Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Aiden good to hear you got there and back safe and sound..not good in the dark or this weather..the little ones don't seem to feel the cold..nice to see them enjoying wire.. :shock: :lol: hope you had a good both deserve it..then off again tomorrow to the GC..then relax.. :)
    Kath glad your order was mostly intact..did you read about the lady's order on Christmas eve that hadn't got her turkey in with a note saying sorry we have ran wasn't Tesco by the way :o
    I am giving chocolate away if anyone wants some.. :lol: why we bought so much is beyond me.. christmas04
    Have a good night everyone xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very early morning to one and all and the last day of 2017.

    That breakfast was rather posh wasn't it Toni, but oh so tasty. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Pepe has been watching Miss Sleek levitating things on skype, until she sent the phone up to the ceiling :shock: :lol: He was impressed, I must say. She has been imparting skills of how to throw food sachets in the bin, plus he is sending them to Cuddles, for her to throw out as well. I wondered why the boxes were emptying so fast :? :?

    I am totally with them, as I said earlier, enough of Christmas now, is it over yet? New years Day is not a good day for me anyway, so will be glad when we are into the week a little more. I will put a lovely photo of Mum on FB, as I do each year.

    No, I forgot to write to my cardio secretary, but, I will do, honest, promise :roll: :roll:

    We were glad the snow had gone, apart from on the sides of the road and in the fields / moors. Heated seats are wonderful, we love ours, def find a new van with them in.

    We think Dad might be wanting to give up driving, he has mentioned it a few times today. He can hand it back to motability and use the money instead, we said we don't mind taking him anywhere, we see him just about every day. (We are pleased he is thinking of it anyway).

    Thank you Joan, we had a lovely time, 90% of the family gathered for lunch, it was very nice indeed. A bit tired, bones hurting, but that's par for the course really.

    Hope you Sue and the doggies are all ok and the weather has been kind to you.

    hi Barbara, I think the mirror (part of which B spotted at the side of the road on the way back home), was done by a mistake on his part, but we haven't said anything. I think that is why he is wanting to stop driving to be honest. He said today, I have driven for 60 plus years now, maybe it is time to pack it in. Bless him. We will take him out every day if needs be.

    Thank you for the hugs for New Years Day, it is just one of those things in life that you have to go through each year, where you get a bit wistful and thoughtful.

    It was blowing a gale up at Tosside, where we went for lunch, glad it was not as cold as last week.

    At least it is the G C today, only two miles away, our bridge over the river is badly damaged from an accident, so we have to detour to the next village. Our poor little bridge has been hit more times than I can think of. It is only single file width and lorries and buses that try and get over it............... :roll: :roll:

    So the decs are still up, I will be round, to check on the dusting :lol::lol: Glad you enjoyed the buffet :)

    Hi Kath, I don't blame you for not going out, wet and miserable weather, is no fun really. Good to know that the order from Tesco arrived safely and was in order.

    Hope the ouches are as little as possible ((()))

    I avoided the zip wire Barbara :shock: :shock: imagine, the thing would buckle :lol::lol: The little ones enjoyed playing, one was soaked through, after falling off the see saw springy thing - he wasn't bothered, good job mum and dad had brought a change of clothes.

    Let's hope we can relax after the GC visit. I fear that Monday will be another day of family visit, as they don't go back down south until Tuesday. Then we will catch our breath. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Fancy taking someone food order with a note saying we have run out of Turkeys. I am sure they could have offered something in its place, a large chicken, a frozen turkey, leg of lamb............

    I was hoping someone would take the Roses chocolates away, I don't like them one bit. Yes, you heard right. They are not what they used to be by any means. The strawberry cream I had, ewwww :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I cannot give the huge box of Thorntons away though, Nephew and family gave us that and a voucher for Argos. Had more presents too, lovely smelly candles, votive holder, we like candles.

    We have a voucher for the GC, so we will take that with us, see what is in the sale.

    All our lovelies are safe and well, Dr Doolittle is on, along with 5 zoo keepers. We need them, there are so many animals to tend to. The Dormice are still fast asleep, aww bless. Fancy forgetting our Marigold, Yack, Cuddles, remiss of me.

    Right, I had better move, need to potter. Hi to everyone else, Kerrin Elizabeth Mig Toady Carol Christine Charrisse, DD and all.

