Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello hello everyone!!

    Everyone seems on form apart from a slightly overdosed Kath :shock: I love the dormice very much and we will pop them safely in the sanctuary out of Sleek and Pepe's way!!

    Toady I feel very upset for you that the Enbrel failed too :( I can understand you not wanting to jinx it.

    I will be hoping with fingers crossed that whatever they try next helps you ((()))

    Too right Aidan IS OIC and also a bit OCD :wink:

    Barbara I am very pleased to hear that the shoulder is easing for you. Horrible things :( We managed ok yesterday 12 in all I think 3 missing sadly being at work!!

    Hunt the Elf was great I only found one (there are 6 tiny clip on elves and we played 4 rounds!) :oops:

    The buffet was easy enough it's only heating up the contents of iceland and Paul washed up. I hovered - hoovered!!! this morning. :oops:

    Joan did you and Sue deliberately choose the same card and jumper or was it coincidence? Has the snow gone yet??

    Aidan I love bubble and squeak, but no like you enough is enough salad for Paul and I tonight and with pleasure :)

    I'm glad to hear Dad has been enjoying himself with his footie, telly and oven/grill cleaning :?

    Where is that roulade?? Pass it here.......spLATTTT!!!! oh yum....gorgeous thanks :)

    I am also a little OCD, but think I no bad thing really. The bungalow is officially restored to it's usual order apart from decs of course.

    Lucy's appointment on Tuesday 2nd is at the hospital with her beloved Dr Tim so will be thorough and I am sure reassuring fingers crossed.

    Now apart from a slightly dicky tummy Lucy seems to be on the mend and is desperate to go to the Elves Farewell at work tomorrow.

    Miss Sleek did hide in her house with her wand underneath her in the basement while all the shenanigans were going on bless her.

    She told me Pepelongstockings has said he will be glad never to see another sprout (Or smell on for that matter) as long as he lives :?

    Carol I wonder what prize you won?

    I am pleased your daughter was well-behaved...maybe she is growing up? :lol: Mr T too all good - you deserve a happy Christmas :)

    I think we've all overindulged over the festive season so will all be on the wagon come January.

    Well I had better get on. Hope I didn't miss anyone

    Rest up my friends!


    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The extra morphine definitely made me feel squiffy. In fact later that evening I threw up in the waste paper bin. :? It was lined with a carrier bag. Haven't had any more since.

    I'm sure there will be quite a large Dormouse family, I made sure there were 2 of each. :wink:

    Joan, yes my doc did tell me about ending Alendronic after 5 years, but I'm no longer on it.

    Toady, so sorry Embrel let you down. Do you know where you go from here?

    Aidan, my Chris is VERY OCD, so you're in good company. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone a very chilly, but bright day, no snow here, it seems to be lower down country.

    Hi Joan, you have snow :shock: hcold oh dear, no going out for you then, not safe in the buggies. Glad you had a pleasant Christmas, sharing the same gifts :) and the doggies had their chews. Take care and keep warm...........

    Hi Barbara, I hope toady is reading through, everyone knows I am OCD with cakes and cleaning, in that order :lol::lol:

    Yes, enough sprouts until next Christmas now. Back to our normal foods, hoorah. I even put the Roses chocolates back in the fridge, don't like them at all. Just milk choc Cadbury's is fine, but the roses ones are not the same as they used to be, not sure what they have done. I will give them away.

    We enjoyed our lunch at the GC, adding to the vouchers, as the total is always more than you think. It was packed by the time we were eating, people were waiting in line for tables.
    I had carrot and corriander soup, chips and a scone. The biggest scone of the batch. :D

    We don't mind a bargain or two. lots of electrical items are suddenly appearing in Sainsb, in the "sale". But, we don't need anything, still nice to nosey, see what is on offer.

    The dormice are all asleep in their temp controlled winter hibernation area. They don't mind being stroked while they are asleep, they don't wake up. They look so cut on their cotton wool bedding.

    Good that they are out of the way of Miss Sleek and Pepe. Hermione has put a protective bubble around them, so puskins cannot get near.

    See Toady, Toni is in full agreement with my OCD and OIC diagnosis :lol::lol: :shock:

    You only found one Elf, aww, was there a prize?

    You have been hoovering, steady, I hope it is not a heavy one to lug around. Our Bosch cordless one is just the best thing since sliced bread, even I can whiz that one about, for a short time.

    It is nice that things are restored to order, we only have a few items out, plus cards and they will all be gone away by this week end, if not sooner. :D

    We will be under the cloak on Tuesday for Lucy's visit to Dr Tim.
    That reminds me, I am way overdue to see me Cardiologist, must make an appointment in the New Year.

