Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone :)

    Another lovely day here not sure what we are doing today I'll do whatever the others fancy.

    Sleek and mrs D have definitely been here Sleek caught a MOUSE!!!

    Harvest season so I expect they come in because of the farm machinery... ?

    I can imagine Tosca saying that with a dismissive wave of her paw Dahling!'

    I was naughty and tasted a grape from the vineyard at the back of the house. Ooooh! So tasty :):)

    Behaving now though. I think Kari is going to draw/ paint tomorrow with the artist lady next door!

    Better get back a croissant there has my name on it ;)

    Hope Kath isn't struggling too much and Niamh is being a good girl t4591

    Love to Carol and To Joan (and Sue).

    Hope Dads too is ok Aidan and I think it might be the tea room today!!

    Love to everyone m0150

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    It’s Friday again Joan is dog walking I am just going to wash up we are being picked up at 10 o’clock to go for our meal out
    I hope everyone is as. Happy as they can be
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue, say hello to Joan for me. We're supposed to have heavy showers and possibly thunder this morning. So I'm glad you get a lift to the shops and back. Enjoy your meal. t111055

    Toni, I'm pleased you are still having lovely weather, could you send some over to us ducky? PLEASE - pretty please. :D t4591

    Aidan, poor dad, :o UTI's are awful. They drain you summat terrible. Yes, we must get Joan and Sue's heating sorted before winter really sets in. Your pictures get lovlier every day, and thank you for the Bubble and Squeak Potato Hash Omelette. If I add a mushy or three that's all my favourites together. :lol: So, which hospital was that then? The only one near to Coteswood (on Thackeray's Lane) was a maternity hospital (now closed) called The Firs. I also think the old Childrens Hospital wasn't too far either. a015.gif

    Barbara, I'm waiting to see some of your late brothers poetry on the 'True' poetry thread. I'm turning into a fan of Jack Savoretti. 'As a teenager, he was interested only in poetry. "I was writing all the time, it was the thing to do, sit under a tree with a notebook, go somewhere else in your head. I was in the clouds." When his mother gave him a guitar and suggested he try putting some of his words to music he was "surprised how much more people listen to you when you are singing than if you read a poem"'

    Carol, thank you for the lovely photo of all the GGC on FB. Hope all are well. m0150 BTW I felt a spid crawl across my face when in bed last night. I think it might have been either Flo or Clarrie checking me out. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..floods are the themes for today.. :shock: doctor this morning kidneys stable :D
    Aidan thankyou for another lovely Autumn pic and bubble and squeak what more could we ask
    Hope dads appointment goes ok today and his toe is healing nicely t4591
    Yes I had a lovely time with my niece and with my brother being her dad she could unload..but we still had a laugh and a nice meal.. :D
    Not easy to come back from France I should imagine , but good to know it was the right time...must say the house sounded amazing
    Cauliflower pots all frozen ready for another day.. :D
    We have tried all sorts to get Niamh in her own home with mum and here..but noooo..she has a lovely room at home..and here we put all her teddy s out..but she knows what we are up to :lol:
    Yes we need the bus to Joan and Sues we will picket the council :roll:
    Kath my goodness what a brilliant building..did you enjoy it there or was it overly strict..
    I need to find my brothers poems..he loved to write them and paint.. :)
    I must have a listen to Jack Savoretti .. :) thankyou
    Thankyou for the vegan breakfast.
    Toni being naughty pinching grapes.. :lol: sure they wont miss them..enjoy wherever you go...
    Sue ..its Friday again where does the time go :shock: hope you and Joan enjoy your meal out and down get to wet xx
    Better go love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t111055
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Rain, sunshine, more rain, then tipping it warnings for potential floods and storms :shock: :roll: :roll: for the whole week end. Kari, can we borrow your Ark please, we might well need it. Ta muchly :D:D

    Hi Toni - going with the flow sounds perfect, Auntie Kari doing some painting, with the neighbour, how wonderful, the light is perfect for painting, there is a different sun that shines over France :o:D m0150 m0150
    It is like monsoon season here, sun is out now, but sky is as black as soot over Pendle, so another deluge is en route. :roll: :roll:

    A mouse, ah, that would be Sleek and Mrs D. They certainly do come in from the fields - I remember them well :shock: :shock:

    The grapes are lovely, so sweet and juicy, I am sure the farmer won't miss the odd one or three :)

    It was the T room, dads toe is fine, no dressing on, see again in two weeks time.

    The Consultant is not worried about Dads urine infection, they will zap him with AB's when he goes in for his procedure on the 7th. Dad feels ok, no temp or other symptoms. Matron will be keeping an eye :)

    Hi Se and Joan - hope you had a lovely meal out with your friend, what is your favourite dish when you go to the pub ?

