Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone
    . Toni I bet it will be good to have your house finished(((((()))))
    . Aidan I'm sorry you don't feel right(((((())) that's good your Dad is home does he fall over a lot sorry((((((()))))
    . Barbara a man is coming to put stuff in the boiler to stop the leaks we've had it done before. I bet Niamh is pleased to stay with you((((((()))))
    . Kathleen I'm sorry about your sore nose and mouth((((()))) how long does it last for at a time((((()))))
    . take care all love to Carol Mig((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, it's permanent I'm afraid. I have a nasal spray two times twice a day, eye drops and oral spray. I dread having a cold, as my nose is permanently bunged up and I can hardly breathe.

    Now, about this blooming phone call I had on Sunday. Martin came for my blood tests and blood pressure. But no flu jab. I told him about the call, but he didn't know anything about it. As he is based in the same building as my GP practice he kindly popped in to ask about it. They didn't know anything about it either! Is this a new scam???? Anyway Martin has arranged a jab for both me and Chris, I will get a phone call to let us know when it will be. :roll:

    Toni, what are those sparks (electricians) like. The flat next to Holly has been empty for ages but the Housing have begun working on it. So she will be experiencing the same things we did with next door. :shock: All the best for Lucy's review with Dr Tim.

    Aidan, horizontal rain, I've experienced that years ago, nearly knocked me ovver me duck! Lovely Autumn Lake, sparkling in the sunshine. Shame I can't see the Apple and Cheddar Quick bread, and I've got the butter ready.

    Barbara, my mum had Fortisip too, she wasn't struck but as she wouldn't eat anything she had to have them. Luckily she was in a home so didn't complain. Hope your dental treatment didn't cause too much pain, and I hope Niamh is OK too.

    Vegan egg fried rice


    3 tbsp sesame oil
    1/2 onion finely chopped
    1 red pepper finely chopped
    2 tsp minced garlic
    300g of silken tofu
    4 tbsp soy sauce
    2 tbsp nutritional yeast
    1 tsp turmeric
    Ground black pepper
    1 cup of frozen peas
    250g of cooked rice
    2-3 spring onions finely chopped
    Chilli sauce (I used Sriracha)


    Add 3 tbsp of sesame oil to a wok pan and turn it to high heat. Then add finely chopped onion and red pepper and 2 tsp of minced garlic. Stir and sauté until the onion and pepper has softened.

    Then add 300g of silken tofu (straight out of the pack, including the water) to the pan together with 4 tbsp of soy sauce (unsweetened), 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1 tsp of turmeric and some ground pepper. Mash up the tofu in the pan and mix it all together.

    Finally add 1 cup of frozen peas, 250g of cooked rice, a few chopped spring onions and cook for another few minutes until the peas are defrosted and heated up.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I keep meaning to sit and write a little, but time flies by. I will write more later.
    All ok, just tired and been catching up on house things. Dad was fine, still on a roll today. No pains, all fine :shock: which is good. Just the rest of us that are knac
    ooops, tired. :shock: :shock:

    Hope you have power, in all the right places Toni, after your sparkly has been bizzy knitting wires :? :?

    Glad Martin is going to sort the flu jabs for you Kath - wonder who it was that called............very strange.
    Ta for the vegan "egg" fried rice :) lovely mi duck

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok...........good that the heating will stop leaking - is that a temp fix?

    Hi to Barbara - Niamh will be there this evening, with Daddy :)

    Hi to Carol - hope you are both ok - (((())))

    The weather has been Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day - blinding sunshine m0150 m0150 then torrential rains t111055 t111055 t111055 most Autumnal


    Will call back later, after a rest. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Orange Semolina Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Thanks for your love and concern as I work my way out off my recent feelings and disinterest in everything. I am doing this slowly and surely and am slowly getting there. Am feeling a great deal better but am not fully ok yet.

    We are both ok despite the odd moody from Mr T but I am pleased to say I am handling it better than I was a few weeks ago. I seem to be sleeping better which has also been a problem of late. I have been doing all my usual things although sometimes without much enthusiasm. But that is also getting better. Tomorrow we Are going to Kingston which is only 2 short bus rides away to look out for some Christmas pressies, as it is a large shopping Area. In the evening we have our church meal out and on Friday we are at the Albert hall for a Chris De-burg concert. Which we are both looking forward to, we have both been fans of his for many years.

    Aidan yes Mr T has 2 weeks to go before his trip to Ramsgate to see Kian. Rubie’s cardigan only has to have buttons sewn on and that is ready for Mr T to take with him. Cannot believe I have managed to complete this one in just a couple of days over a month. I will post a picture before it leaves me it is so pretty I am really pleased with it.

    I must leave you now as my speedway programme has started and I cannot concentrate very well on 2 things at once at the moment.
    But I thought you would like a little update. Be assured I will be back with regular post soon.

    Love and Sparkles to you all.
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - once more :) A bit more time, to scribe.................

    Hi Toni - Dad certainly has come through without any problems, most of it is forgotten to be honest, which is sometimes, no bad thing, if that makes sense.

    He was all for going for coffee and cakes, but we said no, not today, we have lots to do at home, he didn't mind, he said he was ready for another nap :lol:

    Siesta was welcome again today, I slept, for two days on the trot, which is almost unheard of :shock: Mother was busy eating SO many sweets, prior to settling down. (Some lugs removed earlier in the day - no doubt Sleek will have heard all about it, as I caught a few whiskers with the clippers, when she moved - I might be turned into a toad t115006 :shock: :shock: :shock: )

    Warm quick bread, with lots of butter, perfect for indigestion, but so worth it :lol::lol:

    I hope Pom managed to rescue her sheets from the downpour. It is a risky time for hanging out washing, lovely sunshine then horizontal rain m0150 t111055 t111055

    Fall is a nice term for Autumn. Autumn, ah, time for a picture, while I am thinking on.

    The Deer in the magic forest, is still keeping an eye t115006 t115006


    So the induction classes start on Monday, mmm, Mother did keep that one quiet - I wondered what she was doing in the ottoman. Sleek says Mother has many secrets t115006 t115006 written in a book, somewhere :? :?

