Val's Cafe



  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    The blanket is for my great great niece who was born yesterday evening she's called Evie,cant wait to meet her. X

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Congratulations on the birth of your new Great great niece mig!


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 3. Mar 2020, 20:30
    Evening all..sorry I'm late..but must write this for Joan before I forget what I did..Joan click on profile.. edit then the edit box should come up scroll right to the bottom..there is a grey box with click on the and change how you want to be contacted or who by..hope that helps..xxxx
    Kath thankyou for the poems..all next door cats come in here when they go to work..not daft to Anita and hope her results are has good as possible xxxx
    Toni these cake are brilliant..but I missed that lovely breakfast...glad you missed the snow on the clear up..
    Mig how clever..the blanket is beautiful.. and will be a family heirloom I am sure xx
    Carol i hope you get a new pastor..very soon..the children must look forward to seeing you bless..its nice to be nanny to them all..xx
    Today I took my brothers gf out..oh dropped us off..I think she needed the happy to help
    That's me done off to bed soon
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 4. Mar 2020, 06:52

    I was in bed early too Barbara last night.  I think it's time I asked how we can help Bill come and see the new style café and what we're trying to do for Aidan.

    Good thing you could talk to your bro's gf.  It must be so much for her when she meets the love of her life and he gets ill almost straight away! I'm sure talking was a great help👍️

    Got the breakfast doing as I type!

    How is Niamh doing is she all over that horrendous virus yet?

    Evie is a sweet name mig and I agree with Barbara chances are that blanket will be kept in the family.  If they let you you must post us a pic of her.  I love babies. We have twin boys just born in the village.

    Kath great poems one pusskin one doggie!  very fair 😉 as you know Sleek and Tosca think dogs are a bit thick.

    Sounds like that lady is lovely rescuing animals. I wove to do that too, but would probably get upset too much.  Very kind of you to donate. I donated to Veganuary, for the animals rescued and reunited with their Mums, on Monday.

    Thinking of you and Anita ((()))

    Joan I hope you can change your settings now Barbara has explained how?  We have sockets coming out of our ears now!  Holes too which the builders will plaster over when they come.  More work 🙄

    🌈 Look what I found!🌈 Carol everyone!

    Ah breakfast is ready:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Mig blankets are lovely for babies to cuddle up in (((((())))

    . Barbara thank you I will do that I bet you helped that lady a lot (((((())))

    . Toni it's nice to have a lot of sockets you have always got one when you need one ((((()))))))

    . love to Kath Carol Mig Bill (((((((()))))

    . take care Joan xx

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Toni yes it dose make us happy when the GC and the GGC are so loving towards us. They are all great kids really and we love them to bits. Obviously none of them are angels by any means they all have their of days, but one thing I will say is they are all polite and well mannered. yes I will send you the link For the cards in fact I will put it on here because I am not worried who from the group browse it and order if they wish in fact I would be grateful for some orders for them and the brochures will be sent out tomorrow the link is

    Joan it was mig who made the blanket but as you say add made with a lot of consideration hope you and Sue are ok

    Kath the cat and dog poems are great 👍🏼 and the pictures are beautiful.

    Mig congratulations on the birth of the new baby Evie.

    Barbara we are hoping for the new pastor soon too but have been it his situation before and are aware it çan take some time but at least the wheels are in motion now.

    My sister is awaiting to see a rheumatologist to assess wether she may have RA or some other form of arthritis . She is having lots of pain at the moment.

    Had a good afternoon at knitting group today. My friend cannot meet me Friday as she has a hospital appointment. So a quite afternoon for me. 😀😀

    Its time for me to go and have a potter before my evening cuppa.

    love and sparkles 💖💖🌈🌈✨✨ loving all these new emojis we can now use.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 4. Mar 2020, 21:25
    Evening all..we had a nice sunny day today..we had a couple of hours out and something to eat...
    Carol fingers crossed for a new pastor.. its such a shame to see churches so quiet..we have a couple nearby that are hanging on..
    I do hope your sisters results show no keep us informed..I love listening to children chatter away to each you cant wait to see them again.xx
    Joan I hope it works for you if not I dont mind going over it to all if you xx
    Toni there are twins in the village how nice.. I like watching there antics when they are together.. they do have a special bond..has joan and Sue will know
    Oh nearly forgot thankyou for breakfast..especially the hash browns...
    My brothers GF is quite special.. like I said she has slight learning difficulties ..but so caring her father is a doctor..but she dosent have a good relationship with her mum...I am rambling now..xx
    Better go ..I am missing the smiles we had..the one at the top wont work on my to everyone xxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 5. Mar 2020, 07:25

    Ah Barbara I also miss my smilies. The emojis area great, but not quite 'enough' or fast enough for me.  On your phone you used to be able to type : and ) to get a smile which would have helped you. Moan over... I have never liked change!

