Val's Cafe



  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone and a happy new year.

    Being the party poopers that we are, we stayed at home and watched the firesworks out the bedroom window which has a view over Maidstone.

    Back to school today and I had to teach 4 lessons PE lessons as my coach only starts next week. Boy oh boy do I feel it tonight as my legs ache all the way down to my ankles.

    Not much other news but the puskins are itching to get out on their brooms!


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Been a bit damp here today lots of showers boiler man duly turned up and found the expansion vessel was full of water again same as it was on the 23rd December, it has all been drained and repressurised again this time by a senior engineer who apparently spent an hour and a half checking everything out we now have to keeps a strict daily record of the pressure ect for the next week and he will order us a new expansion vessel and fit it if needed if we need to ring them up again next week we have to ask for him and he will then fit the new part if that dose not work he has told Mr T he will then talk about a new boiler. as he says we have no leaks and everything else on the boiler is working ok. So we will see by next Tuesday what happens.

    Aidan Mr T was assertive in telling boiler eng to get it right or we want a new boiler. so maybe the spell of compliance will work. yes Lillie loves unicorns and just after Christmas i was in shop an found some very nice unicorn stickers that i can use to make her a nice birthday card and if that doesn't get me back into making my own cards again nothing will. oh yes there will e a birthday cake apparently our youngest daughter is getting a friend to make one for me and she makes very nice cakes if i can find the picture i will post it of one she did for Lillie's christening and she was only just starting out then. by my reckoning from a weigh in at home this morning i am probably out of target by about 1lb 2 at the most so no not too bad for time of year and i am now back on plan properly so fingers crossed for next week. Ironing will still be there tomorrow don't worry about it. :lol:
    Glad all the lovelies were safe and sound on new years eve

    Joan we have to try one more thing with the boiler if it doesn't work they will discuss a new boiler.

    Barbara hope 0h dose te soup ok and you enjoy it our soup maker gets used at least once a week in the winter months . yes it is a good feeling whe Mr T preaches also i feel the same when he plays the keyboards for the service on Sundays. yes boiler man has been as you can see at the star of my post. Mr T has also taken our decorations down today as well it looks rather bare now.

    well its time to go now so that i can visit the lovlies and see our unicorn aka silver moon and all the others to for some cuddles.

    keep warm and safe everyone .
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ooooh look at that cake! Lucy and I have had a slice each thanks Aidan :D  All is really well with her bloods Dr Tim much happier back to 3-monthly check-ups now so all good :D:D:D

    I heard Barbara singing, but there was a bloke making a very odd noise so he more or less covered the sound up. Considering the size of the cloak it takes up no space at all!! Dr Tim looked at the floor when a bit of scone rolled out :shock:

    I have had the washer on too since I got back and one load before I went. Will cook the dinner in a mo then post this. Litter everywhere? Me too because I lock Diddicat in when we go out….I would die if I came back and she was hurt. :?

    I am well-impressed with your self-control Aidan not having a scone as well as your lunch. :shock:

    God to hear BIL is well and safe to travel home 

    Miss Sleek is not a happy pusskin at ALL another storm. :x I tried to explain. I think Hermione is maybe going to give them a transportation spell tomorrow if it goes on. She has a soft spot for young love :)

    Well-done getting to the co-op Kath so early. It is dark at 7 isn’t it? It doesn’t pick up until about 8.

    You beat the rain and got your TV mag. We get quite wet going to the QE, but bless him Paul drove us in today so only walking from the car to the door!

    Good to see things went well today with the boiler-man Carol Mr T did assert himself. I think it’s fine to give it one more chance. Sounds as though the plan is sensible and won’t go on too long if you have got a rouge boiler.

    As you know Lucy loves unicorns too I think a card for Lillie really ought to get your arty-mojo back too :)

    Hi Joan all went well Dr Tim was very pleased bloods back up to within normal so back to 3 monthly check-ups. Phew!!

    Nice singing Barbara at clinic!! Shame the others told you to be quiet! Best to sing when you are using the facilities I always think don't want anyone walking in on you;)

    Watch the breadmaker!! The bread is super-adictive and YUM!! I have stolen a large chunk and some soup thank you 

    Bless your brother and his jokes. My younger brother thinks he is rather funny too :roll:

    Kerrin no chance of the pusskins getting out just yet sorry :(  No fly zone ATM

    I bet your legs are aching after all those classes you taught. Your holiday looked fabulous!! So envious!!

    Love to everyone and thanks for thinking about Lucy ((()))

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A super stormy evening to all. It is wild outside cfly

    Hi Barbara, we certainly have had some rain, now the gale force winds are upon us. I am sure some of our pots will be AWOL by the morning. Where did your shed door go, has it turned up yet :? :? It's a bit like the Wizard of Oz at the moment.