    Did you manage to get all your shopping, without getting too wet. It has been variable weather, so say the least. Love to both XX

    Hi Kath, we have thunderstorms on the forecast too :shock: t111055 t111055 might as well, it is doing everything else :? :? :roll:

    UTI's seem to affect ladies more than gents, as in add on side effects of the infection, they always did with MIL. At the moment Dad is ok, he just goes along with his personal secretaries :D:D

    Glad you are enjoying the Auturmnal season pictures, I enjoy seeking them out :)


    Mushrooms, of course, it would have been your fav trio for brekkie

    The hospital I am meaning is the City Hospital, as it was called, now it is Nottingham Health Care Trust or summat like that, on the ring road. I worked there for a long time.

    I know of the Firs too :) Small world mi duck.

    I will have a look and a read of the poet you mention, who sings so well, sounds very interesting. t4591 ta for the link and thank you for the lovely vegan breakfast - we had two veggie brekkies at the T room this morning :) Fab U Lous it was.

    A SPID** ON YOUR FACE sorry, I was shouting then - oh I would have had a litter of kittens on the spot. Shudderrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :? :shock: :shock: :shock: :o:o:o

    HI Barbara - glad that kidney functions are stable :)

    I guessed your weather would not be too dissimilar to ours. We are on flood warnings too, for the week end. :roll: :roll: The spid--s will be running in for cover - just what we don't need.

    Dads toe is nicely healed, goes back in two weeks to check it again.
    Good that you had a lovely time with your Niece, I am sure there were lots to discuss as well as have a laugh together t4591 t4591

    We knew it was the right time to leave France, to be back here for family. We just said one day, time we sold and moved home, so we did.
    It was a lovely house, very deceptive from the street level.

    Two cauli pots defrosting as we speak, ready for supper, with oven chips.

    SO, Niamh is well aware of all the tricks being used, to try and get her into her own bed............mmmmmmmm we will have to hatch a little plan, we are good at them :D:D

    Time I was pottering again. Washer is busy. B went round to Dads when we got back, to clear some of the mountains of leaves that have fallen in the last week.
    Dad said, oh I will do it, but B has cleared them all, so Dad can safely walk out to feed the birds. B came back, his clothes and coat were black :shock: :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    Hi to Carol hope you are all ok XX

    Right, I am away. I will pop in later. Till then, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Pie Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been very good and not eaten all the Pumpkin Pie Cake :D

    Meant to say earlier Toni, Sainsb have President spreadable butter in again t4591 t4591 t4591 It's the small things in life that give the greatest pleasure :D:D

    Time to continue our Autumn theme :)


    Sleek came over, with Mrs Darcey and Tommy, (hence not the most successful siesta time) SYTTD Kleinfeld caused lots of shrieking :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    I think we have a sunny day forecast on Wednesday :shock: :? until then it is weather warnings and downpours all the way t111055 t111055 t111055

    Hope things are pleasant en france and you are all enjoying the lovely break. Did Kari manage to do some painting ? I bet you have been immaculising as one does :D:D

    Hi to Carol - how has your week been, hectic, or not too bad? Hope Mr T is feeling ok and no grumps evident. t115006

    Have we had any sparkles for a day or so ? I think we need some t4591


    Quiet evening here, (apart from the rain pelting on the roof ) t111055

    Dad will be round for croissants and coffee's this morning.

    Time I was pottering and checking around for any unwanted 8 legged beasties :? :? I hope no more wandered over your face in the night Kath - :o

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles, as always t4591 t115006 Catch up again later XXXX Aidan

    Caramel Apple Brioche

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear Sleek Mother and Darcey all making a racket watching SYTTD :shock:

    no chance of a siesta then.....

    Kati and I are both going next door (400m away)
    For an art session. Kari has photos ready to paint from....

    I am being given an adult colouring book :oops: to keep me quiet!!!

    Glorious sunny morning here hoping for a good flight home tomorrow because I suspect your storms are coming over here :?

    Take care everyone see you all soon

    Barbara dont forget Harvest service at StJames next village 6pm Sunday ;)


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Have a good weekend everyone
    . Kathleen it's a good job we don't grow in the rain isn't it. ((((((()))))
    . Barbara how is everything with you go steady in the wet((((((()))
    . Aidan is your Dad still loosing blood I'm sorry((((())))) he's in safe hands with you around((((()))))
    . Toni I hope you have better weather than us enjoy your painting((((()))))
    . take care. ,love to Carol Mig((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, what a scary thought. Just as bad if we shrunk in the rain too. :lol:

    Toni, sorry you didn't get a siesta. Enjoy your colouring book. :D Safe journey home. t4591

    Aidan, it is a small world mi duck, especially when you both live in Nottm. City Hospital is still known locally as City Hospital/ Official name for both hospitals is Nottingham University Hospitals, as they have merged, Want a pic mi duck, bring back some memoties?
    I'm enjoying the Caramel Apple Brioche in the autumn glade, wonderful, thank you.