    Good to hear that Lucy is feeling better, apart from a slightly squiffy tum). I am sure she wants to be there for the Elves departing tomorrow. Are we all off to the North Pole christmas02 hcold

    Our three kept very quiet when we were "entertaining", just as Miss Sleek has done.

    They went for a fly this morning, while we were out. Up and over Pendle into the next valley, then back round all the Church spires they could find and then landed on Clitheroe Castle. Blew a few cobwebs away. Pepe had his thermals on.

    News from the ravine is that Mr Toad, is no longer Mr Toad and he / she, will make an appearance in the New Year - as who, I don't know? :? :?

    Pepe was no fan of sprout nor parsnip cooking smells :mrgreen:

    It was lovely to have a cheese sandwich last night, (with cranberry sauce). Ones system cannot cope with all the sudden rich foods.

    Ooops with the Oromorph Kath, it is one of its side effects, sickness - affects some and not others, I know my Dad could not take it. Hope you feel better. ((()))

    Two of each, with the Dormice, I am sure, come Spring, there will be quite the extended family............ :shock:

    I am glad I am in good company with my OCD :D:D

    OK I had better do some more pottering. Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Toady, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all...........

    Everyone take lots of care, keep warm, it is going to be pretty cold until the week end, with snow around and about.

    A little light cake, to go with T. XX Aidan

    Almond Biscuit Apple Pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    They are talking about putting Lucy on alendronic acid for her avascular necrosis Kath.

    Not sure about it as she's keen to have her teeth straightened again as they went a bit haywire during chemo :?

    We will have plenty of dormice then :lol:


    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well the raffle prize was not all that exciting it was 2 thermal travel mugs as i say there are always some good onesand some small ones so you never know until you collect. I didn't weigh ( although weighed at home before i went and i would not have been too bad if i had) and as it was only a drop in and weigh sessions to day i got me cereal bars and as my daughter came with me and it was so cold and damp out we stopped and had a hot drink and then left was only there for about half hour. Actually the travel mug will come in handy when i go to my Knitting group because in one of the 2 libraries that we meet in the leader of the group has to get the coffee from the local Greggs bakers and they don't sell decaff coffee that i usually have at home so in future i can take my own with me.

    Oh yes and i said yesterday boiler was still playing up yesterday and it would not be long before it went again well it did not turn on this evening until Mr T up the pressure again so now we have an appointment for engineer to call on the 2nd of January. have told them i want someone experienced in this boiler as i am fed up with calling them out. we will just have to keep topping up until the 2nd.

    Aidan ooh Dormice not sure about that I don't like mice don't like their long tails are they tame. as you can see raffle prize not all that exciting :lol: but well hey it was a prize. better than nothing at all. talking about the shops cutting prices after Christmas our w.h s***h was selling Christmas cards half price today and you should have seen the crowds around that shelf yes boiler is not an old one in fact Mr T is still paying for it through B gas and we have lots of problems with it since we have had it and my patience is wearing very thin with it now.

    Kath oops extra Oromorph that was silly still it did you no harm except the squiffy feeling and making you sick

    Toni yes it is going to be an new year and a renewed effort with dealing with getting my weight back into target and hopefully at the lower end. Yes as i say daughter is not quite as bad as mr t but yes both were well behaved daughter went home today and we are due to visit her for the day on Saturday for dinner and probably tea time as well. she only lives about a 45 - 60 journey from where we are. so no cooking for me Saturday which will be nice. mind you she did help me a lot over the days she has been here with food preparation ect.

    Barbara Heating held out until today Mr T repressurised and i have appt for engineer on 2nd January. prize not that exciting as i said at start useful thou. hope your Christmas was ok. and you received some nice presents.

    Joan yes well i just knew boiler would not last long and you have snow i hope it clears soon for you we are ok here just cold.

    It is now time for me to have a little potter so off i go and do some little jobs.

    hope you all have as pain free night as possible and keep warm. christmas04
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tcold Goodness it is a chilly night tonight Hope everyone is keeping warm and safe.

    I can understand Lucy's concern about alendronic acid. It is good for various kinds of bone loss. Would that be Dr Tim who would recommend that treatment?
    As long as the common side effects are taken into account and necessary treatment is given. I think stomach and gastric upset is quite common, but, can be managed.

    Would it stop her having her teeth in braces?

    We certainly will have a lot of dormice Toni, maybe the girls and boys will have to be kept apart, once we have a good colony.