    Slight L diffs means nothing in my opinion chances are though that her Mum worried about her a lot as a young child and hasn't quite let go yet.  Good you were able to chat to her I am sure it helped a lot.

    I can't wait to see the babies when Mum is up to it and then watch them grow up


    Oooh 'eck good job we don't have sound!!

    Carol I hope all is well for your sister and she gets some help to ease her pain.  ((()))🦄

    Another quiet cuppa without your friend what a shame - not!! Glad knitting was good though.

    Good manners count for a lot in my book Carol so you're children have done a good job with theirs. Thanks for the link and very best of luck getting a new pastor. The Rev Delphine is retiring in April (Aidan would have been interested) so we will be up in the air too ((()))

    Joan we have 22 sockets, but it is a big room!  Did you read we have baby twin boys born in our village?

    Where's Kath???? Sending ((())) and some rainbows and sparkles.  My emojis at the bottom are 'sticking' so I can't get you any sorry. It's ok I just spotted KATH had boiler service yesterday so couldn't get in - she's ok!

    breakfast to make up for it:

    White bread ready for egg butties!

    EVERYONE!!!  Check in on Aidan's Afters - we are voting for the name!!!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Carol I'm sorry your sister has pain I hope some thing will help her (((((()))) how is your knee (((((()))@

    . Barbara sue did it but when I went to preferences there was no ticks in any box ((((()))) that was good you could help your brothers girlfriend (((((()))) how are you ((((()))))

    Toni that's good where ever you turn there's always a plug(((((()))) yes I remember you said twin boys (((((())))

    s every one alright there (((((())))

    . Kath I hope you are alright and Chris and Anita is being helped with her pain (((((())))

    . Bill how are you and Tosca I hope the weather's not to bad there ((((((()))))))

    . take care Love to Mig Kath ((((((())))

    . Joan xx

    take care
    joan xx
  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Ooooh Toni,

    I like that rainbow, I think it should go with the new title for the Aiden's Afters thread - comments everyone.

    Check out the announcement in Val's Café for the secret ballot for the new name for the cookshop!

    I've set the dates for Mon-Fri next week - does that let everyone vote? Tell me if it needs to change!

    Yvonne x

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    I have a tip that might help anyone with a mouse (pc kind only I'm afraid!)

    If you click on the scroll wheel then move up or down you will whizz to the top of the page amazingly quickly. If you practise a bit you can move faster or slower to get back to recent posts or Val's Café or wherever you are off to next.


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    News Flash

    Anita had her pre op check yesterday, she's booked in for surgery Monday 23rd March.

    Daily Poem


    When you have a disease

    that makes you cough,

    people look at you strange.

    A look of panic spreads over their face

    and they run away as if they’re deranged.

    You can’t catch it I call after them,

    it isn't Coronavirus!

    But all to no avail.

    Their frown 

    says it all, 

    and judgemental expression

    it’s all beyond the pale.

    Pet cats and dogs cannot pass the new coronavirus on to humans, but they can test positive for low levels of the pathogen if they catch it from their owners.

    That's the conclusion of Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department after a dog in quarantine tested weakly positive for the virus Feb. 27, Feb. 28 and March 2, using the canine's nasal and oral cavity samples.

    A unidentified spokesman for the department was quoted in a news release as saying. "There is currently no evidence that pet animals can be a source of infection of COVID-19 or that they become sick."

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    Oh gosh poor Sleek and Tosca....Kath I just checked they said they have taken a potion.
    Sleek is ready to nurse Anita and expects her to make a full and quick recovery apparently <3
    23td lovely and soon.
    What an appropriate poem Kath!! Very good.
    Joan yes plugs everywhere!!! Can charge my phone anywhere in the room. Did my ironing in from of the TV too :smile:
    Yvonne YES! The sparkly rainbow for Aidan if you can do that :smiley:
    I will have a go with my this space....
    Barbara choir practice tonight are you ready? I've been to my neighbour's this afternoon and had a little practice.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 5. Mar 2020, 19:13
    Evening all..another nice sunny day
    We are in the middle of the virus.. every town around us has it now...I have a few bottles of hand santizer made now..but you dont realise all the things you touch..especially money.
    Right back to the cafe
    Toni that egg us just how I like them thankyou
    Are the twins there first will be lovely watching them grow bless
    I love the sparkly rainbow..and so would how do I vote..will have a look.xx
    Yvonne thankyou for all your hard work in soting things out.. especially the Adans nibbles..I will have to think..xxcould we have smiles please that will work on my phone like we had on the old forum xx
    Joan I hope you can sort it will have another look and see what I did again...xx
    Kath I will have everything crossed for Anita..she must be so worried..I am sure you having gone through the same..that you can offer advice..
    I like the poem...just hope we dont get it..
    Niamh is coming tomorrow for the weekend..she is doing boxing now after school..
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Barbara I can use smilies on my phone I did last night they were at the top although they were quite small..... looking at my post above (done on the phone before bed last night) I don't think they worked so ignore that😊