    Oh Barbara, Niamh is such a gem. I remember my cousin Perry (much younger than me) having a huge double bed with all his cuddlies around th edge of it. :lol: How embarassed he'd be now. He's daddy to identical twin girls but I haven't seen him for years. As for Mundella, it was halfway between strict, being a Grammar school. And half very casual as it was undergoing many changes. The older teachers wore gowns and mortar boards. The year I took my O' levels the rules changed and a group of secondary pupils joined the school after passing their CSEs and took O'levels. After I left, the exams changed again and finally became GCSEs and ALL schools take them.


    serves: 4
    prep: 20 min
    cooking: 40 min
    1-2 tbsp / 15-30 ml neutral tasting oil
    2 medium shallots, diced finely
    4 garlic cloves, diced finely
    thumb-size piece of ginger, diced finely
    2 stalks of lemongrass, soft inner part chopped finely
    2-3 tbsp vegan-friendly Thai red curry paste, depending on the brand and your heat tolerance
    400 ml / 14 oz coconut milk (from a tin)
    2 fresh Makrut (aka Kaffir) lime leaves*
    360-480 ml / 1½-2 cups veggie stock (or water)
    1 sweet potato, cubed
    100 g / 3.5 oz fine green beans, cut into 2-3 segments
    ¼ cauliflower, divided into medium florets
    100 g / 3.5 oz tenderstem broccoli, cut into 3 segments
    100 g / 3.5 oz baby corn, halved
    1 tbsp tamari or soy sauce or vegan fish sauce, more to taste
    juice of half a lime
    1 tsp sugar (I used coconut sugar)
    fresh coriander, to serve

    Heat up the oil in a heavy-bottomed pot.
    Add the diced shallots and fry them on a low heat until almost translucent (for about 5-7 minutes), stirring from time to time.
    Add the diced garlic, ginger and lemongrass. Keep on frying gently for another 5 minutes or so, stirring regularly. If the pot gets too dry, add a small splash of stock or water.
    Mix the red curry paste into the aromatics and keep on frying it off gently for about 3 minutes until you see the oils separating.
    Stir in the milk (you can use low-fat coconut milk if you want the curry to be skinnier).
    Finally add in the lime leaves and stock (or water). Start off with 360 ml / 1½ cups of stock and add more to achieve the desired consistency. Traditionally this curry sauce is fairly thin and soupy in consistency.
    Allow the sauce to come to a gentle simmer.
    Season with tamari (soy sauce or vegan fish sauce), lime juice and a touch of sugar (if needed). If you can, allow the curry flavours to develop overnight as it always tastes better the day after it has been made. If you are making this dish a day in advance, I recommend not cooking vegetables until just before serving.
    In terms of the veggies, you could simply cook them in the simmering curry, but that gives you less control over the ‘doneness’ of the individual elements and it affects the colour of the greens. Put the potato in first (takes about 12 minutes) and cover the pot with a lid. After 6 minutes, add in the beans and cauliflower. After another 2 minutes add in the tenderstem broccoli and halved baby corn and continue simmering (with the lid on) for another 4 minutes or so.
    Another way to cook the green veggies,is to steam them. I steamed my beans for 2 minutes, then added the tenderstem broccoli and continued for 2 more minutes.
    Serve on top of plain rice garnished with fresh coriander.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness, did it pour down last night or what t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055
    Woke me up umpteen times :shock: :shock:
    Needless to say, this morning, the tiny road at the front, was like a babbling brook :? :?

    Sunshine up until about 3, now it is supposed to go backwards into more and more weather warnings, only 3 days of them :roll: :roll:

    Did I see that Toni et al are coming home, that's a relief, we might well need Kari's Ark

    Did you manage to get any painting / colouring book done? Sleek said Mummy was bizzy with other things and woz getting in a big broomstick tomorrow to fly howm................ :shock: :? :?

    Auntie Bubbles weather forecast says it will be fair, for your flight home, then you are on a weather warning for two days :shock: :shock: Safe journey to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Harvest festival this Sunday, I will give Barbara a nudge - by the way, the Sisters are back from Vegas :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the hugs, you are both so so kind, more than you realise t4591 t4591
    Dad is not loosing blood at the moment, which is good. He thinks because it has stopped, then he doesn't need to have his mini op, but, we have said, they need to know what is or has been, going on. Bless him.
    Love to you both and to the doggies. Stay warm and dry, it is going to get a bit wet and wild. (((())))

    Hi Kath - If we shrank in the rain, I would be the size of a Ken doll by now :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Glad that the locals still call it City Hospital and thank you for the photo, that does bring back memories of the corridor that felt like a mile long, at least after umpteen times up and down every day. :roll: :roll:

    I found this picture - I spent most time on Nightingale 1, (male ward) this is Nightingale 2, the female side, but identical layout :D:D

    You could smoke in Sisters office and the back kitchen - and patients smoked in the day room. How times change :shock: :shock:

    Glad you liked the brioche, in the Autumn Glade. Need another picture? tell me if you are fed up with them :? :?