    Love to all, stay safe and take care. XX Aidan

    Seeing as our lovely hens have been laying so well, here is a little snack for breakfast.

    Baked eggs in hash brown baskets, yes please :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone:)

    Aidan what a delightful breakfast!! Great idea :D Yum! and to think I've only just cleaned up after that walnut cake :lol:

    I suspect both wing mirrors were Dad bless him :( Tia's Grandad was doing that sort of thing too little bumps until he drove into the petrol station remember? Well we don't want that do we? That's not so likely though as I am sure his feet aren't the size of melons.

    He should be looked after now - he can get taxis with his motability instead can't he?

    So cuddles is helping get rid of sachets with 'bad' serial numbers too :shock: Ooops!!

    Hermione has given Sleek and Pepe a transportation spell so that they can get to the indoor skydiving experience today. They are going stir-crazy :roll:

    So hard isn't it when you loose someone on such memorable and significant days. My nephew's Grandad passed on Christmas morning this year bless him he was very ill. I am very much hoping that it won't spoil his Christmases from now onwards. We had him laughing on boxing day anyway!!

    It will soon be the end of next week when normality is restored and shops look forward to...Easter! Just one more family day to get through for you on Monday.

    You make sure you enjoy the GC today just the two of you, I wonder, or Dad too?

    DR Dolittle has reported all to be safe and well our lovelies are going to be insulated from any silly firework bangs tonight too. All good :)

    Barbara I have to agree with Aidan surely the turkey ought to have been substituted at least with chicken :? :shock:

    Please keep your chocolate!! We have far too much here and Paul keeps on making me eat more. Honestly it's not me. Back on the wagon soon :roll:

    Shortness of breath could be my nose or even the thyroid so might be fine soon fingers crossed.

    I am also after some homemade soup!

    Kath you stay in the warm, plenty of drier and brighter days to get out soon I am sure. I want to walk soon I haven't done so since I probably broke my toe some 7 weeks ago. It still hurts, but I plan on trying.

    I am glad to hear you order was fine :)

    Hi Joan I hope you are both well and there won't be fireworks to upset the dogs tonight. Will you and Sue stay up?

    Just in case the day runs away with me as it often does:


    HAPPY 2018 to you all


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I'm sorry I hope he has a good birthday when it comes. our's is in August.
    Kathleen yes it's cold out.
    Aidan no we don't stay up sue's careers put her in bed 8 00
    I go at 9 00 I get up at 6 00 to let them in in the morning.
    Toni I hope you have a good day.
    happy new year newyear02
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I'm sorry I hope he has a good birthday when it comes. our's is in August.
    Kathleen yes it's cold out.
    Aidan no we don't stay up sue's careers put her in bed 8 00
    I go at 9 00 I get up at 6 00 to let them in in the morning.
    Toni I hope you have a good day.
    happy new year newyear02
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    morning, I know, me, here, before 11am

    Glad you liked the eggs in hash brown baskets, yummy.

    It will be 9 of us at the G C today, they only have one table that seats so many, so fingers crossed that we can nab it. I know it will be busy. I can barge my way through with my crutches, "make way, I am scone dependent and need a seat" :lol::lol:

    It is such a shock when a loved one passes, but is heightened even more at these family times of year.

    Pepe is going bonkers, waiting for us to go out, so Sleek and his nibs can go to their indoor skydiving session. Plus, he knows he has another meal when we go out too. :roll: :roll:
    Pepe has his goggles ready, he looks a bobby dazzler I must say.

    I think they are a little impractical but, he insists


    Sleek said she is wearing a hat - I think they mean a crash helmet though, bless, she likes dressing up.


    Right, must get ready, we have a table to fight for. Catch everyone later XXXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..
    We had visitors this morning..OHs brother the eldest one and only one left now..OH was still in his dressing gown.. :lol: mind you it was only 10 oclock..
    Joan dont be sorry I get everything mixed up..I thought yours and Sue birthday was in January.. :o now I know its August..I think the cold had got to my brain :| 6 is so early to get up..but I suppose you have to go along with the carers..( is around my bedtime..
    Toni I just cant give this chocolate away .. :lol: I hope they get get to the bottom of the breathlessness..we have under active thyroid in the family..I remember my aunt having her does upped and lowered many a is Lucy she missed her job...but didn't you say she had another on the card..sorry my brain has gone again..your poor nephew losing Grandad on Christmas day..I lost my eldest brother the same time the year I joined the forum
    Aiden I love the pics of the cats.. :lol: now the zip wire are you sure you wasn't tempted.. :) I can just imagine the little ones covered in they enjoyed it.. :lol: so you still have one more day left of you I have had did well with all the present..and the voucher will come in..they know you well.. :lol: poor dad but like you say he has Bill and you..I think my OH dreads having to give up driving..saying that we have one man across the rd at 98..but the traffic being has it is.. :shock: and you little bridge has been damaged..not surprising is it..I lost my eldest brother on Christmas day, and he apologized in advance ..he knew is was going and said I hope I don't ruin every Christmas day.. :) thankyou for the breakfast very moorish.. :D
    Tonight we are invited to another neighbours..but its going on till after midnight so give it a miss..
    Hope everyone has a good evening and a very happy peaceful and less painful new year.. newyear01 newyear02 xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Is it new year yet :roll: :? :?

    GC was fairly quiet when arrived, so we had the choice of tables, including the nine seater, so that was well timed.

    BIL is not well, he has Chronns disease and has been feeling iffy since Friday. After our coffee's cakes etc, we took dad to the supermarket while the rest had an nose round the GC, then we all went back to dads,
    BIL was resting on the bed, still not well, so I was advising them to take it easy as they are out tonight, on the park where the are staying, with his twin brother and SIL. Alchohol and the immunosuppresant drugs really don't mix, but, you can only advise people.

    Anyway, they were coming round tomorrow, but will let us know how he is feeling in the morning. If it is a bug, we don't want it :shock: :?

    We all have memories of our loved ones don't we Barbara, and Toni's family too. We will have to have a big group hug at midnight :):):)

    Pepe and Sleek had a wail of a time in the indoor skydiving. Bless, they were playing Celine Dion too.


    It is getting to Siesta time, so I will love and leave for now. Will write more later, which maybe tomorrow. For those who are going to bed before midnight a very newyear01 newyear02

    A delicious vasilopita cake, infused with the aromas and blends of oranges and garnished with a thick and glossy vanilla scented sugar glaze! Vasilopita is a traditional Greek cake or bread served at midnight on New Year's Eve to celebrate the life of Saint Basil - thought we might like to try it

    Love to all XX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Im back again..glad you all got your seats at the GC..poor BIL its a rotten disease..maybe he will listen :)
    Now the group hugs could be in my bed... :lol: I am sure the fireworks will wake me up.. :lol: now for some cake thanks Aiden
    Love to everyone.... newyear02
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    had a lovely day yesterday and despite our daughter not being one to do roast dinners very often as she lives on her own she managed a very nice roast chicken dinner after dinner we went for a nice stroll and on the way back we sopped in a little café for a coffee then came back to daughters for a buffet tea so a good day was had by all. this morning i felt so tired as i had done extra walking yesterday really did not want to go to church but as Mr T was peaching this morning and he had already asked me to go a few days ago i did go. i had a nice nap today after lunch though so that has helped. well one more day to go then i must really get back on the slimming world plan with renewed focus and get myself back nicely into my target zone. I am now determined and have my motivation back. so the 2nd of January is the day we start back in earnest

    i want to wish you all a very Happy New year whatever you are doing this evening enjoy it Mr T and myself will be spending it quietly at home with a glass of sherry we shall see the new year in and then it will be off to bed. and we certainly wont hurry to get up in the morning.

    Aidan the eggs in hash brown baskets look oh so yummy. yes the soup was lovely i love my soup maker it is so easy put all the ingredients in and set it going and in just under half hour you have soup so easy.
    I think Mr T will tell the boiler man because he is as fed up as i am he has had to top it up again today to keep it going.

    Toni yes i hope also the cough goes soon but at least i am feeling lots better now and am sleeping back in my own bed since 2 days before Christmas and sleeping quite well so that is a bonus. I am sure Mr T can be assertive with the boiler engineer as he is as fed up with it as me. daughter did a nice roast chicken dinner. both our daughters were taught to cook when they were young.
    yes the thermal mugs will be useful and as you say pity it wasn't one of the bigger prizes but a win is a win.

    Joan yes i hope boiler is sorted good and proper this time we will see.

    Barbara we love soup and my soup maker makes it so easy to do i use it quite often especially this time of year.

    well i think it is now time for me to go as joints are letting me know that i need to move about a bit

    so i will say bye for now and i wish you all a Happy New year and all the best for 2018. newyear02 newyear01
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well the evening has come and gone and we are now into 2018.

    Watched the fireworks from London, then Jools Holland, then posted my picture of Mum on FB, to mark three years since her passing on new years day.

    All that is left for me to say is


    Every possible Blessing to one and all. Lots of Love and God Bless

    XXXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    To everyone :)

    Managed to stay awake and then staggered into bed at 12:15am!!

    I wish everyone the healthiest and happiest 2018 possible

    with love and thanks

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Carol Toni and anyone else I missed
    Aidan your pursues look lovely I hope you all have a good new year.
    Barbara I hope all your family have a good new year.
    Carol good luck with your heating and a good new year to all your family.
    Toni I hope everyone has a good new year.
    Thank you everyone for your help through last year.
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a night, even though we were in bed by 9pm. First, woke up to heavy rain, then fireworks, the loudest bang type, then shouting and noise from neighbours! Why do drunk people insist on going outside to argue?

    Rang my dad this morning. He had a quiet night, but woke up at midnight, so put the radio on and listened to the festivities on there.

    Anita is on Butrans patches - don't know what dose, she started with one, but then given two. Now her GP prescribed a third. She has problems waking p though. :shock:

    Going to FB to look at Toni's mm's photo.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all was in bed for 10.30 but then got up again because I couldnt sleep watched the firework on London Bridge..Jake let it in this morning... :lol:
    Carol I have a soup maker they really are good..what a lovely day you had at your daughters..and a nice stroll and coffee..she did well with the dinner not easy when you are not use to cooking for a few..hope this year is a really good one for you all
    Kath we had a few drunks walking past..louder than the fireworks they were.. :roll: Happy New Year to you and all your family
    Toni same to you and all your family ..healthy happy and peaceful :)
    Aiden I will go and look at your mum's Picture, 3 years is not long at all..bless..hope this year is a much better one..
    Joan you are always there for everyone so thankyou to you and I hope you both have a good Year
    Right better go we have visitors on the youngest brother and partner..
    Love to everyone newyear01 xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon from a VERY wet and windy Ribble Valley :roll: :roll:

    A rather damp start to the year, but, never mind, we always need water.

    Hope everyone is as ok as possible, some seeing in the new year, some resting in bed.

    Hi to Toni, Kath, Joan, Barbara, Carol.........and all.

    Toni went to bed after midnight, so will be shattered today, not like us two night owls 8) 8) Every blessing and best wish to you and yours and of course Pepe sends his love to Miss Sleek.

    Joan and Sue were in bed early, because of the carers coming early to help Sue.

    Kath had a rather disturbed evening, the rain woke me up in the night too, we had the fireworks in the distance, but we didn't have any drunken folks arguing. Why they have to go outside to shout and bawl I don't know.

    Your Dad had a quiet night. Anita is on Butrans, they are pain relief patches, they are opioid based, so that might be why Anita is feeling very sleepy. I would have staggered the increase in the patches, but that's me, I am not the Dr, :roll: She will be sleepy on three times the original strength :shock: :shock: Bless her, miss one off for a while, even half a day, if the pain relief is adequate.

    It is my Mum's pictures that I have put on FBook. She passed away on new years day, 2015.

    Barbara was in bed early, then got up again to watch the fireworks, they always put on the most incredible show, one of the best in the world.

    Then you had some people making a racket, drink filled no doubt. Oh how people cannot realise when they have had enough.

    They expect the emergency services to scoop them up, when they fall in the gutter, block beds, block ambulances, for those who are really ill, through no fault of their own..............sorry, rant over.

    Thank you for your kind words, I guess it is not long since mum passed really, then MIL so recently too.

    Hope you have a nice visit from your B and partner.

    B's brother was really not well overnight, so we said to them ring 111 and the upshot is he has been to see the out of hours GP clinic in Skipton, who said he has gastroenteritis and to take it easy, no rich foods, spices etc. Wasn't too worried about his Chronn's. BIL rang to say they were back at the static van on the park and would rest now, then pop into Dads in the morning, on their way home back south, so we will catch them tomorrow. Hopefully after lots of fluids and lots of rest tonight, he will feel a bit better. Matron will text a list of do's and dont's :D:D :?

    It is not an uncommon problem, especially around Christmas and New Year, with mountains of rich foods, chocolates, more rich foods, drinks, more food...........your body reacts to it all eventually and something gives :shock: :?

    I am sure we will have some new emoticons, winter ones, etc. The Christmas ones will be vanishing :) Thank you for them all, to our lovely mods.

    Oh, I nearly forgot, Mr Toad, who was in the cloak cupboard, then vanished, back to Hogwarts. Well, he is back, in the enchanted forest. I thought you would like to see his true colours.

    Love to all XXXX Aidan


    Isn't he lovely. Pepe and Sleek are in awe...............

    Ok, now for some cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aidan!

    No wonder Sleek has been collecting all Lucy's unicorn stuff up!

    He looks fabulous :)

    I might go and see him in the enchanted forest :)

    I like the cake perfect to eat ladylike with little finger out :lol:

    Miss Sleek sends her 'eternal love and devotion' to Pepe :oops: :oops: :oops: I acn't believe she made me type that :oops: :oops:
    I do hope BIL feels better soon. Totally overdone it I am glad he took advice in the end and hope he listens to Matron too :roll:

    Not an easy day for you today and things still very raw for poor B. Roll on the end of the week ((()))

    Barbara I do hope you enjoy your visitors and they don't overstay their welcome ;)

    Butrans are ok (Bu-tec here now) I hope they help Anita Kath. Glad dad was ok. Drunks always go outside so we can here their lovely rows!!! :roll:

    Joan thank you too for your support this year. ((())) xxx

    Carol I am glad your daughter did you a good dinner and you enjoyed your walk. You are right to support Mr T if he is preaching. I know you will soon be back on tack food-wise and will be right behind you. I hope 2018 is the year of the pusskin for you too :)

    Good luck with that boiler!!

    Off to the QE tomorrow for Lucy's early check-up with Dr Tim so cloak anyone?? Please don't worry if I don't post early that's where I'll be :)

    FINGERS crossed :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popping in to wish everyone a newyear01

    I wish you all peace, love and happiness.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry this will be short..Im shattered has they say :lol:
    Aiden both mum will be together now safe and sound..I do hope that Bil will feel better very soon..hope he has managed to rest at the park..I love the picture of the unicorn so peaceful looking.. :) did you hear they are going to put more places for drunks to be taken to so they dont put pressure on the hospitals...
    Toni I will be under the clock tomorrow..and sending positive vibes..yes my patches are now butecs..our visitors have only just gone.. :o:lol:
    Christine Happy New Year to you...especially health wise..
    Right I am off to bed...have a good night everyone xxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening folks

    This will be short as the time has run away with me today. Well today is the day 1 year ago when we officially changed our surname i cannot believe a year has gone by since.
    tomorrow is Crunch day for the British Gas boiler engineer to come out Mr T has now really had enough of this topping up lark and he has said tonight he is going to tell him he wants a new boiler. i will actually be out when he comes. so will see what happens. I hope he dose say about a new one i think he will.

    Aidan the picture of your Mum on facebook is lovely love the picture of the unicorn our Lillie loves unicorns. we will e seeing tem all again at the end of the month as we are having a family meal down there again for my birthday at the end of the month and its a biggie I will be 70 No No No don't like the sound of that at all.

    Toni Happy New year to you all too. we stayed up too and staggered to bed around 12.30. must admit didn't get up so early this morning. Yes had a very nice day at daughters I too hope 2018 is the year of the pusskin but at the moment we have so many things that need to be done first. i am now determined to get back on track with slimming world. will be going tomorrow but probably not weighing for a couple of weeks.

    Joan Happy new year to you and Sue too boiler man is due tomorrow morning. we are going to tell them we want a new one after all we are still paying for this one.

    Barbara yes it was a nice day at youngest daughters we do not go to her very often as she normally is very busy at weekends with St John ambulance duties.
    and she did do well with dinner as she very rarely cooks
    for more than herself but she was taught to cook when she was quite young both daughters were. Hope you too have a good year. I usually do support Mr T when he preaches as i too think it is right.

    Well that's it for tonight so that just leaves me to say Happy new year to you all and i hope 2018 is good for us all.
    now it is time for bed.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all, seems to be cooler tonight tcold

    I think the festivities are over now, (hoorah), for another year. I am exhausted to be honest.
    Anyway, onward, t'is the only way.

    Do go see our lovely Unicorn, aka Silver Moon. Yep, that's why Sleek was busy away with the unicorn things. We never knew........
    Both of them have been to the forest to chatter to him, Miss Sleek is completely star struck. :shock: :shock:

    He is handsome. Brim full of magic too and more than capable of flying. The puskins are going to have a ball.


    The cake is perfect for pinkies out and a cup of t in fine china :D:D

    Ah, love and devotion, Pepe is blushing and has gone all shy, hiding his face with his tail, on the sofa. Bless her little socks.

    I am sure BIL will be on the mend, we will see them, briefly, this morning, as they nip into Dads, before heading back to London. I don't envy the journey at all. 5 - 6 hours, no, thanks all the same. It would take us days to get there, with many overnight stops, after each 50 miles :lol::lol:

    Today has not been too bad really, I have noticed that hugs have been around us, which is nice to know and thank you, one and all.

    Cloak of many rooms is out, aired and ready for off, at the crack of dawn, Hermione will make sure we are all in two places at once, quite how, I have no idea. But, we will be there. Leaving some hugs in the store room under the cloak ((()))

    Hi Christine, I wish you the same, Peace, Love and Happiness, with many Blessings to go with them all. I hope you are ok and had a pleasant Christmas and New Year. Are you back to work this week?

    Hi Barbara, gosh, you will be shattered, your visitors did stop quite late, where your eyes closing :? :roll: did you have to put coats out, to drop hints :lol::lol:

    Oh yes, Mum's and Dads will all be together, keeping an eye on us, they are never far away, even if it seems a million miles sometimes.

    I had read about the "drunk tents", where those who have no control over their alcohol intake, can sober up, without blocking beds, ambulances and police, from doing their job. About time too, I hope they put them in all main cities and towns.

    The price of people's binge drinking, costs the health service hundreds of millions, makes me so cross.

    Hi Carol, I think I missed your last posting. I know that you went to Church as Mr T was preaching, which was nice, then you went for a coffee.
    Oh and you had a very good time at your Daughters, lunch, then a buffet tea, lovely.

    Today is boiler day, let's hope that BG will either mend it properly, or supply a new one, enough messing about now. I am sure they will try and wriggle out of it, if they can. Don't give in Mr T, Pepe and Sleek and Silver Moon have cast a spell of compliance.

    I remember you saying that Lillie loves Unicorn's, you will have to tell her we have one in our cafe. I see you are off to see them for your Birthday, no, we are not counting any numbers, it is your Birthday, which means, cake :) You will soon be back on track with SW and I bet you haven not gained much really, considering the time of year.

    Thank you, I have so many pictures of Mum n Dad, some lovely ones. I try and put different ones on each time.

    We have had a fairly relaxed day, Dad popped in for a cuppa in the morning. Neighbours popped in for a quick natter to wish us Happy New Year, hugs and kisses all round. I was going to do the ironing, but after they had been, I lost the will. No worries, it won't be going anywhere.

    All our lovelies in the Sanctuary were safe in their homes, out of the sound of fireworks on new years eve. They are all well, thriving on lots of love, affection and food.

    Right, I will do some more pottering and wish everyone a good night / good morning. Hi to Kerrin, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.

    A lighter breakfast for us today. Love to all. XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni Carol Christine and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I wish you all the best in the new year.
    Barbara I hope you have a good day.
    ((((((((Aidan))))))))and Bill and Dad I hope you have a good day.
    ((((((((Toni and Lucy ))))))))I hope all goes well.
    Carol I hope you get a new boiler good luck.
    Christine I hope you have a good new year.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's extremely soggy outside. We toddled to the Sawley Co-op very early, just after 7am, to make sure we got hope before it began to rain. I was still dark. Picked up a few bits, including the new Radio Times. Not only is it soggy outside, it's also very gloomy. 1.15, and we already need the light on. :o

    Silver Moon is so beautiful. I hope or wardens are keeing their eyes open. So sad to hear of the monkeys at Woburn. I popped in to see our lovelies. They look well fed, and very warm and happy. :D

    tcold p030.gif

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all, it is going to get VERY wet and VERY windy. All brooms are off limits as we have warnings for 60mph winds, all night and all day tomorrow :shock: :shock:

    Toni, I hope all has gone well at the QE and Lucy's visit with Dr Tim, you were in our thoughts and of course, we were under the cape thanks to Hermione's "two places at once spell". I think we all behaved, nice that we have such a posh bathroom in there, we like our own private "facitlities".
    Barbara was singing at one point, but we settled her down christmas03 christmas03

    Carol, I hope the gas man has put forward that you are in line for a new boiler and that Mr T was suitably annoyed, yet smiling with it :) Give us a new boiler, or we don't pay you any more :D 8) c020.gif

    Thank you Joan, we have had a fair day, we got a bit wet in town, but, we didn't melt.

    It is soggy isn't it Kath and it will get a lot more squishy over the next 72 hours. Rain rain and then some more rain.
    You were super early toddling off to the CoOp this morning, that is the middle of the night :shock: :shock: Not surprised it was still dark.
    It was dark when the cats were creating mayhem at 0730, flinging litter as far as they possibly could :roll: :roll:

    We have had the lights on since we came in just after 2.

    We went round to Dads this morning and BIL and family arrived, just to have a quick coffee before setting off back to London. BIL looked a bit better today, not as white as a sheet as he was on Saturday. They were very impressed with the out of hours service and the Dr was lovely. Did a thorough exam.

    Waiting to hear that they have arrived home safely now....... :? won't settle until we do. It is a long drive.

    Then we went to the surgery, collect prescriptions (which seems to be a twice weekly event) :roll:
    Seeing as we were a few yards from the T rooms, we went for lunch there, with Dad. I had no pills with me, so I was super ready and very ouchy by the time we got home.

    Panini was lovely and so where the chips, I resisted a scone - I know, very rude of me, when I could see them looking my way.

    Did dads secretarial works, as we do. What was the song, "working nine to five".................good old Dolly Parton.

    Home and breathe..................... k050.gif

    Washer on its second load, dryer busy away, it's all go, always washing when you have puskins :roll: bless em.

    Right, I will go find us a nice cake, Toni and Lucy will need sustenance when they arrive home.

    Love to all, will catch you later. XXX Aidan

    lemon sponge cake with a delicious curd icing and beautiful edible crystallised violets and primroses

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..late I did try this morning but the net was up and down not surprising with the storm we had last night..pots are blown over, and the door on my shed has gone off somewhere.. :roll: cfly
    Aiden yes the festivities are over.. :D I like the run up buying all the presents.. I hope your family arrive safe and sound, that is such a long you I couldn't do it any think we used to go down to Cornwall twice a year..glad that Bil looked a little better...awful for him having to travel like that..was I singing under the cloak or snoring..I do tend to fall asleep everywhere I go.. :lol: the drunk tents are a brilliant idea..I do feel sorry for the doctors and nurse having to deal with them..right my youngest brother that tells jokes constantly and only he finds them funny.. :lol: but hes my baby brother and I love him..3 years younger..
    Toni will love the face splat cake..I hope all is well with Lucy bloods ..what a worry it must be for them both
    Joan I did have a good day..did nothing.. :lol: OH has taken down the tree and decs..I fell guilty because my late mum used to say the twelfth night..hope you are bot well
    Carol I have wrote down my recipe for tomato soup ..well its Delias really :lol: for OH to make in the soup maker..I haven't used it for a while..but you got me thinking of nice warming must be proud listening to your OH doing the sermon.. :) I hope the boiler man has been..I remember you saying your daughter was following in your footsteps with the St Johns..good for her
    Kath it has been the same here dark and wet all day.. :roll:
    My soup is ready..did I say our youngest son bought us a bread maker..I used to love making homemade but my hands wont cooperate anymore..anyhow the loaf has just finished..all I can say is why did I never think of one of these machines before..its delicious..will leave some in the cafe with tomato soup..
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx