Val's Cafe
Today's story
Knowledge Is Good
By Kath
Knowledge is good. The shadows have returned, they come and go but I’m not afraid. I know they will not harm me and knowledge is good.
I have a vague memory of a bright warm place where I felt safe, but I was pushed out of it. The memory becomes more dim as time passes. But how much time has passed? I have no knowledge of this - and knowledge is good.
One shadow always tends to my needs, makes me feel safe, makes me feel warm, takes away the strange, uncomfortable sensations that sometimes befall me. These are always accompanied by a loud noise that seems to surround me. It stops when the shadow lifts me and makes me feel good again.
Light turns to dark and back to light. Sometimes the memories of the bright place come back - but are soon forgotten. Knowledge is good. I know how to make the shadow come and knowledge is good. I know how to make the loud noise come, which makes the shadow come and knowledge is good.
Sometimes my limbs are free and I don’t feel safe. I can feel them move and I don’t feel safe, I feel as though I am falling - just like when I was pushed out of the bright place and into the noise and white light that hurt me. I know how to stop the white light and knowledge is good.
The shadows are becoming less shadowy. The one that takes care of me is very clear now. It has a round shape on top with two dark circles next to each other and a circle below them. Sounds come from this circle, pleasant sounds that make me feel good. They make me go to a warm, safe place. I know this place is called “sleep” and knowledge is good.
I have more knowledge now, but there is still more to come and the shape that cares for me will bring me that knowledge. I know now that she is my mother - and knowledge is good.
Toni, well I made it. Yummy, scrambled eggs on toast, thank you. I love the giraffe, and yes Sleek and the ush Babies did a grand job. The inflammation in my spine, hips, arms, shoulders, oh well everywhere really had me weeping. 😥😪
I wish I knew the secret messages the emojis hid.
Barbara, the Bush Babies were wonderful. I'm so glad your brother is doing well. And Niamh, she is growig u now, boxing is very popular with girls. Nicola Adams has just retired from professional boxing because of a torn pupil. So make sure Niamh is careful of her eyes. 😳
Joan and Sue, My dad is fie, as are Chris and I. Anita doesn't have her surgery until March 23rd, and she won't be able to drive for a while, but I'm sure she will be fine.
Baked Spinach and Herb Frittata (No Tofu Required!) [Vegan]
Cooking Time
- 1 1/2 cups chickpea flour
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black salt (gives egg flavor; it's pink in color, not actually black. Available in Indian grocery stores or spice stores; if not available leave out and increase salt to 1/2 tsp)
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon dill, dried (or more if freshly chopped)
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 1/4 cup fresh cilantro or parsley, chopped
- 1 cup spinach, finely chopped
- 1 cup swiss chard, finely chopped
- 1 cup onion or shallot, thinly sliced
- 3 tablespoons olive oil (1 in mix, 1 in pan, 1 on top 5 min before done)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place 1 Tbsp of olive oil in cast iron pan (recommended, if you have one), or cake pan. The darker in color and wider the better. I used my 12" wide cast iron skillet.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients chickpea flour through cayenne pepper and stir. Add water and whisk until no lumps remain. Add 1 Tbsp olive oil and let the batter rest while you chop veggies.
- Add chopped greens, herbs, and sliced onions to batter. Stir well and pour into prepared dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes uncovered until batter is set, and top is beginning to crack and brown a bit. Drizzle top with 1 Tbsp olive oil, and gently brush on. return to oven for 5 more minutes. Remove and let cool a bit before slicing and serving. Serve alone, with a green salad, and with any condiments of choice. Enjoy!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Barbara where are you?
i just tried clicking on Toni's giraffe to see what would happen and an option to copy came up! So I right tapped on the comment and chose paste and here it is!
Now how can we use that to help you? I’m thinking, my best thought right now is to put lots of pictures on your wall and you could choose from there. Your wall is what I call the comment box that’s inside your profile. It would be a bit long winded but could work. I shall keep experimenting, see if you can find your wall!
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Yvonne that is so very kind of you to try so hard to help our Barbara post her smilies. At least she can copy existing smilies already posted by someone else. That's a start.
Barbara that sounds so upsetting a grey web😯😕 The better specs how do they help then?
Of course Niamh needs half an hour after she has her 2nd bacon buttie. She does eat well doesn't she? I bet she and Daddy love their time together. It will be so good for her having such a positive male in her life ((()))
Safari supper went well last night about 3 people were very tiddly the rest of us maybe a bit merry. I dodged drinking until the dessert because I wanted to be sober to dish up! 1.30am bed
I will post a pic of the table set up ready. Begged borrowed and not quite stole everything to make it look lovely.
Kath I love the story of how a baby might feel as she comes out into the world! So well-written! How spot on it is! Here's one making that noise
You are so suffering atm sometimes the day(s) just have to be struggled through don't they😕 Sleek was with you all evening last night because Mummy and Daddy were at the Safari supper - then to add insult to injury they brought loads of people back and laughed a lot and fed them and Daddy spilt fizzy stuff on Sleek's floor🙄
I shall be making that frittata I miss eggs a lot. So thank you. Now the smikies do have different meanings to ours for example a 😉 which to me is saying I'm joking or something is a bit funny. To them means more like 'fancying' someone😮
Joan oh no! Ice! the biggest danger to scooters I should think other than snow😕 Thank goodness a kind Samaritan came along to help ((()))
Spinach frittata with eggs for all non-vegans.
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Table set ready
This morning😮
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Good morning everyone
. Barbara how is Mr B I thought you said he had something wrong I hope it's not too bad ((((()))))
does Niamh still polish everywhere good girl (((((()))) love to your brother (((((()))))
. I hope everyone has a good day (((((((()))))
. Toni Kath Mig Carol Bill ((((((()))))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Everyone,
That table looks good Toni. And an omelette. And then snow - gosh do take care.
Yvonne x
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Daily Poem
The Empty House
See this house, how dark it is
Beneath its vast-boughed trees!
Not one trembling leaflet cries
To that Watcher in the skies—
‘Remove, remove thy searching gaze,
Innocent of heaven’s ways,
Brood not, Moon, so wildly bright,
On secrets hidden from sight.’
‘Secrets,’ sighs the night-wind,
‘Vacancy is all I find;
Every keyhole I have made
Wails a summons, faint and sad,
No voice ever answers me,
Only vacancy.’
‘Once, once … ’ the cricket shrills,
And far and near the quiet fills
With its tiny voice, and then
Hush falls again.
Mute shadows creeping slow
Mark how the hours go.
Every stone is mouldering slow.
And the least winds that blow
Some minutest atom shake,
Some fretting ruin make
In roof and walls. How black it is
Beneath these thick boughed trees!
Toni, Clever girl, you understood my story exactly, it is about a new born baby's experiences. I absolutely love the giraffe, he/she might appear in all my posts.leek has been very attentative - as always. I don't know wether to post recipes on here, or on Aidan's Afters, so today I'm doing one in each. 😀 No, I don't fancy you, I'm just laughing. 🙄 I wonder what THAT one means?
Yvonne, thank you so much for the tip on copying a pic and pasting it.
Barbara, I agree with Toni, a grey web must be very depressing, I'm so sorry. Cataracts aren't as bad as that, and they can be put right.
Joan, I hope you and Sue are haing a good weekend. It's sunny here, but with a cold wind.
Carol, I hope your GGD is as well as can be expected. I signed your petition.
Kale and Mushroom Toasted Quinoa Pilaf
120g (4.2oz) quinoa
600ml (1.05 pint) hot chicken or vegetable stock
200g (7oz) sliced mushrooms
2 large handfuls of kale (woody stems torn out)
1tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed (or you can use dried garlic granules or ready made paste)
To season:
1tbsp lemon juice
2tbsp parmesan cheese (or for a diary free version, try nutritional yeast)
Black pepper to taste
Recipe Summary
Here’s a warming, super healthy, arthritis friendly dish to start your New Year with. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a small seed that is cooked and served like rice or couscous. It is gluten free with a nutty, mild flavour and is unusual in that it is a complete plant protein source, containing all 9 amino acids. It’s quite widely available in supermarkets and health food stores nowadays. I find the flavour best if it’s lightly toasted first in the pan before you add any fluid. If you struggle to find it or want a substitute this recipe will also work well with brown rice but you will need to adjust the cooking times accordingly.
Enjoy vegetables at their seasonal best. Kale is available in abundance in the winter and is a wonderful source of vitamin K which some studies suggest can slow cartilage deterioration in osteoarthritis. It also contains sulphurous compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Mushrooms add a good dose of healthy fibre and folate.
A good tip for using lemon juice when you have arthritis in your fingers, is to pop the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds before cutting open to squeeze. This makes it much easier to extract the juice. If you don’t have a microwave you can also just roll it on a board firmly a few times before slicing.
