Pain management for OA in neck?

Cole49 Member Posts: 2
edited 6. Feb 2025, 17:40 in Living with arthritis

I recently found out I have OA in my cervical spine which was picked up on an MRI I had for unrelated reasons four years previously (however this was not shared with me by medical professionals until recently when my physio went through the MRI report with me) I am 31 years old, I had a car accident at 14 which I think ultimately lead to this diagnosis.

It took two years of back and forth to different GP’s, being ignored and made to feel like I was dramatising my pain. The entire time they had the MRI on my file and nobody cared to look at it. I have been taking a combination of naproxen and codeine daily over the last three months for the pain however these are both now causing stomach issues. I have been referred to physio however that doesn’t seem to make much difference? Does anybody have any advice for pain management? The MRI also uncovered narrowing of the foramens which cause crippling nerve pain which extends down my spine, into both shoulder blades, down my arms and into my hands. I am finding the reality of chronic pain and restriction of my daily abilities really hard to cope with. It is incredibly isolating, I don’t know anybody my age with this problems and I’m finding that people constantly underestimate the pain I am because I try hard to persevere through it. Any advice or supportive words would be greatly appreciated, thank you


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809


    Readibg your post took me back 21 years when I was saying exactly the same. The difference being I had no diagnosis. No obvious cause apart from epileptic seizures causing me to constantly fall diwbstairs. I hate stairs!

    There is help out there.

    I had to fight every step of the way for a referral to an orthopaedic referral to a surgeon who specialised in the spine/neck.

    I was eventually told I needed an ACDF Surgery but this, was cancelled days before when they found my verebral artery was in the wrong place and it would be dangerous to proceed.

    I was then referred to a lovely surgeon in Oxford who did a similar operation but from the back of my neck on my C6/7.

    Overnight in hospital and after a short period of recovery I am now pain free in my neck shoulders arms hands etc. It took me 20 years to get to surgery.

    The pain you have is horrendous and the way I described it was to imagine a bag of marbles being squeezed until the bag pops under your skin. Pins and needles it's not, it's a million times worse but that's what's written in your notes.

    I had various pills and potions, gabapebtin worked well but I had to increase to a really high dose to achieve that.

    Nerve blocks that were done via mri / xray also gave a bit of respite but only for a short time

    Get yourself referred to a surgeon who works with the spine and get yourself fixed. I was older than you, I had my surgery in 2023 when I was 66 and I should not have suffered so long but people just call it pins and needles which is so wrong when it's not.

    I also found a tens machine worked well as did heated wraps across my shoulders. Please tag or message me if you need anything

    Good luck and Merry Christmas!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Good morning @Cole49

    A very warm welcome on behalf of the moderating team.

    I see from your post that you are really struggling with osteoarthritis in your neck. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon place to have OA, but a very painful one. I just did you a quick search of threads by people who have similar issues you might find them interesting to read.

    This is the Versus Arthritis information about Neck pain please do read it it has some excellent tips:

    I hope you'll decide to keep posting everyone here understands pain and there is no need to feel your pain is underestimated here.

    My best wishes


  • Cole49
    Cole49 Member Posts: 2

    @Trish9556 thank you so much for your response, it’s nice to hear from someone with a similar experience. I’m so sorry to hear that you had to wait so long for your surgery, that is truly appalling!! I will definitely look into a tens machine for the time being. I am due back to my GP in the new year to discuss a medication review however my physio has declined the option of exploring surgical measures/ steroid injections due to my age. The prospect of continuing to live with chronic pain is so disheartening, I am also a carer for my mother who is disabled and although resilient, there are times I really struggle with the reality I am faced with. Thank you for your kind words, they’ve made me feel a little less alone.
    Have a wonderful Christmas & all the best to you


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809


    If I were you I would change your physio and get a second opinion! I don't understand why they are refusing to help you, especially as you are young.

    Mine was delayed as I had bad physio, msk and pain clinics all fobbing me off. By the time somebody said my imaging looked like I had many car accidents I got help. Mine was probably caused by multiple seizures on stairs and crashing into a storage heater at the bottom of the stairs. Never worked out why I survived those thousands of falls from top to bottom. Covid also got in the way

    Don't put up with being told no.

    Enjoy your Christmas


  • bb61
    bb61 Member Posts: 9

    hi, I’ve just today been diagnosed with the same , I thought a prolapse due to pain in my arm and having previous surgery to remove c5/6, gp said mri wouod have to make a definite diagnosis but there’s significant arthritis throughout cervical area with also loss of lordosis, I’ve had to google this as no idea, I take cocodamol due to oa in hips along with bursitis, today was prescribed amatryptaline for nighttime , I am wearing a soft collar around the house when I’m doing cleaning etc as finding it increasingly painful bending , it does help but not to often , I’ve also been referred to MSK for mri and further treatment plan , although no idea what that will be , if anyone could say what that could be would be helpful, I’m sort of dazed at the diagnosis