Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 26. Feb 2020, 20:20

    Hi all looks like I am in ok we will see 🤞good to see you all back have missed you all Hi Barbara yes you are in I can see you . We look very important now we have our own little section On the forum hope everyone gets back in ok and has no problems.

    love to you all 💖

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Yes Carol..our own section..wonder what Aidan would think..x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    I'm in too! Finally got my email :)
    Aidan would probably feel as confused as the rest of us for a day or so but soon suss it!
    Remember he had Bill a techy wiz to help him!
    Lovely to see you all I have missed everyone :smiley:
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Morning everyone loving the pictures so easy to post them now. ENT last week showed fluid behind the left eardrum so it won’t work properly I have to wash my nose out twice a day and use steroid drops twice a day,have to go back in 4 months if it isn’t any better then they will consider putting a grommit in.

    Going to see Alfie Boe and Michael Ball Friday evening and out for a meal with my daughter. Mig

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . I've seen Barbara Toni and Carol that's good I hope Kath can get in . Sue cannot get in on her phone yet do we always have to go to the emails to get in (((((()))))

    . Joan xx love to everyone

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 27. Feb 2020, 10:15
    Morning all
    Joan glad you have managed to get in..Kath was in yesterday.and mig and Toni..
    Mig I use the sinus wash.and the steroid spray.
    .I hope it works for you..xx
    Nice to have a night out and a meal with your daughter to look forward to..I adore Alfie Boe.. xx
    Toni glad to see you are in I got my email later yesterday.. not sure how I got in without it..
    I am sure Bill would have sorted it for our Aidan....I should coco he would have said..
    Have a safe journey home..xx
    Better go its wee wee test today..
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    hello everyone Im in now i will try and add a picture love to all Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • numptynora
    numptynora Member Posts: 782
    Afternoon everyone, I managed to get here in the end (new name and password) now I have to find my pic'
    Numps x
    Pets come into our lives, and then leave paw-prints on our hearts.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Its lovely to see everyone in the cafe..numpty glad you managed in the end..its so strange seeing it like this..but it all looks so fresh..thankyou mods xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281 homemade muesli for tomorrow morning
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Not sure why my photos wont post...
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Wonder if this works
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening peoples

    Joan and Sue nice to see you both back with us hope all is ok with you both and the doggies. Yesterday it was 3 years since we had to let our dog Snowie be put to rest due to ill health.

    Barbara hope the test was ok today I think Aidan would have been highly delighted with our own little section. Might have been a bit confused 🤔🤔 at the start same as I was but he would have got used to it I’m sure.

    Hi Mig nice to see you back again hope you enjoy Alfie Boe and also meal with your daughter.

    Hi Toni good to see you back in ok. It all looks rather different not we will get used to it. Hope you are all ok.

    We were supposed to have sleet or snow here today but we had nothing it is chilly and windy 💨 but otherwise ok. So I was able to get to the local MS group with my cards I haven’t been able to get there for the last 2 sessions due to the weather and then the arthritis flare up I had so it was good to go today.

    Talking of the cards which are cards sold for charity, if you have ordered from my website before I will be sending you a new 2020 catalogue in the next couple of days . If you have not not ordered before and think you might be interested take a look at this website where you can see all the current rang. Also you can also order on there too if you wish. They are beautiful cards of good quality and at £2.00 each, very good value. All unique designs to flamingo not found in shops.

    Ok so I think it it is time I moved around a bit. So

    Love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Right in on my lap top for the first time..... where are our emojies????  anyone found them?


    wonder if that works too and if we can post more than 3.  Mind you for some reason I could only ever post 2!


    Not sure what I did there trying to suss highlighting..... easily confused I am. BUT it's great to see you it's been too long far too long.

    Mig -you enjoy that evening out with your daughter I remember you've seen Alfie before I think?

    Joan and Sue!  Hello!  Both in and on phones too.  I think we can save this page now to our favourites and get in that way🤔

    Hi Carol yes it must be time for your card catalogue to come out. Sold well at the MS club then I expect.  I bet the were worried about you :(

    This draft saving slows you down doesn't it?  A bit much for a mild technophobe like me, but I'll soon suss it!

    It's ok here atm no snow just ice.

    Lunch with Mr T today and a coffee with your friend maybe???

    Nope this draft saving is INFURIATING!!!  I am typing away and not realising nothing is there because it's UPDATING every 10 seconds GRRRRRR!!

    THAT is not a positive addition at all. Wonder if I can learn how to turn it off???

    Barbara (again saving) how are you?  and Niamh?  Over that nasty cold virus?

    I was worried about coronavirus at the airport and on the plane (draft again) have been largely out of touch being away, but really looks rather scary especially for (again with the draft it when I stop typing??) travelling??

    How is your bro doing still ok and when is his next check-up due (draft saving AGAIN can it be me??)

    Kath - where are you? Are you recipes in Aidan's afters?  Shall I post my cake in this bit or in there I wonder?

    How is Anita doing?  I hope she and  her OH are coping ok so far.  Is it today you ring your Dad - no I think it's Sunday🤔

    Holly too.  Gosh I feel out of touch mind you as much as anything that's being away🙄

    Well I'll get back in later in between unpacking/washing/ironing etc




    Toni xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Cosgans don't show.....hmmm???

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    You’re right I have seen him before but so looking forward to seeing him again.Im liking this new forum especially now I can find my way around on it.Quiet morning for me hubby’s off to his excecise class from what he says about it it’s full of grumpy old men😂,must be a lot of happy wives about,I shall sit quietly and do some crochet. Mig

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    It's nice to see you all it's cold out today Sue's gone shopping on her own we have not had any heating all night our neighbour comes and puts more water in and it works but we don't like asking him when it's late he says we are silly not to he's up till late. I hope you all have a good day (((((())))

    Toni did you have a good holiday((((())))

    . Kathleen how is Anita getting on and your Dad ((((())))

    . Barbara all this is sent to try us but we are doing it ((((()))

    Carol I hope you sell lots of cards (((((()))

    Mig how are you I bet you enjoyed Alfie Boe was Michael Ball with him I remember going to buy a Michael Ball CD when he stared and the lady said there's nobody with that name you mean Michael Crawford ((((()))

    . take care love Bill and Tosca Aidan would have worked all this out easy (((((())))

    . Joan xx


    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..just had my eyes tested..not good news..but will get there.i already have the macular in both eyes and glaucoma I'm my left..
    Now I know Carol can post pics wonder if she can help..mine wont work..3 years for snowie..your lovely friend..I still miss mine and its must be 20 years..all grumpy old men at the class..I love it :D like you say happy wives...
    Toni glad you are back safe and sound.. bet the washer is on..we are fine but Mr B is still coughing..our eldert gchildren gd is in tenerife.. hope he dosent bring the virus back
    Joan you are right these things are sent to test good if your neighbour filling your boiler.. I be he dosent mind..glad you are now nice and warm..
    Kath I hope Anita is doing ok...will she have her results from the scan..and I forgot to thank you for the bread and butter pudding...
    Right better go love to everyone <3
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 28. Feb 2020, 13:39

    At last, I've been struggling to get to this page. First I got to posts from 100 years ago (exaggerating again) then I got to the most recent post but had no comment box. Now, how do I move my posts Starting Annew into here? I appear to have started a new thread. 😏

    Loving the new Emojis, and it's so easy to add a picture. Brilliant. Aidan's Afters is fantastic, but can we only post cakes or puddings?

    My sis is OK, she will be having a lumpectomy (there are 4 of them, followed by radiotherapy. They've told her she won't need chemo. I'm getting short of poems, and don't really feel like writing any more which is why I used Jabberwocky in the other thread. Iy's so easy to put recipes in here. I used to have to download the picture, resize it, then stick it in the box. Then copy and paste the recipe etc into the posting box. Now I just have to copy and paste the text and the pic comes with it. Quite addictive.

    Our happy, busy, bustling cafe. Wot, no animals. 😯

    BTW my iPads are so old, I can't get here on it.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Can someone help me post my own pics the links are not working...xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Which links Barbara?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi there,

    I think that when you click on the cafe it goes to the top of the last page, I’ll check it in a moment. So if you think the page length is too long to be scrolling up and down you can let us know and we can reduce it by 5 posts.

    Pictures are

    from internet, find picture, right click, copy picture (not link), return to the VA community, start comment, when ready right click and paste.

    from laptop, click on the picture symbol below, browse to find picture, click on it then open

    Have a practise xx

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Having said all that, I’m now going straight to the last post every time! Let me know if you still don’t get to the last post and I’ll try again


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Thankyou Yvonne..I mean how do I post photos..I used to use the link from google photos but it doesn't seem to work..x
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023


    when you go into the leave a comment box at the bottom and on the left hand side you will see little box with what looks like mountains in , it will then bring up another box which gives you three choices take a picture, photo library, and browse. Click on the photo library and all your pictures will come up just click the one you want then done at the top and it should appear in the comments. Then you can just post you can also alter the size but I have not worked that out yet 😀😀Hope this helps.

    Stay positive always👍xx