    Lovely to hear news of Niamh - boxing is a great idea it will burn off some energy! Roast dinner coming up then?!!  How is she doing after that nasty virus?

    COVID19 is here too in Staffordshire Paul and I were in Stoke last weekend.🙄 ah well we just need to do our best.  It's Safari supper here this weekend so the whole village will be mixing and eating together🤔 To be fair I'm going anyway.  I am doing desserts which is easy and will be prepared earlier so I can forget it. Everyone will be tiddly by the time they get to us anyway🤣

    The Mum with the twin boys has a daughter already bless her, but is living with her parents so should get plenty of support.

    Breakfast what shall we have?

    Vanilla and almond porridge with pears perfect - it's so icy out there!

    A quick wave to Joan and Sue - are you out today?

    Twin girl smilies for you both

    See you all later

    Toni xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    hello Everyone
    we are off into town soon
    the weather is better today I had better go and do the washing up
    love to all Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all..sunny again.. B) that how the smiles come up on my phone..hope someone can help..
    Toni it's not the same without the smiles but I am sure they will arrive sometime..
    You are right we have to carry on has normal but keep ours hands clean..our Niamhs daddy goes in and out of houses all day..
    Safari supper sound so good..I love the idea..maybe whatever is left you could drop in the cafe..especially the enjoy..
    I bet the GPs of the twins and there sister are more than happy to help..bless now wish o could do a smile
    Hello and Joan enjoy the nice is the transport going..
    I bet the doggies greet you at the door when you get back xxxxx
    Hi to Kath ..mig Carol and anyone else that pops in..the kettle is always on
    Love to all xxxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 6. Mar 2020, 10:54

    Steps To Freedom (a story by Kath)

    Isobel vented her frustration on the carrots, chopping them into tiny cubes to cook in the microwave. The living room door was closed, so she knew she wouldn’t disturb her husband Tim who was having a nap. He was so tired just lately, even though he had taken early retirement.

    “It’s all this running around after me,” she muttered to herself as she threw the chopped carrots into a plastic bag. She thought back to the ‘phone conversation with her daughter Diana.

    “I’ve tried to talk him into going for a drink with his friends, but while David and Louise next door are away, he won’t go.” Diana made sympathetic noises down the telephone. “He doesn’t like to leave me on my own for too long you see. Louise usually comes round to sit with me while David and your father go out together.”

    “You know how he worries about you mum.”

    “Of course I do, but it’s not as if I’m ill - not physically anyway.”

    “I wish I could get home more often,” Diana sighed. “It would take some of the pressure off dad.”

    “You just concentrate on passing your finals. We’ll be fine.” Isobel reassured her. But they weren’t fine. Isobel couldn’t even peg the washing on the line without having a panic attack. Diana was right; Tim was under a lot of pressure and it was her fault. She blinked away the tear that began to form and finished preparing the meal.

    “That was delicious,” Tim dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “I’ll wash the dishes.”

    “Oh no you won’t, you do enough for me already. Why don’t you start that new book you got this morning?”

    “Maybe later, that back border is in need of a hoe. It’ll only take half an hour.”

    “Well don’t overdo it,” she called after him.

    Isobel watched through the window as Tim worked around the edge of their small back garden. She remembered when they used to enjoy gardening together. Weekends were best; they would take it in turns with David and Louise to have a barbecue. In fact they used to spend most of their leisure time out of doors. Now she couldn’t even set foot in her own garden. Tim was very supportive, so was Louise, although she sometimes got a little impatient with her. That’s understandable Isobel thought; I get impatient with myself sometimes. Now David and Louise were on holiday - something she and Tim could no longer do. Tim came back into the house clutching his arm.

    “I think I’ve pulled a muscle.”

    “I’ll put some of that heat cream on if you like,” Isobel rummaged in the medicine box.

    “Did Diana say what time she’d be back at her flat?” Tim called as he walked through to the living room. Isobel looked at her watch.