    Sleeks medical equipment arrived I assume and she managed to make it fit in her ickle house :shock: :lol::lol:

    The meeces, at the Church, by all means, Mother will take Sleek there on the next mist foray. It will be locked, but that will not prevent two Hogwart scholars from gaining entry t115006 t115006

    That cake was so good, and so so messy, I had to put it on two wash cycles :? :oops: :oops:

    Day one is over for the electrickeries being sorted - hope you were not without power for too long. As soon as they turn it off, you instantly want to use something :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    We will be under the cloak for Lucy's visit to see Dr Tim, t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue - we don't feel too bad today, some rest and doing our own thing is helping.

    Hope you have not had the deluges of rain, it has been torrential at times.
    Dad is doing well after his op and biopsies - happy to be home so he can nod off at all times of the day.

    Hi Kath - I bet you do dread having a cold, anything that increases the effort to breathe, is pretty horrid, to say the very least. (((())))

    I am glad Matron Martin has sorted the flu jab mystery...........does your phone store the last 10 numbers, as many do? Would be interesting to see the number who called. :? :?

    Holly will be having new neighbours too, we really need to get a glimpse of them all - shall we throw a party on Halloween :D:D:lol::lol: invite all the neighbours :D:D

    Rain again now, just after midnight, at least it was straight down this time t111055 t111055
    Sorry you could not see the quick bread - wonder why :roll: Lots of butter, essential :)

    (((()))) to both and sparkles for anti ouching t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol :D you are more than welcome to all the hugs and love and sparkles that we can muster 7 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Very pleased to hear that you are feeling a deal better. That is good news.

    I can sympathise with the feelings of disinterest, there is nothing that makes anyone snap out of it - only time and knowing that lots of people care a great deal t4591

    Sleeping better is a good sign. It is horrid when you feel shattered and then lie awake, watching hours go by.

    The odd mood from Mr T, but coping ok with those. :D:D

    Bill remembers Kingston, which I am sure will have changed beyond recognition since he lived near there. Have a lovely time at the shops and maybe take in a coffee and cake :) Soul food :)

    Church meal - has anything been decided with regards the Church and its future?

    Chris De Burgh - he has sold over 45 million albums, wow, that is some achievement - hope you have a fabulous time at the Albert Hall concert.

    Two week countdown until Mr T goes to Ramsgate, with cardigan for Rubie :) Look forward to seeing a picture of it :)

    Hope you enjoyed the speedway

    Love to both XX

    Hi Barbara - how was your evening with Niamh and Daddy - keeping you on your toes I am sure. Laptop hidden away until all is safe. :?

    Hi to everyone else in and about.

    Quiet evening here, B is busy away and I am pottering and fussing :)

    At home today, B will go round to check on dad and take his pills round.

    Time to have another pootle around. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all


    Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Yoghurt Bars

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you have a good day
    . Kathleen I have heard of that but I do not know anything about it it must be very uncomfortable ((((())))) you are always happy has well,
    . Aidan your Dad has done well (((((())))) we have a dry day to day to day. How ids your chest feeling no problem I hope(((((()))))
    Carol I'm pleased you are getting on alright the darts go by quick(((((()))))
    . take care. love to Barbara Toni Mig(((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you have a good day
    . Kathleen I have heard of that but I do not know anything about it it must be very uncomfortable ((((())))) you are always happy has well,
    . Aidan your Dad has done well (((((())))) we have a dry day to day to day. How ids your chest feeling no problem I hope(((((()))))
    Carol I'm pleased you are getting on alright the darts go by quick(((((()))))
    . take care. love to Barbara Toni Mig(((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone :)

    Joan we have a sunny day here, but rather chilly. Did they ever sort your boiler out? ours is leaking too :roll: so when the electrician is doen it will have to be that fixed or changed :roll:

    Sleek has told me all about Mother and her whiskers. She got her to balance her up very carefully she insisted it was affecting her balance :roll: :animal_busy:

    It is a blessing that Dad has forgotten most of the indignities he was subjected to isn't it? He would eat out every day if you took him I bet :lol: Oh yes I meant to ask ages ago - did he ever use that scooter his mate talked him into?

    I would be pleased if your new sleeping pattern was to continue but we shall see I won't hold my breath.

    Warm bread and indigestion? Worth it! 100%

    That deer in the forest can talk according to Sleek :animal_busy:

    I had no electricity until 4pm!! he's back today and may need some of tomorrow too :shock: woe is me! I wanted TOAST and coffee so nipped to Costa and got some large ones in!! Nearly invited myself to Pom's for a refill! She said I should have done :lol:

    Yes Monday the kits start at Hogwarts Mother has finished the alterations and Mrs D'arcey has sewn all name tags in. Why do they do it by hand when they could just cast a spell???

    Had a couple of pumpkin yoghurt bars and put some in my pocket in case the electrics go off again :roll: you were right about the cake from yesterday I had to go back and do a second wash cycle too :shock:

    Oh Carol ((())) It's horrible when you feel so flat and disinterested in life and very hard to get out of. You are doing well though slowly and steadily t115006 That's it keep on going and you'll get there.

    Mr T probably doesn't help when he's a moody one and you are only just getting by yourself.

    Kingston (had a quick google) looks a good place to go I'm sure it's a good idea. Church meal will be lovely and Chris De Burgh!! WOW!!! Go you two!

    Well done with the cardy I bet it looks lovely and am eager to see a piccie when it's ready.
    Hope you enjoyed your speedway :

    Kath the electrician is really nice very chatty and friendly. Working away steadily and I love my new shiny RDC boxafter this is done it will be a new boiler :roll:

    I am a tiny bit worried about your jab....Martin is a star sorting jabs out for you and Chris, BUT what if another nurse appears one day with two more :shock: :shock: :shock:


    Poor Holly I do not envy her the disruption, but she'll be happier with a neighbour than without I should think.

