Exercise Help Needed!

YogaJones Member Posts: 18
edited 4. Dec 2020, 14:38 in Let's Move

Hi All

Think this is part pity party and part needing advice and help. I have OA in my knee following years of dislocations and eventually had surgery. I went back to competitive swimming to help with weight loss and because I enjoy sport and can’t do much else with my knee. I then tore ligaments in my ankle last year due to my hyper mobility and have been told that eventually OA will eventually set in. I then had a shoulder impingement and was told that they suspect I have OA there as well. This last week my (again, hyper mobile) shoulder has popped and I couldn’t use my arm. I really don’t know how to manage exercise any more.

Ive been working out at the gym to help strengthen and support my joints in addition to swimming a couple of times a week, and now I’m back to square one. Has anyone got any ideas on how I can overcome this and keep training? I’m so frustrated right now.

Thanks all (and sorry for the whinge)


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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 12. Apr 2021, 10:23


    Do the pity party things Yoga - sometimes we all need a bit of sympathy. ((())) I am going to just take your shoulder if I may because it seems the main issue ATM?

    My youngest had shoulder issues (Avascular necrosis) due to cancer treatment. She had her shoulder replaced in the end at 19 and is ok for now....Hers had totally collapsed and was stuck in a very painful position with her muscles doing all the work just holding it there I think. I used to gently massage in some MSM gel (aloe) for her but suspect the massage is what was helping a little.

    Not sure exactly what is happening with yours but have you read this?

    I myself get shoulder pain underneath my shoulder blades? I use heat (wheatbags you microwave?) to rest them and arcoxia (my COX2 inhibitor anti-inflams). Then over a period of days it will ease back off. Never get cold it causes tension too. When the muscles in my necky-shoukdery area go too it helps there as well.

    Thinking about reinvesting in a new tens machine. I've killed 2 over the years and am currently (hah) without.

    Hope others have some good ideas to help you.

    Take care

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479

    The idea is to exercise and to stop before you hurt, if you can only use a 25per cent movement in your shoulder then that’s what you do, don’t go for the burn use big weights or tr6 to extend the time period. You’ll soon get fed up of hurting and then reality sets in. Know your limits. Acceptance is a moving objective and your mind can easily fool you, arther is a lifelong thing, it doesn’t go away or, in general, get better, the way you handle it can improve though.

    pits a grin, honest!

  • Froglet
    Froglet Member Posts: 9

    Totally agree with your comments. I had my left knee replaced just before Covid 19 March 2020 but exercised even though I found it difficult at times, but found the more I did, the better it became. I now do a Rosemary Conley video to my limits, for exercise and to keep fit, don't have to do daily, but you can do what you can do if you get my drift, plus exercise is good with the ladies on the video. I bought it second-hand on eBay, but very good value and very good for me and most certainly my knee. My surgeon said, basically exercise is the plus that keeps your knees going, or where arthritis needs exercise. Good luck.

  • jimtom
    jimtom Member Posts: 1


    You swim and go to the gym, what exercises do you do in the gym and how many days per week do you exercise?

  • LCristine
    LCristine Member Posts: 1

    I have osteoarthritist at my hands what kind of excecices I can do?

  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 772

    Hi @LCristine

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis forum.

    I see that you have osteoarthritis in your hands and would like some advice on what exercises you could consider.

    The following links to our website will I hope be useful:

    I hope that the exercises suggested in the above articles help ease your symptoms.

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi @jimtom

    Welcome to the Online Community, /how lovely of you to make your first post one to help a fellow member, @YogaJones.

    I can see you are interested in exercise, so although it may not be new to you this link covers things like I'm new to exercise; how much exercise; how do I recover from an injury; best exercises for arthritis and a personal story from Nafisa.

    I used to love riding my bike, I took it up again after my new knee Daisy arrived, she is behaving very well and is now 3 years old. I'm now in a position when I need the car to get to a flat bit and I can't put the bike on the rack myself so I'm thinking over options and using my exercise bike to keep my range of movement up.

    Looking forward to seeing your next posts Jimtom,

    Take care

    Yvonne x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227


    I recommend having a session with the staff or a trainer at the Gym just one so you know what exercises are safe for you to do.....

    Hope that helps

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Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!