Knee osteoarthritis
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I've had pain in one knee, gradually getting worse, for 14 years and had an arthroscopy 12 years ago. I've had 3 X-rays on the knee showing gradual degeneration over the years, the last a year ago. I've had 2 steroid injections since last June, the 2nd of which only gave pain relief for a few…
Joint pain - not getting far with GP
After going back and to for several years, I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee following x-ray and blood test referral from the GP "just a wear and tear disease" was how the GP described it to me which I'm not too happy about having read more information on this website. I've been waiting for a…
Physio appointment
I was diagnosed with OA in one knee last October and as the pain got worse and unable to drive, I got a steroid injection quite quickly, and understood I would be able to rebook as easily if needed. Just After the 3 months the steroid is supposed to last, I have started my second flare. I contacted local doctors to arrange…
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Hi, I just joined. Looking for advice. I have osteoarthritis in my knee and I keep trying different things. Nothing seems to work so far. Does anyone have anything that's helped them.
CBD Oil Amitriptyline
Hi. Couple of questions. Does anyone on here take CBD Oil or capsules to relieve pain of osteoarthritis? What dose? Does it work? Can it be safely taken with Amitriptyline.? Do people take Amitriptylin? What dose? Does it work? Asking as I am currently on 10mg daily Amitriptyline prescribed for Neuropathy not…
Zero carbohydrates - does this help?
Could anyone please tell me if they have experienced a reduction in pain levels for osteoarthritis when following the 'carnivore' diet….zero carbohydrates? I'm overweight which I know doesn't help, but I'm in so much pain daily now, predominantly hips, knees, legs in general, shoulder and hand. I know losing weight would…
Osteoarthritis…. Any advice
I’ve recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my left big toe and in my hands. I have been told I have degenerative conditions in my right knee and to be so much more careful with my activity. many advice would be greatly appreciated. Any information regarding supplements etc … anything that may help. Thank you.
Morning all. ive had a scan through one or two running threads to get a feel of things. I was only recently diagnosed with arthritis on the outside of my left knee. Its a shock, Im 67, Ive been running well with a 5k pb of 28 mins in Nov, I hill walk a lot tooand even rock climbed Ben Nevis recently Im waiting for my first…
Just saying Hello
Good morning, I'm new here
Alternatives to osteotomy (HTO/DFO)
Hi all. Looking for some advice/research and questions to use. Recently diagnosed with OA, the initial consultation and X-ray indicated OA and ACL (2nd rupture). Consultant had at this meeting suggested osteotomy was my option to prevent/delay TKR which aged 38 isnt a good option (especially as a PE teacher). Further…
Hello all!
Hi there, I got my diagnosis yesterday for osteoarthritis in the knee. I am 32 and also have sciatica and nerve damage in the spine. My mind is all over the place right now and not sure how to feel about the diagnosis. I’d like to talk to people who know what it’s like and maybe get some information and helpful tips in…
Pain control
Level 4 osteoarthritis in my right knee with level 3 in my left along with gout. I take naproxen & stomach protector plus paracetamol every day. I use a TENS on my knees when I get home from work as I can't use it or my walking stick in work as I work in a food production factory. I had a lidocaine injection in my right…
Diagnosed with grade 2 arthritits
hi, I’ve been diagnosed with grade 2 arthritis in my knees, and neck and recently in my toe making it difficult to walk. The pain has started to get worse and now waking me up. Is this expected at this stage? I’m finding it painful to walk most of the time. This has caused me depresssion as I was a very active person. I’m…
Leg pain at night
Does anyone else on here experience pain in the legs at night, particularly the knees ( as I have osteoarthritis ), and it keeps me awake and I have to keep altering position or get up to walk about to find some relief..
Claiming PIP for Osteoarthritis of the knees
I have osteoarthritis in my knees (one worse than the other) and although I am working my friend has suggested that I may be able to get some help by putting in a claim for PIP. Does anybody have any experience of claiming for PIP for my condition? Is it possible firstly or would I be wasting my time?
Advice needed - OSTEO - Especially Knees!
Hi I am having severe pain in my knee today - woken up early with it, and so far full strength Co-codamol, as well as Ibuprofen gel still haven't got rid of the pain 6 hours later. I am about to start physio again but I have been taking a Glucosamine and Chrondrotin supplement every night, as I read it might help - Just…
Knee support
Hi all, I'm new to the group and have osteoarthritis in the knee. My job has me on my feet all day walking up and down stairs. What can anyone recommend a support that works and easies the pain? TIA Steve
Shoe insoles for knee osteoarthritis
Hi all. I'm thinking of trying insoles to see if they would help with my knee osteoarthritis. Just wondering if anyone has tried them and any recommendations
Being unable to walk
I dislocated my left knee just over a year ago, since then I have constantly been in pain and the pain is now also in my right knee. I'm finding it very difficult to walk and sometimes even straighten my knees. I think from dislocating my knee I now may have OA, I am hoping to get diagnosed as soon as possible. I was…
Hi. I am new here.
I am a 64 with osteoarthritis in both knees. Bone on bone. I have no practical medical help with pain control or anything. I just bumble along. The GPs tell me to loose weight which I know I have to. They give me some physio exercises that I can’t do due to pain. The pain is a separate discussion. I am now house bound and…
Newly diagnosed with arthritis
Hi everyone. I’ve been diagnosed with arthritis in both knees and hands but I also have really painful shoulders but they haven’t been xrayed. Just looking for advice and tips on how you deal with pain and swelling and sharing with people who understand the situation.
No luck so far
Hi all, My mum’s mobility has been gradually deteriorating over the last few years, which we now know is as a result of osteoarthritis. She originally had a few falls, which really set her back but went to the doctors. They sent her for physio with a suspected trapped nerve but the exercises seemed to make it worse not…
Knee replacement
I have severe arthritis in both knees, I'm almost 70 years old.5years ago I a told I could be out on the waiting list for replacement knees,I wasn't in pain then so didn't go on the list. Now I went back to my GP and she asked if I could walk 1 mile,I said yes so she said I'll never be able to get knee replacements.
First appointment with a physio
Hi, I have fairly severe arthritis in my knees and ankles. I also have mild arthritis in my wrists. I have my first appointment with a physio tomorrow but it is only by phone. In order to make the most of my time, does anyone have an suggestions about what I should say/ask? Also who would you ask for a referral to an OT?…
Questions to Ask Knee Dr - 80 yr old has severe osteoarthritis in left knee
Hello, I am helping family member. Hope we can all help each other 80-yr old with severe osteoarthritis in left knee cannot get total knee replacement till he gets TAVR to fix severe aortic stenosis. Current Knee Dr ordered Orthovisc 4 injections, one week apart. Patient read lot of user reviews on Internet. Lot of them…