    Bluecoat School at Aspley, was very strict, goodness, the teachers ruled with a rod of iron, all wearing gowns and mortar boards - they could aim a blackboard rubber, like a missile, if they thought you were not paying attention.
    You stood up the second the teacher came in, they were always Sir and Miss and if the head came in you nerves were jangling. (we still managed to mess about though, quietly :lol::lol::lol: )

    A little more discipline would not go amiss these days. Best not get me started............... :roll: :roll:

    Hope the ouchies are not too bad (((()))). Ta for the thai curry, gorgeous, I will pop some wild rice on to simmer.

    Hi Barbara - Has Niamh come to stop over, I hope all are ok t4591 t115006
    Toni is reminding about the Harvest Festival, I am sure you will be there, the Sisters can come along with you - they are on a warning, not to go jazz hands, flinging fruit and vegetable all over. :shock: :lol::lol:
    Did I read that you cannot take fresh fruit and veg to Harvest Festival - due to Elf n Safety :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Good grief, how did we all survive.

    Hi Carol - trust you are all ok, love the pictures you have put on FB t4591 t4591

    Dad enjoyed his croissants with cheese and jam (he loves jam) watched the ladies golf, then headed off back home - only 50 yards. He seemed ok, always nods off when he is here. He could sleep on a washing line, just like me :? said no one, ever :roll: :roll:

    Shirts pressed, immaculising done. Always dusting to do, moving it from one place to another :? :roll:

    Let me go find the sweet, to follow Kaths lovely thai curry.

    Love and sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 Will pop back later. XXXX Aidan
    It's spitting................ t111055

    Fresh Fruit Custard Tart

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - I won't mention the wea---- t111055 t111055 :shock: :shock:


    I hope everyone is staying safe and dry - :? :?

    Have a smooth journey home Toni. t4591
    Sleek is very excited, she came over to see Mother at siesta time. The sleepy spell worked, so they could watch Strictly and eat lots of sweets t115006 t115006

    Hermione has said no flying allowed, all puskins must stop indoors.
    She is a worry pot :roll: :roll:

    A quiet evening here, catching up on the golf from Scotland. B is busy making and I am pottering, as necessary :)

    No plans to be going anywhere today - not without flippers anyway. Oh imagine the ninny walking, if I was wearing a pair :lol: :shock: :lol:

    On that note, I will paddle away, leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Ooops, nearly forgot our Autumn pic


    XXXXX Aidan

    Apple and Blackberry Muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope the rain has stopped for you all.
    Kathleen yes things have changed we never had to go by sell by dates on things. I hope your aches have calmed down a bit((((((()))))))
    . Aidan it must have been hard work working in a hospital but very rewarding ow long did you do it for(((((())))) I will be there for your Dad tomorrow((((((()))))))
    . take care all. love to Barbara Toni Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh sell by dates. We just used to smell things, if they smelt bad we chucked them. If food is cooked thoroughly it should be pretty safe. Some years ago our neighbour gave us a frozen chicken which was one week out of date. It was frozen for goodness sake. :roll:

    Aidan, get fed up of autumn pics, me, never.Keep 'em coming mi duck. Thank you for the photo Nightingale ward. Mum spent a lot of time on Nightingale 2, for "wimmins problems". Fibroids removed after losing 2 babies, as she wanted a boy. After that op she had Stuart, then had an hysterectomy. You know, everything took out and a gas stove fitted. :lol::lol::wink:
    I remember when Bluecote School was just off Mansfield Road. From Wikipedia "The school was founded in 1706 as the first charity school in Nottingham, under the guidance of the then rector of St. Peter's Church, Timothy Fenton. Classes were taught in the porch of St. Mary's Church in the Lace Market area of Nottingham. On 1 May 1707, the school moved to St. Mary's Gate.
    In 1723, land that was given by William Thorpe on High Pavement in Weekday Cross was used and the school migrated there,remaining there for over a century.
    In 1855, the school moved to a purpose-built building on Mansfield Road in Nottingham. The building is now the International Community Centre. A statue of a child in a latter-day Bluecoat uniform remains on the outside of the building. A road behind this site of the school is called Bluecoat Close.
    " See photo below.

    Thank you for the Fresh Fruit Custard Tart.

    Love and hugs to all. t4591 t4591

    Crispy Split Pea Avocado Toast
    Crispy Split Pea Avocado ToastIngredients
    1/2 cup green split peas
    1 tsp olive oil
    1 piece whole wheat bread (gluten free if desired)
    1 avocado
    1/8 tsp red pepper flakes
    Salt and pepper to taste

    In a medium bowl, cover the split peas with water. Let soak for at least 2 hours before making the avocado toast.
    After the split peas have soaked, heat a small skillet with the olive oil over medium high heat.
    Drain the split peas and add them to the preheated pan. Saute until crispy, about 3-5 minutes.
    While split peas are cooking, toast the bread and scoop out the avocado. Mash the avocado in a small bowl and stir in the red pepper flakes and salt/pepper to taste.
    Stir half of the split pea mixture into the avocado mixture. Spread on the toast and top with remaining split peas.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - yes, it is my, I know I look so much younger with my hair cut super short :shock: :lol::lol:
    "in your dreams" says Mother :roll: :roll: :animal_busy:

    It has finally stopped pouring down, after 24 hours non stop. From FB of the local area, the rivers are just on the verge of flooding over. It could be interesting getting to the GC tomorrow :? :? :? We have a choice of 4 small bridges, 3 of which flood very quickly :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are keeping dry and warm. It has been monsoon like rains here.
    Nusring, I was a nurse for 25 years, then pensioned off due to ill health. I did enjoy it for the most part. You get used to seeing the sharp end of health care. No two days were the same.

    Dads op is on the 7th, I probably made it read as if it was tomorrow. But I know you will be there for him t4591 t4591 Thank you for the hugs, very welcome :)

    Hi Kath - I need Clarence and Florence to come over. I had TWO, yes, TWO big spid--s in my bedroom in the wee small hours. :shock: :shock: An hour before, I had searched all around, making sure nothing was lurking.

    Reading the news on the phone, all dark. I thought, there is a shadow on the wall, near the tv................lights on, yep, big hairy 8 legs :shock: :shock: got myself upright, feet out, there was another big spid-- sat on the carpet, near the door. So, I am trapped.
    Close ears, spid-- lovers. I had no choice but to zap the pair of them - sorry, my room, my rules.

    Then I was wide awake and keeping lights on and eyes peeled :? :? , until I eventually nodded off at goodness knows what time :roll: :roll:

    I didn't shriek for B, but he had heard the commotion :roll: :lol::lol:

    Nightingale 2, yep wimmins things indeed. We used to pop over, when Sister was not on, to have a chat with other colleagues, or to steal sheets if we were running short :lol::lol: . Ladies used to say, in hushed tones, I'm avvin it all tekken away duck"
    i like your terminology :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I do remember walking past the old Bluecoat School many times. Our first Headmaster was headmaster at the old school, before it moved to Aspley. He was SO SO strict and smoked at least a 100 a day :shock: :shock: He had a row of canes in his study and always took the Latin classes.

    Thank you for the link to the picture :) t4591 t4591

    Autumn continues :)


    Ta too for the split pea and avocado toast :) very nice.

    Hope your ouchies are not too troublesome. t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Toni, hope you are all home safely, before the weather gets even worse :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055 Sleek was over early, to shriek to Mother that you were on a giant broomstick today. t4591 t115006

    You will need a rest, to get over the journey, all the hanging about is the worst thing, when you just want to get home.

    Hi Barbara - how is everyone, Niamh had a nice time with you and yours.
    I hope your Brother is enjoying his time in Lllandudno with his GF, although the weather might be a bit bracing at the moment :shock: :shock: :roll:

    Hi Carol - Did you miss most of the rains, I cannot remember how much of the country was on a warning for floods. Hope you have had a nice week end t4591

    As said, hair cuts for both. I looked like a Gonk :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: ( I think they are called Trolls now) Much better now, far less hirsute :D:D
    Last lot of drying in and busy away.

    Time I was having another check round..............I do not want another pair of arachnids in ones boudoir. :roll: :roll:

    Will pop back later on.

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about t4591 t115006 Take care and be safe. XXXX Aidan

    Russian Honey Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone..Niamh has been here all weekend has mum went away for a couple of days...she has a lunch box now and keeps saying have you got any junk food..think this must have been another lesson at school :lol:
    Aidan thankyou for the lovely Autum pics ..and all the cake can only remeber the pumkin one and Caramel Apple Brioche :D ... I filmed the rain it was that bad..our rd looked like a stream..I see there are flood warning everywhere..very scary... :shock: wonder if we will get more sun...
    Glad to hear dads toe is ok and he looks well in himself..hopefully the ABs will work for him xx
    My brother had a lovely time with his GF..I think they made the best of the weather..he goes for scans on Thursday then the trial begins wont shrink the cancer but hopefully keep it at bay a little longer..all prayer would be gratefully accepted.. :cry:
    Its nice to see the hospital your worked in..all those memory's..I remember the smoking in the day rooms when I was 17 1960s.
    Toni I made it to choir...just..hope you and Kari enjoy the painting..must be lovely ..I am sure you will enjoy your painting book :lol: sfae journey home
    Kath your school wasn't that bad then ..I always have this impression that private schools were strict...must say its a beautiful building..everything removed and gas stove fitted... :lol: thats a new one on me
    Joan I think I am shrinking not growing..our river Irwell is flowing over in places, so I am told..hope you are all doing ok..
    We went out for Lunch thinking because the weather is bad it will be wrong could we be..but we got in and enjoyed it :D
    Love to everyone especially those that are missing...
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - no rain, clear skies and a good deal cooler too :? :? not that I am complaining - after the long hot summer months.

    I trust you are home safely Toni, probably with the heating on - it has turned quite chilly, we are down to near freezing on Tuesday night :shock:
    I am sure Miss Sleek is more than happy to see you all - Mother insisted she stopped at home this evening, to take care of family t4591

    Hi Barbara - I bet you have been busy, with Niamh there for the week end. She is no trouble though and is in need of junk food for her sandwich box :lol::lol::lol: - Bless her t4591 I am sure it must have been a topic at school. Taking it all in.

    Glad you like the Autumn pics. Kath said I have to keep going with them - so, here is our next one :D:D with sparkles too t115006


    I forget the cakes too, there are always so many, we are truly spoilt with all the goodies on offer.

    I never thought to film the little road out front, that was a stream. I am sure at least one of the bridges across the Ribble, will be flooded.
    I think there were 27 flood warnings, that was on Sat night, so likely there are even more now. With more heavy rain later today :shock: :?

    Wed and Thur look to be better days, m0150 m0150 Hildegard needs a preen and polish, after all this weather.

    Dad was ok when B took his pills round on Sun morning, he was sat with his feet up, chilling out, as he does. He sleeps for a lot of the time, which is nothing new.

    So glad your Brother and GF enjoyed the time away, making the mo
    st of the good weather. They went at the right time.
    Scan, then starting the trial on Friday. Will that be IV or radiotherapy?
    Of course he will be in our thoughts and prayers, candles are always lit t4591 t4591

    The hospital ward looks so dated now. This is a part of the main corridor - it went on for miles :roll: :roll:


    Glad you managed to get a table. I am sure the food was good :D:D

    Hi Carol, sending ((())) and hoping you are all ok t4591 t4591

    That goes for all our friends t115006 t115006

    Off to the GC tomorrow, if we can cross the river :shock:

    Time I was pottering and having a little look round for any arachnids :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Cheesy Autumn Mushrooms - stand back, Kath will be in like a shot

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you have a good day
    Kathleen have you met your neighbours yet I hope they are quiet for you(((((())))))
    . Barbara that's nice your Brother and his girlfriend enjoyed there selves((((((()))))
    . Aidan I don't know what I thought because I knew your Dad was going in on the 7'th(((((()))) no we have not had the gas fixed yet.
    . Have a good day(((((())))
    . take care love to Toni Carol Mig(((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cheesy Autumn Mushrooms - Watch out, I'm on me way. :lol: Ta Aidan. That corridor, I've walked it umpteen times back in the day. Thankfully benches were added along the route eventually.
    Clarence and Florence have been booked and are on their way over.

    Barbara, we will mention your dear brother in our prayers and hope the trial will provide some relief and extra time for him. t115006 t4591 t115006
    I think you must have misunderstood my ramblings. The school I was describing was Mundella which isn't a private school. That was Coteswood, my junior school - which was very strict. We had three teachers. The owner of the school and two others. One for the juniors (22 pupils) and two for the Infants (36 pupils) school uniform was navy blue , red and white (still is) Mrs Gibbons (the owner) took us for RI once a week. As I mentioned before, we had to go home for dinner and return in the afternoon, except on Tuesday which was half day. Friday afternoon both classes joined together for story and song. Miss Shearstone took us for that as she was a pianist and taught piano privately. I used to spend a fair bit of time shut in the attic for being a naughty fidget. :shock: :? :lol:

    Vegan Potato Bake

    2 pounds potatoes peeled and sliced (900 g)
    3 cups pumpkin chopped into 1-inch cubes (400 g)
    1 heaping cup dry lentils (I used brown ones) (200 g)
    2 cups of vegetable broth or water (480 ml)
    1 tbsp vegetable oil divided
    1 large onion diced
    3 cloves of garlic minced
    1 batch of vegan cheese sauce or 7 oz (200 g) vegan cheese of choice
    2/3 cup vegan cream cheese (150 g)
    Spice mix: 1/2 tbsp onion powder, 1/2 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes, sea salt & pepper to taste, and fresh or dried thyme to taste (optional)
    Fresh herbs to garnish (e.g. parsley or thyme)
    Fried onion rings to garnish (optional)

    Rinse lentils under running water. I prefer to soak the lentils for about 10-15 minutes in lukewarm water because they are better digested this way (this step is optional). Drain the water afterward.
    Meanwhile, peel and slice potatoes about 0.25 inches thick (0,6 cm). Cook in salted water for 12 minutes or until fork-tender (but not too soft).
    Chop the pumpkin, onion, and garlic.
    Heat 1/2 tbsp oil in a pot, stir in the onion and fry for about 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Add garlic, all spices, the lentils and 2 cups of vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 15 minutes or until there is no water left in the pot.
    Preheat oven to 390 degrees F (200 degrees C).
    While the lentils cook, you can prepare the vegan cheese sauce (or use store-bought vegan queso instead). Next, add the vegan cream cheese to the vegan cheese sauce and stir with a whisk.
    Toss the pumpkin with the other half tbsp of oil and fry in a pan for 3-5 minutes.
    Add a layer of the cooked potato slices into a greased baking dish.
    Then add the cooked lentil mixture.
    Now pour about half of the vegan cheese sauce/cream cheese mixture on top.
    Add the pumpkin cubes and the remaining potato slices.
    Finally, pour the other half of the vegan cheese sauce/cream cheese mixture on top.
    Cook in the oven for about 25 minutes. Garnish with fresh herbs (e.g. parsley). Enjoy!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello friends :)

    I am home :D:D

    All is well here except I left my phone in the car on the way to the airport in France :shock: :shock:

    I keep getting a 'fake' buzz in my pocket like I've got a message :? :cry:

    It is being posted off to me here today so fingers crossed I'll have it by the end of the week :?

    In the meantime Sleek is a very happy pusskin indeed not only is Mummy home, but the rain has also stopped....only one issue for her - the electrician has been to sort our electrics out and also a man to measure for new kitchen worktops :roll:

    I was taking photos of the French morning mists you see and so didn't put my phone in it's usual place :roll: :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Still we got to choir - myself, Barbara and the Sisters too. Oddly enough a choir member started doing that jazz hand malarkey :shock:

    A very good performance though.

    Sorry I still post you any pics from France :roll:

    Take care all

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick note - all ok here. Just messing with the mercedes me app which is now working with the car - hooray :)

    Toni we were just about to send out a search party...............wondering where you were, having sent messages of safe journeys home...............where's Toni.........................

    Now we know, you phone is in France :roll: :roll: :roll: :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Get me, I sent you a text, thinking that you would receive that as well as the Wt's app ones. Don't laugh, I know, how bonkers am I. I thought, that's odd, no replies........................... :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Glad you are safely home. Sleek has been skyping Mother and shrieking her head off............ :shock: :shock: :? :? :lol::lol: she is a very happy Sleekness :animal_busy: :animal_busy: t4591 t4591

    Will write more later. I have technology overload at the minute.

    Glad you liked the mushrooms Kath- yes, they did have seats along that corridor - plants too, when dignitary's and royalty were coming, then took them away again once they had gone :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Right, must go, it is almost nap time. Big hi and lots of love to all t4591 t4591 t4591 Till later XXXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Aidan

    The electrician switched off the electricity so I had no way of getting online to let you all know so sorry :oops:

    Phone is in the post en route....should be with me in up to 3 days so Thursday at the latest.....if I survive that long :roll:

    Sleek is the happiest pusskin in the universe (despite the rain :roll: ) she keeps trying to get me on her own away from Paul Charley etc!! :animal_busy:

    She says when she's sure Mummy is staying here she'll go over to France and collect some French sunrise mist.

    Well-done getting the car connected properly! Now you can do everything!!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hi there I have been going through a really bad time lately, lots of things irritating me. The only thing that has kept me sane is reading your posts on here (but not feeling I have wanted to post myself.) And my Knitting. But from today I have decided that it’s me and me only that will change how I have been feeling. So I am going to try to be like the usual me. :? Here’s hoping it works. Today Went to my mums grave at the cemetery and tided-it up a bit and put some new flowers on it. Very disappointed that the supermarket that is nearby has changed their coffee shop into a McDonald’s. And the coffee shop opposite is now closed. so got on the bus and came back to my favourite coffee stop I use most days. I am now suffering with my back with the extra bending down to place the flowers. But it was to mark her passing 23 years ago.

    Everyone here is ok mr T still having the occasional off mood but well I don’t suppose that is going to change :roll: it’s always been the same. :roll: :roll:

    My little cardigan for Rubie is nearly finished and I have been working to get it done by the time Mr T dose an overnight trip to Ramsgate to see new baby in about 3 weeks time. It should easily be done by then so he can take it with him.

    Well I think I must leave it there before the interest in type this disappears.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI to all - finally, I think I am a little more on the ball, having overloaded with technology :roll: :roll: no wonder siesta time was a disaster.

    Hi Joan and Sue - Don't worry at all, there have been so many appointments recently, that we have forgotten what happened when and where and why :? :?
    No hospital visits this week, touch wood. Just B and I having our MOT's at the surgery.

    I do hope the boiler is sorted before the weather takes a dip into winter. We all want you both to be warm and cosy t4591 t4591 (((())))

    Hi Kath, I think I saw you fleeting past, to attack the cheesy mushrooms :shock: :shock:
    And was it not the longest corridor on the world :shock: :shock: When Sister said, can you just pop to pharmacy - what, AGAIN !!

    Thanks in advance for sending Florence and Clarence. It is super spid-- season at the moment. I am a total ninny at this time of year :roll: :roll: :roll: The wasps seem to have gone, wherever wasps go at the end of summer, so that is one good thing.

    Fancy being shut in the attic at the school, for being a naughty fidget pot :o:lol::lol: If we were out of line at Bluecoat, we had to stand outside the staff room, facing the coat racks, explaining yourself to every teacher that passed by, in a cloud of smoke from their staff room. :? :?

    The tattie bake looks totally amazing - ta mi duck, I am all over it like a rash :D:D with lots of mayo

    Hope any ouchies are bearable, I guess we all try and keep them at that level, or better, with one cocktail of drugs, or another. :roll:

    Let me go find something Autumnal for us.


    Any signs of the neighbours yet? It is not a million miles off mischief night, so we will all go round and knock on their door :lol::lol: We can say we don't want any treats, we just wanted to see what you look like :lol::lol::D:D

    Hi Toni - just ignore all my messages when your phone arrives :lol::lol::lol: I have no idea what I was thinking - if you don't have the phone, why send messages Aidan - :roll: :roll: no one will hear it, apart from Monsieur le poste :shock: :shock: Thursday you say, ooooh, that is a lonnnng time, I would have to buy another :lol::lol:

    Then the electrician switched things off and there was no contact with anything or anybody :o:o

    Mother is very happy for Miss Sleek, who IS the most excited and pleased puskin in our Solar System
    She said to Mother that Mummy has to be with her en permanence, with constant rubbing of chin and winding round legs :D:D t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Looking forward to seeing the early morning French mist. t4591

    Still raining here. One of our bridges was impassable, due to flooding.

    Yep, I can do anything now, with my App and my Portal :shock: :shock: at least everything is communicating, plus we get a years free unlimited music, called TIDAL, same as amazon prime music and worth £240, thank you, I will take that :)

    One of the choir was doing Jazz hands, goodness :shock: The Sisters have a lot to answer for :shock: :lol::lol:


    Hi to everyone, Paul Lucy Charley Tia Kari and all t4591 t4591

    Hi there Carol - lovely to see you. t4591 t4591 Not to worry about posting if you don't feel up to it. If we are helping to keep your sanity, in this crazy world, then we are doing a good job. That's what we are all here for t69044 t69044

    I am certain you can be the usual you. I will send so many sparkles you will be covered in glitter t115006 t115006 t115006

    I did note your post about you late Mum, on FB. t4591 Is it far, to the cemetery, to visit and tidy up as necessary?

    Turning a coffee shop into a McD's, how horrid. We used to pop in occasionally, but have not been for years now. So a roundabout journey back to your nearest coffee shop, is that the one that is classed as your faourite :D:D

    Bending always leaves ouches, not always at the time, but oh boy, later on................ :? :roll: :? Hope they are not too bad today

    Cardigan for Rubie is on the finishing straight, ready for Mr T's visit. I see things are not too bad, it's men, they are all the same, a very strange breed :shock: :roll: :lol:

    Many (((())))

    Hi Barbara, hope you and yours are ok. Did you have a bit more of a rest, after the busy week end with Niamh.

    More rain, t111055 t111055 so hope you are not awash. I am looking forward to Wednesday, so Hildegard can have a polish and preen, before it rains again........... :roll:

    We enjoyed the GC visit, it was steady, not too busy on a Monday, which is better. We had our Beth specials, Dad had already had his breakfast so had a big chocolate muffin. I did have cake, orange and cranberry, which was very nice.

    Off to the surgery today, for bloods and wee tests, hopefully no sugar :? :? MOT time of year again. That is all, we won't be out long.

    Time I was pottering, so I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care, catch up later XXXX Aidan

    Caramel and Apple Buns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Ah Carol I get it sometimes you don't feel like posting when you have nothing 'happy' to say ((()))Well done for doing that cardi so quickly sometimes knitting is therapeutic I think.

    23 years Carol that is such a long time - it's 12 for my Mum and I still miss her most days extra ((())) for you and some t115006 for your sore back.

    Well for a second there I thought the café changing to MCd's was YOUR café phew!! :roll:

    Do I see Caramel and Apple buns?! YUMMY fresh cream first thing inn the morning? WHY not?! :wink: Thanks Aidan. MOT today for you....does that mean it has been or is going to be your birthday soon??? Best of luck with that the cloak is vaguely shimmering if anyone wants to go? I will! Hair in foils if it's thi afternoon though :oops:

    How much free music?! How amazing is that?! All car journeys will be fabulous now - chose some for when Dad joins you though bless him.

    GC was good too Beth's specials and bun for Dad :)

    The worst of having no electricity (besides not getting in here of course to reassure you) was not able to finish holiday washing :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Sleek is still keeping a watchful eye on Mummy's comings and goings....bless her little cotton paws t4591 She is coming to see Mother though via the gate she said. France will have to wait a few days.

    Any news I've missed? I see Kath is still suffering ((())) t115006 It's rained all week t111055 Niamh is supposed to be sleeping in her own bed :roll: Charley was 8 before she stayed in hers all night :oops: bribed with the promise of a guitar!! It worked from day 1!!!

    Love to Joan I hope you and Sue are ok? Boiler fixed yet?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you have a day we have rain.
    . Kathleen I'm a fidget I can't sit still my finger's or feet are on the go. I hope your ouchies are not too bad((((()))))
    . Aidan good luck with your Mot and B's((((())))) love to Dad((((()))))
    Carol I hope your back feels a bit better soon((((()))))
    Toni I bet you could not believe it loosing your phone like that nice it's being posted to you(((()))))
    . take care. love to Barbara Mig((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx