?! pah) but I found this little 'tree' right in my path when I went to the postbox and as it was a little gift so to speak it had to come home with me. Not sure what it had been snapped off or even what sort of conifer but I love it and it smells beautiful indoors 😍. The wreaths are a triumph frog 😊 yes you don't want them blown for miles in this after your hard work. Hope they are safely in their new homes now. Sleek needed her alpine kit tbh going out in this, we have reunited the catazon parcel but of mine there is no sign. Yes cards earlier next year absolutely! new ones bought in good time, and enough stamps, and all lists & notes gathered up! 😬. Can we do it 🤔 I don't really have enough to do to warrant making quite such heavy weather of it, that's the worst of it - it could all be done perfectly well if I followed the above rules 🙄. I would be ok for signing etc really but I do usually print my address labels - no forgetting surnames that way - I didn't get on with that this year either. The letters are the worst because you can't start too early in case you hear news from people that changes what you have to write back. The post for church funds is a great scheme, how is the fund coming, I think you said there is a date to start some work? We used to have a similar local 10p scheme for the Scouts, long gone unfortunately. Glad the interment went well and you had time with everyone after too. Hope your day is going ok and Elfie is keeping busy 😄 you were up at 4ish and I was still here last night til 1, I think Stuart outdid us both! wait til you see his beautiful cat photo. Love to all 👋 xx
Hello Joan, hope you are keeping warm & well today. The shopping was quite funny really 😄 and I did have all mine so I mainly just felt sorry I didn't notice while the driver was here then he wouldn't have had to come back. I don't like the sound of what the man said about your loft 😠 that doesn't sound good enough at all, especially he didn't put much effort into looking, can you say that covering it won't do maybe get Charlie or other neighbours to pitch in and complain. Hope everything else going as well as possible how often does nurse check in on you now? Take care 😘 xx
Hi bosh, hope your day is ok so far 👋 all quiet here today 👍️ hope your calendar check did not report lots of forgotten activities and commitments 😬. Hope your sis is ok today and all EF. Nail polish, well yes would Spock find blue nail polish illogical, good point, maybe if your blue was enterprise uniform blue* or something but it is too dark for that by the sounds. (*I did look up if there is such a colour, couldn't find anything definite, though I did find out that you can get ST Vulcan earbuds pantone colour matched to Spock's original skin tone makeup 😄. Just have to get the rest of your face right after that I guess! Have a good afternoon :) xx
Stuart that picture is absolutely beautiful, contemplating all the troubles in the world maybe such a serious face (or maybe just thinking about dinner!) thank you for posting it. Super to hear you slept better well done keep up the good work 😊 xx
Hope SK & family doing ok 👋
Kettle on! ☕️😗xx
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The chocolate cat is Ollie
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hi Toni toady Joan and Stuartknee and SK
How are you all?
Hi Toni
Built of a sauna but it could be worse - better than a summer sauna at least
Yes the patch is helping her, mum also said I helped her by giving her gluco - zade etc when she’s unwell, bless her, but it’s mainly the patch and her bravery 👍👍
Yes she can compare with other results
Mums ok
Mum’s virus is slowly improving thanks
Ok this is instalment 1
Bye for now tc xx
Ps So this is what Skinny Keef gets up to when he’s bored 😂xx
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A very blurry little robin taken from indoors, just because he said he wasn't going to be upstaged by a couple of cake decorations 😂😂
Btw the penny has just dropped that we have been re-filed recently under 'Coffee Lounge' so maybe that was part of the trouble with Joan finding her way in 🤔
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hi again Toni
I had such plans to be organised but then lots of little jobs came up 🤷♀️
One very funny thing happened though
I saw a video of the littleys in a soft play area in Windsor - how very posh lol
BR was screaming with excitement bless him
He’d also removed his socks so that he could roam around more freely bless him haha
LA was also enjoying himself even though he’s a 6 year old grown man apparently
But the real star of the show was a little girl who had found a massive inflatable candy cane - shaped toy and suddenly started hitting one of the male adulks with it with great enthusiasm and, dare I say it, a rather malicious expression on her little face 😱
Of course she didn’t manage to inflict any physical damage to the “someone else’s dad” but he was very startled indeed, her poor harassed mum said, “ It’s not nice to hit people”, the girl responded with, “ But can I hit daddy?”, her mum said, “ Yes, yes, hit daddy, please hit daddy” lol, ok I made the last line up, but the rest was true, it would stand up in court, it was so genuine, lol.
Ok bye for now Toni have a good night tc xx
Ps what has toady been up to? 😂😂xx
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hi young at heart toady
How are you tonight?
lovely picGlad you had a quiet day
Interesting information about Spock accessories lol
Yes I think my nail polish shade may fail Spock’s inspection haha
Mums slowly getting better thanks
No commitments before Christmas thankfully
But on Christmas Day we are going to MH so there will be drama no doubt 😱
Yes cake decorations should upstage no one 😂
BR kicked his brother and then said to his mummy, “I’m being naughty, don’t tell Santa”, then he giggled- oh dear
So what can we tell Santa exactly? That we haven’t been eating R Brek with wild abandon?
That I have made no libellous statements about certain phlebotomists, physios and hairdressers?
I need your advice on this one toady lol
Have a good night and tc xx
👋good night Stuartknee too tc xx
👋hi Joan how are you? Mums improving thanks 🙏
Have a good night Joan tc xx
ps Bill’s stuffing his face again lol xx
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Morning Everyone Joan said night night to us all last night but guess who was already asleep😳I think they ought to move your rat droppings!!! How gross leaving them there! I would mention it to the housing association too a quick call. No-one in their right mind would 'cover up' 💩 Sending my ((())) xxx
Morning Stuartknee wonderful just wonderful that the heat patch helped you get some sleep the night before I hope lats night was as good. What a gorgeous photo of Ollie. He has the dearest face bless him❤️ (())
Morning Reshmi
I am so glad to hear your Mum is on the mend so quickly. She'll definitely be well enough for the 'big day' in MH. Fun times ahead for us all when you bring back the stories😉
On the subject of a visit from the man in red what have you done wrong this year? Probably not much other than think ill of BB when he has deserved it. So I shouldn't worry I'm confident you'll get your pressies😊 I'm pretty sure that BR is safe too he really is on the whole a very sweet little boy.
I see BIL had a small slice of cake?
What a funny video in Windsor's soft play area (very powsh indeed jolly dee!) what a star that little girls was bopping people with soft blow up candy cane🤭 good for her. Of course LA isn't really too adulk for soft play and anyway he was probably looking after BR.
Unfortunately as you know our Toady will feed just about any animal i think it was only some of Sleek's catnip though it must have had quite an affect on the alligators🐊
Wow @Skinny Keef love the mug house you made see Reshmi's post above.
have a good Christmas Eve Eve. ((())) xxx
Morning Toady hope today is a good one. I love both your tree (well done Toad!) and the blurry one outside waiting for his share of catnip and seeds. Well snapped and well decorated I rather liked the stump too. Very 'alternative'. Now I understand what my cat was telling me last night.
I do think Stuart did do better than us the night before. No idea why I had so much trouble just overdid it lately I think. I hope you got more sleep last night.
I am pretty sure we are not being re-named as the post doesn't take us there. I think an idea maybe by someone on high to try for a communal area like we initially did with this café. I suspect the result will be very similar to this, in time, if it takes of at all. We have become (or appear maybe?) too cliquey although we know love new visitors.
You print labels? That is impressive, but Toady I do not know how to print labels anymore I used to know but not any longer not since this laptop and the new printer. 4 years and 7 years old respectively. Takes me a while to adjust to change🤣
I have made over £200 with wreaths the post box will make probably £60? but the good news is we got some lottery funding so the work will be able to start! Soon there will be an accessible loo and tiny kitchen😊 Thanks for asking.
Sleek told me that you had held her paw tightly when relocating the parcel and that she has written a stern email to catazon about yours. Do you have a communal email/FB link for your area? We have and do then send a message out asking if anyone has our parcel. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not. Sleek is worried it might be her Christmas pressie I think😉
We should buy our cards NOW and we can envelope and stamp them ready in June. There's no harm starting the letters Dear…… I hope you are well. That sort of thing too.
2025 will be the year we are better organised. I think did we say that last year???😣
Take care ((())) xxx
Hope Skinny K pops in today with Christmassy messages to us all we miss him ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
I was reading yesterday posts and the page went back to the community page yes Toady that’s the problem getting in. I haven’t got the link Peter gave me I will look on my phone for it. Have a good day
Toni thank you for posting my messages on. That was kind of you. Have a good day.
Reshmi how is your mum now (()) have a good day both of you.
Stuart sorry you have so much pain. How many cats have you got.
Skinny Keef how are you and Loanda and Sucre. Have a good day
take care
joan xx2 -
good afternoon Toni
How are you today?
mums ok now 👍
But in the early morning she had very low bs again unfortunately
But her virus is still slowly but steadily improving at least 👍
I’m ok thanks slightly milder today here
But the breeze was nasty here
So I actually felt colder than yesterday when I entered the house after my walk
Bit of an energy- sapping thermostat situation right now
Yes the candy cane girl was a (future) woman after my own heart 😂
The amount of people I’ve wanted to bop with a candy cane, inflatable or steel - coated, well that poem would be endless
Yes mum is almost there with the virus I think
Yes I was impressed with location of soft play area, maybe the littleys are doing a soft play area World tour?
Maybe they will engage in soft play intergalactically?
I’ll have to ask toady haha
Are you all ready for the Christmas festivities Toni?
I’m almost there
I need to wrap my sister’s present
But I’m a terrible wrapper never mind lol
👋 toady Joan and S knee
More later
Bye for now all tc xx
Ps I’ve found a cake that Riley won’t lick 😂😂xx
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I think chit chat has been renamed. A bit odd since we already have a cafe.
Maybe chit chat wasn't being used enough or sounded a bit too old fashioned???🤔
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Afternoon all 👋 hot strong tea please ☕️
I have moved onto xmas phone calls now frog, I am not a happy bunny 😣 why did I complain about cards & letters! The first one I am keen to get done I can't get hold of, so then it's a matter of not knowing if they'll ring back.. and when.. 😕. Oh woe. I do feel more & more like casting everyone off and going into hermit mode tbh, because seriously, if keeping in touch with people is just constant stress then why do it - not to mention they would not exactly be flattered if they thought they were looked on as a chore, so I feel bad about that too. Sigh. On the up side I bought xmas stamps yesterday for next year, beat that 😄. Glad you liked my tree 😂 well I did read yesterday that celebrities such as Kim K are driving a trend for replacing one large tree with smaller ones in different rooms, so there we are 😂 maybe not 4" tall, but same principle 🎄. Still not sure what is, looks a bit juniper-y almost 🤔 quite spiky. That's a super sum for the wreaths 😀 and as you have some funding too that's great 👍️ all systems go. Oh my addresses are just on a template A4 page & printed off onto a suitable label sheet, nothing fancy like rolls of labels etc but it does help. My printer is offsetting a bit will need looking at sometime, new toner I suppose or fiddling with 😕 is yours a laser or an inkjet? Guess what, I spotted my catazon parcel on the side lawn this morning! 😮 I've been out there in the meantime, would have spotted it you'd think, maybe it went off with the wind and this was its next pitstop 🤷♀️ no harm done anyway, and no it was certainly not Sleek's present, that would never do 😉 apart from anything else she might see it in my 'recently viewed' 😮. Well hope you have had a good day, sadly I did not have a nice night at all, gastric + mind turning + all sorts, so was not best set up for the day but will just have to make it up. Yes I see, we are a subsection now of coffee lounge not renamed, quite right, but did we used to be 'under' chit-chat or am I making that up 🤔 people popping in so far are still mostly posting about their conditions but maybe there will be more chat as it goes (edit: have since seen your post too re this). Take care love to all :) xx
Hello Joan, my parcel is here 😄 no idea where it has been but never mind and at least I don't have to tell them I haven't had it 👍️. Very cold again today but at least it looks like quite a decent Christmas week even if I do have about 5 days of the forecast just marked 'mist'! Glad you are getting in here ok now 😊 take care 😘 xx
Hi bosh, hope your day has been ok so far. Gosh yes what shall we tell Santa? 😳 surely our good things outweigh our naughty libellous ones and anyway some of that is well-deserved, putting up with vampire nurses and drs receptionists and rude HDs, we're only humna, or amphibian in some cases. We're kind to postboxes and teadrinkers and we write poems to cheer and amuse others 👍️ and we haven't hit anyone with inflatable candy canes 😂 so funny. Hope any MH trip goes according to plan and everyone is going to be well enough. My gastric oracle was very spiteful to me last night 🙄 I had a question in a quiz today, how many stomachs do platypuses have, none or 12? 12, heaven forbid! 😱 the answer was none, well lucky old platypus I say. Hope yours is not too bad today. Not much doing here I went to the little postbox further away because it's a 5pm collection, I'm sure my postbox won't mind. Lots of xmas lights up so silly me should have left it a bit later as none of them were on yet 😄. Have a good evening take care 😊 xx
Hi to Stuart and SK and any passing xmas shoppers popping in for tea 👋 xx
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I have 2 cats, feeling my age everything aches, just put kettle on 4 hot water bottles cannot have patches on the same spot 2 days running.
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hi toady
Zero stomachs- sounds like a dream lol
Yes my stomach is ok today thanks, but I won’t say it too loudly just in case the gastric gods are listening
yes candy cane - related violence we have definitely not committed haha
yes tea - drinkers are definitely respected
Ok my eyes are feeling a bit dry so that’s time to cease café activities for a while
Have a good night toady Toni Stuartknee and Joan tc xx
Ps another rather too healthy but Riley - proof cake haha xx
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Just finished the café's Christmas tree looks good? I think it's rather lovely all our pressies are underneath too😉
Morning to Joan I hope your hip is healing nicely? Have you had your first infusion of the special medication for osteoporosis yet?
Take care Joan thinking of you and no need to thank me you are an important member of this cafe. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you are well and your Mum too?
Those cakes are brilliant perfectly Riley proofed yes! You must have been very busy making them.
So are you all ready now for Christmas? Have you written your cards, wrapped your presents etc? To MH is it for you all I am sure it will be great fun watching those boys. It will be exhausting too so maybe if you can a restful day today might be a good idea.
I am a diabolical wrapper too to be honest but I am not sure anyone really minds. They just want the pressie inside!!! Lucy is coming here to stay the night Christmas day she is working until 4 bit not until 12 on boxing day so plenty of time to get her home to feed her cats and get changed.
The only real change this year for me will be seeing the baby on Christmas morning. That will be just amazing. Everyone else had money this year as they could all do with it. Only the baby had presents and Paul of course.
Take care Reshmi and try to rest a bit today ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart I didn't realise you can't use a patch 2 days running sorry that's annoying. I use my wheat-bag that you microwave they mould round the joint better than my hot water bottle does.
I'm sure you're not old, but arthritis can certainly make you feel old can't it?🙄
Take care Stuart and stroke those lovely cats (())
Morning Toady Hope a better night for you.
Stamps for next year?😯what???? Now Toady that is actually showing off isn't it?🤣 Or is it just so you feel like next year is already started and will be under control?
I think if I tried to do labels they would 100% be misaligned.
So the hon-nobs are doing many small (probably very very expensive and fancy) trees all round the house are they? One was enough for me Toady although I have done two before in our old house we had a little conservatory and it was so pretty the lights going into infinity…..
We did indeed used to be in the chit chat section, but they've renamed chit chat as the coffee lounge. Perhaps aiming for more distraction and chat rather than more health stuff. Sounds like it isn't working yet from what you say.
The catazon parcel has been returned to you by whoever got it originally I think or by a catazon driver?? Of course we never get Sleek's pressies from catazon because she totally scours our recently viewed.
Elfie has been eating chocolate again.
A quick hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS to Skinny Keef and his little family ((())) xxx
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