Put the quinoa in a pan over a medium heat. Let it sit and toast until it begins to pop, then remove from the heat and stir in the olive oil, garlic, hot stock, mushrooms and kale.
Cover the pan and simmer until all the stock has been absorbed and the little white edge of the quinoa seed has separated from the grain.
Fluff up the quinoa and season with the lemon juice, parmesan and pepper. Serve immediately or allow cooling at room temperature. Enjoy as a warm salad.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oh Kath that looks lovely. I really like quinoa and could eat it (and other grain) all day, but not so Paul nor pasta which I also love :( Men eh🙄 I think the eye roll still means an eye roll. hall I get more information from Lucy? Oh and I won't tell you about the vegetable emojies meanings😮
I think recipes can go anywhere you like and if you are posting two I shan't complain.
Thank you for yesterday's poem rather sad 'The Empty House'.
Do post
wherever you like he is your giraffe now - Sleek says she will be over later. You and in the night so she left you to sleep!
I have to agree poor Barbara it's just not fair even though she says it's not the worst from of macular degeneration.
Hi Joan did we post at the same time yesterday? Well you can see mine today! I bet Niamh is still polishing for now, but she'll stop enjoying it when she' old enough to do it well - they all do😅
Hi to Barbara - I hope just busy with Niamh, to Carol - busy with Church matters and family and to mig - busy being our mig and with her family as well 🙂
Yvonne bless you thanks it was hard work, but fun. I hope your trip away went well.
Some breakfast methinks:
Mushroom frittata yum!
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Good morning everyone
Barbara I'm so sorry your eyes are like that it must be very difficult for you ((((((())))). Love to your brother (((((()))))
. Toni how are you and everyone doing ((((((()))) we will soon see the leaves on the tree's. ((((((())))))
Kath that's good you are alright ((((((()))) Anita (((((())))) your Dad (((((())))
Bill and. Tosca (((((())) love to Carol Mig (((((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
The Kraken
Alfred Lord Tennyson - 1809-1892
Below the thunders of the upper deep,
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge sea worms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
Toni, I'm all over that Mushroom Frittata like a rash (as Matron was heard to utter a time or two,) I've named giraffe Poemsgiraffe, he loves to appear at the bottom of whichever poem I choose to share with you.
Joan, I hope you and Sue aren't having problems with the empty shops. I've told Holly that if she can't get any paracetamol, not to worry. Fortunately I have only been taking one dose of Oramorph a day, so I can increase it a bit during the shortages.
Barbara, oh, you've not arrived yet. Take care. and make the most of Niamh's willingness to do little jobs for you.
Goat Cheese and Spinach Omelette
3 large eggs
300g (10.5oz) baby spinach
2 tablespoons of goat cheese in cubes (or feta)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Small pinch of black pepper
Recipe Summary
Egg, in my opinion is a nutrient powerhouse. The egg white is packed full of protein while the yolk is a good source vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin B2. In the past, the amount of cholesterol found in an egg yolk was a concern. This is no longer the case. In the Conquest Diet, we have put an upper limit with the consumption per week. This is because we would like our members to enjoy other foods, not solely rely on eggs alone.
Preparing spinach is easy. But people often forget how useful nutritionally this vegetable is. Apart from the association with Popeye, spinach; like eggs is packed full of nutrients. It is high in vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, iron and the list goes on.
This quick cook recipe (14 minutes) also brings in goat cheese. While it is not to everyone’s palate, many of our members use this on a daily basis. If you don’t like goat cheese, feta can be use as an alternative.
Boil a small amount of water in a saucepan. Drop in spinach and cook just until wilted. Drain and chop coarsely. Stir in the cheese.
Beat the eggs with a fork in a medium bowl. Add in a pinch of black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat until hot. Pour in egg. Tilt the egg from side to side. Add in the spinach mixture over the omelette. Continue to cook until almost set, and the bottom is golden.
Yes, you've got to have a golden bottom. 🤣
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon I posted yesterday I'm sure..mustn't gave pressed send..
Yvonne it's so kind of you to help..I must try and use my laptop more..that is a good tip copying Toni's emojis..thankyou xx
Kath thankyou..I love to read the poems..and your story is so clever.. you do have a good brain unlike me..I hope your are not suffering to much..maybe spring will help...Niamhs boxing is more exercise's an after school club.. poor Nicola I do like her she is so bubbly ..bless.xx
Joan thankyou.. life throws these things at us I suppose..I hope you are all keeping ik and nice and warm..xx
Toni what lovely photos..your table is stunning..It does sound like it was a good night..some fiddly.. and some merry..that's I want to know more about the food..
Right that is my eyes done..must say these glasses help a little..
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
on my laptop so thought i would try the smillies out..
- Toni just to say the glasses help my left eye for now😎
🙈🙉🧛♂️ right Im off love to everyone ❤️
Barbara1 -
Barbara I am very pleased your specs at least help the left eye...
That is your smiley from me 🙂
I had soup at one house with 6 other guests (lovely pea I think) and homemade bread. Some had prawn cocktail there too. Then we had Moroccan for main with a different 6 guests. The veg option was aubergine and was lovely.
Then it was my turn 6 guests at ours fruit skewers, vegan mango cheesecake and a cheese board. The cheese they liked best was vegan smoked from ASDA!!
Then the party at another house with EVERYONE and a great treat. Samosas pakoras etc etc
Exercise will be good for Niamh
Hi Joan Oh yes leaves back on the trees will be lovely. We are all well thank you and how about you, Sue and all the carers?
Kath oh my the Kraken😯 help! that book I shan't sleep tonight!!! I rather like poemsgiraffe popping in after each poem you write. Good idea.
Glad you enjoyed the frittata 🙂
I hope Holly managed to get you a few paracetamol it will be nice to have some just in case. I hope you have a little spare oramorph if we do get shut in. I hope we don't and it won't affect Sleek's visits anyway.
Heard from Carol she got my address for the new card catalogue so I know she's ok. Fingers crossed mig is well too ((()))
cake anyone?
I think Aidan would have loved this!
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Good morning everyone
This afternoon we have our village eco cuppa where we will all talk about all matters green - mainly recycling. This was originated by myself and my neighbour (he of the 50 year wedding?) and another who has joined us. As a village we are looking to recycle more than the council collection does.
So I think a decent breakfast might be in order!
Posh today - avocado on toast however you like it!
Kath will probably have eggs with hers!
A quick hello to Joan
Hope it's not as wet for your walk with the dogs
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Good morning everyone
. Kath I hope you can get more Co-codamol ((((((())))do you remember a drink years ago called corona was it like coke a cola. love to Chris and Anita ((((((()))))
Barbara you are good it must be hard reading the posts (((((((())))) love to Mr B and your brother ((((((()))))
. Toni how are you and everyone ((((((()))) I give my magazine to the library they enjoy them. Love to Paul ((((())))) Tia ((((()))) Charley ((((())))Lucy ((((())))
Bill and Tosca (((((())))
. love to Mig and Carol ((((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
Advice To A Girl - Poem by Sara Teasdale
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed;
Lay that on your heart,
My young angry dear;
This truth, this hard and precious stone,
Lay it on your hot cheek,
Let it hide your tear.
Hold it like a crystal
When you are alone
And gaze in the depths of the icy stone.
Long, look long and you will be blessed:
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed.
Joan, I don't take cocodamol. I have Fentanyl patches and Oromorph.
Corona was a brand of pop, they made all pop flavours. My favourite was Dandelion and Burdock.
Toni, I've never tried Avocado, so although those sandwiches look very pretty, I'll just have a coupe of poached egg sandwiches. More for everyone else. 🤗 Holly couldn't sleep last night, Vay is teething. So Holly took the dog a walk before 6am and she did get 2 boxes of Paracetamol. I'd given her the money yesterday, and Esme gave me a lovely smile. Vay is 2 years old in a couple of days.
Barbara, I'm glad your glasses help your left eye. I'm totally blind in my left eye. But I'm used to it now. Te optician puts plain glass in the left side of my glasses.
Chipotle Pumpkin Veggie Burgers
These tasty Chipotle Pumpkin Veggie Burgers are quick, easy, and a total crowd pleaser! Each veggie burger is vegan, gluten-free, freezer-friendly and 100% delicious!
- 1 TBSP ground flax seed
- 3 TBSP water
- 1 cup cannellini beans
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/2 TBSP chipotle peppers in adobo sauce chopped
- 1 clove garlic smashed/minced
- 1/2 cup chopped green onion
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning blend (salt-free Mrs. Dash is my favorite)
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
- 1 TBSP oil
- 1.5 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
- 1-2 cups salad greens and/or micro greens
- toasted burger buns
- 1 ripe avocado
- 1/8 tsp paprika
- a pinch of salt
- ⅓ cup quality mayo (store bought or homemade)
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tsp chipotle adobo sauce
- ¼ tsp cajun seasoning blend or to taste
- ⅛ tsp cayenne pepper to taste
- a pinch of salt
- To make your flax egg, whisk together 1 TBSP ground flax with 3 TBSP water and pop it in the fridge to set.
- Next coarsely mash your beans in a large bowl and set aside. For added texture, you can leave some of the beans in tact.
- Add your pumpkin, chopped chipotle peppers, garlic, and onion to the beans and season with your Italian seasoning blend, salt, garlic powder, paprika and red pepper flakes, then stir to coat.
- Next grab your oats, you can leave them whole for texture's sake, chop them, or pulse them in a blender/processor. I usually go with the latter when photographing my burgers since they make a prettier patty - but all three options are delicious so go with whichever method you prefer!
- Add a tablespoon of oil and stir in your oats.
- Remove your flax egg from the fridge and add it to the bowl.
- Stir to fully incorporate and roll mixture into four balls.
- For optimal burger shape, cup each ball in your hands and squeeze tightly, rotating as you gently, but firmly, press it into a disc.
- Place burgers onto a plate, cover with foil or cling wrap and refrigerate as you prep your buns [or lettuce wraps!] and toppings. This will give them a little while to set. You can even leave them overnight and cook them up the following day. I often make one after 15-30 minutes of chill time and cook up the rest the following day.
- Pour a tablespoon or two of oil in a skillet and heat to medium-high, so the burgers sizzle when you add them to the pan!
- Cook for a few minutes on each side until you're left with a golden crust. and a warm center. Repeat for each burger, or cook two at once if you have a big enough pan! I'd skip crowding all four together just because they're a pain to flip when all up in eachother's business. A tip for perfectly shaped veggie burgers? While sizzling away in the skillet, I use my spatula to gently nudge the sides of each patty and help form the sides into a perfect disc. Works like a charm!
- To make the sauce: simply combine ingredients and whisk! If you have a food processor handy add some of the actual chipotle peppers into the sauce too and blend away!
- Slather your buns with chipotle sauce, pile them high with greens and top each with a tasty pumpkin burger. Top with avocado smash and the upper bun and enjoy!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Kath that pumpkin burgers looks so good..wonder if it will be easy to make..
The poem is sort of scary to..I hope the patches are helping I know they upped mine but I slowly came down on them to cocodamols..again... I am sorry you have no sight in one eye..dont you just realise how precious they are..((((()))))
Joan thankyou.. Mr B is still struggling to walk it will be back to the dr soon.
I remember corona pop very well..all sorts of flavours xx
Toni what a night you had with all that lovely food..I'm not veggie but will look out for the smoked cheese..veggie cheese doesn't seen to effect my you are doing more recycling..hard work but worth it.oh and the amazing cake..Aidan would be very will be .xx
Our middle gd has gone to Amsterdam for 3 days..I love to see her enjoying being young..
Right I'm off for now
Love to all..sorry no emojis I'm on my phone
Barbara0 -
Evening all
As Toni says I am ok just been really busy. The brochure for the cards will be sent tomorrow Toni and Barbara. Had problems trying to get envelopes to fit them. But they are now ready for posting. To anyone else who is interested in these greetings cards I will tell you a little about them. they are sold with profits going to numerous charities large and small. They are unique in that the designs will not be found in shops and are only sold by independent partners like myself. I have my own website on which you can view the range, and purchase from it is as follows In the top right hand corner you will see my name. if you would like a brochure sent to you. if you message me your address I will send you one. I started doing this about 7 years ago when someone came to our knitting group and asked if anyone was interested in being a partner, and on looking through it I found they had given to the national pku society not sure their correct title. And this being the society that research into the problem that my GGD has. So I decided to become a independent partner as we are called. I can assure you that the quality of the cards is really good. well that’s a bit about one of the things that I do. So please do have a look on my site.
I didn’t sleep well last night so if this post is a little short or muddled I am very tired. Silly thing is its not pain that keeps me awake but it’s That I always have to get up and use the toilet at least twice and if I am cold when I get back in bed I can’t sleep and being cold always makes me want to go to the toilet all the more, so it’s a vicious circle. But I am pretty used to it but last night was a bad one.
we are both ok at the moment. Just a small question it seems there is a lot of panic buying due to the corona virus. What are you finding is hard to get in your area here it seems to be toilet rolls , Tissues, sanitizers and hand gels and Baked beans and pasta 🤔🤔🤔 The mind boggles.
Kath lovely poems and recipes as always hope your pain is manageable send you some gently hugs (((())))
think it’s time to go my poor brain is getting led now and I keep mistyping things so I will leave you love hugs and sparkles and will try to get in tomorrow when I am hopefully more awake. ❤️❤️((()))🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Joan that is a good idea recycling your magazine after you've read it🙂 Good thinking indeed. Charley is back from France today so I will only be feeding Tia's cats after today.
Hi Carol I have everything I need all I have added extra is some tinned fruit as I will miss my fruit if they make me stay in. You should do the same you love your fruit like me. Someone mentioned sanitary products too.
Lillie has PKU doesn't she so of course that charity is close to your heart. Aidan myself and I think Barbara have all had your cards they are good quality I think cards are a very important way of conveying our wishes to others myself.
I hope life gets a bit less busy for you soon. Spring is on it's way and will be warmer when you nip out of bed for the loo ((()))
Charley is just due back from France today Barbara I hope your middle GD is living her best life Amsterdam - wow!
Mr B needs to get himself back to the Dr with his wife🙄
I am the same to be fair cream cheese milk and butter in excess (when have I ever only had a little of anything?!) give me belly ache.
Hope bro is doing ok?
Kath what a great poem! All young'uns need to hear it.
Thanks the vegan veggie burger looks fabulous - it has avocado crush in it too so you could try it that way the first time?
Poor Holly I hope she slept better last night and what a good girl getting your paracetamols 🙂
Love to mig
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Good morning everyone
Carol I have the same problem getting out in the middle of the night I put a fleece on when I get out you could have a commode in the bedroom ((((()))))))))
. Barbara sorry about Mr B having a problem walking (((((()))))love to your brother (((((())))) thinking about you (((((()))))
Kath I got Cocos mixed up with paracetamol I was put on the patches the next day I had to ring the Doctor my arm would not stop itching he said take it of go back on the tabs it had happened before.
. How is Anita and your Dad ((((((((())))) yes we like dandelion and burdock.
Toni how are you it will be nice Charley coming home (((((())))) love to all (((((()))))
. Love to Bill and Tosca ((((((())))))
. love to Mig (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
You’ll Find Me There
Mike shivered as he jogged over to the changing hut.
“What went wrong?” He called to Paddy the team skipper.
“We didn’t have our best striker this week, or didn’t you notice?” Paddy glanced down at Mike’s foot. I take it you’re almost fully recovered now. Mike nodded.
“I’ll be playing next week skip.”
“Good, we might start winning at last. You know this is our last chance don’t you?”
Of course I do, old man Davies will pull the plug on us if we don’t do better this season.”Ron Davies owned the local sportswear factory. Not only was he the main sponsor for Portdean Albion Football Club, he provided all the players kits, ‘RDSports’ emblazoned across the front. For two seasons the team had come bottom of the league, and Davies had his eye on a couple of rival teams to attach his name to.
“Can’t have a rubbish team advertising RDSports,” he kept saying. “Everyone will think my outfit’s rubbish too. Buck your ideas up lads, or you’ll be looking for a new sponsor.”
Mike spent a few minutes longer with his team mates, trying to console them after a 3-0 defeat.
“You’ve never played here before. If it had been a home game, you’d have thrashed ‘em.”
Leaving the hut, he glanced round the playing field. Most of the spectators had left. He couldn’t blame them really. Not only had it been a poor game, it was icy cold in spite of the clear sky and bright January sun.“Too cold for snow,” he said to himself, then he noticed a girl standing on the touchline. She looked almost blue with cold and certainly wasn’t dressed for the weather. There was something strange about her and Mike couldn’t help noticing her big sad eyes. He didn’t remember seeing her while the game was on. He walked over.“Excuse me, are you alright?” She nodded and raised her eyes. They were luminous and brimming with tears. “You must be frozen, would you like a lift home?”
“No, I’m alright thanks,” her voice sounded flat and emotionless even though she was obviously unhappy. “I only have to go over there,” she pointed to a row of houses that backed onto the playing field. There was something odd about her, but Mike couldn’t quite put his finger on it.“Do you mind if I walk with you?” It was the same direction as the car park anyway. She gave him a feeble smile which he took as acceptance. “Did you watch the game?” She shook her head. Mike struggled to make conversation, but the girl’s attention seemed to be elsewhere. When they reached a small clump of trees, she stopped and turned to him. Mike was intrigued and he wanted to see her again.
“This is as far as I go,” she reached out and touched his hand. The coldness of it shocked him. “Thanks for walking with me Mike.”“How did you know my name?”
“Oh, I must have heard someone mention it earlier.”
“Well now you have the edge over me, I don’t know your name.”
“Angela, Angela Drury,” she offered.“Well Angela Drury, where do I go if I want to see you again?” She glanced over at the trees, a strange look on her face.“You’ll find me there,” she nodded over towards them. “I’ll have to go now.”
“I’ll see you sometime then?” Mike said hopefully.“Maybe,” she called over her shoulder as she slipped between the trees.
Mike watched her disappear into the garden beyond. He knew he would go back to see her again, so he counted the houses in the row. She had gone into the garden of the fifth house along, he assumed that was where she lived. “You’ll find me there,” what a peculiar expression to use, he thought. And she knew my name - how? He didn’t believe she had heard it from someone, after all she’d told him she hadn’t watched the game so she must have arrived while he was in the changing hut. Confused, he headed thoughtfully over to the car park.
Sunday dawned, cloudier and a little milder than the day before. Mike was still thinking about Angela and decided to drive over to see her. As he turned into the street that backed onto the playing field, an eerie atmosphere overtook him. It was only when he pulled up outside the fifth house that he realised why. The windows of almost every house on both sides of the street had been boarded up. Those, which weren’t had been completely smashed by vandals. Graffiti of various types had been daubed on walls, boards, fences and paths. From ‘Tracy and Shane 4 eva’ to exotic designs of several colours. Mike imagined some spotty youth with a carrier bag full of spray paint, lurking in the bushes and working by torchlight. An imaginative if physically incorrect and impossible pornographic picture had been drawn with some indelible substance onto the garage door of the house that Mike had parked outside.“You’ll find me there,” just what had she meant? Mike went round to the back of the house. Maybe it was a squat and Angela was in there somewhere. He examined the boards around the doors and windows. Firmly bolted in place, no one could get in this house. In desperation, he looked around for an outhouse or some kind of garden shed where someone might be living.
There was an old shed made from corrugated iron close to the trees where he’d seen Angela slip through. It was barely visible, right up against the fence and covered in a tangled mass of Ivy and Brambles. The door was slightly open and although it was pitch black inside, a shaft of light fell in as Mike opened the door wider.
To be continued.....
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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The shed was uninhabitable, but someone had been here recently. Mike took a few steps in and stumbled over something. He got down on his knees and squinted in the gloom. As his eyes adjusted, he could make out the shape of the object he had almost fallen on top of. It was a body. Sick with horror, Mike leaped up and ran out of the shed. As he jumped into his car, he forced himself to stop and think. Someone was in the shed, or rather his or her body was. He couldn’t just go back home without doing something. He fumbled in his pocket for his mobile and with trembling hands, dialled 999. Sitting in the Police Station interview room, Mike had to admit that his story was a bit pathetic. Chief Inspector Baker was reading through his statement, occasionally looking at him doubtfully.
“Is that everything sir?” Mike nodded. “Then if you’d please sign it.” The Inspector pushed the statement towards him. “Thank you sir. You may go home, but we might need to have you back for further questioning. Its a shame you don’t know where to find Miss Drury so she could confirm your story.”The next two days were like a nightmare. The local paper got hold of the story and Mike had to face questions from everyone.“It’s perhaps best if you don’t play this weekend after all Mike.” Paddy looked resigned at the thought of losing yet another match.“But surely that will be like admitting I have something to hide”. Mike protested.
“Has the body been identified yet?” Mike shook his head.“All I know is that it’s a young woman.”
“And you’ve seen neither hide nor hair of this Angela?” “No, I’m beginning to wish I’d never set eyes on her.” He got up to answer the phone. “Yes Inspector, I’ll come right over.” He looked at Paddy in despair “They want me back for further questioning.”
When he arrived at the Police Station, Inspector Baker showed him into the interview room.
“I notice there’s no officer at the door Inspector.”
“Why should there be? We don’t suspect you of anything.” “So why am I here?” Inspector Baker took out a packet of cigarettes and offered him one.“No thanks.”
“Of course, you’re a sportsman aren’t you.” He lit one for himself. “My only vice,” he added apologetically. “The body you found has been identified, and we have the murderer. There are just one or two facts that don’t seem to make sense.”
“Well?” “The dead girl is none other than Angela Drury.”
“What! But who killed her?”
“The oldest one in the book unfortunately. An ex-boyfriend saw her talking to another man got jealous and followed her. Completely lost it and strangled her.” “Oh my God! Was it me he saw her with?” The Inspector shook his head.
“That’s one of the odd facts sir. He killed her on Thursday night as she was taking a short cut across the playing field. He said they were actually standing on the touchline when he did it. He knew the houses were derelict so he dragged her into that shed thinking it would be a very long time before she was discovered.”
“But that can’t be right, I met her on Saturday. She touched me, she was cold as ice but as solid as you or I Inspector.”
“You’re absolutely positive of the day?”
“I went to watch my team lose the game. She was standing on the touchline - ” You’ll find me there she had said, suddenly Mike realised why she had used that expression. He shivered as he remembered Angela standing next to him, the bright winter sun highlighting her golden hair but casting no shadow alongside his own.
👻 👻
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hope I didn't scare you too much.
Well, sun is shining, but that naughty wind is a bit nippy. Haven't seen Holly today, I hope she had a better night last night. Toni, is that a runny egg sarnie? If it is it won't take me two minutes to scoff it. Must put my pinny on first cos@ I'm a messy eater.
OK, recipe now.
Eggplant Chips with Honey and Sea Salt
Servings: 4
Frying very thinly sliced eggplant yields a crispy texture for a whole new way to enjoy eggplant. Serve as a starter or snack, or with grilled kebabs or falafel.
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 Tbs. cornstarch
- Kosher salt
- 12 oz. baby eggplant, trimmed and sliced into 1/8-inch-thick rounds
- Vegetable oil, for frying
- Sea salt
- 1 Tbs. honey
- In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, cornstarch, and 1 tsp. kosher salt. Add the eggplant and toss to coat.
- In a Dutch oven or similar heavy-duty pot, heat 1/2 inch of oil (about 2 cups) until it reaches 375°F. Working in batches, fry the eggplant until golden, carefully turning with tongs about halfway through, about 3 minutes total. Drain the chips on paper towels and season with sea salt, then transfer to a baking sheet and keep warm in a 200°F oven while you fry the remaining batches.
- Pile the chips on a serving platter, and drizzle with the honey. Serve warm.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Had a strange neighbour is getting ready to move..I will miss had a good chat..then another neighbour came I have given her some home made sanitizer she had been everywhere..our son Niamh dad has lost his job..he is never out of work for long though.. the firm has collapsed
Toni..the egg buttie looks so good..and it what I had at our little cafe today..
I am glad Charley is back safe and sound..hope they had a good time..yes our middle gd is 19 today..and in Amsterdam she wants to see Anne Frank's museum in the house they hid..but they were still trying to get get tickets ...xx
Joan dont worry Mr B will go back to the doctors..they are shut at the moment because of the virus..I hope you are all doing ok..xx
Carol I hope you sleep better tonight..I understand the not sleeping even though you dont have pain..I look forward to seeing the catalogue.. and it's a good cause...xx
Kath I did try and read the story through..but my eyes gave up..but what I did read is si good and scary..have you wrote them ..I think you should get them published..xx
Sorry that's my eyes done, but will be back tomorrow
Love to everyone xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Wow wow wow!
What a great story Kath! Your warning gave me a clue it might be a ghost story, but I didn't guess the ending 🙂 Very good indeed and one of yours I can tell and not recent with a cig being smoked in the police station😉 I wasn't too spooked until I saw the photo....
Of course it was a runny egg for you. Don't forget the booth is still in place if you need it.
Yesterday was chilly even though we had some sunshine. Wind-chill factor I think.
Hi Joan hope all is well with you. I got it wrong Charley isn't back until today so I am still feeding cats at two houses. I am arranging a meal out for us with her and her new gf for Saturday if I can.
Barbara I am so sorry you can't read all of Kath's story. It was spooky, but had 'the right' ending if you know what I mean?
Not good news about Niamh's Daddy, but at least it won't be for long and he's with you and Dad. ((()))
So sad your neighbour will be off soon you will miss each other. I do hope she keeps in touch 😕
Our Dr's is still open why is yours closed?
Love to Carol and Mig.
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