    “About now I should think, her last exam finished an hour ago. Oh good, here it is.”

    “I’ll give her a ring as I missed her this morning - oh!”

    “What’s wrong?” Isobel took the cream through. Tim was hunched over the telephone, one hand pressed to his chest, the other poised to pick up the ‘phone. His face was ashen and his breath came in short gasps.

    “A - pain - ” he whispered hoarsely before falling forwards, pulling the telephone with him.

    Isobel tried to move towards him but her limbs felt like lead. “Tim!” She cried, reaching out for him. She fell forward onto her knees and put her ear close to his lips. He was barely breathing. Hastily she picked the receiver up and dialled the emergency number. There was no sound, she clicked the cradle and listened for the dialling tone, and then she noticed the frayed end of the wire where it had been yanked out of the wall. “Damn, we never did get round to having the telephone connection modernised.” She looked back at Tim, no change there. She had to get help somehow. “I must keep calm,” Isobel told herself. She went to the window and looked out. Her neighbours on the other side were still at work; they wouldn’t be home for hours. Across the road Isobel saw a woman approaching one of the houses. She tapped on the window and waved, the woman didn’t notice her so she waved harder. The woman reached the gate and oblivious to Isobel’s attempts to attract her attention; went up the path and into the house.

    “I’ll have to go over,” Isobel was almost in tears, it sounded so simple, but even saying it turned her cold with fear. She checked Tim again. “Hold on love,” she whispered.

    The garden path stretched in front of her. Taking slow deep breaths, she told herself again to keep calm.

    “Think of Tim, he needs you now.” She began the long walk to the house across the road. It felt strange to be outside, it was almost a year ago since she had last done this. Don’t think of it, she thought as the familiar clammy feeling marked the beginning of a panic attack. Her mouth was dry and she could hear the dull thud - thud of her heart as it beat faster. Isobel gripped her gate and opened it. She took another deep breath hoping the dizziness wouldn’t overcome her. Somehow, she managed to cross the road - although she couldn’t remember looking to see if there was any traffic about. As she opened the gate of the other house, a wave of nausea swept over her and she felt herself falling into a black abyss.

    “Are you alright?” The sound startled her and she looked up to see the same woman who had entered the house earlier. “I saw you from the window,” she said coming towards Isobel. She put her arms out to catch her as she swayed forward.

    The next thing she knew, she was sitting in a strange room. As she came to her senses, she remembered Tim.

    “My husband,” she stood up quickly and immediately fell back into the armchair, her legs were like jelly.

    “Take it easy,” the woman said “and tell me slowly what happened.” Isobel took a deep breath and explained how Tim had collapsed, disconnecting the telephone as he did so.

    “I don’t even know if he’s alive,” she finished.

    “I’ll call for an ambulance immediately; for both of you.” Isobel began to relax a little, although she was still worried about Tim. The woman offered to go and see how he was.

    “I’ll come with you,” Isobel stood up slowly. “I’ll be alright if you take my arm.” The woman spoke soothingly to her all the way, making the journey back less of an ordeal.

    As the ambulance whisked them both to the hospital, she looked at Tim who had now regained consciousness.

    “It was just a mild heart attack,” he smiled. “A warning to take things easier.”

    “We’re going to be alright,” she smiled back and she believed it. She would look after Tim and she had taken her first steps to freedom. She knew that with his help she would eventually overcome her fear of the outside world.

    Tesco just rang to say our delivery will be a little late!!! The driver is running late.

    Hope all are well and not too anxious of the Virus creeping ever closer. It's in Nottingham now too. 😕

    The story I posted wan't the one I was going to post, but that had 120 odd too many words! Maybe I could try putting it in Google drive. and post it as an attachment. Tomorrow.

    Yes Barbara, it's sunny here too. I hope Joan and Sue get to the shops while it's like this. Although we had a frost first thing. My spine and hips are agony. I have my patches on, took some Oramorph and Paracetamol. Can someone send a couple of bush babies over please, and Sleek. No Meerkats tough, they're too rough. Thank you.

    I'll pop to Aidan's Afters and post a nice tasty recipe on there. XXXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    hello Kath bush babies on there way..(((()))) sorry I can read all your story..even with new glasses..but what i did read is so good..I would have brain fog..

    I have got better glasses for the min so on my I can post pics the symbles dont come up on my phone..oops all my pics are on my phone ..i will tranfere them .and post some

    love to everyone❤️

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 6. Mar 2020, 14:51

    now let me try..using my phone would be easier though..

    some of our sparrows..counted 15 the other day..yes it worked

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi everyone

    Hope you have all had a good day the weather here has been quite pleasant a big change from yesterday when it rained on and off all day.☔️☔️. Had a lovely lunch with. mr T and then a chill out in my favourite coffee place. As I didn’t meet my friend she couldn’t make today.

    Barbara the sparrows are lovely.

    Kath your story is very good it dose make you realise how much others do for us. We. Are not worrying to much about the virus’s relationship carrying on as usual they say that the most important thing you do for yourself is personal hygiene and making sure you wash your hands with soap and water Pam and back and in between your fingers for 20 seconds. Our church and the. School that uses our building have an agreed plan of action any day cases happen on either side.

    Toni I seem to have lost your address from my advice note I get when you order online could you possibly send it to me in a private message so that I can send you a brochure thanks. Hope you are all ok

    sorry if I haven’t commented on all your post but I must do a few things before bedtime.

    Love and sparkles to you all 💖💖🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Good morning everyone :)

    Not so cold today which is a good thing I think as Sleek woke me up coming in from Kath's at 3am!

    Kath I hope the Bush babies were a good distraction? Sleek has been over with plenty of sparkles and an extra strong potion ((())) sorry I can't post any little rainbows my smilies (at the bottom) keep sticking and won't let me scroll down to them can't even get to a cross face

    Look what I did find for you though (resorting to cosgans)

    I really enjoyed your story!  I am glad it had a happy ending though. Yes please try via google drive.  Have I asked you this before....but have you had anything published?

    Carol Please don't worry if you can't reply to us individually sometimes there just isn't time is there? I will PM you my address thank you 🙂

    I thought you'd have a good day with lunch with Mr T then coffee in your favourite café on your own!!!

    Luckily I used to teach people how to wash their hands properly so am already do it although maybe a bit more often. Extra hand cream required before bed😉

    Barbara Niamh's Daddy will be ok he won't catch anything I'm sure of it - he's healthy and young. I hope you are all enjoying the weekend with her.

    It must be so frustrating with your eyes limiting you. Glad you have some good specs for your lap top.  The picture worked really well the birds look so happy and well-fed. 15 the other day? I was in Pom's back garden yesterday and she had about half a dozen and a singing robin😍

    I will save you some Safari supper puds.  My Philippino niece (in -law) has made me some mango cheesecakes and they are vegan.

    Hi Joan (and Sue) did Sue get the washing up done in time to go out yesterday? and did you have a nice day? ((()))

    Love to everyone mig and anyone who wants to pop in.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Mig how are you getting on you are doing so well ((((()))))

    Barbara I went into the opticians yesterday my eyelids were red he said I could have some wipes if it had not gone in a couple of days. how is your brother doing (((((((((()))))) have a good weekend all of you (((((()))))

    . Kath how are you and Chris ((((((()))) and Anita ((((((())))) doing have a good weekend all of you ((((((())))

    . Toni how is everyone doing and your neighbour (((((((())))))) love to Lucy (((((()))) Charley ((((((()))) Tia ((((((())) Paul (((((())))) yes we are getting on alright on Fridays with the transport ((((((()))

    yesterday when I took the dogs for the walk I went down the subway there was a woman in front with a pram I thought she's dogging the wet then when I got down the bottom I went quicker and I realised it was ice I was worried how I was going to get up to go home I tried but the scooter would 'nt move a lady came who i knew and pushed me passed the ice i was so grateful.

    Bill how are you and Tosca thinking of you both ave a good weekend (((((()))))

    . love to Mig Carol (((((((()))))

    . take care

    . joan xx

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all we have sunshine again..
    Toni thankyou for the scrambled eggs..much appreciated and thankyou for bringing in all the leftovers ..especially the lovely mango cheese cake..sorry no smiles I am on my phone..your Philipino niece in law us very you all had a good time..
    I do get frustrated with these eyes..its like a grey distorted web across them ..but I am managing ..xx
    Carol it's nice to chill out and have me time now and then..and a nice lunch with Mr T....we are making sure we keep our hands clean..not much more we can do really..xx
    Joan what a nice lady to help you..there are some lovely people must have been cold to have ice..mind you under a subway woulnt get the brother us doing ok thankyou..just very tired..but will he go to bed..nooo..hope you all have a good day.xx
    Kath dud the Bush baby's help ..sending you some gentle hugs (((()))
    Niamh had been down for bacon buttie.. and gone back to bed..I will have half an hour she said..
    Wish I could do smiles on my phone like I used all seems a bit bland without them..
    Right better move
    Love to all