    The vegan egg friend rice was lovely Kari was very happy with it thank you very much :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, it's very kind of you to say I'm always happy. Hmm I do try to be but sometimes I fail miserably. You and Sue on the other hand are a very cheerful pair. You cheer me up anyway. m0150

    Toni, I've been all round the houses on here today! Saw your name and clicked it - wrong post. :oops: But I got there in the end. I should think the electricians are cheerful and chatty, they get paid well as their job can be dangerous. I can remember before the laws were changed, changing plugs myself. :lol: I used to watch dad as he was a practical man and did all kinds of stuff that wouldn't be allowed now. Fitting gas stoves in for a start. He was a floor layer by trade, tiles, lino and carpets. No wonder he has bad knees. I think it's unlikely that we would get two jabs each. But I'm worried about it too. Will we even get one>? :? BTW does Sleek do dentistry or shouldn't I mention it.

    Aidan, I'm so glad dad has forgotten his adventures at the hospital. My dad keeps harping on about his treatment because he forgets he's already told us. He always calls me Anita, and once he even called me Stuart!!! I believe that Sleek is right about the stag. He looks so intelligent to me that he MUST be able to talk. I can actually see the quick bread now. :D

    Carol, I'm very glad you are feeling almost back to your usual self, I had Florence on the phone sounding upset "cos mummy seems so sad" bless. You and Mr T have some exciting trips lined up, t4591

    Thai roasted butternut squash and coconut soup
    This delicious and warming soup will brighten up any day. Using coconut yogurt as the star ingredient this soup is also soya and gluten free.

    Thai coconut soupIngredients
    1 medium sized butternut squash
    3 carrots
    1 leek
    2 small garlic cloves
    Small knob of ginger – grated finely
    1 tsp dried lemon grass
    2 tsp ground coriander
    2 tsp ground cumin
    2 tsp ground turmeric
    1 tsp cayenne pepper
    Handful of fresh coriander
    Chilli flakes
    8 1/2 cups (2l) vegetable stock (roughly)
    2 2/3 cups (350g) The Coconut Collaborative yogurt
    ¼ - ½ lime - juiced
    Salt and pepper to taste
    To serve
    Fresh coriander
    Cumin seeds
    Rice of choice – allow ½ cup per person

    Pre heat your oven to around 190°c. Slice your butternut squash in half (length ways), de-seed and then place flat onto a baking sheet; insides down. Put into the oven and roast for around 35-40 minutes.
    Put your rice on as rice takes a little longer to cook; follow packet instructions for correct water to rice ratio.
    Chop up your leeks and carrots. Sauté in some water with the garlic and ginger until a little softer. Add the ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, cayenne pepper, lemon grass and chilli. Continue to fry, adding a little more water if it starts to dry up.
    Once this is fragrant and the carrots and leeks soft, add in your vegetable stock. Bring to the boil then allow to simmer for around 10 minutes; season with salt and pepper to taste.
    Once your squash is done, remove from the oven and let it cool for a few moments. Scoop out the insides. They should be very soft so will easily come away from the skin.
    Put into the pot with the stock and mix. Bring back to the boil and then add a squeeze of lime and the fresh coriander, season to taste.
    Using a hand held blender, blitz your soup until thick and creamy. Add the coconut yoghurt and stir well.
    To serve, ladle a good serving of the soup into a bowl, adding rice if desired. Top with some fresh coriander and any other seasonings. You could also add another dollop of coconut yoghurt on at the end to make it extra creamy!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..we went out for luch and got wet..but nice to get home.. :)
    Aidan I am so pleased to hear dad is doing ok and cant remember all that happened ..much better then dwelling on things..bless him and he has his appetite which is good..and thankyou for the lovely pics..the deer is enchanting and the butterfly..
    I tried the Apple and Cheddar Quick bread and its was so yummy..crumbs everywhere mum used to make semolina cake I remember the smell :D
    glad you got some sleep to recharge your batteries..and a day at home would be welcome..
    Niamh was on my laptop last night..must say she is so good..up for school at 7 because dad has to get her back through traffic..
    Joan I hope the stuff they put in your boiler works..and thankyou again for being so lovely both of you..xx
    Kath I hope you get that flu jab soon we dont want you poorly..I always say if the NHS would communicate properly things would flow better..just hope it wasn't a scam :shock: thankyou for the egg fried rice..I keep meaning to make this instead of getting it form a takeaway
    Carol I am really pleased to hear you are getting there..not easy but you will do it..and you have Christmas shopping to look forward to and then Chris de burg..I love his take care and you know were we are when needed
    Toni so worktop are in but your electrics are now being done..good thinking going to costa for coffee..did you get your toast has well.
    you are right Niamh is unsettled..the little thing is a joy though and always has us laughing ..the teacher love her because she like to be helpful... :D
    Just spoke to my brother he still hasn't had the eye test :x ..the machine is broke so he had to go to Christie..they had a chat and did another ECG more blood..then ..he can start the trial next Thursday ..if he get the eye hospital out the way..he will come home after the trial starts ..go back 2 days later.then he thinks every 3 could be the placebo one they give him ..which is scary but he knows this..
    Dentist Monday to have my tooth prepared for the crown..then a few days later for it to be fitted..269.30 pounds... :o
    Right better go
    Love to everyone
    t111055 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a gap, in the mountain of drying and washing, so will use it to write :)

    It's t111055 t111055 again, no change there then Aidan :roll: :roll: the forecast is for more wetness and then a weather warning for tomorrow, for lots of wetness :shock: :shock: Best pop Auntie Kari on Ark alert.

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok and your ankle is not too painful. Some extra (((()))) for you both t4591 t4591
    I see you have a dry day today, that's good, if you need to be out and about, walking the doggies etc. I hope it stays dry for your shopping tomorrow and maybe a meal out with your friend :D:D

    My chest is no worse, which is good. Still a bit wheezy, but that is fairly normal

    Oh dear, Sleek was right, when she was telling Mother about Mummy needing a new boy lar :lol: :?
    I hope the electrics are almost finished, with the new RCD board and gizmo's all in place.

    Mother is in complete agreement with Sleek, that loosing the length of a couple of whiskers, has affected her balance and mobility, resulting in much SHRIEKING :shock: :shock: At least I was not turned into a toad :? :?

    They paw sewing of the uniforms, is done with invisible thread, on invisible bobbins, with invisible needles - so there is a kind of magic in it all. Once sewn, the uniform with grow, with the student t115006 t115006 :D:D Who knew :shock:

    Dad kind of knows something went on, but not a deal. B went round with his pills this morning. Dad was ok. We are waiting for the surgery to ring with an appointment for him to see his GP. GP rang this morning, about Dad and his falling. They have a dedicated team, that covers this area, re falls and risk assessments etc, but, he has to see Dad first, to ask him if it is ok to refer him :roll: :roll: More red tape.

