Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well it were luvly this morning, but it's chukkin it down now! And Holly is out in it. She has gone into town and is picking us a couple of bits up. Feel guilty now, although she was going down any road, so I don't know why I feel bad. Hope she don't get soaked.

    Carol, so still no sight of GGS. I bet your GD is well fed up now.

    Joan, I haven't seen Diana for about 50 years. Her parents took me to Butlins in Skegness for a fortnight, two years running.

    No signs of life next door. Toni, those bushes in the photo have all gone now, and they will get rid of the grass and put chippings down. I love your awning.

    Aidan, Mother looks very studious pawing through her huge book of spells in her glasses. Thank you for the Summertime Greek Yoghurt Stack and sticky cake specially for the booth. Off I pop. m0150 Where we live is a court with a row of houses at one end and some 2-storey flats around the rest. The pathway on the photo leads to our car park area. Still no new photos up yet.

    car park with flats. The gable end visible at the bottom of the car park is the end of our row of houses.

    Our front garden looking out on the green area beyond our gate.

    Roasted Cauliflower steaks

    2 heads cauliflower, about 2 pounds (908g) each
    1 teaspoon kosher salt, (5g)
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon paprika
    1/4 cup olive oil, (60ml)
    1 teaspoon chopped parsley
    Adjust oven rack to the lower third position. Preheat oven to 500ºF.
    Remove the outer green leaves from the head of cauliflower and trim the stem.
    Using a large knife cut the cauliflower in half lengthwise through the center.
    Cut a 1 1/2-inch thick steak from each half of the cauliflower. If the head is large, carefully cut one more steak from each of the cut sides.
    Repeat process with the other head of cauliflower. Trim any florets not connected to the stem. There should be about 4 to 8 pieces total.
    Place cauliflower steaks on a rimmed baking sheet.
    In a small bowl mix together salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika.
    Drizzle olive oil on both sides of each cauliflower steak.
    Evenly sprinkle the seasoning mixture on both sides of the cauliflower steaks, about 1/4 teaspoon per side.
    Tightly cover the baking sheet with foil and bake for 5 minutes.
    Remove the foil from the cauliflower and roast for 10 minutes.
    Gently flip the cauliflower steak and roast until a golden brown crust forms on both sides, about 6 to 8 minutes.
    Transfer cauliflower steaks to a serving platter and garnish with parsley.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We started with a sunny day, but have just had a BIG storm :shock: :shock: Rattling the windows storm :o


    Thank goodness Mother was back, well before the weather turned, Hermione would have been frantic. All gates closed now. :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni, at least all of our 5 a day, for at least a week, in the yoghurt pots :)

    The girls went early, Mother woke me up shrieking about the visit to the Dudley's garage. Wart spell cast and itching powders scattered.

    They do know all about en jinns now - they saw a car diagnostic machine and Sleek ordered one immediately :roll: :roll: what is she like :? :?

    There could be warts, when you go gather Dudley - I would put the same cross puskin face on too :D:D

    I am sure the awning helped a great deal. It wasn't just me that was melting. I have put the AC on again, just to get the background temperature down a bit. It is only 22, but a TAD humid after the torrential rains.

    We did our bit and rescued a painted lady butterfly. When the storm started, you could see all the butterflies heading back into the woods. This one must have been caught napping and was on the decking outside the back door, struggling to find a safe place.

    He spent some time under the net food cover, happily drying out

    Once the storm had passed, we let him our and he headed to the woods as fast as possible. Have to look after our earth angels t4591 t4591

    Our weather looks pretty wet for the next week or so. t111055 t111055

    Yes, pictures of before and after. Sleek was telling Mother that the grownd iz levitating :shock: :shock: It will be better when one level meet up with the other :)

    I could hear shrieking, about luv island, over the phone, to Mother.

    A winter Love Island in S Africa, no wonder Sleek was busting some moves on her back paws :lol::lol: t4591

    Dad was sat with his shoes on again this morning, B said, no need, we are not going out anywhere - men, you just cannot get through to them :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Silver was in the vicinity of rainbow bridge, that is all that Mother can say. t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, have you had any storms today? It was rattling the timbers here, raining stair rods.

    Dad's toe will get better, once he gets used to sitting without his shoes on all the time.

    B and I are ok thank you hun. Keep on pottering, keep on going, as we all do. B is busy away with all sorts of jewellery makes. (((()))) to you both and to the doggies too.

    Ooo, I was all ready to send congratulations, but discovered GGs is no 5 days overdue :animal_busy: Obviously very comfy at the moment. I bet Mum is more than ready.

    Take care if it is stormy, while you are out and about t111055 t111055

    You are having some weather as well then Kath. Chuckin it down there too.
    I am sure Holly won't mind gathering your bits from the shop, if she was on her way there anyway. No need to feel guilty at all. If the Heaven's open up, there is not a lot anyone can do about that. t111055 t111055

    Mother can look very studious with her spell book and gives her best displeased look, to garage peeples, who might be swinging the lead :x :x

    You were in a mess too, that chocolate was a bit messy :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I have you mapped out now, thank you for the pictures :) I am SO nosy :D:lol::lol:

    Roasted Cauli steaks, how gorgeous do they look - they are definitely one to try. Ta mi duck :)

    Hope any ouchies are minimal (((()))) to both t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - did you get a storm at lunch time ish. I am guessing you will have done. It was a biggy. Our neighbour will have been in the wardrobe, she hates storms. Rest of us were all watching it, in between rescuing the butterfly. t4591 t4591

    Hope you are all ok. Is Niamh over today, or is it usually tomorrow? See, I am forgetting again. :roll: :roll:

    Cloak will be out on the 1st, to go with you and Mr B for his appointment at the Drs. Toni will have it all aired and vac'd clean.

    Looks like another storm is coming our way. So will post this, before the power goes off or the internet goes iffy.

    Will pop back later. Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Treacle Sponge Anyone :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all on my phone again so wont type much..niamh is sleeping tonight while on holiday and friday..
    Carol no signs yet..fingers crossed it's very soon
    Toni the awning looks live and your furniture.. hope its mended soon..I hope that garage is not ripping you off..we have one nearby that we have used for years and really trust them.
    Aidan we did have a storm but not has big has the other day..the roads into Manchester were both our sons were sitting with his shoes on..bless..hope the clinic can help..
    Kath thank for the pics it looks very nice..a are like our middle gd always cold...
    Joan thankyou will let you know how oh gets on
    Better go will be back tomorrow
    Love to all xxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 31. Jul 2019, 13:17
    Evening all

    What a wet day spent my afternoon playing a new game called dodge the showers. A fun game : :lol: but only got wet once around lunch time so think I managed to avoid the other showers quite well. :lol: still no baby news as yet. Knitting going well jacket almost finished.

    Kath baby’s mummy is getting very impatient now I think we all are. I think he is waiting until Thursday as both his older sister are both born on the 1st of the month in three different months.

    Aidan[ Poor butterfly good you could see him. poor Dad sitting ready with his shoes on. Yes our Little man is very comfey I think either that or lazy I’m sure he will arrive soon. Ooh yummy treacle tart. I have decided to stop SW and go it alone at home getting fed up going every week and sitting listening to the same old questions and answers over and over again. However if I start to go up in weight too much I will return to group. Yum Greek yoghurt and fruit. Oh no you now have internet problems it’s so Annoying isn’t it . yes GGS is late but then both his older brother and sister were both late.

    Toni yes our little man is late but as both his older siblings were late too.

    Barbara no baby news yet but as the older siblings were late it was sort of expected but everyone is now getting very impatient especially his mummy.

    Crinkly hi nice to see you again glad you decided to join us in the cafe don’t worry about the cake there is never a last slice as as soon as it is finished another magically pears :lol: I love your cats name and the dogs we had a dog a staffie cross up untill February of 2017. He was Nearly 13 when we had to have him put to sleep due to a stroke and some seizures. I will see if I can find a picture of him to put on here I’m sure the others won’t mind seeing it again. His name was snowie.

    Well it is time for me to potter away and do a couple of odd jobs
    Love t4591 t4591 and sparkles t115006 t115006 to you all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - We did have another storm, not quite as big as the first one, but lots of t111055 t111055 t111055
    The garden is definitely watered :shock: :shock:

    More storms and rain for today too :? :?


    Hi Barbara - I see the laptop has been squirrelled away, from tiny fingers and you are on your phone.
    Never easy to write a ditty on, ok for a text, but not a wordy tome.

    Lovely that you have Niamh to stay over, easier when it is not school term.

    We have one road with diversions, near to the GC. Something to do with the drainage problems. With the torrential rain today, I am not surprised.

    Hope your Son's were not stuck due to flooding for too long. Dad's toe is improving, just trying to get him out of the habit of sitting with his shoes on all the time. Everyone has said, if you let some air to your feet, the sore area would heal within a week.
    He has another appt for Monday coming.

    Hope you eyes are not too bad, looking at your phone will make them ouchy, (((()))) Love to all

    Hi Carol - ooooh, we are on pins now, waiting for GGs. I think you are right, Thursday will be the day :) Mr T's Birthday did you say?

    Well done for dodging the rain t111055 getting wet once, was quite lucky.
    We did do our good deed and the butterfly was quite happy to sit and dry out, before we let him fly away. t4591

    I cannot blame you for going alone on your weight management, you are an expert and could run your own classes, having heard everything umpteen times before.

    Tuck into the syrup sponge, there is custard on the side.

    The tinternet seems to be ok at the moment, I am sure once Openreach start fiddling, it will be up and down like the weather.

    We would love to see Snowie's picture again, t4591 t4591

    Were the jobs you did, very odd :shock: :lol::lol::wink:

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok. t4591 Did you get a storm, Sleek was over, but their sleepy spell worked a treat, so no idea what they were up to or talking about :? :? :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    How were the warty garage people, when you collected Dudley? Sheepish at the very least. :? :?

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    Time I was pottering, it is getting very humid again.

    Off to the T room, via the surgery (more pills to collect :roll: :roll: )

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 XXXX Aidan


    Shredded Potato Bake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Little baby boy is late I see Carol :roll: Maybe GGrandad is right and he is waiting for his birthday - that would be very special wouldn't it? Babies are often 'ate' to be fair it's not an exact science is it?

    I am certain all of us would be more than happy to see any pic of Snowie again he was a lovely boy t115006 t115006

    Yep 'dodge the shower' might be playing it again here today :roll:

    Aidan it did nothing but rain all day here after about 10.30am either less or more, but always rain. I am glad of it - remember last summer? :shock:

    We do not have Dudley back yet he's still in hospital (garage) I hope the warts and itching aren't slowing progress down :? Mind you I expect the part was coming in as you said from Japan :roll:

    Oh dear me what is that which went into Sleeks ickle house?!! a diagnostic kit? I've had a word and she thinks it will work for broomsticks too :? She thinks she might need a shed now too like Mummy's :roll:

    Well done for rescuing the butterfly (I agree about the earth angels and all living things even s*****s :? ) you did a great job there. I 'saved' (the other day) 2 WASPS and 2 flies. I can't kill anything. I also kept on rescuing a tiny 'bobble' s***er (all legs small body) from the bath with strategically place loo roll paths to get out.

    Sleek has arranged with Mother to watch Love Island the reunion on Sunday at 9PM via Skype. January for the new Love Island. Even Alexa is talking about it. I asked her how she was yesterday and she said what will we do with our evenings? Still it is what it is!!

    I had quite a lot of treacle sponge Aidan added some cream had to stop when I felt a bit :mrgreen:

    Dad will NOT take his shoes off? maybe he's forgetting to at least put his slippers on and belligerence is him trying to cover it up???

    Tea room today with a dose of meds collection thrown in today :roll:

    I enjoyed my shredded potato breakfast thank you :)

    Barbara lovely to have Niamh for longer in the summer hols well for you if not your poor laptop :wink: Shame it's raining though so there's less for her to do :(

    I hope the garage (the dealer) aren't ripping us off. I tend to think they were going for the easiest option to be honest.

    Floods here too it's really been very wet hope the 'boys' all got home in the end.

    Kath Holly is a blessing isn't she? I am sure she would have got equally wet if she had gone for just herself!

    I thought the bush would be gone and they might put chippings down it will help it really be low maintenance. Those pics really helped me picture your home area :) Thank you :D Sleek peeped over my shoulder and said yes that's Kath's front garden - didn't you know?

    Those cauliflower steaks were lovely I had quite a few with Kari :)

    thank you for asking Paul's hand is all better now bless him he should be more careful in future now around biting bugs!!

    Yes we are pleased for Charley t4591

    See you all later I hope!
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Carol Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
    . Carol yes I remember Snowy a lovely dog(((((())))
    . Kathleen how are your aches and pains today(((((()))))
    Aidan yes we had rain yesterday. Sue wore bed socks on her feet when she had her sore toe(((((()))) Dad((((())))
    . Barbara Niamh enjoys coming to you ((((((())))))
    . Toni when in August his Tia's wedding I hope it's fine((((((()))))
    . take care love to Mig(((((())))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's been chucking it down all morning t111055 . Just about stopped now. No change on next door, I'll keep checking. But it does say the house should be available for August 14th, so perhaps there will be more photos by then. :D

    Toni, yes Holly is a blessing, don't know what we'd do without her. Oh I knew Sleek would recognise the photos, she sometimes curls up amongst the Houttynia, I think she likes the orangey smell of it. "Houttuynia cordata, also known as fish mint, fish leaf, rainbow plant, chameleon plant, heart leaf, fish wort, Chinese lizard tail, or bishop's weed, is one of two species in the genus Houttuynia (the other being H. emeiensis). It is a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia.[1] It grows in moist, shady locations. In northeastern India, it is commonly used in salads or cooked with other vegetables, and as a garnish over side dishes.The tender roots can also be ground into chutneys along with dry fish, chilies, and tamarind. It is taken raw as salad and cooked along with fish as fish curry. In Japan and Korea, its dried leaves may be used as a tea.In Vietnamese cuisine, it is called diếp cá, and it is used with grilled meat and noodle salad dishes. Fish mint may be used as a garnish with several Vietnamese dishes, such as gỏi cuốn stir-fried beef with fish mint salad, and bánh xèo. It has antiviral, antibacterial, immunostimulant and other anti-inflammatory effects, which have led it to being widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and folk medicine" Maybe I should start eating it for my RA. :lol:

    Oh my goodness Aidan, the lightning photo startled me, I could almost hear the thunder. :? I'm so pleased that you saved the Painted Lady. Perhaps you could hide dad's shoes until you and B arrive, or would that be too naughty. :wink: I'm glad you sorted me out on the map with my photos, I bet Mother would recognise my front garden too, just as Sleek did. I'll just help myself to a second piece of teacle sponge, I have some custard if anyone would like some.

    Barbara, I used to spend every summer with my gran and granddad. They only lived next door, but used to have a caravan in Tattersall (Lincs) and we went at the beginning of the school hols. Mum and dad would pop over half way through while gran and Granddad went home, then they'd swap back for the last two weeks. I think Niamh must be very like I was then, a granny's girl. t4591

    Carol, I won't ask about the new arrival to be, just to offer sympathy with mum - it gets very tiring in this weather, But he'll be here soon and there'll be cuddles all round.

    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Red onion tart
    Serves 4

    one 35 x 22.5cm sheet ready-rolled puff pastry
    2 3/8 cups (300g) asparagus spears, halved lengthways
    olive oil
    juice and grated zest of 1 lemon
    coarse sea salt
    4 red onions, finely sliced
    1 tsp dried thyme
    1 tbsp sugar
    dash of red wine vinegar
    salt and freshly ground black pepper
    3 cups (450g) frozen peas
    1 cup (30g) fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped

    Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick frying pan. Add the onions and season. Sweat for several minutes, then sprinkle over the dried thyme and sugar. Once the onions begin to soften, add the red wine vinegar. Add a dash of oil if necessary and allow to sweat gently for 30 minutes until completely soft.
    Meanwhile, place the peas in a bowl of boiling water. After a few minutes, drain and place in a food processor with the mint, 2 tablespoons of oil and lemon juice. Season and blitz to form a coarse purée.
    Preheat the oven to 200˚C/gas mark 6. Cut the pastry into 4 equal rectangles and place on baking trays.
    Leaving a 1cm border around the edge of each pastry rectangle, spread a quarter of the pea purée over each, followed by a quarter of the caramelised onions. Arrange the asparagus over the top. Drizzle with a little olive oil, season and bake for 25–30 minutes.
    Finish with the lemon zest, a fine sprinkling of freshly chopped mint and a pinch of coarse sea salt.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI to all - t111055 t111055 but no thunderstorms today, so far :) Very ooomid :? :? so the AC is on in the background, to prevent any melting moments.

    We do remember last summer, all too well Toni. It was horrid, went on for weeks. I know it has been mega hot, but relatively short lived.
    More rain today. It went very black in town, see pic. Drs on the left and car park on right. T room is behind us.

    We missed the worst of the rain, but did get wet at the garage (Beatrice decided that the tyre pressures needed checking) :roll: :roll: duly done and tyre monitoring, reset.

    Oh dear, Dudley is still in dock. Goodness, are the parts in another Solar System :shock: :shock: The mechanics might well have warty itchy hands :lol::lol:

    Mother said that Sleek expanding ickle house is nearly at its limit of rooms, hence the need for a shed, to store further electronic equipment :roll: :roll:

    We hope the butterfly was grateful, he flew off into the woods, quite happily. t4591 t115006 Bobble spiders I can totally cope with, just about every other insect, apart from house spiders. :? :?

    There have been some bad floods in the Yorkshire Dales, bridges gone, homes flooded, mud slides - must be awful.

    Mother won't mind the Love Island reunion, I think she can cope with that, there will be clothed peeples :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: she is a fuss pot.

    I will have to ask Alexa all about it, see what she says :)

    I see you stopped just in time, :mrgreen: with your large dish of sponge pudding and cream :lol::lol: At least we know our limits, well, kind of............ :shock: :? :? :lol::lol:

    More reiterations about shoes on all the time, to Dad. Fresh, slippers, more fresh air and it will heal in no time. Right he says..........falling on deaf ears me thinks :roll: :roll: you can only do what you can do.

    T room was lovely as always. There were a couple on our fav table, which involved us moving asap, once they had left, B was in like a shot :lol::lol:

    One of the care staff, who looked after my Mum when she was in the first care home, was in there, with a friend. She said hello, she always wells up when she talks of my late Mum, how lovely she was - bless her, she did take a shine to Mum and Mum trusted her completely. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Mother was just the same, didn't you know that was Auntie Kath's house and garden :shock: :? if you look over there you can see into the enchanted forest :? :? Where???

    Hi Joan and Sue. I hope your cold is starting to get better Joan, sending extra (((()))) to help it on its way t4591 t4591

    Dad has big thick socks that he puts on, like hiking socks - no Dad, let some air to your feet, it will help :shock: :shock:

    Hugs and love to both and to the doggies too. t4591 t4591

    Been rainin as it mi duck, same ere Kath, chuckin it darn. Sounds like there will be more pictures within the next week or so, if next door has a date for letting :)

    Mother has been reeling off all the Latin names for all the flora and fauna in your garden :shock: :shock: Apparently they had to study botany and all things medicinal, at Hogwarts, with potions and the like, all sorts have to go in. Makes sense when you think of it.
    Sleek is the same, she can speak Latin too. :shock: :shock:

    It is tipping it down now, goodness, stair rods again. t111055 t111055

    The Painted Lady earth angel was most grateful, we are certain of it. t115006 t115006
    It really did crash and bang yesterday, no wonder the picture made you jump (ooops, sorry duck).

    We could hide all of Dads shoes :lol::lol: good idea.

    I will have another smidge of sponge with you Kath, ta :)

    Thank you for the Red Onion Tart, lovely :)

    Hi to everyone else, I seem to have run out of time, neighbours, then phone, then neighbour...................

    Will have another catch up later. Till then, take lots of care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all back again and got my laptop.. :D
    Niamh went home at 3 after we took her for lunch a roast dinner :lol:
    Carol poor mum both of mine were late so I feel for her bless..hope he arrives safely very soon
    Joan Niamh if fine thankyou ..the little think is happy wherever she is :lol: we do try and keep her entertained away form her tablet or my laptop
    Kath what lovely memories you have of your grandparents..I only knew my GM on my mums side we could never stay there has she has my mums sister and family living with her...did I see cauliflower steaks..they mentioned them on the tv and Im going to give them a try ..already made cauli rice..thanks for the phtos its nice to see were you live
    Toni our son has just had to pay 90 pound for a tyre valve because they have senors underneath..crackers really..I hope you get duke back soon ...
    Aidan I nearly missed the syrup pudding and the chocolate cake..thankyou..
    My mum used to say let air to it does make sense...but if dad wont remove his shoes.. :roll: bless him..I love the sparkly pic thankyou and very welcome...
    so you had floods has well, like you say the poor people in Yorkshire..its terrible and not finished yet :shock:
    B is certainly good at getting seats.. :lol: and how nice to meet the carer that looked after your mum..there are some special people out there..(())
    Sorry I know I have forgot loads..but did read your post it just leaves me when I start typing :?
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Still no baby news as yet, I am not used to this waiting I'm afraid as both my daughters were early, all GC were early as were GD 3 Girls. he is now late by 5 days I miss counted yesterday he should have been born last Friday the 26th. so come on baby Kian hurry up now we are all waiting for your arrival. at least our weather has been dry today a lot cooler today but it has still been warm in the sun. m0150 m0150 and is very humid still. I had a good knitting group today. I think my friend has got the message lately that she is not always right. I have stopped commenting on things like my arthritis and other medical things I have to suffer, or family, and other things that she would be likely to have opposing opinions about. and when at knitting I will speak to the others as well so now she has stopped interrupting my conversations. which suits me better.
    I have the house to myself this evening as Mr T is out at a meeting with the other church leaders discussion how they will handle things after our pastor leaves us in September. s not expecting him home that early he says he will ring me when he is on his way home.

    Aidan No Mr T's birthday is next Tuesday the 6th. If baby is born tomorrow on the 1st he will be in line with his older siblings as they both have birthdays on the 1st of the month one in February and one in July. I had been thinking long and hard over SW weigh ins but when I think about it I realised that over the last 5. and a bit years have kept within an average range of 7lbs going up and down like a little yo yo . :lol::lol:

    Toni Yes I think Grandad would be highly delighted if GGS was born on his birthday as it is our first GGS really as other one didn't come into the family until he was around 15 months or so. I hope you have not been playing dodge the showers today. its been dry her all day except for a quick shower at lunch time when my friend and I were in a coffee shop before going to our knitting group.

    Joan and Toni thank you Snowie was a lovely dog and we still miss him.

    Kath yes I sympathise with mum on the baby front especially in the summertime. yum some custard would be nice with the treacle sponge.

    Barbara yes I do feel sorry for mummy still waiting I was lucky both of mine were early.

    before I go here are a couple of piccies for you .

    our Snowie for you all and especially for crinkly

    and one to make you laugh my sister and myself when young with Santa claus. and Me with Santa.jpg?dl=0

    its time to go as I have to make my own cup of tea tonight with mr t being out. :lol:

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness, the humidity is getting higher :shock: :shock:

    Not surprising after the monsoon rain we had at 6 till 7pm t111055 t111055
    No wonder places are flooding, it has been torrential. Poor people who's homes and business premises are ruined.

    Hi Barbara - the laptop has come back from its hiding place :) A roast dinner, before Niamh left for home. She does love her food, bless her.

    £90 for a tyre valve - goodness. Most new cars have tyre monitors fitted to them, which is good, for safety etc. But, as with ever increasing technology, the prices start going through the roof. Cannot wait to hear when Hildegard is going to arrive. Beatrice is lovely, but, the security of having everything covered, means some peace of mind.

    You are very welcome to the puddings and the cake :) I forgot to put one out in the afternoon, the time, much like tonight, is flying past............ :roll: :roll:

    We will get there with Dads feet and the case of the permanent shoe wearing :lol::lol: :roll: :roll: B can indeed, get a seat, if he spots someone moving from where we usually sit :lol::lol:

    It was lovely to meet the carer who helped look after Mum. There are wonderful people about t4591 t4591

    We will be there with you this morning, at the Drs, for Mr B's appointment t4591 t4591
    Toni has the cape all ready, to scoop us up. t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol - so baby is determined to stay put, for now. I am sure your GGs will arrive today. Just a feeling, or was it a contraction :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Glad you have had a dry day, it has been wet wet and more wet here and so humid you can wring the air out.

    I am clearer now, Mr T's B day is on the 6th. New baby will have two siblings with a Birthday on the 1st, if he makes his appearance today :)

    Good good, your friend seems to have got the message and is not interrupting your conversations. That is how it should be. :D:D

    I hope Mr T was not too late getting home from the Church meeting. It must be very difficult, with the thought that the Church may close its doors. :cry:

    You have done an amazing job, keeping so near to your target weight, for 5 years. Hats off to you, it is a huge achievement t4591 t4591 :D:D

    Thank you for the pictures, Bless Snowie t4591 Loving the pic of you with your Sister, sat with Santa Claus. :D:D:D

    Mr T owes you a cup of T, for being out late last night :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni - Sleek was on Skype to Mother, there was such a row with the pouring rain, the shrieking level was ramped up to another level :shock: :shock:
    Sleek is most excited about her garden being levitated :lol::lol: and she loves the new oooryng :? :?

    They have not been up to Pendle for a while, so a visit is planned for this morning. There is a lot of mist about, all over in fact, we could scoop it up from the back door :shock:

    Time has raced away again. I had better move and potter once more.
    Maybe we will catch up a bit today, at home. :? :?

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Waffles for breakfast :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • AnnieRose
    AnnieRose Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just wanted to say hello and omg the food looks amazing!
    Have a good day
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone

    Waffles Aidan thank you very much I love them :)

    The girls were out early doors collected gallons of mists the Nymphs were so pleased :D Co latte so not overly fishy breath :? I have had to hear all the latin names too of Kath's plants :roll: They can show off a bit our cats :roll:

    Mother is quite right Sleek needs a shed in fact it's more of a garage and has a 'pit' in it so she can work on cars :roll: She's tinkered with the side car so far and my BP monitor went missing too :? Apparently she wanted to fix Beatrice's tyre pressure :shock:

    Poor people loosing their homes and bridges swept away :( . I am convinced (as I have been for about 35 years!) that this is global warming even though I know there have been floods in the past. I imagine that coal fires and industry in the past was already having it's effect.

    So long as Dad's toe is going in the right direction I suppose?

    Of course B had to take 'you' table back. Goodness some people!! Really must have been soooo badly brought up! :lol: I hope you were at the correct table when you saw the carer? Perhaps Mum arranged for you to bump into her and share a few memories. Good for all of you t4591

    It is nice to 'save' wildlife. We'll keep on doing so won't we ? :D

    The pic did show a dark sky :? I can imagine the Drs now!

    Good job you're patient Carol and I can see why you booked your visit down there for precisely when you did!

    Sounds like your friend has got the message at last well done now you can enjoy your knitting group in peace.

    Sometimes it's nice to have the house to yourself for the evening - you can choose what, if anything, to watch on TV for a start. I hope MR T gets home safely and still have my fingers crossed Kian comes for GGdad's birthday.

    Yes I played dodge the showers and then dodge the floods when I had to drive :shock: The Radford has burst it's banks again :roll: I am glad to hear you did ok too!

    Lovely to see Snowie again and you and your sis on Santa's lap as kids t4591 thank you xx

    Gosh Barbara £90!! Cracks aren't safe, but honestly :roll: I think the part for Dudley Juke must be still on it's way from Japan. Still waiting....

    Good that Niamh had her roast that will have done her good.

    The cloak is all aired and ready (for Crinkly's benefit we all go along to appointments with each other) to get Mr B's results :)

    Kath I had all of that in my ear c/o Sleek. She wants me to plant some :? I might I think it sounds useful :)

    You were very lucky to have such fond memories of your Grandies :) I didn't have any, but my girls did and one day I will try to be a good Grandma too :D Those caravan hols sound just perfect for kids m0150

    Love the red onion tart thank you very muchly :)

    Joan the wedding is on 31st August thanks I hope it's a dry day ideally not too windy or hot m0150 would be nice. Oh I am cheeky asking for all that!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen it must be nice being quiet there.((((((()))))) yes Holly is good ((((((()))))
    . Aidan no body wants my cold it's on my chest as bit I went to the chemist the lady said you are on a lot of tabs so keep using the Olbas oil it will do it. I hope you all have a good day today (((((((())))))
    . Carol nice photo's what breed was snowy (((((())))
    . Barbara 6 weeks is a long time for the children to be off school they get bored don't they. How is your sinuses doing((((((())))))
    . Toni not long to the wedding yes it will be a nice if the weather is good (((((())))
    . take care all. love to Mig (((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, if you would like to begin growing Houttuynia, tell Sleek that next time she comes by my garden she can grab a clump to bring home for you. But plant it in a large planter as it's tres, tres, tres invasive and will spread everywhere. But it's very pretty when it flowers.

    Carol, my word, you haven't changed a bit have you, and it's so lovely to see Snowie again. I always have to let Chris make me a cuppa, I'm not allowed to touch anything in the kitchen -I would defintely make a mess.

    Barbara, granddad was a keen fisherman and one year we spent a week parked in a farmard sleeping on the floor of his big van that he transported his gardening equipment to jobs. My 'bed' was between the wheel arch and the passenger seat. Granddad dropped his maggot box there and spilled them. :shock: Gran, granddad and the twins slept i the middle of the back of the van, top to tail. :lol:

    Another plan for dad's shoes might be tto plant a note inside them which says "SLIPPERS ONLY" or maybe he wouldn't notice it. :roll:

    Glazed tempeh, bok choi and soba noodles
    Serves 2

    7/8 cup (200g) tempeh, seitan or firm tofu
    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    2 1/2 cups (250g) bok choi leaves, halved lengthways
    Handful of fresh coriander, finely chopped
    2 spring onions, sliced
    For the maple and orange glaze
    1 tsp toasted sesame oil
    2cm fresh ginger, finely grated
    1 clove of garlic, crushed
    1/2 red chilli, deseeded and finely diced
    3 tbsp tamari
    2 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
    Zest and juice of 1/2 an orange
    1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
    For the miso noodle broth
    7/8 cup (135g) soba noodles
    1 tbsp tamari
    1 star anise
    3 1/2 tbsp brown rice miso
    Drain the tempeh, dry and press out the excess liquid with kitchen paper. Warm the sesame oil in a small pan and add the ginger and garlic. Fry for a minute, then add the rest of the glaze ingredients. Slowly bring to a boil, then gently simmer for 5 minutes. Add the tempeh and cover. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes to an hour.
    Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan, and when hot add the tempeh, keeping the marinade. Fry for around 2 minutes, adding the marinade gradually until the glaze becomes sticky – this should take around 10 minutes. Set aside, cover and keep warm.
    Cook your noodles according to the instructions on the pack. Drain, reserving about 500ml of the water, then keep the noodles warm in a bowl, stirring in a little oil.
    Pour the noodle water back into the pan, put back on the heat and add the tamari and star anise. Put the miso into a small bowl and mix in a couple of tbsp of the warm water. Add this paste to the pan and keep covered, simmering the broth on a low heat. The flavour should be strong – add more tamari and miso if needed.
    Heat ½ tbsp oil in your frying pan and add the bok choi. Cook for 2 minutes on a high heat, then add 3 tbsp of the miso broth and continue cooking for 1 more minute. Bring the broth to a slow boil. Divide your noodles between warm bowls, top with bok choi and ladle over some of the broth. Then stack on a pile of tempeh, topped with some sliced spring onions and a scattering of fresh coriander.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Warm and humid, seems to be the norm at the moment. More rain on the cards for later on.

    Hi Toni - glad you enjoyed the waffles :) We aim to please :)

    I think we were all fairly quiet, for Mr B's appointment today t4591

    Mother was very vocal from early morning, waking me up ever time I fell back to sleep - lots of excitement at the amount of mists that were gathered.

    Lots of Latin was spoken this morning - going through her spell book, checking all the ingredients :roll: :roll:

    A garage with work pit and ramps would be ideal for Miss Sleek. I think she borrowed the BP machine, plugging it in to the diagnostic machine - the cuff nearly blew up :shock: :lol::lol:

    Nooo, Beatrice is very testy when it comes to tyre pressures, :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: best not fiddle, Miss Diddicat. Still no word from the garage about Hidegard............ :? :? Last we heard, was at the week end, he was organising a test drive..........

    I was having a read the other night, about global temperature rises. Apparently, since the industrial revolution, to date, the global temp has risen by 1 degree C. Which, in itself, is far less than I had imagined. The bigger problems are the smaller areas where the temperature has risen more than 1 degree. ie in Europe the temps are going up year on year and heatwaves are more common.
    Hot spots in Greenland, melting vast ice sheets, the same in the Antarctic as well. :? :?

    People like David Attenborough are saying that we are almost at the point of no return, which is a very worrying scenario.

    Dad was sat with his shoes on, coat ready, stick etc. I think he forgets which day we have been out ie yesterday. B made sure he was ok and took him his tablets round. At least he had been out in the garden, as some of the neighbours said they had seen him and had a natter :)

    We were at the correct table ( next to the cake chiller) when the carer lady saw us. Mother will have made sure the planets aligned and we met up t115006 t115006 so many things are not just coincidence, so many. t115006

    It was as black as soot yesterday in town. You can see a bit more of the Health Centre on this pic :)

    Glad you were safe, in the flooded areas. Yorkshire really took a bad hit and we are supposed to get another deluge at some point today. As soon as the washing went out, it rained, brought it in, then it stopped. :roll: :roll: not playing silly beggars, it can stop in the hall. :shock: :? :?

    I never knew any G Parents either, they had all passed away, before I was born. :cry:

    Choir tonight, hopefully a bit cooler for everyone. The Sisters are in the shed, warming up :shock: oh dear, jazz hands :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue - you be careful if your chest is bad. Olbas oil is good, but watch it doesn't turn into an infection. AB's might be needed. (((())))

    We have had a fairly quiet day, at home. Pottering, relaxing - did I really say that !!! :o:o

    Hi Kath - Love the picture of the hot
    plant Must remember it needs to be in a big pot, not the ground.

    B always know when I am in the kitchen, from things falling and clattering about :roll: :roll: I can go in a cupboard for one thing and everything comes out with it. :shock: :shock:

    You had G dads maggots all over the back of his van - oh my :shock: :? what would elf and safety say about the things we did as youngsters :lol::lol::lol:

    We could put notes all over, saying don't wear your shoes in the house, good idea Kath.

    Thank you for the Glazed tempeh, bok choi and soba noodles :) They look completely yummy, ta duck.

    (((()))) for any rogue ouchies t4591 t115006

    Hi Barbara, how were things at Mr B's appointment. Hope all went well, t4591 we tried to be quiet, sorry if you could hear snoring :shock: I think it was me and Kath, who had a little nod :? :? :lol::lol: The cloak is quite sound proof though.

    (((()))) that you are all ok. Thinking of you and your Brother too t4591 t4591

    Choir tonight, the Sisters are already in the shed, giving it all they have got :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol day 6 overdue and counting - no signs of Kian - I am sure it would be today............. t4591 t4591 seems he is still :animal_busy:

    Hi to everyone else in and about. Time I was pottering a bit more.

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006

    Just let me put the 20 layer carrot cakes down, the are quite heavy :shock: :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..
    Thanks for the cloak duties for Mr B..I did go with him..well he wont ;let me..anyhow he came back and said all is ok only I am low in vit D..and he was holding his I had a look and its folic not sure what that is for he dosen't have a clue what is wrong with his legs.. :shock: no scan or nothing I said he can go back :roll: men eh..sorry Aidan
    Toni the wedding is just after our 50th..on the lovely I hope the weather is kind to them..hope you get duke back very soon
    Kath what a lovely story about you all with GD..apart form the maggots that is :lol:
    Joan my sinuses are behaving for now thankyou..sorry your cold has gone on your chest..I hope you fell better very soon.. look after to you all xxxx
    Carol who this baby is quite happy were it is..hope its not long now for mums sake..and glad that your friend has listened to you at last..fingers crossed she takes heed..Mr T must be really downhearted about the church ..hopefully they can get a stand in..
    Aidan you will have had a read about Mr B...not a clue if he is keeping things from me nut sys he goes back in 2 month :?
    Thankyou for the waffles and the lovely carrot cake :D I had a proper big chunk :D
    so dad was ready for out bless him..glad at least he gets out in the garden for a natter with the neighbours..I am suer that will help
    So you had an at home day today..sometimes its called for..
    we had sun till around 2 and its never stopped raining you say thoes poor people in Yorkshire and other parts..they are trying to stop the dam form giving way..I really hope they manage it
    Hello to AnnieRose and welcome to the cafe..Aidan does most of the baking and we eat it.. :lol:
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    Right better move for now
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness me it is ooomid - melting moments, in fact I have my own micro climate :roll: :roll:

    Annie, forgive me for not saying hello earlier on. Welcome to the wonderful cafe - it is truly a magical place :D t115006 t115006 and you are quite right, the food is amazing, every day is treat day. Kath comes up with some delicious savoury recipes and I go mad with the cakes :D:D

    Look forward to seeing you posting some more. t4591

    Hi Barbara - You are more than welcome to the cloak duties. t4591 t4591 Did you say you went with him or did he insist you stop at home?

    So all is ok apart from he is now on folic acid - did he mention anything to do with anaemia ? Folic acid us usually used to treat things like pernicious anaemia ?

    That would show a low count in his blood results, hence the prescription and a repeat visit to the GP in 2 months time. Find out if he has to have more bloods done before his next appointment with the Dr................

    I am only taking a stab in the dark, he might have put him on it for his leg problems, if he thought there was some nerve damage.

    No idea about his legs, not even an x ray :? :? mmm I could write out an x ray form, well, I could have times gone by.

    We will know if he is keeping anything close to his chest - we are all very skilled in finding out :D:D

    You deserved a huge chunk of carrot cake, it must count as one of our five a day, if we eat enough of it :oops: :oops: :lol::lol:

    Dad is always ready for out, he would be out every single day, but we would be worn ragged, sounds selfish but we do need a day off.

    He will natter till the cows come home, always the same things, but at least he is getting out into the garden - checking on his green beans, which are growing well (thanks to Bill).

    We had lots of dark clouds in the afternoon, but no rain. Now it is just horrid humid.

    I have seen the dam, glad they have evacuated the whole town. I wonder if it will break :shock: :shock: 300 million gallons of water :o:o Scary.

    How is your Brother, hope he is carrying on as normal as can be, candles are always lit t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - still no news and no GGs on the 1st of the month - I bet mum is getting a bit fed up now. t115006 t115006 some magic sparkles to help baby along, we are all on pins............. :shock: How was the meeting that Mr T went to at the Church ?

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok. Any news of Dudley, or are the parts still being made, in Japan, than coming on a slow boat :roll: :roll: Mother is all set to cast another spell :shock: :shock: I think Sleek talked her out of it for the time being :? :?

    Not sure if the girls got together at Siesta time, when I woke up, Mother was legged out, fast asleep on her bed, next to me. Bless her :animal_busy:

    Is it oomid at yours, silly hot in the lounge here. Too late for us to be rattling window frames and screens in to put the AC on. Tempting as it is.

    A cool sparkling pool is needed


    Right. I am off to slap a cold flannel round :lol::lol::lol:

    GC this morning, shopping and that's about enough. Back home to put the chiller on.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Slow cooker Turtle Monkey Bread Inspired by turtle cake, it’s covered with chocolate and pecans and so easy to whip up in the slow cooker too!

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Almost forgot, the man from the Merc garage phoned. If we don't mind Denim Blue for the new car, then very early Sept is penned in - nope, we don't mind at all :D:D:D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :) The sun is out but it feels fresh so all good so far and Kari is planning a Barbecue tomorrow so we need a dry and bright day.

    Aidan that waterfall was bliss! Amazing it changed temperature to whatever you wanted for each person entering!! My swimming was also Olympic standard.

    As for the 20 layer carrot cake - thank you VERY much indeed and well I am impressed - even more so that you didn't actually drop it. If anyone wants some the rhoddas is in the fridge.

    Ooooh! so a blue merc! Looks fabulous in blue! next month?!! so exiting!!! Dudley is still off sick. We are leaving the garage to contact US! :x :x :x

    Choir broke up last week until 29th August due to holidays. This morning I 'rescued' the sisters who were sleeping it off (Barbara remembered our summer break I think she wasn't in there) and gave them much black coffee. After a suitable time sent them home in a cab :roll: :oops:

    I trust David Attenborough if he says we are in trouble we really are!! The ice melting really distresses me you know :(

    Your H/C looks very modern Aidan and Dad is registered there too? I think it's good he was chatting to the neighbours, but he is starting to get more of a worry isn't he? :(

    Sleek and Tosca were over at Mrs D's tidying up ready for a pusskin BBQ occurring on the same day same time in a 'secret' part of Kari's garden :shock: shhh! That's why Mother was so tired :animal_busy:

    Kath a big pot it is then! Sleek will grab some soon she is going to bring Tosca a ride over :)

    I have to agree with you Carol has absolutely NOT changed one bit!!

    So you are a bit like Aidan then in the kitchen? a bit of a liability? Good job Chris does the cuppas then :wink:

    Glad you whipped up the Glazed tempeh, bok choi and soba noodles when he wasn't looking!!

    Maggot stories :shock: :mrgreen:

    Barbara low in vit D is fine and most likely it's not much (I reckon more than half the population have it!) so they want him to get more sun/eat vit D foods or take a tablet OTC. Only when it's very low do they give you something for it. Folic acid though :? isn't that for iron levels???

    He's naughty not letting you in with him!! Lucy is doing that too now fair enough she's an adult and not my partner. Men :roll: I know Aidan will agree!!

    Joan it's a good job you checked in with the pharmacist about your cold. Just take care ((()))

    Better get on!


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    Yesterday my dog Pepper did a plonk ( you know what I mean) in front of to police women they were nice and friendly until then and then the one said you have a bag for that don’t you in a stern voice Joan had so the police lady picked up the dirt. They are not as bad as they are painted.
    Well we are off for our meal
    Have a good day
    Love Sue.
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear Sue, so Pepper did a plonk. :o How clever of him to do it in front of the police, I'm glad they were willing to help you by picking it up, and what a relief that Joan had a bag.

    Hi Toni, I'll keep me eye open for Sleek, although she might arrive at the same time as Tesco in which case I'll miss her. I'm glad you and Kari enjoyed the glazed Tempeh. and I kept the kitchen pretty clean, no maggots allowed in there. :|:mrgreen:

    Aidan, a denim blue Merc - very stylish. I love the rainbow waterfall, one of Silver's methinks. He is so clever. Many thanks for the Slow cooker Turtle Monkey Bread, I love pecans.

    AnnieRose, glad you approve of our food choices, help yourself it's all calorie free. It's a good job really or we'd all be as big as houses. :lol:

    Barbara, sorry for snoring through Mr B's appointment. I should have tried to stay awake to hear what was said and pass it on to you. :roll:

    Carol, coo-ee, any sign of Kian arriving yet? Maybe tomorrow. t69044

    Cannellini hummus with dukkah
    Dukkah is a mix of ground spices, nuts and seeds. You can use it as a condiment for many different dishes. In this recipe it makes hummus, an old-time vegan favourite, go high-end. It’s a perfect dish for dinner party nibbles as it is quick and easy to make but looks a bit fancy! The hummus is wonderfully smooth because of the cannellini beans.


    For the dukkah
    1 tbsp hazelnuts
    ½ tsp sesame seeds
    2 tsp coriander seeds
    1 tsp cumin seeds
    For the hummus
    1 can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
    Juice of 1 lemon
    1 tsp light tahini
    1 garlic clove
    1 tsp ground cumin
    ½ tsp sea salt
    1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    Preheat the oven to 200°C. Put all of the dukkah ingredients on a baking tray, and toast for 10 minutes until everything is browned. Leave to cool, then remove the skins of the hazelnuts. Then roughly grind the nuts and seeds in a pestle and mortar.
    Blend all of the hummus ingredients until smooth using a hand blender or food processor.
    Pour the hummus into a bowl, top with the dukkah and a little extra virgin olive oil.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Michael Fish's report, sunny first thing, no rain, but clouded over, very humid, AC on full blast. Weather warnings for Sunday, big storms rolling in. :? :? t111055

    Hi Toni, can you send some fresh air up here please and thank you :) Last night was unbearably humid, the lounge was like a swamp. :shock: :shock:

    It was an amazing waterfall, I had my temp on tepid and yes, my swimming was wonderful, synchronised swimming too :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I was very happy not to drop the 20 layer carrot cake, imagine the mess. :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Waiting for the motability man at Mercedes to call and confirm yay or nay for the blue Merc. It was a cancellation of a motability contract.
    I have had my details through from Mot..... with the PIN number and the car details ie make and model. Exciting, cannot wait.

    Yes, the garage can contact you, when they get the parts, this year, next year, sometime soon..........
    Mother did cast a fresh spell of itching powders - I knew she was up to something this morning, nattering away in Latin. :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Thank goodness you found the Sisters and revived them from their night in the shed. Oh the shame, we must not let Mother Superior know. :shock: :shock:
    The tax has taken them to the train, which is now en route up to the Western Isles. They can be on Sabbatical until the end of August. Give them time to get the Vegas theme from their minds. :roll: :roll:

    I trust David Attenborough too, if he is really worried, then we all should be worried. He did address the Climate Change Summit - and has spoken many times, over the years, that the earth cannot sustain such numbers of people, nor the damage that we have done to it :cry::cry:

    I just have a feeling that Mother Nature is really going to bite back - she is a force of unimaginable strength. The changes we are seeing now, are just the beginning.

    It is a nice surgery, mega hot inside though and the upstairs waiting area, is quite small, so it is like a sauna. We are all registered there - me being on my GP's "chronic" list. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    We are taking one step at a time with Dad. He relies on us so much and trust us, more than any other family members. I guess we are very protective too, being so close by.

    So Auntie Kari is having a BBQ tomorrow, the weather should be fine for that. Don't mind if we gate crash do you :o:lol::lol:

    A secret puskin BBQ, with magic flames to cook their fishes. t115006 If you get a waft, say nothing :lol::lol: Mother is saying nothing of the location.

    Men and appointments - oh yes, I agree, hopeless, they all need a chaparone :lol::lol: Not including myself, I tell the Dr what is wrong and what to prescribe :shock: :lol::lol::lol: He just rolls his eyes :roll: :roll:

    Hi there Sue and Joan - That was kind of the Police to sort out Pepper's "business" for you. Of course you would have a bag, responsible owners always do, for do do's :D:lol:

    Hope you both enjoyed your meal out (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - Hildegard will look lovely in Denim Blue - we will just have to have her cleaned more frequently :D:D

    Silver did send us the waterfall, he knew we were all in a lather with the humidity t115006 t115006

    I would love to try that Monkey Bread, it looks SO good, like you, I can eat pecan's until I pass out, a bit like the hummus that you have prepared for us today, with warm pitta bread..................oooooooooooooooooh Ta mi duck.

    I remember when I went to see friends in Indianapolis, she made pecan pies, pumpkin pies, corn fritters, the list was endless and I was about a stone heavier when I came back. :o:o:o It was worth it though :lol::lol::lol:

    We are all waiting for baby Kian to arrive - we will go for late tonight, or early morning tomorrow. :D t4591

    Hi Carol, talking of GGs Kian, any news or progress, Kath and I are going for tomorrow, early morning :)

    hope you are both ok t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - how is everyone? Niamh will be with you tonight and into tomorrow I am guessing. Is the paddling pool coming out again, if not for Niamh, then you can sit with your tootsies in :D:D
    Hide all tablets and laptops.

    Bacon butties and another half hour in bed, bless her. t4591 t4591

    I assume Mr B has started on his folic acid :)

    Hi to Crinkly and to Annie and all our friends on VA. Time I was pottering again. Just got the lounge down to a nice temperature now:) thank goodness.

    Oh, the Blue Merc, is now reserved :) Grinning inanely :D:D

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006

    Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    No baby yet GS says the hospital will do a sweep tomorrow to see if that moves him, they will then leave it 48-72 hours. Then they will induce her so If they don't induce till Tuesday Mr T may well get his wish to have his GGS born on his birthday. we shall see. mummy says she just wants him out now. So sorry unless he starts on his own before the sweep we will have to wait a little longer.
    Glad you liked the piccies yes good old Santa always used to go and see him every year when we were kids. That is one of my favourite photos of us together. But oh those Bows and the hats with the Alice band inside the edging to hold it on. as cringe worthy a photo if ever there was one. :lol: :roll: glad you all enjoyed seeing our Snowie again. had dentist today to have a tooth refilled where the filling has fallen out twice since last September but I am going to save enough so that if it comes out again I can have it extracted and a false on added to my dentures. this time he has done it free again but he said if I want it extracted I have to pay.

    [/b]Aidan [/b] We have warm humid weather to only trouble is you ever know weather to wear a jacket or just a cardigan or what. :roll: :roll: oh my 20 layer carrot cake being drop no no that would make a heck of a mess. hope the new car is available soon. sending some special sparkles to sprinkle about the showroom.
    oo the pusskins having a secret pusskin BBQ with magic flames.
    as far as master Kian is concerned it sounds a though he is a stubborn little man :lol:
    I Think mum would like it to have been a contraction. Mr T arrived home just after 10.30pm from the meeting so not too bad. and I made the cup of tea as he phoned me when he was on the bus home so everything was ready only needed the kettle re boiled. I had already had mine about half hour earlier.

    Hi Annie nice to hear from you yes the cakes in our café are really yummy.

    Toni I didn't mind having an evening on my own some years ago the church had regular monthly leaders meetings so I got quite used to it. yes I didn't book my room down there to early as I knew this could happen. if you see above Kian could arrive on GGD birthday.

    Joan Snowie was a cross breed between a Staff bull terrier and a Dalmatian.

    Kath think I may have changed a bit after all I have got a lot older. :lol::lol: but I know what you mean. Mr T mostly makes the tea but sometimes I do it.

    Barbara Yes mr t and myself are both a bit downhearted but it seems as if our leaders have decided that they might give it a go to get a new pastor in the meantime mr t is already a lay preacher so can take a service and our church secretary is also able to take the service so they will be working the services between them when he leave in September

    lot all my email account and couldn't get into my emails yesterday no matter what I did. however I have now sorted it out. and retrieved the account. A sad day today as it would have been my Aunties 85th Birthday had she not passed away in February.

    love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx