Val's Cafe



  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Hi bosh yeah it's hard work I know I need to mention it to my manager soon and stop being stubborn I will try and sit down with my manager when I go back to work next week I hope you are keeping well.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554
    edited 15. Jan 2025, 18:28

    Hi all 👋 where did today go 🤔

    Glad to hear everything's as well as poss frog and that the cavalry may be coming 😬 earlier than I expected given the circs, hoping this means A is less poorly than C was 🤞thanks for letting us all know. Hope everything else is ok at yours too. Have not done much today so no news, just housework and so forth 😕 love to all and take care yourself 😘 xx

    Hello Joan I don't know what day it is either, I had just set off for an afternoon rest after lunch and remembered it's my injection day and had to go & do that 🙄. So actually it is Wednesday, hope you got it sorted about Brenda? Glad you are getting in here more easily 😊. Oh stupid people making hoax calls as if the police don't have enough to deal with 😠. All quiet here nothing to report, it was very sunny indeed this morning you forget what it's like! 🌞 xx

    I appreciated the personalized poem bosh 😂 gosh that's exactly the cafe the PN's would have, oh poor me 😣. Hurrah for kindly Celeste, what a reformed character 😄 yes the tea and blessed baked beans, that is as happy ending as that tale could have I think. Well done getting out early to group and back (still no walk 😳), hope everyone was ok and there was a good ratio of Nice M's to Nasty M's. How is RR (if present). No news here really, have a good evening :) xx p.s. I must get a little teapot like that glass one! then I won't need a teastrainer 😂.

    Hi Jojo, we had a nice little Tesco (or 'al fresco' to give it its cafe nickname) express here til it closed 😟 now just an out of town one; no good for non-drivers. The covid would have put the mockers on using it anyway, I went over to deliveries only 🤷‍♀️. Were you there through the worst of the pandemic? Hope all family & pets well, have a good evening xx

    Wave to Stuart hope everything as well as poss 🤞 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Hi toady yeah I work in a big tesco extra it's just over the road from me so I just walk over to work yeah I worked though the pandemic yeah my family and pets are ok thanks I hope you have a good evening too

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi toady

    It is a bit lonely here in the cafe with Toni being busy isn’t it?

    I also hope she has someone else to help her out soon

    Nasty S was at group a character who pretended to be my friend once so I spoke politely in a robotic monotone and survived lol

    Made a big difference getting out earlier 👍

    Glad you enjoyed the poem

    Have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201
    edited 15. Jan 2025, 21:34

    Hi Stuartknee

    Sorry to hear that, nice to hear from you though

    Have a good night tc x

    Ps sorry I think I replied to an old post lol

    Goodnight tc anyway x

    👋 JoJo

    That’s good I’m not too bad thanks

    Went to the town centre today

    Nice change

    Goodnight tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi again Toni

    Glad Elf is helping you make up bottles of formula lol

    A character called Nasty S resurfaced but I quickly and politely retreated haha

    Mums back is a lot better now thanks 🙏

    The baby is angelic now but those 4 year old lady babies were quite scary haha
    mind you I too might have taken me frustrations out on balloons and bouncy castles if were forced to wear flimsy pink glittery dresses and tights in an arctic hall and to sit still for hours while some well meaning but over enthusiastic mummies French - plaited my hair

    I may even have visited the nasty HD - at least it was warm in there lol

    Ok have as good a night as possible

    Tc Toni

    Ps I bought some sugar for the cafe, at least I think that’s what is 😂xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554

    Yes we are a bit frog-less bosh, at least we are behaving ourselves though while Toni is sort of away (well I'm late to bed, practically the stitching hour, so I suppose not totally behaving 😬. How about a round of I-Spy while it's quiet or a sing-song, or even a game of ping-pong, if we push the cafe tables together 😄. Do hope things are going ok with her. Glad you sidestepped nasty S as far as poss, have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Oh that's handy having work on your doorstep Jojo. I'd like to think everyone was appreciative of you & fellow workers especially in the early pandemic but probably not, from what I heard, and from delivery drivers 🙄. I certainly couldn't have managed without deliveries. Hope you sleep well are you a night owl 🦉 xx

    Night all 😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Hi toady yeah its handy living so close to where I work yeah I can't remember much of that time but we just got on with it like we do I guess not having a good start to my morning woke up with a heart palpitation and my knee joint hurting hopefully my husband gets up soon and can take the kids to school for me anyway I hope everyone else is feeling pretty good this morning.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 16. Jan 2025, 07:45

    That was me at 8pm last night. Gained a few extra cats I see😁

    Morning Joan how are you? So Jojo has twins does she? well there you go same as you and Sue were. How lucky are they those children to have each other. Hard work for Jojo though just now. Are the dogs doing ok? I am fine just tired at the moment will recover by tomorrow I think! ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today and your Mum?

    Well I'm still here and Baby has gone home Charley has done her 5 days isolation Annie is still isolating, but Charley will manage she's still in her 20's I definitely am not!!!! The suspicious white stuff is it any good at keeping new Grannies awake?

    I hope I can manage a walk this morning I am exhausted was in bed for 8. Kept nearly falling asleep on the sofa and jumping thinking I had the baby in my arms. The Elf helped with bottles, but like Sleek other than that largely left me to it and kept a low profile. You could hear the telly on in another room. Can you blame them? Not really😉

    Yes she will likely grow up into a little girl with fancy hairdos, pink sparkly dresses and tights both of mine did that. Doing that hair!!! Not easy, but they insist because 'everyone else' will be dressed like that🙄 Were the balloons slightly ahem….dare I say it…..girly? If so I can understand the 'thefts'. Such things are most coveted by the younger females at BR's party.

    Please don't tell me there's a nasty S too😠 Well done being polite like that that is exactly the right think to do. Does she get on with nasty M? Probably not if they are both a bit narcissistic. Sorry about the over-sue of that label, but nasty M really does sound to be on those lines.

    I did have time to read yesterday's poem thank you another good one you really on a roll at the moment. Thanks for letting us read it.

    Take care and stay warm it's a but icy here but will thaw today I'm certain. ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo I hope you aren't too bad today.

    how old are your twins? You may have said but the last few days have been a blur for me of feeds, cuddles, nappy changes and sleep deprivation🤣 My first Grandchild aged 12 weeks.

    Do you live near enough to have helped? I am in Staffordshire.

    A chat at work might be an idea. There is a person who clearly has RA at our local co-op she works the till so sits down. Not sure of her hours, but hopefully you can negotiate something to make your life slightly easier.

    Take care (())

    Morning Stuart. How are you doing? Soon be your appt at the Drs.

    This week I have been the neighbour with the baby crying at night. How is next doors' coming along is that baby sleeping better? Take care rest when you can (())

    Morning Toady

    Hope all is well at Toad's? Sleek assures me it is and much quieter too apparently. I think she has really struggled with our small visitor she has kept quite a low profile and spent a lot of time at yours!!! Elfie has been vey supportive made endless cups of tea (which are lovely) and just now has taken Arya's bed and is having a well-earned lie-in.

    Sleek is getting ready for the big bird watch

    She does the whole David Attenborough thing I'm afraid. The outfits, the back-pack full of food and doesn't even leave the house. Bless her how does it all fit in her ickle house?

    It's lovely that you've all missed me I have missed you all too. How I appreciate the simplicity of my life and my routines. No foodbank this week so I missed that too, but such is life. At least the baby didn't catch this awful flu. It's actually killed some babies and much better she was safe here with me. Annie will isolate until Saturday that will be her 5 days bless her. They do however have a conservatory so she will peep at the baby from there and still read her her bedtime story.

    Check your bird bath it's been pretty icy here overnight. Take care Toady. I'm back!

    I've done us a celebratory breakfast😊 tuck in everyone.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Hi frogmorton my twins are 8 years old thankfully I'm done with bottle feeds and nappy changing days and sleepless nights sorry I don't live anywhere near you I live in co Durham im not too bad thanks hope you are feeling quite well this morning.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,208

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day the days go so quick don’t they. Good job you remembered your injection. I read we are having more snow the end of January.

    Toni (()) that’s good Arya has gone back home (()) have a good day. That’s good Charley is better love to Annie.
    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum(())

    Jojo (()) yes your manager might understand about it.

    Stuart (()) how are you love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day and Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    good afternoon Toni

    Wppl xx

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    But it’s mxt day 🤢🤢 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554

    Hi all

    Quite cold again now, has been not bad but really dropped this pm. Have given in to the tiredness pretty much for the rest of day, which is nothing to what you must feel like frog 😣 yes half drop off & panic, I can quite imagine. So glad Arya never got it hope they all get on alright from here🤞. Thank you for the breakfast we would have been lucky to get a toaster pastry (insert brand name) today I think 😬😄. Sorry no food bank but enjoy all the other lovely little routine things 👍 and some rest. Sleek helped me today by pointing out I had put my catazon order through on the paid delivery 😱😱 had to hastily cancel and start over. She also practised watching Mr B and Robin 😂 who will probably disappear on the day 🙄. Wish I could spot one of whatever that is she has in her sights 😮 and yes I must get her to teach me how to fit more stuff into one ickle house 🏠. Have a nice evening, I won't be sorry to get to bed either - move over Elfie. He really earned his lie-in too :) xx

    Hello Joan, it has been colder today definitely snow wouldn't totally surprise me. Yes the days go far too quickly Thursday already 😣 I partly blame the internet if I turned mine off the time would hang more I think. I'm allowed to move my injections a day or so but I don't really like doing it. Have a good evening love to the dogs 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, sorry it's mxt day again, comes round so soon 😣. Glad you and your mum are ok otherwise - hope EF all are too. Not done much today except some tidying and sorted a box of cables and chargers and all that sort of thing, as soon as you get all straight something else packs up like headphones I find, it never seems everything works all at the same time 🤷. Hope your evening is as ok as possible 🤞 :) xx

    I went to school in Durham for a while when my family lived there, I do remember it fairly well, no doubt it's changed like places do. Hope your husband got the kids sorted this morning sorry it wasn't a good start for you and hope your knee etc settled down a bit 🤞xx

    Hope Stuart is managing ok xx

    Teatime definitely ☕ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Evening toady it was cold here 2 not like I seen much of it I took the kids to school because my daughter won't let me have a rest day I felt so fatigued this afternoon that I had an afternoon nap which I never do so I must of needed my husband picked the kids up from school I'm feeling better than I felt earlier so that's an I'mprovement I hope you are keeping well.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    Morning Joan how are you today? I hope you are able to stand on your hip now? Will you have to go back and see the consultant soon for a check up? Annie should be allowed into the same room as the baby from tomorrow. I think Charley will be very glad if that happens she's tired. Take care have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart hope you're doing ok? I don't know if you saw this before, but have you yourself been thoroughly checked for possible RA given your Mum has it? (())

    Morning Jojo you did well to survive two crying babies in the night. They are definitely the toughest times to be awake when you are exhausted yourself. When all is well and you have had enough sleep those baby days were wonderful and you miss them desperately looking back. Well i do with mine anyway.

    I'm so glad you had a good sleep though yesterday afternoon. You need to do that sometimes with this condition and you really can't fight it. Early nights too. Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are feeling ok today post MTX I am almost recovered from my Grandmotherly duties and here it is again🙄 sleeeep!! That's what we need isn't it? How is your Mum is she doing ok?

    I could tell how wiped out you were yesterday because you were not your usual chatty self at all and understandably so.

    Today will be better.

    Cute cat pic I think probably one of Sleek's mor vain friends or is she one of Stuart's🤔 Hope he posts the photos again so Jojo can see how lovely they are.

    I was in bed for 8.30 last night which is a good thing as I got a 5am call from Charley this morning. She is convinced she's given the baby flu so she took her to the Drs yesterday they said all was well then, but she's not convinced. I have the hairdressers this morning so said she should come over this afternoon and go to sleep in the spare room while I have her for a few hours.

    Did your sister ring your Mum up panicking when she first had LA???

    Take care hope you are ok ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you this morning? It's icy but slightly better than yesterday here.

    See above to the start of my day in my message to Reshmi. Hopefully the baby doesn't have flu and my poor daughter is just worrying because she brought it into the house. I hope she'll come here this afternoon and have a rest. Tomorrow Annie finishes her isolation so they will be sharing the care again.

    I slept for 9 hours I think the last time I did that was in 1995 before I had Charley! Last night? Well it was cut a bit short.

    This morning I have to have my hair cut I really can't see much at all!

    Sleek says if the baby is coming she is coming to yours. She has got her big bird poster rolled up ready for you both to study. Really she is taking this very seriously and plans to do both watches, yours and mine, with us.

    She is sorting out goodies to eat too. There is plenty of vegan chocolate here so you will get some of that for sure and she's bringing the vegan chai latte powder too. It has caffeine in it though so be careful.

    Elfie is still being the baby!

    Must dash am taking supplies over to Charley's before the hairdressers.

    Take care ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,208

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day I bought a new coffee machine yesterday from As its a pod one so was the old one the other day it made my friends coffee stopped and wouldn’t do mine. After my friend helped me getting things ready for the charity shop my friend went home with a box of my biscuits she always leaves with more than she came with.

    Toni (()) I hope Arya hasn’t got the flu xx that’s good Annie is getting better xx and Charley xx. Have a good day. They say we are having more snow the end of January. I hope not

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Jojo (()) have a good day I have a friend who has pet mice.

    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef I hope all is well with you and Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Morning frogmorton yeah I don't think I had my condition that much when my kids were babies thankfully we were in in hospital a long time with them being born premature but thankfully they are both fit and well now I'm feeling a lot better this morning so I'm thankful I got out with my husband while the kids are at school I hope you are well this morning.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi lovely Toni

    Good morning

    How are you?

    You’re right, I was so tired yesterday I went to bed at a similar time as you did

    Mum didn’t let me rest properly before the cleaners came

    But I’m ok now 👍

    Mums ok bs - wise 👍
    but unfortunately she told me today that she’s not feeling well still with her throat and blocked nose, even though the other symptoms of the chest infection have gone, she also has some pain just below her neck

    I’m glad you got a good night’s sleep, so did I thankfully

    You may well be right, little girls can demand Parisian style coiffure and glittery apparel, im just glad I wasn’t one of them 😂

    Cream coloured balloons with glitter inside, unisex balloons I’d say, but what do I know about such matters?

    I’m just a highly unfashionable Mima lol

    Ok I’ll stop for now as I’m tired after my walk

    More later

    Have a good morning Toni tc xx

    👋 greetings Joan toady JoJo S knee

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi again Toni

    The balloon - coveters were generally 4 years old although there were at least two younger ladies

    Good for you, my French - plaiting report just read, ‘Will never become a proficient stylist - please retake practical exam In February’ 😱

    I’m not sure if I mentioned this but whole families turned up so there was only just enough food

    My stomach could have been a bit happier but mum got stressed that when ordering takeaway pizza for me Bill wouldn’t know the difference between vegan cheese and no cheese (which is what I wanted), so I mainly had to have some very greasy chicken wings etc

    Yes nasty S doesn’t darken the coffee shop’s doorway very often, on Wednesday she pretended we were “best friends” lol, I don’t think she knows nasty M, just as well really, it would probably be “tape measures at dawn” or something like that haha, as these “ladies” would arrive early to see who gets the biggest chair - and the biggest ego of course- don’t worry “narcissistic” is absolutely the right word 👍

    Yes my sister would “panic call” mum a lot after LA was born, she still does at times, like about if Calp*l is extremely dangerous or not - one of Bill’s very odd preconceptions 🤷‍♀️

    I guess they just feel insecure don’t worry 🤗

    Ok end of another instalment

    Ablutions - time again

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps another young lady in party attire I guess 😂 xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 81


    My joints are aching & I have a really bad cold not been sleeping much.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 113

    Hi Stuartknee I'm sorry to hear that I hope you feel better soon and get plenty of rest.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554

    Hello people 👋

    Oh gosh frog I do do hope Charley is just being overcautious with Arya and nothing has changed with her since the GP visit 😕 fingers crossed all round. Good to hear Annie is on the mend too. Busy for you again nipping here & there and back for C to come over too, hope that all worked out. Hairdresser eh 😬 I washed mine that's as good as it gets, I must put some effort into looking after it really but it's absolutely no fun, this weather especially. Hope yours went well no crossed swords with HDs over fringe length etc 🤭. Thank you for the vegan goodies, Sleek and I have had great fun poring over the bird poster (I do hope any that she has ticked off are purely for observational reasons and aren't a wishlist.. 😉😱 ). I shall repay her in a bit with a scone + rather nice apple & cinnamon preserve + squirty cream 👍️. Yes I see how things stand with Elfie, regressing to when he was a slightly littler elf because there is a new baby, classic child psychology so they tell me 😘😄. Nothing much doing here today, not too cold, just doing some New Year junk mail sorting & whatnot, nothing interesting. Some curtains I bought which Sleek helped me with in catazon should be here tomorrow, they have gone up £2 per pair today, that's always gratifying. We'll see if they are any good! Take care really hope everything is ok love to everyone 🤞xx

    Oh that's where the biscuits have gone to Joan 🤭 as long as you have one left for your coffee. Hope the new machine behaves, that was kind of the old one wasn't it, stopping just before your turn 🙄. I've never had one I just have a little drip machine, are they fiddly to clean? I am turning out clothes for charity too 👍️ I don't really know where is best to take them to though 🤔. Not too cold today really but no sun. Have a good Saturday 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, I'll have the French plait if you don't want it 🙋‍♀️ 😄 anything better than the mess mine is today. It had a quick wash now I will have to avoid the mirror til I've done something civilized to it 😱. Sorry to hear your mum has a few lingering symptoms, that's not fair 😕 hopefully some more rest now after EF will be a good idea. Glad your stomach is at could be better could be worse level at least, small mercies. Hope you can have a quiet weekend too 🤞. The bins woke me up at 7 but they seem to do the round the corner ones at lunchtime, go figure 🙄. Take care 👋 :) xx

    Oh sorry you have a nasty cold Stuart 🙄 hope it comes & goes and you can catch up on some sleep soon. Hope your mum is as well as poss too xx

    Glad you had a better morning Jojo 👍️ xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi again Toni

    Yes I’m more or less recovered from mxt now thanks

    Got a slightly stiff shoulder but it’s just a mild pain thanks

    It’s probably as I’m in the cold room, but the thermostat is so high that it’s not really as cold as normal but the alternative room is as hot as the chilli pepper that has taken up permanent residence in BB’s brain to be honest lol

    You know I’ve been trying to read back but it’s taking a very long time lol

    Main news is: - EF are coming tomorrow 😱

    Minus Bill though, as he’s preparing for a job interview ( or watching NF - snacks and “Broke” in hand)

    So I’m hoping mum will rest some more but I don’t know what will happen with her rest - wise

    ok I think I’ll stop for now

    Have a good afternoon and evening Toni tc xx