    The scooter, no, it has not done two yards. Bought it, bought a huge storage thing for it and there it has sat. :? :? :? Might as well sell it. We knew he would not use it, but, hey ho.

    Two successful siesta's out of 7 days, has been a miracle in itself.

    No, don't hold your breath, for goodness sake :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    You had to do a COSTA run, to get some coffee's in. I am sure Pom would have made you all cuppa's.

    Glad you like the pumpkin yoghurt bars :) Autumn is full of wonderful goodies to eat.

    Did I mention Autumn :)


    Hi Kath, we all used to change plugs, fix lights, trim wires, join wires.......... :shock: have had a couple of shocks (electrical) in my time - quite alarming :shock: :shock:
    Everything has sealed plugs on now and works have to be done by an electrician - it is a dangerous job.

    Poor Dad will have bad knees if he was a carpet / lino / tile fitter, by trade. When they kick those stretchers with their knees - :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Sleek, dentistry? Errrrrrm, Toni will ask I am sure :o you have a toothy problem?

    So Dad calls you Anita and has called you Stuart, bless em eh. We had a Consultant that called me Stirling :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: and I worked there for years at City Hosp, not like she never knew me from Adam. :lol::lol:

    Yes, the Stag is like Silver, he can talk very eloquently. Do your neighbours know about the entrance to the magic forest from your garden - I wonder :D:D t115006 t115006

    Glad you can see the quick bread, looked rather nice me thinks

    Now, what delights do I see, butternut squash and coconut soup. Sounds delicious, ta duck t4591

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and Niamh enjoyed her time with you. UP at 7 in the morning and not complaining, bless her. Plus, you laptop survived little fingers.

    I see you have the same weather and got wet while out and about. t111055 t111055 :roll: :roll:

    No Dad is not dwelling on things, with his memory problems. He remembers bits and pieces and always recounts things from the past

    I do remember semolina cake - Mum used to make it sometimes, for Bible Study meetings. I was always loitering in the kitchen :) I could help carry things into the big sitting room at tea time break :)

    Nice to have a day at home, washing drying, changing beds, well, B has been doing that - he has them done in lightning fast time.

    So your Brother starts the trial a week today t4591 we will be there under the cloak and candles are always lit, as you know t4591
    I am assuming two lots of IV, then home for three weeks. Yes, there is always the chance that you can get the placebo, which, in a lot of cases is what would normally count as the standard treatment. Depends on the trial, Christies will have explained it all in detail though. ((((()))))

    Dentist Monday, let us know if you want us under the cloak - t115006

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok, improving steadily over the days. Always sending (((()))) Hope you enjoyed the speedway and the shopping trip to Kingston :)

    Lots of love to everyone else in and about.

    Time for me to have another potter, dryer is still whirring away :roll: :roll:

    Will call back later - ooh, was it one of us, that won the £170 million the other night ?? No, just wondered :o:lol::lol:

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Apple Crumb Cheesecake Pie - pass the cream please Toni, cheers mi dears :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    t111055 t111055 t111055 Kari, we need the Ark :shock: :? :?

    Apart from the howling wind and driving rain, it is fine here :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    Won't be many leaves left by morning


    Quiet evening, catching up on the golf from Rome :) Tennis is on too, from Shanghai (during the daytime).

    Hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    How are the electrics Toni, nearly or completely finished :) Then onto the boiler - :? :?
    Sleek was over at siesta time, I dozed off, so not sure what they were up to, probably more sewing of uniforms.

    Must remember to go the Ve-- today, to pick up more sweets for Mother - She reminded me that the more sweets, the more she will forgive the cutting of two whiskers :shock: :lol::lol:

    Apparently it was not the whisker that gathered the rainbow droplet t115006 t115006 , that one has been shed and is stored in a vault, guarded by the Nymphs.

    Off into town, Dad has his podiatry appt at the Drs, so I will go wait in the T rooms - then we can all have brunch :) B will gather my shipping order of pills while he is in the surgery :roll: :roll:

    I will go and potter a little. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Waffles with Spiced Pumpkin Butter and Brown Sugar Walnut Crumble -

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone :D

    Aidan I just checked with Miss Slimkins and she confirmed that the whisker which caught the rainbow droplet was indeed shed and is with the nymphs. It must be used in a very special spell which so far has not been necessary :shock: Please don't forget the sweets they are running low :lol: :animal_busy:

    The girls have been to Pendle this morning apparently it was just windy and wet so not much collected tomorrow they are just going straight to the nymph's café and won't bother with trying to find 'nun eggzistant myst' :roll:

    All uniforms are finished now. Yesterday bags were packed with stationary and pens etc for the kits enrollment on Monday. Tommy Thumb is bouncing with excitement, Oreo is a bit nervous, but Jessie is ready to go t4591 I am very impressed with the self-growing uniforms! wow!

    Did Kath ask Sleek to look at her teeth?! Oh she is so exited!! :? :shock:

    A quiet half hour in the T room will do you good I think while Dad has his tosies inspected. Then brunch - perfect! I had a tiny feeling that the scooter would be a waste of money :roll: but he would not be told would he? Hope the falls assessment isn't delayed too much :?

    Kari will pop the ark out if this doesn't stop soon :? t111055 t111055 She has a new bike again! An electric one this time so soon I expect her to appear here at my door :D

    My electrics are nearly done. Lots needed rewiring :shock: so not a cheap job, but safety first. All downlighters in the kitchen and bathroom have been replaced with 'compliant' ones (fire safety and water safety) and it's so much lighter!! The boy lar is well on it's way out sadly :(

    Those waffles were out of this world thank you especially hot with some fresh cream!

    Our village is the area's pumpkin centre! Indeed it is! Families come from far and wide to pick their own. Bless!

    How did you sleep yesterday then? Are we on 3 days?

    Gosh that Autumnal pic was appropriate - very rainy :lol:

    Aw Barbara! Niamh is a good girl getting ready so Daddy can take her through morning traffic in time :D She should feel more settled after she's been a few more times and Mummy is at home when she goes back. ((()))

    Bro still hasn't had the eye test? Not his fault if the machine was broken. Thursday is start day then? I hope he isn't on the placebo fingers firmly crossed t115006 t115006

    How much for your crown?! :shock: You know Sleek is thinking of taking up dentistry???

    Kath you've done it now! Sleek is taking up dentistry too bless her :animal_busy: She has ordered a drill so far and one of those very large metal needles??? :shock: d025.gif

    Oh yes we must be compliant now electrically speaking. My Dad also fitted our cookers over the years too :? Lots has needed rewiring, but we're getting there now thank goodness so all will be well after today. Until Paul gets him outside to electrify his garage :roll:

    Sleek has been watching closely..... :?

    The Thai coconut soup is delightful I have saved an extra bowl for lunch :)thanks.

    Good morning to Sue and Joan I hope it's still dry t111055 for your shopping trip today

    Love to Carol, mig and Crinkly

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    It’s Friday again
    I’m sorry but we’re due to be picked up any minute so I haven’t got much time
    I hope everyone is as well as they can be
    Thank you everyone for all you do for Joan
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Sue, Joan and your good self are such kind and sweet friends it's an absolute pleasure to have you in our lives. Take care. t4591

    Toni, I thought I'd better ask just what type of drill did Sleek get? Pneumatic, or one for drilling holes in walls? Perhaps she 'borrowed' it from the electricians? :shock: OOO ecky thump, I'm feeling rather nervous now. :? :lol: Maybe she will hire Tommy as her dental nurse. When Emily was at school she had a friend whose dad was a dentist and she did work experience as a dental nurse at his practice. I can imagine Tommy saying "two amalgam please, for in there." That's from Pam Ayres poem 'I wish I'd looked after me teeth!' :lol:

    Aidan, toothy problems - moi - nah, too many holes to have teeth. I just hope Sleek doesn't fall down one of them. :wink: The latest autumn picture looks just like our back path. Full of soggy leaves and trees dripping everywhere. I don't think any of the neighbours are aware of the gate even though the teenage boys from next door but one have often stopped to look at it. I think a confusion spell has been cast over it. Not even Chris is aware, whilst I of course can see right through to the magic forest. Wonderful sights and all sorts of magical goings on. I love its being there. Thank you for the Apple Crumb Cheesecake Pie. NUNU please.
    I always say if the NHS would communicate properly things would flow better
    Barbara, you sound like Chris. He's always on about the money they waste. Our local hospitals have a Medilink bus so people can travel between them free of charge. Well originally it was free, which was great for patients and staff. But all kinds of folk would use it to go shopping or to school. So now everybody has to pay £2.30 per journey. :o

    Carol, I really don't envy you braving the crowds of Christmas shoppers. Its amazing the number of places that already have their decorations up. I used to work with a woman whose dad would organise the Christmas deccos including Santas grotto in the big Nottingham Co-op (no longer there) I can remember mum taking me there when I was a child. They were amazing.

    Eggplant Patties with Olives and Herbs

    Make these easy eggplant patties with olives and herbs and enjoy a delicious, comfort recipe that's also secretly healthy and high in proteins!
    Serves: 20 eggplant patties
    1 cup red lentils
    1 medium eggplant
    1 bunch parsley, chopped
    1 medium onion, diced
    2 Tbsps psyllium husks (or one large egg)
    4 Tbsps nutritional yeast
    4 Tbsps sliced black olives
    3 garlic cloves, mashed
    breadcrumbs – about ⅓ cup, more or less
    sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
    oil, for frying

    Add lentils in a pot and cover them with water. From the moment they start boiling, let them boil for about 15 minutes and then remove from heat.
    Strain the lentils very well and put them in a large bowl.
    Cut the eggplant in half and scoop out the pulp. Chop it and put it in the bowl.
    Add the rest of the ingredients, except oil.
    Using a fork, or your hands, start mixing the composition. It has to be sticky and easy to shape. If it’s not it means that you didn’t strain the lentils very good and the composition is too wet. No problem, just add more breadcrumbs until it has a dough-like consistency.
    Cook the patties – bake or light fry.
    Light fry: Spray a non-stick pan with some oil. Put each patty on the frying pan and let it fry about 2 minutes on each side.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - well, it finally stopped pouring down, about 11am. Three roads into town were flooded, to all but 4X4's and one was totally impassible :shock: :shock: :shock:

    The lane down from us, was just like a river bed, so much debris, leaves, stones, water pouring down.............quite scary. It absolutely threw it down from tea time yesterday.

    Sun is out now, windows open, nice and fresh :)

    Seems that most of the day has vanished, as they do. Just about caught up I think, but cannot be fussed to do the marathon shirt pressing.
    B's Brother is coming over tomorrow, so he is meeting us in the T room ( I know, two days on the trot - spoilt or what ) :D:D

    Hi Toni - it is a good job the droplet whisker was not chopped off. Sweets obtained from the Ve-- two bags, that don't last long once Mother gets to munching and sharing them :roll: :lol::lol:

    The girls must have gone up to Pendle after we went out, there was some mist, but not a great deal, mainly cloud and that it too wet apparently, for weaving :? :roll:

    Sleek said that Tommy was bown sing off the wallz with excitement :? :roll:
    Mother said "don't worry, Minerva will soon ground him, in a kindly manner" :D:D

    I didn't get my time out, I sat in the car instead, as it was still pouring. Dad has not to go back for a month this time, so tootsie is much much better :)

    Scooter was indeed, a big waste of time, but, you can only do so much.

    Kari has a new bike, with pedal assist, wonderful, there will be no stopping here, whizzing along :D:D:D

    Brunch was lovely, the tuna and cheese toastie was gorgeous - then I had to have a brownie, to even out the sugar levels :? :? :? :lol::lol:

    Definitely better to be safe as possible, when it comes to wiring. We have two RCD's, the one in the wardrobe with all the individual trips and then there is one main one, outside, to each park home and static, to make things doubly sure.
    No, it isn't a cheap job, but, it is a responsible one to say the least as their work is guaranteed and signed off.

    You will be all smart. Sometimes the expensive things are hidden away, like wiring and boilers, but equally as valuable.

    Super trooper lights now, Sleek said she was singing ABBA songs :lol::lol:

    I thought you might like the waffles - just an inkling t4591 :lol::lol:

    Pumpkin village, how lovely.


    Siesta, yesterday, not too bad, nearly an hour. Three days on the trot - hopefully it can continue.

    Mother mentioned something to do with a school of Dentistry - I said, don't worry............. :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Hi Sue and Joan - don't worry, when you are all ready for off, you have to go..........hope you both had a lovely time, gathering shopping and lunch with your friend / coffee too. (((()))) to both and to the fury doggies too t4591 t4591

    You are both SO kind and selfless, it is a joy, to know that you care so much (((())))

    Hi Kath, I remember the poem by Pam Ayres, about her teeth - Sleek is apparently on the look out for guinea pigs, to practice her dentistry, I would keep tight lipped :shock: :? :?

    I think we are all in a soggy mess with leaves and autumn debris. I could not believe our lane - the big Council nu nu will have to come up and down a time or two, to clear everything. t111055 t111055

    The spell of confusion, that will be it. Sometimes things that are so clear to one, are hidden from view to another, even when under their noses. You can see into the forest, which is just fine, Chris too, but you have to kind of look middle distance, if you stare at it, it will fade away.......... t115006 t115006

    I remember the old Co Op, on upper parliament street, I think.........

    So sad about the injured shoppers at the Arndale Centre in Manchester, three stabbed, but not critical. We are in worrying times.
    You should be able to go about your business, without fear and suspicion.

    Those patties are looking mighty fine, ta mi duck, will have them wi sum chips :)

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and not too waterlogged - last night it was monsoon like. t111055 t111055 I bet your road was flooded.

    Hi Carol - how was your shopping trip? Hope you managed to gather some Christmas presents and had coffee and cakes, to keep you going :) t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else in and about. I really must potter, it is T time and then siesta.

    Will pop back later - leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Texas Pecan Pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all Niamh has gone to the cinema with I have my laptop
    Kath my teeth sounds like yours full of holes I have had probs since I was a child ..and I have always cleaned them.. :o
    So I sound like Chris..think I get it off my other half.. :lol: its a shame you have to pay for medilink ..but what a good idea we need something like that..thankyou for the egg plant pates never tasted it but will try anything once
    Toni so you have pumpkins fields lovey I have never seen then growing..the children must love picking there own :D all elecs nearly don e and all safe ..thats the main thing..
    Thankyou I think Niamh is a little more settled..but you never know with children..
    Sue its always lovely to hear form you ..hope you both enjoyed your day..and didnt get to wet..xx
    Aidan thankyou for the apple crumbles cheese cake ..very moorish :D and the Waffles with Spiced Pumpkin..I forgot what the other was.. :? I was worried today when it said flooding in Clitheroe..I hope you are all safe maybe let the water drain before you fo out..I see dad is ok and wanting to have lunch out ..its one of life pleasures..and his feet are all done..pity it was raining and you didnt get into the T rooms...
    My brother is very vague, a proper man :? I have to keep asking him questions..apparently he comes home on Chemo tablets..I just hope he has some good quality time left..with the love of his life..
    I was worried when I heard about the stabbing in Manchester ..our middle GD goes there after college..but she is safe thank god..
    Thankyou again for the love and the candles they really do help t4591 t4591
    Right I am having some of ohs better go
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t111055
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - did I say it was a much more pleasant evening? Well, I was fibbing, t111055 t111055 t111055 it has been raining stair rods on and off from 6 till 11. :roll: :roll: Ignore any future weather reports :? :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - You have your laptop back, whilst Niamh and Daddy are at the pictures - do people say that these days "at the pictures" - probably not

    There is a free bus that runs from Blackburn Hospital to Burnley Hospital, every half hour I think.

    You are welcome to all the goodies, Autumn really is an amazing time for wonderful pies, breakfasts, cakes etc etc :D:D I would have to look back, to remind myself what we have had to eat, so don't worry about remembering them, just enjoy t4591 t4591

    We did get to the T rooms, I just waited in the car, playing with Hildegards computer, while Dad and B were at the podiatry appt. It was pretty bad, the river down in the village, was almost at road level, quite scary driving past it. The whole of the Ribble Valley was on flood alert and I can imagine Skipton was flooded all round, in the fields.
    I did spy sunshine on the weather for Saturday, but don't take my word for it. :roll: :roll:

    We will be back at the T rooms, to meet up with B's Brother. Just him coming over, SIL is out for lunch with friends from the zumba class.

    You keep asking away, I am sure your Bro doesn't mind. So pills for when he is at home, are they giving steroids as well? I am sure he will ensure time is well spent t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Love abounds and candles are always aglow t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Glad your GD is safe and that no one was killed at the Arndale Centre. We are going to need security screening at all shopping centres and big public places. Anything that makes life safer for the public to go about their business.

    Hi Toni - thank you for the pictures from Auntie Kari. Bride and Groom looking fabulous and the reception room is simply delightful t4591 t4591

    Sleek was over at siesta time (yes, three days on the trot, I have nodded off)
    LOTS of sweets eaten and catching up with SYTTD. Ooo, new series of SYTTD Lancashire with Gok, starts on the 25th on TLC - exciting :) Sleekness is over the moon :D:D Mother nodded off :lol::lol:

    A visit to the Nymphs this morning, who had to move up to higher levels in their underground home. Lower levels are submerged :shock: :shock: Mother said, oh, they are used to it, during the ice age, there were enormous floods :shock: :shock: how long have they been there :?: :?:

    Hi Carol - hope you have had a lovely time at the Albert Hall, Chris de Burgh concert. Lots of singing along I bet :D:D Was it a sell out? He is still packing the people in, all credit to him.

    Hi to everyone else in and about, hope all are safe and dry. t4591 t4591

    A simple autumn themed candle t4591 t4591


    Time I was pottering again. Must keep moving.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Cheesy Hash Browns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Aidan these hash browns are fabulous!! Thank you very much I've had one or two..... :wink:

    Sleek is back. The nymphs are ok as Mother said they've been there a while :? I know... Since the ice age :shock: They have moved the rainbow droplet too (under guard) with them of course.

    What a racket! Sleek shrieking about SYTTD with her beloved Gok :shock: Oreo is watching it too now and also Jessie not sure about Tommy. Their crystal balls have arrived and Tosca has got them all basic mobile phones too ready for Monday. Good job Minerva will ground Tommy he needs it! Jessie can't wait to 'board' :roll: Clever how they can appear to still be here with us isn't it?

    Very flooded your way I see t111055 t111055 same here, but it actually isn't raining ATM :shock:

    3 days of sleep?!! wow!!! Long may that continue :)

    Hope B's bro is well so no SIL just all lads together in the T rooms! 4 of you t4591 2 days running indeed ;)

    We have the 'friends of.....' quiz tonight my bro is quiz master and Pom and I are doing most of the work :roll: I have 5 tablecloths left to iron there are 28 :shock:

    I go to the pictures :lol: Sleek says 'Thatz sow old fashond Mummy'

    Kari has got to get more confident yet on her bike - it's heavier and of course it was raining :roll: t111055 but it's lovely!

    Yes it is for the best having our electrics all done properly and safely all signed off. The box is very smart. I can see why you'd need two of course. Sleek has indeed been singing Abba :roll: LOUDLY!

    School of dentistry? :? still that is better than practising without any training??

    Barbara has her laptop! k065.gif

    What have Niamh and Daddy gone to see? Is it the new Lion King?

    Lucy had two different chemo tablets to take at home one being MTX one I actually have forgotten the name N something with a number a 6 I think. I have the info somewhere. and of course steroids which really do help so much.

    Your bro should be able to enjoy his time with his GF they are proper happy together I think t4591

    Kath do not fear!! the drill is a small one used in dentistry you are 'fairly' safe :? Sleek is enrolling in a school of dentistry apparently... Imagine Tommy as dental nurse :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I bet Emily enjoyed her work experience though.

    So no-one knows about 'the gate' then? Kids often have that extra sense hence the teenage boys looking...

    We have a bus between Stafford hospital and Stoke, but we've always had to pay. Imagine shoppers using your free one :lol:

    Loving the eggplant patties ta v muchly!

    Lovely to see Sue even briefly Joan we love having both of you around don't know what we'd do without you both!

    Love to Carol mig and Crinkly1

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good. Morning everyone
    . Kathleen it's nice to have a forum that's nice and friendly and helpful where you can sort out problems(((((()))))
    Aidan your Dad is doing well his foot must feel more comfortable ((((()))) I hope you all have a good weekend ((((())))
    . Barbara I bet you missed Niamh when she doesn't come (((((()))))
    . Toni thank you for the photo's lovely(((((()))))
    . take care all love to Carol Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    . I
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's Saturday - isn't it? Just feeling a tad confused. I dropped to sleep in my recliner after dinner/lunch - brunch? I was gone for an hour and I woke up feeling quite 'out of it' and really weird. :? I think I've watched too many episodes of Midsomer Murders (my favourite program) but it does take the mind out of the real world.

    Toni, what gorgeous photos, thank Aunty Kari for sharing them. I understand what you mean about young people being quite aware of thingd beyond the norm. The two lads I mentioned will soon lose that as they are 18 or 19. Quite adult really.

    Joan, yes it's lovely to be part of such a loving forum.

    I can't focus on anything at the moment so I'll go and look for something tasty then say ta ta for now.

    Vegan mushroom ravioli
    Vegan Ravioli Dough:
    1½ cups flour
    ½ cup water
    2 Tbsps olive oil
    ½ tsp sea salt
    Mushroom Filling:
    450g button mushrooms, frozen or fresh, sliced
    1 medium onion, diced
    1 Tbsp oil
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    fresh thyme, the leaves from 4-5 sprigs
    ½ tsp nutmeg, ground
    salt and pepper, to taste
    Creamy garlic sauce:
    3 Tbsps flour
    1 glass vegan milk of choice (natural flavored)
    5 garlic cloves
    4 Tbsps nutritional yeast
    sea salt, to taste
    Mushroom filling:
    Heat the oil in a large pan. Add all the mushroom filling ingredients and saute for 10-15 minutes.
    Vegan ravioli dough:
    Add the flour, water, olive oil and salt into a bowl. Mix well and knead by hand, until it has an elastic texture.
    Prepare your work surface by cleaning it and dusting it with some flour.
    Divide the dough into three or four equal portions. Place one portion onto the floured work surface and roll into a large rectangle that's about ⅛ inch thick. You can make rectangle or round ravioli. I made round ravioli by cutting the dough using a glass. Repeat the process until you finish the dough and have all the round ravioli dough disks in front of you.
    Take one piece of round-shaped dough and add 1-2 tsp of filling on it. Take another piece of dough and put it on top of the first one. lightly press the margins together. Use the tines of a fork to create ridges along the outer edges of each ravioli. Make sure they're well pressed together so they won't open when boiling.
    Place each ravioli on a sheet of parchment works great after cutting. Repeat until all dough and filling is used.
    Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add ravioli. Cook them until they start floating, about 2-3 minutes. Immediately remove from the pot and drain them.
    Add all the sauce ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
    Pour the sauce into a pan and cook until it starts to thicken. Serve this over the vegan mushroom ravioli.

    t120006 t120005 t120005

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all,back on my phone..Niamh is sleeping over again..
    Toni I think miss sleek going into dentistry is a good choice ..wish I had my time again :lol: .the photos Kari sent are stunning..I wonder if they have come down to earth yet...young love.. :D
    Good luck at the quiz night..28 table cloths :shock:
    I still dont have a clue what my brother will I say that's men for you..
    Kath thankyou for the mushroom ravioli...I think this the the reason a dont have a sleep in the day I alway have strange dreams..and wake up all jumpy..
    Joan we do miss Niamh when she goes home..she is so good..I hope you are all is your pain now..or shouldn't I ask xx
    Aidan I saw the flood alerts.. it must be scary when the river is so high..I wish the rain would stop for a while.. and give us some sun before winter..
    So you have met up with Bs brother today..hope you all had a nice lunch..and a good chat....
    Have you now mastered Hilde yet or is she still the boss
    My brother is just glad he us not staying in hospital..he wouldn't do the trial otherwise..he just wants to spend time with his partner..
    Right better try and get to sleep
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - finally, at the end of the day. Apologies for not being around in the afternoon, to leave cakes etc. B's Brother didn't go back round with Dad until nearly siesta time :shock: :shock: Poof and the day was gone.

    I thought you might like the hash browns, I only had 4 :? :? you were restrained on only managing 2

    Mother said they had a pleasant visit to see the Nymphs, no rain, just a wee bit chilly, so Mother had a huge faux fur shawl - very Breakfast at Tiffany's t115006 :lol::lol:
    She checked on the rainbow droplet, having access 24/7, being the one to find it.

    Sleek has been SO excited about Gok coming back with a new series next week, she asked Mother to do a time travel spell, so they could watch it early. You can guess the reaction :? :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Something to do with dimension shifts, that makes our puskins appear to be with us, even when they are elsewhere. :? Mother asked why we didn't study space time continuum at school :shock: :shock: Errrrm, not sure really Mother............. :? :?

    Minerva will soon have Tommy on a short leash, so to speak. The sorting hat might well be enough to make him sit up and listen :shock: :shock:

    The rivers have gone down a bit now, thank goodness. Any more rain and the village would have been under water. Three streams go from the moors, down to the river, all of them were torrents.

    Make that 4 sleeps in a row. This is unheard of. :o :shock: :o

    Bills Brother was fine, he rang a couple of times, as the traffic on the M62 was at a standstill :roll: :roll: He was just about to give it up as a bad job, when things got moving again. I don't like the M62, over Saddleworth it is very eerie indeed.

    SIL was in bed full of cold t2507 - I said I hope you aren't carrying it and sharing it about :shock: :shock:

    Lunch was lovely, the T rooms were very busy, but our table had been reserved and was all set out for us, bless, they are so good

    I hope the quiz night went well, HOW many table cloths, oh my goodness, extra pain relief I am guessing.

    Glad you say "going to the pictures" - yes Miss Sleekness, we are owld fashyond :D:D

    I think a little pic of Auntie Kari's new bicycle is in order. They sell a lot on Ideal World, really smart and take a lot of strain out of peddling. Best not to go out in that nasty weather.

    Mother has been humming Super Trooper, asking Alexa to play it on repeat :roll: :roll: m0150 m0150 Glad the new electrickery is going well, is it all finished now.

    Autumn, before I forget - I love the squirrel :D:D


    Just met a sp---r in my en suite :shock: :shock: :? not monstrously big, but big enough..............

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, did you manage to get all your shopping and have some lunch out?
    Dads toe is all better, just to keep an eye on it in a months time. He has the results of his brain scan at the end of this month.

    Thank you for the hugs (((()))) you are very kind and very thoughtful t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - you have mild midsummer itis I think - all those mysteries to solve is enough to make ones brain go fuddled. Some extra sparkles will help t115006 t115006

    A little bit of escapism is fine, you are quite right. t4591 t4591

    Ta for the Vegan Mushroom Ravioli - gorgeous, with some ciabatta, perfect :)

    Hope you feel a deal better today, love to both

    Hi Barbara - I see the laptop has gone into hiding and you are peering at your phone - makes my eyes run sometimes, until B says "put your glasses on, you might see better" :roll: :roll:

    Niamh is on her sleep over, bless her. I hope she is feeling more settled t4591 t4591

    We don't want you all jumpy, from nodding off in the day time. Sometimes it is essential - I can concur with the strange dreams :?
    I hope you had better weather on Saturday - I won't mention the rain for Sunday

    We did have a nice catch up with BIL. He wasn't too late, despite the M62 being a nightmare with traffic.

    I cannot blame your Brother for not wanting to take part in the trial, if he had to be in hospital. He needs to spend his time with those he loves.

    Hildegard is still the boss, I am getting there, with all her gizmo's and gadgets..........until she decides enough is enough :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol - are you still humming songs, after your concert on Friday night :)
    Lots of (((()))) as always with some extra sparkles too t115006 t115006

    Time I was moving my achy joints. No big plans for today, catch up on a few things, more immaculising no doubt. It is my "therapy" :roll: :roll:

    Hi to everyone else, (((()))) t4591

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin French Toast with Whipped Pumpkin Butter and Maple Syrup - sugar rush time :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pumpkin french toast! Ooooh! Lovely thanks Aidan and I must say I also loved the Auntumnal pic with the squidger in it :)

    4 days sleep :shock: have mother and Sleek been cooking up spells again??? Mmmm :? Space/time continuum? no we didn't study that at school. Tia expects Orea to go into Slytherin not sure about the other two, but tomorrow is the day. Sleek is to take them all in her car (car??!! what car?) first thing tomorrow morning!

    It's started raining again today I suspect the Ark will be on it's way up to you soon :roll:

    It was the village quiz last night we didn't do well in our team - not a problem we didn't expect to win and were probably in the top 1/3.

    Fish and chips were delivered in a timely manner in the interval (spring roll for me!) and I think I will be telling you of a goodly sum of money made later on for the village t4591

    Lovely to see BIL even if he had a rough journey. Saddleworth is scary very very scary. Those poor children :(

    Barbara we did eat a lot of sweets as kids - of the chewy and sugary variety - did you? My teeth aren't too bad on the whole they are all present and correct just a bit wonky!!

    Sleek's course is partly online :shock: :?

    I bet you miss Niamh she is a little ray of sunshine to us on here too. m0150

    Isn't it lovely that your bro is besotted? t4591 t4591

    We were in the top 1/3 at the quiz, but I think we made lots of money!!

    Kath I also love Misdsomer Murders! and Taggart too. I think Paul thinks it a bit lame, but I love it :)

    I only sleep in the day if I have no choice is puts me out fo sorts too.

    Now that vegan ravioli looks really really nice :D

    Tia and Mikey were really very happy it's just lovely and Tia got the job she was after! at the dog's trust rehoming officer :D:D:D She starts on Monday.

    I hope you are having a good weekend too. It's raining here AGAIN :roll: I should have my hands on the 'proper' wedding pics very soon now :)

    Love to Carol, mig and Crinkly1.

    Toni xx