    All family have arrived safely back home in London. Very pleased to hear that news. It was lovely to see them, just a pity BIL was so poorly for the new year.

    No, you were definitely singing in on of the spare rooms under the cloak, it sounded very nice, but we didn't want to cause alarm for Dr Tim :lol::lol: :shock: I think we already made a faux pas with a piece of scone, Toni saw it and Dr Tim did too. Oooops.

    Yes, the drunk tents are a great idea, the more the better, let the emergency services do their job of saving lives, not scooping people up. I see that all none urgent surgeries have been postponed and A & E is being strongly triaged, as it should be, to stop those with a tickly cough or a broken nail, going to casualty.

    I remember Friday and Saturday nights at Queens Medical in Nottingham, we had several police on duty at all times, just to keep the staff safe.

    Bless, your Brother laughing at all of his jokes - it is a little awkward, but, as you say, you love him to bits.

    I hope your soup was delicious and the home made bread is very very moorish, especially with lots of butter :)

    Thank you for leaving some in the cafe, I will enjoy it.

    Hi Kerrin, how was your skiing trip that we are all jealous of?
    Not party poopers at all, we stopped in and watched the fireworks from London.

    I bet it is a shock, back to school and so much to do, hitting the ground running with 4 PE lessons :shock: no wonder you felt it when you got home.

    Don't worry, the puskins are all going on a trip today, Hermione is transporting them all up to Scotland, where the weather is less fierce. They will meet up with Mrs Darcey and go play in the snow in the Cairngorms. Pepe is super excited and wants to go skiing. :shock: :shock:

    Hi there Carol - well the puskins spell of compliance seems to be working. You had the senior Engineer and he is well aware of the problems you have been having.
    I am sure Mr T was spot on with his comments about having had enough of the messing about and it seems as if a new boiler might be in the offing, if yours carries on loosing pressure. Great news.

    The puskins will send some more magic dust, as and when needed.

    I am sure the card for Lillie will be lovely, with the Unicorns on, it will spur you on to make more, I am certain.
    Plus a handmade cake, wonderful, will that have Unicorns on too :)

    See, I guessed that you would not be far off target, even with all the temptations of the season. Well done you, you will loose that in no time.

    The ironing is mounting up, so I will definitely do it today, lots of shirts, which I like pressing anyway, I don't mind standing up a while, keep moving a bit. I bet I end up in a lather :roll:

    Silver Moon will be very pleased to meet you. He is a very fine Unicorn.

    Glad you enjoyed the cake, much needed I can imagine Toni.
    The news is favourable too, back to quarterly check up's, great news that Lucy's bloods are back to within normal limits. :D:D

    I knew Dr Tim would see the scone crumbs, I forgot the vacuum cleaner. Barbara was well away singing like a bird.

    So you had the litter flicking competition too. Of course you would not want anything to happen to Miss Sleek, she knows :) If any of ours got out, I would freak completely. They are very happy house puskins. Broomstick flying is ok though.

    You will have read that they are all off to see Mrs Darcey and head up to Aviemore for some snow playing. hcold hcold
    Hermione will have them back, before we know it.

    I was so good, not to have a scone ( I will have one on Thursday at the GC, without a doubt).

    Time for some pottering, before a cup of T and maybe a chocolate or three.

    I will see how Silver Moon is. I am told, he is officially the guardian of our lovely sanctuary :D


    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all

    everyone take lots of care and stay safe. Love XXX Aidan

    Waffles with a honey and yoghurt dip

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen you go steady today.
    Aidan the weather must be bad up there go steady all of you.
    Carol good luck with the boiler I hope it works. go careful when you go out.
    Barbara what is it like there you go steady.
    Toni I'm pleased Lucy bloods are alright. take care all
    Kerrin. you take care happy new year
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..ooh another storm whats going on...but at least the net is working :D
    Toni that is such good news, I can only imagine the worry at these appointments..I think Dr Tim quite enjoyed my singing..but the scone wasn't mine..did it have lashing of butter on.. :lol: naughty Aiden
    I have bought lots of brown flour and seeds for my bread..OH likes white but it doesn't like me..the bread not him :shock: :lol:
    Kerrin apparently there was more people stayed in on New Years eve so you are not back already ..ours have another week.. :o hope today goes well
    Joan we are ok here so far no power.cuts thank goodness :) some people have had it really bad..hope you are both ok
    Carol good on Mr T putting his foot down with the boiler..hopefully it will behave now..I had forgotten about the soup maker till you mentioned yours.. :) I will have OH chopping veg ... :) must say the tomato soup was good..
    Aiden its good to hear your family have arrived home my singing was good I knew I was improving..I bet Dr Tim looks forward to another visit form me.. :? the tents are a good must have seen some awful things.. :shock: there is enough to deal with poorly patients..the soup and bread was delicious but I don't eat white the next one will be brown.. :) now for some waffles with Honey and yogurt.. :D
    Not going anywhere today..I have a fear of flying debris..I once got knocked out with a roof tile ..the old heavy be careful everyone ..xxxxxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh Barbara you got knocked out by a 'proper' roof tile :shock: I hope you weren't alone?

    I am sure Dr Tim would love to hear you singing next time. :)

    Like you I prefer brown seeded bread these days. Paul likes white thick slices, but I am the one who likes loads of butter (or cream if it's scones/cake) ;)

    Joan how are you doing? Thanks for thinking of Lucy we are all relieved :)

    I have been to see Silver Moon Aidan he seems very wise and full of advice. He is indeed going to oversee the sanctuary and has already taken Pepe and Miss Sleek out for a ride on his back they loved it!!! That will be the glittery stuff all over the carpet I think :?

    I am glad your pusskins prefer it indoors Charley's cat is an indoor cat too much safer. I think the cats will be off later when you have your nap for their trip up to see Mrs Darcey Sleek cannot wait!! Skiing is part of the plan and they are going to look for highland Deer and Red squirrels too.

    Hermione is seeing to it that they can survive this nasty weather. It's vile out there isn't it? So NOISY!!!!

    Drunk tents are a great idea honestly some people :roll: let the meds deal with people who are actually ill or injured.

    We have some visitors this evening before the shed who are slightly this space.

    So my ironing mountain (the cats could have come here to climb it!!) will also have to go this afternoon :(

    Well on that note I had better get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    Ps my poorly neighbour is finally able to have visitors in hospital, but is sadly subjected to the aprons of shame :(
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Barbara, me too. Tuesday was always my baking day. Starting with pastries, meat pies, fruit pies, Lemon meringe tarts. Then biscuits of all sorts. Then cakes, small oes, big ones, fruit cakes. Last of all, bread and bread rolls. White bread, wholemeal bread, milk bread. I had one of those huge fireguards with a top, where I would stand the dough to prove, and a super long table to display it all on. With 5 kids, it never lasted long! :? Then along came RA, and it all ended along with my knitting!! :roll:

    cfly cfly cfly
    cfly cfly
    cfly cfly cfly
    I'm so happy that Silver Moon is looking after our sanctuary.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    afternoon all still very windy here..
    Toni ..its was a long time ago but yes was knocked out by a very heavy roof tile..was lucky really no brain damage..or so they said.. :lol: there were no scans in those days.. :o
    OOh unwelcome visitors..hope it goes well maybe they will be on there best behaviour..maybe I could send my youngest brother round he would see them off with his jokes... :lol: then you have the shed.. :D ..your poor nighbour hope he will recover very soon.ironing..I am ashamed of mine :oops:
    Kath how lovely all the bread sounds ..maybe you could get one of these bread makers I am very impressed with it..and you can make small loaves ..this suits me.. :)
    Keep safe everyone xxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    To all who is following our boiler saga the boiler pressure is still
    dropping we have it on twice a day for about 3 hours each time an every time it turns off the pressure drops a little further than the previous time and starts to go into lower danger zone. So I am just waiting for Mr T to say the word and i will be ringing them again to get the same guy back and hopefully with the new expansion vessel which he wants to try before talking about an exchange of boiler. it is still working at the moment with mr t doing a little top up again today to keep it going so we have heat.

    Toni so glad Lucy's bloods were ok and Dr Tim is happy re boiler see above still dropping daily. so hopefully we will get some answers soon and as you say if this is a duff boiler a new one this is last chance saloon. for them. yep if Lillie's card don't do any thing for the mojo nothing will as o now how much she loves unicorns.

    Aidan Yes will let you know when the magic dust is need by pusskins again hope they enjoyed their trips today to Scotland.
    No the cake will be for my birthday which is actually 2 days after we come back from the weekend in Kent. and i am not in love with unicorns except of course our silver moon he is another matter :lol::lol: Lillie's Birthday is only 6 days after mine so will
    be taking her card and present with me and also youngest Gd's too who's birthday is three days after Lillie's. it's all birthdays this time of year as youngest daughters birthday is this Saturday so a card was sent off to her today. it is a nightmare this time of year as out of 15 close members of family only 4 of them don't have birthdays between mid November and mid February . yes back on slimming world plan today with renewed focus. met Silver moon and he is lovely.

    Barbara yes i was suitably impressed with Mr T was telling me all that had happened with boiler man its still on the bink so i think that new expansion vessel needs to be tried now to see it that works. love my soup maker it is so easy.

    well must say bye to you till next time as it is time for a little potter to get the joints moving.
    night all keep safe and warm. tcold
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    The lovely long post, that I wrote in the afternoon, has gone. Hence I am a TAD annoyed. :cry: :x :x

    So, I will do an abridged version :roll: :roll:

    The weather has calmed down now Joan, it was pretty bad, winds howling and rain lashing at the windows. Not nice at all. I hope you did not have much of the storm.

    Hi Barbara Family did arrive home safely and I assume that BIL is improving, I said sake Wednesday off work and then see how you are feeling.

    Your singing is just perfect now Barbara, the spell of tunefulness has worked its magic. Dr Tim was quite impressed, although he pretended not to hear anything, or see any scone :shock: :?

    We are with you on the white bread, it is a bit like cotton wool, with not much left in it to do you any good. The more seeds and bits and oats and the like, the better.

    I don't blame you for not going out, after being knocked out by flying roof tiles, goodness, how terrible.

    Hi Toni, ah, the glitter, that explains things, Pepe said they had been out on the moon, obviously meaning Silver. Miss Sleek was completely gob smacked and in total admiration. They did love the flight with him.

    Our puskins never have ventured or been interested in going out of the door, it is alien to them, so they tend to go in the opposite direction when the door is opened. Safer, yes, indeed. We have always said, if anyone broke in, then take what you want, everything we possess, but leave the cats alone.

    The did indeed vanish up to the Highlands and enjoyed a wand lit play on the slopes of Aviemore with Mrs Darcey, skiing, sledging, having a great time. Jericat and Tomicat were there with them and Cuddles too.

    Hermione had them back, just as we were waking from our siesta. Pepe still had some snow on his chin :shock: There was no mention of Red Squirrels, I think they will save that for a daytime adventure. They did see some Deer, in the distance, roaming on the mountain.

    I hope the shed was enjoyable, and pray tell of the visitors who were not entirely welcome - oh dear. We had a bit of a "do" with SIL and BIL, over Christmas, but all is sorted now.

    I did the ironing, I hope your mountain has vanished as well. I love doing shirts, I can stand and shuffle about, which is ok for me. The dryer is still going, oh, tell a lie, it has just stopped.............

    How is the Rev Delphine? All well with her flock.

    I am glad your neighbour can finally have people to visit. But oh, the pinnies of shame.............I remember them well. Hope she is soon home, it must have been a contagious bug.

    Kath - you were like my mum, baking for England. Bread, cakes, was hard work too. I can imagine with 5 children, it did not last long at all. The same with all of Mums, being the Vicars wife, there was always someone to give cakes too, if I didn't get into the pantry first :lol::lol:

    Arthur stops us in our tracks, from doing the things that we used to and we have to adapt to a whole new life, frustrating as it is.

    We are indeed on board with your boiler problems Carol, so, it it still playing up and the pressure is dropping.
    Come on Mr T, say the word and let Carol have a "word" with BGas

    Daily top up's are not right by any means.

    It is all Birthdays, yours, then the two GC. I am glad you enjoyed meeting with Silver Moon, he is magnificent. Very gentle, but very protective. You will likely have glitter somewhere about the house. He leaves it, as a sign that he has been to see you.


    What other news, had a hair cut, it was getting long, almost half an inch :lol: :roll:

    Off to the GC this morning, scones t cakes and coffee are needed, then take Dad shopping. We will do our main shop on Friday, gather prescriptions, then we can stop at home for the week end :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and around and about. Love to all, I am going to post this quick, just in case it decides to vanish again.

    Take care one and all. XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good, that posted ok, phew. Now I can go look for something nice for breakfast.

    Something for you to try Barbara,

    A protein powered seed loaf

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope Barbara won't mind Aidan, but I've had a little seed loaf with a lot of president butter :oops:

    Sorry you lost your post so annoying :(

    The visitors were ok better than expected it was with Tia's Gdad's son and DIL so expected disagreement, but it all went better than expected and hopefully agreement was reached and our respect for him demonstrated :)

    I am glad your 'do' got sorted out with BIL and SIL sometimes things have to be said.

    I suspect Dr Tim sees a lot of stuff that he keeps quiet about you know.....

    Did you think Pepe had been to the moon then?! Sleek is in total awe and says he hasn't forgotten all the food they got for him when he was still a toad :)

    I heard that Mrs Darcey is a fabulous skier although Pepe was a natural. Miss Sleek spent a lot of time holding onto him I suspect maybe a little play acting?? :roll:

    Tom and Jericat both loved the sledging and the snow. Cuddles sat with them a bit too shy to have a go on her own bless her.

    I didn't do the ironing because I went to the hosptal to see the neighbour instead and allow her husband out for a bit. She has of all things - Flu so it was apron, gloves and mask :shock: Her breathing was scary too :? She's having physio for it though. So she won't be at choir although he will join us all being well.

    The Rev is well and I am sure will be along to visit our neighbour soon she cares so much about her flock :)

    Your hair looks much better!

    Carol I think that the man needs to try that new part sooner rather than later. This is silly you having to top up every day like that! What if you weren't able to do it? Time for plan B and maybe you won't need plan C - a new boiler!

    Do I remember Lillie being born not long after your birthday? Wasn't there a thread about her birth?

    Good to hear you are back on the SW plan now :)

    Barbara I am totally ashamed of my ironing pile now :oops: , but will sort it today I promise. Like Aidan I actually enjoy it.

    Visitors behaved just about and we reached an understanding I think so didn't need your little bro this time :wink:

    I hope my neighbour will recover soon she's a strong lady.

    Kath all that baking my Mum was the same all day Sunday while the oven was on....cakes biscuits and pies all cooked for the week.

    The only time I baked bread it was that hard you could use it as a Frisbee!!!

    Nowadays they sell stand mixers which will do your kneading for you.

    You did a good job for your 5 kids :)

    I will say Hello to Joan :D I hope all is well with you and Sue.

    Love to all

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara you take care in the wind. we were out with the dogs and the wind took my hat it was done up by Velcro under my chin a lady who was waiting at a bus stop ran after it that was kind of her.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
    Carol good luck with the boiler.
    Toni is it 5 years Lucy has to go to be free of the C how is her shoulder.
    Aidan I hope it's not too bad there. we have had a lot of rain here.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone :)

    It has been pretty wet all day and is now blowing another gale :shock: for three hours, according to the weather. Then a few cold and bright days.

    I hope this post ends up on the forum and not in the ether........

    No Toni, Barbara won't mind a bit, we have both had a little portion :? :? with some fine French butter.

    I am glad that your visitors were amicable, it can be awkward sometimes. I bet there is a little glitter somewhere, from Silver, who might have just waved some magic.

    You are so right, sometimes, things just have to be said, they were said and that is the end of it, no lasting hard feelings, everything was amicable.

    Drs and Nurses see a lot and have to say nothing, for the most part, unless the patient is in direct risk.

    Pepe is still full of it, the flight with Silver and Sleek was awesome he says, not quite sure how high they went, but he did mention little lights peeping out of the black. I assume he meant the stars.

    Silver will have a soft spot for them, for all the slugs and the like, that they fed him, when he was a toad.

    They did have a wonderful time in the Mountains of Scotland. Cuddles is shy, but she will soon be part of the gathering. Hermione is a star, for letting them all go and play.

    Ah, you went to see your neighbour, that is good of you, to give her hubby a little break. Influenza, oh dear, pinnies and masks of shame then :roll: It is contagious though, so best be safe.
    Glad the physio is helping with her chest drainage, sounds pretty nasty, which influenza is - very nasty. I will send her some healing hugs right away ((())) t2507 t4591

    I am glad Rev Delphine is well and tending her flock.

    Thank you, my hair feels better too, most kind :) 8) 8)

    So your bread baking did not turn out so well, well, at least you could use it in the garden :lol::lol:

    I used to love making flaky pastry, took ages, but the results were well worth it. I did love making cakes and cookies etc. Now, I would just end up in a huge mess, with most of it on the floor, so I am barred :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Pepe and Sleek were on skype while we were at the GC this morning, discussing their adventures. There was some glitter on the bedroom carpet, so I am guessing that they had a visitor too. You will be able to tell, if Miss Sleek is all vacant and dreamy......... :roll:

    Hi Joan, oh dear, your hat blew off cfly that was kind of the lady to run after it and return it. It is still windy here, but not expected to last, very wet again though.
    The rivers are very full and there are lots of very deep puddles on the roads.

    Now then, I see thanks are in order, for the new emojis, much obliged dearest mods. t4591 rainbows too, how wonderful t115006
    I was going to ask if it was possible to add an auto save function, as some forums have?

    I had better find something tasty to go with our T. Barbara will be along soon and will need something sweet, after the power seeded loaf.

    Love to everyone, take care, one and all. I will pop back later. XXX Aidan

    We have a Triple Chocolate Mississippi Mud Pie, so, whenever you are ready Toni........... :lol::lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..OH and I had our neighbours children today she isn't well..they entertained themselves mostly.. :)
    Aiden you know me to well ..I am ready for cake :D thankyou..I had to laugh at your cats going the opposite way when the door is open :lol: a bit like Jake here..he open one eye then shuts them and pretends hes asleep :lol: I dont like ironing..and never have done really..think I was put off with OHs Judo and Karate suites 3 times a week :roll: flaky pastry was the first we made at school :D I think I was 12 when the tile knocked me out :roll: not something you forget I remember a workman standing over me and shouting for someone to ring for an ambulance form the corner shop..get this it was what they called a sit up ambulance..just like a little van really :lol: the seeded bread looks delicious I have just bought malt flour so will try that I have all the seeds..
    Toni so glad to hear that the visit went ok have done your best for everyone ..I think you have had enough stress without them..your poor neighbour with the be extra careful ..and I hope she recovers very soon..
    Carol all those Birthdays..I bet the little ones really look forward to seeing you...hope that boiler gets sorted or we will all come down and sort them...
    Joan blimey your hat was blown away good that the lady was able to stop it..I would have been no be extra careful when you go out..
    m0150 m0150 thought I would add these has we haven't seen it for a few days..and these to get ready for spring..a bit early I know t69044
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    It has been really windy here today but not too cold just windy. still have a little cough but now feeling back to normal otherwise.
    Boilerman is being called tomorrow when he was here before he left his mobile number so this next call will be straight to him not into the service dept. we have decided that we have given it 3 days of checking pressure 3/4 a day and we have a good idea now how much it is dropping by every time it turns its self off. so it is now time to try the new expansion vessel.

    Barbara don't worry the boiler will be sorted this time no matter how long it takes we are now so fed up with it. the little ones do get excited when they know i am going down especially Lillie.

    Joan thank you for the good luck with the boiler don't worry we will keep going until the boiler is repaired.

    Toni yes there was a thread when Lillie was born. and yes her birthday is 6 days after mine. dont worry boilerman is being told tomorrow that it is now time to fit the part. yes motivation is back as far as slimming world is concerned.

    Aidan yep still problems with boiler but hopefully after speaking to engineer tomorrow we will hopefully move on to getting the new part fitted and see if that makes any difference. oh yes i hate this time of year with all the birthdays between November and February. hope you enjoyed the garden centre today. i did find some glitter around today.

    it time now to potter before bed t69044 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very early morning, t'is only just Friday in our world, of night owls. We had a night owl group, I remember. Trish and I were always in there till goodness knows what time.

    Hi Barbara, I hope your neighbour is feeling a bit better today, you are very kind, looking after the children. They seem to be very well behaved and good that they amuse themselves.

    I knew you would not be too far away, when the cake time was coming up :lol::lol: I would be just the same. I have saved a spare one, for Toni, to face plant into.

    Our puskins always look to be fast asleep (sometimes they are), but they seem to have an ability to sleep with one eye slightly open.

    You are not an ironing lover, it must have been the judo kit, we had best not mess with Mr B :shock: :?
    I used to love ironing my uniform, white top and black trousers. Some placements you wore white top, white trousers and white shoes :shock: Wasn't so keen on them.

    A sit up ambulance, don't tell me it was this one :shock: :shock:


    Only kidding, as you well know. Love the pic though.

    Mmm malt flour, that will make yummy bread. Dad used to use spelt flour too, that always tasted good.

    I think we are in for some calmer weather, cold, but quite sunny for the coming days, which will be nice. I don't mind it cold, as long as I don't have to ninny walk. :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol, it was your turn to have high winds, I think they are moving away now, it was pretty bad in many areas, lots of flooding and damage.

    Glad you have the engineers mobile number, at least you can go straight to the top and have the new parts fitted, then take it from there.

    The GC visit was very pleasant, as was the scone and two large coffee's. B and Dad had toasted T cakes. I was good, I only had butter, no cream.

    Ah, so you found some glitter, then Silver has been around, plus the spell from Pepe and Sleek. Between them, you should have lots of compliance.

    I need to potter, again. I can only last about 10-15 mins before I have to move about, so the posts can take me ages. Naturally I get distracted, sort the cats, make T, fuss, potter................

    Toni, I hope you are all ok and enjoy the mud pie. Sleek was telling Pepe that you had gone to visit poorly peeple with peeple sickness. t2507 They asked Silver to pop over and spread some wellness.

    Love to everyone else, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.
    Everyone take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Caramel spice, French breakfast muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone. Stayed over in London last night as we had staff training after school. It does mean half a day extra holiday in the summer. Round 2 next week.

    Battling a bit health wise at the moment. Fingers are more painful than usual, constant headaches, painful tongue among other things. And very anxious and tearful. Waiting for a call back from the Rheumy nurse.

    Hope the winds haven’t affected anyone too much. I had fun yesterday doing netball lessons in it and already have a fence panel needing fixing.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Carol and anyone else I missed
    Aidan I bet you were a lovely firm matron the best.
    Barbara you go steady when you go out.
    Carol that's the only way to get what you want keep on.
    take care all have a good weekend
    joan xx. Hello Kerrin. I just saw you.
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..yes early today..
    Oh Kerrin you do sound to be least it let you have your holiday ..but must be hard when you are back at work..sending some hugs and I hope the Rheumy gets back to you very soon..(())
    Aiden I the pic is brilliant.. :lol::lol: not quite like that ..I remember sitting in the back with dad..and feeling very groggy.. :shock: :lol: glad you all enjoyed the GC..its nice to see the end of all the are being very good not having cream.. ..the children were very good has always..very helpful they are ..I did try to get them ironing ..but they refused.. :lol: I adore silver..he really does look magical.. :D by the way your hair looks nice you can hear us now..our son has just cut was over his ears.. :lol: oops nearly forgot to say thankyou for the french muffins very nice indeed.. :D
    Carol hopefully the vessel will be fitted and that will be that..I have noticed OH has fitted a few this winter ..sorry I cant send him round we are a little to far away..glad to hear that cough is mostly leaving you alone..
    Joan I hope you and Sue have a good weekend..saying that it all goes into one these days.. :o never mind has long as we are all safe and well.. :)
    Have a good day everyone ..xxxxxxx m0150 m0150
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope you can hear me talking through a face full of Mississippi mud pie triple chocolate too...sigh...bliss :)

    Barbara you are right nasty people are not wanted in any of our lives.

    I will be visiting the neighbour again tomorrow so her husband can go over to Wales (to visit family I think and I do want him to have a break). I really don't mind going, but those masks! Make me even hotter than I am usually :roll:

    I am being careful I promise.

    Glad Oh's hair is cut too :) I hope your neighbour is feeling better too.

    Kerrin bless you are you on folic acid 6 days? I hope not so they can up that to help your tongue a bit maybe....((()))

    Netball in that wind!! Wow!!

    I bet you missed your husband last night :(

    Joan I am not sure how long we have to wait until Lucy gets the all-clear I was hoping for that 5 years that you wait with some cancers???

    Thank you for the spare cake Aidan as you can see (look at my face!) I have eaten the lot :)

    There is glitter all over the house!! They have all been here this afternoon while I was outa nd Lucy napping :shock:

    Luckily I have been taking the tree down so hovering is happening anyway.

    Miss Sleek adores Silver Moon so much she said they were right up high nearly in the stars :D When he brought Pepe over today Pepe wore one of his cloaks apparently he likes it flying out behind him. Lots of selfies taken :roll: She said he had also brought Cuddles, but not Jericat or Tomicat this time they wanted to be near their Mum :?

    I wonder whether Silver might fly over our hospital to help my neighbour get on the right road. She's ok being bashed a bit by the physios for her own good. Missed her at choir last night, but our Barbara made up for it :wink: The worst bit is a liquid diet???

    Lucy loves baking cakes...she's pretty good at it too bless her. I would have loved to try your flaky pastry especially if there was plenty of cream too??

    Carol that is enough 3/4 days. the pressure is constantly dropping so the man must try plan B

    I thought I remembered it being a real possibility that Lillie was born on your birthday!! :D

    I think you are getting your mojo right back and soon be telling us of weigh losses again :)

    Right I must go and sit down my back is screaming due to taking decs down ::)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening al

    Update on the never ending boiler saga I rang engineer this morning on his mobile he was not working today but did listen to what i was telling him and he told me to ring the call centre and ask them to send someone out on emergency and if they haggled a date to tell them the boiler was not working even though it is at the moment and we had no heat and then tell the guy who comes to ring him and he would talk to him. however I decided that if I rang them today I might explode in a temper and also we both had to go out today and so after our lunch together we went on to what we had to do. I will ring them in the morning, he also states after getting us to check something else it may be the heat exchanger that is leaking into boiler which is not showing up. when you look into boiler. that may well be changed too. I will ring them again tomorrow hopefully other engineer will be working then. i did have one laugh when he said it sounds like they made this boiler on a Friday and left the apprentice to finish it off. :lol all i can say is at least we are both staying very calm but determined over it.

    Aidan Caramel spice muffins look very yummy hope some
    are left. a lot less windy here today yes we all have t suffer the ninny walk when needed. glad you enjoyed the GC I didn't meet my friend today her husband is in hospital at the moment he has been in for about 3 weeks now. went out with Mr T for our usual Friday meal and I managed to knock a complete cup of coffee over what a mess. :roll: Yes seems Silver must have been to visit. I can sit for about an hour then it's up and potter around or the pain and stiffness starts.

    Joan Don't worry I will keep on I do not give in easily I will get boiler done.

    Barbara so Oh has fitted lots this year has he. yes pity you don't live nearer but I do have this all on contract so at least we are not having to pay every time they call out and now he is talking about a new heat exchanger. and they cost a lot i know from working at British Gas myself, so my contract is being very useful at the moment.

    Toni Yes that's right we were debating before Lillie's birth who's Bithday she would be born closest to mine or my youngest GD's I am afraid Youngest GD won as hers is only 3 days after Lillie's . Yes SW mojo is on its way back just need a nice loss now to get me back into target. the next thing is to get my mojo back for making my own greetings cards again, and i'm sure that will happen before the end of the month now i have these lovely unicorn stickers to make Lillie a birthday card . and it will only take one card and I will be back on it.

    ok so its time to move again so will check on all the lovelies and do some feeding and have some cuddles.

    hope you all have a good night
    keep warm t4591 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, it is now Saturday, very early morning. Quite where Friday went, I am not sure.
    I popped into the shed and it is empty :shock: a note saying, new broom has swept clean for new year. All spare hours are gone away :? :? I guess we have to start afresh.

    Anyway, how are we all.............

    Nice to see you Kerrin, I hope you still have very fond memories of your holiday in the snow. Toni and I were a wee bit jealous, to say the very least.
    I will be sending some extra ((())) for you, sorry you are not feeling too good, ouchy and under the weather. Don't be surprised if you find a little glitter, from the magic dust that is on its way to you. A gift from the wood nymphs from the ravine. t115006


    I bet it was fun doing netball in strong winds. A fence panel has gone west too. I know Barbara's shed door went somewhere :? :?
    Now, we need to hurry up the Rheumy Nurse........leave it with me :)

    Hi Joan, I hope you have better weather and are able to go out and about a bit. It is turning cold though, so take care, if it is frosty. Is the heating still working ok?

    I hope I was a good Charge Nurse. Looking after the patients was fine, it was always the staff that took more sorting out :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara, yes, you were early and then there was no cake for you. I do apologise, the day just vanished.

    I thought you might like the pic of the ambulance :lol::lol: Being clobbered by a roof tile, I am sure you were very groggy.

    It was nice to go to the GC, after all the festivities. All the decorations were down.
    No, no cream, I was a good boy.

    Your neighbours children sound to be very well brought up. A pity you could not rope them in to doing the ironing, tell them it is character building :lol::lol:

    I am glad Mr B has had his hair cut, over his ears :shock: :shock: I would faint.

    Ah, you had some of the French muffins, I hope there was enough to last into the afternoon.

    I hear you were singing like a lark in choir practice again.

    Silver is wonderful, very majestic.

    Oh my Goodness, look at the state of you Toni, covered in mud pie :lol::lol: Glad you enjoyed it.

    Don't the masks make you hot, I used to melt. Does your neighbour have some problem with swallowing, ie the food is blended, but thickened too?
    I hope she is on the mend and I am sure her hubby is so grateful for you going to spend time with her. We all know what it is like, visiting every day.

    So you have glitter all over as well. I keep finding it too. Silver is certainly getting out and about.

    Pepe kept that visit quiet, so he was taken by Silver to see Miss Sleek, along with Cuddles, with is cape of power, flowing in the breeze :lol: :roll: bless. I know that Jericat and Tomicat are making sure that Kerrin is feeling less ouchy. Silver will be visiting, so I have warned her of the glitter.

    Silver is most certainly going to visit your neighbour in hospital


    Good that Lucy likes to bake and is good at it too. Cakes are a very important part of life skills :)

    So, you have been over stretching, taking decs down........mmmm naughty. Best be sending some magic sprinkles your way t4591 t115006

    Hi Carol, the plot thickens, with the boiler. Now it could be the heat exchange as well as the pressure dropping. I think a new boiler is certainly on the cards.

    A Friday boiler, oh dear, I have heard of Friday cars, in fact I think I have had a few over the years :roll: :roll:

    Good that you are both super determined and ready to take on BG by the horns.

    I hope Lunch out was very nice and was it coffee afterwards? No, I see not, her hubby is in hospital, sending (()) his way too.

    It is amazing how far one cup of either T or coffee can spread. I tend to turn the kitchen into a sea of beverage and wonder how many gallons were actually in that cup :shock: :shock:

    I can sit for about 15 - 20 mins in one position, then I have to move, hence it takes me a long time to write my posts, with endless pottering.
    We need to form a pottering group.

    Good for you being back on track with SW. Thank you for going in to see all the lovelies and tending to them.

    Right, talking of pottering, I am off for another wander.

    I will say hi to everyone else, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Christine, Charrisse, Kath and all.

    Everyone take care, enjoy the sunny, but chilly days. Glad we are not in upstate New York, the weather is frightening. Minus 39 degrees...........oh my.
    Love XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blueberry breakfast cake with a hint of lemon, bursting with blueberries and great with a nice cup of coffee. xx

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).