    Hermione has restricted flying (she is a fuss pot) due to weather warnings of snow and ice. She has granted them a visit to Hogwarts, as a treat. Pepe is beside himself and gliding across the lounge. There will be tuition for the use of their new wands as well.

    They have been talking of the change of Mr Toad, but they went quiet when I was trying to listen in. It is definitely Hogwarts related..........

    Hi Carol well, two travel mugs, I guess a win is a win. I had ideas that it would be a holiday, or a tech item, I was getting carried away.
    As you say, it will come in handy when you have to take your own coffee out and about.

    Oh dear, the boiler is still playing up, not good. Our last one needed topping up quite a lot. The new one seems to sort itself out.

    If it was fitted by B G, then it will have a 5 year guarantee. I am sure they will try and wriggle out of replacing it if they can, but, if it is failing to do its job on a repeated basis, then it is not fit for purpose and you cannot be without hot water and heating, in mid winter :shock:
    Not surprised you are getting fed up with it, if it has not been reliable since installation.

    Glad that your Daughter and Mr T were amiable and you were assisted with the food prep. A day off from cooking will be nice at the week end.
    We are meeting up with family on Saturday too, about half an hour from here, up into the higher reaches of the forest of Bowland. When it is cold, it is VERY cold up there, so we are glad to see the temperatures are above freezing for the week end.
    It is stunningly beautiful in Spring and Summer, but pretty bleak in winter. tcold

    Still waiting for the email to say we have won a lovely prize on the lotto. Could be a long wait :? :roll:

    Been chilling out, pottering and not doing a great deal this evening. Nice just to have a little down time.

    We are off into town this morning, Dad has an appt for blood tests. Will get what we need and soon be home from the shop, snow forecast for Friday :? so it will be an at home day.

    I will away and potter some more.
    Hi to Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Toady, Mig, DD and all.

    Take lots of care and keep warm. XX Aidan

    A warming peach and oat cobbler for breakfast.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thermal mugs are good Carol yes you will use yours! Lucy takes one with he when Elving :) At least you can have decaf now.

    You will soon be back at the lower end of target so you can relax a bit.

    I am pleased to hear your daughter helped a bit and even better she will be cooking on Saturday :D

    Put your foot down with British Gas and get them to fix that boiler grrrrr!!!!

    Aidan Miss Sleek is cross....snow not a lot, but it's here. She calls it 'slow' because it slows here down :roll:


    She did enjoy the trip to Pendle very much and was telling me all she knows about Mr Toad (not very much, but she likes to gossip - well her and Pepe both do :roll: ) and the New Year.

    She is looking forward t getting off to Hogwarts and has bought both her and Pepe wand cases online.

    Alendronic acid can cause osteocronosis (avascular necrosis) in your jaw!! Not sure if it's a good idea at all. The hip consultant's idea.

    I hope all goes well for dad with his bloods and Aidan - remember to book your cardio apt??

    Thank you for the cobbler it was lovely :D:D:D

    A quick wave to Joan who should be along soon.... g025.gif

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx christmas01 christmas04
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara no when we bought the cards and jumpers sue bought here's before I did we don't tell one another what we are getting.
    Toni sorry about Lucy's problem's is she feeling a bit better.
    Kathleen I hope you had a good Christmas. you have the A Acid injections.
    Carol I hope someone comes to help with the heating.
    Aidan the snow is going it just freezes at night. I hope everyone is well.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan you and Sue are amazing!!! Twin-power!!

    Lucy is feeling so much better she has gone into work for the 'Elves Farewell' today :D

    thanks for asking :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..sunny but very cold..saying that we have had no snow has yet so lucky in respect.. hcold
    Carol I have just bought our son an insulated mug..he travels a lot doing heating so I have told him to take hot soup in case he gets stuck..good idea taking it to the knitting group..hope that boiler behaves now Mr T has topped it up..hopefully they will come on the 2nd ..think you said..
    Toni Im so happy to hear that Lucy got to the farewell party of Elves :D and is feeling much better.. ...and glad to hear your buffet went well.. christmas01 so you are all tided up now apart from the house is sooo dusty must get something done..there is a long write up on the A acid somewhere on the net ..its was new paper for might help Lucy make up her mind..
    Joan you really are identical twins..I know you have both done this many times.. :D its a unique bond bond you both have..
    Aiden thankyou for the peach cobbler just the things for cold you are chilling out or was that yesterday ..I see you enjoyed the GC with your vouchers..doesn't it make it much nicer when not paying.. :lol: although you added to it..I now say to myself when looking in the sales do I need it.. :lol: but have a few birthday coming up January, feb and march so will look for those..
    Kath sorry it made you sick , morphine does that to me even when I have taken my normal does..hope you are ok now..
    Think I had better move or I never will
    Keep warm everyone xxxxxxxxx
    Will use these before they remove them..cant believe its the 28th already... :shock: christmas01 christmas02 christmas05
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 28. Dec 2017, 18:35
    Thought I'd show you my this-year's robin :) No cats at the moment here so at least can encourage the birds but miss having any animals around. There seem to be a few in here.. not actually at all sure how many of them are real.. never mind, I'll work it out I expect. :lol: There's been mention of another toad as well, hmm.

    Well yes I have had a little read back bubbles :wink: , and yes I see what the consensus is on the OIC score. Catering corps I suppose, if that isn't wrong hierarchy/rank-wise; probably. I'm also getting a sort of grasp of the current cafe events but I know you'll all excuse my not keeping up with everyone's individual doings, too tired to take it in at the moment I'm afraid, but I'll comment here & there when I call in, & no favouritism implied obvs.

    Thank you for asking joan, I had a quiet xmas, usually do, which was fine, I'm not up to seeing people and I'm relieved I don't have to if I'm honest. Reading everyone's xmas arrangements & travel & shopping & catering.. gosh, well done everybody. Hope you're both well/warm today & love to your dear dogs.

    Better luck next time Carol :) thermal mugs made me think of flasks, or my lack of, we had a power cut recently and I was a bit underprepared.. have I done anything to prepare for another one.. no. :oops: But there's only so much you can do if it's unexpected, you would never have the wit to fill a flask ahead. Sorry for your boiler troubles too, seeing people talk of them lasting a few years :shock: I should hope so, my old one was well over 20 years old, nearer 30, although to be fair it was probably a borderline deathtrap by then. :lol::lol:

    Thanks all for the sympathy re failing meds, it was the Enbrel first & now the Humira not that it matters now lol.. Humira was a bit of a non-starter because I quit mtx at the same time & it was probably the worst antiTNF to go on to under the circs. Partly owing to seeing odd/new drs at that time. Anyway I'll get sorted one way or other I daresay :lol: being one of these seronegatives means I'm 'difficult' (cap fits &c).

    Barbara needs to do some dusting. :lol: Not the only one. Aidan, no-one would say I was ocd re. housework :oops: maybe I might be if I ever got tidy - I really do need to tackle my 'stuff' this year - 50% less wouldn't be too drastic by any means. Find it so hard on all sorts of levels, not just sentiment &c, even just the practicalities, hating things going to landfill etc, but will have to 'do something.'

    Well it is bright so I am going to catch up with 1 or 2 things after maybe just 1 more cup of tea. And a bun if there is one. See you all soon. xx
    Love to frog, Lucy the Elf, TK, Kath (better today I hope), Christine &c.
    edit. By the way wanted to say how well Lucy looks in her picture; having been absent, it strikes me especially I expect. So pleased to see. :)
    (also I have edited this post so many times; I can't recall if that makes extra mod work, if so sorry.)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a bloomin chilly day it has been.

    Time has caught up with me, so I will have to write more later.

    We took Dad to the supermarket, then to the Drs and we went and waited for him in the T room, well, it was there, looking at us, so I had to have a scone :)

    Then back to Dads, sorted some things out for him and put some numbers in the new phone we bought him for Christmas. Hopefully he can work it out, it is pretty straight forward.

    Lunch was almost at T time :roll: and now it is T time and siesta's are needed. We are having an at home day tomorrow, before family come up from London and from over the other side of the Pennine hills, to meet up for a lunch on Saturday...................

    Then it will be next year, before we know it.

    Right, let me go find some cakes and I will catch up with everyone's news later on. Take care, keep warm, hope there is as little snow as possible. Love to all XXX Aidan

    Caramel Cascade Drip Cake mmmmmmmmm

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good evening everyone. What a busy couple of days I've had. Spent yesterday shopping and cleaning/tidying the house then had 16 family members round for the afternoon. 4 others couldn't come. It was lovely as we haven't all been together for a few years. Plenty of food left so help yourselves - buns and meat, Pringles and dips, sausages and quiche, panettone pudding and mince pies. Everyone took doggy bags home. Just sat with my feet up now and probably all day tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is as well as can be and still enjoying the season.

    christmas01 hcold christmas03 christmas02
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Another very chilly night here, thick frost. Not quite sure if we are going to have any snow, one says yes, one says no. :? :?

    It is after midnight now, so an early good morning. I seem to have fussed about and run out of hours, yet again.

    I am not surprised Miss Sleek is cross with the "slow" snow.

    The trip to Hogwarts will cheer them both up, not sure when, I thought it was yesterday, but it seems that they will just vanish when Hermione casts her transportation spell :shock:

    There is a lot of nattering about Mr Toad, I have a sneaky suspicion that he has something to do with the enchanted forest and all the messages we had from the Deer, to follow him............. :? :? I think we will find out on New Years Day.

    Their new wands are packed and ready, Pepe was gliding, in anticipation of learning new spells and how to control the wand, instead of making it spark :shock: and make us all jump.

    Mmm, it is a difficult one with the alendronic acid, there would have to be a lot more pro's, than con's, to make it worth trying. I can sense your concern and rightly so.

    Glad Lucy is feeling better and went in to the Elves farewell ((()))

    Dads bloods were done and dusted and I forgot to write to my Cardio's secretary - but I will do, honest.

    The cobbler was yummy and very warming on a cold day.

    Pepe is asleep on the drying, he waits for me to take it out of the dryer then follows me into the lounge, to sit on top of it, bless. :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan, twins through and through, how wonderful that you bought the same things, without telling the other. I love it, such a tangible bond.

    Glad the snow was going and yes it is super frozen outside. We are not going out today, stay in and keep warm.

    Glad you have had no snow either Barbara, we seem to have similar weather, we are not a million miles apart really.

    All our cards, Christmas bits and bats, were taken down today, could not cope with them any more, I needed to see surfaces, me, OCD, never :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    Today we are chilling out, it was bloods for Dad, prescription to pick up, coffee and cakes to eat............what a life.

    We wanted to get everything we needed, just in case we have a snowfall. B won't drive in snow, at all. The bottom of our lane, gets very icy and if you cannot stop, then you just slide straight out onto the other road.

    Lunch was very nice on Wednesday, with the vouchers paying for most of it.

    Hi toady, love the pictures of your Robin, they are lovely, Mum used to hand feed them, they came in and sat on the window sill to eat little cubes of cheese that she had chopped up.

    Now, the animals, well, Miss Sleek, AKA Diddicat, belongs to Toni, Pepe, Cookie and Tosca are our three. Then there is Jericat and Tomicat who belong to Kerrin, plus Barbara has two that come and make themselves at home from the neighbours. Joan has the two Daschunds................from then on, it becomes a long list of cafe animals, that we have adopted and rescued, hence we have a Sanctuary.
    There are Bush Babies, Possums, Meerkats, Piggies, Lambs, Warthogs, Giraffes, Penguins, Owls, Seals, Spid**s. Red panda, Okapi, Emu's, Tapir's, Sloths, Dormice, Rhino's.............the list keeps on growing :shock: :shock:

    Oh and the other Toad, that was in our broom cupboard, has gone back to Hogwarts and is now transformed into another "being" in the Enchanted Forest.

    Do we need locking up, you betcha :lol::lol::lol:

    Trying to get up to speed with the daily goings on would take an eon.

    I think we all coped fairly well with Christmas, glad it is over, (apart from one more family gathering on Saturday). We like our "space" and guard it diligently. A quiet Christmas would suit us just fine.

    Your boiler was getting on in years and probably not up to health and safety guidelines :shock: :shock:

    I am sure your meds will sort out, once you are settled with a new Dr, nothing worse than having to see locum and try and explain a plethora or problems, in five minutes, just does not work in anyone's favour. I dread having to change Drs or see them retire, when they know how you tick.

    We used to have a lot of things, pottery coming out of our ears and various antiques and collectibles. We have thinned down by about 90%, it is very cathartic. Seeing space and having more room, is a joy. I will pop round and help :)

    There is always a cake Toady, I try and bring cakes and breakfast goodies in each day. If I cannot make it, then Kath will bring cakes too.

    Hi Christine, you have been busy, doing all the cleaning and then hosting 16 family members :shock: Glad you enjoyed the get together and you do right, to put your feet up for at least two days.

    I will gather a doggy bag and sneak some goodies from your lovely buffet, thank you kindly. Pannetone, mmmmm

    Has your Boss been away over Christmas? To some far away island in the sun........

    Right, it is one in the morning and I need to potter a while. I am set into a chair shape already.

    Hi to everyone else, keep warm and take care, one and all.

    Love XXXX Aidan

    A nice little breakfast buffet

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Toady Christine Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I'm pleased Lucy had her fare well with the elves.
    Barbara we have rain for the next 3 days I hope you have fine weather.
    Toady I hope you have a good day.
    Christine you were busy you need a rest now.
    Aidan I hope all of you have a good day on our news they were talking about people taking dogs back to the rehoming centre's one person's reason was he don't like me dressing him up.
    take care all
    Joan xx have a good weekend
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all very dark wet...and frosty... tcold
    Toady it must be so frustrating for you , but hopefully treatment wont be very far that will work I feel it in my bones.. :shock: strange how some work for some and not for others..I love the pics of the robins..I have been trying to get one of ours but not managed it come they are mostly on there own..just once did I see two in summer..
    Christine glad you all had a good time and met up with family you have not seen for ages..we make far to much food at Christmas..but it does come in.. how long you have off work ..hope its a week...give you a nice rest...I say rest.. :o
    Joan we have the rain ..and its so dark..but are nice and warm so am staying put..hope you are both doing ok..still not heard off
    Aiden we are the same like our own company ..thought it was an age thing..but you are much younger.. :D we always left our tree and decs till the 6th the 12th night and our eldest sons Birthday..but cant be doing with them now today is the day..then the dusting will get done ..just in case you pay us a visit.. :lol: so you bought dad a new will come in for him..and keep him occupied learning how to use one more family outing then you have done for a while..we have one today..well tonight..a buffet at a friends trouble is I wont want to move..oh I see you have put on a buffet so I can stay put thankyou... :D:D
    right I have bacon on toast to eat..courtesy of OH...bless him :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Phew, thank goodness the sun has come out, Tesco came, and I'm not feeling too bad. I hope everyone is feeling reasonably well, in spite of the heavy rain. Or did you have snow?
    hcold hcold hcold hcold

    Our phone went down first thing. I rang BT (on my mobile) and they found a fault. This was before 8 AM. By 11 AM, they'd fixed it. :o Marvellous. We were told it would be ready by midnight Saturday, but they did really brilliantly. :D
    Well done BT Openreach.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Been to the Dr early to look at my thyroid function .....still not enough thyroxine so an increase in does then off to see my pharmacist to collect said item. I have to go for an ECG due to the breathlessness and she is going to find out why the nurse couldn't a spirometry test...

    Finally Asda and now home :)

    Hello Barbara Decs coming down then? What a shame :? Still they are in the way. I have just dusted and lifted everything up only to put it back down again :roll: I usually wait until after new Year.

    Can hubs do me veg bacon on toast please??

    Or maybe I should have some of that cake of Aidan's???

    I had the fire lit last night, but today is raining so much warmer.

    I think the cats have been to Hogwarts!! Over night I suspect :) Miss Sleek is full of it and showing off the tricks the new wands can do.

    A bit annoying having your laptop levitated when you're typing though :? and cat milk appearing in her bowl :shock:

    Maybe when I am ready she can put all my decs away for next year??? That would be good :D christmas01

    Mr Toad is going to 'do' something at New Year? :shock: The Deer is somehow involved too :shock:

    I am with B I will not drive in snow luckily Paul will but he has a van with large wheels.

    Remember to write to the cardios sec!!

    Joan people expecting dogs to be dressed up are nutters!! Some animals enjoy it others don't grrrr!!! some people :(

    Toady those robins are lovely! Kath will love them too she likes birdies as does Barbara.

    There is every possibility that we have all lost all sanity in here yes, but most of the animals in our virtual sanctuary are babies and adorable.

    Don't forget cuddles - the café cat and Marigold the café cow who makes lavender cow-pats to help with sleeplessness.

    Thank you Lucy does look much better doesn't she? That is her own hair too no extensions although the colour is definitely not natural!!!!

    Christine what a lovely get-together :) I am glad you had such a god time. I hosted here too our family get together on boxing day. It's well-worth it isn't it?

    Feet up today as well as last night I hope :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Nearly missed you there Kath :) A big well-done to BT for restoring your service to quickly :)

    We had rain, but now have sunshine :) Tesco order all present and correct I assume?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    I don't know what happened to yesterday it seemed to slip by in the blink of an eye one minuet it was morning and in no time at all it was bedtime think the shed is at its tricks again Aiden. Have just eaten eaten a most delicious turkey and vegetable soup for tea tonight made in my soup maker followed by strawberries and greek youghurt all very yummy. tomorrow we are going to youngest daughters for dinner and tea and i get a day off cooking yipee, looking forward to that.

    Aidan I hope you all have a good time on Saturday with the family. and hopefully the weather is kind to you. agree when you have been busy it is nice to have some down time to yourselves.

    Toni yes the mugs are useful they keep tea and coffee hot for quite a while so thats good. and a win is a win so not complaining just a shame it wasn't one of the bigger prizes. and although i did weigh this week i did show my face and i got my hi fi cereal bars that i can omly get from group. i will be out when BG call to do boiler but i have told Mr T that I want him to tell them that if they cannot repair it properly this time we want a new boiler so i hope he tells them. unfortunately i have to go out. Glad Lucy is feeling heaps better i am to just still have this damn cough though.

    Joan have an appt on 2nd January for the boiler and i have asked for someone who is very experienced with our particular boiler.

    Barbara they had better come on the 2nd to see the boiler or there will be problems i will be on the phone having a good yell at them believe me. In the meantime if it goes mr t will top up and at least keep it going.

    Toady our old boiler was at least 25-30 years old and it was only changed because they could no longer get the parts to repair it. trouble is they are all digital nowdays and very tempremental.

    may get in tomorrow but as we are out all day i may not
    and it is now time for a little potter.
    so Nighty night everyone catch up with you all soon
    christmas05 newyear01
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    At almost midnight, it is high time I wrote a are quite right Carol, the missing hours are piling up in the shed, I think we are owed several days, to catch up.

    Glad to say the snow that we had this morning, has gone :)

    Hi Joan, I think we are in for a very wet week, according to the BBC weather. High winds too, from storm Dylan :shock:

    Will the next one be Dougal, then Zebedee, Ermentrude :lol::lol:

    That is just crazy, taking a dog back for re-homing, because it didn't like being dressed up. :roll: :roll: :x :x Some people should not be allowed to keep animals, at all.

    Hi Barbara We started the day with frost, then snow, then rain and fortunately all the snow went.

    I guess age is just a number, but yes, I don't mind being a home bird, (once we have been out for coffee :lol::lol: )

    You never know we might just pop over, to see if all the dusting has been done. :lol::lol: :shock: I did ours today, SO glad that the Christmas things have gone away. Looking to New Year is never my best time, as Mum passed away on New Years Day, 2015. Three years, goodness, where does the time go.

    I hope the buffet at your friends house went well, after you found the oomph to get going.

    I see B's Br and SIL have arrived safely at the park, about half an hour from us. They hire one of the large statics, very nice ones they are too.
    There are park homes on the site as well, we have spotted a brand new one for sale there. Will be having a nosey around today.

    Dad managed to use the phone and called us in the morning, then he came in for coffee, with some croissants. The passenger mirror is smashed again :? :? twice now in 5 weeks? Not sure if it was hit, or he hit something. A little worrying.

    Hi Kath, glad Tesco delivered and you are feeling not too bad, that is always good to hear ((()))

    You must have had the fastest repair from BT, in history :shock: :shock: Well done to Openreach for that one. To be fair, they have always repaired any faults pretty quickly here too.

    I like the phone :)

    Hi Toni, I see an increase in Thyroxine is in order, best to keep the levels were they should be. Now an ECG and a spirometry test - was the nurse supposed to do one on a recent visit?
    It is a while since I had mine done, by the time I have got to the nurses room, I am too out of puff :? :shock: I need to have it done in the waiting room :lol::lol:

    Hope the ECG and Spirometry tests go well, let us know and we will be hidden under the cloak of many rooms.

    A veggie bacon butty and then some cakes, that would be fine :) Shame to leave them really.

    Yes, there was a visit to Hogwarts, when we were all fast asleep, they were there in a flash. Pepe has been very happy with his gliding and clicking.

    The Pc has not levitated yet :lol: Pepe's wand is sparkling now, not fizzing or popping, so I think it is more in tune. I am sure something will move, or vanish, at some point soon :shock: :lol:

    I am sure Miss Sleek can help with the decorations, where they would end up, is anyone's guess :lol::lol:

    The Deer was certainly guiding us through the forest and we never did find out where he was taking us. It will be interesting to find out, on Monday newyear02

    Glad you are with B on the no driving in snow :)

    I am sure Toady thinks we have lost all semblance of normality, with our virtual sanctuary and the secret garden, the enchanted forest and Narnia...............At least we are all singing from the same hymn sheet christmas03

    The shed is certainly up to its time nabbing tricks again Carol. The days seem to get shorter, you look at the clock and think, right, 4pm, where did the day go?

    The soup sounded lovely and the desert too. Bet you are looking forward to having a day off from cooking while you are at your Daughters today. Enjoy your visit. Safe journeys.

    We are just glad that the snow has gone, we are used to rain and can cope with it being breezy too. cfly I am sure our family get together will be fine. We won't stay too long, B does not like driving in the dark and the journey is all country lanes and little villages, then you have to go over the moors for a short while. :? :shock:

    I hope Mr T tells them you need a replacement boiler, if they cannot fix the one you have. We will get the puskins to cast a spell of compliance for the 2nd of Jan :)

    Well I had better have another potter, the bones are saying "needs must".

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, Christine, DD Charrisse and all.

    Everyone take lots of care, stay safe and warm.

    Love XXX Aidan

    Scrambled Egg and Cornish Cheese on Toast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Now that is perfect! Posh scrambled eggs on toast :D thanks Aidan. I have made some decaf caramel macchiatos to go with it :)

    Miss Diddicat is loving her new wand! She is lifting things (sometimes they fall though :? ) and can vanish small items too such as a toy mouse. She can't yet open her own sachets or anything like that which is fortunate. Pepe will be levitating 'bad' sachets right into your bin!!!

    It's windy here so they are waiting to see whether they will be allowed to fly later - they want to use Pepe's present from Sleek and go indoor skydiving. They are officially 'bored' with Christmas :roll:

    Thank you for the offer of cloak duties for my appointments. The EEG I can go any time mon-fri 10-1pm.

    Have you written to cardio yet?

    I am very pleased to hear all snow has vanished and B can drive again :) Paul needs a new work van so we have been researching :? fun eh? He's after heated seats :lol: Vans can be chilly.

    I'm sure Toady can see we are harmless with all our animals etc all good fun :wink:

    Talking of which, (Witch???), who gave cuddles a wand??? There's unopened sachets everywhere :shock:

    Carol I hope Mr T can be as assertive with the boiler man as he can with you :roll:

    It should jolly well be fixed ASAP!!! Or replaced.

    How lovely no cooking I hope daughter does something nice :)

    Maybe you'll get a bigger prize next time. Those mugs keep your cuppa hot for hours. Lucy loves her one :) It has a pink lid :wink:

    I hope the cough disappears for you soon ((()))

    A quick hello!! to Joan :)a120.gif

    I hope all is well with you both.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara happy birthday to your son.
    Kathleen that's good Bt being quick they used to forget us.
    Toni 'm pleased you were helped with your throat.
    Carol I hope your boiler is soon fixed for you.
    Aidan I hope everyone has a good day.
    newyear02 everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all very dark here..but still no snow..
    Joan our eldest sons Birthday is the 6th of January I think yours is the 5th..or am I wrong..
    Carol I have been dreaming of a good homemade soup for days now..yours sounds so good.. :D the days are flying past not sure why but they always do after nice to be going out for lunch and makes such a difference when someone else cooks good on your daughter :D now fingers crossed for that boiler..
    Toni I hope you can get the test done very the shortness of breath down to your sinuses or are you not to have the ECG..I think if when they get your thyroid under control things will improve..and the cloak will come out...
    Aiden so dad rang good to know he can use the phone bless him..and he has had another mirror broken..maybe it someone that goes past on a regular basis, hope its not him..our decs have not come still waiting..I will be thinking about you on New Years day..such a sad day for you..(()) mum died in January the 20th.. :(
    glad your snow has gone then there is no ninny walking..I can imagine how lovely Springs is up there.. :D now I will tuck into the scrambled egg and cheese..a lovely start to the day.. :D
    Kath glad to hear your order came and you are felling a little better long may it continue..
    We really enjoyed the buffet yesterday..good food and good company.. :D might just leave decs up now till new year.. :lol:
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, just thought I would pop in quickly and say hi, before T and siesta, which is much needed.

    Had a lovely time with everyone gathered for lunch, glad we were not catering !!

    Lots of snow in the sides of the road, as you got up to the moors, melting though.

    I think everyone had a good time, the older ones (children) and the little children all played together, outside and in. It was blowing a gale outside, but they loved it on the zip wire and the other springy see saws :shock: :shock: :mrgreen:

    9 of us are meeting up at the G Center tomorrow........I think that will be the end of the festive is going on a long time, I quite agree with Miss Sleek.
    There is a weather warning for tomorrow, so no fly, but they can use the voucher for the indoor flying.

    So, cuddles has a wand and I am sure I saw the sorting hat, with lots of sachets that pepe had sent, to sort them into the bin :o :shock: :lol::lol: Cuddles must have been to Hogwarts too. I never even thought..........shame on me.

    right, will be back later, after a rest, nothing better for making the bones shout than to sit at table for a long time........ :roll: :roll:

    Love to all XXX Aidan

    Maple Walnut Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting - after three Toni :wink::wink:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes, Tesco was well within the allotted hour, and most of the order was either correct, or perfectly acceptable. We haven't been out today. Too wet and miserable.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein