Val's Cafe
The coffee is on....
to go with the blueberry breakfast cakeThanks Aidan.
Neighbour has something going on which could mean she aspirates her food so they want liquid only diet and yes thickener in drinks.There is a surgical option available when she is well-enough. I hope her husband will be able to make the most of his morning off. Good visiting hours though 11am till 7pm. Bless him though he has been staying all day.
The new broom has cleared out the shed? oh dear :roll:
It is nice to have places back to normal after Christmas. I like the decorations when they go up, but am always glad to see things restored to order. Talking of which supervet will be in on Monday to check everyone over.
Pepe and Miss Sleek are very much taking cuddles under their respective wings. She is shy, but apparently really funny had them both in stitches.
I hope Silver Moon will fly over the hospital and sort my neighbour out.
All that needs to happen now is for the decs to go back in the basement and Paul will help get them down so my back will be happier today I am sure.
I hope BG get out to see you today Carol. Good advice from the engineer to say it's not working so they come out quicker. I agree it must be a Friday afternoon boilerA Rogue one. It happens, but it's their job to put it right.
Given that you know how to add pressure and can get by, and that BG have wasted enough of your time already), I totally agree with you doing what you have to do before calling them.
Fingers crossed for you.
Oooh I like the rainbow
I do definitely remember the post about Lillie's birth. You should have won!!!
A quick woo-oooo! to Joan t69044 have some flowersI hope you are also warm enough.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Toni Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara you keep warm it's colder this weekend.
Toni have you got nice lanes you can walk along by you.
Carol we have had the same problem with our boiler it has not been changed yet we are with a housing ads
Aidan I hope it's not too cold for you. the rad in sue's bedroom is still cold he's coming this morning to see it.
take care all
Joan xx. Hello Toni we keep meeting this way have a good day.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone.
A very uplifting day at school yesterday. My little (use the word little as they are quite young) cricket team went to play in the finals of a cricket comp at the Oval. They came 3rd and were the best team from Lambeth (our London borough) their PE teacher is tired and sore.......but happy!
Also had a call back from Rheumy nurse. I missed the call but she’s booked me an appointment for 23rd Jan. Feel guilty sometime as my aches and pains are minor compared to some others but the constant headaches, sore tongue ankles and fingers wear me out.
Keep warm everyone.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Kerrin, glad you had an uplifting day. Well done to your little cricketers, and that you have an appointment ready and waiting.
It was coming down like stair rods this morning, so stayed at home again. scold scold scold or we might have ended up like t2507 t2507
Looking forward to seeing m0150 m0150
Sending you all t4591 t115006 t4591
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to one and all - glad I had only just started to write, when the PC decided to restart and loose my ramblings :roll: :roll:
Sunshine, a lovely bright, but chilly day, I can cope with them.
Thank you for the coffee Toni, it was perfect with the Blueberry breakfast cake.
It sounds like your neighbour has dysphagia, which could be caused by a range of things. I hope they can help as much as possible, once she gets over the flu.
I am sure her hubby is grateful for your visiting and giving him time to go out and about.
There are a couple of hours in the shed now, I think they are from Friday, when we seemed to have a shorter day than normal. I will leave them for Carol, she often needs them.
Good that you are all restored to order, it is much easier for fussing and preening, when you are not fighting with ornaments and cards. We like it tidy and clean.
I see the Super Vets are coming on Monday, to check on all the lovelies in the Sancutary. I am sure all will be well, Silver will be there, keeping a watchful eye.
Pepe and Sleek do like Cuddles, they are quite impressed with her flying, who knew she had a broom and had already been to Hogwarts a long time ago. She has many a tale to tell, from the goings on in the cafe.
Silver Moon has been busy, dispensing magical sparkles over the hospital, over Kerrin and her Rheumy nurse ( who I see got in touch) See, these magical sprinkles do workFlying over Carol's, making sure the boiler is doing what it is supposed to do.
I remember Carol posting about Lillie's birth, we were all on pins, waiting for news..........
Hi Joan, I hope the boiler / radiator man has sorted out the rad in Sue's room, she needs to be warm in the cold weather. Limited movement only makes you feel the cold even more, so some magic dust coming your way t115006
The housing association should really be ashamed, allowing the problems you have had to drag on for so long, with periods of no hot water and no heating.
Hi Kerrin, well, it sounds as if Silver Moon left some good vibrations, with you having a more uplifting day and the juniors coming third in the cricket tournament at the Oval no less. Way to go.
A happy teacher, who is a tad ouchy. ((()))
And the rheumy nurse phoned and made an appointment, more good news.
Don't feel guilty about not feeling well, or having pains, discomfort etc. We are all in the same boat and each one of us has our own needs and problems.
I can totally sympathise with things making you feel worn out, as can most people on the forum. It is a complex thing to deal with and everyone is different in how they manage from day to day.
Hi Kath, so you had the rains this morning then, while we were bathed in sunshine, albeit chilly.
I don't blame you for not going out. Thank you for the love and the magic of the rainbows (I love rainbows, they are sent to remind us that our loved ones are nearby).
Flowers too, you are spoiling us XXX
I had better post soon, or Barbara will be along and there will be no cake for us to eat with our cuppa's.
Hi to everyone else, here and around and about. Many hugs t4591 Until later XXX Aidan
Crisp French waffle cones, with fresh cream and mascarpone fillingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all ..our eldest son is 46 today so we had something to eat at the GC..he hasn't been there much it was a change for him..his daughter our middle GD joined us..and his eldest the one in London face timed him..
Aiden I just knew there would be cake ..thankyou..I did help myself to the blueberry breakfast..what a good idea telling my neighbours children ironing is character building..wonder if they will believe me
Toni I hope that back get some rest..Its lovely of you to give your neighbour a rest form vising..bless him staying all day..thats the trouble with long visiting hours .. but good in another sense..
Kath glad you stayed in doors..we had a very cold day today but dry thank goodness
Kerrin well done to your netball team and in the awful hopefully a restful weekend to get on top of the pain but knowing you it wont be..hope come Monday things have glad the rheumy got back to you..
Joan it is very cold but glad to see the sun after all that rain and dark days
Carol glad to hear you have that you say the parts are sooo expensive..lets hope the next visit sorts it..I like the made on a Friday that is a new one on me..
So the super wet is vising on Monday..better go round with the broom ...I am sure he will find all the animals have put weight on and are very happy here..a bit like me over Christmas... :oops:
Love to everyone...xxxxxxxx t69044Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Well did get an emergency engineer out after telling them we had no heat or hot water he spent over an hour on it and has now ordered a new expansion vessel to be fitted on Monday morning and we go from there. so good vibes needed for Monday morning please. Aidan spoke of remembering being on pins waiting for Lillie to be born well Guess what we are due to have another new arrival in July a new sister or brother for Lillie and Graycie.
Barbara I had a giggle to my self when he said about it being a Friday boiler. think it was his way of saying that the boiler may need to be changed in the end but they have to try absolutely everything out first. yes the contract has been worth it weight in gold over the past few years with this boiler.
Aidan thank for the hours i have collected them. for when i next need them. I have thanked Silver moon for the magic sparkles they seem to be working need a few more now on Monday when 1st new part it fitted. t115006 and yes the plot thickens indeed but i suppose they need to try everything first before they can sanction a new boiler. as far as the spilt cup of coffee I really don't know how i did it but yes it was a real mess luckily it wasn't over me or Mr T just all over the table and empty chair next to me.
Joan That's terrible the housing association should be very ashamed of themselves. our flat is our own so we are responsible for the repairs that is why I have a service contract on it
Toni engineer here today new expansion vessel being fitted Monday hopefully that will work. if not it may then be new heat exchanger. yes think when the senior engineer said yesterday about it being a Friday boiler it was his way of saying it was a rogue one. :roll:
well that's all from me today now need a potter
take care all t4591 t115006 t69044Stay positive always👍xx0 -
An early morning to everyone. Very frosty out at the moment. tcold but I think we are in for some fine, sunny days.
Happy Birthday to your eldest Son Barbara, hope you all had a lovely time at the GC Nice that your Niece face timed too. I hope there was cake.
Talking of cake, I was just in time to pop those amazing waffle cream cones into the cafe. The blueberry breakfast cake was wonderful - I would have to try that if I ever found one.
Oh yes, ironing is good for the soul, you have time for reflection and can become lost in a cloud of steam. You can try it on the children, see if it works
I see you are busy in the Sanctuary with the broom, we do have a noo noo, one of those mini street cleaners. Just enough room for the driver. I am sure you can have great fun in it. :shock:
Hi Carol Good that you had the emergency engineer out, to the boiler. Another rendezvous on Monday, to have the expansion tank changed. They do have to try all options, before they will say, ok, fit a new boiler / appliance etc. The insurance policies like the one with BG and the other one with Domestic and Gen, are worth their weight and take the worry out of things going wrong.
I will be sending lots of good vibes your way. In fact, I will go gather some from Silver, while I think of it
He has sent you this jar of magic, with its own fairy, to sprinkle the necessary sparkles, as required, all over the BG fitter
So, we are to have another little one, congratulations are in order. t69044 July you say, oh, it will be hot then, so we will all be in a lather, with anticipation.
Good job you were not covered in coffee. If I had a £ for everything I have sent flying, I would be super rich. B usually says, "can I help with anything" :roll: :roll:
I hope everyone else is as ok can be, Toni, I hope your back is a little easier, he says, having creased himself, cleaning the oven glass (which wasn't even dirty). I was walking about like Mrs Overall :roll: we never learn. Pepe and Sleek are off flying today, in the fine weather, not sure where, maybe to the seaside. Pepe has his thermals out ready.
How is your neighbour doing. Silver has been to the hospital and left some magic glitter. (())
Kerrin, I hope you are resting as much as possible this week end. After a busy week, with great achievements too.
Hi to everyone else, Mig, DD Toady Elizabeth Charrisse, Christine and all.
We have had an at home day (Saturday) Dad popped in and we had coffee and croissants.
Caught up with the tennis, the ski jumping, the downhill, the giant's all on at the moment, not enough hours and Carol has already taken the spare ones
The winter Olympics start in Feb, which we will be watching, as well as the ATP tour that is already underway.
Pottered about and fussed a bit.
No great plans for Sunday, just have some more home time, which we are more than happy with. B said he might go out into the garden and tidy up the pots, attack the weeds, that seem to grow no matter what the weather.
I had better post, if the PC restarts, I will loose this and also loose my temper.
Everyone take lots of care. Love to all XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Breakfast is Scandinavian Chocolate Waffles - soul food
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I hope everything is going well with you.
Aidan that must be very annoying when you knock things over.
Carol that's good news another baby. good luck with the heating on Monday.
Barbara yes it's so cold a nice mug of coffee helps.
Kerrin. I hope your aches soon calm down.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Scandinavian choc waffles Aidan very nice....I presume the whole bowl of cream was for me :? Thank you very much
I see the Noo-noo was crashed last night?? No sign of the driver anywhere :shock: No blood to be seen, but must have had fun there was a sort of track set up?????
Anyway I hope all is well with you and B and your back isn't too bad same as me today. Mrs Overall position is a good descriptionJust reminded me to check on our oven......
My neighbour was ok apart from the tissued cannula which I had them remove ASAP and the liquid dietThe head teacher was going to visit at 4 so I left at 2 so she could rest a bit first. Will the throat thing be sorted out? She says maybe a day surgery?????
The magic glitter might make sure no sharper nurses are on duty. That would be good. She is a very calm and tolerant person luckily takes it all in her stride.
I'm not sure B will be in the garden we have a hard frost here
Miss Slimkins has her thermals on ready and her (fake) fur coat ear-mitts and gloves by her wand. They won't need to visit Mrs Darcey for cold weather today, that's for sure :shock: Apparently Cuddles is declining the offer of this trip due to it being too cold. She is asleep on Marigold's back :animal_busy:
I quite agree we should let Carol have those missing hours in the shed. More will soon accumulate!
Oh my goodness Carol! What lovely news for you another Grandbaby!!
Great news about your expansion hose being fitted on Monday - hopefully plan B will do the job fingers crossed. Aidan has sent a jar of magic dust to throw (subtly) over the engineer and boiler.
Can rogues be fixed? I very much hope so
Belated Happy Birthday to your son Barbara. Face-time is such a help isn't it? when you can't be with someone.
I have to agree as regards long visiting hours....a blessing as you will be able to get there at some point every day, but a feeling of needing to be there all day if no-one else is going.
The animals are all looking good...not so our Noo-noo (ride on hoover thingy) it seems to have crashed :?
Kath I think we will have plenty of m0150 m0150 m0150 today because there is a thick frost out there. You were wise to avoid the very wet weather.
t69044 t69044 t69044 for you too
Wow Kerrin how wonderful the little team playing at the Oval what an experience for them!!
23rd Jan isn't too long to wait and maybe there is 'something' they can do to help you a little t4591
Hello Joan! yes we must stop meeting like thisbut we won't we're early birds. Our lanes are lovely with sheep cows horses and a donkey to see and they are flat too
Surely you are at the end of your tether with the hosing assoc by now???
Right onwards and upwards!!
Love to everyone
Where's Mig? I wanted to tell her that Paul has booked a cruise.....just for he and me so the girls will have to take great care of Lucy for me.
Toni xxx0 -
Afternoon all..late again..has a little trip out in the cold sunshine.. m0150 blow away the cobwebs
tcold the flash has they call it to see all the birds and swans that have migrated here..and they have opened a cafe...
Carol what lovely news a new Baby GGC..lots more knitting to do but will keep you out of mischief has my late mum used to say..and hopefully the new vessel will work a treat..fingers crossed ...well I will try..
Tony we have a noo.noo.thought that was an hair removal thingy..anyhow its crashed..whatever it is..
your poor neighbour has a lot going on hopefully they will help her..oh a cruse how lovely and you both really do deserve it..not seen Mig around..
Aiden time at home sounds good..just pottering ..B will tidy the garden..our is a mess at the min..we keep looking at it through the window.. :shock: must say the chocolate waffles look delicious..I get on your post and always zoom to the bottom to see what goodies we have..
you are right we never learn..but I always say its not giving in..then we suffer.. :roll:
Joan a hot cup of coffee does warm you up..I cant drink much of it in summer has it floods out of me
Right better to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
A chilly afternoon to all. It was a very thick frost this morning. tcold
Hopefully everyone is keeping warm and safe. Thoughts go to those in North America, who are in the middle of a serious winter freeze.
It is annoying when I knock things flying Joan, but I am more than used to it now. Something to do with the compression of the nerves in my neck and the abnormal nerve conduction in my arms, (so the ortho surgeon said). Causes lack of spatial awareness and ridiculopathy :shock: :roll:
Did they come and sort out the rad in Sue's room??
Of course the entire bowl of cream was for you Toni,there where spare ones, but I hid them at the back of the fridge
Rather nice, those waffles.
Goodness, the noo noo is already out of action, now, who was in the sanctuary last night, mentioning no names Barbara - who said thatshe was going to have a sweep around with a broom. So it was like a race track then. mmmmmmmm I will get another one :roll: :roll:
We are ok I think, pains and the like are as normal, with a few extra ouches here and there.
B did go out for a short while, to have a little tidy up in the garden, mainly dead bits and bobs, some weeds.........looks better and the birds are busy, checking over the uncovered earth in the beds.
I stopped indoors, making a sandwich. Did you check your oven, I am sure it was not in a state.
Well spotted on the tissued cannula. Your neighbour must have something amiss with her throat, oesophagus, for it to be repairable. Enlarged Uvula? could be one thing. Slight stricture? I am sure the magic glitter will soften any harsh nurses, one thing that patients do not need, is a nurse, with attitude. Annoys me intensely.
Pepe and Sleek were out early doors, while it was still very frosty, they were well wrapped up and Pepe loved Sleeks fur ear cosy's. Of course, he wants some now, so he is on catazon, to look for them.
I don't blame Cuddles for stopping with Marigold, both nice and comfy in her warm straw bedding.
Carol will make good use of the spare hours, there are a few more in the shed now, so they will soon mount up again.
I haven't seen Mig in a little while, I am sure she will be thrilled about your cruise, I won't tell Pepe, or Sleek, she will have the vapours. I am sure it will be wonderful, just the two of you and the girls and Sleek and Silver will take good care of Lucy, don't you worry.
Hi Barbara, you beat me to it today, I have not put the cakes out.
It would blow the cobwebs away, but it is nice when it is cold and sunny. I think we will have another hard frost tonight. One side of our roof is still frozen, as are the other park homes.
So you saws the damaged noo noo, there was me, thinking you were having a race around the paths:? :? I wonder if Johnny was having a whiz round and took one of the corners a bit too fast. No one was hurt. Anyway, we have a new one, feel free to give it a go.
The No No is the hair one,expensive things they are too.
Gardens always look a bit dower at this time of year. We have quite a lot of evergreen plants, which are good. Even the Azaleas from our neighbours, who left their van and moved, they are evergreen now. Every year, they would shed their leaves and then flower in spring summer. Since they have moved across the road, they have not lost their leaves in winter. Beyond me :shock:
Right, before you zoom to the bottom, I will go and get the cakes, it is pill time as well, so time to potter.
Hi to everyone else, around and about. Take lots of care, will catch you later.
XX Aidan
Strawberry Shortcake Muffins, with whipped creamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all...Just been watching the skiing..something I have never tried..better not now with 2 new hips..
looking forward to dancing on ice shortly
Aiden so the noo noo is a little truck and not hair removal..I did wonder..maybe it crashed avoiding me with the broom I was in the dark strange the Azaleas has not lost there leaves...maybe they know something we dont.. :? now I want a go on this moo moo..will be careful to the bottom of your post ...Ooh strawberry shortcake muffins.
.will put the kettle on
Love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone.
Had a very restful weekend apart from swimming on Saturday morning. Was a hard session and the body wasn’t very willing.
Enjoyed dancing on ice. Talking about ice skating, taking 55 of the well behaved kiddies on an ice skating trip to Somerset House on Tuesday.
Those waffles looked yummy.
Time to go and take my methotrexate.....deep joy.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Goodness, it is nearly one in the morning............I will have to see if Carol has left any hours in the shed.
Seem to have been faffing about and pouring over what to get with the ARGOS vouchers we had for Christmas. A new coffee machine, a Nespresso this time, instead of the dolce gusto that we have had for a good few years.
It is half price, so, only £5 to add to the vouchers, we love a bargain.
I am glad you popped back in for your cakes Barbara, of course I will join you, with a nice cup of T, thank you.
We are running all the programmes in the background, or we will never have time to watch them, ski jumping, tennis, downhill, slalom................
If you go skiing, I will go tooI think we would end up as a big snowball at the bottom of the ski run.
I hope you enjoy the new noo noo, we still don't know who crashed the other one, it is a mystery, Sleek and Pepe have seen who did it, through the crystal ball, but are not saying a word............ :roll: :roll:
It is very odd, plants that are summer bedding, have survived into the next years too, as well as others becoming evergreen :shock: :? Strange.
Hi Kerrin, I am glad you have had a more restful week end, (apart from the swimming session). You needed to re charge your batteries and let the magic work on those ouches.
We used to watch Dancing on Ice, but have not done for a few years now, besides, we would never have time to fit it in :? :?
55 children, I do hope they are very well behaved, not on your own I trust :shock: :shock: all ice skating, that will be fun, lots of tumbles and whoops.
((())) for the methx.
I hope everyone else is ok, keeping warm, as it is super frosty once more.
B went out earlier and salted the ramp / decking, as we are out in the morning.
Going over to the T room that we used to go to quite often, in the antique center. Will be a surprise for them when we walk in, as we have known them all there for at least 9 years.
Best be off, time for a cuppa, we will have to have some porridge for breakfast, have run out of hours in the day...........sorry.
Love to all. Catch you later, take lots of care t4591 t4591 AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh Kerrin how lovely!! I wish I was near enough I would volunteer to keep the kids in order
I hope the MTX made some difference and doesn't give you a sore tongue again ((())
We watched dancing on ice - Lucy loves it!
Barbara it wasn't you who crashed the Noo-noo?? How odd :? Well I hope you enjoyed your ride. Did you also do a slalom??
Aidan might be right it could be Johnny his eyesight is a bit bad these days....
No no skiing for you my girl :shock: :shock: :shock:
Morning Aidan I hope you enjoy your trip to the café in the antique place. A bit like our one here I love it spend all my time gawping aroundThey will be pleased to see you.
Those poor people in N America I hope they get a thaw very soon
How is your radiculopathy?? I love the intentional miss-spelling!! It ought to be ridiculopathy though don't you think?
Thank you for the whole bowl of cream and there was some left for my porridge too
Miss Sleek said that Pepe has got some Teddy bear ear-muffs for their next trip out with SilverNo please don't mention the cruise whatever you do :roll: Leave the amateur dramatics for nearer the date!!!
Nice new Noo-noo!! Very nice indeed. I wonder whether Pepe and Miss Sleek would like a ride on it? I believe they are having a quiet day in today....we shall see although Cuddles might be visiting with Tom and Jericat.
I have a feeling Carol will need those hours in the shed - she wasn't in yesterday.
Well-done B doing some gardening. Our garden stayed frozen most of the day hereMy oven will get some TLC today before it needs it
Right must get on my friend is visiting later.
A quick Woo-oooo! to Joan - you beat me in yesterday!! t115006
Love to all
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Toni Barbara Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
Toni that's a lovely place to live. that's nice to look forward to a cruise you need that after all you've been through.
Barbara yes we watched Dancing on ice. Don't try it.
Aidan I hope you have a good day how is your Dad.
Kerrin. good luck you can do it.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all cold and sunny again.. tcold m0150
Aiden its good to have a T room and you can have a browse at the same time..dancing on ice has come back after so many years off screen..I enjoyed it but they have a ..not sure what you call them but he talks over what they have done at the end..and shouts..sounds like the one on the darts.. :shock:over the top..I will be very careful with the Noo Noo..very expensive bit of equipment..and quiet so doesn't scare the Pepe saw who crashed the old one... :shock: :shock: :oops: you have a good day and be careful of ice nearly go me yesterday ..just putting the crutch out the car :roll:
Joan..I promised not to try dancing in ice..but yesterday I nearly did..I put the crutch on the floor and off it went..8 out of ten I would have got.. :shock:
hope you both have a good day..
Toni yes it would have been Johnny who crashed the Noo Noo.. :shock: :oops: we wont mention the cruise to Miss sleek..she will be hiding the suitcases.. :roll: you enjoy having your friend over..nice for a walk if wrapped up..
Kerrin I would be scared of losing some of the children..glad you managed to rest ..and the hope all goes well with the MTX...
Just seen 2 Robbins .. one comes regular ..but have only seen the 2 once..maybe they are ready to nest..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Just watching the midday news and who did I see boldly marching into number 10 - CUDDLES do you think she has been given a place in the government?
Not heard it in the news, but on a JW forum Zambia has a Cholera epidemic, and people are being prevented from congregating in large meetings. t2507 t115006 t4591
Nottm Forest knocked Arsenal out of the FA cup.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all
Yes afternoon did type a post this morning whilst waiting for the boiler engineer to arrive, but it disappeared into the big black void so I thought I would leave it for a while. so quick update on boiler we had the senior engineer guy in again to fit new expansion vessel pressure still dropped a little. so he is coming back tomorrow morning to isolate boiler, and switch it off completely for a couple of hours to check the heat exchanger. so we will see what happens tomorrow. next option new heat exchanger maybe ??. the good thing is this engineer is determined to get the root of the problem.
Toni wasn't lack of hours that prevented me from getting in yesterday it was lack of interest in anything as was really so fed up with this boiler business. Mr T had to top it up 3 times yesterday to keep it going. don't know that rogues can be fixed we will see.
Barbara yes it is good news about new baby GGC this one is due around Mr T's birthday, and the needles will certainly be clacking again. I am crocheting a blanket at the moment to use up a whole lot of spare odd balls that I have, rather than throw them out. new vessel fitted and still dropping slightly so engineer is calling again in the morning to isolate boiler and completely turn off for a couple of hours and see what happens then.
Aidan Magic sparkles used very liberally over engineer we may well have moved one step nearer to new part 2 to being ordered and fitted will know more tomorrow. no I didn't have a coffee bath on Friday thank goodness but like you i am always knocking something over. GD has had an early scan due to having a gallstone, which they need to keep an eye on so she will get more scans than normal during the pregnancy because it can cause her or the baby problems if it starts moving around. it was discovered during her last pregnancy but as yet she has not been able to get a date for the gall bladder to be removed and they wont do it while she is pregnant unless it is likely to be a danger to her or baby. when she had a scan the midwife gave her a date 2 days Before Mr T's birthday early August. but as both her other girls were born early we are looking to late July early August. but we are Loving the idea of another GGC t4591 t4591
well must potter now and recheck the pressure again now that the boiler has been on for about 3/4 of an hour to make sure it has not risen too far as it did this morning and ended up in the red danger zone. still got to keep a check on it till engineer calls tomorrow.
so it is bye bye for now.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I will try not to lose any children at ice skating tomorrow. In 5 years of trips (and this is one of the simpler ones) I have yet to
Lose a child! Kiddies are excited, so are the girls starting BMX next week and the kiddos starting gymnastics club tomorrow. Like to excite the kiddies.
Method taking went ok, apart from not wanting to eat chicken today and mild headache feeling ok.
Barbara, hope you survived your dancing on ice moment! I’ll try not to fall over tomorrow. Normally my job to help a girl with cerebral palsy but she is in yr 6 now so it’s getting harder.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Well, another day has vanished and there are no spare hours left in the shed :?
I hope everyone has been keeping warm and safe. No frost at the minute, but there has been a lazy breeze.
We did enjoy our trip to the antique and restaurant comboDad enjoyed it too. We have not been since May so everyone was so pleased to see us. Hubby of one of the lady's who works in the t room, rang her and she popped down the road to come and have a natter. She has been off for a long time with bad leg injuries, but is back working two days a week.
We had a lovely lunch, plenty of coffee and I was very good and resisted the cakes. Which were very nice, as you can see.
We had the table next to the cake chiller and the cheesecake was calling me..............
Had a wander round the antique center, bought a pair of Lladro horse head sculptures, they are beautiful. I will take a picture.
From there, it was Tesco, left a very dirty car (Bette) with the valeting guys and went and did the shopping. I had to wander slowly, the chairs were all in use and the one buggy they had was the three wheeler and it sounds like it is going to collapse :shock:
Shopping done, back to a gleaming car, just like new. B was under strict orders not to drive through any wet patches etcThey earned their money today, it was so cold where their valeting area is tcold
Finally arrived home just before 4pm, so a long day. I bet Dad put his feet up and went straight to sleep.
Now, ridiculopathy, or radiculopathy, seems it can be either orwhichever one, I don't like it at all, but, it is a case of live with it so the orthopod said :? :roll:
Did you have some maple syrup with your cream and porridgethere was, emphasise WAS, some on the side, near the porridge pot.
We no nothing about you going on a crui-- at all, it will be a veritable drama when the time comes, Pepe will be on soothing and calming duties, not to mention taking food parcels for Missy Sleek :roll:
The puskins have enjoyed a quiet day, well, apart from skyping on their new phones, (wherever they came from)? :shock: I heard them chirruping when I was having a siesta.
It was brave of B to go out in the garden, I had to turn the heating up, just thinking about it. He wasn't out too long though.
I am sure your oven is now gleaming
Hi Joan, thank you, we had a nice day, Dad enjoyed his trip out with us and meeting up with the lovely people we have not seen in a long time at the T room.
Did the man come to sort the rad in Sue's room? We don't want her cold. You are so patient.
Hi Barbara, it was lovely to have a catch up with our friends from the antique center.
Do you mean Jason Gardiner, he is like Mr Nasty of the judges on Dancing on Ice. I cannot abide him, even though it is all a bit contrived and embellished.
Yes, Pepe has been trying to describe the person who crashed the first noo noo, it wasn't Johnny apparently. We will say no more.:? :?
By all means try the new one, it is almost silent, but leaves everywhere spotlessly clean. It has autonomous braking, so whoever drives it, if they are distracted, it will stop if it suspects an impending bump.
I was careful, I know what you mean about patches of ice. I have nearly gone headlong, on paving slabs, especially the stone ones, they get very slippy in this weather.
We like to watch the birdies at the back door, we don't feed them, but so many neighbours do, they are not short on food. Sparrows, Dunnocks, Wrens, Robins, Coal Tits, Blue Tits, Wagtails, Bull finches, Green finch, long tail tits. My Fav are the wrens, they are SO cute, they scuttle up and down the gutters, peeping over the top, while they check for little insects.
HI Kath, I am sure Cuddles would do a very good job in the Cabinet, seeing as it is in such a mess at the moment. :roll: I will recommend her to the PM, for chief of animal welfare.
Yes, there is a cholera outbreak in Zambia, about 2600 cases. Gatherings, including bars, churches, night clubs etc, are banned, to limit the spread of the disease, as is selling food on the streets, open markets etc.
It causes severe dehydration, but is treatable
So Forest knocked Arsenal out of the cup, oh dear, our Niece will be mortified
Hi Carol, so you had a post go into the Ether, there must be millions of lost emails, posts etc, all floating about somewhere :roll:
Glad the boiler man is on the case and things seem to be moving forward. Keep up with the magic sprinkles, we might yet arrive at a new boiler.
We had best not go out for a coffee together, we might end up wearing them :shock: :shock: It does get annoying, sending things flying.
Let's hope your GD's gallstones behave and don't start wandering. Not what she needs at this time. Sometimes, they can just grumble, without causing too much of a problem. They will keep a close eye on things with the regular scans though.
We will go with late July, gosh, it will be hot too, just what you need at such a time.
I am sure you are loving the news of being GG G Parents againI liked the pics on FB, lovely
I remember our last boiler, the pressure went up into the red and water filled the guage :shock: :shock: I was soon on the phone to BG
The new one seems to keep itself sorted out.
No, don't loose any children Kerrin :shock: I am sure you are always most careful. I bet they are excited, SKating, BMX, Gymnastics, it's all go.
Glad you are not feeling too bad, nothing too horrid from the Mtx
I imagine it is hard helping the girl with C Palsy, as they get bigger, it puts a lot more strain on you. Try and stay upright, I will send some magic sprinkles.
I must away, it is well after 1am. Off to the GC for a quiet coffee this morning and then to ARGOS to pick up the new coffee machine
Everyone take lots of care, keep safe and warm. Love to all, in and around and about. XXX Aidan
some super crispy hash browns for breakfast, with some of Barbara's fresh bread and butterXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
Barbara it will be nice when the spring comes. keep warm
Kathleen yes I've seen that cat he's on the look out.
Carol I've thought when you have a new part the old parts have to work harder.
Aidan I'm pleased you all had a good time out.
Kerrin. You work hard but you enjoy it.
love to. Toni
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon to all, chilly, but no frost, so no ninny walks today
Hope everyone is as ok as possible.
Hi Joan Hope you Sue and the doggies are ok and have been out and about, be it on dial a ride, or the buggies. Mind, it has been a bit chilly to go out, unless you are well wrapped up tcold
We went to the GC this morning, had a leisurely coffee, scone and T cakes, respectively. Then another you do.
Sainsbury's then ARGOS (which is in the same store) to pick up the new coffee machine, which is wonderful, very neat, compact, stylish and the nespresso range of coffee's seem wonderful, had to have a try out, so I will be bing wide awake at siesta time :roll: :roll:
Dad was ok, we are all having an at home day tomorrow, catch up with ironing and fussing about, maybe the window cleaner will come, that would be very good.
I think Pepe and Sleek had a little spin around Pendle, Sleek needed some mist, which there was plenty of today. In fact, you could not see Pendle at all. Silver met them up there and they all had a fly around. Sleek and Pepe are in awe of the grace of Silver, when in flight.
I hope Kerrin is ok with dozens of children on ice :shock: steady away everyone, take care.
Carol's boiler behaving? We trust it is holding its own, with a little assistance from Mr T.
Barbara will be wanting a little morcel of cake, so I had best be serving some up.
I will catch everyone later. Take care XXX Aidan
coconut-infused caramel swirled through cheesecake, rather yummy.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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